What games let me FIGHT HERESY
What games let me FIGHT HERESY
Undertale's genocide route, not even fucking kidding.
How much longer battle brother?
at least a month, fucking frogs better deliver or i'll nuke their workplace
Create a party. Kill Satanists & witches in Germania. Get fame. Get loot. Fun times.
What games let me BE HERESY?
Diablo 2
Shadow Warrior 2 lets you fight daemons with chainswords.
It's bad, can't even defeat the Demiurge with the power of the Hymn of the Pearl.
Seems to be better than NuDooT, hopefully they won't fuck it up.
CHAOS is the only *true* answer, Anons.
dungeon keeper
Your face, your ass - what's the difference?
Mein neger.
post cultist chan
what dat
daedric prince of knowledge, from TES
The Riddle Unsolvable.
The Door Unopenable.
The Book Unreadable.
The Question Unanswerable.
He is that which you do not know, will not know, and will only at best tangentially be familiar with.
Come, bask in his presence and learn.
You look like a heretic and talk like one.
Oh ye of little faith
I am no heretic, heretic !
And here I was thinking ward would've made smurfs more affordable
Cast off the shackles you have placed on your mind.
Let the good supplies of wisdom and the reinforcements of power flow into the fortress of your mind, do not keep the gate barred to them forever.
Yeah no.
Slaaneshifags go away :^)
Friend, you seem new in these parts and unprepared.
As opposed to becoming a worthless corpse for chaos ? Or for the amusement of some lesser daemon.
You are literally chaos cucks for some shit tier daemon who is buttmad he can't get high status so he takes it out on you.
Please, Slaanesh is for degenerates who only seek titillation.
Tzeentch is my guy.
For someone supposedly dedicated to predicting manipulating the future you forgot the consequences of not saying no homo :^)
Let's review, class.
Servants of Khorne
Servants of Nurgle
Servants of Slaanesh
Servants of Tzeentch
Imperial Guardsmen
Ah, but you see it was always homo :^)
This is why you don't let chaos into your head.
Back on topic, this game allows you to fight heresy and quite possibly join heresy, too.
Become dumber the stronger they get. Die to idiotic stupidity if they don't kill each other in a fit of rage.
Quite frankly this is the only type of belief that makes you weaker the more you climb the ladder.
Eternal pain. Never ending. Ugly. Slow.
Looking at Fulgrim excess isn't all that fun. Couldn't make a stylized statue so he went batshit. Here denial of pleasure gets you to crazy town so it's not always the excess or orgies you dream you would get. You are more likely to not even get sexual here.
These are probably the only ones worth a shit, but as with Magnus/Ahriman the powers they wield only manipulate them for darker goals and never really grant them the powers they seek. Power cuckoldry with years of study involved.
You literally wrote a chaos propaganda piece.
It's so one-sided a child wouldn't believe it.
Well congratulations, you got yourselves caught. What's the next step of your master plan?
Easier for me to change my shtick to say tauposting or arguing proper army point tally or even Holla Forums friendly topic such as DC mods then for you to stop being the newfag cancer that killed 40k on Holla Forums
Tried related? You've got separate inquisition and Templar routes
Your point being?
Crashing your plots
Suck a dick m8. 40k is dying to begin with and I will be shitposting for as long as I can. Before the exodus this sort of fun was bannable on cuckchan and you just want to redo that cancer modding while playing it off as *urr reddit, I'm such an oldfag*.
I just started reading the GOG page for this game. Looks fun so far. Do you have a MEGA link for it or something similar?
Was not getting dubs part of your plan?
I call thee newfaggotus cancerous extremes, and in the testimony of thy crimes, I submit this carta. May meme justice account in all balance. The Emperor protects.
Just bear in mind that the second half of the game is beyond rushed. It's kind of painful really.
Of coursh!
Heresy detected.
Response team sent.
By order of the Emperors Holy Inquisition, everyone is to be questioned and purified.
You are doing the same shit cuckchan did to get there while calling others cuckchan.
You will get your due eventually.
Thanks for the link, mate.
Bring it on, boi.
We wuz wizurds n shiet.
rioting niggers
pozzed and proud
liking traps makes you gay
supremely jewish
hopeless goyim
hilarious but no cute girls
You may have rushed to some conclusions there, friend.
And how did that end up for (you)? :^)
It's already bad enough that it's hard to tell what is bait and what is just plain cancer anymore.
Shut up
I've yet to see a proper rebuttal to this, heretic, and I'm not expecting one now:
What's your excuse?
dubs confirms heretics has been BTFO
Is there something like this but with 40K?
SUCH HERSEY IS THIS, you'll be purged in Lord Logars name
honestly every bit of "high production" fan made 40k films have been shit and the offical shit was much worse
and them boom out of nowhere terra is captured by orks
I just want to see some visceral surreal disturbing hellish combat in the universe.
That Animatrix short surprised me on how grimdark and violent it got.
You can really feel the madness and hopelessness in that minute long sequence.
Id like to see something like this but with IG and Nids/Necrons.
It fits really well I think.
why don't you pick some real heresy, chum?
>not following Malal/Malice
other then the dow openings you're not getting jack
Wew lad
How is the not-canon thing coming along for you?
You are a man of taste
Talos did nothing wrong
Postal 2
This is by far the best of the 3 DoW opening cinematics.
Solely for the fact that pretty much every NPC that isn't from your organisation has a dialogue option for you to murder them, even with some NPCs that have two out of three dialogue options to murder them.
Also metastromboli
I'm cautiously optimistic about this, but I reserve all rights for disappointment. Also my computer probably won't be able to run it, so there's that.
For a lot of games you can fuck around with LOD bias to tone down graphics below minimum, the downside is that it will look like pre-alpha footage.
life looks like pre alpha footage
Haven't played new doom yet, but what's wrong with it? I've seen some gameplay and totalbiscuit's review and it seems decent
It's fun but really shallow. There's a massive copypasta that points out all the flaws that used to get posted a lot.
why is being shallow a negative in a doom game?
It's not hard to be better than shit.
That was Horus's fault. If it hadn't been for him, the Thousand Son's would have still been loyalist. For that matter, the Iron Warriors would probably still be loyalist too.
And what do you think Grey Knights are, you glorified ashtrays?
I still don't get why they tried so hard to present the machines as poor souls.
Machines are machines. If hookerbot goes on a strike then it gets the hammer.
Doom is anything but shallow in its design. My main problem with the new Doom is it's dissapointing level design. There's no alcoves for chaingunners to shoot at you from, there's no fake walls to surprise you, the level geometry barely moves.
The lack of speed is a minor problem that only really becomes evident when you play the bonus classic levels and you find out that you can't reach some secrets because you're too slow.
I'm not using my computer right now, but when I get back home I'll post the pasta that mentioned.
stopped reading there
They made them too smart to stand on, same with the empire. They did give them the hammer when they went on strike and then they very nearly wiped out humanity. Don't make intelligent life before you're ready to handle it, or you get almost destroyed. You think we'd learnt by now thanks to all the films about that happening.
you mean learn not to piss off robots?
Are any of the WH40k games worth playing if you're not all that familiar with the lore? These /tg/ shitposts are getting to me.
If you want a 3rd person shooter you should go with space marine, if you prefer RTS you should play dawn of war.