Regardless of what you think of trump, this is your daily reminder of the black eye given to the establishment just over a year ago.
Spirit lift thread in general.
Regardless of what you think of trump, this is your daily reminder of the black eye given to the establishment just over a year ago.
Spirit lift thread in general.
I miss 2016. I mean, we're still winning and all, which is great, but I feel like nothing will ever compare to the great meme war of 2016.
That's where you are wrong kiddo.
We will see the boots on ground crushing of the media establishment before the next election.
I hope so. I'm overdue for some delicious happening.
Praise KEK.
You lecherous fuck
I've come to realize that Trump will never do anything to be the one to start a race war and will never say or do anything to come off as overtly pro white or anti kike. However; most of what he's done has been more of a thorn in (((their))) side after it sets in.
I love how most of the progress that's happening(the implosion of the left) hasn't even been something Trump's done directly. He just refused to back down when accused by the media, and now they're eating their own.
Never forget the 6 gorillion bicycles of the holocycle!
Morale is something that should be exercised in the midst of threads. While people effortpost and OPs prompt redpilling discussions, people should take it upon themselves to boost morale and entertain. One of the most overlooked shill tactics are demoralization tactics, which is very telling since that goes back to Yuri Bezemov's message. The next time you see someone (((acting senseless))) and bashing posters trying to signal for morale and camaraderie, that is the shill you need to report.
Even if he did do something Holla Forums-tier level triggering like an actual holocaust, rounding up the rothchilds, the media, having a marathon long execution of every kike ever including his jew-in-laws, shills would still be here trying to convince everyone he's secretly a zionist and that (((they))) are playing kosher checkers with us through Trump until the day Soros-shillfund accounts run out or are frozen.
Ever notice that shills made it a priority to shit up a thread any time someone makes a post claiming Trump is playing 4d chess or 1488 chess, but in the same post claim the exact same thing but in reverse? In other words while they're spouting chesscuck the same way Holla Forums spams cumskin on Holla Forums, they're being zionist-chesscucks. Compare the two:
> This means that he's playing 1488d chess with (((them))), guys!
< Trump is secretly a zionist shill and you're all being rused by the jews! trumpisraelwall.jpg
The shill wants to have it both ways.
Realistically, it's clear that Trump did have a game plan in mind. If he was part of a long term backstab scheme on America, it's becoming less likely every passing day, especially with what is getting done. It's far more likely that if he was a zionist shill, he would have been obviously one Day 1 in office and the TPP would have been signed already, and he would have laid the groundwork for closing the door on any possible non-kike president ever getting in ever. But none of that happened.
Just wait for the dems to get rekt in 2018, the Mueller investigation to implode, a possible corruption probe against the FBI, and the re-opening of the Hillcunt email investigation. There's a whole lot of happening still to come.
I could never understand the point of putting up appearances, assuming he actually was a zionist shill. Why not just do whatever was planned to do from day 1?
It's not like voters could've done anything about it. Republicans and Democrats would be happy and would have no need to bitch about impeachment. And the media would suddenly take the angle that "Trump became presidential, he was just campaigning earlier, it wasn't serious"
Quality post.
Here's some good shit drink up.
a webm would be nice
Can we just pretend for one day that it's October 2016? I'm still coming down from that adrenaline rush and it's been rough. I need a another hit.
That first webm
You're laughing now but one day you'll wake up and he'll suddenly be the POTUS. You'll wonder "How can this be? There wasn't any election! It's not even campaign season! Trump was the president when I went to bed last night!". Slow and steady, user. Slow and steady.
We chose de Chaos Candidate. Why didn't we listen?
10.000 baby turtle voices screaming in pAin
Remember when Trump got 1488 delegates?
You doity bastid it was a holocycle dat lastid a loifetoim why i remember bein chained to at least fifti gas pumps i tells ya
Jeb's a pretty tough guy…
Better yet gear up for the next happening.
Forge yourself into the will of the fulfillment of the resurgence of the true west. Embody pure aesthetic, read, lift, find a good wife and have children. Prepare for the new age. And shitpost like mad. Never ever stop shitposting.
Feels good man.
Hey cham is that you lad?
This got shoahd pretty fast
That's me my Cham, just checking those dubs up fam
I was in total fucking panic that day. That man gave me confidence I never had. Thank you!
Wew lad. May Brendan's shit get unfucked.
it was pretty cool seeing how those tvs fuck up after being hit
Will the 2018 midterms bring us more Trump rallies?
I thought the same thing about the Habbo raids.
If there is one thing that chans are it is that they are a meme engine. Ideas shape the world, and in the world of ideas memetics is king. Hell, we knew that before the CI fucking A.
Congratulations Holla Forums!
You got a White House full of jews! Surely, the Establishment can barely contain their apoplexy.
what we stand for and the movement in general was nothing as recently as two years ago. (((They))) arent as all powerful as they say they are, and the events of the past two years prove it
Overall I rate this presidency;
Not currently in a FEMA camp/10
You get what you can.
You have to go back.
I rate this presidency
More likely to get vanned without protest from my own people/10
you know that the numbers of deportations are in the same range as always, right?
God I hate newfags.
Don’t have proof but I can tell that people are going all out on their Xmas decorations this year. I’ve seen more lights than I can remember in recent years. That’s nice to see even though I’m not terribly religious myself.
Why is this anchored?
Remember the 14 Medal of Honor recipients and 88 generals and admirals who endorsed him, one after the other?
I get a nice hard one thinking of all those butthurt pedophile satanists a year ago.
There was so much salt; it was delicious.
Plus it gave us one of the greatest images of all time, IMO.
Is that a fucking Jojo reference?
love that op title, user. telp jarj. bravo.