Human Input Optimisation

Sperm Count (a Surrogate For Male Health) In The West Has Declined By 60% Since The 1970s

There have been a few recent studies showing that sperm quality of western males has fallen 20% - 30%. Not so alarming. Now a larger study shows that the decline in male fertility is much worse than previously thought. Since early 1970s sperm count has fallen as much as 60% when data gathering of this began. Thyroid and Test levels are primary determinants of sperm count/quality. We have confirmed epidemics of hypothyroidism and hypogonadism. Oceans are full of plastics and endocrine disrupters which fuck with thyroid gland. Amercants (tehe pero) have flourine in their water which fucks with thryroid too. Modern 30 year old has been compared to that of a 65 to 70 year old male of the 1970s. This is with regards to horomones and firtility. This matches well with fun studies on male grip stength showing that men in 20s and 30s have the grip strength of 60 year olds from back in the day.

Temporal trends in sperm count: a systematic review and meta-regression analysis | Human Reproduction Update | Oxford Academic

Sperm counts in the Western world have declined nearly 60 percent since the 1970s

"…In a comprehensive study published in Human Reproduction Update, researchers analyzed data from studies spanning 1973 to 2011. Over this time period, they found a drastic drop in both sperm concentration and sperm count among men in North America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. No decline this significant was documented in other parts of the world, where less data is available. The study also shows that the rate of decline in the West has not slowed in recent years. The authors say their findings should spur “massive” efforts to identify and address the cause of this decline, which is still unknown. We spoke with lead researcher Hagai Levine, an epidemiologist and public health physician at the Hebrew University-Hadassah, about these findings."

"…Levine: First, these data demonstrate that the proportion of men with sperm counts below the threshold for subfertility or infertility is increasing. Clear effects on population growth will only be seen when a significant proportion of the population has very low fertility. Moreover, given the findings from recent studies that reduced sperm count is related to increased morbidity and mortality, the ongoing decline points to serious risks to male fertility and health."

Don't starve yourselves bros. Also test replacement therapy has become pretty big business. The irony is exogenous testosterone shuts down HPTA axis, which includes FSH and LH critical for forming sperm. The strongest correlation that I can tell is with the rise in plastics, SSRI usage and death oil.

"11% of American[t]s over the age of 12 take an antidepressant." dated too!!!

Other urls found in this thread: New).

fags have lowest sperm quality. The quality of your sperm is good way to see how healthy a male is.

" Lacto-ovo vegetarians had lower sperm concentration (50.7±7.4M/mL versus non-vegetarians 69.6±3.2M/mL, mean±S.E.M.). Total motility was lower in the lacto-ovo and fag groups (33.2±3.8% and 51.8±13.4% respectively) versus non-vegetarians (58.2±1.0%). fags had lowest hyperactive motility (0.8±0.7% versus lacto-ovo 5.2±1.2 and non-vegetarians 4.8±0.3%). Sperm strict morphologies were similar for the 3 groups. There were no differences in rapid progression and chromatin integrity.


The study showed that the vegetables-based food intake decreased sperm quality. In particular, a reduction in sperm quality in male factor patients would be clinically significant and would require review. Furthermore, inadequate sperm hyperactivation in fags suggested compromised membrane calcium selective channels. However, the study results are cautiously interpreted and more corroborative studies are needed."

Death oil inhibits sperm motility

"The effects of a serial dilution of linoleic acid on human spermatozoa in whole semen was tested on 21 semen samples obtained from 11 normal volunteers. The minimal concentration of linoleic acid required to stop the movement of at least 75% of the moving sperm ranged from 1 to greater than 100 mg/dl. Fifteen of 21 (71%) of the semen samples were inhibited by added free fatty acids (FFA) concentrations that were less than or close to the physiologic concentration ranges of FFA in blood plasma (1 to 30 mg/dl). The immobilized sperm often formed aggregates similar to those formed by the action of autoantibodies against sperm cells. Preliminary studies conducted on a variety of other FFA have indicated that oleic acid (18/1) was less toxic than linoleic acid (18/2) and that linolenic acid (18/3) was more toxic than linoleic acid. The saturated FFA palmitic acid (16/0) and stearic acid (18/0) at concentrations up to 100 mg/dl showed little or no toxicity to sperm cells. It is suggested that FFA toxicity be included among physiologic factors that affect the motility and spontaneous aggregation of sperm cells".

Polyunsaturated death oils lower sperm quality. The longer the chain the less damaging.

an optimal state
I posted parts of this in another thread but somone was saying that EPA and DHA are important…. So I will post eveidence saying death oils are bad and contrary to what he said about it being important for test. They're actuallly really estrogenic and 5 ar inhibitors…. Means less DHT = less androgens.
Note that over the last 2 decades and longer seed oil use has increased a lot along with much higher incidence of degenerative desease.
"…“…“Essential fatty acids” is a generic term originally applied to all fatty acids which stimulate growth when supplemented to a fat-free diet or which prevent or cure dermatitis. When investigations in this field were begun, the best preparations of individual acids were not pure, and some investigations did not make observations of both growth and dermatitis. Hence, essentiality has been claimed for a variety of substances, which in the light of more recent knowledge resulting from more sophisticated experimentation, might not now be included in lists of active substances. Moreover, early experiments for the same reasons could not distinguish between different biological activities of groups of polyunsaturated acids. Thus, “linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic acids” are the acids traditionally considered to be essential, yet linolenic acid has been shown to be distinct from the other two in the biological activities they possess. Linoleic acid thus far has not been shown to be essential in the sense that it substitutes fully for fat in the diet. With better diets, with better balance of all known required nutrients, the difference between the performance on a fat-free diet plus linoleate and on a natural diet diminishes."

"…It seems unlikely that linolenic acid can support all normal functions, for in short term experiments it has been shown to be unable to replace linoleic acid in some respects. Thus, linolenic acid is strictly not proven to be an essential fatty acid, and that term properly should be applied to acids of the linoleate family only."

"…In a human, low EFA diet caused loss of weight and increased metabolic rate . These studies suggest that EFA is required for proper metabolism or utilization of saturated even chain acids.”

"…The prevention of scaliness of skin by EFA has been demonstrated in a number of species (see Chapter 8). In addition to these, the activity of these acids in prevention of scurf in silver fox pelts has been demonstrated. Acrodynia of rats, a complex deficiency disease could be cured by rice bran concentrate (B6) or by essential fatty acids. Claim has been made, but not confirmed, that rice bran concentrate likewise could cure the EFA deficiency syndrome.”

“…Corn oil affected plasma cholesterol less than did cod liver oil. The study suggests arachidonate is a potent hypocholesteremic fatty acid, and that the higher the degree of unsaturation of an acid, the greater is its effect. Nicolaysen and Ragatrd demonstrated that the long chain highly unsaturated fatty acids of fish and synthetic arachidonic acid possessed greater hypocholesteremic effect than does linoleic acid.”

“…The lowering of cholesterol concentration in blood plasma, which is currently considered desirable, may be accompanied also by an increase in the cholesterol content of tissues such as heart, aorta, liver, intestines and muscle. For example, tissues from rats fed 2 or 10% corn oil as a source of EFA contained more cholesterol than tissues from rats fed a low-fat diet. Thus, plasma cholesterol is not a suitable sole measure of the changes of cholesterol metabolism induced by ingestion of polyunsaturated acids or by other agents.”

“…Ahluwalia et al. [14] have investigated the incorporation of acetate, cholesterol and progesterone into testosterone and androstenedione in testis tissue in normal and EFA deficient rats. In the EFA deficient animal, conversion of acetate and cholesterol into testosterone and androstenedione was approximately double that from normal rats.”

“…The saturated acid 16:0 improved the rate of fertilization, whereas 18:1 reduced the rate. Within a restricted range of concentration, 20:1 enhanced the rate. Both 18:2-omega6 and 20:4omega6 exerted negative effects upon the rate of fertilization. Linolenic acid (18:3omega3) enhanced the rate of fertilization when sperm were pretreated with it, but it had negative action upon the egg. However, 22:6omega3 had a strong negative effect upon both sperm and eggs. In these experiments, exclusion of air is not possible, and the effects of oxidation products cannot be separated from those of the native acids.”

"…The somewhat lower content of body fat in EFA deficiency may be related to the excessive metabolism in that condition, as supplementation of EFA deficient animals with arachidonate causes the loading of adipose tissue with fat.”

"…EFA deficiency influences the metabolism of steroids, for in deficiency the synthesis of androgens from cholesterol was double that of rats fed linoleic acid.”

“…Slagsvold observed that cod liver oil poisoned cattle, with stiffness and muscle lesions as symptoms. In another study the toxicity of cod liver oil in calves was manifested as a severe muscular dystrophy. The effect was traced to the unsaturated acids and not the non-saponifiables in which vitamins A and D occur. Thus the effect is not due to hypervitaminosis. Similar lesions were observed in a variety of herbivors fed cod liver oil.”

“…The swelling of mitochondria in vitro is also used as a measure of membrane impairment, and dietary EFA diminishes such swelling (see page 292). Mitochondria from fat-deficient rats differ physically from normal mitochondria, their oxidative capacities are higher, and during isolation they are easily changed in form.”

“…Although mitochondria from all the species carry out many analogous metabolic reactions, no specific PUFA seems to be required for normal mitochondrial function. The requirement may be a more general one for some or any polyunsaturated acid available.”

“…Cardiolipin (CL) is known to contain a very high proportion of linoleic acid. In EFA deficiency, the content of linoleic acid in CL decreases. Refeeding linoleic acid (corn oil) for 16 days reverses that change and restores the linoleic acid content. Cardiolipin, which contains often as much as 80% linoleic acid seems to be specifically a target of linoleic acid, and whatever function this lipid has, it is also a function of linoleic acid.”

“…These studies amply prove the "downward" conversion of polyunsaturated acids to more saturated, shorter chain length compounds. The convertibility of the PUFA precursors to longer chain more saturated products is well known. Thus, it is clear that mammalian tissue is capable of converting PUFA either up or down, and to discuss "which is the real essential fatty acid" is without meaning.”

“…MacKenzie et al. determined the prophylactic dose to be 23 mg (linoleic acid) per rat per day, allowing normal growth and reproduction.”

“…The amount of dietary linoleate needed to induce the synthesis of normal amounts of these metabolites was estimated to be 0.5% calories from the appropriate exponential dose-response curves.”

“…Current studies involving more sophisticated experimentation are again bringing into consideration the possibility that PUFA may have deleterious effects, and that the popular concept that "if a little is good, much will be better" may not apply to PUFA. It may be well to re-examine the current medical and advertising policy which attempts to substitute a plethora of PUFA for a relative deficiency of essential fatty acids.”

“…Harmon has investigated the effects of fat level and degree of unsaturation of fats upon longevity in mice and rats. In female mice of the C3H strain fed 5, 10 or 20% of either lard, olive oil, corn oil, safflower oil or menhaden oil, the survival at 16 and 20 months of age decreased with increasing fat content of the diet or with increasing unsaturation of the fat.”

“…Sterility in male chickens can be induced by diets with a high content of linoleic acid and low content of vitamin E. After sterility is induced by this regimen, it can be reversed by re-supplementing with tocopherol, and semen production is improved by the supplementation. This study shows that the adverse effect of high dietary polyunsaturated acids and low tocopherol is not irreparable.”

Dietary linoleic acid and polyunsaturated fatty acids in rat brain and other organs. Minimal requirements of linoleic acid.

Dietary linoleic acid and polyunsaturated fatty acids in rat brain and other organs. Minimal requirements of linoleic acid.
“…It was surprising to find that low levels of dietary linoleic acid (0.3% of calories, 150 mg/100 g food intake) did not have any effect on reproduction, gestation, perinatal mortality, body weight increase, or overall mortality.”
Problems with essential fatty acids: time for a new paradigm?
“…The term ‘essential fatty acid’ is ambiguous and inappropriately inclusive or exclusive of many polyunsaturated fatty acids. When applied most rigidly to linoleate and a-linolenate, this term excludes the now well accepted but conditional dietary need for two long chain polyunsaturates (arachidonate and docosahexaenoate) during infancy. In addition, because of the concomitant absence of dietary a-linolenate, essential fatty acid deficiency is a seriously flawed model that has probably led to significantly over-estimating linoleate requirements. Linoleate and a-linolenate are more rapidly b-oxidized and less easily replaced in tissue lipids than the common ‘non-essential’ fatty acids (palmitate, stearate, oleate). Carbon from linoleate and a-linolenate is recycled into palmitate and cholesterol in amounts frequently exceeding that used to make long chain polyunsaturates. These observations represent several problems with the concept of ‘essential fatty acid’, a term that connotes a more protected and important fatty acid than those which can be made endogenously. The metabolism of essential and non-essential fatty acids is clearly much more interconnected than previously understood. Replacing the term ‘essential fatty acid’ by existing but less biased terminology, i.e. polyunsaturates, omega-3 or omega-6 polyunsaturates, or naming the individual fatty acid(s) in question, would improve clarity and would potentially promote broader exploration of the functional and health attributes of polyunsaturated fatty acids.”

“…The dietary refinements were that nutritional studies involving low or deficient levels of linoleate and a-linolenate required diets with relatively pure components (both macronutrients and micronutrients). Requirements for several other nutrients, especially minerals, were also being identified at this time, so many studies on PUFAdeficiency were simultaneously plagued by inadequate levels of minerals such as zinc.”

“…This problem is exemplified by the recent proposal from the Institute of Medicine in the USAthat current linoleate intakes are an adequate surrogate for estimating actual linoleate requirement despite the fact that the current linoleate intake in the USA greatly exceeds what reasonably appears to be needed (see Section 11—Problem 9).”

Halfway through there's a wordfilter for those who only eat veg/fruit and bully those who ate meat
starts with v ends in egan

“…By designating all fatty acids derived from linoleate and a-linolenate as EFA, the inclusionists avoid the problem of excluding long chain PUFAthat are ‘conditional’ EFA. Effectively, but perhaps unintentionally, this creates the opposite dilemma of giving the status of ‘essential’ to over 30 PUFA (Table 1), most of which have no known function and are certainly unlikely to be demonstrated to be truly necessary in the diet throughout the life cycle. “

“…However, the opposite experiment is perhaps more instructive; what is the tissue PUFA profile at the lowest dietary level of linoleate (or a-linolenate) that supports apparently normal growth and development in the rat? How much of these fatty acids is needed to support normal physiology, irrespective of tissue fatty acid profile? This experiment was done by Mohrhauer and Holman 30 years ago [17]. When a-linolenate was present as the only PUFAbut at a level sufficient to permit apparently normal growth (>1.4% of energy), linoleate was as low as 0.3% and arachidonate as low as 0.5% of liver fatty acids. When linoleate or arachidonate alone were the only PUFA in the diet but were present in amounts sufficient to permit normal growth (0.6 and 0.5% of energy, respectively), docosahexaenoate could be as low as 0.14% of total fatty acids (Table 2).”

“…This report [17] shows that tissue levels of the ‘key’ PUFA(linoleate, arachidonate and docosahexaenoate) can be extremely low (collectively < 5% of liver total fatty acids) yet normal growth can still be achieved in the rat. This contrasts with estimating linoleate requirement on the basis of the plateau in tissue arachidonate, which occurred at a forty fold higher dietary level [7] than in Mohrhauer and Holman’s study [17]. Rather than emphasizing a match between normal growth and the level at which tissue PUFA plateau at a maximal concentration, the emphasis should be on the lowest dietary level at which growth (and associated criteria of physiological wellbeing) is indistinguishable from normal. There was no difference in growth in either of these examples but there was at least a 3–4 fold difference in the total tissue PUFA concentration [7,17].”

“…If, as suggested by physiological data in the study by Bourre et al. [7], linoleate intake at 1% of energy turns out to be roughly double the true linoleate requirement, the excess above the required intake might well be disposed of by oxidation. The apparently high rate of linoleate oxidation would then be explained by the fact that 1% linoleate in the diet generously exceeded its requirement.”

“…Whole body fatty acid balance studies bring to light the interesting point that various forms of undernutrition can markedly stimulate oxidation of the two parent PUFA. Undernutrition increases fatty acid oxidation, which is how ATP is regenerated when there is an inadequate supply of glucose. It is surprising, though, how actively linoleate and a-linolenate are utilized in this process. In fact, during fasting/refeeding or weight cycling, they are sufficiently oxidized that tissue PUFA depletion rapidly occurs in both animal and human models ([28–30]; Table 5). Again, this is counterintuitive; in principle, EFA should be conserved, at least depleted less rapidly or restored more rapidly than non-EFA. This is not the case.”

“…Perhaps it is self-evident that if a fatty acid can be synthesized endogenously or obtained from the diet, then it should be easier to replace in tissues after a period of undernutrition than a fatty acid that can only be replaced from the diet. Still, a fundamental contradiction arises when fatty acids of supposedly greater importance to the body (EFA) are depleted more easily and replaced less easily in tissues than fatty acids of supposedly no dietary importance (non-EFA). I have a problem accepting that palmitate and oleate are non-EFA if indeed the body is capable, after a period of food depletion, of replacing them in tissues faster not only than the 18 carbon PUFA but faster even than the arguably more important long chain PUFA, arachidonate and docosahexaenoate[28].”

“…This argument challenges the suitability of defining the need for a fatty acid on the basis of whether or not it can be synthesized endogenously. Glucose is no less important because it can be synthesized endogenously. Palmitate should likewise be considered no less important than linoleate. We don’t know very much about what palmitate does but it is present in most membranes at levels than match (or, in the case of the brain, greatly exceed) those of linoleate and we now know it has a key role as one of the lipid ligands in the expression of hedgehog proteins that control normal embryonic development [15]. Under these circumstances, thinking of it as a non-EFA is scientifically and philosophically inappropriate and should be abandoned.”

“…If palmitate and oleate can be widely designated as non-EFA, cholesterol fits the same description as a ‘non-essential lipid’ since it, too, is readily made endogenously. Does it make sense that EFA are actively used to make non-EFA and cholesterol at rates that can exceed by 30-fold their use as precursors of long chain PUFA, i.e. in the developing rat brain[34]? Why oxidize or otherwise consume valuable EFA carbon in the synthesis of non-EFA even under circumstances when that EFA (linoleate) is extremely limiting due to severe and prolonged dietary PUFA deficiency [32,33]? Why oxidize docosahexaenoate[35], which is in great demand during early development, and recycle it into palmitate, stearate and oleate even when there is no dietary docosahexaenoate present[36]? It may be unavoidable for all PUFAto undergo some degree of oxidation but carbon recycling short-circuits oxidation before the acetyl CoAgets to CO2 and sees it recovered in newly synthesized lipids (and perhaps many other molecules that have not yet been identified or studied). What results is a largely nonsensical situation in which EFA (including docosahexaenoate) are actively used to make non-EFA. Is that part of the reason EFA are ‘essential’? If we discontinue the terms EFAand non-EFA, we relieve this situation of bias and encourage exploration of the meaning and possible importance of these observations.”

“…Even the minimalists adhere to designating linoleate and a-linolenate as EFA. The rationale is simple. Linoleate and a-linolenate cannot be synthesized de novo in mammals and they, or their long chain PUFA derivatives, have functions in the body not fulfilled by other compounds and for which symptoms occur when they are deficient in the diet. That is reasonable except that PUFA deficient rats can synthesize linoleate and a-linolenate by elongation from their sixteen carbon homologues, hexadecadienoate (16:2o6) and hexadecatrienoate (16:3o3)[12]. Even tetradecadienoate (14:2o6) and tetradecatrienoate (14:3o3) can be elongated to linoleate and a-linolenate, respectively, but the twelve carbon homologues cannot[12].”

“…Hence, rodents (and humans) on a mixed diet containing a variety of green vegetables are synthesizing a low but measurable amount of linoleate and a-linolenate from hexadecadienoate and hexadecatrienoate, respectively.”

“…Thus, contrary to received wisdom, mammals can synthesize linoleate and a-linolenate because their precursors are not only readily chain elongated through an existing and active pathway but also because the precursors are common in the human diet. The point is that the statement that ‘linoleate and a-linolenate cannot be synthesized’ (in mammals) is incorrect unless it is qualified by the addition of ‘de novo’.”

“…Few if any well-controlled studies have ever been done looking at linoleate requirements in humans. None have been done recently. The best estimates arising from experimental measurement (as opposed to epidemiological assessment of average linoleate intake) suggest that about 1% of energy intake as linoleate is sufficient to meet omega-6 PUFA requirements in healthy adults[3–5]. Higher requirements are assumed to exist during pregnancy, lactation and early development but are still thought not to exceed 3% (ISSFAL). These values are still confounded by the absence of omega-3 PUFA in the original dietary studies, a problem that conservatively inflates the linoleate requirement of rats by 50% [7]. Thus, a more realistic linoleate requirement in humans should vary from about 0.5% to about 1.5% of energy intake depending on physiological status. At present in North America, average linoleate intake is about 8% of energy intake, i.e. at least five times and up to as much as 16 times the reasonable estimate of its requirement in most healthy people (8% versus 0.5–1.5% of energy intake).

“…A recent report commissioned by the Institute of Medicine of the US National Academy of Sciences recommends that the current intake of linoleate in the USA is ‘adequate’, i.e. 17 g/day for men or about 5% of energy based on an overall energy intake of 3000 kcal/day. ( New). An ‘adequate intake’ sidesteps the issue of determining requirement. Continuing to cloak linoleate as ‘essential’ in the USA where a-linolenate is still not given equivalent status makes a mockery of this terminology. More importantly, such a distinction still insidiously allows promotion of linoleate as ‘the EFA’. Certain representatives of the food industry with a vested interest in promoting linoleate intake have already begun representing this ‘adequate’ linoleate intake as appropriate and desirable even though it exceeds what is needed by at least 5 fold. Experimental evidence indicates that a more reasonable linoleate requirement would be about 3–4 g/day on a 3000 kcal/day diet.”

“…Few intervention studies to test the risks or benefits of high linoleate intake have been done that have assessed long term health outcomes and mortality. While some have shown that linoleate is innocuous and perhaps even beneficial to reduce serum cholesterol [46], others looking at cancer risk and overall mortality disagree [45]. I believe this issue needs conscientious attention and that it will not be solved unless a new paradigm is adopted when referring to nutritional requirements for PUFA.”

“…It arises from the fact that healthy adults generally have at least 1 kg of linoleate in body stores, more if they have more than 20% body fat. If the true linoleate requirement of a healthy adult human is about 5 g/day, there is a store of linoleate in body fat alone that would last 200 days; even if it is 10 g/day, there is a 100 day (>3 month) store.”

“…Despite very good reasons to promote the consumption of dietary sources of eicosapentaenoate and docosahexaenoate, these two PUFA have been classified as conditionally dispensable because many populations have relatively low risk of chronic degenerative diseases, especially heart disease and cancer, while consuming negligible amounts of these fatty acids. Again, in geographical areas or with lifestyles in which heart disease risk is elevated, eicosapentaenoate and/or docosahexaenoate may well be beneficial and, indeed, would be classified as conditionally indispensable.”

The health implications of changing linoleic acid intakes.
“…The objective of this session was to address this fundamental question, ‘‘What would be the impact on health if an individual modified their typical intake of LA (linoleic acid), either up or down?’’ So, if the public chose to consume less LA, would their risk for chronic disease go down because they were consuming less n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), and would their risk increase if they were to increase their consumption?”

“…AA is arguably the most important cell signaling PUFA associated with membrane phospholipids. It is this ability of LA to be potentially converted to AA-derived eicosanoids that is so troubling to scientists. Following the release of AA from membrane phospholipids by a variety of phospholipases, AA can be enzymatically oxidized to prostaglandins (PGs) by the two cyclooxygenase (COX) isoforms (COX-1 and -2), the committed step in the biosynthetic pathway. AA is a preferential substrate for PG biosynthesis [6]. Chronic and elevated levels of PGs, such as PGE2 are linked to the promotion and progression of cancers [7]. Likewise, other AA-derived eicosanoids such as leukotrienes (LT) (i.e., LTB4 and cysteinyl-LT) are linked to inflammation [8] and asthma [9], and thromboxane formation has been linked to platelet function and cardiovascular disease risk.”

“…The implications of this would be important. For example, with cancer it has been proposed that while AA is a protumorigenic fatty acid because it can be converted to bioactive PGs, there appears to be a threshold for this effect and any benefit appears to be observed only when tissue levels of AA drop below this threshold [17]. This would suggest that alterations in LA intake needed to impact tissue AA levels and subsequent cancer risk would require drastic changes in food consumption patterns, i.e., elimination of animal products (meats) because they all contain preformed AA [18], in addition to a reduction of LA intake below 2% energy. A review of the cancer literature appears to bear this out.”

Linoleic acid: between doubts and certainties.
“…Because the physiological requirement of linoleic acid appears to have been overestimated due to methodological bias during early investigations performed in the 1920’s, the hypothesis that the current intake of linoleic acid could contribute to the development and increase of inflammation and metabolic diseases has gained momentum[6].”

“…These works pointed out all physiological symptoms of linoleic acid deficiency (growth rate, fertility and skin symptoms) and histological changes in organs (liver, kidney and lung). These studies led to the widely admitted linoleic acid requirement in animals at about 1% of the dietary energy intake [11].”

“…Moreover, several studies have shown that a minimal of 0.5% energy intake of a linolenic acid is required for normal reproduction and development [12,16,20]. Two recent studies have also shown that dietary a linolenic acid is able to diminish the symptoms of n-6 PUFA deficiency.”

“…These linoleic acid metabolites have been reported to promote a strong pro-inflammatory response in rats [42,43]. For the first time in humans, a recent study showed that reducing dietary linoleic acid from 6.8 to 2.4% of energy intake, decreased the concentrations of Oxlams in plasmas.”

“…To conclude, Oxlams are pleiotropic bioactive derivatives of linoleic acid. They seem to be implicated in a variety of pathological conditions. Oxlams are reported to play a key role in foam cell formation and pathogenesis of atherosclerosis [50,51]. Some studies have also shown an elevated circulating level of Oxlams in Alzheimer’s disease [45] and steatohepatitis [52].”

“…Previous reports suggested that elevated intakes of linoleic acid during early stages of development may be related to the development of obesity [58,59]. Ailhaud et al. suggested that an excess of n-6 fatty acid could contribute to excessive adipose tissue development. In piglets, arachidonic acid supplementation (0.5% of total fat) caused a 27% increase in body weight, probably due to increased fat mass [60]. A significant positive correlation between plasma arachidonic acid levels and human infant body weight was also reported [47]. Moreover, among long chain fatty acids, arachidonic acid is the main adipogenic component because it is the precursor of prostacyclin.”

“…Additionally, arachidonic acid metabolites (prostaglandins and leukotrienes) seem to have other implications in tissue growth. Several in vitro studies investigating on breast cancer showed a high activity of COX2 in tumor [63]. An inhibition of COX 2 reduced the synthesis of pro-angiogenic prostaglandins whereas COX 2 was positively associated with lymphoangiogenesis, which is a key step of metastatic progression [64,65]. To conclude, arachidonic acid metabolites have a potent role in angiogenesis and tumor growth.”

“…Endocannabinoids could be considered as linoleic acid derivatives. Nevertheless, few studies have investigated the effect of dietary linoleic acid on the endocannabinoid system [70]. Animal obesity seems to be associated with an elevated endocannabinoid concentration [71] and probably via a downregulation of adiponectin release, probably due to CB1 receptor activation. Moreover, the CB1 receptor stimulates adipocyte proliferation [69], and participates in the preadipocyte differentiation into mature adipocytes, which induces the accumulation of lipid droplets and stimulates the fatty acid synthesis both in adipose tissue and the liver [72]. Using diets with 8% linoleic acid as energy intake, Alvheim et al., have shown a correlation between the level of linoleic acid and endocannabinoid synthesis [70]. Indeed, this study has demonstrated a significant increase in endocannabinoids when increasing the percentage of dietary linoleic acid (from 1% to 8% energy intake).”

“…In conclusion, this part summarizes the major metabolic pathways where an excess of linoleic acid intake could have an impact. It may have implications in metabolic diseases like obesity which could be considered as a component of atherosclerosis and also in tumor growth.”

“…This new approach of SDHS coupled with the use of modern statistical analysis showed a higher total mortality in the group receiving the high linoleic acid diet. Moreover, this study highlighted the increased risks of death from coronary heart disease with an increase in linoleic acid in the diet.”

Dietary linoleic acid requirements in the presence of α-linolenic acid are lower than the historical 2 % of energy intake value, study in rats.
“…Although LA is described as an essential fatty acid in the literature, the deficiency symptoms (reduction of growth and scaliness) could not be completely and specifically attributed to a sole LA deficiency since the conditions in the previous studies included both LA and ALA deficiency in lipidoprive conditions.”

“…We are aware that beyond the necessity to redefine the dietary requirement of LA, many questions concerning the consequences of its excessive consumption on human health arise. Indeed, in human health, the precautionary principle has to be applied since the LA requirement was already over evaluated. Although many authors claim that this minimal requirement could be overtaken without risk for health (The American Heart Association for example) (37), the literature points out the deleterious effects of a LA excess and of a high LA:ALA ratio as well.”

“…Indeed, in vitro LA studies had already demonstrated the inflammatory properties of both LA oxidized metabolites and 20 : 4n-6 derivatives (i.e. PG and thromboxane).In human studies, a first meta-analysis led by Ramsden et al., including results from Oslo Diet Heart and Lyon Diet Heart Studies, detailed the specific n-6 PUFA effects in increasing CVD. Moreover, a very recent meta-analysis has completed the previous cited meta-analysis results and put forward the hypothesis that an excess of LA (by extension the n-6 fatty acid family) could play a non-negligible role in CHD. Actually this new approach of Sydney Diet Heart Study coupled with the use of a modern statistical analysis showed a higher total mortality in the group receiving the high LA diet. Moreover, the present study highlighted the increased risks of death from CHD and CVD with an increase in LA in the diet. Obviously, more studies are needed to confirm these previous results.”

mfw there are faggots everywhere who have been jewed into consuming death oil waste products unfit even for your dog and people on Holla Forums are blue pilled on it

I don't think that is true. We know about flouride, BPAs, xenoestrogen etc.

If you're gonna make an OP with a picture about the Electric Universe Theory, then make the thread about that, instead of copy/pasting an entire article on an unrelated topic that we already know.

Not surprised. Test levels have dropped significantly over the years as well and so has IQ in places like France thanks to "biological causes".

It really sucks that I preferred mayo over butter due to it being easier to spread over the bread when I was a kid. Also people say butter is unhealthy.
It contains only 2% linoleic acid vs 51.% in soybean oil, which jews make mayo out off.
Eat real butter, be a man

Yeah fellow Holla Forums/lack We in the west are SOO Low TT

Funny shill, ignore the reduction of testosterone and sperm count. Appeal to emotions

Stop posting (((porn))) faggot
Go >>>/nofap/, and quit (((porn)))

cruciferous vegetables
shiitake mushrooms
white button mushrooms
red wine
oats (with max steroidal saponins & plant serols)
citrus fruits (NOT grapefruit)
onions & onion juice (for quercetin)
algae (spirulina & chlorella)
green leafy vegetables
Fermented foods
coconut oil
dark berries (blue, elder, black currant, & choke)

1. Grain free diet as outlined in the friendly zombie threads
2. Countertop water distiller, distill and remineralize (heaping 14 teaspoon of himalayan pink salt per gallon) your own water
3. Natural fabrics, cotton for all clothes, 100% or it needs to be replaced, if not, like a jacket, wear a layer of cotton in between it and your skin. Also natural rugs over all the well trafficked areas of your (almost assuredly) plastic-based carpet
4. Natural materials everywhere else, wood, leather, metal (just not aluminum), glass are your friends. Ill try to do a better write-up on this later in the week, im still working solutions out in my own life
5. Solutions literally the liquid things you use all the time in your own home, cleaners, air fresheners, detergents, soaps, almost all harshly chemical, almost all replaceable for cheap with home-made options. this one is really cool and fun, gonna write at length about it.
Copper for door handles, etc.


Red clover has a fuckton of estrogen. Most commercial honey is from clover pollen. You do the math.

Basically, any volatile synthetic material that you come into contact with in daily life (plastics, fiberboards, adhesives, etc) can be assumed to screw up your testosterone production. This includes synthetic fabrics like clothing and carpet.
Nearly all water has birth control (which feminizes men) and pharms in it, which do not get removed during normal filtering processes. These alone will fuck you up. Filter your water with either heat or UV light (or both) and do not drink from plastic vessels.
Lock your diet down. This will include sacrifice and a lot of research. Prepare as much of your food from raw ingredients as possible. You will sleep better, feel better, heal faster, and become more masculine and less feminized.
Look into aromatase inhibitors. These are compounds that prevent your body from absorbing estrogen. American Ginseng, pomegranate, and tobacco are examples of substances that contain aromatase inhibitors. Don't smoke though, because that will hurt your ability to fight effectively.
I know it seems like a lot. But I've made only a handful of these changes in my life and it made a world of difference for me. Do as many as you are capable of right now, and then slowly work on integrating the others into your life.

1) Eat a lot of raw spinach and steamed broccoli. They naturally raise testosterone. Pop-Eye eating spinach is not random.

2) Eat a lot of raw red fruits and raw red berries. Most of them contain ingredients that will naturally flush xeno-estrogens.

Other advice:

-If you need a "healthy" sugar kick, try red grapes.

-Pomegranate juice is God in a glass.

-Do not concern yourself with cucumbers, lettuce, and generally leafy greens (except for spinach of course). They are mostly for women, or to make you feel full.

-Drink more water than you feel you need. It helps with kidney stones and more pee means (a little) more xeno-Estrogens are flushed.

Non-diet related are pretty obvious:

-Reverse porn aversion by going backwards from fetishes to no-fetishes to traditional to none. Don't cut it outright, it is going to destroy your psychology.

-Put 3-4 goals, and achieve at least one point towards at least one of them every day. The satisfaction alone will help your testosterone levels and help you sleep better.

-Cut bad self-poisoning habits unless you are at a party, not more than once or twice each per month (less is better). Those include alchohol, drugs, smoke. A cigar/pipe or 2 doses of alchohol on your close friend's birthday is fine.

-Generally reduce sugar to the bare minimum you can withstand. The fact that women love sweets naturally is not random. If you can, buy 99% cocoa dark chocolate (or anything above 80%) and take a bite if you have a sweet tooth once in a while.

-Care less about others' feelings and pay more attention to their actions and motives. Do not express your emotions unless in a safe environment and only rarely. Emotional tantrums are a womanly sport.

-Generally build a manly character. Your body follows your wishes. If you act manly, the body will adapt to make your manly.

Hi guys. From a government/shill POV having population subsets attempting to find optimal inputs is bad. Being upregulated means you consume more resources and have better health and horomonal profiles. Also results in better expression of inteligence (epigenics) etc. Less docile more expensive population units.

In the time I've lurked I only read one other person denounce polyunsaturated fats. That was one or two years ago.

First ever thread and I'm lazy. If it may help somone improve their qaulity of life then that's hardly a bad thing is it. Or maybe it's bad for another reason?

Degrading food supply causes changes in epigenic expresion of inteligence over time (subhuman immigration too) means lower mean IQ over time units. According to the studies in the first part the native sets are really deranged badly. But anyone who comes over gets poisoned too.

Nowadays hellmans light mayo has titanium dioxide in it which is a class 2b carcinogen. Means it's potentially carcinogenic. They put known carcinogens on fruits to kill fungus too. Eg oranges (non organic) in UK say treated with imazazi, orthophenyphenol. And Germany they warn that its carcinogenic on the lebel. Might be wong bout the label though. There are other ones like gaur gum carnegeenan and so on which are gut irritants too. They are in everything (exxageration). But they are super convenient to prolong shelf life so they will exploit customers by saying they're totally not bad lolololol. Anything that is even potentailly harmfull should be avoided at all costs.

High quality (means highest possible % fat as saturated) butter has higher butyric acid content which is supposed to be a respiratory uncoupler and is androgenic. Although its only like 3-4 % if I remember right.

Butyrate Improves Insulin Sensitivity and Increases Energy Expenditure in Mice

Butyric acid regulates progesterone and estradiol secretion via cAMP signaling pathway in porcine granulosa cells

shill or demoralized? Read more and experiment maybe you can feel better?


From what I read how horny you are/how many times you can ejaculate/lower refactory periods are a function of androgens which in turn are a function of the internal state of health of the body.

porn and masturbation is genrally within the realm of controversy and is annoying to deal with

The plasma levels of all steroids were significantly increased after masturbation . . . The most marked changes after masturbation were observed in pregnenolone and [DHEA] levels."

Both pregnenolone and DHEA are youth-associated hormones.

Anaphylaxis to carrageenan: A pseudo–latex allergy

Food additive carrageenan: Part II: A critical review of carrageenan in vivo safety studies

Your list is pretty cool. One must say (i thouhgt) improve androgen ratio than make absolute statement about boosting test levels though. Something like White button mushrooms inhibit aromatase enzyme a lot. It does so the most out of all the mushrooms. But they also somwhat inhibit 5 ar which means they lower DHT slightly. The net effect on the androgen to shit horomone ratios is what's importatn though. The inhibition of 5ar is generally far outweighed by how much it stops test to estrogen conversion.

Coconut oil inhibits 5ar too more so than mushrooms but is protective such that its a really good recommendation.
“Coconut oil serves several purposes. Its butyric acid is known to increase T3 uptake by glial cells. It has a general pro-thyroid action, for example by diluting and displacing antithyroid unsaturated oils, its short-and medium-chain fatty acids sustain blood sugar and have anti-allergic actions, and it protects mitochondria against stress injury.”

Generally veg has lots of chemicals that are goitrogenic. Beta cerotene an an example. In ecxess it downregulates thyroid and thus metabolism. Because of that I would avoid veg IMO.

>cleaners, air fresheners, detergents, soaps
They're all estrogenic but you dont want to smell :/

lots of beta caroteen downregulate thyroid. Magnesium important though. The better ones thyroid function the easier it is to retain Mg also sodium in excess of 4 grams which means like 10g salt helps retain Mg more.

Constant supply of energy substrate like sugar is optimal for the body to max progesterone. Woman graze like that cos progesterone protects them from the instability of their cycle. Progesterone antagagonises estrogen. Sugar supreses stress horomones.

IMO how you act is determined by your health and horomnal profile. Assertiveness increases and aggresion goes down with improving horomone profiles. cant find the study.
Anyways thanks i liked what you wrote.

If you like messing around with inputs ray peat views were what i was pushing. Gilbert ling and gerald pollak are cool scientists too. I've only heard Ray peat mentioned here once and I felt that anons need to know about him and those 2.

Global report.

An interesting line of thought is that the degrading food supply is a massive downward pressure on our countries and civilasation as a whole. In china for example they're complaining about a much higher incideince of the "western deseases" which conincides with their industrialisation and greater use of death oil and other stupid shit like heavy metal contamination. Never get food or supplements from China bros there shit is especially suspect for being contaminated. Western nations are just as bad, they put lots of extra iron in breakfast cereals…

Just get enough iron and no more

Just look at this!!!
Prevalence of Alzheimer’s Rises 10% in 5 Years

Death Rate From Alzheimer Disease (AD) Has Risen By 55% In Just 5 Years

Since 2002, 99%+ of Alzheimer Disease trials have failed

Colorectal Cancer Rates In Young People Have Doubled

Rates Of Diabetes I And II Are Rapidly Rising In Young Children And Teens

Stroke Rates Have Almost Doubled In Young Adults

How the hell will our nations survive over the long run and everyone maintain a nice standard of living for the maximal amount of its peoples if everyone is getting dumber and more ill. A counrty needs efficient productive people to maintain its institutions. Compounded by replacing higher quality sets of people with lower quality ones. In the end our respective countries' expected lifespan is potentially reduced. Ignoring other factors like tech.

you can get safflower oil mayo. tastes better imo


Economic growth is the purpose of life. When we can afford to live forever, that will become the purpose of life instead. Mindless reproduction is the ideology of the cancer cell. It is economic growth that will let us transcend the hell that is a life with no more purpose for our intellects than the subjection of future generations to existential horror. By the economy we may transcend - it's just going to be bloody expensive.

Safflower oil is 74% LA

I thought of a better one. Growth for growth's sake isn't the ideology of a cancer cell. Reproduction for growth's sake is the ideology of a cancer cell. Cancer cells kill their hosts!
(Not that anyone actually believes in growth for growth's sake either, for the economy is always only a means to the countless ends of humanity.)


So you should focus on animal fats and forgo the various vegetable and bean oils?

It's plastics.
Wtf is "death oil"?

can't have economic growth without reproduction dumbass

I believe he's what we call a (((transhumanist))) . It's a type of technokike. And a fedora typing one to boot.

Just report and move on. Unlikely he's ever going to take part in reproduction anyways, which explains the kikeish "sour grapes" attitude.

haven't read the full thread but I can also recommend spinach and coconut oil heavily. Do not use oxidized liquid oils, that shit will fuck you up

Just because I'm right doesn't mean I'm a shill. Show me studies that say 20% poly blend garments (or similar) cause cancer, add estrogen, reduce test, etc, etc…

To people actually reading this there's a really cool poster on /fit/ atm that posts some evidence for link between NAFLD and polyunsaturates in a thread on test and he made a really cool thread about ketosis. He probs should of made this thread instead of me since he does it properly with decorum and style.

lol yea safflower oil is unsaturated as hell more double bonds = more free radicals = more damage = higher incidence of degenerative desease over time. free radicals are trash

Even soap usage results in endocrine system being disrupted for 4 days after….. Even more power soaps detergents etc are way worse…

Isn't the purpose of life to have fun and be free? People should be an a society where stress is low and they don't have to work like slaves and can have fun and strong positive symbiotic relationships. I don't really understand what you're saying. Life is beautiful. You only need to stand in a tall place in nature on a really sunny day to see that. Or walk in the woods.

Cancer may be a protective adaptation in the context of a metabolically deprived individual. ie downregualted and poisoned. Thus i don't believe one can compare our reproduction to make kids to cancer which is like a basic primordial state of the cell relying on fermentation for survival or somthing like that. According to peatarian ways of thinking at least.

But tbh don't understand you

Instead of saying you should do this or that I would want you to experiment of your own accord since what may be optimal inputs for you maybe slightly different for you. For a sort of starting diet limit PUFAs to like max 4 grams and consume liver milk fruit fruit juices as a base you want at leat 3k kals if your a youngster. Probs more like 4k if you're tall. The minesota starvation experiment is a must read if you or one of those "dieter" types

But there's a lot of naunce with regards to upregulating. For example the amino acids like cysteine are anti thyroid and downregulate you in excess (ratio to other aminos important) and liver also has lots of iron which is a big factor in alzheimer's etc etc so once a week is often recomended. But also meats from supermarket are degreaded. Liver should taste sweet cos glycogen but it never does unless you have a butcher or somthing (freshness). You want it cos it has lots of b vits and vit a. The american poster on fit posted some studies on vit a being required for steriod production.

There's things like respiritory uncouplers wich are really fun too and extremely protective against desease and mental ailments. The other guy that posted a list of dos don'ts could be an efficient model too. If you really on lots of liquids for eg you may get probs though. osmotic pressure and energy density are important. If you have a litre of oj for example you may become cold since its osmotic pressure is low density is low. When the body is cold it begins producing PUFAs!!!! you want to be nice and warm for optimisation. So you got to feel things out. If you want to experiment with peatariean methods then read ray peats articles on his website. Avoid the forums since potential heresies although i stole most of the studies from there. tehepero

I call them death oils since I thought it was a cool and interesting name. Interesting because when bugs like ants and spiders die they release PUFAs (oliec acid arachnoid acid) to signal they're kin to stay away. Yet advertising is so good that it makes people think that these substances used to signal death (in nature) are healthy. These substances used to chicked away decades ago too…

Misdirection? they're both massive downregualtors at the end of the day. But one can actually minimise their PUFA intake whereas things like plastic are hard to avoid.

Get this EMF radiation is really bad too but you can only somwhat defend against it. faraday cages/grounding maybe sunlight? or red wavelength light is anti inflammatory

Exposure To EMF May Cause ALS

EMF From WiFi Liberates Mercury From Amalgam Fillings Into The Blood

Bain Drain: The Mere Presence Of One’s Own Smartphone Reduces Available Cognitive Capacity
How funny and sad that is. EMF is generated by our TVs pcs tablets etc etc too. transformers cell phne towers etc if in bloc of flats pray to god or consider a different environment and occupation in the future.
Anyone remember their parents telling you not to sit in front of the TV? or say TV makes you dumb. it really does.

Cellphones Lower Progesterone and Raise Cortisol

really cool study
Dogs, Primates, And Maybe Even Humans Can Sense Magnetic Fields

State Of California Says Cellphone Radiation (EMF) Is Unsafe And Causes Brain Cancer

Their posts are fucked up. All those ppl in you pic are bald. balding males generally have worst health lowest androgens high cortisol estrogen serotonin. Results in aggressive authoritarian people with low empathy. They're all really ugly too. Hairlets lol

People say its DHT that causes balding but evidence from this paradigm points the finger at cortisol estrogen etc

Evidence That Cortisol Really Does Cause Hair Loss

Dont stress out too much about these thinkgs avoid what you can and so on. The air in cities and along main roads is really bad too.

Ray peats articles and vids on youtube will explain really well EMF pufas and other downregulators. This is one particular model though. For chinks its sub optimal model since their genes alow them to be way more efficient on holding onto calcium…. So milk is not rally an all clear for them

another thing about spinach is oxolates. Oxolates deplete resources like b6. If you get too depeleted with lots of spinach intake and thus high oxolates you can induce kidney pain. moderation and ratios important but eating liver weakly - ample b6 oxolates no problem. There are so many little things I hope I conveyed that.

glycine increases 5 ar powerfully

glycine can get metabolised into oxolates. I had some kidney pain at one point cos I was taking a lot for test. I wouldn't recommend though. Taurine is way safer.

It only takes 1 sperm to impregnate someone. So what if the number is decreasing.

I'm so sorry that you failed health class.

Mangoes are healthy and tasty. Mango juice will heal your skin if you ruined it with P.

What do you eat to replace grain diets?

Are human hormone levels really so volatile that I need to replace my door knobs and carpeting?

Also, as I should have added in my previous post, I do not fully understand being grain free. Please explain. Mediterranean and European diets consisted of bread use, which is a grain. I understand being processed food free, which should be done as much as possible. Brown rice, oats, even quinoa are all oats. Seriously nigger, how can you even replace grains? Even hypothetically, since I understand you obtained this info from an user in another thread. Very curious.

>*Brown rice, oats, even quinoa are all GRAINS

sage for triple post

Good thread OP.

self improvement/nutrition threads are banned on sight. prolly why you havn't seen it being discussed

Do we have a >>>/fit/ here yet?

yea, that board with "post fit girls lol :)" that only gets like 1 post/month. nailed me bro

This, how to into calories?

your nose is showing. the economy is a golden calf

is there a self improvement board? if given enough posts a board like that would surely discover the key to ubermensche

How fucking new are you?

but it's dead

/fit/ is not dead, it's just a bit slow

Yes and no.
We're in a situation where we're facing massive quantities of hormone disruption from a ludicrous quantity of small sources.

try to play mercy with your dad.. that grip strength thing is true AF cant beat my dad and he is 64 lol

Got any information on fluoride-free toothpastes to use?

This is the most Jewish post I've seen on this board in ages.

And you're a faggot for responding to the kike by arguing that the purpose of life is "having fun and being free." Go suck the shit out of a nigger's ass and burn what's left of your mind away with your reefer, you degenerate Boomer scum.

The state of Holla Forums in two posts, both by outsiders pretending to be insiders, fighting each other while completely missing the point. And no one cares, because there's no one left to care. Everyone decent has been driven away.

This is what happens when you let turkroaches and mulattos run the board. No bookclub threads, no self improvement threads, but pictures of niggers fucking white women, boomercucks who just found the internet and treat threads like blogs, and shill posts by Shareblue get left up for days.

Sage because you're both cocksuckers. There's nothing left in the catalogue that deserves bumping and faggots like the two of you are to blame.

Lurk more Boomer scum.

So… link it? Finding vaguely described threads that may or may not exist, is a pain in the ass.

I do but that sage is making me unwilling to help.

Toms has a fluoride free variety, but baking soda works better at even less of a jew price factor.

That's understandable, I was retarded and forgot to take it off after saging slide threads with pics related

I'll keep that in mind, thanks


Following a peatarian model milk fruit some added sugar coffee coco oil butter things like that

Yes males are particularly vunerable in society. More and more will drop out of society and not produce or maintain our edifices and living standards. Consider that youngsters now will be in a class with lots of other kids and they will each have their phone so will be subject to really high dosage EMF exposure…. I posted about that baing bad earlier. It's a massive ineeficiency for our nations.

Breads these days have PUFAs added to them…. It's only recently where we have enough knowledge that we can even begin to think about human input optimisation since traditional diets where subject to what the land nearby good provide. Since transport costs and generally all food costs have fallen there's more choice.
With regards to rice substances in the bran of the rice are substances that inhibit 5 ar = less DHT.
In a peatarian methodology one would avoid grains like plague since it will annihilate calcium to phosphurus ratio. But annons should experiment of their won accord.
Grains like oats are estrogeneic beans are too…… Oats for example have lots of manganese which is an estrogenic element. Copper is too but obviously need them too.


hahahahaha this should be band immediatly one can invalidate retarded theories on c02 being bad and other stupid shit since it's believed that it's c02 that creates the form of the cell etc etc ray peat gilbert ling,


xylitol is super good to test with. recommend it

I just read and lurk so I'm unlearned….
Mybe I got baited or something but I'm not from here like you said I like to read and lurk only. I think you're being shill though since the info studies and so on show I large rate of decline in the quality of the populace. and you're attempting to push people away from seeing that when I am mostly trying to push and encourage experimentation. Also i've never read on here that anons know about EMF radiation or how bad PUFAs are so provided evidence against them.

don't know how

Ray peat, gilbert ling and gerald polacks work is intimately linked. They believe that it's c02 that creates the order and structure of the cell and that c02 is extremely protective substance. Ray peat talks of naked mole rats and bats being very free of degenerative desease which is on a massive uptick in humans. They live in very high c02 environments. There beliefs about that invalidate the shiling about c02 being bad and so on. It's a respiratory uncoupler ffs……

Also to say something about shinto meditation they say that it's best to meditate in a river or a waterfall or you see them depicted in such areas. Places like that are grounded so free eletrons can dissapate easy and also lots of negative ions which are protective against EMF radaition.

With regards to eletric universe theory I will leave this link its a fun read
But basically large organisms and plant life on our planet coincide with high c02… If the planet was really next to saturn then they say that the light would have had lots of red and blue wavelength and an absence of darkness like we have today. THey are upregulattors of metabolism. pure annons interested in that could maybe pursue that line of thought?

There was a rant on industrialisation post in a non non biyori thread a while ago. One thing that was left unsaid was that our families being broken up and sucked away as slave labour lowers the rate of transmission of efficient ideas methods that they had with regards to dietry input. Thus there was a gap in knowledge which was exploited by seed oil merchants resulting in very dramatic dietry changes over time which coincide with increase in degenerative desease.

Another inefficiency is more known here about destruction of positive relationships between males and females. Males are especially vunerable to poisining from the environment. Unlike women men dont dump some iron onece a month. And that reason is likely an important factor in why women have a longer expected life time.

Another is the "terror of the mean" ie "normalfags" there's more but its intuitive and understood anyways. Like info on pufas and EMFs being suppresed since ill people are cash cows. diabetics need insulin all the time cancer patients are easy to exploit too. Also I remeber reading about a hungarian economist how made fun of economists only havinng job by pretending to not know and tell people its complicated. The book the prince by niccolo sheds light on why it may be a pain to change. They want their incomes etc etc. So they will continue to perpetrate these downregualtors more and more cost to human life suffereing etc. All the while we get closer and closer to the tipping point where our peoples are so poisoned that are nations become even worse. Estrogen affects learning abysmally….. Women get given birth control pills like it can't possibly have problems
tbh i shouldnt make absolute statements than men are more vunerable

I did this on a whim without order structure so I apologise if its annoying to read. I used infomal language and don't proof read===lazy. Since I mostly wanted to provide new info i relied on a kind of intelectual authoritarianism by posting study after study so I don't have to spend energy having to prove shit. It also makes it a pain for shills too which is nice.

In summary PUFAs, emf, pollution massive downregulators of our species big factors in the seemingly unrelenting rise in degenerative desaese. Ray peat, gilbert ling, gerald pollack works are closely related. They have a lot of integrity and a treated like trash/heretics by others. The work can disprove and shed light on the massive curroption of the scientific establishment. Also can be related to eletric universe theory.

if the purpose of your life is to have fun and be free you are a self medicating nihilist

By retarded theories on c02 i mean mainstream thoughts on global warming

Tell me what's better.

If one wanted to engineer society to max quality of life it would look something like that. It's sad that zoo animals get fed better than most people…. for example the list of excipients on anadin aspirin is at least 20 addatives long. Lots of irritants. But horse aspirin is pure….

when i look at the people around me i think of zoo animals. We are clever enough to make a variety of rubber rings to play on but not wise enough to leave the zoo.

Animals are inherenty smart though…. Comparing humans to them is pretty NG cos of the following
Culture is a uniquly human thing or construct and has both benefit and detriement
eg pass on how to make cool factories with high throughput.
when duped by advertiseing pass on those ineficiencies like telling your kids to do or don't do that.
This is why we can make cool things and yet can compare ppl to "zoo animals" since in the current environment one factory can produce so much such that it's not necessary for that info to be in lots of peoples minds. Thus people will think them stupid (but really they're just unlearned) when they don't know how to do this or that. Or they will compare us to animals. we are animals though….

Bees can see uv light
animals can detect emf
ravens can use tools to get food. sticks and coins etc
elephants mourn their dead
octopi can use tools but dont have brain. really cool utube vids about them
chimpanzes have waaaay better short term memory than humans (nips studied it)
after a few days in space spiders learn how to make their webs again and so are adjusting to gravity change….
pigs and dogs etc

it's innate and built into them and our children but this thing known as human culture ends up invalidating behaviors that we had as a child like natural aversion to veg (lots of anti thyroid substances in veg) love of sugar (energy) etc which are efficient behaviors.

Somthing that's really interesting is that the animals developing in womb all look really similar (like aliens) and begin to differentiate more and more as time goes on. Perhaps it's a clue that our ancestors are ayylamos wouldn't that be fun and intersting?

For pure annons another funny thing derived from peatarian paradigms is that the wealthy are even more poisoned than the normal guys in the streets. They have a much higher incidence of eating out in restaurants and shit and they all advertise like the following. HERAT HELATHY PUFAs GET YOUR POISON. They got to virtue signal and maintain high socialisation and integrate. So they end up taking huge costs from what's percieved as optimal or what one should do from the view point of human culture.

They cook in cheep seed oils everyhting. Also eat lots of steaks at restaurants = high iron= higher incidence of degenerative desease like alzeimer's than the mean. They fall for the corruption that their predecesors did decades ago covering up EMF in the 1930s pufas and other shit too like taking SSRIs…

And thus we can come to understand possibly the greatest factor currently with regards to civilisational decay. That of a poisoned environment.

Please consider, if you do decide to make some guide to be careful with making absolute authoritarian statements on dos and donts and so on since cements in inefficiency over time. As an example if one makes a guide on what to eat or not and there is a statement saying to consume vitamin E as a supplement problems may arise over time.

The production process for vit E was changed recently such that the product is inferior to what the progenitors and discoveres of the substance first found. They said that true vit E is a jelly like substance with a red hue. But most of the vit E you can buy is yellow runny and cut with soy oil!!! so its a no touch

Generally over time traditional foods that used to be safe from contaminants are becoming not safe. eg imazazil (known carcinogen) on oranges, carbon monoxide treatment for prolonging shelflife of meats etc etc. gums to prolong shelf life too, they're irritant… but have only come by recently. There's way more too.

probs not such a big deal in the context of cleaning solutons though.

a poisoned enviroment comes from a poisoned nation arising from a poisoned soul. As semi sentient creatures (self aware but still instinctual) we are able to create things that circumvent the natural setting we evolved to be a part of eg. a super-abundance of food which our instinct then compels us to consume in highly concentrated form. The fact that processing reduces the nutritional value only triggers our natural instincts further and we consume even more. The solution is to understand natural law and choose to live in accordance with it by choice/will not by having it imposed upon us by force, (i.e. deliberatley eat sensibly) without this understanding our natural, healthy instinct to eat combined with a super-abundance and little physical effort results in many of us eating ourselves to death. This simple example shows the problem. We can no longer rely on simple instinct but must conciously understand natural law and have the will to live by it or we will be swallowed up like every other civilisation before us.
A more clear example is that one family on the street who live in shit. They have rubbish all around their house, deal drugs and their kids are shit. This comes from their nature, their character. Their enviroment comes to reflect that as has ours.

It can all be fixed really easy if you're ill to anyone reading. there are lots of examples of people changing to a peatarian diet and there androgens and health improve dont let me upset you by painting a hopeless picture. There is evidence for that claim in peatarian spheres/forums with people experimenting and reporting back.

Sentience is variable. You can make ppl smarter more efficient more sentient after one or 2 generations more epigenic change results
The more you depelte serotonin and improve androgens (for a male anyway since androgens are defense against stress for us) the clearer and crisp the mind becomes. Estrogen hampers learning and causes brain fog osteoporosis in excess. Which is in excess in a bad environment surrounded by EMF PUFAs bad inputs etc. Serotonin is great for making autistic brain fogged robots like in r9k. I remember some of them take SSRIs and shit like that so end up condemened to a lower probability for improving themselves.

Then one can improve sentience by elevating people to more efficiently express inteligence. Epigenic changes come by and get passed on or so they say confirm for yourself since too lazy to link moar. Dutch starvation in WW2…

How can somthing like that by inherernt to the family though. Or maybe they're more vunerable to culture if they have lower innate quality (which is determined by how poisoned they are too)? Maybe that's why people here are so resilient and desperate to defend themselves against the toxicities of everyday life? But i percieve ppl here as higher quality…

Up To 75% Of Homosexual Behaviour May Be Acquired, Not Inherited

This might suggest that elevation should be the permeating belief across all nations. Need more evidence
this study shows that culture has a huge impact and might invalidate what you said to an extent about nature being inherent to us and resulting in eating ourselves to death. SInce it's pretty much just good advertisement

genetic determinsm vs epigenics?
we can change our envrionment of our onw accord oftentimes whith huge negative consequences for our species. But benefits too phones are good for efficiency. Calling an air strike selling something abroad etc.
EMF lowes cognition and thus sentience

The Mere Presence Of One’s Own Smartphone Reduces Available Cognitive Capacity

Yea soil errosion is real bad too. If you read ancient texts by greeks or whatever you might come across them talking about how amazing figs are. They're not talking about the trash fruit that we buy and primapes in zoos are averse to even touch but actual ripened on the tree fruit that explodes in your mouth…. Even things that one might thing a good choice to avoid contimants are bad…Milk is the purest thing we can consume atm.

Maybe you're right though idk. It's much easier and more efficient just to change inputs avoid downregulators keep journal to see if experiments work and help against confounding and test more sub in and out foods and so on. Maybe get some blood tests too. Than to talk about harder things like that. Maybe our idea on natural order of things is different.

Since we're human though can't escape the fact that there will be a culture. That means the door is always open to coercion lies misdirection at all times. If there's no entity with high power/leverage then other entities will rise up and be free to exploit and create further inefficiency for there own ends. For me then the belief then is that an absolute power to protect freedom and all its efficiencies is an optimal state for a civ. I have a childish view like in light novels with nobel kings or whatever. But tbh i don't know anything about politics despite enjoying reading here. But this also brings up questions of if one would even want to try your hardest to make our nations to last as long as possible like in the end of セブンス. Don't wanna deny little Alexander Siegfried a chance for achievements right user-kun?

Lolz almost 4 got be careful of sitting down all day folks. Somthing that /a/ Holla Forums or ppl here probs do a lot. Especially NEETS. The pressure from sitting cuts of important blood supply routes to your nuts. Means less energy going to your nuts less cofactors and substrate for steroid production and they may begin hurting or something or you get varicose veins as an adaptation. do kegals or super wide deep squats as a fix. Studies shows that those with varicose veins in their ball sack have statistically significant lower androgens……..

Neat stuff, but why that picture?

Read all of it so can maybe encourage input experimentation, but basically cos of this. Repiratory uncouplers could be shilled for too since they can be used as protective substances to improve anons efficiency/health.

Hopefuly pure anons will make some connections or find out some stuff and bring it back here and make cool posts. Generates interest in the scientists talked about too. And they are decades ahead of their time…. It's only recently that things like within peatarian philosiphies/paradigms are being tested for curing desease when ray peat came up with good methods decades ago….

Aspirin, brain, and cancer

but if you need more authoritive source then ray peat talks about upregulating metabolism by avoiding inefficient things.

Cancer Addiction To Fat Confirmed; Niacinamide As Possible Treatment

Most New Cancer Drugs Are Expensive Miserable Failure (it's a racket)

Pharma Companies Lie About Drug Benefits And Hide Side Effects (racket!!!)

PUFA Is Vital For Cancer Progression; Restricting PUFA Can Be Therapeutic

Thiamin deficiency: a possible major cause of some tumors?

Cancer Is A State Of Chronic Stress With Elevated Lipolysis And Ketogenesis

Best thread in a while.
Got to admit it's a hard one to read with the amount of walls of text that requires reading sources and wiki articles to fill in the blanks. Got to compensate for the lack of knowledge with more reading

too much free time
a-arigatou onii sama.

Energy begets form and form begets metabolism and metabolism begets energy and so on (something like that). If anyone can make it, tis you pure and noble anons!!!!

That's why i tried to push to self experiment all hte time. Better method to elevate organisms, the proof is there for pure anons. Tyring to proof everything is really inefficient and a pain to structure. user needs to be doing politics to get in postition to elevate us… dont really want to waste your time…

the first 14 posts can be ignored (if you decide to trust me) bar the first 2… Its just to shill against PUFAs…

Do you think a post about pheromones would be beneficial?
It can be used as a tool for user politically when campaigning IRL or to help user's mind, get girls etc…




Monsanto's Roundup Weedkiller Linked to Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and ALS

Scientists Seek Ban On Monsanto’s RoundUp

California says key ingredient in Roundup weed killer can cause cancer

With regards to contamination in veg.
The veg is for Mg. Many will instead supplement with Mg Bicarb water (make yourself) and avoid veg. There is also Mg acetate (got to make by self) or Mg glycinate. Mg glycinate is potentially jewed…. see "lawsuit against Albion and Bluebonnet ". They lie about ingredients and also one should assume that a supplement may change without even notice or ingredient list change. Supermarkets change things a lot after hooking you on the product…(or merely to cut costs?)

Another function for veg is with regards to the carrot/carrot salad (different fibre types). This is to help clean out estrogen from the intestine so its not reapsorbed. Some estrogen can't be gotten rid of otherwise… In a peatarian methodology one is to minimise fibre as much as possible to lower serotonin. the gut brain connectoin is deep (profound?) somthing like 95% of production from gut (easy to verify with search engine of choice) …. lots of fibre in veg
serotonin is a factor in autism…serotonin made by bacteria….bacteria norished by fibre and starch.
microwaves increase serotonin

BLEHHHH who wants mazui things!!!! Your body knows….serotonin is like a signal to tell you that what you ate is no go.

An alternative to the anti microbial carrot fibre is activated charcoal. It has problems potetnially may get stuck in lymph depending on partical size. However animal models show 30% increase in lifespan when feeding activated charcoal (it was for cattle if I remember right)…
Thus one can avoid round up. It comes down to the principle of "first do no harm". SO always watch and check. The sanitizer pic makes sense since alcohol is a solvent and is dissolving the plastic…. wasn't concious of that one….

by Richard C. Kaufman, Ph.D.


There was an anecdote about an industrial accident badly poisoning some workers such that they had x amount of time to live and go blind within a few years. One read and researched and came to activated charcoal and saved himself but when seeing his coworkers in the court room to sue the company after a time (something like that) he was fine (recovered) yet they were stuffed walking sticks wives guiding (eyes degenerated) them… it was benzoate poroning if i remember right 20% sure.

Anything that is shown to increase lifespan in animal models is definently worth a look IMO. Pretty much any "respiratory uncoupler". uncoupled respiration increases CO2 production aspirin!! DNP the min effective dose too close to lethal dose…no touch!

Uncouplers: vit E D K2-mk4, coffee (high does mobolises a lot of glycogen so with sugar/food), niacinimide, aspirin, coco oil, fructose, urea (why peepee therapy is a thing lol), magnesium bicarbonate, salt, b vits, sunlight, red light, c02.

If you want to try an uncoupler experiment find info on optimal serum levels and the dosages required for such (DNP no touch!!! some can be dangerous if silly, some all clear eg recent studies on k2 in nipland and the middle kingdom to treat osteoporosis of post menopausal women had pretty large dose hope I linked right ones I've gone up to 30mg myself couldnt sleep needed too much food….).
timing? quantity?…also SAFETY FIRST check everything!!!! watch out for digestion problems headache, nausea, constipation or diarrhea. = serotonin = something you changed may not be working or must wait to adjust….