Giving that much money for this piece of trash


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They will never learn.

The fuck is this
That art looks awful the hell is it getting 3k

this is patreon, ppl are willing to pay for just about anything m8

What the shit? I should just quit my fucking job at this point, promise to make some sex game, and then just funnel the money into what I REALLY want to do.

not even that, just draw r34 or animate girls pounding each other, apparently it's enough to get traction on patreon

Also, Who?

This is what the game actually looks like.


Why the fuck am I working a full time job for minimum wage?

I see nothing wrong with this

You obviously fucked up somewhere in your life

you're fucking lying you must be

What if Hillary uses patreon to fund all these sjws?

Are people that desperate for adult games?



I need to find a way to work from home otherwise it's suicide time.


despite it being shit

Hes using it better than 99% pf projects


could be wrose



I hope the bitch at least makes her own cosplay

I will never understand why people do this, yet it fails to offend me because it's not my money.

Cute looking girl with a good body dressing up as your favourite videogame or comic book character in at least a somewhat revealing costume? That's an autistism bucks GOLDMINE.

Nope, it's the real deal.

You can actually play it for free on newgrounds, it's just lacking the very last update.


For every upstanding well adjusted adult who has regular sex with a loved one you have about a thousand lonely degenerates who've never seen a boob in real life.

They'll take anything they can get that even slightly caters to their fetishes.

But doesn't that describe us? I mean it fits me to a T, but I've never given a single cent towards any sort of porn, that shit's free.

At least they're producing something. Sure, maybe it's shit quality but I've seen worse. For instance, look at Jim Sterling or KindaFunnyGames. What the FUCK do they produce? Look at how much money they get just for being e-celebs

How does the saying go?
"A fool and his money are easily parted"



The older you get the more specific your tastes become, you can get off to hand holding and free porn now but as time goes on that won't be enough.

Might even get a point to where you can't even find that specific porn for free and you be pushed to pay for it either out of not finding it/supporting people to make more.

I don't understand, how do people have so much money to piss away like this?
Are they fooled by thinking "it's only $10 a month" and then forget about it?

Thankfully, I like anime tiddies and there's always plenty of those around.

Pitiful, but I like the general concept. I wonder if I should break out the old RPG maker again.

Because I'm pretty sure I can do better than that

You and me both, user. All I know is 20+ grand a month just for being faggots with a "studio" set up somewhere is pretty fucking cushy.

Fuck me, maybe I should make my own smut game.

If I was getting that much money for cosplay, I'd hire my own tailor.

Unless there's some kind of constitutional amendment banning cute 2D girls I'm set for life.

I was into a lot of /d/ shit and now I only aim for regular girls sucking dick normally.
So fuck you and fuck fetishes.

Fuck, I could make one too. Let's all make porn games!
Even with piss-poor art skills we can just cater to our extremely niche paraphilias.

fuck that

I guess we'd just need someone to draw lewd artworks.

I enjoy when KFG discuss politics except that one guy they are so fucking stupid


sounds like addiction

I believe people should draw the lewd artwork themselves. If it ends up laughably bad, at least it'll be laughable, and bring some entertainment.

Don't complain when people find ways to exploit other people's money. It's exactly the same as what businesses do, a race milk as much disposable income as possilbe. See those LED Smart TVs in electronics shops? Nobody needs them, they're flawed and older TVs work better in most cases but they sell on simple gimmicks. Some idiot saved up money for a whole month so they could buy a 50" TV that they'll replace after 2 years. Thanks to the growth economy, they're will be a big surplus of money for years to come.

If a business does it on such a mamoth scale, then 20,000 from 400 people is pretty much nothing to be crying about. The question is, why are you not talented enough to do the same, but don't become stagnant like these lazy e-celebs…?

Breeding Season had decent artwork, but this?

ZONE should've become a patreon whore, maybe then he/she/it would've pooped out more content

daily reminder that breeding seson never ever

At least the backers received a finished game, remember Infinity Next? Twelve thousand dollars right down the drain, given to a SA goon who hates all of you on top of it. To make software absolutely nobody wants to use and doesn't work properly.

People actually paid for infinity next? That rich when you consider that anons will also laugh at cuckchanners who pay for VIP passes.

Consider that it happened at a time when things were getting done and it was to fund an improvement to the site. Sadly, the ball dropped in every way

I hear Jim feed him to pigs.

Hell, depending on the fetish you could just forgo the art all together and just make a text based lewd game.

Good it looked like shit

But Zone made his own personal "patreon" long before Patreon was a thing. It's called HentaiKey subscriptions.


This can't be real, right?

Play it user, experience it for youself

Josh isn't a goon to my knowledge, he's just a colossal, bumbling tard.

Hes both

I really need to start working on that VN i've been planning and cash in on autism-bux.

I didn't give Josh shit, in fact most people didn't because most people were smart enough to not trust a lolcow with something important. For whatever reason Mark and Hotwheels trusted him.

Holy fuck that is awful

It's good to see that equality has finally allowed women into the same profession as men who get paid to play dress up

brb, reading guides on how to draw manga and making porn games in rpg maker

This would be a good money laundering scheme

I need to see an edit with the shirt removed. I want to see how retarded it looks.

Pretty sure it IS used for that shit.

Nobody who actually gave money to that even uses Holla Forums anymore.

shes actually 10 thousand years old :^)

Is this real? I can understand why guys want fake tits, hormones, and suck dick. You just get money for being a grill. The struggle is not worth it m8, 24k a month…


hey, chill, she is one of the millions

For a moment I actually thought Notch was involved in the project. I was very confused.

Truly asians are the best



The game is definitely shitty. It's like all the worst parts of RF/HM rolled into a single game that looks worse than most PC-98 games. The game controls like it's meant for touch screens, but since it's in flash, I doubt that you could even run it on properly on most. The menus are just dreadful, I don't know why the creator chose to use the same color as his water for the background color. There's a crafting system, but you can't tell if you have the requirements to build something in that menu, you need to go into it knowing how much you have. It has all these pointless grinding skills (Like, "Running"), much like RF, but unlike RF where you saw noticeable differences in your stats when those skills level these seem to just level up because of it. In total, this is a game that is actually so bad, that I'm ashamed to even have just played the finished version.
All that being said, atleast the girls you're going to see naked got fixed with all that patreon money.

I actually forgot my biggest gripe, the story. It's the similar to every Harvest Moon game, you inherit a piece of land and need to make it better. Unlike those, you get a deserted fucking island with nothing on it, literally nothing built by humans and need to convince people to join you. The first person to join you is a waitress that's "bored" so she decides to move to your island that has no running water, no electricity, no nothing and live in a log hut, because she's fucking bored. Like holy shit, I know this is a porn game, but when your porn is gated off with story atleast try to make something cohesive.


>Not wanting to play on Normal

I have no skills or references but even in getting paid more than minimum wage at my part time job. What the hell do you do?

Why even fucking live

Just make sure to imply in your Patreon profile that you accept money laundering patrons and you'll get loads of shekels.

Will do.
On a side note thank god one of my friends can act like an absolute Jew when making money so he knows exactly what to do.


I don't get it, the "art" is better than what I draw yet it looks retarded. How can he draw the basic stuff and screw up the proportions like that?

No attempt at getting better and just drawing porn makes that happen.

I love gravity so much.


Is this the work of an enemy stand?



Ahhh, so this is why Zach is still making comics

jeeze, i thought MY art was bad…


d-dont worry guys, genetic modification is right around the corner

That's a dude.

That was your point.

Except Infinity Next is pretty much complete. New imageboards using it are now popping up. It's just the inability to migrate the site that's the problem.

Hi (((Josh)))

Go home, piggy.

That's actually worse than Delphinus