Sarah Silverman recalls being ‘scared, ‘shaken’ when boyfriend flew U.S. flag: ‘I was freaking out’
Literally BTFO in the Comments
Anyway the amount unaware Jewish hypocrisy on display here is astounding.
Sarah Silverman recalls being ‘scared, ‘shaken’ when boyfriend flew U.S. flag: ‘I was freaking out’
Literally BTFO in the Comments
Anyway the amount unaware Jewish hypocrisy on display here is astounding.
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Kikes should be afraid.
Also I could have swore I saw this article come out before but it says it just came out today
She just answered her own question
Same. I remember watching her say this in an interview of some kind.
Fucking Kek, that shit is priceless. We are winning, these people are fucking soul-less husks that are so god damn un aware of the present situation around them, and sometimes its just too funny.
yeah, pretty sure everybody feels nervousness and dread
I always knew there was something wrong with this bitch, even before I ever came to pol.
stupid bitch is afraid of everything
please don't post her nudes
This is the funniest thing Sarah Silverman has ever said and she wasn't even trying to tell a joke
Nice vid
I am so sick of these fucking yids.
sounds like a good time to fire up the fake twitter accounts…
This isn't some ancestral trauma, you just hate America you stupid fucking yid.
Digusting. Why are you posting this shit here
You cheeky cunt
It should be afraid.
Jews are afraid of flying their servant flag. Doesn't make sense. Most likely subhuman burger will cave and pass new legalizations to protect them against (anti-smitism).
To show how unattractive jewesses are. They have the least athletic bodies, disgusting milkers and really bad legs.
Subtle enough?
Was this flag incident before or after Legend of Lunatic Kingdom was released? If after I can kind of understand how the sight of an American flag can induce madness and fear.
There is still a vestige of the American nation extant in the image of the flag, the jew sees the faded shadow of what America once was and trembles.
Masterfully done.
Teh go back to Israel, oh Juden one! Go, go back to the safety of (((Jerusalem))), now that Trump nominated it to be the (((Chosen's People Capital)))! I'm sure the rabbis will welcome you there with open arms!
She should be afraid of a country that wants to represent the God she hates so much.
She calls herself a comedian but if her entire life is a joke it doesn't really count
I believe the term for that is "clown"
Does anyone have that image of a reporter asking a rabbi about why Israel is for the jews and he spins some bullshit about how jews are contradictory and the matter of Israel as a homeland for the Jews is a complicated and sometimes contradictory rationale, but it must be given since they are god's holy people? If it helps, the jew is wearing glasses and is in some business suit in an office somewhere and he's wearing a jew cap on his temple. The subtitles are yellow as well.
does it burn?
the construction workers were natsoc all along!
This one?
Those fucking Mesopotamians.
We should start a campaign in which we start tweeting US flags to Jews on twitter.
Why is she pulling a dog out of her pussy?
I hope they read her words back to her at her sentencing.
Put some fucking effort into it.
Are you retarded or just shit at reading?
They don't yet realize how thin the ice is they are jumping up and down on whilst kvetching and moaning at top volume.
They never do.
Silverman is just a mossad PR stooge who cares what the vagina has to say
Isn't the shower also innately terrifying to jews?
Do Jews have blind allegiance to Israel? Really makes you think.
is it considered bestiality if they're both animals?
Nah, I doubt she's that high on the food chain. Just a typical crass, nasty, culture-poisoning kike parasite.
Kikes are so fucking neurotic
does she shit through her underwear?
Nebuchadnezzar was FAR FAR too merciful with these shitbags.
Gotta trigger them kikes no matter what period of time it is. Any race of intelligence knows to do this, kikes are thin skinned faggots who constantly over react, and everyone in the know understands this.
Nothing wrong here.
Is that supposed to be Chinese sushi?
you cheeky breeki bastard. my fucking sides.
She has a talk show on, 'Hulu' now? Yet the jew cunt just keeps burying herself. Kek, please start the race war while this one is still alive. I have some gassing to do.
Everyone was. Babylonians, Egyptians, Romans, every single country on this list were mistaken when they believed that just pushing them out of the country giving them that mercy was the correct course of action. Maybe next time around that mistake will not be made.
Wait, wait. Whoa. I thought Sarah was all of a sudden trying to understand us retarded Drumpf voters and shit? Didn't she make a whole show about it or something?
Surely it can't all have been a ruse…
I don't know what this dumb cunt's game is, but god damn is she stupid.
It's been confirmed that she lost her virginity to Kevin Brennan. If that name sounds familiar, it's because his brother created the Chappelle Show. Kevin is just a whiny, bitter faggot of a comedian I only know of because of a subscription to Compound Media and it's the only show I don't listen to regularly. I know it seems like a tangent, but I only throw this out there to confirm that Silverman does seem like an absolute mongoloid.
Why does even heavy metal feel wimpy in comparison to Eurobeat? I'm really glad Holla Forums ended up adopting it.
I still can't say for sure if reptilians are really a thing, but this bitch really is a lizard brain. I remember some of her show from my sad bluepilled days. It was like she was trying to channel Larry David and failed miserably because she's ineffective at communicating with humans.
Kikess is out of material, we knew this shit a year ago.
We going to create another thread when she tells this story again in 2018?
So much winning in this timeline.
Stupid fucking kikess, don't you know you'll cut your tongue?
Have this, bro.
More proof kikes are pushing the LE 56% face meme. They are afraid
Are women allowed to be rabbis?
That's fucking disgusting, feel bad for the cats.
Tell me how bad on scale/10 it is I still want to fugg her
I know I's completely wrong but I want to make a good Cathollic housewife out of her
American flag is police
And Jews are niggers
Did she really make this comparison?
Unironically, this is kind of the whole fucking issue for jews. They are utterly terrified that whites will finally break the centuries of conditioning, start killing and expelling jews, like every other nation on the planet has done before, and stop working in the interest of Schlomo once and for all.
Someone should edit it up to make it sound like she's talking about Shia and his flag, cut in all of Shia's insane scary behavior etc..
As all vile ideas spawned by jews suffrage is coming back to bite jews in ass.
Criminally unchecked trips.
A parasite can't survive without the host, it's just a weak useless creature that can only infest others.
lol!!!! at her body ,, this is even worse than the fridge body
Ten. Kill yourself
you need help user
I'm eating you fucking prick, god damn.
fucking donkey faced bitch
Reminder that TH15 is shit and TH8 is still the best game.
user what the fug
t. Gondii
So much winning!
>Think about it: flags, marching, blind allegiance — these things tend to ring a bell for us
No shit, but that doesn't mean you can't love it or be proud of it. It's called being thankful for being born in it. That's like saying you can't be proud in your skills nor abilities because "you just so happened to be born with them/develop them on your own free whim". It's a stupid fucking non-argument that needs to be thrown in the trash.
this. go back to your own country fuckers.
hey goys don't mind me im apart of america.
IN is easy modo. I can't think of an easier one except maybe MoF. Can you show me on the doll where freedom fairy touched you?
PCB was most fun, SA had the best story, Soku best fighter, fight me nerd
She's so disgusting.
please provide the original source link on top of the archive link
what? I'm just being polite
So I had a boyfriend a real boyfriend where we went out and really be together like really together and he was the first boyfriend I had with a real house, a real house with a roof and doors and windows and a yard a real yard with grass actual leaves of grass coming right out f the ground like an actual lawn right there in front of my bofreingpds house and on his yard like a real yard there was a pole for a flag an actual pole coming right out of the lawn of my actual boyfriend like a real pole white with a gold ball on top and those ropes where he hung a flag an actual American flag with like the stripes and the stars real actual red and white stripes and actual stars like real a real American USA flag and . . .
Sarah Silverman
Does she have one really nice supple tiddie and one flat one? Or is this some of the worst photoshop I've ever seen?
She's so fucking hideous and unfunny. You have to wonder how many millions are being poured into her to make her seem even slightly worth paying attention to.
The US is a white nation
Wiemerica ends soon!
that's what i get for not reading filenames
fuckin' saved
who the fuck wants to be reminded of that?
She was pretending to have lesbian sex with it thus the title scissoring sheldon.
Take some notes, faggots. This is how you do it.
fuck this jewess kike.
one of many reasons why, embed related
All I can say is makes me smile to read this.