Atheist Holla Forums

I'd like to talk to you about religion, specifically, paganism and christianity, and why I believe that both will not be the best path to take over time.

The primary objection to atheism is that marxists promote it, and the reason they promote it is because a nation's culture, morals, and values are often tied to religion, and so destroying religion creates a void that they, an atheistic ideology, can insert themselves into.

but this is actually a reason to embrace atheism, going back to religion will only allow them to kick down culture, morality, and values by kicking down religion again, what we need to do instead is tie OUR culture, morality, and values to an atheistic framework, the way they marxists did, and our foundation would forever be STRONGER than theirs, because we'll be the only ones who base our political ideology on empirical fact instead of armchair philosophy, than if they kick down religion, the only thing that falls will be religion, critical theory becomes useless.

Atheism has the trait of being true, most likely true, or might as well be true, as such, people will always gravitate towards it over time, even faster if you allow for outside (((influences))) that see it as an Achilles heel, stronger devotion will only accelerate this process, in the ages of the internet, there will be no avoiding it, there is nothing about atheism that is inherently left-wing, and a far-right worldview is completely compatible with a belief in a godless universe.

can we combine ethno-nationalism, traditionalism, etc. to an atheistic foundation? well, they could so why can't we?

Other urls found in this thread:

The French Jacobin revolutionaries, were not men of science, they were also not men of economics or politics, their interest was not informed by discussions with the rabble, whom they saw as ignorant.

what they were was armchair philosophers, they read various philosophers that came before them, the common good versus the individual good, the natural evolution of society into an ultimate classless, moneyless, utopian state, these were the ideas that inspired them, and these ideas were also just some ideas that sounded plausible, and not informed by any actual attempt at falsification (you know, by talking to those uneducated workers you seem to love/hate about their experiences on the ground).

all of this goes for Marx as well, all of Marxism was just pulled out from his ass, because it sounded plausible to most other aristocrats, they bought into it.

remove atheism from the equation and all marxism has is sounding plausible, it falls apart under any kind of scrutiny, it's science, civics, and economics were completely divorced from reality, even in their time, and even before you consider the existence of other countries, which adds yet another failure, they are wrong about human nature, evolution, how society works, etc.

Marxism gets pretty much everything wrong, and everything they get wrong, we have all of that right, all they have right on us is atheism, and it's become their greatest weapon, so let's take it from them, if we have everything, they will have nothing, and they will die

also homosexuals are mentally ill but currently untreatable, while trannies are mentally ill, but with symptoms that fortunately are treatable.

Jesus mocked religion; he didnt start one.

Atheists are so funny, denying a God they say doesn't exist.

List of pro-White atheists and agnostics:
Alex Linder
Ben Klassen
Craig Cobb
Dr. Kevin MacDonald
Dr. William Luther Pierce
Matt Hale
Revilo Oliver
Tom Metzger

you are 3 year late to religion d&c

I could argue till I'm blue in the face for why the various religions of Europe are correct. But none of that matters when one considers that the only whites that are reproducing to any significant enough degree, are of the Christian faith. Till the Atheist is out reproducing them, it's a non-starter for us as a people.

Do not forget:

Adolf Hitler
Benito Mussolini
George Lincoln Rockwell
Richard Spencer
Michael Peinovich
Alexander McNabb
Andrew Anglin
Anders Breivik
Dylan Roof
Jazzhands McFeels
Marcus Halberstram

No, fuck atheism. Nothing kills the human spirit more than to teach a man that despite all of his endevours to benefit society, ultimately he will be rewarded with death (just like with everybody else). Atheism is thoroughly an idealogy that is grounded in hopelessness and it only despair amongs us that truly want the goodness to prevail and for all wickedness to cease. There is no solution to evil in atheism, there is no justice for all of the evil that has been done to us. There is no other motivation other than blatant hedonism and nihilism that can result from atheism.

Nah, denied


there is no god but in your head. Doesn't stop religion from being useful though

If you become atheist, your children's children will be converted to whatever religion comes along.
They will be divided among many religions, or all become slaves to the one. It would be like introducing them to a new drug.
Paganism also divides its own civlizations, leaving them to be conquered by monotheist or atheist ones which have the numbers and better organization potential.
It's like an exploit in the human mind/soul/spirit.

Atheism isn't Nihilism.

Don't talk about atheism here, it massively triggers the burgers.

>>>Holla Forums

i like peterson's metaphysical metaphorical story interpretation of religion

just ran into a one-day tourist from Nigcago last night, who showed me photos of two blue eyed kids he'd created with his Christian wife. i bought him a drink.


Fuck off cuckchan

That depends on what you mean by "atheism"; you can't have a culture without a mythology and if you're unaware of the mythology of your culture you're in no position to defend it from any threat whatsoever - external or otherwise.


A myth does not require a higher power. Look at the holocaust mythos as an example.

Pseudo-intellectual faggot, he's not nearly as deep as his fanboys make him out to be. By which I don't necessarily mean you. It's just that he pushes basic Jungianism - which is fine - but it sure as hell ain't some breaking-new revelation.

That depends on what you consider a "higher power" and how rabid a strain of atheism we're talking about here.

The figures involved in that have become higher powers.

OP, even if your intentions are good, this is easily the most effective topic that shills use to turn this board against itself.

Here's how it breaks down: we were born white, not Christian, atheist, Pagan, whatever. So being white comes first, end of story. Once we've secured our survival for the next 10-20 years and so on, we can sort out our philosophical differences in a civilized manner. We're stronger as a team, not a Christian team and an atheist team and a pagan team all sort of trying to work together, but as a white team, unified and strong in one single purpose.

He is objectively accurate in his views of acting as if be believes in god because it IS functional.

any way to redpill the normies


> (((Atheism)))
> Fuck any belief cuz (((science)))

Get the fuck out and lurk in cuckchan until you get lynched you fucking nigger

that is why worshipping a dead jewish rabbi as a god is BASED amirite?

I understand that in America and the catholic/orthodox Europe religion is seen as a protector of traditional values, but here in Finland and the rest of northern Europe the evangelical lutheran church is one of the main players fighting for liberalism.

I think I realized I'm an atheist around the age of 8 or 9. At 15 I was one of those edgy militant atheists debating religion online. That was 10 years ago and I've since grown over that phase. I do like Christian imagery though. Statues of angels and church architecture.

that is why 0 grandchildren of christians have converted to whatever religion comes along, correct?

so basically, we must worship a dead jewish rabbi as a god to save the white race, amirite?

polite sage
There are several problems you need to consider OP. Start by reading this book
Basically you can't dismiss religious documents completely, they include historical truths that have been 'muddied' over time.
I don't think you'll read it, but I'm sharing it anyway

Atheism can't work because religion acts as the center of civilization. Would you die for atheism? Who is more likely to die for their belief? A Muslim, or an Atheist?

Maybe if you made up some "religion" based on love or race, maybe that could work… Or you can go the Graham Hancock route and just do psychedelic rituals…

Lutheran church in Finland is no different from catholic church
Hiding and sheltering deported mudshits
PS: sage

People have the need to believe in something due to the sheer overwhelming scale of reality/creation.
Atheism is just the marxist carte blanche technique for the handler to write on as they see fit. You open your mind to any outside influences.
Just look how (((they))) managed to insert the whole Freudian sexual religion into the liberal's mind in the last 5 years.
It's better to have something traditional since it's proven to work with most of the people than letting the (((NWO))) wolfs hunt after your defenseless mind.
And the evolutionary purpose of religion is to keep the animal side at bay. There's a reason why atheism is in every religion akin to the worse crimes one can commit.


Atheism is the first step to nihilism. Just kill yourself.

Religion built civilization you stupid fuck. Both Pagan and Christian civilization have their origins in the divine. Humaity's aspiration to become divine, to become godlike, it is the thing that has propelled us from mindless apes into what we are today. It will continue to propel us forward until we take the heavens for ourselves and join the gods in their light and glory. I don't give a shit if it's real or not, the results it has on humanity are real enough. Either the gods are real, or we shall make them through our will.

Atheism leads to hedonism.

Christianity was the ploy to kill the pantheon.

Atheism is the ploy to kill god as a concept.

IMO, both ought to be opposed but Christianity is less bad because it comes before atheism.

this also, I was atheist for most of my life because my parents were godless, hedonistic whores. Both of them, even my father is a whore. Neither were church-going, my mom dragged me to church but she was not religious, it was a "social experience" for her. The church we went to was a faggot leftist church so it did not make a good impression on me. I watched as my mom whored herself around in front of me with absolutely no shame, no sense of "how will this affect my sons vision of women in the future?" because shes a stupid whore that never should have had kids. I watched as my dad pissed away his time and money, losing job after job, smoking what money he had in a joint, mooching money off his girlfriends like a fucking loser 20 year old nigger even well into his 50s. Neither had any concept of eternity, of how things dont today will effect the world thousands of years from now, how humans have the weight of millions of years on their shoulders, the weight of all our ancestors, both human and animal, and all of their eyes are watching. Waiting for us to impress them, and being repeatedly disappointed, especially in this hedonistic, godless age. You know why? Because they believe in nothing; and nihilism leads to hedonism and the belief that the only things that matter are the endorphins that get released when you rub your clit and smack your dick. Atheism and hedonism will lead us back to being fucking bonobos, and I will burn all of humanity before I see us resigned to such an embarrassment. Our destiny is the stars, the heavens, the gods above are watching, waiting for their children to join them.

listen here kike, we are celebereating our holidays and traditions and there is not a god damn thing you can do about it. I am an atheist but I will celebrate and fight for my white Protestant brothers and sisters. there are many like me so you might as well give up, you will not be successful.
OP IS A KIKE! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!! see, we're not going anywhere and we wont be replaced.

That's a rune.

dont give a fuck what it is.

And lo, a happy Yuletide to you.

Daily reminder that Santa is Odin and the Christmas tree is Yggdrasil.

Christmas has become a blend of of Christianity and Yule tbh

you should not use the runes lightly. misusing them is thought to bring curses. they are ancient and primordial powers, predating the gods themselves. they are something between spirits and physical laws. and they are much less merciful than my heathen gods.

It's arguable that Christmas as you know it (Santa Clause, the tree, gifts, red color) are a pagan tradition that survives Christianity.

True, most notably the feasting and gift-giving parts

Yeah it is.
Fuck off.

Sorry OP, atheism is only for a faction of a small group of intelligentsia. People need religion to inspire them to greater heights and cooperate in a bond with their volk that is greater than themselves. The key is for the religion to be unshakeable and incorruptible, first the deceiver and purveyor of lies and corruption must be defeated, and that is the Jew.

polite sage because I'm unsure whether this is blatant D&C bait or a genuine opinion.

Beautifully put. We have a greater consciousness for a reason, whether it was bestowed upon us or we make that reason ourselves, it wasn't meant to be squandered milling about as a baseless, lowly animal seeking our next hormone rush.

My race is my religion.

People that claim to be so-called atheists define God in the exact same way as those they profess to oppose. Making them merely bastard sons of the very same church. "Atheism" therefore IS a religion. Verily.
==So-called "Atheism" BTFO

Because as long as Christ is defined first by the Roman Catholic Church, and second their offshoot Protestantism (which is the same religion sans the ritual and pomp) then Christianity will remain tainted.

It's my understanding that Mormons did a version of this but still got cucked.

We need some version of a religious-racial element. I think this would keep the masses from losing sight of race over time.

I'm technically an agnostic atheist because I don't happen to believe in god, but I believe Christianity and paganism both are the immediate paths forward for us as far as religion goes and I support them both. For the future, I'm not sure. Some new religion, taking the best elements of paganism Christianity and the Greek/Roman pantheon's perhaps, or maybe something entirely new that's both entirely white in nature as well as pays respect to our people's long history and culture and spirituality.

But atheism is week and is dying. Even though I'm an atheist by technicality, I'm a Christian by culture and upbringing. The irony is that most western atheists are still culturally Christian as well, believing in such things as original sin and just rebranding them as "privlege." Unfortunately they are also destroying western religiosity and provide no cultural bedrock or bullwark of their own to resist foreign invasion.

There are faggots among atheism, Christianity and paganism, and there are good people among all of them too. But if the three, atheism pulls it's weight the least, which is why I don't support it despite being one.

Also, Jesus was not a jew.

Mormonism still separates the races into tribes and defines them and gives them roles. Ephraim (whites) are supposed to be the leaders in the latter days because the Book of Mormon is the “stick of ephraim”. Basically the Bible God gave specifically to the white tribe. Spoiler alert: the Book of Mormon is about white people travelling to America and later being genocided by Jews, traitors and nonwhites later.

Fucking Australia and Kikebull``


You've got a better argument arguing that Jews aren't Jews Most Jews don't decend from the original 12 tribes of Judea and then there is the whole thing that non judeans basically created a book on how to conquor the goy in about 5 century AD called the Talmud than Jesus isn't a Jew

- Anyone who believes in the literal reincarnation myth is retarded.
- Any man who "prays" is pathetic.
- Anyone who would rather blindly follow scripture than use his brain is non-thinking like a Semite.

Mate that isn't Paganism that is Cocacola

This, Santa was originally dressed in green

Birth rates correlate strongly with IQ. Until it's economically viable for whites to start having children again, it will continue to plummet. On that same note, as long as business owners continue to push for immigration to import cheap laborers and depress wages, it's never going to be economically viable for anyone but the upper middle class (~$120k/year) to reproduce.

This thread is clearly made is good faith and is not explicitly d&c baiting, and the fedora tipping was kept to a minimum.

Therefore mods shouldn't delet thread out of hand and thus should actually be up for discussion.

That said I think there needs to be a new church of blood and soil

double sevens of kek speak against you

- you misunderstand the meaning of reincarnation
-you misunderstand why we pray, it is less to satisfy the gods and more to satisfy the raging demons trapped in our own minds
-scripture is all we have, I follow the words of the Havamal like they are divine law, because they are. if you cant recognize why youre arrogant and stupid, and probably havent read it yourself

What discussion? This whole thread is "your religion sucks" and "no u".


The big argument for it is a sense of purpose instead of nihlism but it is only a sense of purpose that is only a shadow of a purpose compared to the National-Socialist one.
Look at William Pierce, he still had purpose and he was right about christianity in general, still is right today. One accepts doing what is necessary, the others opposes that.

< Muh fedorah
State it then, race before religion. Your based dindus have NO right to breed with White men and women, the bulls and wive´s sons must be dealt with no matter how much they believe in Jesus.

< We need to believe

Even that would change. Upper-middle class would shift from 120K a year to 150K a year, 150K to 180K and so on as the "Diversity" increases.
Also, don´t forget all these weak faggots that could afford to have children but are either too spineless or adopts some turd world spawn.
There is no outbreeding 1 billion humanoid roaches, only physical removal of them and those supporting them. Siegpill: The ride wont end until it is stopped.

< Dubs speaks against that.
really? -)
< -scripture is all we have,

No, user, this time it will work! I promise!

The scorpion biting the bull's balls always gets me.

I am atheist.
There IS no atheist framework its just a stance in relation to god.
As a National Socialist i recognise natural law which is the structure of reality itself and the only valid basis for a man, a family, a nation and its civilisation. God is not required to recognise natural law. Nor is it verboten.

Kek only just noticed that, wonder what it represents?

Bernhardt Klassen aka Benyamin Avroham Klass aka “Ben” Klassenwas a jew sodomite

I should repost this thread since it was anchored. I have hundreds of starbucks around so a ban cannot stop me.

Too many christ and pagan fags here need to be shown the way of the fedora masterrace!

Truer words are rarely spoken on Holla Forums.
Christianity is the one aspect which falsifies "Holla Forums IS ALWAYS RIGHT!"

Does anybody have that poem or whatever that some Jew wrote that went like "yours was an x race, a y race, a z race…"? It was basically saying how Europeans were so innocent and free-spirited, worshiping the sea and the stars, until the Jews came and replaced our traditional religions with flagellant slave morality.

The Vice President would like a word with you.

Man gives God a bad name…

Religiosity in anti-christical in its very nature as well.

OP here, I'm an anti-theist and a libertarian, But I've also been a white nationalist, a jew-finder, a patriarchist, a pro-lifer, an opponent of degeneracy and the unrestrained mental illness of the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ, an advocate of traditional values, and a bit of a weeaboo.

My philosophical influences are certain ideas from the works of Aristotle, Voltaire, Nietzsche, Darwin, Rand, Dawkins, Camus, Machiavelli, and Hoppe.

I believe in the form of emergent segregation proposed by Jared Taylor, that comes from only allowing in white immigrants, as well as mandating government non-interference with the people beyond the enforcement to the domestic laws derived by the NAP, due to Robert Putnam's observations that the different races will segregate themselves into their own communities over time if given the sovereignty that would allow them too.

Before you point (((them))) out, I know many of these names are Jews, but I can't see anything wrong with the ideas themselves, so I will accept them until one of you convinces me otherwise, which i9s why I put my ideas out here anyway.

Also, I'm not a vampire or demon, crosses don't repel me, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! I was wishing it to everyone today, because that's what the holiday is called, and I know it's associated with the birth of Christ, even in a post-christian world, I'll accept that it's the mythological story behind the holy day, I'd want nativity scenes and Christmas songs that mention God and Christ, as it has become a core part of the culture of the season festivities.

I'd also want believing Christians to be able to practice and express their faith in any measure they wish, so long as they fall within the minarchist laws of the land, and I'd want to allow them to run their businesses in any way they wish, they don't want to bake a cake for a fag, they won't have too, they don't want to sell a house to a nigger, they won't have too.

Keyword is sovereignty everyone is given full control over their lives and property, within only the minimal amount of laws.

oh, and I want to scrap democracy as well, like, all of it.

and I want to bomb Israel and Saudi Arabia with nukes, and reclassify trannies and faggots as mentally ill, and put arabs in slavery camps.

I want to put the kikes in the slavery camps as well, forgot to add them.

the main theory is that the scorpion represents scorpio and the dog is canus. no clue why theyre attacking the bull…especially its balls, youre theory is as good as mine

gas yourself pls

Unity is the only real enemy to ((them))
Christianity has become so diverse that there is no longer any specific moral code attached to it.(the Pope as an example)
Atheism's moral code is whatever you want to make it so it is also corruptible . So in both cases you can have 100% leftie Christians and 100% lefties atheists and also the reverse.

All white moral principles are in built in our DNA, the cultures we create, the religions we choose to follow and the philisophical principles we consider common sense are encoded into our DNA. They are created from within not from without.
Without Jewish (and other power brokers) influence any religion, any government, any society that whites create would all end up with a high moral standard that each individual would work to uphold and perfect.
No government, religion or lack of religion should be the foundation of our belief system because all those can be courupted.

Our blood, the DNA that gives us the ability to create great societies should continue to be our goal, preservation of our race, protection of our children first, then protection of our imideate family and then by extension our racial family is the one thing ((they)) can't corrupt. Only we ourselves can do that

Race/blood/DNA are what makes you and i family. I will kill or die for my family and you should be ready to do the same.