Have you played the best Silent Hill game yet, Holla Forums?

Have you played the best Silent Hill game yet, Holla Forums?

Also SH thread, discuss lore, characters and so on.

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This was the only series I ever cared about and nothing's ever filled the hole it left behind in my heart.

SH was never good

SH1, 2 and 3 are up there along with the original MGS trilogy as some of the best games ever made. What the fuck Konami.


those fucking ghosts were too annoying




normalfag btfo

I like SH1 a lot, but I don't know if I can say 2 was anywhere near as good or one of the best games ever made. It's easy to respect how well made it is, but because it had the shit spoiled out of it and because basically every western SH game tries to copy it, it sort of lost some sort of "umph" or something.

The time itself became the normalfag barrier

I thought you were better than that.

Yes I have, it's called Silent Hill 1

Don't quote me.


4 freaked me out the most, those invincible ghosts chasing you with only a sword to stop them, I think you only got maybe 3 the whole game.

I did, but I played it on PSX, 4 is underrated as fuck though, but not even close to 1

Also what's with the below-cuckchan tier shitposting?

2 > 3 > 1 > 4

1 > 3 > 2 > 4

Silent Hill 2 is pretty overrated tbh

your opinion is pretty overrated tbh fam

that's enough for today

The hospital in SH is when shit got real

You mean Cynthia, the fat rolling guy, and your neighbor? Yeah, they were pretty cool.

Question: how did Sullivan stay "alive" after killing himself as the 11th victim?

You're a faggot tbh

I agree with you. While it is a great game people tend to suck SH 2 so much to the point of making the western developers try to shove SH2 purgatory narrative in every game, the idea of a cult trying to revive their god through a child got thrown out of the window because it wasn't "deep" as a man that killed his wife out of frustration/pity/resentment and him having to fight monsters that take the for of his inner demons


Could you be more of a douchebag?

Are you defending the faggot that made book of memories?
Holy fuck please tell me that you are retarded or from cuckchan

I think he's just upset you reminded him that Tomm Hullett exists.

It's Tomm the one I'm calling a douchebag, user. Sorry if I didn't make myself clear

There's also
After he started working on Wayforward.

Oh I see, sorry for that, it is just that it upsets me to see people defending the guy that turned SH into his Death Note college fanfic where everyone can re-wrote history but getting amnesia in the process

Did you actually play BoM or are you just going by the TRSHE episode? I can't imagine anyone a) owns a Vita and b) also paid for that game.

Both. I played it first in the psp of a friend a long time ago and I forgot about it until I was fucking around on YouTube and found some old interviews whit Tomm and then I saw the TRSHE on my recommendations and I decided to give them a watch

Fuck I meant Vita, not the psp

Every thread


You could at least pick the meme choice of SH2.

Half of 3 is just getting home

You had 4 I think one for every important ghost, I think I have never played SH4 without pinning them down, I assume is a nightmare to traverse the second half if you don't do that.

No honestly its just about outrunning them which is fairly simple and they don't chase you forever.

bullshit, those motherfuckers chased me for what felt like hours

The special ghosts are also harder to deal with compared to the normal ones.

were all agreed that SH2 ruined the franchise right?

Maybe but not intentionally, it just attracted the hipster and pretentious sector of the fanbase who think SH is all about cryptic and confusing stuff with the amnesia twist.

You're probably the only one in the whole world with that opinion. Congratulations on being the ultimate hipster.

It took me a while before I understood why you said amnesia, but I guess stupid people could see it as him having amnesia.

No. 2 is the best after 4.

1 and 3 focus too much on the cult and not enough on deep characterizations.

There are so many wrong things being said

It's still amnesiatic even if he's just blocking it out.

I still like it the best, though. I think I just like Heather the most out of all the protagonists.

But that would be too predictable.

Don't misunderstand me, I don't think SH is hipsterish nor 2 is pretentious and confusing, that's the opinion of the rotten sector of the fanbase, namely people like Tomm Hulett.

Speaking of SH3 and getting home, I have nightmares about that all the time, is the middle of the night, the city is not empty but I am far from home, I just want to get there fast, when I turn around suddenly I am still too far from home, unable to take the proper transport, etc.

but silent hill is baout the cult though, it'd be like complaining that resident evil spends too much on mad science and bio monsters and not enough on spooky mansions.

I don't thinik SH2 a game can ruin a series and still be good like RE4 and SotN, but after team silent disbanded every game after tried to immitate SH2 like it was the only time SH was good

No its not. Its literally not. Despite he wasn't blocking anything out, he was just in denial about it.

And that's without getting into whether he killed her just hours before the game started.

It would be like complaining about Parasite Eve having too much pseudo-science and not enough Aya fanservice… oh… shit!

i moved from a tiny, rural place small enough to walk all the way across in an hour to the big city about five years ago and had those nightmares for years too. they went away when i got a car with a GPS. maybe start carrying a map

Still, the Huletts of the world think it was amnesia.

Silent Hill 3 tried to imitate Silent Hill 2 how?
Silent Hill 4 tried to imitate Silent Hill 2 how?

Hell, Pyramid Head as a meme didn't even exist until post-2004 (SH4).



I guess a surprising number of people still misunderstand it, but claiming that it's the game itself that ruined the franchise is pretty misguided.

He does not remember doing it until thirty minutes before the ending and has false memories of the past three years for the time prior to that. He's not Murphy Pendleton, he's not just in denial, he literally does not remember. This is not open to discussion, it's directly quoting the game.

I don't get out of the city that much, I know how to move around most of the time and transport is more or less reliable, there is basically no way I could get lost and unable to pick a bus to the nearest metro station and then back to the station closest to my home, that's the thing, in my nightmares the streets literally change or become "bigger" when I decide to just take the shortest route.

Even with the retarded story and DNA board that's actually still a damn good game, one of my favorites on the PSP.

I couldn't give a shit about aya fanservice, I was disappointed that the wedding dress wasn't an unlockable.

AFTER team silent disbanded, origins and beyond.

He meant every game after Team Silent's tetralogy.

As I said, not intentionally ruined it, just attracted the bad apples.

Gameplaywise is OK, everything else killed the series.

Being in denial =/= not remembering it
I don't remember this, enlighten me.
Time to prove it.

Pretty sure Team Silent got as close to disbanding as possible after every game.

He remembers it subconsciously, otherwise images about it wouldn't be projected around the whole town, but he doesn't consciously remember it because he's blocking it out.

She died immediately prior to the events of the game but he's under the impression that she died three years ago, how did you not pick up on this? Remember the exchange between James and Laura at the hotel, when she's drawing the cat on the window.

Video related, starting at 9:30, hear the term from the horse's mouth

Your opinion on Silent Hill's sister series?

Will there ever be a 3?

More or less, the director of SH1 left after the first game, the team decided to approach the series as we saw in SH2, then the rest decided to divide, one team adding some "closure" to Alessa's arc in SH3 and the side project that ended up being SH4 (despite what people think, the game became a SH installment very early in development, it was originally going to be a first person horror, probably an early walking simulator, then they were told to make it a SH game)

I still have to fully play the first, I never get to play it because I don't like emulating it and I need a good capture device to hook the PS2 to my computer.

its a theory with very little evidence behind it. But its a theory I subscribe to so I'll leave it at that.
Read my posts and you will see I have picked up on this. I'm still waiting for these "fake memories".

no, i mean, like… i felt lost in the city, even though vancouver has an excellent transit system. i only started feeling better about it once i started actually researching the maps, to find out "okay, this train takes me from here to here. how does it get there, if i was on foot and recreating that route how would i do it, and if that road was closed which would i take". once i learned alternate routes to get where i needed to go, on foot or by car, i felt much better. just an idea. i mean, if your shortest route always ends up getting fucked up, try taking the longer way? once you know it you'll have nothing to worry about

fucking scary. very easy to nope out early which I did. 3 times before pushing through

I really like blood curse flawed though it is

but the first two are just inpenatrable.
the ammount of trial and error and replaying levels with no clear goal while having enemies tha can kill you quickly frustrates me too much.

i really want to like siren 1 + 2.

Is the problem just that you don't understand what the term "amnesia" means, or you don't know what "denial" means? It doesn't mean you get hit on the head or something, any partial loss of memory is technically amnesia, and to say that you're in denial and that you're blocking out memories are semantically the same thing if you're not a contrarian retard.

It's a theory with a shitload of evidence behind it, what are you talking about? She had just written the pair of letters to James and Laura, and Laura had just stolen the letters from Rachel's locker, and Laura had just run away from the hospital to Silent Hill. Not three years ago, at a bare minimum within the past few days before the game started. You're thinking of the body in the trunk theory.

I'm still waiting to hear how you consolidate a) believing that his wife died three years ago and b) not having false memories.

That's too much, it just failed to revive interest in the series, the series was long dead when it got on the scene.

You should look up what amnesia is. Just because you both get it wrong doesn't mean you're right. And being a stubborn idiot gets you nowhere.
Again evidence of being a stubborn idiot.
I guess you're not very familiar with Japanese stuff. When James said that "Mary died 3 years ago" he means that Mary died as the person he used to know and love. She died when she got the disease because it was because of that incurable disease that everything changed. She "died" in every way that was meaningful to James 3 years ago.

Again I guess its more of a Japanese thing to say things in that manner, but its extremely prevalent in their media to say as such. And it was obviously intentionally used to steer the player in the wrong direction and make the wrong conclusions (also used more than a few times in Japanese media) narratively so that the player could later be surprised to find out that she didn't die 3 years ago, but just before the game.

Was that flimsy thing really all you had to go on for false memories? Because I'm going to take that as strike 3 for "stubborn idiot" if you don't have any other evidence pointing towards false memories.

I think this post proves that.

Good job picking up on the metaphor Sato was going for, but when James says "Mary died of that damn disease three years ago," he is saying he actually believes she actually died three years ago. Speaking of theories with very little evidence behind them, you just dumped three paragraphs on one.

I think my standard for "flimsy" just fell through the floor. I did tell you to remember the exchange between James and Laura at the hotel, but I guess you don't. Go look it up on YouTube, I can quote it directly.


The game literally killed Aya Brea, that's like killing the series in my opinion.

Here, I'll spoonfeed you. Starting at 4:40. You can lead a wrong man to the truth but you can't make him think, I guess.

Here, another one. Ignore the idiot talking over it and skip to 4:25. Guess they were being really metaphorical here.

I really need to take the plunge into Parasite Eve someday. Been meaning to for so long, but never actually started it up.

It's a great series, could easily beat the series in 2 days honestly.

Touche, but time shenanigans abound she could easily be brought back or the whole fanficcy game entirely ignored without a complaint but that'll never happen the series is super dead.

1 is genuinely one of my favourite games of all time. the ton, mechanics and story are really great, and there's actually some replayability with it. 2 is much different and has a more resident evil vibe but it's still really great. do it man just remember when upgrading your guns, more shots per turn=less damage per bullet and more ammo used

The problem is, Parasite Eve was never about quantum physics and time travel, it was about biology.

I can't argue with you there, and never have a witnessed a more nonsensical and out of this world time travel plot.

Though the new 12 monkeys bears some similarity (minus time-travelling god aliens).

The what?

*god aliens from earth who exist because because
Nothing about the twisted makes sense.

Anything that says "more shots", which should use more ammo, seems like a bad idea in survival horror. Anyway thanks for the advice.

12 monkeys has a tv show now, it focus fairly intensely on time travel and the villains are trying to compress time like the empress from ff8 (and other wacky shit)

It's a TV show loosely based on the movie of the same name. I can't recommend the show, but the movie is fucking fantastic if you haven't seen it.

Well that's pretty shit. Hopefully the Twin Peaks reboot doesn't go that badly when it comes out.

No I have, I love it, I just had no idea they were doing something new with it.

That is one shit theory. Also

Did tumblr make you believe that its not a real thing because they use it for literally everything?

I wish I could motivate myself to play through SH. I've beaten SH2 a few times, beat 3 once, but every time I try to play 1 I get maybe ~5 minutes and turn it off, it just feels so clunky.

I'm in the same boat. I remember renting one of the PE games in the 90s from blockbuster, but I must not have played very much of it because the only thing I remember is an FMV about a burning theater.

It's pretty well the exact same controls and mechanics, what are you talking about?

It could be a combination of the atrocious framerate (feels like ~20ish, similar to ocarina of time)and really awkward camera positions. RE1/2/3, for example, feel fine for the most part, so I don't have anything against tank controls or fixed camera angles.

I really want to enjoy it.

You sound like a bitch tbh.

I'd recommend playing more than 5 minutes, the camera is leagues better than 90% of what was coming out of the genre at the time, including RE.


Me too. Whoever thought snipers were a good idea/didn't decide to nix them should be killed.

I remember watching my brother play it. He'd printed out a whole 30+ pages walkthrough which didn't help at all in not being scared shitless.

The NTSC version runs at 60fps solid, same as everything else.

No more awkward than the other games

Practice oral sex on a loaded shotgun.

Contrarians, the lot of you.

Eh. The games arent for everyone.

I mean. Its a horror game. And yeah its generally well appreciated but I wouldn't stretch that far.

Waifu fags please.

Can someone post the guide for smooth PC peformance for SH2-4?


Shouldn't it be the other way around? more shots per turn equals more damage?
If that is the case, what's the point of upgrading the weapons?

In any case, its very easy to storage ammo on the first game, if you are addicted to grindfest

Where the fuck does SH2 situate itself in the story anyway? I mean, first you have SH1 and then SH2 which is completely detached from everything else, and then you have SH3 which continues a bunch of years after SH1 left off like SH2 never happened or something.

There are no dates but SH2 happens more or less shortly after SH1, the town is practically empty, maybe there is a cultist or two creeping nearby but that's it, SH3 happens some time after SH2 with at least Claudia and Vincent living there somehow.

It doesn't, actually. Guarantee you're emulating it.
Strongly disagree, 2 has a pretty decent camera.
You seem upset, user. Need someone to talk to? I'm here for you, and I can help you with those intrusive thoughts.

I tried to watch this once because I wanted to see if there's anything interesting in there but I couldn't stand those two faggots or the obnoxious way they made the videos. Is there anything of interest explained in that series?

There's a difference though, SQ lost the rights to use any material from the novels which is why 3rd birthday is what it is and pretty much could be considered to not be a parasite eve game at all.

4 was also my favourite game in the series tbh

Emulate the 4th, no patch completely fixes it

Then they shouldn't even try to use it and just make their own new IP, besides, it was a matter of renewing but I guess it was too much to ask for.

Not if you're already familiar with the story and development background of the series, no.

that would make sense if the reason why the cult isn't there is because they're actually at that point looking for Henry

During SH1 it is safe to assume that the only people let in town are the cultists lurking from the shadows, in fact, what if they are the reason Harry finds supplies and items?

Why do they keep putting the nurses in the games? I thought the point was to scare people, not make them want to fuck faceless abominations.

I mixed up henry and harry there.

I would say that it's a mixture since some item placement aren't really hidden but aren't in a spot which you'd assume to find such things

everything up to 4 has a point and reason to it, after that it's all just fan service which is why pyramid head is in, though he was supposed to be in one but they ran out of space so he had to be cut

In the first 4 games the nurses are all different, in the first they seem to be possessed staff, in the second they are sexy because James is horny as fuck, in the third they aren't sexualized and they just represent the usual fear of hospitals, in the fourth they are patients, not nurses and they are hideous.

In the rest of the games they are SH2 nurses because "hurr, SH2 da best in teh series"

it's funny that, if tomm actually thought that way and tried to make his games like 2 maybe they wouldn't have been so trash

That's because even his understanding of the whole series was pure headcanon.

you've got that right, what kinda person goes into a series and does nothing but disrespect everything already set up?

No idea, he thinks he is in the right and all, that's what I meant when I mentioned the proto-hipster sector of SH fanbase, people who play the games (maybe) and begin to put all their own interpretations on the games because they were too lazy to read the documents in said games, leading them to think the series is supposed to be 2d33p4m3 and all that crap.

his start into the series was on the "graphic novels" and the level of similarity to the games those had were as if he had heard about parts of the first and second game and had cobbled together the rest via bashing his head against a wall, so I can utterly see that happening with him on the games

So he didn't even begin with SH2? that's worse than I imagined.

fairly certain he only watched bits of lets plays for getting references, though I could just bitter and assuming such shit

SH2 fags can't handle any dissent.

Exactly this. The game was good, but it being some artistic masterpiece to be copied forever needs to die.