King of Leaf Land Gets Cucked by Chinks

Weed Man JUSTin Troud'eau comes back empty handed from trip to China.

Trying to dodge NAFTA and stab America in the back by negotiating with the Chinese, he scared them off with feminism and environmentalism. Just 4 years ago he was sucking Chink cock and telling the media he admired their dictatorship because having one would allow him to ruin the country even faster, now he's saying that he loves the UK instead.

Trudeau leaves China with a defence of Western media, but no progress on free trade
>One business leader privately expressed frustration Tuesday, saying he had not been led to believe that these stipulations for "progressive" standards would be so stubbornly pursued by the Liberals. (Mr. Geng declined comment on areas of difference.)

NOTEBOOK: Asked what country he most admires, Trudeau’s answer is no longer China
>China? Why China? “Because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime and say ‘we need to go green fastest…we need to start investing in solar.'”

Other urls found in this thread:

Trudeau breaks the three rules of doing business in China, leaves Beijing empty-handed

Name a bigger faggot than Trudeau, Holla Forums
also dubs and leafs get raked

wtf, i love the chinese now?

He was consider fucking
Just one Chink hive almost has the same population as the entire country of Canada.

Obviously after free trade they're going to force political concessions, waves of Chinese flooding in even worse than before preparing to invade the US.

yeah, I was joking.

fuck off d&c cunt


20 years ago they had programming non stop about Canadian history and they lionized this man. Now? Not even a fucking whisper. They want to forget he existed.

Whites are a tiny minority on the Earth.
Aryans an even smaller minority.
Stop Aryan Genocide.

This leaves out the part of his visit where he thought he was going to do a live interview on Weibo (Chinese social media platform) to promote tourism to Canada. People who tuned in instead saw a recording of him urging them to join Weibo and follow him.

The king of leafs got used as an advertising tool for the Chinese on his trip to negotiate trade deals


These are good numbers.


This is good news, we don't want this idiot negotiating anything more complicated than his breakfast order.

Implying that wasn't the plan all along.

I wonder what Trump thinks about Trudeau's inability to make deals.

He hasn't even been to Canada yet. That's saying something.

No please my sides can only into space so much

I rather loved all those bits about how "We're gonna show big meanie trumpdumb how real faggots negotiate".

Whats the difference between white/aryan? Brown/hazel eyes?


Friendly Reminder. Chugs are not Canadians.

If you get buttfucked by your enemy, you win

prime minister bugchaser

Considering he was asking the Chinese to fuck him even harder and they ignored him for being too degenerate, I think Weedeau actually lost.

Please let the self genocide become complete.

The 2d may be qt but that doesn't make it an argument.

69D chess master

Implying we're interested in making "Arguments" or this is the forum for "Arguments".

This is Central Command for the coming war.

This is a whole new level of larp.

That 2d is 3DPD. That is a Holla Forums shitposter using a character that is only famous for being a white character that only fucks niggers. It is a joke by the Japs about whorish swedes that Holla Forums loves to spam to piss off /a/. Galko is a nigger fucker and that faggot needs to be banned for trying his subversive shit here.


Enjoy your ban, comerade.

the virgin prime minister vs. THE CHAD PRESIDENT

Slavs where conquered and raped by the mongols and are not pure whites but some form of HAPA. SLAV MEANS SLAVE AFTER ALL.

Why would they give him anything? He lets their people flood his country, buy up all the property, change the local cultures, refuse to adopt Canadian languages. If you have been to the parts of Canada the Chinese have moved in on, it's China not Canada.

They wouldn't, which makes it all the more retarded.

Yup. Not white at all.

He'll send some African fire fighters over there to finish the job.

He actually went there to promote gender sjw crap…to China…to China. He is obozo tier progressive.

Doesn't sound cucked at all.

He literally destroyed my country - like don't get me wrong, it's been in the shit for awhile. But this Madman came in and destroyed any hope this shit hole ever had. Rake us for the love christ.

What a fucking clown, the point of trying to make a deal is to close it. Did he honestly believe the chinese government would give their people rights so that they can trade freely with Canada? What does Canada even produce that they would want freely? Green cards?

its time for you canadians to start teaming up with us burgers. if we work together, there is no limit to what we could accomplish.

This was actually formied combat DUDE OPIUM LMAO. They were good railway builders. It is said there is a dead Chinaman for every mile of track.

The BC Liberals are swimming in Triad money. Dianne Watts made her fortune from selling growers hydroponic equipment while promoting prohibition laws.

The entire place needs to be annexed by Washington.

See also

CSIS is a joke.

Good luck, the official mottos of Canadian policy both foreign and domestic is = !America

It is said by commies trying to drum up sympathy for chinks so they can import more of them without resistance. It has no basis in fact.

The chinks hate "baizuo" or whatever the fuck they call em. Respect in this case at least but I still think they like niggers need fumigation.

Lurk More

There undeniably are Slavs with Mongol blood in them, but it's quite the rare sight to spot one. I've only ever spotted like 10 Slav mutts in my life.

t. half-Pole who can trace his 100% White family lineage centuries past and has interacted with many Slavs basically for life

The criticism of Trudeau here is that he is such a liberal pussy he made a bunch of stupid lefty demands.

However, I can give him a bit of respect for actually standing up to the Chinese and not compromising his ideology for shekels.

Hilariously those standards were much better than a chinese builder building in china at the same time period.

Shut the fuck up faggot.

Don't forget that the poles were afterwards raped by the Vikings, and after that from the Prussians, western slavs are pretty white

Aryan means noble. Read Mein Kampf, then lurk for another 2 years before posting again


It's an adjective you cunt. Hitler called the Japanese Aryan as well, because he respected their culture. He named his friend Emil Maurice an honorary Aryan when his jewish heritage was discovered and Emil was allowed to stay in the SS.

Lurk for 4 years before posting again.

What does this have to do with Chief Leaf of Cancuckistan?

No. No he did not. They were ascribed honorary Aryans as they did not belong to the Aryan race but exhibited Aryan like qualities and customs.
Stop being a try hard.

I just don't like try hard fags let loose to shit up threads. Leafland is quite irrelevant anyway.

Well, japanese people have like 1% aryan in them from the first settlers of the island, but they got really mixed with the chinks later on…

That's hilarious. The fact the chinks stood their ground, went "no", and told the cuck to fuck off makes me respect these insects slightly more, which actually confuses the fuck out of me. I thought chinks were supposed to be unmasculine so why the fuck do they pull shit like this and are currently purging the mudslimes when even we can't? What the fuck is going on. How did it get so bad?

I wonder if Trucuck would do the same in a deal with moslems though. That would be the ultimate hilarity.

Aryan means pure Indoeuropean, STFU already about it.

But that's all he's been doing and it's destroying the employment in Canada for instance. This piece of shit is so far up his arse that he would virtue signal to the point it destroys his nation mostly because he's a rich piece of shit that won't have to suffer the consequences like common Canucks do.

But there's literally no evidence of that, there's countless DNA tests done on the Japanese and they have no Aryan blood whatsoever. Even the Ainu blood is confirmed Asiatic Mongoloid. But central asians have tons of aryan blood yet they are fucking subhumans same as the pajeets (outside the purest high IQ brahmin indians who have higher average IQs than any group on the planet). Racemixing just utterly destroys people with outbreeding depression and dysgenetics you see it in the mestizos in central asia in india in brazil and countless others. It's like a dog or horse show, the purebreeds always win and are the best and that's exactly what Hitler said, how when races mix they lose the qualities that make their parent races great when separate, an early observation of genetic regression to the mean and outbreeding depression.

Regardless of ancestry, Nippon is an orderly and prosperous society. The same cannot be said for most other groups outside of Northern Europe. The Nipponese deserve respect.



The chinese are yellow kikes if you ask me. They're keeping the truth of Chinas history hidden for sure.

That's fine but just don't be an embarrassing weeaboo about it. Do and listen to what Hitler said, we have to stay steadfast, separate, and proud of our races otherwise we can never move forward.

I'm not sure what this is trying to prove. They look southeast asian and that's exactly what the dna evidence shows which makes sense given they got to the asian islands like the philippines and malaysia first. They're all of the mongoloid race in the end.

I've not seen the dna evidence or who conducted these studies so I can't give a stance on that. I'm going by what my eyes see and I'm seeing a clear distinction in the Japanese genome and the Johon people have very strikingly europid features. Does this make them white/aryan? No. But it does raise questions as they were the indigenous people of the island. But as interesting as this topic is, we're getting way off topic. It'd be nice to see another ancient aryan/atlantean thread in the catalog again.

The first image is an embarrassing simplistic view of history. The chinks lost to us because of the decadence of Qing China, which is to say they had it way too good. Even ruled by barbarians they were still the most advanced civilisation on earth after whites and in some ways during that era were still, though barely, more advanced than we were having inventions that still didn't exist in Europe yet yet they had for centuries. They had it so good that when we went over there with a bunch of gifts crafted with the finest Aryan intellect and technology in an attempt to establish trade with them, they found none of it interesting and told us to fuck off so we rekt and colonised them for it. This is really shocking considering every other non-Aryan civilisation we tried to thought our shit was either magic like the Africans or thought we were literal fucking Gods like the New Worlders but it really influenced FDR and Hitler's view of China where they would be the only civilisation to rival the west, that's why FDR and America was so insistent on China ("who lost China" was a VERY big deal for a long long time) and why Hitler said "It is, in any case, undesirable that one race should mix with other races. Crossbreeding has never produced good results. Pride in one's own race, and that does not imply contempt for other races, is a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilisations, and I admit freely that their history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilisations to which we belong".

Maybe your DNA test is wrong about what Aryan blood is. Logic would dictate that any amount of superior blood would enhance a person's abilities proportionally. There are no pure bred Aryans left, so the mixing argument doesn't apply. It's rather the amount of inferior blood present.




No, that's exactly the point, hence regression to the mean.

This was legitimate tests done by multiple labs around the world, not some dna data farming company run by kikes. You're free to test it yourself if you want and clarify it for us once and for all. Become a geneticist, rent a lab, I'm actually really interested in this.

The mean is higher than it was before when you introduce superior blood. American niggers have higher IQ's because of it. Some Japs have very Aryan like features and also act more like Aryans than other gooks. That suggests admixture.



Race is a subject I have much interest in.

The Chinese realize that Trudeau isn’t his own master, and that “his” bullshit wasn’t actually his at all. What’s the point of negotiating with a minor errand boy like him? It’s insulting.

“Indigenous peoples” are the perfect example of multi racialism as an ideology being deeply flawed. No matter where in the world these peoples live side by side with other races, they do terribly. They may have had practices that are barbaric by our standards prior to inclusion in a multi racial state but they weren’t rolling around the side of the road half dead high on street drugs. From the Australian aboriginal to the tiny tribal groups of the Amazon, wherever these peoples are forced to interact with other races they fall into utter states of misery.

This is proof positive if the necessity of segregation but the capitalist and communist would rather these people suffer because acknowledging and acting upon this evidence would have wide ranging ramifications. Whilst the “indigenous” peoples may be an extreme example, should there incompatibility with other races be accepted then a rule would be set, a rule that could begin to be applied to all other races in varying degrees.

I point this out often, it cannot be denied but as ever, no one will listen.

I want proofs, that's all. All of the most accomplished among the nips I see like their Nobel laureates look absolutely mongoloid with zero aryan admixture. There's no proof that it exists. At best, there IS proof they have Neanderthal admixture, even more than we do. That might suggest and explain why they have higher average IQs. I want to believe it but it simply isn't so and it's a constant embarrassing state of WE WUZ.

You'll be the first to get the rope weeb

Most intelligent people know this deep down but the current political climate prevents people from openly admitting the obvious truth. It's sad that people do not understand why in science fiction concepts like the prime directive exist and is important to protect them as well as ourselves.

Many Native Americans integrated, interbred, and these days you can’t even tell many are native unless you sequence their genes. I know a “native” woman with blonde hair and blue eyes. The ones who didn’t became more marginalized as the world left them behind.

In every nation with surviving aboriginal people you’ll note they are of two castes, those who saw the writing on the wall and hitched their wagons to the train of the future, and those who didn’t. Those who decided to fight or try to ignore or escape the civilizing influence are universally in a shitty place.

We're shifting alliances leading up to WW3. I've loosely grouped countries by geographic region and alliance.

Each country obviously has it's own influence and goals. But from what I can tell, US is agitating shit because of Trump. Jews becomes an aggressor and attacks the Muds group. Asia 2 (Russia) has sworn to attack Israel in this case, putting them at odds with the NA group.

In case of war, SA group will probably attack the southern US to disrupt them, likely under direction of commie funding and groups. Have China and Russian been at odds? I feel that because of China's expansionism in the south seas, it would be difficult for the US to take the pacific easily, which would result in Asia 3 aligning with NA group against Asia 1 and Asia 2

I'm not larping, but I'm trying to armchair make sense of large scale geopolitics. It's kind of interesting.

Canada isn't our allies. They are a hostile actor who serves as a front for jewish corporate interest. There are some good leafs I am sure, but far too many of them have drank the coolaid.

White leafs escape while you can. Come and establish yourself before it is too late. Once open hostilities start it will be impossible to escape the war.

Come home White Man

Trudeau is really the illegitimate son of Castro right?

Yes, this is evidenced by some japs having pink nipples

You have no idea what you're talking about. Do you even know why there's a North and South?
Go look up what Japan did to them in WW2. The hate they have for Japan runs so deep that their own politicians don't dare to agitate it despite pressure from the US.
Hell, China is more likely to get over Nanking than S.Korea is for the colonization of their country.

Yes, it is very interesting stuff indeed. I know a lot of people out there like to push the whole "Russia is our enemy" or "China is our enemy". (American here.) But I think there needs to be something mentioned that often goes unmentioned. Yes there is competition between these big 3, but the thing is, The Big 3 not only have a lot more in common today than they ever have, but have a lot to gain by working together. For one, ideologically speaking, Russia, China, and The US are more aligned today than they ever have been before. What they have in common is nationalism and at least an appreciation for capitalism. (Supposedly the only real "communist" aspects of China are the name of the party, a respect the idea of 1 party rule and a generally materialistic perspect hence their tolerance of doing what needs to be done as far as 1 child policy or genetic testing on humans) other than that, over the past few decades China has slowly embraced capitalistic principles to the point it's at least more of what people call a "mixed-system", actually, they have lower tax rates on their businesses than the US, I think it's like 15% last I heard. Russia and China will avoid conflict between each other because of multi-billion dollar decades long deals they've made recently where China will pipe in oil and gas from Russia, and the US has long-term trade deals between both of them as well. So, say when it comes to the North Korean issue, Russia and China would have more to gain by allowing the US+Japan+South Korea to invade and take over Kim because a reunified Korea means in the long term, it'll become another, bigger capitalist trading partner, after it's rebuilt. Also being the 3 largest militaries, combined they could do great things, such as putting a permanent end to Religion of Cuck™ or stopping Zionism. Perhaps that's why Russia has been giving weapons to Iran and the US has been giving them to Saudi arabia. Greater Israel project aside, Israeli has been making some bad moves lately with Syria and it may very well likely result in the whole region becoming decimated. Best thing for the big 3 though is to stay out of it and when it's cleared out Europe can ship all the shit-skins back out. I also have a feeling in the long run Africa is going to be recolonized, either by force from the Chinese and/or after viruses from whatever source (either intentional or from African's own stupidity).

The response Trudeau got is strange because they're all about giving 'face'. I expect them to at least throw him a bone even if he's incompetent just to show there's a good relation between their nations, however false that might be.
The fact that he walked away with absolutely nothing to show for it is a good indication that they thought he was a complete waste of their time.










How do the Chinese behave themselves when in a foreign country such as the US or Canada? Are they extremely xenophobic and hostile to any non-Chinese (or non-Asians) with a tendency to harm others?

This is how most promoters of diversity are described notwithstanding the vacuity of their arguments. The facts are clear: Chinese immigrants played a microscopic role in Canada's history. In 1901, 96 percent of the Canadian population was European in origin; there were only 17, 043 Chinese immigrants (born outside Canada) relative to a population of 5.3 million. Vancouver, with the highest Chinese proportion throughout Canada's history, was virtually a White European city from its beginnings in the 1870s to the 1980s. In the 1950s, when the city had been fully developed into a metropolis, the British accounted for about 75 percent of the population, and other Europeans accounted for about 18 percent, whereas the Asian proportion (Chinese and Japanese combined) accounted for only 3 percent.

Patricia Roy's Vancouver. An Illustrated History (1980), exhibits a city that was overwhelmingly British in its architectural landscape, notwithstanding its Chinatown and Little Tokyo. All the major landmarks were British: the Post Office, built 1905-1910; Dominion Trust, the Canadian Pacific Railway station; Canadian Bank of Commerce; the Strand Theater and Birks Building, with their sidewalk canopies in 1933; the Tudor revival style homes in Shaughnessy Heights in the 1920s. The sports, the education, the legal system — every institution was British. The Founding Fathers of Vancouver, the Mayors, the magistrates, the school trustees, the chief constables, the physicians, the presidents of the Board of Trade were all British descendents [See Robert McDonald's Making Vancouver. 1863-1913 (1996), and Alan Morley's Vancouver. From Milltown to Metropolis (1974)].

Absolutely shit tier. They are animals and look for any excuse to abuse the locals. Our city has a very strict smoking policy regarding being within 25 feet of doors. The chinks huddle in front of the doors and block your path when you try to go in, blowing smoke in your face the entire time. They try to get you to hit them so they can sue. If you call the cops they call the news and say evil whitey was screaming racial slurs and attacking them.

The Japanese, and to a lesser degree the subhuman goreans, at least attempt to adjust and integrate with human society.

They are complete subhumans, nigger-tier. It would be less intrusive to have literal chimpanzees roaming the streets and shops than the jaundiced jew.


On average, 3 Chinese are about as bad as one black.

Why do you not just hunt them down when nobody is around?

Interesting points. A few thoughts:

This is true for the US right now because Trump is in power, but the Democrats have drifted so far to the left they're about to fall off the planet, and this is because their base has gone that far to the left in what they demand of the party. We're now at a point where it's common to see Democrat voters unironically flying the flag of the Soviet Union and doing the Communist/Black Power fist in photos. I see them running someone ever farther to the left than Sanders or Obama in 2020. The East Bloc and the USSR have been gone for almost 30 years now, so there's a whole new crop of uninformed young voters who weren't alive for the terrors of the height of Communism.

Religion of Cuck™ wasn't that much of a problem when they were contained in their shitty sandboxes. Now that "refugees" have turned into a stream of shitty inbred savages without end, anything we do regarding the Middle East is without purpose unless we can turn off the flow of shitskins into Western Europe. I see the infection of Marxism in the West as something akin to AIDS: the Jews and traitorous brainwashed whites we have now actively impede and destroy any defense mechanism we can employ to keep out Muslims and other assorted 70-IQ filth. For that to happen, the UK, France, Germany and Sweden would all need for Poland- or Hungary-style governments to take power, for the Jew media and NGOs to cry and kvetch and run propaganda pieces with tearful 38-year old brown children… and then tell them to fuck off and start building razor wire fences and cut off the welfare. If the Muslims population grows as fast as projected in these countries, they'll ensure a permanent leftist regime that not only doesn't protect the natives from the Muslim menace, but actually lets in more Muslims and forces Religion of Cuck™ into schools to pander to the Muslim vote. As always the Jews will just rub their hands, knowing that they can just hop a plane to Israel if the torches and pitchforks come out against them.

It's already happening and that's going to accelerate. Africa has never been capable of self-governance. That was true when Muslims spread out and conquered a third of the continent, it was true when every inch of African clay belonged to a European power, and it's true now that China is setting up increasing numbers of factories and people there. It's becoming much more common (for whatever reason) for Chinese men to marry local African women; a few generations of this and you'll have large numbers of people with majority Chinese blood who see themselves as different from the Africans around them, and thus feel more loyalty to China. If any African society was going to have a breakthrough and join the modern world, it would have happened by now. Even the "better" African countries, like Ethiopia and South Africa, are still total shitholes compared to the developed world. The absence of Europeans has made their lives worse, not better.

This was meant for

It all comes back to Jews and Jewish social engineering that created a society in which whites aren't allowed to strike back or defend themselves.

China respects strength, which is why they respect Trump.

Cucks need not apply.

Chinaanon here, can confirm that most of this feminism crap is thought of as western. So generally not liked.
Also we admire strong leaders, like Trump, Putin, or Xi jing ping.

My favorite bit was some propaganda office on CBC Radio telling us that China shares our progressive values.

I shit you not.

Thanks for giving me joke material for work tomorrow.