You give me $10 and I tell you to clean your room. Do you understand how the game is played you little pay pig?

You give me $10 and I tell you to clean your room. Do you understand how the game is played you little pay pig?

Other urls found in this thread:

This is why we need radical centrism.

Help me out guys, how I can reclaim my once fiercely held leftist-ideology.

Eat glass faker

Educate yourself before you post, honey.

Call in a femen matriarch to decapitalise your room by taking a huge shit in it while screaming poetically about oppression and the patriarchy. Then you're safe. Also tale this free personality quiz in case you feel tempted to pay this Peterson classcuck your precious workerbucks.

Can you guess which strong and empowered character I land on ever time?

His entire body of work exists for free online in video format and the basic big five test is free, I don't know what you're bitching about.

Don't tell me it's wrong for him to ask for compensation for a more specific version of test which gives you a more comprehensive review of the traits and compares it to the averages across the board. What are you, some kind of commie?

Capitalism is okay as long as I don't have to pay for anything. Just as communism is okay as long as I don't actually have to pay for it.

Why do goons hate Sam Hyde, Stefan Molyneux, Jordan Peterson and others? Why do they make numerous threads shilling against those people with imagined scandals?


This actually is the mindset of a communist.
Foreword to Notes from the Underground.

It's almost like they somehow know you're a useless nobody. Wow! This thing really works!

You can start by not having a room at all you property owning bourgeoisie pig.

but he beleives in god and only dumb people do that, aso he gives good advice i mean come on LMAO this is the internet lets all be apathetic

How Communism works:

I'm going to clean my room. What should I expect?

the largest collection of piss jugs and cum rags ever discovered.

Confronting dragons in the chaos, finding your dead father and bringing him back to life as you confront that which scares you the most but receive that which you value even more in return.

Should you survive it you will have become a better person.

Hopefully some cum fungus growing on a sock.

Stefan Molyneux

Jordan Peterson

The unending madness of Lovecraftian horrors beyond human comprehension.

This is getting pretty sad Jim, maybe you should scout >>>/cow/ for this week's patreon paycheck?

Indeed. I think we have reached peak sadness here, professor Jordan B. Peterson.

Not really sure what this title memery is about. I don't think I've once heard him or anyone else ask that he be addressed with a title or honorific of any kind.

It's just autists looking for a reason to get mad at Peterson because their current eceleb hero told them to.

Sam is becoming Spoony, Molyneux shilled for war with Syria while knowing full well it's just another proxy war, and Peterson fans are just autistic.

Stefan "I fully support nationalism, no wait now I don't" Molyneux

Goons are pretty mad that he basically got away with questioning The Party and they're desperate for attack vectors. The worst they've got on him is that he encouraged people to take a paid test. Also that he often gives very practical advice instead of huffing farts like liberals do.

This whole post is highly accurate, although the Sam Spoony analogy is stretched

Hey guys, Jordan Peterson here! I know a lot of my fans hang out here so I though I'd do an AMA.

He has become hostile to his fans while still getting paid for doing nothing.

Oh, I'm sorry, Dr. Peterson.

we're not having that shit here, either

Ah, now it makes more sense. Still, as expected of goons, their autism know no bounds. I guess its a reaction to hierarchies.

thank you cosmopolitan test merchant!

Go to bed, Kathy.

He has a huge amount of free material on Youtube, and often says the test isn't required for anything besides your own curiosity.
What's wrong with that?

Way to go nu-Holla Forums.

Spending $10 on a personality test by some conman e-celeb is dumb as fuck, but, hey, it's your money.

There is plenty wrong with having to be told to clean your own room.

Dweebs hate being told to clean their rooms. Especially leftists who never shower.

Pretty sure their mother tells them to do it all the time - for free. Having some Canadian "intellectual" charge you for telling you clean your room is retarded Reddit-tier.

Come on, Cathy. You're better than this.

But he doesn't, you should try to get your info for someone besides Mister Metokur for a change.

If you have to make shit up you're kind of making the one you attack look much better than if you hadn't said anything at all tbh.

Maybe someone like Dr. Peterson at a, dare I say it, reasonable cost?

Actually, it sounds more somethingawful-tier considering reddit is, as far as I'm aware, free to use.


Well played, user.

So, which tier are you?

You don't even know what those 10 bux are for. They are not for clearing your room.

I'm surprised you haven't outright accused me of being Mister Metokur yet.


You're not denying you're a backer.

The JPIDF is strong in this thread.

Sure. The bandwidth cost of your internet sound reasonable? His lectures are all there, man.

Actually I do deny that, but what are the chances you'll believe that?

Jelly brainlet ?

Considering you keep regurgitating something Jim said as fact, pretty high.

I wouldn't waste my time listening to this cucked Leaf who can't answer a simple question and whose audience has be told to clean their fucking room? What next? You want me to listen to The Joe Rogan Experience and watch Rick and Morty too?

That sentence doesn't make any sense.
And if regurgitating something someone else said as fact, this thread must be infected with people who spent their allowance on a personality test.

I'm guessing this is the 200 Years thing, and the JQ is anything but a simple question.
Simplify. Ridicule. Marginalize. Is that it?

No, the "do you believe in God" question.
Also, what do you mean by "that", user. I don't like being boxed in like that.


Jordan Peterson: Do You Believe That God Exists?:
Am I Christian? | Timothy Lott and Jordan B Peterson:

No we suggested you listed to the only decent public speaker to come out of canada for free, based on his experience as a clinical psychiatrist and his earned title of professor+ age of 55.

Then you boiled the argument to
How does it feel to be a brainlet?

What do you mean by "feel"? Also, could you define "brainlet"?

This is part of the reason people meme about the Peterson audience.

Well there it's clearly not a matter of can't but won't.

Like who? Besides of course

Then why didn't he simply say, "no, I don't want to answer that question", instead of trying to pussyfoot around it and act like a fucking sperg?

tbh Jim brands himself like the guy who's just there for the lulz despite having a patreon and twitter. Even tonkasaw is sucking him off. Jim isn't IA anymore and Don't "Listen and Believe"

You want names?

Explaining his reasoning is one thing, you're complaining of another. If you yourself complain about being boxed in, why would you not accept someone else refusing to do that?

What do you mean by "accept", and "refuse"? Also, I must say you are asking a very binary question, I don't like to be boxed in like that tbh.

This is part of the reason many people are brainlets. Scraps of information are all the information they will ever wield on a certain topic.

Well, you seem to have grienvance with him not being willing to box himself in by saying "Yes" or "No" and explains his reasoning.
Hahah, yeah.