Because thinking about WWIII is too depressing and the last thread is on page 13.
Webm Thread
Feels bad living in the twilight years. RIP U.S.
Is that suppose to be a man or a woman?
Genuine dicksucker never fails to make me laugh.
I have seen it.
See, what everyone expects to see out of anything labeled 'when you see it,' that being some small thing, very well-hidden, or a brick camouflage Snake in plain sight. A randomly inserted frame, or a screamer. Maybe just some subtle thing a member of a group of people filmed does.
This webm doesn't have any of that. It's just a single picture with an outwardly pleasant piano track. So, when watched by anons frantically searching for these things, they conclude, 'there's nothing here, somebody's having a laugh at my expense.' But they insist there's 'something there' mischievously, thinking nothing of the sort and having missed the point entirely.
What you see is a simple scene. A tight little side alley, leading into a row of housing blocks. They're all rather simple and rationalized in shape, but in spite of this, painstakingly constructed in handlaid brickwork, with carefully measured and placed header blocks over doorways and about windows, totally even in the confines of each structure, and every roof has a moulding lip. The windows have neat wooden exterior shutters, and there isn't a single one at ground level that doesn't have a well-tended flowerpot. The walkway is cobblestone, possibly predating the invention or at least stylistic spread of both asphalt & poured concrete sidewalks. Over one door, an American flag waves gently in the slight breeze that still comes over the dividing wall. The entire scene is lit up in an unreal warmth, a little before or just after noon, by the late summer glow of the trees and the shine of both incandescent bulbs and old gas lamps, still soldiering on.
And, seeing to the size of this little alleyway, it can be presumed that everyone knows everyone; those two doors down from you are good friends, and further are their friends whom you've been acquainted with. You pass each other going to work, the shops, or to leisure, and always exchange a friendly word. Sometimes someone will need help bringing something in, and readily receives it more often than not. Gifts are exchanged regularly, often excess product of something homemade or something nice that was bought and that the buyer doesn't want to waste by letting it stale.
You will never live in a neighborhood like this in America, nor any equally homely and lovely equivalent elsewhere in the world. Not the construction, bereft of the empty near-brutalism of much the West or the actual brutalism of the East, as even being simple square blocks the brickwork & craft lends depth well beyond the same or even some more complex shapes in concrete, nor amongst such a caliber of neighbors, amongst a community proper. The piano, you realize, is understated and melancholy.
I have seen it.
Pre-Rec is fucking stupid
user, what the fuck are you doing?
It was my first one… sorry.
It's ok. Just remember to encore in vp9 if you want your stuff to look twice as good for the same bitrate.
Cool thanks, I'll do that.
what happened?
isn't prius that car that only pedophiles buy?
Cause it doesn't make any noise?
This is cute.
I still expect a civil war in the US before that.
New OC
The standard american is too cucked and too comfortable with its facebook, twitter and other gadget to rebel.
forget a civil war.
Sound-a-likes or the original VAs?
I mean trump gets elected and a certain groups decides to rile all the minorities into fighting the wacist trump before the crimes come to light.
oh u
But if a civil war happens BEFORE WW3 then WW3 won't happen.
Bruv, Murrica isn't the world.
Why is this sort of autism so comfy?
And who else do you think is going to initiate war then? Russia may have mobile EMPs now but they know very well that any type of war is going to end badly for them, even if they do win
Why do you all think WW3 is happening?
US might be the agitator, but Russia sure as hell doesn't need to invade the US save for Washington.
Why invade when you can defend and delay?
Why give your enemy exactly what they want? (a bloody war that weakens both of you)
More comfy autism.
Why would they want Washington? Outside of the tech-sector not much is there.
Granted if they take out Microsoft, I myself would be okay under Russian rule.
Maybe the Russians want Alaska back.
I wouldn't complain, unless they both remove the PFD and do nothing about the fucking sky-high gas prices out here
The fuck's the first one?
Average day in South Africa
This policeman didn't like having to chase those retards it looks like.
this isn't a LOL thread, keep that shit there
From what hues have said about the webm, the police officer fired because he saw one of them had a gun and both of them were sent to the hospital and lived.
Can anyone edit this to zoom on the chat and maybe add the relevant dialogue? I cannot into videos
he needs better training
Need the original
What's the second Dredd thing from? DVD Extra or something?
that vid is pretty edgy tbh
The piano is, incidentally and ironically, a piano cover of "Blame Game" by Kanye West.
Do you think he knows he's living in the twilight years of the West?
Do you think that if he knew, he'd realize he is considered symptomatic of its decline?
I converted it and deleted the original, it seems. Can't find it anywhere.
People kept robbing armoured cars and murdering the guards, South African special police ended up escorting them and the ensuing gunfight went down, 0 dead cops, 7 dead crims and 5 arrests.
Later the gubmint would shut down the special cops because even though they didn't get paid any extra and weren't anything close to as corrupt they decided it wasn't worth it.
And now it has one of the highest rates of crime on earth where everyone has to live behind burglar bars, a wall, and a big blue ADT sticker.
heres the audiofixed version. its better.
Aint equality great?
dat boy can do better.
Fun Fact:
In their pursuit of "Equality" and "Getting rid of the white demons" the "President" (Dictator) of Zimbabwe stole all the white farmers land in 2000 and gave it to all the residents
The African people however had no desire to farm, and in 2015 Mugabe has "Invited" all the farmers back, but they will not get their land back, nor be properly compensated for both the land taken OR the produce they make, and the white farmers have moved onto other countries and are making a living there
Meanwhile Zimbabwe has increased its plea for help and their food crisis where they expected 5 million would starve has been increased to 50 million due to extreme lack of food
No, I am not saying "Black man don't work" but these are africans who only know how to kill each other and operate under warlords, and now they're all going to die because harder working people are not supporting them
I expect a full on bloody war in Zimbabwe in 4-5 years and Mugabe's head on a pike
The fall of my country has taken quite on toll on me mentally. Not saying I'm going crazy, I am very lucid, but it's been exhausting.
It's painful to see the death of my nation, and in a greater sense, civilization itself. No doubt that men of a less constitution would probably have been driven to despair a long time ago. I'm thankful to have a rebellious enough personality that it doesn't demoralize me.
It's a melody. It's good in of itself, it isn't made better or worse by being used in a shit song. The inverse is that a rap cover of a Christmas Carol isn't good just because the original is good.
With Holla Forums games aren't made better or worse when they attract a cancerous community. That said, the Boston Song sounds nothing like the Kayne one.
the term lugenpresse relates strongly with the 3rd Reich whose press was as untruthful as any other dictatorship or totalitarian regime
you're using a term seriously that arose from a place that ran a press that only released propaganda carefully managed by Goebbels
Oh, I know all about Rhodesia fam.
And I'm never not angry.
Either it was a delayed meme magic response or trumps presidential campaign was fueled by r9ks memes
You're not fooling anybody, Schlomo.
there's plenty of examples of the Nazi lugenpresse at work. Everything at work in the Nazi press was just a carefully managed PR campaign for the 3rd Reich. After stalingrad the press neglects to report that against Hitler's wishes Paulus surrenders to the soviets instead of killing himself. Characterizing it all as a heroic sacrifice for Germany. Ignoring the 100,000 prisoners taken at the conclusion of the battle. If fact there was no real coverage of how badly the battle was going until the very end of the campaign.
its just one of endless examples
lol, prove it.
Pic related. Kill yourself.
What? The term was used by the 3rd Reich and it's loyal supporters (90% of Germany) to refer to the literally jewish press that demonized Hitler world-wide and in America. This obviously aided Stalin and the Bolsheviks who were able to take much of Europe and Asia post-WW2 (a war Hitler knew to avoid but not the other countries, largely due to anti-German propaganda)
They still do it to this day. Read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (short), then read Henry Ford's writings, or Bobby Fischer, or Adolf Hitler's own unabridged book. There is a reason smart people (real smart, not reddit liberal smart) are sympathetic to these ideas, although not all of them have the cajones to come out and admit to it.
Because a nation trying to save face and keeping up morale as it loses the fight against the greatest evil of modern history is the same as a nation lying to keep its fat, stupid, lazy population from realizing it's fucking them up the ass. Yeah, those fucking Nazis, I swear!
Great isn't it?
The war against the white man is resulting in the entire third world to crumble, which is causing the warlord following population to become even more violent and blame the white man for their problems even more
SJW's. Not even once.
get out, golem
Is it really that much different though?
What is there to make sure that the press that lies for the sake of morale doesn't go on to lie to keep abuses of authority secret?
Who watches the watchmen?
you want to go back to the Knight of Long Knives - the nazi press sure did a great job covering the murder of the SA leadership to make way for Hitler's ascendancy. Even before the way you can clearly see a pattern of lies and deception.
Lugenpresse is such an ironic term that it almost makes me think that anti-trump or anti-stormfront people added it to their lexicon.
the war *
The current Hillary scandal of her paying anti-trump people to cause violence at Trump rallies is so fucking huge CNN was forced to report on it after FOX finally caved and started reporting on it
Reportedly CNN higher ups are being threatened for "Betraying" Clinton and the democrats and they are not fucking happy, at all
CNN literally had no choice to report on it, the story was so fucking huge had they refused to report on the story it would have destroyed their network, and now that FOX news folded and is reporting all the other networks are scrambling to play catch up on the Hillary bashing train
It took MONTHS of wikileaks and then those two expose videos to finally break the back of the current corrupt political party, and they are not in the least happy
Remember, Clinton has implied that if she goes down, she's dragging everyone else with her
you started with the kvetching you fucking schizophrenic moloch worshipper
Please Jesus, it must be done. These people have to pay for what they've done.
Hillary will be cucked out of the Presidency a THIRD time after being so close, she will be denied it. Good.
What covering up? Rohm and his pedo fag buddies were actively looking to overthrow Hitler because they were being replaced by Himmler's SS. They got what they deserved in what was the only liquidation the Reich ever committed, unlike all the friends and comrades surrounding Papa Stalin. Or all the legitimate leaders the U.S. has been overthrowing over the last how many decades, riding on the wave of we're-the-moral-right-cuz-we-beat-hitler.
It's nice being in a comfy home, while my enemies finally collapse under their own weight.
You're making it sound like it's imminent
Lugenpresse is probably the most ridiculous term someone could have chosen out of any term from that era
Did you miss today’s video?
Why? It SOUNDS like “juden press” without having to say it directly, even.
because it comes from the propaganda arm of a long dead dictatorship
You're so full of shit. Or you're underaged and don't know your history, like those Redditors that think Christianity was bad for science instead of the other way around.
Feeling the heat schlomo?
you're full of shit because you're ignoring the deliberate association the users of the term attach to its Nazi roots.
you even have people in the thread directly attributing the antisemitic nature of the term. You're going full retard if you want to claim that the term has nothing to do with the Nazis.
you're also ignoring that i said that its strongly related to the Nazis (which it clearly is and your quote attests to that) not created it
It just means "lying press" and is totally adequate. Contrary to your people's wild tales its use in the Third Reich doesn't influence the meaning of it.
Did you know that Hitler breathed air? Maybe we all need to stop breathing air to stop being like Hitler!
Protip: You're talking to people who think Adolf Hitler was a Hero
anyone whose even glanced at Holla Forums knows how full of shit you are
Which accurately described the saturation of all media with bullshit. It's a term that serves the same use as it did when it was invented.
you semites have no shame so you probably don't understand that being caught with blatant lying makes you look bad among real humans
Well, if is speaking the truth and it actually does translate to "lying press," it's no more related to the nazis than "nein" or "krieg"
Oh boy, there's that newspeak word again. Kikes aren't the only Semites, Schlomo. I know it's impossible for Jews to think of anybody besides themselves, but you're gonna have to deal with it.
oh shit nigga! what are you doing?! you cant say that kind of stuff here!
Best part of this is LTG is what Chris Rock would call a literal nigger because he does nothing all day but exist on donations, meanwhile the other guy works two jobs, and also gives most of his time working with charity
And he still is better at games than LTG when LTG spends 10+ hours a day playing SF5 while he plays 1 hour a day if he's lucky
That's how jews argue. They don't care about the truth or self-improvement. Arguing is simply a means to an end for whatever they have in mind.
this world war 3 stuff is just fear mongering right?
Hopefully yes
Cold War 2 is a definite yes though
We Holla Forums in here today?
It really depends. The american people, Russia, Putin, and Trump do not want a war. Hillary, Soros, Obama, and the globalists do. We will have to see what happens
I hope not, we need to push technology and reduce the population
Globalists want a world war because it takes attention off them, which is why everyone needs to vote Trump
I think playing vidya for too long actually impacts your performance when you actually need to be good at playing vidya.
I played Tekken Tag 2 for about 2 hours last night and managed to give a Lars/Jin player that i meet up with enough trouble to actually make him sweat and trash talk a bit, and he's the best in our college, when before I couldn't even touch him and he looked damned bored when I fought him before, so i actually managed to get a reaction out of this autist.
It's like exercise in that you need to let your eyes and reflexes rest for a while to get good. If you pick something back up after a short while (a week or a few days) of not playing it, you'll actually get better at it.
I think this is because it does work like exercise somehow, but also dropping it and picking it back up gives you a fresh perspective.
I picked up one of his characters (Lars) and played through online a bunch alongside my favorite (Miguel) against even better autist players, so when I fought him, his movements were like slow-motion compared to before.
It's Holla Forums in here every day.
Hopefully it'll calm down after the election
don't remind me
Actually the more you train muscle memory to react to certain stimulus you start to instinctively react to it
Its like when I first killed Junkrat a few times in Overwatch and got caught by his leftover grenades a few times, eventually you learn as soon as he dies you run the other way
the fuck was that hammerguy?
it wont
Believe it when it happens, and not a second earlier.
Okay, reported.
Reminder that we have your names and addresses and will kill every single last one of you, CTR.
I've been in that sort of zen blank mind state in Soulcaliber before, and sometimes I feel like the character i'm playing is just me moving. It's not weird until you really start to notice it.
Side note, Guilty Gear has only improved over the years.
You are the reason we are in this mess.
Pure poetry.
I didn't ask for this guys….
Fuck the 90's this wasn't supposed to happen, we were supposed to be a better nation instead the democrats and liberals have fucked us over so we can please shits that will only be our ruin as a society.
Neighborhoods and families destroyed all so we can have this stupid multicultural society that is freedom and benefits for them and none for me despite the fact I have had family living in america since the 1600's making me more american than 90% of the population…..and yet I am the enemy in my own homeland…
I hope trump wins, just so america can get back on it's feet before it's too late.
I love how they added in recoil to games because they wanted to bring down the skill cap on pro gamers, and after they adjusted for that they added cone of fire to bring them down again
God bless the modern shooter and the support of the retarded gamer
Now if you excuse me I'm going to go play Overwatch with Genji's, Winstons and Zayatta's in competitive
I don't like Trump, he's a moron, but if Hillary pulls shit like that there's no choice really not even murican tho so my opinion doesn't matter
Holla Forums lurks here more than they'd like to admit, and LARPing is fun for the family
In which way would globalists benefit from the war though? Or maybe I'm misinterpreting the term
That depends. If Trump is stumped then Holla Forums and the like will exercise more pressure in this board and go witchunting about Holla Forums in every thread, acting like the smug bastards they think they are, expect derails ahoy. If Trump stumps on the other hand, Holla Forums will grow it's influence over this board, and LARPing kids will follow suit. While Trumptastic memes will be generally fun, it won't take long until the stormniggers go around shitting things up more than usual. Either way, we're in for some troubling times
Nope. If we don't let the political pendulum swing back hard enough to erase this bullshit, there will be a war, because they need something to distract the american public and the internet removed all of their avenues of distraction since people can find out the truth easily.
Even the war won't work, but they're going to be as bloody as possible to try to coerce the american public to not look into it, which also will only make the public's efforts stronger.
No matter what way you look at it, they're leaving their seats of power. This election determines if it will be a violent or peaceful process and this is not a threat, this is a simple prediction.
I don't want the violent process at all, it hurts everyone. Which is why i'm voting for Trump. I want a quiet life, and that's all.
That's what happens when stupid and corrupt people rule countries who know nothing about how the populous works, and instead of working with the people try to push their fucked up views on others
Thank you for your work, $0.25 has been deposited into your account.
Please continue to Correct the Record®
We should have never gave up Rhodesia.
It wasn't worth it for the shit state that is south africa and the gib me government that continues to blame colonism for their faults despite Apartheid ending decades ago.
It's just a bunch of shits telling other shits that it was the pissers that sold them out when it's their own people day by day that continue to let their country rot and not do anything.
and I hate how western media praises mendalla for being this hero yet he was a car bomb wannabe terrorist that was rightfully put in jail because he KILLED people.
If Rhodesia was alive we would have a stable and prosperous south african nation but nope, liberals want their PC culture and sold Rhodesia out to commie fucks.
I hope Mugabe dies from an AIDS ridden dick that he sucks every fucking day and his kin an children's childrens will never know a day of peace.
I have come to ruin your day
that's dA tier of gay
and I know you're gonna go "BUT MAH TRUMP COLLEGES AND TRUMP STEAKS"
yeah the trump colleges failed because 2007 happened and oh shit nigger the economy collapsed ? and trump steaks?yeah not every business idea works but as a business man you can't focus on the past mistakes all the time and have to try and improve with the next one. But no I get it, liberal cucks are afraid to make choices and thus tell others "hey why bother?"
Shoulda just executed Mugabe/Mandela tbh.
Communists, not even once.
To be fair anything fan made out of MLP is 100x better than the show is
please stop
no, just acts like moron in every appearance, with his strange gestures and lack of restraint, not sure if he is cut out to be a politician, much less the head of a country that basically rules the world
Aren't Rhodesia and South Africa two different places though?
I can read, and your posts read like those of either a retarded Holla Forums shitposter or a shill pretending to be a retarded Holla Forums shitposter.
Either way, you need to go and stay go.
Ready for this one user?
>>>Holla Forums7892866
Best thing he's released in years. Still released to much terribly shit to make up for it though.
When the US and Russia decimate each others' populations they give themselves the green light to import third-worlders en masse to repopulate the nation(s) for a slave race that's even easier to control thereby extending their shadowy tendrils even further across the world. Among other things I'm sure
Is this taking into account all those Deviantart OCs?
I can't find this song anywhere. Sauce?
The Globalists want a war to distract people from their horrible policies. If people are afraid you can push through legislation under the guise of protection that would never get through before, and if people are too busy hating each other they will not pay attention to what their leaders are doing. It's the same thing with whites versus blacks.
Trump isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, he has a lot of deficiencies as a politician. But what he has rallied behind is what matters to the burger. Illegal immigration has hurt the country, providing more mouths to feed, cheaper labor force that's keeping actual burgers from jobs and crime rising since the immigrants haven't got shit and they resort to such things, in between others. As a consequence, it's understandable that burgers are fed up with this shit, and when Trump appeared with plans of building a wall to keep illegals from coming in, they saw their way out, regardless of the man behind it.
It's an interesting situation that one. White men were basically alone in Europe during millennia, they only had themselves and proceeded to adapt and advance as a civilization. Blacks however were still in a more primitive state, and when whites found them, they decided to use their experience to enslave them, only stopping a few hundred years ago, and even after that racism was still a thing. The black race's adaptation was strongly tied to the white man, who played a big part in it. As such, black people started developing in white societies rather than of their own kind (colonialism didn't help) and as such became dependent on these societies, unable to effectively form their own. That's why niggers are so primitive when it comes to society, they have adapted under the wing of the western one, and are unable to do better. Is it the white man's fault though? In a way, yes, since he started the mess with slavery and the like. Can he be blamed for taking this course of action? That depends on you. What is clear though, it's that while the white man started and helped perpetuate the problem for hundreds of years, it's continuation is the fault of the black man, who has been unable to either fully adapt to white society, or form their own, even with the base that is western society.
Of course, all of it is ignoring the influence of a third party in the decision of both the white and the black man
Yah right like some tiny rocks are going to drown that many people. They would have used a large anchor, or just tossed em so they could be shark food.
yeah it's a bit much my man
As much as I like Donald, I really wonder if he can truly unfuck this country. It seems like such a big task.
All the propaganda released by the Nazi's was truthful. Lugenpresse arose from people who didn't like the big bad ebil Nazzies
Fucking Hoover.
How about instead you make a webm because
A) It's too fucking long, this shit is book material, not forum post material
C) this is a webm thread. We post webms.
Ok. I admit that was a stretch, but the Nazi's didn't flat out lie. Communism is evil and the Jews did control Europe.
They can't swim though. Each nigger is an anchor for the next one
Reminder that this is a webm thread on the Holla Forums(video games) board.
I was actually going to post some stuff but I see you're aware. Of course the third Reich lied and covered up shit, like any government that wants to keep the populace in control. That doesn't however undermine the things they were right about
I agree.
Have some more Big Band.
what are you gonna do, delete my post?
Are you new here?
Have some from me then
Wasn't Bigband designed by ZONE?
Except those times where he purposefully runs the business into the ground to exploit a tax loophole.
you mean exploiting a tax loophole that put thousands out of work but left him fine?
He's better than hillary, but pretending he in any way shape or form is an actual good choice is delusional.
I've no need of knowing that really, so I can't help you there
lol, newfag
what's the name of the locutor?
up to you - topaz. Song is part of a free album off bandcamp.
Anyone have the song to this one? I remember it being posted when it was created but forgot to type it down.
You do have to consider who else is on the field.
Trump is hardly perfect, but he's up against:
and probably a couple other guys, to fill in the obligatory "other" category on the pie chart.
How new are you?
Anyone got more of these?
Only one I have on hand is this one.
It's clearly a comedy skit made for one of his shows. Are they seriously playing this up?
Who would fucking buy this outside of the brainwashed? Trump would be in fucking jail in an instant if this was actually true, a blatant video of a crime can't be buried if it's reported on by a major news network, and it'd be grounds for immediate action by the state if it were true.
So why don't they go to the police with this footage if it's so fucking real, or even the courts?
Is this fake? What is the story behind this webm?
I'm just sad that we live in a time where we have to choose between shit and shit with sprinkles.
Wait, fuck me, it's actually fake.
Story is a shitposter slapped CNN shit on a video of a comedy skit.
Notice a couple of things first, the language used by the CNN broadcaster is vague and is audio about the sexual locker room banter tapes, the graphics of the CNN shit are static instead of moving, if you've watched CNN they have animated graphics.
It's fake.
Do you have the show video? I actually wanna see the rest of the skit
Probably from the Apprentice or some shit.
You still making music?
That's a webm courtesy of some other user, I didn't make it myself
Some OC fresh out of the oven.
Are there any rules against making webm threads on/v/ the official home of trump shills and nazis?
Currently encoding this one I just made.
there are no rules these webm threads have always been mixed content, Stop being new and lurk more fag
Nice going dude keep up the good work
Thanks mate will do, and thanks for posting my OC.
No problem man
Correction, there's the 13 page before a new thread rule, but other than that there's no rules.
There aren't. You're welcome to fight if you contribute to the thread in the process, webm wise
I really never thought of it as a rule until now because it has been routine for me for so long.
To be fair, threads have been locked, bumplocked or outright deleted for not adhering to that and the vidya OP ruru
It's only really what needs to be enforced.
There is also an anti-pony rule also but its more to prevent a flood of pony crap when they have their own section for it, and what pony content there is that is vidya is spectacularly low anyways
Holla Forums pretty much allows anything into the webm threads because its more tradition than anything to allow shit posting in the threads, though at times some people take it way too far like posting 20+ Gore etc posts in a row, but you can just idblock them if a mod won't do anything about it
Mostly the rules are just "Don't be a faggot when posting webm's" and everyone tends to be happy
I'm not saying it ain't a rule I just never saw it as one because of it being used so often for every thread but yeah also I forgot about the vidya op rule.
Where would the world be without the reasonable man standard?
Well it's not hard or taxing to follow. People that complain about it are basically doing it since they are rurus, not because of what they restrict.
I don't think there would be anything wrong with enforcing a vidya only webm thread. I just don't see it ever happening.
Still looking for song sauce in
My autism needs it.
Yeah, some people are just fags.
It's for the best
The problem of having vidya only webm thread is because it would be very boring place and more repost of the same vidya webms than the usual webm thread
Who would you prefer then?
source of the anime?
wtf i love mlp now
Actually just reminds me that 95% of episodes of MLP are shit
vidjer gemus
Requesting more stage 1 mixes.
How fucking rich is the guy who made this? I think I remember his voice from somewhere but I can't quite place it.
IIRC that's actually Deadmau5…. so really fucking rich
That makes sense.
What a waste of perfectly good rocks and cannon balls.
Does anyone have source on the YouTube video or the song on this webm?
Idiot. That version you posted is from Youtube. The audio has been fucked with to get by Youtube's copyright detection. was ripped right from Nicovideo and is THE original sound.
Hot off WebM for Retards. Did I do good?
Damn, the audio got off near the end. Trying again~
Other way around, that is Avril 14th by Aphex Twin, released in 2001. While Kanye West's Blame Game was released in 2010.
Sound synced. Now running the conversion again to see if I can get just a little closer to 12MB for quality.
This is supposed to be sarcasm right? Relax my ass, that music is the furthest from relaxing I've ever heard.
fucking kek, that one was great
Last attempt, then giving up
You did, user, I felt a feel.
You did it*
Those were fucking great. I'm sad as fuck the advertisements for the more current games don't have half the effort put into them.
It's hit or miss, really. The show excells in some places and sucks in others, but at least it isn't pushing some sort of agenda.
Fuck off, commie
Big band is top
Hard to say, seems those tracks were pretty well hidden.
what kinda faggot did the subs on this?
fucking hell man…
It's the result of catering (in a positive way) to the peripheral audience. Because there is a very strong source of money in the older folks who enjoy it, we get things such as references to Moby Dick, Plane trains and automobiles, hell, I lost track of what they have made a simple non 4th wall slapping reference to.
Fucking hell, user, what have you done to me?
The subs were lifted from crunchroll, they've been translating all of the stand names wrong because they're named after copyrighted band names and songs n shit.
Gotta be extra careful because Vanilla Ice got mad that they named Dio's vampire butt slave after him and sued.