Let's talk about one of the best parts of Sci-Fi, power suits!
Clang is welcome too (unless it looks more like flesh than metal, you heretic)!
Let's talk about one of the best parts of Sci-Fi, power suits!
Clang is welcome too (unless it looks more like flesh than metal, you heretic)!
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Dead Space has some awesome designs
Too bad the series is dead as shit
Metroid suit has always been magic shit
better being that than being in a state of unlife tethered to this world by corporate necromancy
Is the original Dead Space worth playing on its own? I have no intention of ever playing its sequels.
It's standard survival horror set on a derelict space station and it's competent at what it does most of the time.
I also like DS2, though there is more action to be found there. This can be a plus for some but also a big drawback for others.
The ending kinda leaves a hook for the sequel, but it not a big deal, it really closes the history well.
though Dead Space 2 is my favorite because it has the the best suit designs and they upgraded the mechanics a lot.
I always liked the visor on of the Marathon Security Officer's helmet. It looks really neat. That and the suit too, which is basically a predecessor to Master Chief's MJOLNIR Mark IV, even though Marathon and Halo do not take place in the same universe
isn't this visor based on cop's bike helmets?
I'm not really a fan of open helmets, but the suit is really well designed for a old school game.
While perhaps not powered, I really like the look of the Advent armor of XCOM 2. It just looks so functional.
Gonna drop some more artwork, 'cus I don't have anything better to do on a Tuesday.
Do jump boosters count as powered? Anyways here's the Titanfall suits.
Actually, in my opinion, DS1 had a rather good finality to it. The final boss was implied to be the source of all that happened, not some other bullshit that the other games brought in. Especially DS3, jesus fuck what a stupid idea for an antagonist.
yeah, titan fall had some very good designs, pity that was the game had so little content.
Also, as far as i'm concerned, any suit that gives the user an advantage in term of visor augmentation, physical boosting or reflex and feedback systems is considered a power suit.
i would even go and say that something simple as a airtight suit that provides survivability in space would be considered a power suit of sorts.
I would say that it can only be called a power suit if it augments physical power. Otherwise, just call it an exosuit.
Like i said, it really closes the story well, even tough it leaves a hook for a second game in the series, even if it wasn't about Issac.
You're making me wanting to go play the first one again mate, don't do this to me. I'm already behind schedule on the Metroid series.
Huh, i always saw the Power in "Power Suit" as it is powered by a energy source, whatever that may be and whatever the function that uses this power source is.
I've always had a boner for this design
No its not, it got an ending. :^)
I love me some power suits and exoskeletons.
oh yeah, vanquish had a fucking sweet art design, too bad that PC NEVER EVER
I like these guys more
Not magic, just energy to matter conversion, and back again, which the Chozo had mastered and which is why they disappeared (they literally transcended and became beings of pure energy). What annoys me is that the games and manga are inconsistent about how it all works. Other M shows Samus having a breakdown and the armour disappears, implying it requires some force of will to keep it active, but Fusion shows her unconscious post-infection and they have to cut the metal away and leave her with only the gambeson-looking thing underneath without the plating.
And sequel never ever. Also IIRC the big evil was a Hilary Clinton stand-in? Fucking prophetic.
I'd love to see a game focused on power amour. Start off as a grunt in the military and fight other grunts, and then a god-like PA shows up and fucking wipes the floor with everyone. Then you take one down and end up as the sole standing survivor, and get placed in to a special team thanks to your bravery/experience to pilot the reverse engineered tech, and then you get to go on god-like killing sprees against enemy grunts, and it ends with you fighting other power armoured soldiers and, eventually, some fuck-huge boss like a carrier ship in space or something. Something with a really excellent sense of scale and escalation that has you go from literal meatbag on the ground to armoured demi-god.
Other M isn't canon user, it's fanfiction, it's simple as that.
I would love something like gun hazard, but isntead of buying equiping mechs, you buy power suits that have different playstyles, that would be cash.
It's normal to find Samus attractive only when she is in her powersuits, right?
Just wondering.
what the fuck was that one-time battle thing that happened years ago where it was like a bunch of players as regular troops vs some sort of AI army controlled by the devs?
It depends user, does you still find her attractive if she takes the helmet off? if no, then you don't find samus attractive, you just want to fuck the armor.
But that is fine too i think, so whatever.
It's a fine piece of tech, and it's extremely modular too. Plus, with the right upgrade you can destroy any life form in just 1-6 shots. Or survive anything near of a planet obliterating blast.
Are warframes power suits?
Of coursh!
Yeah, but I don't dig the skinsuit so well.
I know that, and damn if it doesn't make it more attractive.
But where's the little sister?
Which suit is the most attractive, though?
I always hated this.
Reminds me of MegaMan teleporting at the end of a stage. Those teleports shouldn't be canon. Same with Samus: my autism refuses to acept that such an armor can just dissapear in the air: it should be troublesome to both put it on as to put it out. It should be felt as something very real (like the 1987 RoboCop suit) instead of something CGI (like IronMan's suit).
What exactly happened during the surgical procedure?
Yeah, they removed parts of her armor, but was she able to remove what remained of that armor? Or was she glued to it?
More important: what happens at the end of the game? Is she cured, can she walk on the streets like a normal human? Did she regain the regular Chozo Suit?
ODST armor is the best, albeit I really liked the Halo Reach Soldier armor.
Penny Arcade was never funny.
Not seeing it.
Get your shit taste checked out.
more like biosuits, but if clang is welcome, so are warframes.
she is cured right at the start, she just has metroid DNA on her body now, which mean she can probably absorb matter and tranform it into energy by touch it seems, and no, she doesn't get the chozo suit back, probably can find another one in another chozo planet tough.
Funny thing is, a regular M.I. soldier graduated from camp Carrie wearing a Marauder-class Powered Armor would probably beat any version of Samus.
isn't cannon
That's when i find her the most attractive
I hope so, the Fusion suit makes sense but it's horrible.
Biosuits are pure sex, you swine.
furfag confirmed
also morph ball is sleeping bag with 2 domes on sides
Uhh, user, that's not the fusion suit.
That's some deranged nightmare brewed on the far depths of a furry's mind.
Somebody never played TetrisDS
It was fun as fuck
fusion suit isn't that bad, tho I would change the visor a little
I really hate the bladed forearm, aside from that it's kinda decent.
Pathetic. Probrably one of the best things out there. Benefits include:
-Self-repair system
-Allows you to breath underwater
-Resistant to high falls
-Allows you to exist in highly toxic areas
-Has a built-in resurrector.
But ODST armor isn't powered armor, it's just a tough spacesuit with armor plates and pouches on it
I really dislike this retarded trend
I love the nanosuit from 1 and Warhead a lot, why did they have to fuck it up so much in the sequels by massively toning down max speed and max strength?
Platinum has hinted that a port is being worked on.
I will only believe in them the day they announce it.
Expect X-Com 2 has a good reason for it! Advent troops are fucked up with ayy genetics so they need to cover their upper heads.
Lower face are only open to deceive stupid liberals.
Why are Genji and Reinhardt not wearing their helmets?
Concept art you dofus.
Why does nobody want to actually make a sandbox game
Because it's hard and then you need to go against minecraft, which for some reason is still fucking huge.
Any investor see this and block the project in fear of lost shekels.
gotta purge this heresy
what's up with his boot? it looks like a hoof, that looks a lot like heresy to me.
Well the Space Furries are officially heretics now
Wait what? What the fuck happened now?
source ?
that user ? or …
Fuck, i always forget about section 8, too bad the servers are dead.
When's the last time we got a power suit that actually made you superhuman instead of just big jumps/regen health?
I like it that they kept the helmet at least in most games but the Visor really pisses me of because it is such a big target for anyone shooting the guy wearing it (on a sidenote which helmet is now the one resembling the security helmet in Destiny is it the Taikonaut one for the Titan or the 9g long morning helmet for the Hunter?).
And damnit why did they have to make the armor in Reach so edgy with so many corners that can catch tons of bullets why did they not follow the design from 3 and ODST and rounded it out with the few personal touches that they included like the antennas, the leather straps for ammo or the extra gas filters and maybe more face plates to protect the giant visors of most helmets.
thing that makes scifi good is aliens and space
I always wanted to get the officer armor for the orion faction but no one was online most of the time.
Such a shame it was always fun to pick someone up in the mech and to shoot them in the face afterwards.
If we're going power levels, the light suit from prime 2 is the best. If we're going aesthetic, gravity suit.
Oh god, when I saw the power armor customizing I thought I was gonna be fucking Iron Man with fucking wrist rockets and shoulder rockets up the ass. Instead it's all just stupid shitty paint jobs, or just plain straight up +50 physical damage res shit.
Don't get me wrong, it's still miles better than power armor from any other fallout game, but it leaves so much wasted potential.
I got very pissed off with the lack of helmet physical HUD, it doesn't even feel you're in a giant piece of armor, also they are full of holes where you can see parts of the character inside.
You can't expect something good coming from Bethesda anyway.
So in other words, magic shit?
Cause suits that demanterializes and can turn people into tiny balls is magic, not science. Period.
It's also ugly.
Bullet-proof glass is a thing, fam
Not just magic, BIRD MAGIC
the morph ball is anything except tiny
Like the rest of fallout 4, they only gave it the surface appearance of Neat Things, without actually putting work into making it good
The power armor is introduced alongside heavy weapons, but you can use them without the armor and there's no real reason to make you want to either, not even a perk or something
Fusion cores are propped up as a rare resource you need to power the suits, found in special places, to give you a further risk/reward to using them, but as the game goes on you find the things like candy, you find ten of the things for every mini-nuke you'll stumble across
And then the things break so easy and end up being so expensive to repair that it greatly outweighs the boost you get from using them, with the biggest boons you get just being features of the base armor frames which can't be broken at all
Oh god and don't get me started on how common the suits are, and how fucked the level scaling is, when I played the game I had a full suit of everything except T-51 armor before I even got through the first act of the main story and really started doing all the faction quests
It's almost comical how shitty the ghetto raider armors are when you realize you can just accidentally trip over a set of functional X-01 armor out in the open once you get to level 30
I prefer the korean variant.
The game died way too fast, and the whole GFWL didn't help it at all.
i played it so so much in my ps3 when my blue ray died. easely for over a year until i decide to change the blue ray drive
Oh god that was the best shit
I know but at least it could be reduced to such a degree that it is only used in the eye holes of the helmet like with the Fallout Power Armor or the Space Marine one from 40K you can still see the HUD without having the whole thing around your face.
But im not a Designer or a military expert so who knows maybe im wrong and that design is far more pratical than a helmet with just enough B-P glass to see out of it or maybe a fully enclosed helmet that only "sees" via optical sensors.
OP, I agree ODST armor is sexy as fuck, but it's not power armor, it's just normal armor
it doesn't increase your strength or speed, it's not powered in any way
Visor makes sense overall; eyeholes would be like… well, curl your hands around your eyes and see how good your field of vision is. That and the MJOLNIR armour has a force field anyway. Eyeholes only make sense in the context where someone is constantly telling you where to go and when to shoot.
We've already got fisheye lenses and other camera tricks to expand fov. There's nothing that says miniature cameras would have to be like looking through a tube.
I think you should reread that.
What he meant was just eyeholes that are covered via bullet-proof glass not a helmet that works via cameras or optical sensors.
But those helmets that you describe have a different problem what if the sensors or the camera get destroyed which can happen and you just stand there looking at the screen of your helmet that just went dark and that during a firefight that would be the end of you if you can't get the helmet of fast enough.
It appears that there is not really a good optimal solution for that problem.
Or am I wrong and Fisheye lenses would help with the FOV when you put them on the eyeholes of a helmet? Sorry if I seem misinformed im not that experienced when it comes to optical tricks.
Enjoy your useless helmet after a good blow. Visor is good design in case of failure, spess muhreens are constantly ripping their helmets off because they can't see shit when their lenses bust.
It would still sqush a human trying to morph
It's still dumb, just like hanging your exoskeleton servo parts outside of your armor (which XCOM 2 does as well)
Bonus points for removing your buffs from your clothing and armor when you get in so if you use capacity carry mods on your armor you're instantly overencumbered when you dive in a suit. And of course Nuclear Batteries don't last longer than half an hour when they lasted centuries powering the reactor it came from that did nothing and still gives power to that nothing when you pop them out
The best
I miss ODST.
Games used to be fun.
What do you change to make you feel like being in a mech?
Flight stick for move and turn, TFGH as camera and strafe.
Branch out your skills from there like you have a command console and you're switching between commands with key presses. That mixed with flight stick buttons being mapped with shoot and weapon swap, the capacity to hang up your keyboard and change your battle station into a real battle station looking like the internals of a german uberwissenschaft space craft, anything is possible really. You just need the capacity for autism like me.
That sounds pretty rad, I bet it'd work even better in Deathwing since you play as extremely hulky dudes with an in game hologram UI too.
But thats just full flak armor op, pic related is the closest thing the imperial guard has to power suits.
imperial guard do not use power suits. its just armor with NV/HEAT vision headset
exept for some really elite soldier or some rare world/imperial guard regiment:
and even though they are mostly just jump packs as it s stupid to give an imperial guard a powersuit.
the cost/efficiency is to dam low for it
I said closest, didnt i?
The only non-astartes, non =][= humans that use power suits are sororitas.
arent they genetically enhanced (but obviously castrated)nuns ?
thats why, they still have superior reflexes and stats than a normal imperial soldier.
Just write Inquisition, you fucking retard. It's not hard and doesn't look like a fucking "emoj" or whatever they call them these days.
Also: It's not called "power suits", it's "Power Armour". They are not one-piece suits, or made from a single material/with a single texture.
The only thing that even remotely resembles a suit about them is the endodermal connection layer beneath the skin of every astartes, connecting the suit's sensors to the marine's nervous system, and even that is not a suit one can take off and put on at will.
No. They aren't "nuns" or "castrated" either (castration can only be performed on males).
The only reason why the Ecclesiarcy can't have any military force, is because a treaty says they can't have "men under arms". The fact that it says "men" and not "humans" is abused by them, so they use women instead.
Sorroritas are not necessarily nuns, they are just fighting for the Ecclesiarchy. Most of them are extremely devote though, and live their lives similar to nuns.
There is also no hint in the lore that they are not allowed to have sex.
No, they are schola progenia, the place that turns little orphanss into comissars, inquisitorial stormtroopers, adeptus arbites and sisters of battle, there is no gene manipulation going on.
And they arent castrated, hell, they dont even have forced celibacy, its just that for your average joe/guardsman they are fucking crazy, you wouldnt want to get torched alive by a bunch zealot space nuns for wanting to tap dat holy booty.
Youre new here, arent you?
ok so they dont have any modification my bad
however: they ARE castrated.
you wouldnt want a sister of battle in her period in the middle of battle.
Actually it's Cadian-pattern Kasrkin Carapace armor.
No, they are not.
Well yes, but i cant epect op to know that.
Fucking plebs