Elder scrolls Lore questions thread

Why do women Argonians have breasts?
No seriously. Was this ever explained?

Other urls found in this thread:


Egg sacs

Air sacs 4 underwater swim, bro


But males argoians don't have big boobs

and what does that teach us? That male Argonians can't hold their breath as long.

Wait this is official lore?

no, but it is fun

The official lore reason has always been that it is the Hist's doing

Why do snakewomen have breasts?

because they aren't lizards, that's why. You're own fault for assuming they are a generic anthropomorphic animal and atributing all the characteristics from there.

Argonians are alien creatures, created by a mystical tree that came literally from outer space. It's a being that managed to jump out of the previous kalpa into this one and for all intents, shouldn't even BE.

Argonians are created by the Hist to serve the Hist and their shape\mind is whatever the Hist wants.
If the Hist thinks they are more usefull with horns and fun, they'll sprout horns and grow fur, if the Hist thinks tits help them somehow, then they will grow tits.

In this particular case, it's most likely a lesson the Hist learned from the previous Kalpa to make Argonians look more humane so they can coehist with both men and mer instead of being treated like animals.
Case in poit: they are a playable race while Sloads are not.

It can also be that they actually breastfeed their young, a trait the Hist gave them to help with nurturing their youngs after learning it from mammals.

They are a crazy species that goes in a frenzy at the command of a Tree and are so fucking terrifying even the Daedra fear them.
Let me say this again: they are the only race that ever INVADED a Daedra gate to the point where Daedra had to close it before being overwhelmed.
Couple that with the incredibly dangerous place that Blackmarsh is and any advantage they can get to survive, including breastfeeding their young, is always welcome.

So argonian mothers produce milk even though they lay eggs?

Argonians were elevated from lizards by the Hist. The ones you see in the games are basically intended to infiltrate the societies of Tamriel, so they have tits because tits are hot.

Fight me in real life.

It's an evolutionary response to facilitate optimal hugging

No lore related reason just lazy developers.

For their same reason they're bipedal and can speak human-talk and have thumbs.

Don't they also change gender during their teenage years or something like that? Argonians are fucking weird

Do us a favor. Never tell tumblr.

This meme needs to die

Because TES is shit, including its lore.

Motherfucker, even their take on Necromancy is one of the most original I've ever seen and at least their "demons" aren't all generic "I'll feast on your soul!" edge lords.

The games are incredibly mediocre but the lore behind it is top notch, especially the later ones.
PEL-9000 going on a crusade against the High Elves in a space ship to prevent them from destroying the whole existence itself is amazing.

I bet you're one of those stupid faggots that sees the dead of Alduin as "just a big dragon that died" and you don't understand that now the current Kalpa can't end ever if he doesn't return.

Amazing stories, really. Like reading the fascinating forgotten realms lore.

They don't. It's just Bethesda being lazy after they went to shit (Oblivion) + furfags.


Please tell us why

What the fuck did you expect when you came into this thread?

Because I've already seen slaver totally not dark elves and fantasy mixed with sci-fi, except done better in actually good vidya.

like what? I want to try them.

M&Ms and Wizardries.

Did you read the books?

TES books?


Yeah, when I played morrowalk.

Hey user, it's okay if all you see are lizards and lizard tits,
I'm sure bashing furries scalies is much more fun than knowing about the lore that Argonians are based on.

After all, it's much cooler to assume they have tits because the authors are furries themselves, instead of assuming that it's because AN ALIEN TREE FROM ANOTHER DIMENSION ACTED LIKE A MONOLYTH AND FORCE-EVOLVED LIZARDS TO DEFEND IT, GIVING THEM TITS SO THEY FIT IN AND INFIRLTRATE MEN AND MER CULTURE.

By Talos, you anti-furry fags are worse than furries when it comes to ruining cool shit. At least the furries try to build on top of the lore sometimes but you fags will completely disregard all the cool shit the lore has just so you can bitch about the furries.

Fuck, it reeks of ribbit in here.

Yes, the Dark Eldar are cool in a freakish kinda way.
But Dunmer are not that and being slavers is really not their whole schtick.

Their relation to the Gods, their war with the Dwemer and their entire culture is what gives them some charm and it's pretty unique.

Okay, fam, whatever you say.

Oh the ironing.

Only house Dres and Telvanni relies on slaves for their economy. Slaves are a part of Dunmer culture, but it's not what makes them special.

Why is the combat in these games so shit? Is it part of the lore?

Because it's an RPG first and an action game second.
Morrowing itself more than Oblivion and Skyrim, although if you know basic math, it's really not different anyway.

The point of the games was never to have an in depth combat system but rather the exploring the context behind the combat, which is why Morrowind is considered the best and Skyrim the worst.
Because the combat was focused on despite suffering no serious overhaul or upgrade at the expense of the story.

It's also because GameBryo is really neat to load multiple cells and make open world games but it's SHIT for action combat of any kind.

Why do lorefags ruin everything? Do they think knowing autistic facts about a made up world makes it more fun?
No its not, the economy doesn't exist, it's a video game. Can't you just let us fill in the blanks for ourselves?

lmao, fucking so?

The devs literally wrote it in their game retard.

It's simple really. Argonians are not a naturally evolved species. They were originally members of the other races before they consumed too much hist and was changed into Argonians from it. They have breasts because all the other races do and they are descended from those races.

Why are they humanoid? The answer is because they are a fucking fictional race and can be whatever the fuck the writer wants them to be. As for a serious answer, they probably evolved them for the same reason humans do Because they make love face to face


The morrowind generation believes so.

I'm not a big lore buff but don't Argonians have different stages of lizardy/tree-ness based on how much Hist sap they've consumed?

Like how there's lots of different Khajits of varying feline-ness (with some being straight up house cats).

Aren't there Argonians who have been born away from Black Marsh and have never drank Hist sap and thus look rather indistinguishable from men?
I can't remember if that's something someone just made up in a thread, or if it's actually something in the lore

Wood elves are the niggers of TES :^)

Based on quirks of real reptile anatomy, I assume.

While Khajit range from cat people to actual cats, and all of them can interbreed.

Say what you want about TES lore, it's not afraid to get weird.

tfw you will never get in the robot because the universe will shit itself again

Is there a mod that lets me play as a tiny house cat?

Wait, I thought hist sap made Argonians more human-like? Can Argonians even breed outside the Black Marsh?

Probably why we never see Argonian nests and eggs in their houses, or Argonian children.

So they can appeal to other races. Convergent evolution.

It's so Bethesda doesn't have to make argonian female versions of all clothes.

Wood elves are bigger niggers than the actual niggers

I expected people to say how the Devs are furries who like to put boobs and thighs on animals because they're weirdos.

An honest, rational reply is what I expected.


Why do autist fags ruing everything? They have a whole new and amazing world to explore and get to know and yet they prefer to stick with their unoriginal tropes and deny anything that looks weird and cool exists.
Your life is a videogame, you're the gameover screen your mother got at the end of her marriage stage.

So, the RPG elements take precedence over the action ones. You can have your crosshair over an enemy and be at the right distance and yet still miss because your character is shit at sword combat.

The "shit combat" of Morrowind stems mostly from lack of feedback. Whenever you miss an attack, you don't know if it's because you're too far, the enemy dodge, his armor absorbed the strike or a supernatural effect like Sanctuary defended him. This could have been solved with simple hit\miss sounds for each situation, but instead they listened to retards like you and made every hit connect.

Which in the end doesn't matter because the outcome is still the same regardless.

You're one of those fags that goes "why would I play any fantasy race if I'm human?" type, aren't you?

It does, they have a naming ritual and everything where they drink some Sap to reach full sentience. Missing on that renders them niggerish in behaviour and some are even incapable of normal speech.

The Hist acts like the Monolyth in Odyssey, except for lizards instead of monkeys.

Doesn't explain why morrowind combat (and whole gameplay) is shit.
Never played an RPG with good gameplay, babby?

Then why did the alien tree keep them as lizards?

Even low-fantasy authors like David Icke understand that reptillian infiltrators have to take human appearance. They can't get anywher just by growing boobs.

I could just dismiss your post as "combat isn't that important in morrowind, that's why nobody cares if it's shit" and I don't even have any problem stating that yes, combat in ALL TES games is shit.

However, please do state an RPG released near the same time that has better combat.
I'd very much like to know about new and better games and failing that, at least laugh at your failure as a shitposter.

Admit that over a buxom orc or redguard mistress, you'd take an argonian or a khajiit.

That's what this boils down to lizard boy. No wonder the Imperial and Bretonian man is becoming a laughing stock. Boys getting lizard fever over lizard boobs, Disgusting.

Hillary did

Probably because scales and whatever else they have under the hood helps them thrive in Black Marsh. They don't really need to BE humans, just be close enough to the uncanny valley they are considered sentient and sapient by the rest of the races.
And considering how everyone treats argonians like they are a legit race above animals, at least in terms of sapience, it's a sucess. Any other change would be considered superfluous by the Hist and quite possibly compromise their survival.

I'm more of a Dunmer because they get shit done, or a Khajit because moonsugar and their caste system is very interesting, as is their take on Lorkhan or their laws.

ANyone else surprise by SJW not going after Elder Scrolls for by racism over Blacks being there own Race?

Yeah, I think RGs are safe for now

If you checked their culture, they are also the representation of Asians with their architecture and martial arts.
In case you didn't knew, SJW's don't care about Asians as they have more priviledge than white people (and they are jeaulous of Asian girls because Yellow Fever)

Exactly what you'd expect would happen if you sent nuclear missiles to Africa.

No. The Khajiit's different cat types are because their lives are tied to the phases of the moons, and the moon's phase at their conception and birth determine what sort of cat they are. As far as I know, Argonians don't have anything like this.

SO when black college professors say black were the original Japanese and Chinese. They were actually stealing the history of the Red Guard? I can't for blacks were the original Hobbits.


Reptillian characteristics like cold blood and a forked tongue don't make one look as bad as an argonian. She wasn't unattractive in her youth honestly.

You've convinced me. I'm going to wipe out the Twin Lamps and genocide the Argonians in my morrowind game every time from now on.

This sentence gave me a horrible mix of cringe and shuddering.

the conclusive answer: the fanbase and devs are furries. No appeal to lore can refute this.

All elves of elder scrolls are kikes except for dark elves, they are arab muslims. All semites non the less. Talmor are actually judaist priests, since they "don't recognize Talos".

Comparison of ES elves to jews has a lot of ground behind it. And snow elves are ancient pure jews before they "spread around the world".


Thalmor are Nazis.
Bethesda is filled with normal fags you idiot.

>pretty good race would ally and befriend them and fuck them because argonian girls are 10/10

The conclusive answer is that you give no fucks about the lore or the game, you just want to kill furries.

>he can't even make his own shitposting OC, has to copypaste previous ones just like furry fursonas :^)

Remind you that white supremacist born from jewish religious supremacism.

Thalmor: 8 divines, influence Empire (Jews)
Empire: 8 divines because of Thalmor influence (Catholics of today)
Nords: Orthodox russians, 9 divines

While beth is normal as fuck, sometimes right winged views get into their games.

Russian culture is closest to the Khajiit.

According to the devs on the old forum, when they still talked to fans, Argonians are ovoviviparous.

Other than that, Argonians also have many forms, only one being seen outside Black Marsh. So it doesn't mean all Argonians work like this, just species found in games.

They really aren't most of the time. Your average Argonian is a barely sentient or not sentient at all lizard who's mind is influenced by the will of the Hist. Just like animals can't live outside of their biomes, so can't Argonians. Only the sentient ones can and some of them such as Nagas can't integrate into the outside world. Nagas in particular because they're violent agents of chaos. The variants seen in the games, humanoid ones, are the only ones that are both capable to live outside Black Marsh and can adapt to Manmer society.

You're right about Argonians, but not Khajiit. Argonians change depending on how much sap they take. Even after growing up.
Khajiit are born the way they are depending on the stages of the moons upon birth.

In intelligence and at least to some extent physically. Can't offer any details because we don't know.

Bosmer were also the ones with whom history arguably starts (unless you count Nords) because their dynasty of kings was the one to start writing first. Then again, it might have been an Altmer puppet government

My guess is the lore is too much to comprehend for them, Skyrim is too popular with their nu-male crowd to bash or they can't into open world rpgs such as Skyrim :^)
Probably all three and then some more reasons.

something else that's interesting is that their sex changes depending on their cycle.
quote from ingame lore:

I recall reading that in the Argonian race description while using the Construction Set, yeah. Don't tell tumblr

actually more variations of the Khajit was planned for the earlier elder scrolls games, but was never developed due to time restraints. They do still exists in the lore.

Cracked once wrote an article where they said Morrowind was racist because RG had higher physical stats and lower mental stats but noone took the bait so they stopped.

Triggered faggots made mods to make all genders have completely equal stats in Skyrim, but I don't think I ever saw a mod to change redguards

Hist are probably beings that failed to create their own Amaranth. Reality independent from the Dream, to be more precise. What's left of that alien world lies in and under Black Marsh. Since they never created their world and we can definitely see remains of an attempt, it's obvious their world exists in some unfinished and degenerated form. Another reason why we know Black Marsh is theirs and not just a sick paintjob is because its being is unconnected to laws of Mundus. It is present in the Dream, but exists by its own rules.

As such, Argonians aren't of this world and merely walk through it. Their mental and metaphysical existences comes from something else which is incomprehensible to Mundus. Because of this, when they assume a sex or talk about daily life, they're merely pretending, or to be more precise, acting. They're not playing along with it. Their being and fate are unconnected to Dreamsleave, Talos or Aedra. It doesn't concern them.
With this in mind, it's easy to realize that an Argonian who rejected his place in Black Marsh and maybe even became a productive member of the Empire, is still alien. When he interacts with his friends and experiences his life passing, he's still an outsider, he's experiencing something new. Because, after he dies, he'll be reborn in Black Marsh and his memories will not fade away, merely be locked away if Hist wishes so.

Exploring Argonians further, metaphysically, from Mundus' point of view, even the whole Dream's point of view, Argonians are aliens out of reach. Their souls are not bound to its law and only dream collapsing catastrophes can threaten to take their unreality of Black Marsh with it. And even then, Hist have skipped many Kalpas along with their marsh. This allows for a whole new perspective onto Argonian relationship with the Void and Sithis. Elder Scroll's idea of the Void is most definitely the most accurate description of the state of the world they come from. Reality of Hist doesn't exist, never came to be, yet is still there. It's a paradox. Argonians are frozen in an unfinished state of becoming, undefined, yet Other because the Dream is different from them. Does this make sense? No, not really. I don't have the vocabulary to express certain ideas of Elder Scroll's metaphysics. The point being, Void and Sithis are their home and nurturing mother and father. When they worship it, they worship it in a different and much more literal way than other species. The point also being that changing gender makes too much fucking sense for them.

Another point extracted from this also being that one day when you go under your lusty argoinian maid's skirt you'll find a dick. No homo. Maybe. I don't know. How much Argonian psyche changes with their body is something you'll have to settle for yourself as nobody has thought of a canonical answer and indicated they've got it figured out (except Todd that one time we roleplayed). Errr, to go on a tangent, yes, Argonians are progressive's wet dream, except those faggots don't realize it.
Argonian sex was probably undefined until Hist fucking jobbed it and landed back onto Mundus. And here new creations, or at least their bodies, as Hist can't conjure stuff out of nothing anymore, had to be made. They also had to exist to some extent in accordance with how stuff lives pm Mundus. That means sexual reproduction for those lizards transformed into anthropomorphic beings. However, their souls were molded into something else and claimed by the shaggy sentient tree mind. Minds. Whatever.
As for how Argonains live, the lifestyle and rules governing their existence are completely alien to us. Or were until the fourth era. Through prolonged exposure to humans, with the founding of An-Xileel, they decided to make a Tamriel inspired civilization. Exact reasons are murky, but so far they've had great success mixing their own with Tamrielic. Examples include flipping the middle finger to Dagon in Oblivion Crisis and giving Dunmer hell after Red Mountain exploded. The first being an example of harmony and virtue in government and second of human and mer like hubris and ego. What'll happen to their empire and how the Hist are reacting to it is unknown.

There were some Slavic elements in Imperial culture, though.

In Nibenay, definitely. While Nibenay culture doesn't sound exactly like Slavic ones, the connection is obvious. On the lowest tier, there's the superficial resemblance - less developed, almost frontier like eastern part of your Empire that is most definitely your people even if weird.
But anyone can make such connections about the same thing. The real meat in the comparisons is in the relationships of the people with divinity. East is much less centralized and the general culture, while civilized and rational has very strong streaks of Chaos, as an untamed force present in its essence. This is also true of Slavic peoples and most easily seen in ethnic songs and dances.

Another thing that's interesting is that Imperial City is built right in the middle, on the watery crossroads of south-east with the west.

Russians are very militant, to the point most Slavs feel a grave disconnect with them. From what I can gauge, looking at somewhat limited Nibenay lore (thanks for almost slaughtering it and not adding anything new, Oblivion), eastern peoples aren't warmongers or focused on military in any capacity. Thus, I'm very hesitant to call them Russians in anything but partial inspiration.

This is why Argonians are abominations. I kill every Argonian I come across. Bosmer are almost as bad. Khajiit are pretty bad, too, but they're the only ones who actually understand Lorkhan, so I usually let it slide.
Also, aren't Redguards survivors from the previous kalpa? Or is their exodus from Yokuda just part of the continents-as-different-phases-of-time thing?

tbh fam argonians are great
Just stay aware of Hist. They'd like to highjack Tamriel and turn it into Hist world. They're too smart to attack though. They know it wouldn't work.

Argonians are just alien. Bosmer are Y'ffre's experiment gone wrong. They all have two sides - the quirkiest guy you'll ever meet and a twisted fucking madman.

No, they're just weird and have myths that reference kalpas.

But all genders in Skyrim already had the same as their male counterparts. If you meant between races, that didn't affect much aince they were practically all the same too.

There was one difference, which was height and thus movement speed.

So… did you make that image on the spot or was it saved on your harddrive?

Read the filename.

Where does Redguards being interdimensional travelers come from?

He's an idiot. Don't take his memes mistaken for real opinions seriously.

Some people think that Yokuda (the land that they came from) was part of a previous kalpa. Or that it might have been part of the past, based on Kirkbride's crazy bullshit about each continent being part of the past, present, or future (or frozen in time).

No way someone got triggered enough to do that. Link?
Turns out Bosmer males are shorter than females kek


So furries are reptilianoid alien sympathisers and sex fetishists, but I'm the bad guy?


No grounding in anything

Idea is there but doesn't gel into the lore yet. It's just an interesting idea at this point. Doesn't have anything with dimensional travel that guy talks about.

To the mod you sperg, I know how to find things on uesp. Speaking of which

Yes, the good wiki. What of it?

I prefer to use TES wiki, but why is using uesp bad?

The beast races in TeS are pretty cool, but you need to hang.

My opinions are facts.

They don't have any of the more interesting lore, like CHIM. Even TES wiki will occasionally have articles that the uesp refuses to have.

I agree with Thalmor, and the bosmer being totally useless, but come on Orcs are great. They make their own armor and weapons to. What are you smoking. Nords are also great, don't know that much about red guards though

I'm not talking about a mod, you retard, I'm talking about the base game.
What, do you use the wikia, like a fucking pleb? You know UESP is superior and has been around since 1996, right?

You're retarded. Also, UESP's lack of masturbatory lore articles is a good thing, since a lot of it is unconfirmed.

Sorry if I don't take your view as read.

you can choose one of those and only one. seeing as the former is catering to the latter.

Read my original post you fucking retard, it was a response to a person who said this:
And speaking of CHIM

I think he's talking about the furries as in the fans of the fandom who think they're anthropomorphic animals.

I was probably thinking of Oblivion

Link the mod, I want to see what other mods the retard/s made

Furries and Khajiits/Argonians do not look alike. The beat races of Elder Scrolls are clearly designed by a normal human being as they do not look visually like furries always do. Furfaggotry always has the same telltale signs that out it as soon as you see it.

Pic related: #1 Baloo the Bear as drawn by a sane person

#2 Baloo as drawn by a dogfucker

Sometimes, I falsify filenames on purpose to throw off spies and people who use filenames to identify anonymous users.

forgot first image

Breton anti-mage best race/class combo. Out-maneuver the shitty melee/ranged AI and fuck over mages because of racial magic resistance.

I don't get it. A unit assuming a female role in a non-argonian society suddenly growing a dick would be suspicious. Why would that even happen? Are you not telling us something, user?

I know. Read your post again:
I was pointing out that you were wrong.

I don't have a face smug enough for this.


Took me 3 seconds to Google it

pure coincidence

Tits are aesthetically pleasing. Trying to do a feminine form without tits is statistically difficult.
And literally every artist can tell you. Drawing/modeling tits is fun.

Not being a stealth archer

Adding weight to tits, be it automatically with physics or through careful study of bags of sands in motion, is really satisfying.

I hope we get tits physics in OpenMW sometimes down the line.

Nothing feels better than getting the tit physics mods in Skyrim just right.

i think there is enough material around to study the real thing instead of bags of sand

Yeah i keep seeing puff chests in things that shouldn't have it but it enhances the perception of the monster/robot/etc being feminine

Who gives a shit about the devs being furfags? Judging by your spacing you're obviously from reddit and you are trying too hard to fit it. Fuck off.

this pic is missing from this thread

Also, their plan to undo the Convention is identical to the kabbalic Tikkun Olan.

Feels bad man

Just like the intro of witcher 3. There were humans and when they met magic, they did not banish it. That's how you get argonians and other beast races.

But who cares, muhdick is more important.

Fuck off, /furry/.

We need another .gif like this but with Holla Forums turning into /furry/.

Or, y'know. You could just fuck off back to your containment board and stay there.


Argonians have breast because the D wants and you can't do anything to change that, you butthurt nigger.

First of all that gif already exists, second of all…

Nigger, they are mostly crossposters from 4chan's /trash/. The vast majority of people there think Holla Forums is too slow. The only people that go to Holla Forums from that board are the unfunny fuckwits who force that poz meme.

post it

So am I the exception?

to filter poison and shit

You should try talking to the people on the board you browse every day. They will confirm what I said.

Friendly reminder, Circa 2004 HALF OF YOU ARE SECRETLY FURFAGS
History Revisionist hipsters are claiming that Holla Forums always was anti-furry, because normalfaggots are triggered
All your base didn't come from something awful

oh! i didnt know that there were RULES in war, faggot
and retarded

I don't give a shit about furfags, I just hate the /furry/ userbase. No one likes you, not even the furfags.

You're a dipshit. Stop projecting whatever your hallways tell you at night after raping and screaming into your ears at night.
2004 has nothing to do with any sort of fucking thing. If you're gonna pull things out of your ass pull your intestines out and debowel yourself so we don't have to put up with you anymore.

2004 was earlier than before the attempts at curtailing internet culture to make it more palatable for normal fags to increase revenue capability, which can be tacked down on major forums around 2006-'07. This included a lot of "excaliburing" by forum administation to attempt to ingrain a sense of ownership of what "internet norms" are rather obvious. It's like sonic pre '06 and the big bang theory. It's nearly overnight that the shift in general opinion via methods of social ostracism to curtail what is an isn't acceptable. Embrace the vintage memes and their real roots.

Fuck off dogfucker, no one gives a shit about your made up history before fursection started


Fursecution is a goon meme after the furry community globally rejected them in order to divide the community from their idealogically similar ones. I am an expert in meme warfare and have over 9000 confirmed danks.

What's a dank?

memetic measurement unit.

fuck this thread now i kinda want to reinstall and play with lizard tits






After seeing that so many images got loaded to the thread I assumed that the furries had found it. What actually happened is almost as bad.

Then talk lore, Herma Mora damn you. I wrote some autistic stuff earlier in the thread and I'm willing to do so again. Just talk lore fam.


You asked for it. So as I have come to understand it CHIM is basically just lucid dreaming in which the individual can now do incredible things. Avoiding the zero sum(I exist, but my existence is an illusion) he achieves near god like status, even being able to exert his own influence on reality to a point. But Dagoth Ur is far different in fact is the opposite of CHIM in every way.

To understand this you have to know basically how the Dreamsleeve functions. When a person dies their soul enters the dreamsleeve, and they dream of whatever afterlife they believed in while slowly being bleached of their memories to be reincarnated basically. The interesting part is that when a person dreams their soul actually temporarily leaves their body, entering the dreamsleeve. Thus dreaming is sort of like dying, except you return to your body once you wake up. To further explain it we can describe a living person who is awake as "Awake", "On Mundus", and "Alive" or AwMuAl. When dreaming a living person is "Asleep", "In the Dreamsleeve", and "Alive" or AsDsAl. Knowing how necromancy works also helps to explain this concept of the dreamsleeve's function. A dead person is described as "Asleep" , "In the Dreamsleeve", and "Dead" or AsDsDe. Undead are "Awake", "On mundus", and "Dead" or AwMuDe. Necromancy is completely different from conjuration which manipulates the barriers between worlds, necromancy causes a AsDsDe soul to basically wake up bringing it to Mundus it is now AwMuDe, and will remain so until the magic keeping it awake wares off. Notice that whenever a soul is asleep they are in the dreamsleeve, but when awake always on Mundus. This brings me to the subject of Dagoth Ur himself.

When Dagoth Ur was killed after having somehow used Kagranec's tools to manipulate the Heart of Lorkhan he became awake in the dreamsleeve. This is normally impossible as he is AwDsDe, it is normally not possible to be in the dreamsleeve and wake as this is where all souls go to dream. It is also worth mentioning that Dagoth Ur can also dream which is even more impossible, and is basically AsMuDe. Take for consideration that even when a ghost is killed they leave behind something that shows they were there. Dagoth Ur leaves behind nothing because you are seeing a dead god's dream self. His existence is impossible even though he is present right their in front of you. In fact his existence is basically the opposite of everyone else this is why he has such titles as "the Inversion", and "The dreamer Wakes." But the real reason I wrote this post was to say that Dagoth Ur basically achieved the "Anti-CHIM", where as a person achieving CHIM basically is a Lucid dreamer with super powers Dagoth Ur basically became one with the dream itself. This is also why Ur sees all existence as a part of himself, since he for all intents and purposes became so intimately tied to the dreamsleeve he was the dreamsleeve. One user wrote that if he had succeeded, all that would have been left would have been Dagoth Ur.

You're welcome.

Well, that was horrible.

Thank you based mod.

Yes, that's a good way of explaining it. It's also notable that it isn't spelled out in Morrowind's lore, but theorized with all the data we have. There hasn't been a single conflicting theory that beats it to my knowledge. It's great.

I deleted my own posts because I felt bad after realizing that I actually like TES lore.

>not letting me post my degenerate fetishes to a VIDEOGAMES board is denying my right to free speech!
Not how it works furnigger. Are you representative of the furry community as a whole or are you just an extremely stupid example?

I wouldn't mind if even half of what you faggots post was even slightly related to the thread topic. I could pick a thread at random and find one of you dogfucking autists posting off topic shit and derailing threads.

Going by that logic, over half of us are trapfags.
I won't even tell you to go back to /furry/, you can fuck off back to 4chan.

That's the first part of it, but you're forgetting the most important part of CHIM: love.

CHIM is the realization that the world you love is merely a dream, and the realization that it doesn't matter that it's merely a dream because you love it anyway. If you don't love the world and everything in it, if you don't love it enough that it doesn't matter that it isn't real and you're not real, you zero-sum. You stop having ever existed.

And this love, this love of the world and everything in it, combined with the acceptance of its nature as a dream, allows you great power over the world. You may change it as you see fit, improve it, modify it and contribute to the beauty of the world for the sheer sake of making it more beautiful and more worthy of that love.

Those who truly love will contribute because of that love. That is what CHIM means. That's what modding means.

I have come the idea that CHIM is basically the in lore explanation for Mods, and player characters as well. Which provides even more evidence that Vivec is Kirkbrides self-insert.


The rest of the post is correct. But both men who achieved CHIM, Tiber and Vivec, they were swimming in excess. Talos loved war and conquering and his people so much he became a bloody warlord with genocides, abortions and much more staining his hands. Vivec wanted Dunmer to love him back so much he became a liar, a heretic, blasphemous whoreson and the ultimate doom of southern Vvardenfel in retribution.
They loved, but were sinful men. This is not what real Love (best analogy is Christian Love Jesus manifested by carrying the cross). They were not able to find this divine Love that transcends the dream and creates. For this reason neither achieved Amaranth and opened a way out of the dream.

If you're one of those le modding memers, try fitting Amaranth into your theory and see how it holds up.

top yiff

Explanation is the wrong word. It's in-lore support for and acceptance of modding. It's not just a "lmao console commands are how CHIM works" thing, it's acknowledgement that the playerbase loves the games so much that they're willing to spend time and effort improving the game and shaping it to their own preferences.

Amaranth is moving beyond modding and making your own game.

user you know very well that the thalmor are the Jews of TeS, , die….

I knew someone would eventually pull that one out.
It doesn't make sense. There's only one Amaranth and is born of a holy union. Anyone can make a video game. The relationship between the two doesn't work. Even so, most souls get a chance to exit the dream, something that doesn't hold up for creating a brand new non TES game.

Do not respond fam.

To add to the picture, Imperial Moth Priests use the vibrations of Nibenay moth wing flapping in combination with their own chants and humming for world manipulation. As they live ascetic lives, they usually use it for healing purposes, calling back the ghosts of ancestors and even Zero-Suming ghosts. Of course, this is so damn cool, Todd couldn't allow it to make it in game. Fuck you for Oblivion Todd

Is this copypasta, or have you posted this same idea before? I've seen someone post that AwMuAl thing before.

Why do women Orcs have breasts?
No seriously. Was this ever explained?

There is another post by another user explaining it, I don't have it though.


oh boy, I love TES




No were cooking with gas


They need to feed their blonde fuckboi slaves somehow.


>arguing about this with gf__
This has happened at least 4 times.

So I can slide my muatra between them








Amaranth is born of the holy union of what Anu and Padomay represent, stasis and change, as without both there can be no creation. Both Anu and Padomay are aspects of the same, singular Godhead.

Jumping beyond all existence, creating a a whole World of You, outside of all else but your own free consciousness. The whole point of Amaranth is to create a new, non TES world.

Then why doesn't everyone? Anyone can, but not everyone does. Only the ones fueled by love create.


Hail Sithis

I mean, I know they're elves, but do they lay eggs or something?

A liberal-Aldmeri-magic-using-Thalmor-Justicar-mage-inquisitor-professor was teaching a class on the White Gold Concordat.

"Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Mer and accept that they are the most highly-evolved beings Nirn has ever known, even greater than Tiber Septim!"

At this moment, a brave, patriotic, loyal Stormcloak soldier who had fought 1500 battles, and understood the necessity of war and fully supported all military decisions made by Ulfric, stood up and held an amulet.
"Who is this Amulet for?"

The arrogant Thalmor smirked quite and smugly replied, "Tiber Septim, a mere-human, you stupid heretic."

"Wrong. When I wear this I can call upon the power of the Thu-um every 48 seconds. If Talos is just a man, as you say, then I should only be able to call upon it every Minute."

The Justicar was visibly shaken, dropped his Staff and copy of "The Talos Mistake", and stormed out of the room crying elven crocodile tears.

The apprentices applauded and all joined the Stormcloaks on that day. A bone hawk named "Forthenords" flew into the room and perched atop the Banner of Eastmarch, shedding a tear on the staff. The Oath was read several times, and Ulfric himself showed up to shout the elves from the province.

The Altmer lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died of the mage plague Brainrot and was tossed into oblivion for all of eternity.

Victory or Sovngarde. 

Fuck you and the nigger brotherhood
Morag Tong 4 life.

I want a tes game where the hist commands argonians to rise against the other races.

We wuz.

You got it all backwards, buddy. East and Southeast of Empire, which is where Nibenanese are from, is more developed, building upon Ayleids and influenced by some Akaviri culture. They are merchants, politicians, clergy, and battle mages. They also tend to be more artistic, philosophical, religious, and superstitious. That puts them closer to Italy and Greece than Slavs. They also grow rice, just like Italians do.

Your post was describing Colovians who live in the west. Western land is less developed, having vast plains, farmland, and spread out cities. They have some Slavic and Nordic influences, which are obvious if you just look at the names of cities and people or even clothes like Colovian Fur Helm. They grow potatoes, cabbage, and wheat, which are also staples in Central and Eastern Europe.

Then you also have Golden coast, which kind of has its own culture in a way.

You're utterly wrong. It's Colovia in the west that is basically everything Roman with rationality and nobility of Germany and France.

The SJWs wouldn't know that the Redguards are inspired by Asian cultures because you'd have to play the game for more than 10 minutes to know that and SJWs don't play games.

in case anyone doesn't know what this user is talking about, pic related


Why are you faggots overanalyzing this shit? Lizard tits are for the porn.

Argonian women lactate hist sap

That pretty funny

because hist
or whatever
aint gotta explain shit

i'm always jelly of ES lore threads

That's because Halo lore is pathetic.

It's literally all directly ripped from Ringworld.

Yes, we're lucky. But it's also hard. You've got Skyrim shitposters, wretched waifu culture, Morrowind is shit derailers, Argonian porn banter etc.
We're self moderating to have a few threads in succession followed by months of nothing not to get onto their radar too much.

Never played Halo. My FPS knowledge ends with Serious Sam and there's a gap until the Shadow Warrior reboot.

Back in my day, we didn't have lore threads
We had stories- two stories, and a book, for the whole board
And we had to share the book

Outside of the megastructures themselves there's almost nothing in common the game narratrives themselves have in common with Ringworld, let alone the lore/EU

Thanks for confirming you know nothing about it.

You guys still have threads that are mostly actually on topic though with discussion, both here and on halfchan

To be fair most of it isn't from the Halo games, but the novels.

Two years ago was the golden age of lore threads. There was either a sudden burst of interest or a few of us got dozens of people hooked. So we droned on and on about lore, got a few people very erudite on the matter. Now we're not getting much interest anymore. I suppose we fished out everyone who was interested in lore and these threads are slower, rarer and with more anti-Bethesda shitposters (courtesy of fags who got on the Fallout 4 hate train and want to ruin everything remotely related). We're mostly refining arguments with few new original thoughts. I guess keeping the tradition and torch alive is fine. But it ain't as flashy as it used to be. Until the next game, that is. Then it'll probably get hectic again. Good? I hope after it all settles and new users get interested in discussion.

TES gets continued lore threads because there's dickloads of it, and at least compared to Halo, it's like, super deep, man
Halo lore threads are overrun with shitposters because there's fuck all to talk about aside from how much 343 is fucking up the series or "oh my god people are talking about babby's first shooter on Holla Forums"

Confirmed for not actually reading Ringworld. The plot twist of the Forerunners being human is the exact same one as when you find out proto-human Neanderthals built the Ringworlds. Then both of their descendants come back and declare war on space modern humans, just like in Ringworld.

Seriously, just read the books. It's better than what ever fan fic they dumped chat logs or whatever.

For over two years now I'm casually discussing TES lore with a Catholic will-be-priest in training. At this point we've basically defined all major hurdles in TES metaphysics that stop it from being Christian. Now we're going through Catholic theology and terms in real life and comparing them to TES counterparts (which is difficult because metaphysics of the Dream needs new words to be invented to describe its properties). It's all fun and games until you go to bed with a headache because it's insanely complicated work. TES metaphysics are no joke. It's insanely serious. I admire Todd and Kirkbride for what they created and how they handled all the problems with insanely good retcons.

I imagine I know how Greeks and various pagans felt like when trying to describe the world without knowing of the creator and without the Church to sort out the mess.

Except the forerunners AREN'T human.

Once again, proving you know nothing about what you are talking about.


This is part of the shitposting though. 343 has fucked up in game narratives, but as far as the novels go there's actually been no average decline of quality since they've taken over: Their good to bad ratio is more or less the same as bungie's

Silentium (343)
Contact Harvest (bungie)

Ghosts of Onyx (Bungie)
Broken Circle (343)
Cryptum (343)
Last Light (343)
Evolutions (Bungie)

Shadow of Intent (343)
Fall of Reach (Bungie)
Primordium (343)
First Strike (Bungie)
Hunters in the Dark (343)
Saints Testimoney (343)

Glasslands (343)
Cole Protocol (Bungie)
Thursday War (343)
New Blood (343)

The flood (Bungie)

Mortal Dictatata (343)

I really don't think so. Granted, i'm not as absurdly autistically into ES lore as I am halo lore, but i'm reasonably informed about it.

Anyways I don't wanna derail the thread, so i'll stop posting about it

To be fair, all that shit was added later on by Halo 4's paint-huffing writers, and only partially saved by the dude that wrote the forerunner books

Mister Halore, have you tried making a thread on /tg/ if there are Halo tabletops or rulesets?

They're Spaceprotohumans, the same way the Neaderthals are.

That may be a fair point, but I wouldn't know, as 343 got their foot in the door with the shittier books written by that woman who made halsey into space hitler, which killed my interest in the series to the point where I haven't even heard of several of the books on that list

And halo's lore consists almost entirely of those books, narratives that dig into the extended universe beyond the games entirely through describing a series of events
While TES lore is told in much smaller fragments, but in a much more complex way, with series of events followed by multiple oftentimes opposing interpretations of those events, and told from an in-universe perspective rather than the semi-omniscient way stories are generally relayed to the reader

And beyond that, Halo is pure sci-fi, so you end up with situations where the writers cannot go in-depth about how certain things work(like "torn out" pages in halsey's journal when describing how some made up tech works), where TES being a fantasy universe can easily afford to over-explain everything even when it doesn't make sense to most people reading it because fuck you it's magic and gods and fake universes, literally anything they could write would make sense as long as it's internally consistent

Also they write about the different breed of khajits in morrowind to retcon the fact that khajits in tes arena looked like humans. They basically had to retcon the shit out of everything in the previous games to make the plots of the sequels make sense.

You're completely right. If anyone here takes 343's fucktarded "lore" as fact you should drink bleach.

Nice try, Thalmor scum.

Liking furshit is kinda like being gay in medieval times. Even if you do it, it is in no way socially acceptable, and you better shut your whore mouth about it unless you want to be totally socially ostracized or even thrown in a bog. Anyone who isn't an absolute retard recognises this.

t. furfag

Read the Kybalion and add a shit ton of fantasy elements and you'll have TES lore

The same (((Church))) that believed the earth was flat until some bad goy came and said it was round, like all ancient Pagan Indo-Europeans knew?
But if by "sort out" you meant spreading kosher disinfo, then you are right.

Nice attempt, try again. Kirkbride is a gnostic heretic and proudly flaunts it everywhere. Naturally, it seeped into the lore a lot.

Fedora tier myth invented by protestants during enlightenment. Shows how much you know.

If you made a Halo lore thread I'd contribute, I dunno how much I remember since it's been awhile but I read all the novels and even the obscure in game shit like the logs with mendiciant bias and offensive bias. This was back in high school though so if they came up with anything after ODST I wouldn't know about it.

My favorite bit of Halo loar is the origin of the brute choppers as human farming equipment.

I'd like to know more about that. I've always heard the Church killed heretical scientists for believing anything that goes against their ideology, but recently I've been pretty interested in medieval times, so I've heard a lot of people saying there was actually a lot of scientifical advencements in this period and there's a lot of misconceptions popularised by liberal media..
So what was their belief towards that kind of thing?

It's pretty simple, if the advancements didn't conflict with anything the Church believed then they were supported, and if they conflicted even slightly then they were not. The Church had believed that universe revolved around the Earth and anyone who tried to disprove them got jailed or killed. On the other hand, practical inventions were fine because the Church did believe in gravity and chemistry, so we got shit like trebuchets and guns.

Factually incorrect. The bible makes no mention of this. It comes from an old greek myth, which the priesthood defended because it was politically, and socially convenient. Now stop with this discussion of religion outside of TeS please

Another myth.
Galileo was given shit because in the wake of protestant revolution, in one of his works he proclaimed Bible says Earth revolves around the Sun. The problem was that he was making himself the authority on the scripture right under the Pope's nose in Italy. What's worse he was a hack who didn't actually prove his claim. In fact, his proof was wrong. Actual work on heliocentrism was done by dozens of scientists throughout the next decade, most of them being clergy themselves.

And if you're one of those geocentrism lmao so stupid, you need to get your head out of your ass. Geocentrism is a Greek invention, far predating Catholicism and there was no actual proof that Earth revolves around the Sun until 18th century. Up until that point, what scientists were debating were mathematical models. Both heliocentric and geocentric models work perfectly, even today.

Sources you say?
Here's a short TL;DR

Fuck, I can't find the autistically detailed series of posts on one blog about the whole time period. You'll either have to believe these quick blogs or go read any of the numerous books on the subject.

Very, very rarely. Church was usually hired by the state to find heretics guilty or not, but in the end it was secular authorities who proclaimed punishment and executed people.
People often rant about the dark ages, but I can guarantee you neither Galileo nor Giordano Bruno nor anyone your usual person knows that was burned actually lived in the middle ages. Bruno was burned in the 17th century and it wasn't for his scientific advancements. It was for his new-age religion, which is like a mix of Mormonism and ancient Egyptian gods. Back in the day such blasphemy in public was harshly punished no matter the religion or denomination that was predominant in the country.

inb4 Spanish inquisition
More of a meme than anything else. Not actually affiliated with Vatican. In fact, Vatican complained about it multiple times. What's more hilarious, it was commissioned by the king of Spain himself to root out jews pretending to be Catholics as to stop people from genociding them due to a long historical animosity. The inquisition was actually thought of as very lenient and progressive back in the day. Go check some statistics and you'll be surprised how little they actually sentenced to death.

Not really. Most of early hipsters adopting Copernican ideas were church men.
Galileo problem was with him proclaiming Heliocentrism real because Bible said so (hint: it doesn't say shit on the issue) and that's what Protestants were doing back then.

And just as I post it, I find the blog I was looking for.


It's a great, albeit very lengthy read. Everything you wanted to know about the debate and more.

Got any more information on this sort of thing. I grew up being taught dark ages were dark for a specific reason. This is wholly different from what I recall at least.

The priesthood is the church though, many Christians have gone against the bible many times. I never said Christianity says everything revolves around the earth, I said The Church believed that at a certain point in time.

If the Church is still deciding who is guilty it doesn't matter who punishes them, and if the Church didn't want people to be executed for being heretics then why didn't they just tell the authorities not to? I'd wager they certainly had the power to do so.

Thanks user, I'm currently studying the crusades and I think I'll get to medieval history as a whole in France. It's helpful to have some context and sweep out misconceptions.
Did you study medieval history for a long time?


There's two reasons for that. Each nation has its national founding myths. Back in the day it was important for all countries who revolted against the Church (and lets not kid ourselves it was for theological reasons rather than power hungry aristocrats who found Luther a useful tool) to establish that Catholic church was a backwards and evil place. Naturally, various myths and narratives formed accusing Church of various things, but mostly being a regressive bigot. And as protestant Europe and eventually US became the most powerful actors, their pop culture spread everywhere and infected pretty much the whole world. A historian knows truth. Hell, it's not even hard to find. However, your average person still lives off of myths he saw on tv and heard repeated around.
And as Enlightenment period tried to validate itself by branding everything preceding it as barbaric, more myths were formed. For example, the flat earth thing was written in the 19th century, I believe. Then came the 20th century and now we've got YOURE A WHITE MALE and CRUSADES WERE EVIL and COLONIALISM IS WORSE THAN HITLER narrative which puts the very existence of any mistakes in the past as proof that everything was evil.
Not sure where I'm going with this except that you should always be aware of modern biases.

As for more info, just go read any remotely serious book about any subject you're interested in. These sorts of things are neither obscure nor hard to find data on.

tbh I don't have a problem with punishing heretics. It's how things were done at the time and how they maintained social order. It was certainly mild to anywhere else. I only have the beef with "they were tried for making science :( " thing. And the witchcraft thing, which is a muddy mess. Then again, Russia in the 20th century burned more witches in total than whole Europe in the middle ages.

Not really. I usually get spoon fed stuff by friends who know a lot more. I don't ask them for clarifications, but where to go read stuff.

A very easy way to get the basics of the crusades is this channel
for anyone interested.

One thing that is definitely much worse than people usually remember it is the history of France. It's basically a series of genocides until everyone not feeling French was killed. And that one time when they implemented a 10 day calendar with 144 minutes an hour and 100 seconds a minute - that was fucking crazy. I also liked when they decided to burn entire cities to the ground including massacring all women because they defended their clergy in the new atheistic Republic.

where is this video from? the actor seems familiar


Frenchmen have always been warmongers. Feels good being french :^)

As long as Streum On and Amplitude continue making good games, French can stay.

Alright lets get the ball rolling again. While we know a great deal about most of the peoples, and major gods of Tamriel we still know very little about Blackmarsh that isn't based on hearsay or rumors. This post here, , does a decent job, but we hardly know much about them.

At this point I dont think we will ever get to hear/see more. If bethesda ever does a elder scrolls blackmarsh I fully expect a oblivion tier map.




Sorry mate, you won't really get much about Black Marsh from us. I wrote this bit about Argonians yesterday
and the gist is that at the center of Black Marsh lies a failed reality we can't fathom because it's not of this world. Kind of like Lovecraft but more mysterious and inhospitable to death than deliberately insane and evil.

That post was written with the intent of covering everything about Black Marsh that we know and since it was written not much has changed. I'd change a few things, add more ambiguity because some statements are kind of bold for the sake of clarity rather than outright true. I should know since I wrote that

To elaborate a bit, when I'm talking about argonian architecture styles, I'm trying to put in words what was alluded to and loosely described in the two books.
With the post about argonians earlier in this thread, I think it makes a whole and there's not much more to do than immerse yourself in lore and try to see stuff from their perspective for that extra spark to fascinate.

Sure there's more, but randomly stating facts isn't pleasurable and the gist is already here. Maybe Tamriel Rebuilt adds something substantial. With the quality they've been putting out, might as well be canon.

yeah, but what's under tirisfal glades?

Polite sage because off topic

Except the 343 forerunner triology are the best written halo novels by far and have the best lore in them, see

The forerunner books were written concurrently with Halo 4, it's just as usual 343 is shit at explaining stuff in game's stories so it comes off a lot dumber in Halo 4 wheras in the novels it's handled really well

Nope, you are out of date on your halo lore bucko

whoops, meant to reply to in that

The Church held that the Earth was the center of the universe. Discovering otherwise and publicizing the truth were what got Galileo in trouble. People in the West have known that the Earth was round for a very, very long time. In fact, it was known with precision since the 3rd century BCE, when Eratosthenes measured it using shadows at different latitudes. Even before that, it could be (and was) deduced simply by noticing that when ships left a harbor, the last visible part of them was the tops of their masts.
So basically, yes, the Church often worked against science. In that particular case, you're under a misconception, though. At the same time, most pre-Renaissance science was done under the auspices of the Church, and they made many valuable discoveries. The relationship between the Church and science is complicated.
I say this as an atheist, by the way.

Before posting untruths, you should first read the thread and view sources given to the contrary.

What part of my post do you think is an "untruth"?

Both already addressed in the thread.

I'd argue against this, but this thread isn't the place for it.

The Church declared the heliocentric model heretical, and Galileo was tried for defending it. The Reformation was already done before his trial, and the Thirty Years' War basically over.

Summerset Isles for the Altmer, Hammerfell for Redguards, Skyrim for everybody

Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when non-Nords pours into Skyrim and ONLY into Skyrim.

The Skyrim is just as crowded as Summerset Isles or High Rock, but nobody says Summerset Isles or High Rock will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of immigrants and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for Skyrim and ONLY Skyrim to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-Nords.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-Redguards were brought into Hammerfell and ONLY into Hammerfell?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the Final solution to the Redguard problem?

And how long would it take any sane Redguard to notice this and what kind of psycho Redguard wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the Nords, Imperials and respectable Imperial puppet Jarls agree that I am a stormcloakwhowantstokillsixmilliondunmer.

They say they are anti-Stormcloak. What they are is anti-Nord.

Anti-Stormcloak is a code word for anti-Nord


Holy fuck! This thread was made 2 days ago and you faggots still haven't figured out why Argonians have breasts?!?!?

I thought the storm cloaks were elf/jew plants to weaken Skyrim

They're not plants, Nords are just that dumb. The Thalmor are taking advantage of the Stormcloaks and providing them clandestine support, but the Thalmor didn't create the Stormcloaks and the Stormcloaks don't know that they're being supported by the Thalmor.

Do you get off on lying and spreading half truths?
Lets break it down.

Half-truth. Lying by omission.
Long before Galileo, various scientists were purposing various models that didn't put Earth in the center. One must understand it wasn't clear where the truth is. Just like it took decades for quantum mechanics to get worked out and accepted, so did Heliocentric model. To be even more clear, Galileo believed in the model. His reasoning was shaky and at his proof at the time got dismantled and proven false. He was yelling about stuff he didn't understand and in one of his shitposts, he declared in one of his works that Bible states his model is correct. Which it doesn't.
Now, you need to understand how Church works. There are undeniable truths, called dogmas. Galileo's proclamation was basically a proclamation of a dogma, which is insane and Sola Scriptura. In a Catholic state when the reality of Protestants was still considered a shock (and religious wars were yet to be fought in Europe, so don't pretend everything was over and fine and dandy).
When Church proclaimed the model heretical, they were talking about the dogma of Heliocentric model. In other words, if you believe Heliocentricism is a dogma, you are a heretic. Not if you try to prove it scientifically. Following this, Galileo's works were treated like a heresy and not a scientific work. They were censured and someone moved to ban works of Copernicus on which Galileo based his heresy. However, Church found this to be stupid, so the ban was lifted very soon after.
Ten years later, mostly Church's scientists proved Heliocentric model.

Brazen lie.
Galileo was tried for claiming an authority in religious matters over the Pope.

Simplifying history a lot. Already covered.
The ensuing clashes and wars ended more than a hundred years after Galileo died with new conceptions of religious freedom. In Austro-Hungary not until the late 19th century.

Yes, but the Ptolemaic geocentric model was the most widely accepted, including by the Church.
The Thirty Years' War began in 1618, well before Galileo's trial.
I see. Well, I know that Galileo couldn't stop himself from sperging out, so I guess that makes sense. I'll concede on that.
Are you seriously implying that the European wars of religion lasted until 1742? Because that's just wrong.

Not really. Thalmor turned a blind eye to Stormcloaks in the beginning to keep Empire busy. What they didn't expect is for the Stormcloaks to be so successful and now they're butthurt about the whole thing. Kind of like US and ISIS.

Not anymore. It stopped being a laughing matter for them long ago. Kind of like Trump.

For good reasons. It worked and was proven. There were lots of quirks and questions that needed to be solved before Heliocentric model could really be adopted.

It was a broad stroke on my part. The last big one is the Nine Years War, which ended somewhere around 1700.
Anyway, at the time of Galileo's trial 30 years war was still in full swing.

But enough about history. I'm done. Leaving it at that.

Because its illegal to gas furries.


It's your germanic blood Pierre
come home barbarian

What did I miss?

I dumped a stupid Elder Scrolls comic, then felt bad and deleted it.


Yes this is a mod but the original skins are basically the same just more rough.

Someone post that Morrowland shit.

Or Morrowind 2.

Was that the one where a guy rapes an argonian to death by fisting her with barbed wire because I wasn't done saving that.


At destroying their own province and following a power-hungry fucktard, maybe.

Honest question: How much of TES lore is influenced by our good friend, Todd Howard?

Hard to say. He was definitely involved in the worldbuilding for Morrowind. But it seems like most of the crazy metaphysical stuff came from Kirkbride. Kuhlmann and Petersen were also pretty influential.

yep Howard probably gave ideas about stuff but i doubt he came up with religion, language and culture.

Well that's easy, how much do we know is a lie?

Can some one please save this thread here: web.archive.org/ when it hits bump limit and around page 14-ish. Thanks. There is some good info images here but I don't give a shit about elder scrolls enough to do it my self.

This had better be bait

Well he's the yes man that let Kirkbride do all that crazy shit so in a way he was incredibly responsible. The only reason Kirkbride wasn't able to continue is because higher ups didn't want him doing the art direction and setting for Oblivion so they could cash in on that generic fantasy lord of the rings craze, so they said he could only work on quests which he hated so he left (explains why Oblivion's quests were unusually good). He still consults from time to time and apparently the writers worked with him quite closely on the Dragonborn expansion.

Most of that post wasn't about Todd but without Todd I don't think it would have happened in the first place. Todd's only problem is that he is an awful leader since he just agrees to everything. Fully voiced protagonist? Sounds cool man! Building settlements and making weapons like Minecraft? Sure why not dude! He's the creative director but he has no direction and believes that having more features and content results in a better game. He might always shill the xbox versions because he's paid to but I bet he's the kind of guy that hits the plugin limit with random ass mods in every Bethesda game he plays.

Pretty much the polar opposite of that dude behind Team Ico and I think the best way to describe him is the ultimate Bethesda fanboy.

He doesn't lie to grabble your shekels, he just says way overscoped features that someone pitched because he thinks they're cool. I think the only actual direction he has is that he wants all content to always be accessible to the player (no mutually exclusive questlines) and to not have those darn complicated RPG numbers get in the way of his fun videogame.

You're missing the point.
Bethesda is filled with normalfags,
normalfags believe the Nazis to be the worst
So Bethesda based their bad guys on Nazis

I don't know. Todd has issues, but I've seen him talk before about having to cut content that took some dev 6 months and feeling bad about it. I think the real problem is that he's afraid to say no to the player, to punish them.

Oh I'll bet he feels really bad about having to cut content like that, the Skyrim release was probably heartbreaking for him just because they cut a shit ton of content to make that sweet 11-11-11 date that I'm sure marketing loved so much. He seems like a genuinely well intentioned guy that is simply completely unfit to lead any group of people to do anything.

The point is that he is willing to cut stuff and say no to the devs. At least, that's what I think. I think he's just terrified of making games that aren't exercises in stroking the player's ego.

Ah yes I see what you mean. You're saying he's a yes man but the priority goes to saying yes to the player above all else. That sounds pretty accurate, I think I'll factor that into my description for now on.

I'll bet the only reason FO4 had multiple factions/questlines is because the community begged for it to return from FNV, and it shows that they really didn't want to do this because you only have to pick a side in the last quarter of the main quest (I believe it's the quest where you deal with the synth situation at bunker hill).

it's fun with mods and absolutely noone else tries to do the Bethesda formula and I've played everything else to death. I think it's pretty obvious that this is the case when the closest games you can compare these to are Mount and Blade and Dorf Fort adventure mode.


My first game was Morrowind. I've always believed Talos is just Tiber Septim becoming awesome, as the Nordic myth goes.

Turns out, it was all a lie. A big fat lie. Sweet sweet lies repeated over and over again by the likes of Ulfric. I blame the Thalmor.

Is that the reason why Sean Bean is inside Oblivion? Instead of using that budget to employ several good VAs to diversify the voice.

That's a lie.
Kirkbride left Bethesda prior to Morrowind even being released. He mentioned himself that he regretted leaving before the release of Tribunal.

Oh shit you're right, someone told me this story a couple threads ago and I just assumed it was true. Why exactly did he leave? And does Bethesda want him back? I'd imagine that he would have an easy time going back if he wanted to and given his work on C0DA it seems like he'd like to.

Real basic questions I hope.
Feels hard to phrase them correctly and I guess that is pretty cool in and of itself.

Is the division between the The Wandering Ehlnofey and the Old Ehlnofey that The Wandering Ehlnofey had less magic or what have you from helping create Nirn while the Old Ehlnofey tried to retain their power?
If that is the case than why is it when they transubstantiated into mortal beings of flesh the wandering Ehlnofey became men while the Old Ehlnofey became mer?
Lastly is why did both the Old and Wandering Ehlnofey transubstantiate at the same time into different beings if the Old Ehlnofey retained their power and wouldn't have needed transubstantiation as badly as the wandering Ehlnofey?

Because the Argonians have been created to fit in with the Aurbis.

The Hist are alien, too alien to interact with the rest of the current dream.

As such they created extensions of them that are humanoid. The hist arent exactly great at this since they are so different.

Note how Morrowinds Argonians that were forcibly taken from black marsh lack both breasts and humanoid body plans.
While the argonians in Skyrim and Oblivion that willingly left Black Marsh look very humanoid.

This is not a mistake, the Hist can alter the argonians at will, those argonians meant to leave black marsh to collect information (as dreekius informs us in Redguard) about the Smooth skins are given more humanoid bodies to better fit in with the smooth skins.

Remember the war with the trees user.
The An-Xileel are just a diversion.
Never trust the Hist.

Yes but not well.
Outside of Blackmarsh argonians can breed (and they are bred by house Dres as cattle) but there are some severe issues with that.
for one the offspring will be the same subrace as the parents. Argonians arent born as Lizards if their parents arent lizards, the hist alter the argonians not temporarliy but coompletley.
This however is at odds with what argonians are, beeing utterla padomaic they are used to beeing changed by the hist. As such any argonians born outside of Black Marsh cannot be shaped by the hist into the form most usefull for whatever they are up to right now.
The second more important bit for the social life of argonians is that any argonian that has not licked the tree is an argonian autist, basically not a real argonian.
They might look like a LIzard man but they arent "Saxleel", they cannot read social cues from other argonians (probably because those work through their weird hive mind) and cannot think the way argonians do.

Here is the theory of a couple of loremongers on this: We know from the terrible novel that gave us tons of argonian lore that argonian souls get recycled by the hist, that means if an argonian dies his soul will return to the hist and be reborn as an argonian. Most likley, this is what the hist do in the Hatching ritual, they infuse the eggs with argonian souls.
So when an argonian is born outside of Black Marsh, that argonian gets a regular soul from the dreamsleeve, a non argonian one.
This also leads to some other interresting thoughts, for example the KFC guy said that the Swamp of Black Marsh constantly spreads into Nibenay and that the Nibenese burn it down at a constant rate else it would take over Cyrodiil.
The speculation goes that if a non argonian dies in Black Marsh, the hist could seize his soul and alter it into an argonian soul, essentialy stealing souls from the rest of the aurbis

The reason for this is the striking of the egg.
It is hypothesized that the Hist are building their own amaranth inside their Hive mind.
This makes the hist unique in that sense that they can still act outside of their new dream while building it.

Thus the reason why Argonians are venturing outside of Black Marsh to collect information for the Hist is not to better Argonian society (For what we know they live in mud huts) but to collect information fo rthe new dream that the Hist are creating, so that there might be a Morrowind in the hists dream, or a Skyrim, and then steal souls to populate that dream without the Hist having to split up.

you know whats hillarious about redguards?
They used to be just africans who invaded an orc destert. With some Japanese sword magic involved to make up for the fact.
But then they decided that it would be racist to just have them be africans, because africans are basically cavemen and this is a "medieval" setting, so they let the wood elves be the cavemen and instead made the redguards into Muslims, because muh proud PoC or some shit i dont know.
This is fucking great to me, because muslims hate niggers. So now everytime a muslim boots up skyrim to go "Muh umayad caliphate", they gotta play a nigger.
And yet again they proove that Nigger culture is so shit, in a fantasy game they have to depict them as a non nigger culture so american niggers dont get offended.
Its fucking poetry.

Colovia actually
Nibenese is a weird mix of southeast asian, south american and venice.

Colovia is only roman on the outside, look at the names, Rislav the righteous and Skingrad certainly sound slavic to me.
also in culture the colovians occupy the hardy humorless survivors role.
The "Roman" aspect of colovians most likley comes from the areas of Anvil and Kvatch aswell as the imperial city itself.
Skingrad and also to some degree Kvatch have some obvious slavic elements.

The closest thing would perhaps be falkreath when it was part of colovia under Cuhlecain.

Hes mistaking an old piece of lore that MK brought up again.

Time in Elderscrolls flows from West to East, in general history moves from west to east.
This is something they stole from glorantha, at least in part.
So when MK Posted this well known piece of lore to Reddit, fucking Redditors thought that this was some big realization and that if Yokuda is in the past, that must mean that it is in the past dream! And that if Akavir is in the future, Akavir is the future dream.
Of course this is all bougs.
What this means is if you travel to Yokuda, you literaly travel back in time, which is why Cyrus the Redguard could go to Yokuda even if Yokuda was destroyed ages ago, This doesnt mean Yokuda was a previous dream it just means you go to a previous time IN YOKUDA.
Redditors of course ran away with their own bullshit theory that was based on Redguard lore talking about the far shores and satakal, which is the redguard version of alduin and the kalpas respectiveley, reddit has mistakne this for dreams because reddit is retarded.

becuase otherwise they would just be dudes with vaginas

that means the women are better at sucking dick

Check the naming conventions in Oblivion. Yes, the implementation of lore in Oblivion is terrible, but it shows intent. Eastern names are Slavic sounding.

This is a great addition to what was already said in the thread. We've got some real breakthroughs in making the Argonian lore accessible ITT.
