Distraught dog owner films police ordering him to cut off his dog's HEAD with a kitchen knife after they shot it dead so it could be tested for rabies - only for the pet to be CLEARED of the disease
Cops Force Man to Cut The Head Off of His Dog
Other urls found in this thread:
Recording of the incident.
Found a better video
That's some fucking humpty dumpty nigger.
The only reasonable response to anyone killing your dog is to shoot them dead. Cop or not.
holy fuck I'm mad
Totally subhuman behavior, no sense of empathy.
Pigs are not your allies.
someone webm these for archiving please
I'm off to dox this nigger
surrrrre they did, Dindu Dan
I want tor banned
filtered. go be useless somewhere else kike
saging a slide thread
It's a pretty outrageously horrific story, I suppose.
Fucking disgusting this isn't getting attention.
I hate how much power the police in America have, they rarely ever get any punishment for being pieces of shit.
hey, at least were not prohibited from fighting the demons.
so there's one thing actual hell has on this hell.
I'm having some trouble here, there are a lot of people with his name in crawford area. could use some help
Why the fuck would you do that?>>11003470
What's the max upload size? I'm running it thru compression and I accidentally forgot to limit bitrate so it might go over since it defaults to near lossless.
He wasn't forced. If his wife could get him a knife, she should have been able to get the documentation.
Go fuck yourself, you scumbag defending kike.
actually fucking kill yourself
Oh man I'm cutting it close then.
The real kick with the cops is that they aren't there to protect you.
Rome had no standing police force. Mobs were used regularly by politicians of all classes to manipulate the city. Eventually these unreliable pleb mobs were discarded for standing gangs that were used to impose upon people their masters' will - committ murders, harrass rivals, rob, steal, pillage your enemies, etc.
That's all the modern police actually are - they aren't ACTUALLY there to protect the citizenry, they're there to serve the political elite, to keep the citizenry from getting out of hand. They're willing servants of the regime, extant for the sole primary purpose of inhibiting any sort of dissenting action of real import - when a mob of plebs forms, what happens? The gangs show up to beat them into submission and drive them away.
Granted, as of late, pleb mobs have more-often been used by our enemies than by us (antifa is basically one big faux-pleb mob that mixes in with actual pleb mobs, after all), but the purpose of the cops is to be the gangs to serve the elite and avoid any mob-rule scenarios going down.
They're the fucking servants of the enemy and, often as not, you'll see idiots who think they do some service - because they act as animal control to the vermin brought in by the same elite they serve, usually - lauding them. Its sad.
Well, good thing I started a second one with limited bitrate a while ago.
Cry about it you stupid niggers. He didn't have to do this. They couldn't make him. He cucked the fuck out, cut off his dogs head because either he didn't have it vaccinated (white person with a pit, no surprise there), because he wasn't smart enough to tell his wife to grab the documentation that would have negated the whole thing (again, if she could get a knife, she could get some paperwork) or beause he didn't have the balls to tell them to do it themselves.
The fact that they would even impose upon him that way is fucking disgusting, don't get me wrong… But this really is a situation that didn't have to go the way it did, because the people in question seem to be demonstrating a ridiculous degree of stupidity. The story doesn't make sense.
You guys are so full of shit. I don't know what the hell is going on in OP but the vast majority of cops are great. They're almost always right-wing, love guns and hate dirtbags more than we could ever possibly hope to.
Cops are great, don't be a faggot.
Cops are shit.
Keep sucking the dick of the people that will be shooting at you when Dems ban guns. Our government is completely (((rotten))) and so is everybody that works for it.
waco siege never forget
Vaccines are bullshit. There is absolutely no reason to vaccine any person or any animal, vaccines do not have any beneficial effect and are extremely harmful.
Not really the point.
They want to be able to abuse citizens and not suffer consequences. They want a powerful government. They are "right-wing" in that sense, not that they care about the country or the things we care about like race, 1A and 2A.
In their hand. They don't want citizens to have guns.
Yeah, anybody that rolls down a hill at 31 mph.
Police can shoot your family dog, protect and serving
Shoot a police k9, get charged as cop killer
druggie scumbags. hate cops because they busted your ass?
you're fucking pathetic
Cops are garbo
Done. Webm here.
this, most fucking retarded thing there is, why the fuck are k9's considered people
I saw this video on liveleak of a K9 chewing off some poor guy's face and it wouldn't let go when the cop told it to. The cop didn't put a bullet in the thing's brain, or punch in it the tail or something either, he just waited until it let go because fuck civilians amiright? If they can't train their dogs not to torture and permanently disfigure people then they shouldn't be trained to attack at all. I can see for sniffing drugs or bombs or whatever but sic'ing dangerous animals on people is terrifying and is cruel and unusual punishment. If cops weren't scum they would resign.
When non-whites become majority, dems win everything and pass gun confiscation, and cops come to your house to collect your firearms or else they'll kill you and your family, you'll eat your words, cuck. I respect military men, they join because they intend to sacrifice for their country. I don't respect law enforcement, it's a job, they do it for the paycheck, and they are big government-loving, anti-white, anti-gun, anti-freedom socialist cucks that want to pick on common people to feel big by making others feel small because they got bullied in middle school. Some ~60% of the military would dissent if they were ordered to go to war with their civilian population but I strongly doubt the majority of the police would because their career choice is to be a trained mercenary employed by ZOG to enforce interracial breeding by means of violence if need be. If your daughter comes home with a nigger, you can't do anything about it or you'll get arrested. How the fuck does that make them good? Because they arrest niggers because niggers commit crimes constantly? Cops are more likely to shoot whites than niggers when you factor in black criminality. They give niggers 'space to destroy' when they riot but when whites simply protest they declare it unlawful assembly and push them into antifa (who they do nothing about) to get beat up. How the fuck is that good? These people are disgusting and if they had any moral integrity they would resign and find a different career. There's nothing inherently bad about being a cop, but in the USA it's so corrupt and evil and kiked that anybody that serves the government is fucking trash.
Can you imagine a white cop doing that shit? I have a problem imagining. That nigger even talks nigger speak to him. Its obviously he uses his police card to bully the white fag.
But at the same time, i would rather go to jail than lively cut my dog's head. Not only because i feel empathy for the dog i owned, but also for a few other things - to protest such stunt by a nigger cop, to keep my stomach from vomiting and to keep my fucking dignity that i care for the pets i own. At very least you have to fucking say you have weak stomach to cut your own dog's head and won't do it, you can make a good scene for that nigger even if he tries to be cool. Maybe even vomit right in front of him to make him to be even more disgusted, since he's usual KFC nigger cop.
That nigger was up to no good and definitely anti-white. Not sure why this is a thing but it's true. Niggers in bowties are anti-white and full of hate.
why are cops and the ATF desperately trying to meme john wick into reality?
Niggers should just be sent back to the fucking jungle to chuck spears there.
he could always sue them
thin blue line in between millions of angry nationalists and a few cowardly kikes and pedo poliiticians, keep blowing 'em
scenario: burglar breaks into your house
even if all you're doing is sitting in your fucking house, you're worse off because of cops…. what the fuck good do they do? They are inherently useless because it takes them time to arrive.
For what? Was it not a lawful order?
Cops get amazing kickbacks everywhere in this country. Not withstanding small perks (like a paid for vehicle with free gas and free food courtesy of some random cuck at every meal), most cops are incentivized to move into nicer neighborhoods. In my state, they call it the "Good Neighbors Program" The gov't GIVES you 50% of the house purchase price AS A GIFT if you 'promise' to live in it for 3 years. Officers usually flip or rent right at the 3 year mark. Most Sgts around here are sitting on 5+ rental properties yet continue to work police cause 'its fun'.
Favorite properties for cops to buy? Beach/waterfront/holiday cabins. These usually meet the crime area requirements, have the highest rent, and have a liquid market in case they sell.
If you look in the tax code, there are further benefits for income from houses purchased in this manner. The whole thing is fucking disgusting.
Cops didn't have a choice if it bit someone, but you take the body to a vet who is doing the rabies test, not have the owner remove the dog's head.
You should worry that someday someone will find an excuse to serve a search warrant on your house, and then discover SOMETHING. Like they find an album with nude photographs of a relative's baby in a bathtub that will put you on the sex offender list for life. Like your girlfriend's mom will offhandedly mention that Uncle Bob spanks his son, which will launch an entire Child Protective Services investigation resulting in him and five other members of your family permanently losing custody of their children. Like they find a pressure cooker in your cabinet, and decide you need to have your entire house turned upside-down by men in bomb-suits because you might be a terrorist.
And you know the REALLY funny part? The one that just takes the proverbial cake? Nobody will believe your story! If the "authorities" call you a pedophile or a child abuser or a terrorist, even just for five minutes, that shit will stay with you for life. All your neighbors will think of you that way, all your potential employers will find out before they even bother looking at your resume. Any future girlfriends will find that stuff on google before agreeing to a date. Your entire life would be essentially ruined. This country's laws brand you as guilty until proven innocent, and then still guilty anyway.
See, everyone in the world is breaking laws all the time. There are laws for incredibly mundane and stupid things on the books everywhere, because nobody bothers to remove them. And when laws are made too quickly, without thinking over the consequences of doing all things necessary to "Protect the children!" and "Secure the future of Democracy and Freedom!", the Police State has been given the right to suspend habeas corpus and due process ANY TIME they want to. Put someone, anyone, in the spotlight, and you'll find something "bad" to stain their image; that's why celebrities all seem to screw up in the end. Investigate an average person's house, and you'll find a law they've broken. I guarantee it. Once that happens, the law won't protect you. The law is not meant to protect you; it's meant to protect everyone else FROM you.
The sad part is, everyone is a criminal, or has the potential to be branded one. The people being protected from the criminals don't exist — they're mere metaphors and strawmen crowed about by politicians and pundits. Yes, the government will happily ruin your life to protect the life of someone who doesn't even exist.
Okay, i have a question, is there a proof that its not a fake video? Where you ever seen a nigger in pink clothes and bowtie acting like a police officer? Is that state full of clowns?
This is how Georgian cops look. Is he really a cop?
Last thing, why he has texas ranger badge on his belt if this is georgia? WHO is this investigator?
That's Crawford County. All you had to do was read the article and use a search engine. Here's the nigger: crawfordsheriff.net
Better picture of the badge: crawfordsheriff.net
Sheriff: crawfordsheriff.net
More people should understand this.
Thank user. You should know your effort in providing this information is appreciated.
That's a crock of shit. You could say that for some of them, as corrupt cops obviously exist, but to file every policeman under some umbrella like that is retarded. Plenty of people join because they legitimately want to uphold social order and keep the populous safe from others that would abuse the weak.
Literally nobody wants to become a police officer who isn't a bully. It's in the job description. People who want to help the world do shit like becoming doctors or firefighters.
you cant defend the point that 'every cop is a bully'. So im left wondering why you are making that point in the first place…?
I am really fucking ==pissed== at myp arents right now
that's not even the worse part
I have so many stories about their shitty parenting but this is just today
It is a job for a bully in the definition of roughing someone up for stepping out of line, yeah. Law and order is necessary though in a nation to prevent stuff seen as degenerative from taking place. Also don't make me laugh, you're saying all doctors are good people but all of the men and women in the force are bad? Medical malpractice is a serious and commonplace thing you know. But you're right about firefighters, it's kind of really hard for them to be selfish without instantly getting caught for it.
what kind of uppity school did you go to faggot?
cops have been shit for awhile, cops were once decent, now its just a bunch of barney fyfes walking around with their hand over their sidearm
we got a million dollar laptop grant, which averaged about $500 per student. I bet they got a good deal by buying the software in bulk, too.
If a person isn't a bully when they enter the force, they will become one. It's impossible for a person to have ANY sort of power over other humans and have it not go to their head. They've done plenty of psychological experiments and studies on this.
this is not true at all, my campus officer was a great guy
you're just too cynical
Post em.
He was probably young. I remember the "security" at my high school were nice guys, too.
You can start with the Milgram Experiment and Stanford Prison Experiment.
Godspeed, user
Cops will kill you and your family and burn down your house. All cuck enforcement officers will burn right next to the Jews in Hell
I've also heard people complain about how people who become mercs or PMCs are considered the absolute worst people. But they never think that a lot of people would be willing to throw morals out of the window if they were getting 100k+ a year for driving/"working" in a hot zone.
When it comes to living in dark times, sometimes the best thing to do is abuse it, invest /improve and just wait until you get moments to change/support better change.
This is what happens when you let niggers become such a powerful group in society that they end up running entire police forces. You end up with Rhodesia/Zimbabwe.
Hey leftypol
it's not a matter of cops being sociopathic assholes when they can, it's a matter of letting a nigger moron having any authority over people in the first place
ordinary white people having the job of being a cop in a peaceful and integrated white society poses no problem at all whatsoever
for the family in op's article, I hope they take a good lawyer
they can sue for deliberate infliction of moral distress, reckless endangerment for threatening the father to expose himself to a disease, and criminal shooting of the dog when the cops try to argue that they knew he wasn't endangering himself because they knew the dog wasn't sick
and I'm sure a lawyer could find other things, like having to pay for psychological help for the traumatized kids
My parents (well, my dad anyway, but I blame his father for how he turned out) were pretty shit sometimes too user. A lot of us had shit parents, because our parents' parents were shit and they didn't know any better. Things have been going downhill for a long time in the West.
Cops aren't your friend you faggot.
Nigger is James Hollis. Crawford County sheriffs office - Roberta Georgia / phone#: 478-836-3116
>letting unqualified nigger cops shoot down your dog in front of your family and then letting him make you cut the head off of your dead dog in front of your family
you are a fucking cuck of a human
Don't play into the cop fantasy that they're military men.
Cops are civilians.
It's to test for rabies.
The only way to conclusively prove an animal has rabies is to test its brain which removes the removal of said brain. And head obviously.
Yeah cops don't kill police animals. Reason being they get in serious shit if they do because each animal is worth more than the cop makes in a few years.
Honestly I wager there's a bunch of normally ludicrously expensive Jew York lawyers who would take this for free and violate those pigs in every orifice, then carve a few new ones just so theres more holes to fuck.
When a cop starts shooting, anything can happen. Video related: what happens when you give a weak and fearful person a gun and vicarious authority.
tl;dr they shot their own dog and the suspect, then tried to blame him for killing the dog.
Well when I say don't they don't do it deliberately and willingly. Like they do with civilian dogs.
Because if they do then they're probably fired and never able to get a job in law enforcement ever again, which considering they're most likely unemployable for anything else is a serious problem.
The problem then becomes one of purpose - since it costs societal resources for them to exist, there is no reason to have them at all. Seriously, any way you slice it, there is never any reason for a police 'force'.
Which is complete horseshit as the officer isn't accountable, the department is. This guy wins a lottery paid for by us, the dep't pays t. lucky goy from us, and NOTHING CHANGES because muh qualified immunity.
The police unions lobby for this shit and nobody dares lobby against them because 'oy vey are you supporting crime goyim'? In highly politicized cases, they get admin leave. They don't give a fuck because admin leave is an indefinite paid vacation:
These unions are the same reason officers can set up roadblocks for mass inspection anywhere without reason, and can order everyone out of the vehicle for search without a warrant (actually upheld by the SCOTUS, helped by an amicus curie by every police lobby in the nation). This is why police dogs are considered officers, why every dep't now issues firearms and take-home cars (paid for by us), and why the Good Neighbors program exists (how they make their real money).
Citizens must defend their own communities. There is no other way.
You shoot a cop in that situation you're still prosecuted for murder. Be as smug as you like about how you totally fucked that guy's wife from prison.
I honestly believe it has nothing to do with the cost. At the moment of the contact, the cop isn't thinking about the financial consequences, I truly believe that cops view their dogs' lives as more important on a human level, than the life of a suspect - any suspect.
There's a good video from the UK, a cop lets his dog snap the hand of a passer-by then threatens the bitten man for speaking in an angry tone of voice.
Well no because any society is always going to have its criminals.
Even a completely racially homogeneous and stable society.
You see police act the same way in regards to equipment.
It's not the money to them, it's that they'll get in trouble because equipments broken.
UK police these days are too americanised and thus too confrontational. They've lost the ability to interact with the public and it's a serious problem.
cops enforce ZOG
Holla Forums is not a place for the low-IQ children of ZOG guard dogs. T_D ruined Holla Forums.
Hey T_D. You killed this board.
If you're lucky. Men have been found not guilty after shooting cops in self-defense but surviving long enough to stand trial is your first challenge.
The nature of British constables really changed when they removed the height restrictions. Height restrictions automatically excluded the short manlets with chips on their shoulders. Now the service is full of radfems, gays and angry little men, can confirm. Your rights mean fuck all too, if you don't do exactly what they want, regardless of whether doing so is a violation of your rights, then they'll invent something to pin on you.
Well there was another good reason to end the height restrictions. Namely that it was extremely difficult to find any applicants in some parts of the country.
Like most of Cymru.
You are aware that someone who knows about the Milgram Experiment and Standford Prison Experiment and what it means will have people that won't abuse people like that as easily right? Cause people can adapt and change how they are if they understand themselves.
Hell another of the easy ways avoid the abuse from those experiments taking place is to look at the Hawthorne effect and what it means.
The scale of the problem and the nature of the offenders matter. My grandfather used to tell stories of towns having a single sheriff, maybe a few deputies. Any large operation required able-bodied men. In case of any big habbening, the sheriff would actually go door to door to round up the men, as it was your civic duty to defend your own neighborhood/town/state. There was no SWAT, no large force with 80+ officers for a town with only 20,000 residents, and ops like Waco weren't possible because it would literally require the permission of the people to attack your own people.
Yes, there will always be crime, but citizens must defend their own communities. There is no other way.
It still is, and the framework to do it lay largely dormant (but still existent).
Most people don't have appropriate land to have pets. It's cruel to keep a dog in the city.
That being said, no nigger should own a dog. They are faithful companions and niggers are undeserving, and incapable of caring for them.
I'm sure localized standards would have sufficed. I suspect that whatever strength tests existed have also been removed or seriously simplified, many British cops just look like skinny schoolboys and the women are of course completely useless and a liability to their partners (video example.)
Being aware doesn't make you immune to authoritarian submission. Every college student learns about those experiments but they still graduate as leftist authoritarians, especially women will always be submissive to the nearest authority figure, they may talk the talk but when it comes to going against the consensus, forget it.
niggers are always anti-white, stupid.
Why are people defending this nigger or using this as a paint brush for all cops. Fuck off antifa.
I want you dead
Just file this under "reasons I snapped and begun a personal race war"
No because localised standards would have resulted in the same problem that existed then with people who shouldn't be police moving somewhere their height could get them in.
Hence why the Cymraeg police used to be full of cunts from England.
So, if the dog was indeed vaccinated, it didn't have rabies but had autism instead?
In this case putting it down was the humane thing to do.
Not every college student learns about it. Pretty sure basic psychology 101 isn't a required class. And I'm pretty sure most psych 101 students sleep through the meaning of stuff in that class as well. Hell its a joke among psychology professors from what I've seen about how so many don't get it.
You are aware there are a lot of variations to the Milgram Experiment as well right? As in things that affect when people will follow through with it more or not.
-Having someone there with you who doesn't want to continue it helps the other person not want to do it more.
-Having the affect done to you by a bit reduces your desire to do it to others by a lot
-Doing it in a run down lab instead of a fancy building lowers people wanting to do it
-the person telling the other person to do it but isn't wearing a badge or whatever affects the want to listen to them as well.
The original test was done with 40 male students, no females took it. Also 1/3rd of the students didn't go through with the test anyway and stopped. So yeah 2/3rds of the population did it but again there are things that can affect that. Having someone else with you say no brought the success of the test down to less than 10% or something man.
Follow this note man:
100% spot on, though many of our cops aren't aware of this and are pro-2nd amendment/pro white and stuff like that
Here is the first video in webm.
sure would be a shame if something real bad happened to this guy, right georgia anons?
He is right you know. The worst cops are the federal ones.
Why the fuck is there so little emphasis as to the location of this crime? This police officer looks like one of these generic niggers who are even more delusional than usual with the little artificial authority they have been granted by their handlers. This cop looks like a fucking clown with that bowtie.
Was this in Georgia?
Female cops are pretty useful in domestic situations actually. As long as they aren't bitches
How do you fight your demons?
Its this from what the info shows, idk
video games and stuff like second life
I was mad, then I saw it was a pit, fucking niggers of dogs.
Second video
This is hell, we're all being punished for the sins of our past lives.
It's his own fault for cucking out. He should have gone to the police station then sued them after his gf got the paperwork to prove the dog was in fact vaccinated. He's still taking legal action but now he's traumatised by the memory of cutting his own dog's head off. Probably should have trained the nigger dog better, though.
You might want to read the thread first next time.
This is a modern day Milgram's experiment. How far can someone in authority push someone without authority? You can get them to cut the head off of cherished family pets apparently.
This, especially since it goes against most if not all accepted medical practice for this sort of thing. If the dog is domesticated, you're supposed to watch it for a few days and then go from there. If nothing, then there's no serious issue. The cop is SOL because either ways, he'll get sued or tossed for messing up this badly in such a public fashion. Guy should have told the cop to bugger off and then claim a hefty amount in a later lawsuit.
Dog owner, here. Please kill yourself. Thanks.
nothing of value was lost.
They aren't pets, they're weapons.
Utilities. They have no soul, no life. They just look like dogs and yelp like dogs if you hurt them.
Found the mudslime.
I so wish I was told that omfg
"you not finna tawk tah me, or mah depudee lyke dat"
"We astin you, tah remove the daug heah"
Holy shit, this is America. Niggers shoot your dog and demand you to cut it's head off with a kitchen knife in front of your wife and kids.
How is this any different from tribal negroes terrorizing white South Africans? The only difference is this nigger has a badge.
If there were no cops whites could actually have an armed uprising in the streets and take our nations back from the kikes and shitskins.
Don't care how "nice" they are, they are the defenders of ZOG.
You can't vote an anti-white system into being not anti-white.
This isn't 1930's Germany.
TAKE THIS niggers head off for having the nigger diease NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER
If you ever thought of cops as being not shit after Cville, you're hopeless.
on a scale of -10 to -1, how subhuman are you?
It's a fucking TORpedo.
White Nationalists refuse to join the military or police because muh (((BOOTLICKER))) meme and now we have shitskins running them.
You know what? These 85iq niggers have more training and are more combat effective then you civilian faggots.
Whats gonna happen if they take the guns away?
You'll hang too
you'll dangle from a tree before any of us do, you traitor kike
its more about some nigger telling a white man to cut his dogs head off or hes going to jail. fuck outta here thats fucking crazy.
Fuck off.
even if it was, he could sue for psychological damage or something
This will never make mainstream news.
Dog owner is White? This if fucking insane, i never heard of anything like this. This should be a top news story in the country, and the nigger cop and his Jewish handlers should be lynched.
Liability is capped by statute if you try to sue the cops. You won't get much. Best you can hope for is to get the video to go viral and get the cop fired.
>implying ANY dog raised by niggers would not also become a nigger dog
Owners were White. You're going to be burned to death Jew
Notice how only British news agencies are reporting this (of course they are kiked too). Any outrageous incident that could possibly set off the White Middle class is literally just covered up and not reported on. Its insane
All pit bulls must be exterminated.
There's a reason why the only effective tactic we've had in ages against borderline retarded dune coons is to have white people fly drones and bomb to them. Our woman and shitskin army is a complete joke
You will be exterminated first
I no longer give shit one about 99.99% of humanity, so if they were doing it to each other, I'd probably shrug and move on. Human gore has ceased to be a problem for me except in personal cases. Shit like this, however, makes me want to nuke the heathen chinee. And I'd choose the nuke over the scalpal & Tabasco sauce for each individual ONLY because it would save time. If I was an immortal, I'd spend a couple of hundred years doing the job right.
cool thread
hang that bow tie nigger and the white cops for standing around and not intervening against him using power of the executive branch of the US government to force a citizen to mutilate an animal carcass in public because his spear chucker brain didn't get the idea to body bag the whole animal
any faggot with a clean piss test can become a LEO, for fucks sakes some departments refuse hires based on IQ tests reflecting HIGH TSCORES. Go fellate your local officer's registered baretta.
Underaged b&.
Just do it you cowardly nigger! I'm tired of catching the scum of my country being freed by judges with a slap of the wrist the very next day.
Just start DOTR for fuck's sake! I can't stand this farce of a society anymore. I'd love to join the ranks of global RWDS.
It's heartening to see that some memory of how white civilization was run before ZOG still exists.
I want to know why the man accepted and cut his own fucking dog's head off. I'd never let a nigger force me to mutilate my own pet. Take me to fucking jail.
That's a black muslim cop.
Welcome to your future hell, anons.
Your parents are right
checked and kek'd
Yes, but why not remove the animal's head at the lab? Why make the dog's owner do it? That's fucking disgusting and horrible. I hope this story gets publicity and it never happens again.
Well yeah, pit bulls should be humanely euthanized. But still, forcing the man to decapitate his own dog was absolutely disgusting.
Pit bulls kill toddlers dude, they're not appropriate choices for pets. Still, people's love for their animals should be respected.
Every rightwing pol-user ive talked to defend cops, because "only niggers hate cops"
My opinion is cops are the most destructive element that exists. The first time muslims raped underage girl in sweden, 30 swedish men could beat the immigrant, his brother, and family half-to death, and all other immigrants would tell there rapist son "These people dont fuck around"
All police had to do, to save tons of children, was to turn their eyes away fora brief moment.
Also, there is almost no police officer wikileaking the rape stats. It is my full belief that law enforcement is negative, without law enforcement, the traitorous politician would hang, and a man of the people would arise as the leader.
Cops suck
It is profoundly irresponsible to make the animals owner do it.
Even if you suspect an animal was rabid you do not do something like that. You kill it if it is safe to do so, then you call animal control, you notify whatever authorities are relevant to where you live.
Because the test requires multiple samples from the brain itself and the brainstem, ideally with samples from the spine too. You don't want to fuck it up and make life harder by having some untrained idiot hack at it with a knife.
But wait it gets worse. Whoever they made do the job will have been exposed to the virus (assuming it was an infected animal)
This is why you do it in proper conditions with trained people.
So in short. The whole fucking thing was bullshit and a case of nigs nigging
Now I've seen it all
Everyone on Holla Forums is an anarchist, because our government is a fucking foreign establishment. If you're saying that cops should stop white men from beating rapist niggers and their family, kindly fuck ogg.
Reincarnation can be quite the tumble. It's the climb that makes it worth it.
You are top level cuck. Just say "I refuse to do it"
Masochist betaboy
remember DYNCORP has installed police chiefs and mayors
kill ALL police and those that control them
Why are we still here?
Cops would litterly arrest you for "hate speech" if politicians removed the first ammendment. They'd murder you without hesitation if 2nd ammendment was removed and you refused to give up your weapons.
I'd say, at a generous minimum, atleast 30% of all cops would put their own people in gulag/fema-gascamp if ordered to. Cops are drones and the only thing standing between us from hanging the kikes & rotten politicians on lamppost.
Also America calls everyone in Europe cuck, but imagine going back in time, telling Americans that their low IQ farm equipment slaves would end up breeding mulattos with their daughters, live of white mans taxmoney (slavery by proxy) and also wear badge telling whites to cut of the head of their dogs. Dear God, the madness must end soon.
What the fuck.
Are you retarded? ls this your role model?
This is your brain on habitual honeypots.
I had access to a (UK) police training deal.
What they are trained to do, and what they actually do, are so far apart that it amazes me that there are so few of them shot dead outside someone's house.
Once a police officer stops playing by their own code, are they still a police officer or are they just a cheap imitation thereof?
Waco is a good example of what kind of shit we are dealing with. Same with their treatment of TR; this is not an American thing.
Obviously, the standards are going down and down - many of them are simply there to intimidate (moreso in the USA; these two had no plan nor solution if the wife returned with a firearm) and as said, their role is so far removed from what their actual job is that sooner or later, there will be a much wider use of militias (and neighbourhood watches of a more South African nature)
Waco is also an example that "Land of the Free" is an ironic joke that isn't funny since the 90s.
For example - if a police officer is ever confrontational, they would not leave the academy.
They are not meant to argue a single point - they are not meant to judge - they are there to assess a situation and to use whatever force necessitated by the CPS (and whatever USA equivilent is)
Now, how you choose to digest that is up to you; I've never really had a run in with the police, but you can very quickly tell when they are not doing their job.
Has anyone ever said "Sir, please calm down" to a copper before?
Is the state purging an entire community of non-communists for not handing over their constitutional rights yours?
I shiggy diggy doo. The police state is inherently anti-white in its current form.
They may as well have been communists for living in a commune and worshiping Koresh who pulled his beliefs out of his ass and decided to live an alternative lifestyle sharing everything amongst the commune. He was no better than the Manson family, only difference is Koresh and his followers hoarded guns.
we're the press now user
And then there's this
Seconded. Surely user was being facetious.
Bootlickers deserve the rope.
The last thing you want is to run out of guns.
Essentially, the old style mafias and politicians in organised crime moved up in life; they got so much money that instead of working out of a smoky club, they could do so from a skyrise office. Just because you polish a turd doesn't make it any less shitty.
Waco wasn't armed *enough* and just check out the actual commission for the Rotherham case - they are far from a public service. They simply use batons instead of tommy guns.
Of course, blacks are absolutely underestimating how widely they are hated or how competent your average redneck is in combat.
That is, if they got their wish, and didn't have the police kicking them in; then there would be a lot of messy real estate from a few brave entrepeneurs.
Most kosherly cognitively dissonant lolberg I've ever seen.
You must get really upset when police kill niggers and other filth.
What exactly is prevented? We have laws against all sorts of things yet those things still happen.
So is the fucking Republican party, doesn't make them any less traitors to their own people.
Explains why he hates dogs and loves beheadings.
Only because they have to. They'd arrest you for trying to keep a nigger out of your business. They'd arrest you for any effectual political activism. The cops are what's keeping the white man beat down, afraid to reclaim his own nation.
Okay. l didn't realize Holla Forums put great world leaders like Adolf Hitler on the same pedestal as lunatics that found their own religions based on themselves or other wacky beliefs.
You are stuck in the 50s, cops stopped giving a shit since the 70s when they openly fire on their own citizens they are sworn to protect. The few that want to do good are pushed out or blackpillled so hard they felate a shotgun.
*collectivist leaders in the world
Jesus l need sleep.
Edgy. How was your 15th birthday? Fuck Trump, amiright?
Cops apparently have started to expect shit for free since so many people want to "give back to them". When my brother worked at a gas station they would always ask if they could come back and pay for the gas later because they obviously have important cop places to be and important cop things to do like completely avoiding downtown where niggers kill each other almost every day, and giving you a ticket on the way to work because you didn't pay your yearly car tax and get the good goy sticker for your license plate because you work every day but sunday.
It is when it happens in what was once a historical and beautiful city.
This is how I can tell you have no real world experience.
dubs confirm, you have to go back.
lf it happens in cities like Detroit that have been shitholes for decades because of niggers and democrat policies, let the problem solve itself. Then take out any remainders and rebuild. Look at places like Elderwood in Ohio, where the nigger problem has essentially done just that, and the entire neighborhoods are completely abandoned. All that is needed is the buildings to be demolished and rebuilt for whites and they will flourish.
Sorry, even if they are killing each other I refuse to let them believe they control anything but their EBT card. You may be fine with giving niggers free reign of a city but I am not.
It would have been nice if the people charged with the defense of these cities didn't allow them to fall to niggers in the first place. At any point in the last few decades they could have stood up as a force and said no more, but they are obviously very content to keep the status quo. I don't see why you have such an interest in playing PR damage control for them, I've known a few decent individual cops myself but that doesn't erase their actions as a whole.
The ATF and others massacred 100 innocent white people, including women and children, for no reason. They burned them alive and shot those that tried to escape, then they bulldozed the site to destroy the evidence.
It was quintessentially evil, and absolutely indefensible. Kill yourself.
They COULD have done something, but they didn't, and the past is the past. What matters now is the future more specifically for whites
Only if Texas can be independent again.
Did I get this right? You are willing to lynch a bunch of muslim rapist and hang politicians and marxists without second thought in sheer terror, but the only thing holding you back were some donut munching, white, middle class man having only their retirement fund in mind while satisfying their school bully induced power-obsession?
>mfw Christopher Dorner is no longer remembered
Requesting a "Trust me, I'm your friend, goy" merchant in a police uniform.
I can keep going but the modern police acts like the yiddish equivalent of the Gestapo.
What? Everyone hates cops. Worse than niggers
i guess you'd protest a town patrol as well too you dumb nigger.
the dumbass actually listened to the nigger to behead his own dog? incredible.
If they were they wouldn't allow NIGGERS in their ranks. Cops are leftist nigger-lovers and the only good cop is a dead one.
Shut up kike
Go suck more jew nigger cock
Yes, fuck (((Trump)))
You don't belong.
You need to be 18 or older to post here.
You need to be 18 or older to post here.
i bet that nigger thought he could find a way to inject the dogs head with rabies so he could get away with killing the dog.
all in all, that cop deserves a tortuously brutal death in which suffering is extended and intensified as long as possible, including injections of drugs to force him to stay awake and experience the maximum amount of pain, or he deserves to eaten alive by a ravenous pack of wolves, which is also a slow and extended death most of the time
police can be communist too you cuckold
What did the teacher say… what did the teacher SAY??
100 lone wolves to start the race war
100 lone wolves to start the race war
100 lone wolves to start the race war
100 lone wolves to start the race war
100 lone wolves to start the race war
get the fuck out of here, nigger
Hey check out my nice family pet with its biggest characteristic being its insane jaw strength, muscular build and pain tolerance.
It's not bred as a weapon or tool at all, they're pets.
Don't mind the bite marks all over my body, that was my fault of getting pissed at a videogame while the "dog" was around and subsequently tore into me because it thought it was war time.
Like any normal pet dog would do.
Can you do that? Can you vomit on cue? Can you vomit on cue without pressing your fingers down your throat? Is that even possible?
This is insanity.
Thread Archived
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open throat and compress gut
hahaha keep trying to demoralize, your attempts are pathetic! i love fucking with union kike shills. i'm looking forward to the supreme court revisiting this issue :)
I will get fucking arrested if I say what we should do.
So instead we should spread this everyfuckingwhere. Everyone who loves their pets calling for RWDS RFN.
No just nigger cops, have you read the Turner Diaries? It's not far from the truth.
Tough talk, I bet you own a pitbull and let it run around in public off leash.
I hide sausages with pins and needles around the neighborhood just because faggots like you think your dog has all the rights of a human.
Are the cops dead yet?
If I caught you doing that I would end your yidlings first.
Tough talk, are you a felon? Seems like the only people who let their dogs run are felons and non-whites.
Don't worry about me, I'll never be caught. Maybe if you kept your dog leashed and in your yard you wouldn't have to worry about people killing it.
Your dog is not a human being, no matter how deluded are.
Torfag is just salty because he come home and saw pic related with his nigger wife.
Here we see moeham's new slogan for banning Assault Dogs, to be used in the next five years time, courtesy of a mister platinumstein.
sounds like you're the actual nigger user, white people do not ever let their dogs get out of control
if your dog is more than 2' away from you, growls, snaps, or barks, you might be an actual nigger
My Rotty gets timid and leaves the room when I get pissy with yids online. Dogs just hate subhumans, Achmed.
oh you sad butt fuckee, how was that time in the joint?
American staffordshire terriers were called nanny dogs because of their kindness towards people. Just because subhumans love to put them in dog fights does not mean the breed is violent.
I've heard this shit before from niggers and felons, it's a kind of taqiyya.
I don't like the ATF but to pretend Koresh was innocent is such bullshit.
They are very easily trained and nice if they don't have a retarded nigger/cholo holding the leash.
Fuck you shitskins.
Even niggers aren't that stupid Schlomo, you're pretty bad at this.
i hide the same shit for spic, kike, and nigger children
As it should. "Spanking" is no better emotionally than using fists and is the number one driver of complex PTSD, crime, depression, and lazy parenting.
Spare the rod or you will spoil the child!
You realize that around one in fifteen cases of what is (((reported))) as a "pit bull" is actually an American Pit Bull Terrier or American Staffordshire Terrier, right?
Plenty of whites allow their dogs to become attack dogs, they’re just a big puppy untIl they’re biting somebody’s face off.
Face it, it’s a nigger dog and you’re a nigger if you own one. Also likely a felon.
Oh you’re one of those niggers who uses the 30’ long extendo leash which doesn’t allow you to actually control your dog. Gotcha.
Patricide is the answer.
Koresh' innocence or lack of is irrelevant.
The other part of this is that cops exist to protect criminals from their victims (both by ensuring the criminals don't go too far and provoke a reaction and by directly preventing the victims from acting). If not for cops America would either have no niggers or would effectively be back under Jim Crow where they knew their place. Individual cops usually don't understand this (partially because police departments don't hire anyone who's smart enough to get it–they literally will not hire you if you do too well on their intelligence test) and are trying to be good people, even if they're not too bright.
To follow up, niggers and beaners are by far the most hit/spanked per capita. Christian children are more spanked than Atheist children. Who is overrepresented in prisons? christians and Shitskins. Who is underrepresented in prisons? Whites and Atheists.
Is it racism and religious bigottry putting unbalanced numbers of groups into prison, or is it more likely inter-generational violence that's doing it?
That must be very difficult for you.
Use your thumb then, it will prevent your dog from getting away from you and getting into trouble.
And it won't prevent him from eating poison food that muds throw on the ground to kill them. Why are you resetting your router between every single reply?
Literally the one kind of 'dog' that I could give a shit about being killed is a Shit Bull. What sucks here isn't that a Shit Bull was exterminated rightly so, but that a h'wuite masterrace was humiliated and made to do dirty things by some nignog untermensch!
Them dogs is eyvil, dey bit mah baybay!
on what fucking planet do the police tell the people they are investigating to arm themselves with a knife
Wow these faggots are cowards and that negro didn't deserve to fucking die.
They pick the worst people to be pigs, no honor, no bravery, so weak and afraid to die.
Checking Kek's presence in the thread.
After all the shit we've exposed these fuckers doing, are you telling me that you still buy this bullshit lie?
That's some pretty fucked up shit right here
Fucking idiots. Literally all they had to do was come at him with a cell phone.
samefagging againheh
To go one step further, let's look at recidivism rates between harsh "prison shouldn't be enjoyable" prisons (US, Russia) and more humane "prison shouldn't be traumatizing" prisons (Scandinavia).
The US system forcibly works its victims, it houses them like cattle in cages which are quite spartan and bare. Guards and victims have a very stand-off attitude with each other. "Snitches get stitches" is the rule of the day. Visits are very short, and occasionally there are 'conjugal visits.' The US system is all about penalty, with the result that psychologies which were broken in childhood will be met with the same cycles in prison between themselves and staff just like when they were children vs their parents. Nobody cares too much, administrative ease and safety is put miles ahead of psychological needs. $50-60K/victim/year gets paid to in essence to feed him and pay him the equivalent of $300/yr (if lucky) to live on in "commissary" for $25K+/yr work. You think you can leave the prison grounds on "vacations?" Nope.
Scandinavian system is much different. It houses them like poor travelers staying at Motel 6s. The rooms are not bars and spartan, but more like two star hotels. Staff and prisoners are not stand-offish in attitude. "Snitches get stitches" doesn't rule the day. They are paid far more for their labor and (to my knowledge) don't get "put into the hole" if they refuse to work. The Scandinavian system allows good prisoners vacations, basically multi-day off-site forays of freedom. Some prisons are literally summer camps in the wilderness. Prisoners are treated as humans rather than condemned goy-cattle like the US system.
Guess what? While the US runs at 60%+ return rate, the Scandinavian system has under 30% returning.
Could you imagine that? Treating people like shit makes them into resentful players who would rather take their ball and go home, and then hide in the bush to steal your ball when you're not looking later, than to become reintegrated members of a co-equal society. While the Scandinavians have some of the dumbest immigration, anti-racism, hate speech, and feminism laws, they at least get prison right. The US system is disgusting and frankly as a burger myself the US is a fucking laughing stock even with Trump in office, and I voted for the guy!
The genderqueer thing is happening because parents don't know how to parent, and many times can't parent because of the 40 hour goy-week, so children grow up with attachment traumas which morph into other issues as a childhood brain cannot comprehend a world where there is no "grand tit" aka mother there to protect and nurture them. They can't handle the "grand tit" yelling at, spanking, and slapping them around for not having top notch behavioral control either, which turns them into an antisocial/violent or highly anxious individual later on who can't identify why, but firmly believes "I deserved my lickings!"
Your just desserts are coming Fedniggers, for all your treachery and murder.
The US has a high recidivism rate because it has a high non-white population.
Welcome to the police state, faggots.
If that were true, I'm sure white recidivism would be far lower than the others.
Also your argument is of the form "The US has a high recidivism rate because it has a high Christian population." This one is simple plug-and-play. Gotta work on those dissonances Holla Forumsro.
This is why our forefathers lynched people.
While police offers play an important part in community, he is quite right. All they had to do was not be cucks. You see, this shit happens when the men forego their roles in society - you're left with shit like this. If anything, cops are enablers, especially in the EU. Not all cops are bad, but most appear simple minded… It's a personality trait and short man syndrome personified for many who join. This is not to say all cops are like that, but if you were to look at averages, you'd probably find similar and observable traits.
He just got home to a dead beloved shit bull pet. He's being threatened with being thrown into a man cage and further humiliated and traumatized, and probably bent over a barrel by a court and made to pay a thousand dollar fine and be on 1 year probation (which he'll pay monthly for to have "serviced" by the corporation the state contracts with).
Basically, once the legal system reaches a certain point with you, it's better to either completely insulate yourself and refuse to help them in any way (including talking to them, refusing "prison work" in the system, etc), or just going Rambo on release with a firm position of "never again" and make Dorner proud.
I agree with you 100%…. Don't have much experience with pit-bulls except 2 close friends who own them… Very friendly, genuinely lovable dogs. Boisterous? Of course, but so are labs. Never forget the breeders…. and inbreeding also affects a genetic strain badly. Unfortunate that nogs take a liking to them, this is probably the case for many of them with violent tendencies. Just this morning we rescued a puppy from a bin. All breeds are different and I won't debate you on that but when it comes to policing, you expect a police officer to perform his jobs with a modicum of decency and professionalism. You put them 1 rank under the military but uphold them to a standard above the military for they are servants of the public. I don't think they got that memo, or they were never trained in that manner… at least in these day we live in today. A good leader serves. And if they wish to lead society in safety, standards and in virtue (which they should for they are to uphold the laws) then they are servants, not overlords or abusers as we see take place on a daily level.
You dodged my point with a red herring. Filtered.
thanks kike, you saved me the trouble
The pay for a cop needs to be good, I mean REAL GOOD. We're talking college grad, bachelor's or master's degree level pay. An IQ test and IQ minimum should apply for beat cops and detectives, but not for SWAT and special response. Conversely their standards must be raised up much higher, which is why the pay should be bumped way up (incentive to take a high-standards job).
They are compensated adequately. these figures are on the low to medium spectrum of pay. I have seen figures for high ranking public-sector employees in CA go above $200,000(this includes LEO, fire, etc.). if you want to dig, feel free; the proof is in on a CA .gov site. These numbers also do not take into account overtime and benefits, so they are actually compensated more than this graphic shows.
Have absolutely no disagreement with that. But good pay must = good service. Americans tend to be dumb - this is a stereotype but Americans tend to believe in blind patriotism, suffer from a lack of critical thinking, lack the ability to improve their situation themselves before complaining, call for help when they themselves could empower themselves. This is just an observation and I may be wholly wrong. None of the yanks who visit this place are likely to fall into that specter but it would appear, that it is a cultural problem that needs to be fixed. And I would agree and say it should most definitely start with the guardians of peace and safety (which they are currently not and partly on a power-trip.)
Still fully support Officer Wilson
The era of punishment must end, and the era of correction and rehabilitation must be ushered in. We no longer draw and quarter for thefts, and we've managed to relegate state-sanctioned execution to a few categories of crime and put many legal barriers to its implementation.
The assumption that everybody is a moral agent with freewill at all times is a fallacy, one used to justify the current punitive system. The same thought process is used in justifying Final Judgment and The Lake of Fire. It is a child-like thought process; one in which the believer thinks that, without whips and rods along the edge of the path, he'd stray off into the abyss in a heartbeat. A thought process in someone who never had his frontal lobe fully develop, likely due to environmental/socialization/attachment factors in the home.
Trauma and shame go hand in hand. Shame is very powerful, it's why the "forgiving father" meme lives on in religion. It's partly why confession makes the Catholic church successful. When shame can be lifted, the person is no longer so self-sabotaging. Especially as a child, a child cannot fathom a parent which is dangerous or malicious, so when he is being hauled forcibly into his room, bent over, and erogenous zone assaulted open-hand, he can't help but think that >>>he
my god, are libtards still comparing the US to Euro? what a dumbfuck. he must be from Vermont
hahaha stfu faggot, go back to Vermont
When it finally becomes an all non-white police force, whites won't be able to not revolt and marshal out their own territory or cease to exist.
Many of us burgers who visit here fall into that specter. It's obvious. Last year I had to fight off way more "spare the rod spoil the child" morons who thought it's a parents right to beat sense into their children. So far I haven't ran into any the last two times I've brought this subject up in the last couple months I think the eternal summer shitposters left after the election.
Yep. However patriotism is defined. There is a large set who are blind believers in "America Ooo-rah!" which tend to be associated with 'southerners,' basically a demographic which has been presented as retarded for decades by the media.
There is another form of 'patriotism' shown by the Left, the tumblrinas, the GLBTQRSTUVs, the marxists/communists, etc. It is human nature to be blindly pro-social toward the group which you belong, it is how the group, and by extension most individual members, survives.
Because it's A) not taught, and B) for those who don't need to be taught, it's actively discouraged by large subsections of the burger demographic. Whether it's "god causes all things" or "cis-white men are oppressors," those who can think become conditioned against it as children when they do and are disapproved of and/or have the peer-group turned against them for it. It takes over a decade of constant social rejection and exclusion for an individual like myself to reach a point of disconnect from the group mind to partially overcome its influence, which is why I collect bans here and on other boards like souvenirs. Even then, the traumas have left their mark in other aspects so even then one can't help their anxiety-caused lack of proper action/thinking.
Again, this has to be taught (with the try - fail - evaluate - try again - succeed loop, which MUST END in succeed or learned helplessness forms), and most who don't have to be taught it have been dis-empowered as children and adolescents by a system which almost completely infantilizes them when they are biological adults (though not fully matured mentally). Children literally are prevented from doing anything for themselves almost (no, chores and "do your own laundry" don't count here, there must be real life-course self-determinism and you must not be mr/mrs "you'll do what I say or else"), and by the time they hit adolescence they're resistant to even attempting (learned helplessness).
See learned helplessness.
You're not wrong. It is this way due partly to habit the flywheel of society, and due partly to I suspect induction by parties interested in keeping the population self-incapable by teaching parents and teachers systems which selectively destroy certain personal aspects in children.
Neither. It's a genetic predisposition to violent aggression plus a lack of advanced cognitive adaptations. Niggers are subhuman apes. Stop fooling yourself into thinking you can fix this with some bullshit like preventing them from hitting their kids.
Oh look, a convenient example just cropped up:
It is.
Fuck you, you fucking Dunning-Kruger reddit transplant. Get the fuck off Holla Forums.
Another one! The unthink is strong on this one:
Yeah nah fuck you, faggot. You're one of those professor worshipping retards who fell for the college meme and thinks if you type X amount of words more than everyone else, you're the smartest, because that's how you got your good goy points while your parents were paying your own enslavers and indoctrinators. You're clearly new to Holla Forums because you don't know American blacks got the small amount of IQ and good behavior they have (all 20% of them, anyway) from mixing with whites, and you're spouting Freudian "muh childhood" garbage like you don't know just how subversive a kike he was. You are a fucking idiot and part of the goddamn problem.
let me tell you sompthun right now im investigator hollice
you not fiddinta talk to me nor my deputy like that
Animals are meat. People are not animals. You are opposite of reality and might as well be a fucking liberal.
Dog lovers are always retarded. True Fact:There are more dog lady feminists than cat ladies.
White people domesticated wolves as hunting and companion animals.
We domesticated horses as beasts of burden and riding animals.
Only non-white subhumans think all animals are for eating. It's this very attitude that caused niggers to never domesticate a single animal.
So what are we, plants, fungi, viruses?
Not even close.
Cat people really are brainwashed into retardation by cat parasites.
Protip, you never shit where you eat and your cats shouldn't either. The crazy cat types are always bad with maintaining proper hygiene.
Not ever spanking your child leads your child to grow into a beta. They won't know how to deal with stressful potentially violent situations and will just cuck out.
Disciplen your children well lest you want them to be beta numale soyboy cucks.
Only shitskins unable to master beast hate dogs.
You couldn't see a genius if he dropped his pants and shat a brilliant idea on your dinner-plate in front of you.
How does making him submit with force make him alpha?
I have a pitbull and he's insanely passive. Out out of all of our dogs he's the most docile and timid. Pic related, it's my blue heeler and boxer.
They're all more or less the same thing.
It's hard to tell if this is real or some kind of syr-up. Same with that last police shooting video.
If cops were that easy to deal with, they would've already been dealt with by elements far more dangerous than us. Look at Mexico for an example of what I'm talking about. The point being made is that the police act as a paramilitary force for ZOG, and that if they didn't exist it would be easier to fight the invaders head on. Don't forget Arkan and his Tigers. I would much rather take on a cartel, gang, or political militia than any modern police department with the full backing of the USG.
Big fan of boxers. Had one growing up, best all around dog I had.
I gotta ask, what's the appeal of pitbulls?
They aren't the smartest,
They aren't the toughest,
They aren't the prettiest.
But some reason niggers love them, its like street cred.
Why did you get one?
We stopped spanking children after feminism got shoved down our throats by MSM and look what fine generations that resulted in!
Forget spanking, i got beaten to shit when i was little and i turned out just fine. You're a faggot and you should feel bad about yourself.
Because he'll grow up like his dad and beat others like his dad beat him. Fucking pansy.
You could make such an argument about many dogs. I have a bulldog and he's not the smartest, prettiest or toughest, but he is a good dog. He was at the shelter and he appealed to me, so now he is mine. Very loyal, very good.
Hitting your kids is demonstrably a good thing
checked and a friend of mine has a boxer and anons it is the fartiest beast i have ever witnessed. demonically possessed, it clearly plots where and when to unleash its nuclear detonations. that little fucker has cleared large rooms of people, and by all accounts intentionally.
Most of those are actually mix breed pound mutts with unpredictable behavior owned by turdskins, pitbull just became the new scapegoat. I've seen the most obvious fucking mutts get labelled as pitbulls despite not looking like they have a shred of pit in them, it's not exactly a science they use to identify breeds of dogs. In the 90s everything was labelled a rottweiler instead.
Because it has a reputation of being a killer dog so niggers swarm over them to get a "dangerous weapon". Then you get the cucks who get them just in order to prove people who slander the breed wrong, saying pits dindu nuffin. Both of these morons tend to raise violent dogs due to their neglect.
This is actually wrong because 'muh killer dog' meme is false, as was proven by a 2014 study, suggesting that it's involvement in attacks is related to the dog's popularity. Yes, this actually means that because of retards like you, other retards will get this dog and then fuck it up on purpose. Pitbulls aren't even responsible for a majority of attacks for fucks sake. Projecting shit cuck.
There are a lot of 'studies' that say race has nothing to do with intelligence and crime, too. Does not make it any more true.
Niggers like them because they're the tough guy dog right now. It used to be Rotties or Dobermans and probably German Shepherds before that. When Cujo came out, niggers probably made a run on St. Bernards. For actual dog owners, pits are strong, loyal and playful. It's a great combo for a family dog with a big yard.
almost 51 percent of the attacks were from pit bulls, almost 9 percent were from Rottweilers and 6 percent were from mixes of those two breeds
The 3 most prevalent were 38.5% pit bull…
Pit bulls were most frequently responsible, accounting for 39% (83/213) of all injuries when dog breed was documented
In California, pit bulls account for 29% of all dog bites, putting them at the top of the list
killer dog meme seems to be real
at least in US where every nigger/trash has pitt
Yeah but Bernards aren't cheap.
I don't think 9 out of 10 niggers could afford one
I will find you, and I will castrate you.
There are some things more important than life, Honor is one of them. My dog would die for me, If some nigger killed my dog, i'm killing them and their entire family. I'm killing any zogbot that comes to catch me afterwards to, i'll force them to shoot to kill or die. I won't be captured, I'll be reborn.
I'm down to genocide every people and culture that mistreats animals. I'm right there with you on animal torture being much worse than human death. They are so innocent, they just want to be your friend and have a belly rub.
Spoiler that shit please. I've already seen the vids, worst shit i've ever seen. I already know most the gooks gotta go.
I have a pit too, here is a pic of him as a pupper. He is very kind, very powerful, but he is perfect around our little Yorkie, He even lets the yorkie think he is boss. His name is Odin. Any dog owned by a nigger will be mean, because niggers are mean, and torture the animal.