Demo of pic related is out today.
Anyone play it yet?
how shit is it?
Demo of pic related is out today
Is everyone expecting this to be crap? It looked like a cute little nostalgia trip in an run of the mill RPG game. Nothing amazing but nothing that seemed really horrible either.
ive seen a lot of people bash the fuck out of it. im kinda looking forward to it, looks adorable.
VAs are horrendous though.
also just started the demo, you can name the monsters you capture.
it's time for MEMES
Is the demo PS4 only I can't find it on the vita store. Any news on if you can use Japanese VA square have been pretty back and forth with it.
the demo has an option to switch language, so im assuming thats for voices.
also i had a hard time finding it for PS4, i had to go to the pre-order page itself then go down through some descriptions before it game me a link to the demo. try that?
Looked online no Vita demo for NA only Japan and Europe gets it makes no fucking sense.
Look at those yummy hips on Ifrit
dude have you seen She-frit?
Porn when?
Red-headed wild brown girl with too much hair my dick knows no bounds.
What are you referring to?
Where's the porn of the furry?
the whole point of this game is trying to get new people into the final fantasy series. straight from the devs mouth
Yeah so? It's still filled with fanservice and is just a spinoff. Not to mention this game is more like old final fantasy then FF15 is.
It's better than XV. Looking forward to it.
art style looks like shit tbph
I will laugh hard if a game they've put a fraction of time into compared to XV turns out to be superior.
Of course. It would turn everything they know upside down.
That said, this happened when Bravely Default outsold Lightning Returns. Too bad they're staffed by retards.
>>/kemono/ & >>/fukemo/
If this actually was a surprise to anyone besides Toriyama I will be very disappointed in the world.
Do the world a favour and make it to first base with the barrel of a shotgun
First time I've ever heard of it.
me too, but at face value it looks fucking atrocious, so I'll just stick with /kemono/
Holy shit I just had a tonberry tell me to die.
While I'm not a fan of the whole chibi art style and Nomura's character design, the game is looking a lot better than XV. XV is a fucking mess and is only selling cause it's a main entry in the FF franchise. WoFF is actually reminiscent of a good jrpg and looks to be fun and lewd.
So what's the guy Shiva called, Heva?
thats what im calling him until an official name is released.
for the record the female ifrit is called ifrita
o-oh. Somehow I had it in mind that this would be a 3DS game.
It's a shame they keep fucking up Bravely Default, those games are good throwbacks as well.
feels bad
Male Shiva in Revenant Wings was called Shivar.
it looks like garbage
Theres an Ifrita in Mobius FF too.
That one isn't bad but I like the World of Final Fantasy version better. I mean that one isn't even brown.
I really like the Bravely series but Nintendo keep fucking up the localizations. Only way around it is to learn moon and import the games cause the localizations will only get worse. On the topic of localizations, after playing the WoFF demo, I didn't some across any memes or gender neutral pronouns. But it was a fairly short demo, so it's hard to say whether the game will be free from that shit.