Grand Strategy Games
Today in History October 17
Grand Strategy Games /gsg/
I don't want to search for new dates, so don't be faggots, mods. Thank you.
What are the essential DLCs for EU4?
I dedicate this /gsg/ thread to the memory of Krsto. I'm still glad I hired him.
I would say up to Cossacks so just pirate.
Yeah, get cossacks and everything before, but nothing after. That's roughly the best content:bullshit ratio for EU4
Whats your dream for vic3
Mine is..
Mfw civil war
That it doesn't happen.
Alright, much appreciated anons.
Fucking Parajew.
I would recommend looking for a 1.16 download with just Cossacks without the update for Mare Nostrum because institutions fucking blow.
Perfectly balanced for Multiplayer.
Rights of Man added institutions, not Mare Nostrum. The latest version without institutions is 1.17, not 1.16
Vic3 should go for big league e-sport scene. Countries need to be balanced, mechanics deterministic and skill based and randomness minimal.
Oh, and average length of a game needs to an hour at most, otherwise it's hard to organize several matches in row.
To be fair all countries all have the same events and decisions. We wouldn't want to empower one country now would we?
I'll continue
Yea but mare nostrum was just shit all around only thing added was you could form the Roman Empire and rent condotierri. I dunno maybe Mare Nostrum is worth pirating.
Holy fuck what the FUCK was the Swedish Jew thinking when they released MN? Get in a war with a one province nation and suddenly they're given 100k+ condotierri for fucking FREE from other neighboring nations regardless of relations to either side.
Just saw the archive has a DLCs only download up to Mare Nostrum for v 1.17.1, I might aswell try it out.
Moar of them
Aslo new ones for alternative history nations like
Aslo if you have slave you get events
And Moar pop stats
That must've been a problem early on with the DLC because I hardly see AI renting Condotierre to other AI.
Tell me user, was he canonized into sainthood? He should've been.
That Parajew is gassed by a based GSG publisher like Slitherine and Vic 3 is made by some team who is actually competent and understands what made Vic 2 work.
I don't know. How do I find out?
You usually get a pop-up when someone from your court gets canonized. Shit used to happen a lot back when I played as Paulicians; since it was such a small religion, most of the saints used to be my vassals. Even had a few Tsars canonized.
No idea how Catholics work though, as I never played them.
My family gradually converted to Orthodox after the join the Byzantine Empire. And before that, I was Fraticelli for a couple of rulers. I haven't been Catholic for a while.
;-; It's beautiful. Should I vassalize one the Cossack hosts or Theodoro? I kinda find it cool that Kiev somehow managed to get their shit together and pushed on the Golden Horde.
I think heresies are one of the coolest mechanics CKII offers. The CK2+ mod really expanded upon them and basically made them even better than they were.
I'm not sure if the mod is still around, but back when I played, it was better than the other one (Don't remember the name, the other completely changed the map to a more EU4-like version)
That's the one.
This has got to be the weirdest and ugliest game I've played thus far.
This has to be the weirdest one. They usually become everyone's bitches.
tbh I always get a bit of a boner when I see Aragon kill Castille
I used to but it happens just about every game now. Did Castille get a nerf sometime ago?
Castille's critical weakness of a 0/0/0 monarch + Aragon's strong military monarch/general means Aragon will get one of the military tactics techs before Castille. Mil tech 4 vs. tech 3 is basically civ vs unciv, and the AI is better nowadays about exploiting it.
Ah, I forgot about King Tard.
How do I Byzantium on the new patch? Now that forts give attack bonuses to the province owner instead of whoever is holding it holding the line at Edirne doesn't work anymore. I also tried a Hungary-Poland-Lithuania attack at the same time Mameluks are attacking from the south but fucking kebab sends all his stacks to fight me and leave the ottomans besieging his entire south unopposed.
Also the leader traits make Mehmed even more retardly OP than before and he lives for fucking ever now instead of usually dying at his 20s or early 30s.
Jesus fucking christ america get your shit together.
In the NWO mod black + european culture just means a nigger that speaks whatever euro language
And Progressive Party aka the LGBTQ/feminist/poz party.
And they are cockblocking me from annexing eastern Europe by sphereing shit I need to sphere.
How do I unfuck Byzantium's shit in EU3 starting in 1399?
Take Istanbul as the Ottomans :^)
Build 5 heavies immediately (take loans/debase economy), ally Wallachia and Bosnia and get military access from Venice and Naxos. Then lure half of the Ottoman army (or all of it preferrably, worth sacrificing your army for) onto Negroponte/Naxos, then block it with your heavies.
Excellent, I've done this and now have a reason to share.
Part One: Greece. First thing you do is load your guys onto your ships and move the ships to the coast of Epirus (Janina) Epirus is in Naples' sphere, but Naples almost always immediately declares war on them. Then you just land your guys there and win the siege.
Next thing is to build up your army, so you can take on Venice. Get at least nine guys (I always go one calvary for every two infantry). Get military access through Montenegro, Ragusa, Hungary, and Aquilliea. Then declare war on Venice and any of their vassals, and also Achaea. I didn't try to match Venice's fleet. Annex Achaea, force Venice to release Naxos and Corfu, annex Naxos and Corfu, and take whatever provinces you can from Venice.
If you can, take Rhodes and Cyprus while whoever is guaranteeing them is busy. I had to do two separate wars with Venice to take all the provinces I wanted.
Part Two: The Ottomans. Build up your navy so that it is bigger than the Ottoman navy. Get military access in Bosnia. Declare war on Serbia and Ottomans while most of their troops are at war in Asia. Block the strait crossings with your navy. Force Ottomans to release Serbia, vassalize Serbia, and take one of the strait-crossing provinces (I took Bursa). If you occupied them good they should have Byzantine patriot revolts in the west, which thanks to you taking Bursa, the Ottomans can't get to.
Take over the Anatolian minor countries.
Then do whatever, it should be easy from there on out.
I started at 1399, it took me almost 40 years to do all of this. The national idea I took was National Bank, and I have a 6* Treasurer (inflation reduction) and a 6* Diplomat (infamy reduction).
Reposting from last thread:
Probably take out a million loans, hire every mercenary on earth, attack Muscovy ASAP and pray it works
Ally as much of the little country around against Muscuvy as you can. That's how the IA always do it.
An improved pop system where pops will be mana.
What are you trying to tell us user?
Fuck it
So are there any mods for HoI4 yet?
After failing to beat the salt jews about ten times I decided to align Austria and Hungary and have them do it for me. We're off to a great start.
This is the classic approach, but I propose an alternate tactic:
It can happen (and often does) that literally all of greece is completely cockblocked by Venice and other cunts that you cannot hope to tackle, and have no way to expand. Do not lose hope! First, take trebizond and Candar (you gotta be quick about it before Ottoman's guarantee it). The turk may send some warnings or shit, but you can freely ignore it, for it's the Ottomans who are your next target. That's right, it is possible to wreck those cunts right from the beginning with minal preparation if you know how. All you need is a reasonable amount of troops (forcelimit should be enough), a fair amount of boats (the more the better, but you can make do without going too far over the force limit, really), and good relations + alliance with any of Ottoman's neighbours (I did it with Serbia's help), and just a little bit of luck. Send everything to Constantinople and wait for Ottomans to get into a war with Timurids (since Timurids are a horde, it automatically happens every time the truce ends) – having timurids that don't suck balls helps a lot, of course, but all you really need is wait for Ottomans to send their armies to anatolia and start sieging Erserum. When that happens, declare war and quickly cover all their western provinces with your or serbia's troops. so that there is little or no free provinces for them to recruit in. Then wait. It should take Kebab a while to finish duking it out with timurids and, since they are retarded, the AI tends to let them siege the anatolian provinces you took earlier. That's very good, even if they capture them, as all you need is time to win this. Eventually, they capture them, but you should have most or all of their western provinces by now. Still, they're going to refuse any peace deals so you need to keep things as they are until their war exhaustion gets high enough (also peace out with any allies roaches might have dragged in). Your fleet cannot hope to hold the sea of Marmara, but it doesn't need to. It takes about three quarter of a month to cross the strait, IIRC, and all you need is send one ship from Constantinople a day or two before they are due to complete the crossing, and while the ship is lost, they need to start crossing all over again. If you have, say, twenty ships, you can hold them out of balkans for over a year. During all that time, Otto will get abandoned by its allies, and his WE will steadily rise. The war is almost won (and you should constantly check if Ottos is ready for peace deal) but it's likely they'll need one final strike before they fold. Concentrate all your forces in Thrace (if you are lucky, oyur allies will be stationed there or nearby and ready to help), convert ruler to general, and let otto cross. The WE mallus should fuck Otto enough to make him spend less on the army, and you should be able to fend him off (if you left one ship in reserve, you can even completely annihilate his stack now). After that, Otto will be ready to surrender.
Currently playing a game as a member of the house of Yngling who invaded France (I started off at the earliest point I could play a Yngling) anyways my goal is to convert to Paulician Christianity and take all of Britainnia and modern day France and make myself the bulwark/defender of Christianity and Western Europe.
Any suggestions on what else I should do/on how best to go about this that would be nice.
Of course, but don't expected anything that actually fixes the game.
CK2+ is still one of the biggest, has been updated to the latest patch as well.
What about countries as mana
Grab parts of Britannia before converting maybe. I assume the Karling mess outnumbers you but if you get them weak enough Andalus or the Avars might attack them and take some heat off.
Why does his face look like it's made of plastic?
Mod I got that makes faces generally look better, unfortunately my current king got a bad roll on the genetics for facial features, thankfully his son will look a little better (hilariously both my current king and his heir/son have the fair trait)
Have you removed Saxon?
My eyes are bleeding. Why.
Working on getting the rest of Europe onboard before I go authoritarian & take back rightful clay from the turks and the snow turks.
May also try dismantling China, not sure if they have nukes though.
You are the Turk.
Of course
Aw yeah fam
I love removing kebab
Based streetshitters helping suppress Chinese industrial score.
Every NWO game I've played China always ends up getting raped by India at some point.
Must be bro-tier Sikh units
Good thing too as I can't catch up to their industry otherwise.
They wasted their MAD cooldown on some shitty tiny country and are now stuck getting gang raped by Amit and Ivan until they can use nukes again.
Which should I roll with? Leaning towards populist republic.
Imagine a world where the great Cossack Hosts are free under my suzerainty to roam the steppes.
sounds unproductive
why all the vassal games, user? They're bound to betray you one day…
Is all of this normal?
Thought it'd be cool to see if the guys actually worked as intended. They're both Hetmanates which are essentially republics. I think it's a nice flavor mechanic, but ultimately useless for someone such as me as I'm not really planning to remove steppeniggers or slavs (what for?). If I were playing Russia, I'd be more than happy to have a Cossack vassal though, or even play as an independent Cossack nation.
For now I'll roll back right before releasing both hosts (and kicking Kiev's ass) a few years prior and continue as intended. Or Maybe I'll keep Don and let Kiev live.
Serbia, Moldavia and Armenia are all my vassals (just fed them all those territories), I'm planning on integrating them once I reach a bureaucracy that's big enough to support such a huge empire. Don is a custom nation added by VeF, It's a Cossack Host just like Zaporozhie. It's all nice and fun, and they make great vassals, but I'd rather have Crimea all for myself.
China got dragged down, although not quite enough. They're only ahead by a couple hundred points, though. If they get themselves into another big war I should be able to pass them, or if I go to war with them (too much hassle moving over 40 stacks of drone swarms tbh; I'll just fund anyone who fights them).
Took Belarus from Russian sphere of influence and now waiting on truce cooldown so I can annex them.
Are you fascist? Make sure to remove kebab regardless of political orientation.
Populist Dictatorship so yeah, pretty much. Kebab will be removed from Constantinople as soon as next truce clears since they were helping the snow kebab last war.
They'd be more like Snowniggers, but kebab? Nope, they hate them as much as the Greeks.
Alright, time for a Germany game.
Any advice, suggestions or goals I should pursue?
Jesus that's a lot of forts.
Become Communist
No, the mod I'm using doesn't have all the cool communist Germany shit.
They're actually local fortifications, the red ones are proper forts. Once gunpowder stuff becomes more widespread, only proper forts will remain and these will fell in disuse (disappear altogether)
They're a pain in the ass to deal with since they're basically mini-forts that take lots of time to take down, thankfully after the medieval era finishes, they disappear.
Grattez le russe et vous verrez le Tartare.
B-But muh never-conquered Rus! The tatar invasion is a vile slander!
Some of my cities are as low as 60% white (border is locked down now but they had decades to get in before that), so I rounded out the incomplete list of EU accepted cultures in prep for a spot of ethnic cleansing.
Play as a somewhat more even-handed, paperwork minding Hitler. German majority area eating only, puppet or sphere the rest, with an exception to the Polish Corridor for logistical reasons. But you've got to eat all the majority areas, including a Swiss partition and integrating both varieties of swamp German, doing what you will with the Walloons. Coup Austria early. Defensive stance against England, no terror bombing, coup them if possible. Gut the Soviets entirely, be prepared for a long war even as you're aiming for a short one with pocket after pocket. No bitter peace for longer than absolutely necessary, destroy them and restore a puppet Russia, at least the European end of it, leaving the Siberian colonies to situational discretion as to whether you want a bigger buffer with Japan, or a more controllable pair of puppets.
I suppose it goes without saying thanks to the gameplay end of things, but try to rationalize production as utterly as possible. Tactical bombers for airfield cratering & light strategic bombing on the cheap, scads of multiroles with a splash of interceptors in the West, advanced standard armor, so on. No frills, flabby specialist units for more than practicals and to throw at favorite breakthrough divisions, or petty intermediate upgrades on those years where the stat jump on a unit isn't too big in cost effectiveness, unless you're doing well enough that there's little reason not to afford either of the latter in addition to more cost effective choices.
Iberian confirmed for being non-white.
White Spanish refers to European colonists that speak Spanish. Same way black Anglo is just black people that speak English.
Did that user playing Alea Jacta Est upload it like he said he would? The copy I got off of IGG doesn't fuckin load even though the demo off of their website does. That kinda leads me to believe that I fucked up the crack somehow.
Only one year or so before I can reform into BYZ (Currently annexing Serbia, if I become BYZ, they will turn against me since they're hardcoded to be Byzantium's historical rivals.)
Ended up vassalizing the Don Cossacks, they ain't so bad; pretty handy in war. Also vassalized the Knights of St. John and made them Orthodox Crusaders :^)
Soon I'll be conquering Jerusalem and Antioch/Aleppo, once I become BYZ that is. I guess I'll release Croatia as a vassal after keeping Serbia and Zeta for myself.
So no Reichskommissariats, just release the nations?
How much clay should Germany get? Just ethnic German clay? How will that apply with Banat and the Baltic Germans?
Kind of wish the NWO mod for Victoria 2 was more realistic on the espionage side of things.
Or god forbid the Parajew developers got off their asses and made an independent game where you could play through the Cold War into the 21st Century
It'd also be nice if there were economic sabotage options. And if it didn't use PDM's trash eco as a basis.
I don't know how Reichskommissariats work in whatever mod if any you might be using, or in vanilla HOI2. Thus, if it has them and doesn't have sufficiently flexible event chains to transition into looser puppet governments later, then no. If it does, then you may use the RK system during wartime and in the brief transitional period. Likewise, if there's no proper RK system, then simply occupy territory for wartime exploitation as is necessary. But, in the end, always release individual states in their proper borders, maybe unifying the Balts instead of releasing separately so they're a little more useful.
Ethnic German clay proper only. No hard colonization, no yearning for the East, let's say alternate Hitler fought on the Eastern front in a frontline combat engineer/pioneer unit instead of being a letter runner under fire in the West, hence the practical mindset, industrial attentiveness and lessened Slavophobia after seeing some blonde lads clad in Tsarist green, maybe he did some Freikorps work after the war. So, Elsass-Lothringen, the low countries, Austria, any bits of you that've been nipped off and aren't in friendly states. The Polish corridor is excepted for logistical necessity and its uncertain allegiance, though it could always be transferred back if Poland can't trade through your ports, not that they're likely to need to. If you're going to go for living space, go for new exclaves in the manner of the Soviet postwar Russification, only with less outright ethnic cleansing and more strongarming the settlement of skilled German citizens into the rebuilding states. Spin it as a new Catherine II-style resettlement. Not that this has any bearing on HOI2, but run it through your head and tell me it doesn't sound like the best compromise.
The Banat & other Danube Swabians, the Balts, and the other already existent exclaves can be trusted to be handled appropriately by friendly governments. Because if they aren't handled appropriately- that is, left well enough alone- you're going to give them the Poland treatment of kicking their shit in and gutting the government to form a new and more firmly collaborationist ministry while you go about winning the war.
In the mid they're puppet governments with cores on their capitals and nothing else, they're effectively meant to represent the colonial governments.
And that all sounds good to me.
Best of luck. Report back when you've made progress.
Are there any mods that make EvW stable?
Now what shall I do with the Slovaks, should I annex them into Hungary, or set up a Slovakian state?
Should I give Savoie to France? I want to be Groß Romaniums but it's a pain in the ass for them to attack all the time and their military is getting better than mine.
Take Provence then, fuck Frenchies.
Any way to merge them with Czechia or keep together if they already are?
Which game you in? If it's Vicky 2 with HPM, Germany will usually team up with you.
Leaving a Slovakian Slovakia would be nice, but Hungary is going to be more valuable and the current borders do not follow the proper ethnic lines, so partition and hope Hungary doesn't eat everything in the process of taking back their clay by event. Whatever leads to the best political situation while respecting the borders to the greatest degree. An unfriendly Hungary and Slovakia will do no good, while dooming Slovakia is capricious, but potentially necessary.
Giving it to Hungary produces far more attractive borders.
The Unholy Alliance focus for Germany in HOI4 is terrifying
America, France, Nordics, Romania, Yugoslavia and Czechs all join Allies at once
I had to fight all of them to claim Czechoslovakia and then Poland joined to Allies and I had to take them out too
But I managed to do that and get True Blitzkrieg achievement
How should I play it out? When should I inevitable betray the Soviet Union?
Snowniggers are North Germanics.
Czecks are getting annexed no matter what sadly.
Hungary would get southern Slovakia in a division, giving it to Hungary gives all of Slovakia to Hungary.
Vicky 2. Russia just allied me. Hopefully they don't betray me at the last minute.
I know, and it looks fucking terrible.
So just give it all to Hungary then?
I say set up a Slovakian state if Hungary gets its share even if you set up Tiso. Can't double back if it's affordable not to.
Germany's usually more useful and reliable. Their troops tend to be a lot better and less scattered, they have direct access to France, and they have a natural animosity to France whereas Russia is prone to helping France.
But if Russia will help, go for it.
I've merged it into Hungary then.
In better news, the Scharhnorst and Gneisenau have been completed, they are now the most modern ships in our fleet.
Ontop of these, I have ordered two more ships in the class who's names I have not decided on.
Does anyone have any historical suggestions?
I forgot to mention Germany doesn't exist in my game. Hypothetically, would Prussia still be a more useful ally than Russia?
Maybe; depends how well or poorly it's doing. You should help it form Germany if you can, anyways. It'll usually also help you fight Austria if needed, and even if it doesn't ally with you, having it beat up France every five years is handy.
Just don't fuck up Austria too bad because that could lead to Anschluß and Germany getting a core on South Tirol.
Alright, Danzig or war.
Here's the plan, we're just trying to blitz the VPs to win as soon as possible.
Scharnhorst und Gneisenau were both named after prussian generals during the napoleonic wars which were also Chiefs of the Prussian General Staff.
Possible names would be:
Because of Scharnhorst it might also work to use the names of the Prussian Ministers of War, though those are a bit more questionable.
Hitler wills it
Try annexing them before the Soviets get involved and then tell Stalin to fuck off when he demands his half.
We capture Poland before the month is out, they surrender on the 20th.
Now we can move on to France, Belgium and France.
I'm moving the bulk of my motorised and armoured forces for an offensive through Belgium, my infantry shall move through the Netherlands to support them.
Here's the plan for the Invasion of France, I plan to entirely circumvent the Maginot Line, while moving our blitz to encircle Paris.
After we've captured Paris we will rapidly move to take the rest of France.
They're pretty good provinces though, well divided through ethnic lines.
I'm glad you got your cheevo.
By January France has fallen, by the end of February Switzerland falls as well.
Forces are now being moved to Yugoslavia in preparation of the coming invasion.
The two new Battlecruisers have been completed, I think I will go with Hake and Rauch.
why aren you attacking scandinavia?
In preparation for Plan Z and the invasion of Scandinavia, we have massively beefed up the surface navy.
We currently have two Battleships, the Friedrich der Große and the Großdeutschland of the Bismark Class. The Tirpitz and Bismark are soon to be completed. Together these will form the backbone of our two fleets, keeping the carriers safe and throwing accurate long range shells into our foes.
We have 4 Battlecruisers, the Hake, Rauch, Scharnhorst and Gneisenau.
These form the core of our scouting section of the fleet.
We have a completed carrier, the Graf Zeppelin. We also have a completed light carrier, the Seydlitz although her planes have not yet arrived.
We've got a small horde of screens, although I will need to massively expand our destroyer contingent more if we want to keep our fleet alive though.
I'm organising my fleet for a confrontation with the British before I want to invade Norway.
I also want to invade Yugoslavia before I move up, but I should have enough troops to do both so I'm going to split off some units to do that.
I gotta get them out of the NAU's sphere first, NWO doesn't allow you to take states or conquer countries that are in a sphere, part of the way it represents how land taking doesn't happen that much in the modern age.
Plan Z has been a success.
After a paradrop of 4 divisions at Hull, we move in motorised divisions and armoured divisions to take a port to supply the offensive.
With support from the Navy, we manage to take Edinburgh.
Luckily, the stress on the navy was far less than anticipated.
Of the four recommissioned pre-dreadnought battleships 2 are heavily damaged, the Graf Zeppelin was lost and one of the old 1920's cruisers was lost.
However, the rest of the fleet is largely intact.
With a landing site secured we can move in with an offensive from Edinburgh to secure Scotland and northern England.
don't forget to annex Ireland, then release it along with northern ireland
By the start of September Great Britain has fallen, in two weeks Ireland falls as well.
In their place, England and Scotland are declared independent nations, and Ireland is united for the first time in almost 20 years.
I haven't been to gsg in months. Has anything good/noteworthy happened since the release of Conclave? I'm sure Paradox has been trying their best to make their games shittier, I don't care about those. Any good news?
How the fuck is this even possible
It means niggers that speak English or a close approximation.
You should break it up entirely and genocide the jews.
Why give up German rule over Europe though?
Reaper's Due fixed the awful performance quite admirably, the DLC itself is mediocre. EUIV still shit, HoI4 still shit. Stellaris still a ded gaem.
Rightful clay is restored and I managed to get past China in industrial score, finally.
you forgot about cyprus
Nuke yourself.
How white is Argentina?
By the way was it at least fun to play NWO? How much did you get into war or it was all political?
White as snow, dunno how they managed that.
Fairly fun. You can get into war but you have to be careful with the big countries, especially America has tentacles everywhere. Generally speaking you want to try to expand by forming a trade bloc and eventually a superstate (like the EU) because that lets you diploannex countries and generally adds more accepted cultures and cores.
It has some polish issues; typos and unfinished localization, that sort of thing, but it is still being actively developed so those will probably get fixed in time.
Its main issue is that it uses PDM as a basis so the economy is kinda messed up. But at the same time it's messed up in a similar way to the modern economy so in a sense it works.
A large part of it is novelty, though. You might not do a whole lot at times but it's cool seeing where the world goes.
I find the 1992 start is better if you're not trying to play as the commies. 1946 usually ends up with modern times being pretty weird.
I tried it but couldn't stand the absolutely retarded states. Dozens of them were on or two provinces large, sometimes even strewn about with the provinces unconnected, generally making factory building a fucking chore, while you get infamy out the ass
Yeah, it keeps changing every patch, not sure how it'll eventually end up.
They seemed to try having every possible conested strip of land in modern history a separate stare, as if they were mortally afraid of them getting split in between two powers. It was really retarded - there were states with as many as five provinces, IIRC, and others with only one (and not a good one at that), yet conquering one would give you the same amount of infamy as taking the other, not to mention the resulting economic asspain if you ever decided to manage the factories of anything bigger than germany. Hopefully they'll fix this shit soon
Don't be a commie and the capitalists will bill stuff themselves. Trying to guess what sells didn't seem to work for me anyway.
If it's anything like the vanilla, capitalists are fucking retarded and letting them do shit without your oversight will only lead to unemployment spiralling out of control.
Honestly I have never played vanilla. HPM is my vanilla.
StateCap is best in HPM too tbh fam.
And make sure you adjust the factory upgrade threshold in defines so you can build them up in advance and fill with workers later.
Vic 2 never worked, the encomy and pop system never behaved realistically
Enacted ethnic cleansing while taking Cyprus; violently expelling around 60 million nonwhites from Europe (most of them moved to the NAU) has knocked my industry a bit down to 2nd place, but Europe's cities are white again.
So I quickly conquered what was left of Polotsk and gave it to this little shit so he could stop killing all my children but now I think it was worth it to let him do it.
Take back Karelia
NWO splits it into four states for some fucking retarded reason. But I might if I get lucky on the infamy.
All of his children have genius too.
For what purpose?
Because there is only one true God and all that pagan nonsense is for autistic LARPers.
Perkunas isn't even the main god, it's supposed to be Dievas as far as I know but my family hasn't really delved deep into witchcraft and my memory is hazy
He should also be carrying an axe as he wasn't one of those peaceful type Gods, literally struck the earth with his thunder axe to smite evil
Bravo Paradox
I think this is interesting. Tell me user, is Romuva a thing in the Baltic countries? I don't expect it to be widespread, but is it still a considerably-sized faith?
Wales deserves freedom too Uncle Adolf.
Yes, it has gained popularity over the past few years, however Romuva is exclusive to Lithuania, the Latvians call it Dievturyba or something.
As with most semi-modern countries most people have stopped giving a shit about God or religion, many now indulge in eastern spiritualism and even Hinduism, the older ones are very pious Christians and the neo-fascist youth is leaning on Romuva because of 'Christianity is the grandmother of blshevism' at least that's what one of Skydas' people told me.
As far as I know it wasn't even a thing until the 50s or 60s when Jonas Trinkunas, had tried to revive it by collecting various myths about Gods and general mythology, there is a page online, it was even in English I think so you can read about the stuff yourself. Over the period of 60 or so years they have gained many followers and their numbers are increasing as far as I know but it's still very niche, at least among my group of acquaintances.
They also have some bands like Donis, Ugniavijas, Kulgrinda and Zalvrinis
They're pretty good tbh
That's some good shit baltnon.
o fuggg DDD:
Also what mods?
It's HIP minus the graphic mods.
I never understood these pagans. I mean it's nice they want to indulge their spiritual part and try to not be materialistic whores like most atheists, but why the fuck would one, genuinely, go for a dead pagan religion, unless he doesn't really believe in it and just wants to be a contrarian? For one, the record about most of these religions are written by the various catholic priests and bishops who studied them, and are thus likely to be horribly incomplete and skewed, putting everything that is known about the faith in question. Second, most pagan religions had their gods meddle in the affairs of mortals, drop lightning and fire from the sky on their enemies, etc., yet, seeing as how all those pagans got utterly destroyed by christians, doesn't that completely disprove the entire religion?
You know that event HPM gives you after you win a war that asks if you want to keep everything or just your cores? Does it have any effect at all if all you are doing is acquiring your cores anyway? What are the benefits of returning your enemy's land?
Alright, I'll release Wales.
The way I see it, certain people have certain spiritual needs. Perhaps their spirituality is not fulfilled by Christianism and thus they turn towards things such as tarot, divination or eastern (Dharmic) religions. Perhaps these people seek to form a 'connection' with the past selves of their people, believing in old gods and trying to adopt the same values of their ancestors. I mean, it's not a bad thing, is it? They value their past and want to obtain a semblance of what their forefathers had practiced, even if it is from skewed and poorly-documented sources; besides, not all sources have to be written, oral tradition exists as well and I'm very sure there are still vestiges of old practices in their cultures, as well as legends and folklore.
It makes for a nice change of things, a non-kikey diversity (no imported niggers, kebab and assorted culturally-incompatible foreigners) of sorts. I think it's nice these old pagan religions are experiencing some sort of 'revival', even though they were proved 'wrong' or 'inferior' by reasons X or Y. It's >current year, folks!
Though I agree a considerable chunk of these 'faithful' must be practicing heathenry just to be hip or contrarians, the same goes for western buddhists and hinduists, all following new-age bullshit designed by happy merchants to squeeze some shekels outta them; when taken to a buddhist or hinduist temple, they make fools of themselves.
Why the fuck would one, genuinely, worship a dead kike on a stick?
Here's the order of battle for the first offensive.
Our overall goals for this starting offensive will be claiming Leningrad within 90 days.
For this goal, we're aiming for an encirclement around Courland and the white Russian swamps, our infantry will hold back and secure these pockets while our armour and motorised move up as fast as possible to secure as much land as we can before we get stopped by hordes Soviet infantry units.
Does anyone have any advice in regards to the offensive?
I've a question, what's going on with Poland? It's all gray. Do countries with occupation laws set still show up as the occupying countries' colors instead of as their previous de jure territory? Denmark's got its own colors, are they a puppet? And will it screw up your logsitics if you have to march through a puppet, so you're just eating the territory to get the rail lines sorted? I thought that was mostly a HoI3 supply system thing.
It seems like a pretty good plan. That whole area of eastern Poland & white Russia is a mess of swamps as I recall, so I'm not sure how much you'll be working around them and how much in them. Is it better practically speaking to have all of Poland instead of Ribbentropping them in half, then? Less of a hump of shitty terrain to get over in the initial encirclements, maybe? The rivers certainly look more advantageous to you than if you started in west Poland, since they're all placed so that you can press the Soviets backs to them.
How many divisions do you have and are you still at war with the remainder of the Allies?
In DH you annex any nation you occupy totally so Poland no longer exists, however without cores I have very high rebellion rates and reduced IC rates in those cities.
I released Denmark as a protectorate as Germany did historically, I've also released Norway to give them some autonomy, my hope there being to pull the infantry divisions I have guarding Norway back to the main front.
Marching through puppets does screw your logistics somewhat, so I have no intention of releasing anything until I've kill the soviets. The logistics in DH are less complicated than HoI3 though.
The soviets might invade early if you don't go historical Ribbentrop and I figured it would be easier to just go historical there. I do agree it would be far easier to invade from Poland as a whole though, but I doubt it would have been possible considering the Soviets invaded shortly after me.
I've got 111 divisions facing the Soviets.
I've also got about a dozen in reserve, between MP cavalry divisions and paratroopers.
It's far fewer than historically, however I have far more armour and motorised divisions which should help me make exploitation easier.
It doesn't look like the Soviets got much out of it, honestly. Maybe I'm remembering hte Ribbentrop borders too fuzzily, but it looks like you got more or less all of Poland proper and they got jack shit, just a teensy bit of disputed stuff that got grafted to Belarus.
You'd better pocket like a madman while preparing mass production runs of new units in the meantime, you complete nutter. How modern are they at present?
With a paradrop the northern encirclement is basically closed, we have almost 15 divisions in here.
The Courland pocket is closed, almost 200 thousand Soviet troops have been captured.
Ontop of this, mountains of motorised units have overrun Soviet forces, at least 200 thousand other Soviets have been captured.
The Soviet forces have been pushed and concentrated, with 30 divisions stuck on the Romanian border. At least 50 are in the border marshes.
Lithuanians never fully became christianized. Many of their religious beliefs stayed relevant as folklore and they have a history of being proud pagans. The Lithuanian military for instance has many references to an iron Wolf who was an important mythological figure
Unfortunately the marsh pocket is mostly for nothing, over 40 divisions have escaped the pocket attempt.
I've even been forced to call off the attack because of the mass of men pooling out of the pocket is overwhelming my men.
Better start learning Russian
Try again along the Smolensk-Roslavl-Klintsy-Chernigov line, maybe?
They might have temporarily escaped German fire, but now I have caught up with the fleeing troops, encircling over 40 divisions.
Good advice.
Ok, so I know Rome 2 was super unliked by literally everyone. I heard about some blobbing issues, some stuff was a massive step back from rome 1. However, was the game optimized like shit too? Any battle that gets over 20 units, the game will start freezing up. Not for long or very often, but long enough to notice it. put 40 units in one battle and every few seconds the game will freeze for a second.
I just wanted to confirm if this is because of the version I pirated , or if the game really is just THIS garbage.
So it was, although it looks like I gave it a bit too late looking at how many got out. Maybe make a habit of that. If there's a river behind the enemy somewhere in the would be pocket, rush into a position so they're forced into a crossing action and thus cannot escape in time.
What're your forces looking like in terms of equipment level? I'm curious as to whether you're behind or ahead of schedule, considering you went full quality over quantity.
I don't have any personal experience, but it might be because it's garbage. Be glad you saved the money, and sad that you did not save the time.
The encirclement is done, we've destroyed the Soviet divisions.
We ended up capturing at least 500k men, perhaps more.
In the north we also secure Leningrad.
This leaves the Soviet lines very thin in the centre and north, with the south full of infantry and armour.
I'm going to swing the armour in the centre straight south down to Rostov and encircle their units.
You're running dangerously close to OTL here with a southerly swing for a preventative encirclement. Be careful that they don't get anybody out by the Black Sea or the Crimea.
What are Romania and Hungary even doing, were they not called in? And how is Italy lagging behind so bad? Did you manage to totally mechanize/motorize the army?
Hungary are being lazy fucks, Romania isn't in the alliance.
Italy is doing pretty good, they've taken Egypt and Palestine.
2/10 would not play
Is HIP playable now after the performance improvements? All these autistic tiny provinces made the game run even worse as far as I remember.
You might want to check if Hungary has military access, maybe. Not sure if that's a manual thing for allies. I assume Romania is peeved over getting fucked out of all of Transylvania?
On that note, Hungary's AI might be forced to keep Romania in check even under the technical state of war with the Soviets. Might want to get on sorting Romania into the alliance if you can, if only to get at least one of the two to work.
It's automatic for allies, I think I have to put some units around Romania to force them to join but I can't remember for sure.
Haven't really had troops to spare to do it.
The southern encirclement goes excellently, we've cut the Soviet southern army down to Bessarabia and Sevastopol, they should fall in two to three weeks.
We've already captured 100 thousand prisoners, and are anticipating another 600 thousand prisoners when we finish these encirclements.
This will be the destruction of the Soviet army, the remnants are outnumbered, and have no armour or heavy artillery to compete with my forces.
I'm switching to focus of production onto our navy in preparation for the landings in the United States.
I was talking about more than just the Romuva religion - Lately, all sorts of pagan sects have been popping up; stuff like various slavic religions, etc. It seems strange to me that people would go for a religion that is mostly forgotten and that, since it clearly promised divine protection or divine wrath for certain acts, etc., didn't so squat for its believers when they got crusaded to death. Christianity and other big religions don't promise direct intervention on behalf of the believer, being content to enact judgement in the afterlife or maybe shift the scales of luck, etc.. Pagan gods were known to however, meddle in the affairs of mortals, directly and often. Since they had allowed their followers to be utterly annihilated, however, doesn't that prove that they either don't exist, or are powerless? I mean if a dude in a robe and wearing mistletoe on his neck told me that I should worship the gods of my ancestors, and that they'll help me and slay my enemies or whatever, my first question would be why the fuck didn't they help their ancient believers then.
Are they even in the war yet? By this rate you'll have won by the historic Pearl Harbor date.
My estimates of three weeks turn out to be a little optimistic, it takes a month for Sevastopol to fall and we're still working on cutting down the troops in Bessarabia.
In the north we're on the doorstep of Moscow and pushing an encirclement up to Murmansk.
The Battle of Moscow begins, the Russians have left the city defended with only a pair of divisions, one of which is a hastily formed militia division.
Surely the Soviet Union will soon fall.
Hey, if you're up against the Bessarabia, maybe you can bully Romania into lending some troops to the flank. Not so useful now with the Soviets having no army proper, but the German-Soviet continuation war is going to be going deep and far. The question is, when to go about it? An American landing this early seems unlikely and the AI isn't good at it anyways, but considering you knocked Britain out, they might be getting a little jingo-y, and the logistical troubles of puppets have been established.
Temporary bitter peace, then continuance after a short breather? Bitter peace 'til America's sorted? Or no bitter peace at all, as is ideal for keeping both their partisans and Japan out of your potential hair with a fat puppet and the Soviets off balance and underarmed, but not necessarily practical if other things need to be attended?
How's Japan doing out east, anyways? Have they even gone after America yet?
Bessarabia falls, 390k men surrender with the fall of Ismail.
At the same time, Moscow falls as well.
I'm still not allied with Romania, I'm looking at the event now to see what I have to do to bully them into the Axis.
After the Soviet Union falls we'll see if we can organise a peace, but our ally Japan is also at war with the USA, and we have an obligation to help them out.
That said, they haven't helped against the Soviets so fuck them.
In regards to Japan, they've got Midway and most of Burma, but are having a hard time moving up faster.
That's just what I meant. I mean, it's rather convenient that you pocketed the fortified Bessarabia that was taken from them, isn't it? Now you've got troops in the area to flagrantly intimidate them with. It's the next best thing after having the event sorted out for Barbarossa in the first place. Certainly better than diverting units needed at the front.
Turns out you need to have some german troops in hungarian provinces before you declare war, nothing I can do about it then.
It's pretty alright now, It's been around 200 years without any real issue but at around 150 or so it starts slowing slightly, it goes a lot faster if you chose to not to install the graphical mod for the map tho
I dunno man, I'd consider myself more christian then the Teutonic order and there are many people who would share this sentiment, it feels as if paganism wasn't even a thing until the new age as all old people are very pious Christian, as I said.
Although I suppose you aren't wrong, many traditions are inspired and drawn from paganism, although many if not all are celebrated now because of christian reasons like Žolinės is the assumption of Mary day or midsummer is St.Johns day.
It's also funny how Obon in Japan is the same as Žolinės, I wonder if there are other pagan celebrations on that day…
does anyone have the eu4 to vic 2 converter?
Well my fascist Ecuador game didn't end as I had hoped.
Mostly because I failed to become fascist in the first place.
Maybe I ran the country too well.
Thank you
If you invite Japan to your alliance they should accept and invade the Far East. They'll also get those Far East territories in the Bitter Peace, which means the Soviets are almost completely landlocked if the Finns also get their territories. I think Arkhangelsk would be their only port
how do you become fascist in Vic2? never played it
Literally like 2 PARA divisions and no russians would get out.
Haven't tried it but I've heard that the game runs on the same engine as Shogun 2 (which was pretty good) and is actually better optimized, so its either your torrent or your PC.
Imagine a world with no turks.
There are still Turkmen around the caspian.
You need to set up some fine, respectable Christian states around there.
What mod
Early on directly after release and the following patches, yes totally horrible after patch 15? it got better performance wise.
By now Rome 2 is okayish, not as bad as it was but it's still a step back and has still more issues than a hooker.
Uh so you have finished forming Byzantium.
Have your borders changed much?
Veritas et Fortitudo
Amusingly enough the Byz start is a lot easier in VeF than in vanilla if more cheesy considering the insane Osman buffs
Shit, these VeF posts make me want to play it in spite of EU4. Does VeF fix most of Parajew's shit? And how is it with the newest DLC?
Also, Heinlein dropped for Stellaris. If anyone here is playing it, please say whether the game's woth playing yet
How do you go about getting all those nations in your sphere? My influence growth on other nations are always so slow that other nations, like Russia and the US, end up overtaking me.
invest in the countries you want to sphere
Depends, what do you consider the most glaring fuckups?
Mana is used somewhat less than before, you don't diploannex with it anymore, you don't use it for policieswith one exception, you don't raise stability with it…
Ideas and policies are changed, there are some new technology groups, the game goes from 1309-1865.
There are some new mechanics, bureacracy, serfdom, landownership but I don't know enough about those thus far.
I like it more than vanilla but I haven't played it much.
Hasn't been updated to 1.18 yet
Just wait a few more years for it to get actual content.
Fuck that, I'm waiting for a WH40k mod. But in the meantime, I'd like to try the vanilla first. I played it on launch and it was a horrible, buggy mess, but didn't seem to be inherently shit like HoI4, so I'm wondering if Parajews managed to get it into playable state
It is playable but there is nothing to do after the early game the meta is nonexistent and the end game can happen half the galaxy away and be over before you even get the chance to meet the zerg/robots/deamons.
For some reason Armenia shares my same initiative with Azeris (disgusting turks who up to this very day claim to be Armenians and whatnot). The Cossacks from Don are also removing tatars from their territories.
Before moving any further into the east, first comes the reclamation of rightful Byzantine and Roman clay. Antioch, Damascus, Jerusalem, Alexandria and Rome are all mine (Restored the Pentarchy and got this nasty coalition of outraged cucktholics), but Egypt remains under the claws of islam sans from Alexandria which is populated by Egyptian Greeks. Venice is also mine because fuck Venice, and it has a nice spot with all the trade and shit.
Veritas et Fortitudo with the following modifications:
Beware it's my own shit, some nations may appear unbalanced, but not as much as the fucking turks which I left untouched for FUN reasons, changes several cultures and provinces as well. Most of it is contained in the readme.
See pic 3. I'm about to take over the Mashriq, got this event that changes my culture to Roman, but I'm unsure if i should take it…
>if more cheesy considering the insane Osman buffs
One moment you see osman own 3 provinces, concentrate in your shit and check em up a year later: They hold the whole fucking western coast of Anatolia and are nigh-untouchable because they allied with the remaining beyliks. If anything, I'd say BYZ has got it all the same, both Serbia and Bulgaria hate your guts, all the beyliks hate your guts AND Trebizond also hates your guts. At least this mod seriously expands upon BYZ, giving them factions which grant you bonuses, as well as special events when you get Rome. Ain't gonna spoil it.
It's actually good enough to make me go back into the game
Adding to this:
Bureaucracy allows you to expand your real, if your bureaucracy is insufficient, you will get severe penalties because you can't keep your stupid blob together (namely monthly autonomy, less tax and manpower)
Serfdom allows you to raise manpower, the higher it is, the more manpower you will get from provinces, but the less they will develop
Development is now random and is tied with land ownership, I think church lands lower tax but reduce unrest and missionary strength, noble ownership I think it raises manpower (and serfdom I believe) and citizen ownership I have no idea what it does, you can also grant civic charters and stuff like that. If you seize land from any of the former factions (nobles, church or citizens), then the lands will be owned by the crown, allowing you to manually develop the provinces (instead of it happening at random), this is useful for provinces with centers of trade or estuaries, but it also hurts your bureaucracy a bit.
The mod is definitively better than vanilla as it also adds more mechanics to BYZ and the Russian principalities (haven't played them yet), and mana usage isn't as stupid as it is in vanilla. Stability can really fuck you up (raised by taking events, reducing war exhaustion and just plain waiting)
So, I just noticed the MEGA is dead. Wat do?
RIP in peace I guess hopefully someone got everything saved.
The halfchan archive is still around, but it's dirty and smells weird.
aw shit halfchan archive is gone for me too
Never was the game this wacky before
Nah, it's still up. Look harder.
Poetry, just like France nowadays. What's next, they convert to islam?
Shouldn't the odds of that happening be insanely small?
Here's the link for the latest version of VeF, filename's because of that stupid tos bullshit that takes your files down because muh stolen content.
Through a fascist revolution.
They can also be democratically elected or placed into power if you're a monarchy. Your nation will remain a republic/kingdom but the fascists will eventually consolidate power.
It's like that one Twilight Zone.
The trick is to get military acces to one of the osman's neighbours, move into their territoy, siege down the capital and take them out in the first war.
After the osmans are taken out it's mostly a downhill battle from there.
for the record Osmans not only get those modifiers but also a 4/5/5/2 general
I've never played as BYZ in VeF, only as Trebizond. But I see your points, BYZ has got it a bit easier though and I suppose the AE isn't gonna be as harsh as it is with Trebizond because BYZ has 6 gorillion cores in Anatolia.
This is what all that mountain dew will do to you.
You should help his widow.
Oh, I did.
That is some heavy greentext abuse.
The assburgers are outta control
>4/5/5/2 general
They just convert their ruler to a general, that's the reason why the stats are consistently high
Okay I'll just annex him through war
Okay I'll guarantee him in the meantime
Okay I'll ally him instead
Okay, I guess I'll just wait out the truce
Warn everybody that borders him
Alright, which one of you cheeky bastards recommended MEIOU for EU3 to me?
But worst of all:
I have spent the last fifty years in CONSTANT war. Usually in four at once at least, with half the nations lacking a proper casus belli, and others thousands of miles away! I had fucking India DoW me in a war of Agression, and I was barely touching Persia! Constant fucking wars with every single motherfucker on Earth, none of them started by me or even provoked, surviving only because my entire west border was one AI blob (so I could truce him and close that front) the east was full of easy to beat savages, and I had a giant fleet (because of all the fucking ships I captured in all the fucking wars). Also, rebels are a bigger pain in the ass than in fucking vicky 2, spawning nonstop and, just to give even more of a "FUCK YOU", always at least two stacks whenever anyone DoWs me, and that's all the time. I win every single fucking war they declare, utterly buttravaging their armies to extinction, yet the moment the truce expires, they're happy to throw the next fucking generation at me – what the fucking fuck is this? I must've depopulated half of Europe and all of middle east by now.
Shit mod 3/10
That is what happen you play outdated versions of games, granpa. Time to upgrade to EUIIII
About to become Justinian I Jr.
I noticed Savoy's bully antics against Milano, so I decided to declare war on Milan and force-vassalize the poor guys, they were about to get consumed by italo-french faggots.
Got myself dragged into a nice war against Savoy and managed to almost expel the fags out of my Northern Italian clay while reclaiming rightful Milanese and Roman clay; Also forming a nice coalition comprised of fucking everyone in the process. Gotta wait till things cool down a bit before expanding my donger any further.
GrossPoland XDD
My borders are secure now its just a waiting game to get Vive la France and Times on Our Side cheevos
I'm not Poland I'm the GrossFrankreich
Nigger what the fuck did you do?
Took down Germany with the Little Entente and then let Russia pick fights with Poland and Japan
Anything to report, krautanon?
You could always start snaking your way up North Africa if you're worried about the coalition itself and not your AE points, if nothing else. Of course, that might make Portugal and Castille potential members of the megacoalition, which would be less than good.
I'll post updates in a few hours but stuff is happening.
Look over to the right.
Your job's not done yet son.
But there are no gods of any kind so that's a pisspoor argument anyways. You can post fedoras all you like but the dead kike on a stick is dead, he's not coming back, there's no Rapture on the way and he will never ever make you a real jew.
Build and upgrade factories helps, but all in all NWO seems to have issues with sphereing time.
Our forces move up and take Stalin's fortress in Kazan, capturing him.
Within two days of torture he agrees to sign a peace treaty, giving us western Russia.
With news of the peace treaty the troops rapidly redeploy across the front, creating a barrier of men against the new border should the soviets wish to test us.
The motorised and armoured segments are largely moved into reserve to deal with partisans, or back east, to deal with the invasion of the USA.
How soon do you think you'll be able to wage a continuation war? It looks like the Soviets have nothing at all to work with, and like they won't be able to rebuild their armies at all even in the distant future. Do you think a skeleton crew could finish the job before America is through? Assuming the yanks don't try to bully your Russian puppet through a landing in Siberia, it'd free forces up in the long run, looking at the partisan situation.
Also, what's the deal with Serbia? You've yet to release and puppet them when the region holds no real value, intrinsically or to you. Even a small Yugoslav substitute if the mod doesn't have a releasable Serbia would be acceptable. Those pacifying forces could be used elsewhere, Russia in particular.
There's a good chance that the Soviet rump state will break apart on it's own pretty soon. Is there really any point in taking over Siberia if it's no longer communist?
To protect the siberian tigers.
Yes. To deny the presently rather fickle Japanese the opportunity to influence or outright take over the breakaway states.
Take everything and make one big puppet Russia, sans the Balts. Give them the Ukraine and Belarus or break them off at your discretion. It'll be a big distraction for America to try and slog through even if they do try to go through Siberia, which will ultimately doom them when you invade America. Unless circumstances demand an immediate action against the Americas, you must consider the long term.
Any troops left managing an inefficiently exploited Russian territory are troops wasted as opposed to an ablative complete Russian state. Anything given to the Japanese that could be yours is wasted. They would have had the 70/70 line if they'd contributed in the East, but they didn't.
The ethnic minorities of the western Soviet Union are granted autonomy with the intent to grant them full independence upon the defeat of the USA.
The Poles are granted a far more limited autonomy under a Reichskommissariat.
In the Balkans, Serbia has also been granted autonomy, and Romania has joined the Axis in exchange for Bessarabia.
Now I'm moving my IC over to creating a new fleet and updating the current one with radar.
The Soviets still have over 100 IC, I'll keep most of my infantry against the border there, my armour and motorised will be moving to America. I'll probably finish them off around 47/48.
As for Serbia, I've granted them autonomy with the rest.
My plan is to start returning land to France once they join the Axis as well.
Tajikstan has already broken away, they've got a huge rebellion problem.
Japan has their hands full in India and the Pacific at the moment.
As for the Soviets we have a peace at the moment and they aren't at war with America so I'm not worried about that.
Not the Soviets, the hypothetical complete puppet Axis Russia who you feed the rest of the Soviets to, rather than the present European rump one. Yes, there's a peace, but unless it isn't breakable for a certain time, a continuation to create a tremendous buffer against the whole of the Pacific end of the world as well as Asia in general seems viable, since any American landing will have to invade Russia, in winter, backwards. It's not exactly ideal. More headache now for less later, or so the idea goes.
Still, if they really are falling apart and Japan isn't going to be able to get at the statelets to come, then a prematurely quiet East to give you the resources to pivot West is probably the wiser option. It's not like Japan is going to be much better positioned to bully the 'Stans than you and puppet Russia are for long.
Do you think it'll take that long? You beat the Soviets on the historical Germans' ideal schedule while having a far leaner war machine. Delayed by naval build time, I suppose?
That's when the truce will run out I think, it's going to be at least a year until I have enough carriers to go after America at any rate.
wew lad
Truly eric fam
After months of siegeing the city in an attack reminiscent of Gallipoli the Icelandic capital falls, the US troops holding the city fall back into the hills but without a beach or a port they stand no chance against our forces.
You're free to be an atheist, but are you really so inbred that your brain is incapable of creating a hypothetical scenario?
An Italian landing in newfoundland convinces me to move to the USA faster than I thought would, however the USA's Atlantic carrier fleet has utterly decimated one of our three navies, the Bismark, Gneisneu, Sharnhorst and Tirpitz are all at the bottom of the Atlantic with a pair of heavy cruisers and more destroyers than we can afford.
The decision is made to pull the entire fleet back to Brest for now, the next attack will be delayed until at least 6 carriers are ready.
I think the Finns are doing this as revenge for conquering them.
MEIOU is the PDM of EU. Whoever recommended it must be a complete retard. Only good mods are MiscMods and EU3+.
was creating yugoslavia a good idea or did I just make a really big mistake
bosnia was already a part of my kuk so I lost a port
Whats the best mod for Vicky2 lads? I'm looking for something resembling an extended timeline, but some more balance and features would be nice too. I'm not that knowledgeable on Vicky2 mods hence why I'm here.
MEIOU is a piece of shit, the only way it could be worse is if you were playing Magna Mundi.
The only EU3 mods worth it are Death & Taxes and EU3+.
I told myself that I wasn't going to fuck around in western europe until I converted over to EU4, but those borders are absolutely disgusting.
Britain for the Britons!
I never figured out what satellites were good for in Vicky2. You cannot annex them ever, and other nations can still sphere them
The biggest problem for my map is that I always have a Duke or something with a claim somewhere and they always seem to win which makes me have to go through the whole process of finding a suitable replacement. It seems that after you get big enough blobbing becomes almost impossible not to be.
Wessex and Mercia were Waldensian I believe and Brittany exploited that pretty hard.
Yep. After you get to mid or late game, your biggest enemies are your vassals. May be worth it to go full North Korea after you get all the territory you wanted, meaning you arrest every single vassal, including counts (can do barons too if you feel like it), revoke every single title they have, execute them, and then either make a conversion to EU, or autistically distribute all the titles among your family and courtiers, so that everyone has his de jure lands and nobody has claims on anything. That should guarantee internal peace for a few decades (until some dude with a big duchy or kingdom finds a weak neighbour and fabricates claims).
New thread
mod pruned new thread
It is there.
Cmon fam
pic related
rightful clay the least