Where to play Yu-Gi-Oh!
For online: YGOPro Percy - mediafire.com
Archive with all games playable on PC (mostly through emulation): mega.nz
List of the archive: pastebin.com
Tag Force 1-6 are the best if you want a story (2006-2011, 6 has only the first 25 XYZ monsters).
Tag Force Special (2015) is the best to play for learning the game with most of the new cards.
The World Championship series (2004-2011) and Duel Academy (2006) are pretty good too. Definitely check out Dungeon Dice Monsters.
All are fun for pet/archetype non-meta decking.
Useful Links
How to get better
Read the cards.
Playtest and try suggestions.
Y'know, I kind of realized that all of the True Kings have Angelic Wings.
Hit Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon as it needs to first be special summoned in order to revive it which stops them from using Return of the Dragon Lords to bring it back.
Usually you will want to hit the Pendulum summon. You just need to judge the advantage difference and if any of their power cards are in the summon (Qliphorts, Majespecters). Also hitting Blackwing - Gofu the Vague Shadow can be useful on turn 1.
Hit ABC-Dragon Buster with this as it will leave the materials banished and prevent it from being summoned back by any grave recursive tech cards which slows their game down hugely.
Hit the first pilot when it banishes itself for it's effect. Kozmo only have 2 cards really that can put another monster on board Emergency Teleport and Reasoning so it's usually a safe way to shut down their first turn.
Hit either Cir when they try to summon Dante or Dante when they try to add back Cir to stop the loop. Do not hit Dante's summon. Also hit Breaksword, or terrortop's effect.
Not video games you fucking faggots
Yu-Gi-Oh is primarily a card game and every Yugi video game is just a card game simulator anyways
Why the fuck don't you take this to >>>/tg/ ? They could use more traffic
you and what army?
By your logic FPS belong in /k/, sports in /sp/ etc
Hey buddy, stupid town is four blocks down.
/tg/ here. Yu-Gi-Oh is deader than we are.
When will this meme die?
I want the actual Dragon Rules back not some lame wyrm clones.
when the average competitive deck isn't 600$
Try again. These prices can be taken down a notch as well but, people like to run the higher rarity of the card.
Why would I need to try again? I'm not seeing any particular rebuttal, outside of aberrant decks like Dracopals and Domain Monarchs, the range is about 400-800 with a separate extreme for 'literally anyone running Minerva'. You can drop rarities on some cards, but it's pretty inconsequential in the grand scheme of things- a good chunk of decks, if they were to max out all cards, would be in the 1000's. Rather, the biggest pricehogs tend to be single cycle cards like Pot of Desires, Break Sword, Solemn Strike (2$ price difference generally, not a huge gap) or things like Card of Demise and Raigeki being ever-present, it's hard to find a good deck without at least one pricey ass card.
Right after you take these threads to >>>/tg/
What the fuck happened to YGOPRO?
Does aptiode at least still have the downloads for mobile?
Wait a minute, are you just a /tg/ shill?
I remember how hard this fucking game was
Not especially, no. Card games belong on /tg/, that's all, plain and simple. That's kind of how this thing where we have different boards for different subject matters works.
Can't really see the appeal of these rules. Didn't have fun at all.
I feel like you are /tg/ shill but I will belive you, if only for the fact that you got dubs
So then just play on Ygo if you don't want to spend money. You don't HAVE to buy cards to play yugioh.
Quite frankly, I wouldn't mind if threads about CCGs disappeared entirely, from all boards. Pay to win is horse shit, the collection/aftermarket/trading aspect means that all players aren't playing on a level playing field at full capacity, and there are too many junk cards that are useless.
It's a little better in the video games, but honestly the logic required for it to fit in here would practically mean nothing is off-topic.
I really liked the OST to this game and Sacred Cards
I already play Ygopro, friend, but this is a carcass and we're all maggots on it. The metagame, especially TCG, is plenty happy to prove it.
I don't know what you want then. You have options to play the game, what's the problem?
There was no 'problem', just a goal: to explain to you why 'this meme' hasn't died. The TCG itself has caved in and the franchise is faltering under the mighty girth of Konami, and the sheer costs of keeping with their power-creep, niche metagame are too much to bear for people to get invested in things Konami makes money off of.
The videogames are still functioning pretty okay, but you aren't talking about those, are you? Not the ones that are actual videogames or even about the state of the game in a digital format, but your go-to for 'yugioh isn't dead' was 'muh tourney'.
Ants can keep a dead nest running for weeks before they die off. If they're lucky enough they can revitalize it (reliant on the cause of catastrophe), but it all starts with realizing shit's fucked.
Wrong, Konami prints the cards and packs but it's the secondary market that gives the single cards it's skyhigh prices and when a deck does well it's them who profit off price spikes.
Yes locals and tourneys are still ongoing and getting more and more entrants so again how is yugioh dying? Just because some people can't afford cards or isn't playing the game in certain area's doesn't mean that the game is not being played.
Still absolutely fuckall being said, but here's your reply anyway
and they were making so little money off of the brand they had to merge their entire Toy and Hobby revenuestream into 'Digital Entertainment' to slow down investors from noticing the slow death of major brands, of which the TCG is included.
Because people who aren't already invested aren't becoming invested and the casual scene dying is influencing more people toward tourneys? It took hosting a tourney with a huge capacity in fucking Long Beach for YuGiOh to compete in turnouts.
The Monarch and the Master of Pendulum structure deck proves otherwise
That may be true but, that doesn't change the fact that the secondary market is responsible for the cards prices.
Can anyone please tell me where to find apk for YGOPRO?
I'm pretty sure .exe explicitly doesn't work for mobile and that's the only link I see here.
Sadly, I'm beginning to lose interest in the game. I'll probably just stick to the video games.
I'm personally having more fun than ever with Odd-Eyes and Magician Pendulums.
Really a nice emphasis on teamwork. Hopefully there's a select few more Contact Fusions in the future because I'm loving how much easier I can make quick plays into Beast-Eyes than I thought I could.
That reminds me of the GBs, they appeared recently in the anime. I hope they get new support
Did Infernoids ever get more support?
Is there some sort of new Duel Terminal arc?
How shit is that new game for 3DS?
I thought that new little format with 20 card decks would be fun until you realize everyone will just cram all their best combo cards together into one pile. Also, only 3 zones for each card type limits what you can do.
And now I heard it's not even coming over to the west.
They will get new support next set
There has to be a way to get a game or at least an actual OVA adaptation of Duel Terminal.
Hardcore and casual fans alike love the fuck out of the lore and surprisingly grim setting. There has a market for something like Dynasty Warriors with all the endless feuding between archetypes and fighting to survive whatever the fuck conflict or full blown apocalypse Konami wants to put them through next.
No, even better, we need a duel terminal pachinko machine.
This is not funny
Fuck my shit up fam.
Should I?
Tell me straight fam, do I have a problem?
Please? I haven't had any luck finding it elsewhere.
Anyone still play kozmo?
I'm going to keep posting this until it gets a laugh
blogpost incoming
so one of my friends opened up a store with his sister, he's selling yugioh cards in singles/tins/boosters, as well as figurines from ASSFAGGOTS and animes
all the yugioh tournaments are held here now, the old club is left to magic players
i stayed there most of the day today, since i've got nothing to do, and he sort of helped me with my gems/ddds
so for the gems i got rid of magnet reverse, since it either has to wait a turn, or be used on a second master diamond. and i added fire/ice hands. it kind of works
for the d/d/ds, he did some weird shit
removed the allures since i don't have that many monsters, and most of them are essential to the plays. he got rid of leonidas, which is understandable. loaned me 3 scoldinds, since the only trap here that actually has to be set is crush card virus
the deck kind of works, but i'm still trying to wrap my head around all the traps.
funny thing, i actually beat cosmos once today since they didn't realize that solemn strike is a waste of life points against gem-knight fusion
he still beat me 2 times though, since every game he manages to get out dark lady, and she fucks me in the ass before i manage to summon any fusion
Melodious are fucking invincible
Play what ya want, rouge shit still happens
Why no Eye of Timaus though?
Also playtest the desires, might work out
Tcg d/d/d is suffering
Gem build is alright, looks cloggy though
there's no way to make it not cloggy
either it can endlessly recycle shit, but bricks half the time, or it MIGHT otk someone first turn, but at least it doesn't brick
So before I move on to Cystrons followed by a bullet in the head, what do people think of this deck, anything major to change, remove or add?
Image of the deck
Life will be hard without level eater
I can't say there is much to change to that deck, but incase level eater does get banned, ya might wanna check into snychro plays with Goyo defender
It's probably trashy, but it's just a thought
Only bad matchup so far has been against ancient gears since I can't battle fader their attacks.
Any ideas on making this deck even better?
The "sort deck" button would really improve it
and maybe kinka?
Kinka doesn't hit Glutton since it can't be special summoned from grave right? Also battle fader always gets banished when it leaves the field.
Here it is sorted. Has a 3 card OTK if I open with cupidity/sarc/necroface with allure & a glutton & gren maju in hand.
I can't think of shit then man, looks solid
The only other thing I could even think of, would be creature swap, but I'm not sure if it would work out all that well
I've got like 10 OTK replays I could webm, but I have no idea what a good way to record them would be.
then speed up the footage by X2 so you can have a decent resolution and webm that
I can't see why of all cards they banned Level Eater if the problem was Malicious in the OCG (inb4 Maxx "C" challenge, which I genuinely doubt Konami banned it for said reason since that has been an ongoing thing for years).
People will argue it wasn't Malicious who was the play maker, but the fact that your third Malicious becomes a live draw power card with DiskCommander2.0 or an Avidity target to extend plays after having managed to drop 3 Omegas, and a Crystal Wing in best sceneario and people replacing Level Eater with Quillbolt is disgusting as you can establish a cancerous board turn 1 THANKS to Malicious being so fucking relevant to the combo.
I think it's that new Black wing support that can synchro into itself allowing for 3-4 draws from librarian + it resummons itself making getting 2 level 5 synchros on the field super easy mixed with some other cards like PSY cards allowing for a play that gives 2-3 Quazar/Sifr dragons turn one, and instead of limiting Quazar and Sirf to 1 (you know the dragons only this archatype can spam summon in such a way) or semi limiting the cards (that synchro, then resyncro into themselves and revive their material abusing T.G. hyper Librarian) they'd much rather go right into banning the tool that kills all those older decks.
I said it last thread but, I would side Night End. He needs to be SS and you would rather use your SS for another monster.
Konami has killed all of my interest in this deck. I still wanted something complicated so I'm testing out different versions of shaddolls, but I can still give pointers.
If you're going to run the "Onee-Chan" build Best one right now then bump it up to 3 and add another jet and maybe 1 unknown synchon or some effect veilers.
Old crush card is shit now due to the eratta so run Eradicator Epidemic Virus instead or Deck Devastation Virus against certain decks.
Only run one Valkyrie. It's an ok card but you need a D/D to use it and you want to keep them in your hand because they are your combo pieces
Errors is bad. You gain life from D'Arc so you don't need to turn off traps, that's what Scolding is for.
I love Scolding. It's just like Judgement but maybe run two because D;Arc doesn't heal you from their cost. I learned that the hard way.
Swamp King can go to 2. It's nice but you don't really need to fuse with it unless your using it for Wave King Oblivion.
D'Arc can go to 2 to make room for Crystal Wing or cut Stardust even though he still does work.
I would put trade in to 2 and add in 2 Allure. D/D/Ds has tight deck space and no draw cards.
All this might help the deck somewhat put I'd just put them in a tin until the structure deck comes out in January.
Let me know if this works. This is a turn 2 otk the deck does. It also works with Allure of darkness or golden sarcophagus instead of cupidity if you draw it.
I have a few more. Can't wait until this is legal on the checkmate server.
Holy shit, that's great
It's the kinda shit I would want out of the anime
Some smarmy hero player attacking into double his life points worth of damage
It's a fun deck. This guy quit on me when my life points hit 64,000
Are we allowed larger files now?
If so nice.
Great replay BTW
Your user name made it greater
New limit is 12MB
Keep up the good work
Oh baby, that's great
I've been up to 100,000 life points before. I'm debating whether I should main ancient leaf or Tsukumo Slash. Doing 30,000 damage from attacking with a battle fader is pretty funny.
Run Leaf. Always put draw power/consistency above all else.
Dark law just got a whole lot harder to destroy.
Just when I thought it was safe to play Infernoid again.
Isn't Harpie's Feather Duster banned?
I love this.
Tried a Kozmos deck (based the recipe on a 1st place winner that runs Artifact/Kozmos). Utterly wiped out against the Dragon Ninja deck.
So I just got to 89,400 Life points with Gren Maju De Eiza's Attack at 15,600 for those of you interested.
Not in Japan it isn't.
Can you copy-paste the info in the decks ydk?
YDK? What's that stand for? If you need the deck contents it's in an image I posted here>>11010729
Right now the worst matchup is against ancient gears due to not being able to use battle fader on them. Threatening roar & waboku are on the side now for that matchup. ABC surprisingly easy to wreck due to phoenix mode & all the kaiju.
.ydk is the file in YGOpro or devpro that's made when you save a deck
pretty much to add a deck you just drop another .ydk in the games deck folder
So what cards have been added to help out with the Noids?
I know Left Arm Offering is a thing, but what else is there?
The .ydk is the file type that contains the decklist info. I ask for it because if i don't know what a card in your image is, then the image is useless to me.
that's what i kept saying, but my friend was going "naaawh man, you need at least 1 in order to stop vanity from fucking you, trust me, i'm asian"
i would put in more where arf though, but i can't find any atm. 1 is all i have
Fuck man. That sounds like the real challenge.
Why hasn't someone made an open source gmod-like open world Yu Gi Oh! game? I'm talking like no rules kind of bullshit where every card is allowed and you can walk around duel city challenging people dramatically and doing all the rule-breaking bullshit craziness, just like the shows. Even sending them to the shadow realm. A basic anime character creation, nothing fancy just enough for people to go around with stupid anime hairs (and Habbo afro of course).
A server/location where things are real world tournament rules bound would be fine too.
1) too much work
2) you'll get sued/shut down ala ygopro
Doesn't it already exist in the space station 13 engine?
Perhaps. Getting all the cards and programming in their att/def would probably be more work than anything else. Assuming it would even have such automation and not just run on players managing it themselves, with the game only streamlining displaying/shuffling the cards.
Duh, that's why they'd need to just do it anonymously and open source would guarantee it could always be picked up by someone else again. Can't sue a piece of software. Has to be a name behind it… and there wouldn't be.
That piece of shit makes me puke. I don't think I've ever seen a more crude engine. Anyways I was thinking 3D. Source Engine kinda stuff.
And there's your answer right there.
So nobodies ever done it because a shitty engine happens to exist somewhere? What?
Nah, mainly talking about creating more or less 10000 3d assets, animations, and all the rest that goes into a project like this.
Nah there wouldn't be the 3D projections. Just the cards made X100 times bigger on the battlefield. Again most of the effort would be getting scans of all the cards into the game.
With 3D projections it would open up a whole other issue of having to code them to behave correctly depending on what other cards get played. The sheer amount of strategies and cards that can be played, especially with no-rules any card goes, would be an insurmountable task without a budget.
Then why would you want a 3d engine to render 2d pictures of cards?
why not
fucking ideaguys man
To explore a duel city, banish to shadow realm, dramatic poses in fights, ragdolling off rooftops just from losing a card game, 'stealing' someones cards by challenging them to a duel down a dark alleyway. Stupid shit like that. Also spectators would have a better time if they could see the cards layed out like that.
Have you never played a gmod RP server? Especially ones with working TVs showing shit from youtube n' all.
I can't say I've ever been that autistic, no.
The Holla Forums one was fun.
It's social.
It's less autistic than doing half the things from OP paste.
Sorry for the shitty mobile screenshot once again.
I had an idea to try seeing if the Level 4 and 5 manipulation of Cyber Dragons and Pendulums along with a ton of tech could create a decent enough engine for getting out ZWs while hammering the opponent mercilessly with fierce damaging fuckers like Beast-Eyes, Dark Rebellion, Odd-Eyes and his stronger forms and Cyber Dragon Infinity. Basically slamming them with a triple threat that leaves them wondering whether to focus on eliminating Beast-Eyes moving down their weaker monsters for 1800 damage every time, Infinity or a souped up Utopia Ray V blowing all their shit up while sitting at 5000+ ATK. Sky Iris would have more than enough fuel to keep recruiting Odd-Eyes while Utopia and handful of other monsters would have plenty of Level 4s to bring them out. Including plenty of draw power and thinning or hopefully fixing a bad hand.
The biggest problem is Drei himself, which I somehow forgot the most important thing about even though I immediately saw it when I first got the structure deck years ago. His ability to turn himself and all of his brothers into 5s could have been great for Leo Arms and other interesting Rank 5s, but, of course, for anyone who reads the cards it's be unfamiliar that this explicitly locks you out of SSing absolutely anything but Machines that turn, no doubt to prevent exactly the kind of abuse I had in mind.
For whatever retarded reason I tried it anyways based off the cards I already have on hand because there's still a ton of combos I don't know how to do after playing this game all my life.
Results have been fucking atrocious.
Can anyone help me please fix this main deck if it's possible? Something tells me I completely fucked up the amounts of cards I needed. And look at little Cyber Dragons there are when I thought both of them and the Pendulums would create a good combo with plenty of room in the Extra Deck for some Utopia. Practically holding it back.
No wonder it's shit.
Take the maxx C challenge then drop pic realted
which of these is the old version? pre dungeon dice monsters preferably, just anything before yugioh gx really.
The World Championship series (2004-2011)
i am requesting this be shopped to say "goyim defender"
That's guaranteed.
Sorry to sound like a total scrub, but is Wisdom Eye in any danger of getting banned considering it's Limited?
A retard could make the argument that it's a free scale of and a Level 4 to bring out whenever you have the chance basically making your deck "one card less" like Pot to Greed. If you ask me, any deck that has Magicians for its Pendulums needs it to work properly.
fixed the name
Thoughts on Forbidden Memories? I hadn't played it for years and decided to revisit it after getting muh emulators running. It's broken as shit and the grinding is ridiculous, but MAN is it fun.
Pretty grindy, didn't like it.
Stuck at one point where a boss had a bunch of 2400 point monsters and all mine were 1200 with fusion excluding twin headed thunder dragon.
Can't even get good card drops because you need them to waste cards to get good drops and it wasn't happening.
Well, I do see your point, but even with he shitty starting deck you can make plenty of 2000+ fusions (Curse of Dragon, Mystical Sand, Flame Cerberus, Ushi Oni, Thousand Dragon, etc) and if you're smart with your equips and guardian stars you should be fine up to at least Future Kaiba. Once you get past that part of the game you start getting pretty good drops; just yesterday I got two Slull Knights, a Dark Magician, and a Meteor B. Dragon from Low Meadow Mage.
I guess what I'm trying to say here is that this game plays by its own rules, and if you try to play it like regular YuGiOh you're fucked. I like it, I think this rule set works great for a single player RPG.
Unfuck the scaling, more interesting mechanics that enable you not to lose horribly if you haven't gone grinding for cards and you might have a really good game on your hands.
I think Capsule Monster Coliseum was surprisingly good on the "You can win without grinding" part of the deal.
The particular monsters you have to use in that era I just don't see the appeal of.
I think that's the games biggest glaring issue though. While it shares the same universe, and some very basic mechanics, the game really isn't yugioh.it's like duelist of the roses, but at the very least DotR didn't try to look like a traditional yugioh game.
Could be better.
yeah after I seen I added the card boarder to the in image of the card, also I probably could have added some jew jokes but I'm not sure if I should have because it would add more text to the long ass description already
requester here, danke schon.
Dark Magician fag here, the one who constantly posts about the build.
How do I squeeze in Effect Veiler? I realized why OCG mained it and it was to out the floodgate monsters like Vanity's Fiend and Barrier Statues.
So what do? Should I main it or nah?
What are good budget sides for a BA/Kaiju deck?
I'm trying to convince a friend to go to a Regional this weekend, but I just remembered ABC will be legal, and thus practically everywhere this weekend.
Can I please get help to fix this main deck?
Can you explain why you play kaijus, giving your opponent giant beaters and no Infernal Tempests? I've been testing this deck out with a slight ghostrick element, and it seems to work fine as an all-or-nothing card to make your opponent shit their pants. Especially with Absorbtion so strong that you can basically sit tight and weather out the rest of the duel on the life boost alone, even without DD bomb.
I did my best to refine my ZW deck by focusing more on speed and searching yet it still feels so slow.
What am I doing wrong aside from not depending on Star Drawing? I think I have a solid selection of spells after starting from scratch and thinking carefully about what might brick my hand. Should I take out 2 of the ZWs or just 1 of the spares in particular? Should I definitely take out one of the Tactics?
infernal tempest is unreliable
kaijus don't target, so they're arguably the best removal in the game
You need to find room for it. I told you about cutting duailty as it stops your SS. Maybe run Into the Void for draw power? You can get DM from grave with Dark Veil.
Most of the cards that stop ABC also hurt BA and Infernoid like pics related. The only card I can think of right now is System down but it's 4 bucks
And what about me, user?
This is shit.
Alright, fam.
I'll do it for you.
Fuck you.
I think overexposure to 2D incest might have done something meme magic tier to my mind. I can't see Shark and Rio platonically in the slightest and I'm even watching the fucking dub just to see if it's really that terrible out of morbid curiosity.
Even considering their past lives I'm not sure if that's normal. How much is it ramped up in the original? Anything suggestive?
well i'm pretty happy. i went 3-1 today with my updated d/d/ds and got second
went 2-1 against blackwings. i lost the first game because he pulled off his uneffected xyz, and a vanity first turn. i beat him both next games because i started each game with a flying c
2-0 against metalfoes. scolding'd his pendulum summons the first game, next game i scolding'd him again, but i also killed his later scales with spell shattering arrow
2-1 against kozmos. first game he supposedly bricks. second game he kills me because of anti spell fragrance while most of my hand was pendulums. last game was pretty tough, but i did manage to pull out a clear wing in the end, and he couldn't draw into anything that would save him, despite using a trillion card of demise and kozmotown
in the end i only lost 0-2 to dark magicians. they swarm the field and clear mine too fast. i might have done better the second game, but i only sides 1 starlight road, which i didn't draw into. i need to rethink what to side against them
anyways, i was second, and dark magicians were first. from the prize boosters, they pulled a raigeki, and i pulled magician's navigation. i sold it to a kid for about 12$, and then bought zombie core from a guy
and i even found a guy who might be willing to sell his shiranui solitaires, so my zombie deck will pretty much be complete, aside from a lack of beelze, but i can make up for that with all the fancy zombie support i have stacked away
wait fuck, i meant raidraptors, not blackwings
I'm still don't like maining night end because it needs to be SS. Getting it out with Chocolate is too slow being she needs to be attacked first. I would say cut him and a Desire because you are banishing too much and you only run 1 Omega to get back your banished cards (Yes Omega can return face down banished cards, for people who don't know) that way you are at 40.
Looking good but again my thoughts on night end stand. I would cut him and 1 Desires and add another D.Barrier or an Upstart. Also test out into the void, this deck needs draw power but must of the draw power cards have nasty draw back these days. Just test out and see what works for you.
also rate my soon to be zombie deck
the nethersoul monsters are insanely easy to summon, and dragonecro's effect is just beautiful
the only thing that can make the deck better is if i get money for at least 1 omega, or if i can find someone with lancelot/zombiestein for isolde's effect
I think I'm done with yugioh for the day.
What a dip.
pendulums are pretty easy to beat tbh
I've seen a lot more archetype mixing and less abuse of the graveyard under pendulums, two of the biggest problems that the game has before pendulums, and they can be a fun matchup before going down easily. I fail to see the problem
To be fair i havent played YGO since i understood what Pend's were, but feel free to show me the flaws i can exploit.
pendulums are treated as spells when they're in the pendulum zones
so just use something that mass kills spells
like spell shattering arrow
this tuhbuh
Jesus christ
So…been planning on running a Noble Knight deck. Found this cool recipe…and then realized that a) It needed 3 ROTAs (which at least can be remedied with 2 Gold Sarcophagus)…and 2 Kaiser Colosseum (a ban that killed my Kaiju deck). So anyways, here's the two NK deck I got
When will this meme end?
No..my particular Kaiju deck. Pretty sure everyone else is OK.
It's a meme u dip
My rank 10 kaiju deck has been just fine since the ban and hasn't suffered in the least.
I'm interested…tell me more, master.
It's a pretty good lock, but it doesn't work if you run something like Gravity bind to respond to attacks. That, & my side would have wrecked him. I just love breaking people's locks. I played against a barrier statue player earlier & got rid of his water barrier statue with the turtle kaiju. Many laughs were had.
It needs work, i can't get the balance between rank 8 play and rank 10 play right at 40 cards down, but the deck has some great searching power and exodius combined with Kyotow means i always have kaijus on hand to target and remove obstacles.
Can i have a list for this? This might replace this old Kaiju deck (pic was before the banlist)
yes excellent
Okay, let me write it up so we can all nitpick it to death.
3 Jizukiru, whose effect is like Kozmo on crack if you have the counters for it. 3x Dogoran and gamaciel, who are level 8. If you have capture device out a gamaciel can beat over a doggo, so keep it in mind. 2x metaion, the Timelord. Uses your normal summon and not a special, can grand mole problems away and is level 10 for sync plays. 2x exodius the ultimate forbidden lord, who shuffles kaijus back into the deck to search out with kyoto and
is another level 10, 2x cyber end dragons. I tried him at 3 and he always felt a little cloggy, so i switched 1x for trageodia. Not been the best exactly, but figure things out for yourself. 2x beast king barbaros, who uses up your normal summon for rank 8 plays, 2x swordsman of revealing light, ditto, and 1x each of maxx "c" and maxx's searcher, retaliating "C". You can set him and blow him up with kaiju dream. 2x owner's seal, 3x Trade-in, 2x terraforming, 3x kaiju dream, 2x twin twisters (Consider going to 3? you almost never have an empty hand and the spell and trap removal is kind of weak) 3x kyoto. As for traps, 1x bottomless, 1x jar of avarice, 2x kaiju capture device, 2x solemn strike and 1x warning.
As for the extra deck, 3x cyber end drag, 2x each of number 77, 84, 35, and 24, who all layer over each other for you to bring out The seven sins, who is your main beatstick, since he can absorb your own kaijus and attack directly for massive damage. 1 each of of skypalace, superior dora, dragonic titanic galaxy, and felgrand, for when you're in a pinch but can also pull out a neat rank 8 or 10.
Strategy is manly to use your kaijus to establish field presence early on in the game. You can pull out Seven Sins the earliest chance you get, since he's fairly resilient without any obvious defenses. Your kaijus have an order they beat each other with, so use the right ones in the right situation. Gamaciel can beat over dogoran with a capture device, and dogoran can use it's own effect against jizukiru without fear of being re targeted back. Always play kyoto waterfront before terraforming, since that way you'll get a cheap counter on it quickly.
I remember fapping to Goddess of Whim's unedited portrait in this game. Dark Magician Girl's butt in Falsebound Kingdom was another favorite of mine. I didn't have many options.
also postan cards from that one thread awhile back
I think the thematic cohesion isn't the highest but capability-wise it should be somewhere midway between amazons and batterymen, didn't want to go Cubic-tier
I think a few of the effects, especially Zerg Hatchery and Zerg Hydralisk, have room to get pretty abused. I was thinking about making Ultralisk more general so it could be 'that one card people stole from the archetype because it splashes easy', but I decided against it. Secondary effect isn't amazing, stats aren't amazing, it makes more sense for it to be 'play zergling, trade up with token' and let it special summon instead of tribute because it's more stringent.
Here's another deck and one that I actually own all of the main deck at least. The extra deck cards I currently own are Dark Rebellion, Rune-Eyes, Meteorburst, Absolute and Beast-Eyes.
How well would this do at a card shop that holds small tournaments?
please stop
just get 3 pendulum structure decks already
I already combined the available cards from 3 of them. This deck actually moves fast and works great even on YGOPRO and before I found out Pendulum Rising and Wonder Wand explicitly have to pay the cost of the card actually going into the Graveyard rather than being intended to go there like every other monster, it ran at near fucking light speeds.
So please explain because Silver Claw is a solid attacker that mows down anything less than 2100 and powers up any brothers already out and getting out a Fusion, Synchro or Xyz is no problem whatsoever. I designed my deck to rely on speed and raw power to bring out Beast-Eyes, which I obviously love, nearly effortlessly with plenty of support from what Odd-Eyes and his brothers have to offer cheaply enough. It's the most fun I've ever had with the game whether I win or lose.
user, i've had 3 of the structure decks, don't make me bonk you
you get all the magician cards from the deck, run as many as possible+ odd eyes pendulum and you're done
it's that simple
in short, it looks like you're running the deck as if you're an anime protagonist, who only has 1-2 of each card, so every card in his deck feels "unique", which actually makes consistency horrible
it's a sham that nobody these days actually leaves anything weaker than 2400 on the field at the end of their turn
here's some junk you can make with 3 structure decks
although it's obviously not gonna be as good as when it came out since some stuff is now limited
1 of this classic card has served me well everytime I've used it in any occasion. For one I can cheaply crash 3000+ attackers that are no problem to bring out and boost up without consequence. If I can find something better than Waboku that does its exact benefits except even better, I'll use it for online.
I still think locking a particularly nasty monster in place where it absolutely can't do shit is safer while Breakthrough is good for freezing their effects without warning, which I can't deny helps fuck over at least 2 potentially big plays in the long run. I'm just better at strategically trying to stop monsters and backrow in their tracks altogether then destroying rather than playing the negation game. It also tells me just how many resources they have for destruction depending how long it takes for them to make the effort to get rid of it.
Finally, regular Odd-Eyes is a 4th Odd-Eyes to search as well as something that feels safer to use on Absolute. Also perfect for the occasional Pendulum Rising, which needs no explaining.
It literally isn't intended to be that at all. I edited it from countless duels with it and available cards. And you'd be surprised how well of tech a lot of the shit in there really is.
Royal Magical Library, the 2 Sacred Cranes, Kuraz and Wonder Wand give me fucking outstanding draw power while thinning the deck with everything else making my only Tuners reach my hand much faster if Absolute hasn't already given me a free Meteorburst to make shit worse with, the former 3 Level 4s great for Dark Rebellion sucking anything dry and mowing down with my doggies and Odd-Eyes himself as I draw away. Whether I start out with Sky Iris or at least Odd-Eyes himself shouldn't make or break the deck, which is why the other 3 have their conditions easy to reach. I have at least 3 sets of low and high scales I can use along with a single Oafdragon to keep at least whichever other scale I need, which makes sure I don't end up not having anything to attack with for 3 turns.
I use this deck essentially for fun, which amusingly wins online much more than I'd expect. In fact all the careful amounts of teching seems to actually be what mamakes iteceptively work so well.
Waboku, Blustering Winds, Ego Boost and Wonder Wand all fulfill their intended roles perfectly from my experience. It surprisingly almost never bricks.
I understand the disapproval of those particular cards and appreciate the suggestions, but so far none of them has let me down. It's not even comparable to the shit ZW deck I once posted in the thread I made.
but the consistency niggah
running 1-2 of each card is just asking for retarded shit to happen later on in a duel, once your hand happens to be slightly dead, and you end up drawing some useless shit like blustering winds when you have no monsters on the field
Consistancy isn't just a kind of vaginal douche. Just because they saved your dumb ass once doesn't mean they're good always in every situation, and in every situation you're going to want cards that play to the general strategy of your deck, and the best ones of those at that.
Also, "it almost never bricks" is the yugioh equivalent of "I answered all the questions on the exams". Just because you could do it doesn't mean you could do it well, especially if all you end up doing is blowing through your hands and having nothing to show for it at the end.
This is why I wasn't answering him. No matter what you say to some players/players that's coming back, you're the wrong one because 2 times out of 11 their shitty tech cards helped them, so you don't know what you're talking about. I've sat there and dueled my cousin 50 times straight because he insisted on running Lord of D with Flute of summoning dragon that he found in his closet because "The combo worked when I still played, so it should work now."
I brought him 3 of the lightsworn deck
He got the point and went to BA, the fucker.
Some people just need to get their shit pushed in by the meta for a few things to happen
1. Take out cards they don't see as much
2. Try out different decks
Needs more memes
Is that actually in the show, because that's a funny joke.
Yes, but the gods are an edit.
Alright, I was kind of trying for a modern version of a deck that just stomps on everything and I wanted to make my deck at least somewhat creative and unpredictable rather than just combining 3 structure decks together.
Also, I was wondering if I could create a deck that mainly focused on attacking since Beast-Eyes takes away nearly 2000 LP every time he runs over any monster and virtually has no cost to bring out. Get a DARK Dragon and a Beast out on the field, and here he comes. With 3 of a Dragon Pendulum that thins the deck and nabs scales and 3 of a little Level 4 Beast Pendulum that can potentially run over even 3000 ATK this card I love everything about and worried was gonna be shit becomes fearsome with Dark Rebellion and Absolute helping take down even the highest possible ATK.
Would trading out the Blustering Winds for another Ego Boost be a better idea?
I never implied anything like that, so please don't put words in my mouth. That's kind of faggoty.
I just gave an explanation for how well it actually worked despite how bad it looks with certain cards and defended their inclusion specifically. If I find anything else that does what I have them in for, but better, I'll naturally replace it.
Also, this deck is what I wanted any and all help with because I remember just enough advice from before to take out a ton of cards that were making it brick that I thought were decent enough, but turned out to just fuck it up.
I'll listen to absolutely any suggestions about that because the main deck just can't keep up with anything and I don't know why. I was possibly thinking about just going full Constellar with their level manipulation and swarming. I'm not the expert here, I've just played the game through all the eras and used and naturally taken out cards depending if they worked or not. And I at least know how to strategize from it. I'm literally not implying I know more about deck building than the people always watching the meta.
And there's nothing nostalgia goggles about Waboku. I actually used to never used to use the card because I never even owned one until last generation. I also take out cards all the time the instant they start fucking up my strategies.
nigga stop running blustering winds and ego boost, they're shit
What's wrong with at least Ego Boost when it boosts any monster by 1000 during either BP?
How am I supposed to power up monsters enough to get over larger threats with anything but Dark Rebellion?
I honestly wanted it not to be an edit to post to give people salty tears
You could just destroy the monster outright and attack directly.
destroy them with card effects? it's current year, grandpa
Yes, but what about all the effects that negate or protect monsters from effects nowadays?
Doesn't it seem like a better idea at this point to just power up and destroy monsters that aren't as good at battling?
in that case you should consider running monsters that aren't shit
turtles are non targeting, non destructive, unnegatable and have 2200 atk for you to beat over.
I have not had to worry about my opponent playing high attack monsters for almost a year now.
Silver Claw and Beast-Eyes aren't shit, though. Them, Odd-Eyes Pendulum and the rest of the Extra Deck are the main attackers. Everything else I could understand.
pick one
if you can't solve shit with 1 card, or solve it with more but have more shit left on the field, then you're clearly doing it wrong
I'll take out Blustering Winds. Can you please just let go of that?
Silver Claw's still fine. He's a good attacker.
You're saying that in a thread with a 7600 atk monster casually set in defense to be ran into. Can you actually say that with a straight face?
Yes. Takes down anything with 2000 or less ATK, boosts any fellow Entermates including himself, is Level 4, DARK and a Beast that let's Beast-Eyes do almost 2000 damage everytime he destroys any monster.
I analyze absolutely everything about any monster before I put it in a deck.
So out of up coming arch-types which are you lot looking forward too
We've got shit like:
Predator Plants
Wind Witches
True Dracorulers
Personally I'm looking forward to Eidolons, splashable fusions brah
I shouldn't get this angry. It's bad for my heart.
i just want the d/d/ds that are stuck in the ocg
i don't even want all of them, i just need lamia
it's not fair
Eidolons so the dream of twin-headed thunder dragon turbo can be real.
doesn't include the new field yet which searchs a monster that searches his own poly that works like a mix of Poly and miracle fusion
Damn old screen shot when thunder end dragon was in the deck
Fine, I'll take out some other cards for more Magicians.
Stop bullying him.
tcg d/d/d is suffering
What with no tuner and all
But why twin head though?
Because it's amusing to me.
I'll wait for a bit more support, I.E. an earth fusion before I seriously think of a deck with them
you mean like this one?
Nah nah he means the dolons
I'm still looking at the stuff that's come out while I didn't play. Not sure if it's even worth it as it's been like two years.
What are subterrors about? Sounds edgy enough to be fun.
An in archatype one so I can slip in a earth to Eidolon instead of needing an earth and have Elemental hero blazekid if Eidolons get a fire fusion they might limit blazekid so them getting a fire one is iffy on the if want scale
Fair enough, I was thinking Last Warrior Eidolons could be legit
There an odd bunch, Big bossy flip monsters and smaller warriors to support them, we haven't seen all they have to offer yet
Looks like a combination of UA and windups, special summoning big monsters and flipping them face up and down to get their effects out. Lots of untapped potential from seeing what combos well but seems like it could brick heavily sometimes.
Any chance of some more Contact Fusions any time soon? I fucking love Beast-Eyes for that and it sucks the very cards that introduced it are so terrible.
Neos, I mean.
We only got the 3 decks that contact fuse, well 4 if you count dracos
Glads, Neos, and Ritual beast tamers
Ain't nothing new coming for contact anytime soon, unless Fusion Enforcers has something rouge that ain't in the main themes
But ritual tamers are mad rad if you haven't tried them, contacting in and out all day
I'm just talking about Contact Fusions in general, not even decks based around it.
Well here's what I mean jimbo
There are scarce contact fusions that ain't in a deck based around it, and nothing needs to support contact fusion since contact fusions are support for decks
Ya got your options for contact fusion, but nothing seems like it's gonna support the mechanic any time soon
What about ABCs? They're not technically a contact fusion by the technical meaning of the term and they're not useful in anything that's not a machine deck already, but they're pretty popular tech recently
Because they need to be made around them, neos had neos + card in archetype and Gladiator beasts were 2-5 of archetypes card, so the deck needed to be made around summoning Neos and the fusion contact monsters later and gladiator beasts were made around swarming the field with gladiator beasts to make their fusion with the more swarming the stronger the fusion.
You can't just have a bunch of random contact fusion monsters juist for the hell of it.
You'd be better off making a synchro deck at that point.
I get what ya saying, but I wouldn't call ABC a tech, I'd call it a win condition slightly kidding
Yeah I guess if more contacts show up they might have the banish from the grave effect, but no news on any archtypes or monster having such a thing
Just saying what I've heard man
Yes it's in the show but it's an edit. Here's all I have.
No offense DM user
My niggers. I'm looking forward to Eidolons and predator plants to mix them with shaddolls. There is an ok Predator plant shaddoll deck that gets out Predator Plant Chimera Rafflesia with Predator Plant Sundew Kingii and any shaddoll in hand. When Rafflesia dies it lets you grab re-fusion.
Not sure how well eidolondolls will go, been testing them and they really do rely on attributes considering how much their dark one is just meh
Predator plants though? If their new fusion is as good as rafflesia it'll be fucking rad
Here's the list but, it needs some improvements. Maybe the Blazeman engine might help. Also the Eidolon field spell is amazing.
Just like Shaddolls, the light fusions are the best.
Sawatari didn't know shit in the first few episodes anyways.
There is no excuse for her to still be banned.
I guess it's Eidolon Artifacts for me.
It's bullshit, I hate it
I hate it so much
With all my heart
Hoping the earth and fire ones are good, but fuck me if fire isn't a pain to get
Still the potential is great, can't wait for everything to be revealed
For a bit of fun (fun in YGO? For shame), I made a Jurrac deck..because Dinosaurs.
Yugioh will never not have the best facial expressions.
They're remaking the dino structure deck from the GX era with updated cards.
the last statement on what the structure deck includes makes that look like a giant shitpost especially because they are using hyphens to annotate items that it comes with instead of using just about anything else.
Is there any more OC of Sawatari calling cards trash?
Had an interesting game against a Yang Zing player today.
Question..how fucked are non-Contact Fusion decks?
Yes, but I haven't saved them.
user said it best
I just want a couple new generic, but not too generic Contact Fusions with neat designs and effects.
Beast-Eyes seems to be a great example of this whether or not you use him. Explicitly requires a DARK Dragon and a Beast, which you most likely won't see together in every other deck out there. Obviously intended for Odd-Eyes and Silver Claw, there's just enough breathing room to not make it something that could completely overshadow more like him in the future.
Red-eyes decks makes getting Beast eyes out easier.
I might literally cry.
Wait, so the Felgrand one wasn't just a one off?
Infernal Flame becoming a Archetype sounds pretty fucking sweet.
Did they increase the file size even more?
oh shit I'm feeling it, you could even do some level manipulation bullshit for free banishes on fucking everything. 2k atk change makes it beefy (effectively 2500->3500->4500) and while it lacks retention or protection, it does call up a poly
it is at least worth it for forcing out their removal and if they fail to can it, free banish
still too low for high quality celery but plenty enough for smug anime song
haha nice try guy
dunkey, the funny wigger eceleb
but im the one who made the reference XD
what's your point?
What the fuck is it with this site lately? No matter the board I go to, there's cancerous faggots everywhere.
Did cuckchan go down again or something? Jesus.
yes what is with those cancerous faggots. they sure are cancerous and faggots
Stop. Now.
kill yourself
Ignoring the faggot, where's support for Tri-Horned Dragon?
First Secret Rare and first card to ever rival Blue-Eyes. Where's his new cards, Fuckonami?
Want some Serpent Night Dragon and Slot machine support too?
Slot machines got Jackpot 7, didn't they?
Jackpot 7 isn't related in anyway to slot machine besides them being both slot themed and 100% isn't support for it.
Jackpot 7 is a meme card you use for dumb instant wins to show your friend one time and then never do it again
All INOV secrets and ultras are now known:
Secret Rare (8/8):
Sauravis, the Ancient and Ascended
Fullmetalfoes Alkahest
Starving Venom Fusion Dragon
Dark Requiem Xyz Dragon
Toadally Awesome
Dimensional Barrier
Vermillion Dragon Mech
Subterror Nemesis Archer
Ultra Rare (10/10):
Crystron Citri
Bahrstos Fuhrer, the True Dracoruler
Metalfoes Mithrilium
Meteor Black Comet Dragon
Crystron Quandum
Crystron Phoenixion
Tellarknight Batlamyus
Denglong, Origin of the Yang Zing
Catalyst Field
Subterror Behemoth Ultramafus
Super Rare (4/14):
Crystron Ametrix
Rank-Up-Magic Launch of The Phantom Knights
Pot of Avidity
Paleozoic Opabinia
Rare (7/20):
Meteor Dragon Red-Eyes Impact
Red-Eyes Insight
Nine Pillars of the Yang Zing
Qliphort Down
Subterror Behemoth Burrowing
Constellar Tempest
Saber Reflect
Common (1/48):
Paternal Seahorse
So next year after Russia frees us from the feds with nukes this card will finally go down in price enough for me to afford. Damn.
Are Stargazer and Timegazer still good or are they too much of a liability with suddenly becoming Scale 4?
I was a tiny bit sad when I saw that there wasn't a single copy in the build you showed me.
they're playable but there just isn't much of a point
there's usually better choices in the magicians
i managed to get 3 solitaires today, as well as sarcophagus
so right now, the zombie deck works pretty well, it's pretty consistent
the only issue i have right now is that my extra deck is pretty shit. i don't have anything to start a safe first turn with, aside from stardust dragon. clear wing is impossible on the first turn unless i use soul charge
i'm gonna try and find a cheap enough beelze. omega is definitely outside of my price range, unless i sell my d/d/ds and gem-knights
i'm also hoping i can find either number 23 or crimson knight vampire bram, since then i can run 2 or even 3 copies of tristan/isolde. right now they're just here to make an easy rank 4 or to fuck with levels when using uni-zombie
Aren't wyrms literally known in lore as undead dragons who have somehow spiritually revived and become more powerful than ever?
Before anyone bullies me, my brother told me exactly that all the way bacl when I asked why a darker, upgraded form of the Dragon gun in Custom Robo was called that and why worm was spelled that way. Pretty fucking awesome.
i thought wyrms were just dragons with 2 legs and 2 wings, rather than 4 legs 2 wings
Every Wyrm I've seen from Yugioh since the type's inception seems to be a spiritual manifestation of a Dragon.
Dragons can either be divine beings with long snake bodies like in China and Japan or they can be physical mythical beasts that stand on 4 or even 2 legs. I'd assume the same kind of difference applies to these things depending on the usage.
here's a slightly more ideal version, still no omegas though
however, crimson knight summons monsters from my opponent's graveyard, and it's 99% sure that they wont be zombies, and because of isolde's effect being used to summon crimson knight in the first place, i won't be able to summon anything with his effect during the same turn he's summoned
and even if i did, if i used uni-zombie's effect this turn only zombies will be able to attack, so the summoned monster will almost definitely not be able to attack
so i'm considering if i should use zombie world. i used to only run it when monarchs were around, since they wouldn't be able to tribute summon anything other than erebus.
Did anything cute happen in the latest episode of Arc-V or is Yuto just edging out?
Nothing really happened.
How well did Tag Force Special do in sales?
It could go a long way towards finally getting us the series again.
It is a Japan only game and it doesn't have a lot of story so I would guess it bombed hard, but I doubt it took too much to be made anyway.
Legacy of the Duelist on the other hand might be doing good. As far as I know ti is even coming to PC (meaning Steam).
All I can say it has going for it is how comfy as fuck it sounds to select anything.
The animation needs an option to speed up like The Beginning of Destiny. Fucking loved every sound related to a card.
the guy who owns my club buys tins full of commons
cheap of course, but at least we have somewhere to dump our commons
w-what does he do with all those cards?
Some places give free shitty test decks to newcomers. Maybe that?
he has tins full of cards in the store, and he sells each card for 0.25-0.50$
there's a whole superheavy samurai deck in there
Yami was meta when it was printed, it was stronger than blue eyes with that support, it saw play usually sided because of that.
How funny because Konami sure kept him aside for the good 10+ years
How rare are places where you can trade in cards for more cards or at least a few quarters?
considering there's only around 50 people playing yugioh in Bulgaria competitively, i'd say we're lucky enough to have this guy here
aside from this shop, there's usually a 1 for each other major city here, so that's like 3-4 stores in total
and technically those are board game stores, not yugioh specific, so i doubt that they buy singles
Wow. This looks absolutely fucking worthless.
well if you have a 12 card deck it works
I just realized Kek can literally one day become a Yugioh card by virtue of being an actual Egyptian god with a u in his name instead.
the issue is that now fucking everyone is gonna either run frogs, or bahamut sharks, in order to get this little shit out
it's a walking solemn warning with pretty much no cost
if this shit doesn't get limited or straight up banned next month, i'll go mad
and they didn't even make it slightly rarer so it ends up costing a metric fucton like pot of desires
That's why you do it once to a friend for a laugh and then never again, you'd be mad to think this would work consistently.
Calm down. I'm sure if it's as degenerate as you say it is, it'll get hit hard in no time.
The game wasn't broken in half by Cyber Dragon Infinity because they banned the easiest card to get it out. They'll do the same here if it's too powerful.
It's a secret rare
You depend entirely on your opponent to use something to consistently remove them from play if they haven't already ended you by doing it to your only defense instead.
Full retard.
wiki says rare
Again that's why you use that meme combo to just have a laugh and never actually use it.
It's not meta, it's not even casual, it's a joke.
Like haha look at this meme combo that's 1/100 of not bricking itself within the first draw
In japan, secret everywhere else.
I hate rarity bumps.
i don't
i hate that fucking frog, i'm glad it's gonna be less accessible
Does anyone who uses mobile know a good decompiler? I'd like to dip my feet into editing files starting with fighting whatever deck I feel like fucking around with.
That also means it's going to fuck with the set's prices and subsequently other cards.
i don't particularly care
less toads, the better
I want to play some Children's Card Games but the Duel Monsters games on the 3DS suck. Are the Card Fight Vanguard games any good for single player?
Then just get games for DS or GBA. You can't not have one of those lying around, right?
Pretty sure DS games can be played natively on 3DS. There are also emulators for GBA and older consoles.
I've played those though.
I know they can. I already typed it out and was too lazy to specify an SP.
I know they can. I already typed it out and was too lazy to specify an SP.
Wouldn't it be a good idea be to strictly name these threads YGOPRO from now on?
I remember years ago that /vg/ had a Dueling Network General and no one had any problem with it. I'm sure more of an actual game with player input and all kinds of edits you can make to it would be no different.
I see something wrong with that.
I see no reason to go for some fancy name that only makes it less obvious to others what this thread is about. The game is the first link in the thread too so no one is going to miss it or anything. No one retarded, that is. Honestly I wouldn't mind if people would talk about MtG, Vanguard or others. As far as Heartstone and other similar games are off limit.
r8 my new and improved zombies
i'm getting beelze, 2 shutendoji, 1 zombie world tomorrow
aside from that, i put in 2 necro faces in here, since i'm gonna need them with all the banishing i'm gonna be doing with the extra shutendojis
if i can't find any blue-blooded onis tomorrow, i'll probably swap most of the xyz for synchros
only downside for me is that i can't afford a crystal wing/omega, they're insanely easy to make in here
Well you could stop being a fucking scrub and run shiranuimill.dek or run the brilliant fusion engine. But if not, you're running too many things that only have 1 purpose to serve in your deck. Why necroface? what does that serve you other than potentially banishing a shiranui? It's not even guaranteed, you could just mill nothing. 1 dragon's mirror. You will never get 2 off. Ever. And if you have before the duel was already yours. For fucks sake Twin Twister is mst on roids, pop 2 AND grave setup. The only time you don't run TT over MST is if you cant afford to lose hand advantage. Pyramid turtle is fucking useless. Battle searchers in general are fucking useless. Fix up that extra deck. You better fucking find an omega soon because it will only go up in price from this point unless there's a reprint.
I know this is a budget deck but you need you work on your deckbuilding.
necroface is here to return the banished stuff, since i don't have omega, and pot of avidity isn't out yet. + it happens fairly often that it either banishes spiritmaster or solitaire, so there's always an effect from it
and i'm sick of people asking why i run MST instead of TT. if i had TT i'd run them.
i agree on pyramid turtle and goblin zombie, but i've got nothing better at the moment. i've got tristan/isolde of the underworld, but no xyz targets for them
i don't get what's wrong with dragon's mirror and shutendoji though. shutendoji is easy draw power, and the nethersoul dragon is pretty powerful for it's cost, and both of those could potentially banish shiranui monsters, so once again i'd be getting something out of it.
zombie world helps, it's so often that i have to wait a turn for something because of uni-zombie. although it would probably be a bit more useful if i had the vampire xyz in here
also, i kind of built the extra deck with the idea of having blue-blooded oni in here, so xyz were really easy and efficient to make with it
but yeah, i'll probably add more synchros instead of the xyz. except omega. because i don't like spending even more money when the deck already works. i'll wait for a reprint
Unless you're dueling an ice barrier deck, there's no reason the game should ever get to the point where that needs to happen. You need your normal summon. You can't do anything without your normal summon in this deck. Necroface eats your normal summon, then what? If you needed to return your cards, that means you're probably losing. And Necroface just ate your normal summon. There could be worse cards in it's place, but there could be better ones. All I'm saying.
Nigger it's only 10 bucks get one
I never said goblin zombie was bad, you just dont need more than 1 of him. Frankly I wouldn't even want to open with him. I also never said there was anything wrong with dragon's mirror. I just said two is too much. It's an alright fusion monster though. Shutendoji has the whole normal summon problem as well. You're acting like your opponent will just let you take your time setting up. Shutendoji is just a way, WAY shitter omega. Get a fucking omega. At least one.
The main attraction of zombie world is the mini mask of restrict. You'd be better off with running solemn and siding zombie world for matchups that use tribute summons. Basically just quit being a poorfag.
that's why i don't normal summon him when i clearly don't need to
TT can be 2 bucks for all i care, but nobody here is giving theirs, and i'm not paying international shipping costs for something that cheap
even during monarch times, that wasn't worth it, since they also had a zombie monarch
the real attraction to me, is that i'm not limited by shit like uni-zombie and isolde of the underworld.
which reminds me, i completely forgot to put the shiranui trap in here. guess that's what ill put in place of turtles and goblin zombies
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