Oh shit, the new Serious Sam is out!!!
Why aren't you buying the game? :^)
Oh shit, the new Serious Sam is out!!!
Why aren't you buying the game? :^)
apparently this is really fun for a VR game
Serious Sam 4 when?
It's already here
Is nothing sacred? Video games are dead and I stand upon their scorched ashes. For what purpose am I waiting to see the last ember burn out?
what's the point of VR first person shooters? you can't even walk, I mean walk with your own legs
playing an action game while sitting on your ass must suck
they used to have these things called lightgun shooters in arcades
they were pretty cool
the only reason I can think of developers pursuing VR projects like these which they know is going to sell like shit is to build up experience for the future when VR is probably going to be a bigger deal, giving them a massive advantage over everyone else once everyone is looking through their Facebook Rift 2 goggles to play games and shitpost on the internet
I hope this gimmick ends soon and never comes back.
what a bunch of retards
Is it on rails, or do you just stand there and shoot?
Who cares?
The only reason people got mad at this was because they thought it was Serious Sam 4.
FPS movement has been slowing down for a while now. Well finally we're at the pinnacle, boys. The apex of gaming. It's never going to better than this.
I dunno why I'm even replying to this stupid bait, but they literally said it was just a side project.
There was a shitty vr fps already out now. It's World War Toons (in beta though) and that had microtransactions for a laggy, broken game that would crash.
Desu ne
seriously we are now back to moorhuhn
We have made almost no evolutionary leaps in vidya we are just moving on to wonky new tech and going backwards at the same time
I will concede that the firearms autism simulator for vr looks kinda interesting if youre into that kind of thing, obviously a labor of love
Isn't that the game where if you drop an item on the ground it can't be picked back up?
And one would think that making such games on VR wouldn't be a hassle, but no, muh "art" "games" and muh motion sickness.
Because Serious Sam sucks.
I don't think light guns could work very well with VR, or any kind of mainstream motion control we know right now.They usually involve you knowing where tho aim, namely the screen, with VR you have your eyes covered so it would be hard to properly aim.
Also, a VR game on rails a la HotD sounds actually fun, specially an Overkill one.
is sam getting eaten of doing the eating in this case?
Samfags btfo.
Do you not know what VR is?
That thing that straps on to the face is a screen, not a solid box
Unless the screen somehow can tell where your arms are, aiming would be awkward.
They said this isn't Serious Sam 4.
Literally IS Defense but VR.
Why not just focus on games where the character doesn't have to be walking around, why try and adapt a run and gun type of game into a system that literally hasn't figured out basic fucking movement yet. Seriously just focus on mech and flight sims.
Why are the heads of VR so fucking up their ass that they can't do this?
It's a mini game that was worked on for around half a year. Croteam is testing new tech and implementing real VR support in the engine by this. Unless you have a VR setup and I know you don't there's little reason to care.
Are you serious?
Uhm user controllers have tracking, you can see your virtual gun in the proper position.
The one thing that would be fun with wagglan controllers.
And it isn't fucking out.
Given what VR devs have to work with, I think the best option would be a return to the tank controls, as in dedicated button to going forward and maybe turning left and right if the setup doesn't allow for full 360 degree looking
Coincidentally, Croteam had plenty of "side projects" to not even bother with SS4 lately
Hello I likememes