Has Holla Forums played this game?
What did you think of it?
Did you get all the lums?
Which version did you play?
Has Holla Forums played this game?
What did you think of it?
Did you get all the lums?
Which version did you play?
Did you fucking delete the old thread so you could bump it by remaking it?
In any case, I always get to On Top of the World and just drop the game, its happened 3 times now. I also miss a few cages such as the one in the fire mask area above the lava
I heard the Dreamcast version was the best, and that the 3DS port used it as its basis
The Dreamcast version was ported to 3DS but they removed the Globox Village and the minigames
Is Rayman's penis floating in mid air?
played the n64 version
No. It's for children. Get your mind out of the gutter.
That's the point
That's immoral, user.
N64 version, nearly tore my hair out with frustration at the rocket sections.
pc version
because rayman talking engrish is fucking weird
It's my favorite game, the atmosphere, art style, soundtrack, level design and characters are all top notch. I first played the PSX version that had some unexplainable changes to level design but to make up for it there was VA and CD quality music. The PS2 remaster looks the best by far but some changes are unwelcome like the framerate compared to the DC and the cut content. Avoid the DS and PC versions like the plague.
DC > N64 > PS2 > PSX > 3DS >>>> PC >>>>>> DS
Also i'm going to shill /vr/ here because this is a /vr/ kinda thread.
I actually just 101%'d Rayman 2 on PC a few months ago
As much as I wish they'd release another Rayman, a new game like Origins & Legends would be great, none of this phone running shit.
Why not just emulate the DC version that looks better and has more content or the PS2 version that looks even better but lacks said content?. Just because of convenience or ignorance?.
Unless you're a magician of some sort you cant get past 999 lums.
PSX had less lums, cut music, shortened levels and voice acting. It was the shittiest version.
Let's look at the DS version
And just what is wrog with the voice acting? I don't know about the english dub but the original french voices were wonderful.
Convenience mostly. I was using a shitty computer at the time.
1000/1000 lum all cages in Rayman Revolution
100% PS1
100% __DS_
100% 3DS
I like the way you think.
Bump because my favorite game.
go on
I loved the shit out of this, it was top tier at the time.
Anyone remember that level where you were being chased by the enemy flagship that destroyed all the platforms as you were running? Or as you were on them if you were too slow? Man that level was tight.
The PC version is the N64 version content wise, but with the graphic and the music of the DC version. How is it worse than both?
Played it on N64, managed to finish it in one sitting as i had no memory card for saving progress, don't recall collecting all the lums
DC version?
The environment, gameplay and mood were great but 100% it was a tedious boring pain. Missing anything meant replaying the level again or backtracking a ton in some cases. I can't understand how people would think would be fun. In non-linear level design collecting is fine, I get it but jesus fuck I got sick of replaying certain segments 5 times in a row because I wasn't autistic enough to know where a hidden lume was.
Why is he called rayman if he's not made of electricity?
I fucking loved the music in that part.
Fug, bad link.
An old family computer had the game pre-installed. I was pretty impressed at the time that the game actually managed to run on that piece of shit. It was a fun game but I never finished it, and I've never wanted to pick it up again as it reminds me too much of happier times.
So you weren't autistic enough to know it but you were autistic enough to care about it?
That is some really specific autism
The game seemed like it placed a lot of importance for 100% a level so when I usually missed one it was due to shit reasons.
More specifically the moments where I missed them were during the auto-control segments like the water ski bit or me playing the first level for nearly an hour because you were supposed to backtrack to it through another world but the game never tells you.
Either way having to replay a linear level more than a few times usually isn't fun. At least I can't fathom how people would find it fun. And usually you don't 100% a Rayman level on the first time. At least on the later levels.
Great memories.