New Auschwitz documents pulled out of the (((hat)))


Some Holocaust™ (((scholars))) discovered new evidence which conveniently address some of the critical points of Holocaust™ realists had.

The (((story)))

Here are the new (((discoveries)))
- There were 15 ovens with a wide chimney
- The ash - one body produced 640 grams of ash - was conveniently dumped into the river
- There was 1 huge underground gas chamber in a cellar. 3000(!) people fit in that gas chamber. There was another huge cellar where they had to take off their clothes.
- Ebil SS men used whips to get the jews from cellar one into cellar two
- The Zyklon B delousing chemicals were always brought to camp with Red Cross vehicles
- According to Nadjari 1.4 million were killed, he knows that because he counted the trains

BBC article:
Original documents which were unreadable until just now:

Other urls found in this thread:ültige_Version.pdf

Bet your ass that upon inspection the document is written far later than 1944

Kike free

Too bad gas chambers and zyklon b have been officially debunked. Now it's all about "vans" and monoxide carbons. Good luck disproving the existence of those vans, goyim!

lel, they think they can keep playing this game.

The letter was buried near Krema III at Birkenau. (Proof:

This room was 7 m x 30 m = 210 m^2 = 2,260 ft^2. (Proof:

>Normies will believe this

Especially when you see pictures of fat Jews in the camps.

Also, how the hell do you turn an adult into just 640 grams (1.41 pounds) of ash? According to kikepedia, there shpuld be three times the much (1.8 kg or 4 pounds). Source:

They can't even lie convincingly.

missing piles of ash of the gorillions of victims must have been used to make the concrete to rebuild postwar europe… or it never existed

the amount of ash produced is between 3 and 9 pounds

I wish they had just forced jews to dig their own graves before giving them a bullet. Fast and cheap. No chimmeney building, no weird soaps, no gasses or chemicals. No extermination camps.

Sweet a new expansion pack.

>No, you're not allowed to dig for evidenceuntil we're done building it! You'll just have to take my word for it.

So are these new ovens the famed three level ovens?

These lies just keep getting more ridiculous and cartoonishly evil. I can't believe that normalfags eat this up.

They eat it up because they want to blame the evils of this world on a small group of people, but lack the imagination and ability to suppress their feelings.
The love of "nazi hate" is a clear indication that someone knows something is wrong with the world, but is unwilling to acknowledge the wrong-doer.

so the Jews were mexicans! of course! it all makes sense now!

The evil nazis whipped us in there, we had no choice but to trample our own families when there was no floorspace left. Oy vey mothers trampling sons, sons trampling fathers, oy vey. If I hadn't escaped through a hole in the skirting board nobody would know this horror.


so, 650 grams of ash could be produced only by big rats?

The chutzpah of these fucking kikes.

I did some research.

Keep the fire burning for 2-4 hours per body. Where did they get the fuel? Basically with every train bringing kikes another train with fuel should come.
Where did they ground the bone fragments? (inb4 they also put live babies into the bonegrinders)
Are jews made of timber? Do they have kerosin instead of blood?

Bonus: "They brought the Zyklon B with the red cross car." This falls straight into line of "They played Wagners Ride of the Valkyries on the selection ramp" and "I was turned into soap bar."


Fucking kikes. It's like listening to children lie, getting lost in their own steadily growing innocence.
They just don't know when to stop, but at least the kid can be taught better.

they always give too many details. how are they so bad at lying honestly. just say "i saw people get shot in the head and thrown in mass graves" and I would believe you. its not like i'm going to go dig up the mass graves to confirm.
instead they make up comically stupid stories… wtf are they doing? it's like it's on purpose

t.eventbizrelatedfag here
Here's what ~1k people in ~20x20m (400m²) looks like (max capacity).
It's cramped as fuck. You are not going to fit 3x as many in a similar area, to the point they could crush/gas themselves with lack of oxygen
Fucking lying kikes just don't actually consider the implications of their lies, every damn time, so it comes back to bite them in their ass.


Exactly, they're way too eager.
Probably is, since they can get away with almost anything, they constantly test the limits of what they can pass off as truth.

Most don't even care about this stuff. They're taught the tried and true stuff from decades ago. Secondly, most of us have been there. Towing the Holohoax narrative and big bad Nazi myth. Brainwashing and lies go a long way, combined with intense peer pressure to agree with the consensus.

Written words of a kike. This will completely support the previously said words of kikes. What unbelievable evidence, the proof is undenieable. It's not like people would lie or anything.

There's a reason they starved the Jews before gassing and burning them: ash reduction.

The remaining ash is the bones and stuff. You can't reduce the weight of your bones with a diet. Doesn't make a big difference if you burn a fat guy or a skeleton.

I read this in my head but could only hear my son's voice. That's probably the best way to describe these people.

Hey Holla Forums let's do math with this new numbers. So there were 1.4M supossed victims and 15 ovens, so that's 93 333 and 1/3 victims per oven.
With current cremation technology cremation process takes 1-3h and produces 1.36-3.18kg of ash.
But because those evil nazis were starving those poor jews in the camps, even though they supposedly went straight from trains into the gas chambers, and because evil nazis had space-alien technology, let's go for low estimate of 1h cremation time.
So that's 93 333 and 1/3h of operation time per oven, which in turn is 3889 days, which is 10.65 years. So if camps started around 1940, this evil process went well into the 1950s!

I would also like to remind, that Zylkon B was stored in pellets, which had be heated up to at least 27 deg Celcius to start releasing gas. But much higher temperature (800-1000 deg C) had to be reached to release sufficient amount of gas. With current narration abandoning the shower meme for the holes in the roof of the chamber through which the cans with Zyklon B were thrown in, it is postulated that this containers reached sufficient temperature due to "body heat" of the supposed victims.
Here's nice detailed analysis for engineering and math/physics oriented anons:

New Hitler comes from Canada

No, homicidal zyklon b gas chambers are still part of the (((official narrative.)))

The fact that in like 14+ countries you can be jailed for simply asking questions should be horrifying.

We really need to get the real truth out before they accidentally make a consistent lie. Idk drop flyers?

I once redpilled this black guy on the jq at a temp work site. The best moment was when he said.
"But why? Why lie whats the motivation what did they get?"
I replied "Israel. And the world on a lease with an option to buy."

It all hit him at once. I saw him with his mouth literally open; he stared at the for; so i hit him with all the little facts he'd subconsciously suspected but he saw it all in a new light.
Tbh it was very satisfying. That man will never be the same. He was very thankful and said it was the most eye opening conversation he'd ever had.

Ok yes he was a nigger but i will automatically try to redpill anyone forced to be around me. Luckily im charming af and do it gently. Anyway i encourage all of you to do the same.


Memes can be dreams. Reunite the people.

Does anyone else read holohoax stories for fun as so-bad-it's-good fiction? The stories are always so complicated and ridiculous. It is like reading a campy sci-fi novel.


Implying. You know full well none of those things happened/existed. Hitler was far too kind to the (((scourge))) of his people. He let them live.

This one's my favorite.

Meme it.

That much ash being dumped into the river would have been an ecological disaster for fish populations as the PH levels are fucked with. BULLSHIT.

Oh sure we're going to fall for that and start donating to those kikes.

The horror.


at this stage even the gassing could be proven false. it does not matter, as long as it stays on message. the main things to remember are a certain number and a certain political party are the most evil thing in the history of planet earth..

No, no; he wrote the document in 1944, so those dastardly Germans had already started lampshade production in 1934! This means that supervillain Hitler must have ordered the camp's construction immediately after being made Chancellor, and before Hindenburg' s death! What a supernaturally-evil goy!

Also the guy with 30cm of wood up his ass or whatever. Degenerates passing off their torture porn fantasies as facts.

Also rollercoasters leading into ovens. How did people ever believe this?


So they were sealed inside a metal container and buried underground where absolutely no sunlight/UV could fade the ink and paper, but they both still faded and no one could read them ever not until just now.

Juden confirmed for being able to tap into the Speed Force.

Maybe the paper got soggy with his tears as he recalled all the tragic events?

Yeah nah. If there's one thing I'm glad that the Germans did during the occupation, it is getting so many jews out of Greece. But it still wasn't nearly enough.

Checking those numerologically holy dubs.

Make it so.

user, don’t you understand? All the Zyklon B in the ground leeched into the thermos and faded the ink.

It's quite something when an overly grimdark doujin has a more believable and logical depiction of a death camp than what the kikes came up with.

nazis must be really good at hiding gas chambers


so why didn't the kike think to tell anyone of this bullshit like every other yid? is it because he died before the holohoax psyop was in full swing?


I am kekking hard at this thread.

This is like when more biblical scrolls are discovered in Israel.
The holy scroll, the Gospel of

It's still not forensic evidence of any kind.

Holy fuck my sides

Trying to get an organized version. Did I catch everything important?

Aw shucks, there were two small errors. Corrected version.


You. I like you. Saved.


The article mentions that there were 15 ovens in a crematorium, and that there were 5 crematoria. If we assume they each had 15 ovens, you can shorten your timeframe by a factor of five, getting a reasonable 2.15 years.


Still, that's with absolute minimum of 1h per cremation of today's technology. With high estimate of 3h, that grows to 6.39 years, with working non-stop. It would be nice if we could get some data on ovens that were in use during WW2 and compare them with modern ones.

Today’s technology is 2.5 hours.

TI-89? I only have a TI-84.

How many BTUs does it take to cremate a corpse? The timeline is bullshit but the amount of energy needed is also bullshit.

About a million.
Or 100 pounds of high grade coal will give you the equivalent value.

It didn't and it should, of course.

I have been giving people the biggest rash of shit lately over the 36,000,000 pounds of ash (6 pounds per person a literal mountain of ash that would take heavy equipment to deal with) that would have had to have been disposed of if this was anything but a holohoax. Interesting that I have been publicaly mocking them for weeks and this is what they come up with. Now, I would be very interested in finding this 'magical' river that they supposedly dumped part or parcel of this 36,000,000 of ash into. First off because I would have been an ecological catastrophe of epic proportions that would leave a ravaged scar on the landscape even today. Ash is alkaline, and it would have acted as a poisoning agent for miles…easily tested for and analyzed in the labs at this point. I can't wait for this fucking house of cards to fall around their heads…I am pissed that they 'conjured up this bullshit' to counter my ripping into them over the fucking 'mountains of ash'…

This is what a lot of ashholes look like…

I guess you could dig up old WW1 propoganda and say that the germans were boiling down corpses into combustible materials to power the (((Crematorium v6000000))). The eternal anglo at least had the decency to admit that was bullshit after the war, but i guess the war with the yids isn't over until either they or we are dead.


Modern crematoria have problems with teeth and bones so much so that they don't even bother burning them and instead sift out the hard bits from the charred remains after cremation and then send it to a ball mill to then grind it into powder.


Lmao I bet some jew is reading this and is building one as we speak

Makes you wonder where the famous grinders are that ground up all that 36,000,000 pounds of bone (into fine ash went)…

This is an 'industrial stump and tree mulch grinder"…this would have to run for years and years non stop to grind up that many bones into powder. My city has one slightly larger than this and that thing is 'under repair' constantly broken…but lets say those NAZI's were really fantastic at engineering and thiers didn't break…so where are they? Where are the photos? Where and how did they get the bones to the grinders? How'd they transport the ash to the river…such fucking liars…

Right in time for that "goy-ish" holiday of Christmas and after the "holohoax happened spam" that hit here recently.

I take it that either their narrative is starting to crumble and questioning the holohoax narrative is become more mainstream ,they want more shekels or both.


Well, Jews are fairly fragile and spineless.

top kek


What manga is this? jw

So good at hiding them that we can't find them today with all our modern technology (picturing the jews slaves sweaty as fuck trying to discretely dig underground gas chambers as close to the camps as they can manage without being noticed)…hey maybe that is what all the unemployable muzzies are for…

It's ok, but it ain't no Casio FX-CP400-L Graphing Calculator.

You can't work an oven non stop…you need to be able to get the ash out and cool/clean it.

what do ovens particularly WWII ovens use for fuel? coal? because that was in very short supply in WWII for obvious reasons.

I doubt there was use of natural gas ovens in WWII Germany so that only leaves coal/coke as possible fuel which was all used for the war effort (trains,creation of synesthetic fuels, production, etc.) so where are they getting the fuel to burn jews from? Do jews spontaneously combust?
In any case it would be interesting to get the records on coal deliveries and use for these "death camps™" there should be a record….
in b4 the jidf scrambles to poorly forge one.

Clearly you haven't handed a jew a bill with a 18% gratuity charge on it. BOOM! Up in flames they go. Had to get a floor scraper to clean of the restaurant's floor last time a rabbi ate here. The Nazis must have had printing presses going 24/7 to churn out fake bills to make these poor kikes explode en masse. Those Nazis sure were clever…. oy vey

So you're saying (((they))) finally took the math into account when they crafted this new lie?

Quit using the kike propaganda

They must have made this one up to save Mr Holocauster's book.


I think that is what pisses me off the most about them.

Never thought of it this way. Well said.

I'm currently doing the same with two guys, one half black.
Just the other day I could tell one of them was hitting the wall of guilt that comes with realization of the truth, but he was shutting down. I said to him, "Why is it that even generations later, we react with instant outrage and denial when anyone questions the Holocaust? You weren't there, your ancestors weren't there, its not the first, last or worst genocide in human history. What planted that seed of guilt in you from such a young age that you actually feel a pit in your stomach when the topic of a decades old war and it's casualties is raised?" If they are intellectually honest it'll really activate their almonds.

> (Proof:
even if the little polish schoolboy story is true (which I doubt) who cares.
> (Proof:
Proof of blueprints, thats all. blueprints aren't structures.
btw, people don't usually put "proof" in front of a link around here

i forgot these. ill leave them here with you.

pic related. had it since 1993.

What. The ballpoint pen was patented in the 30's, and the mechanism itself was originally developed in the 1880's. Where is he getting that year?

Curious title for a 1932 movie about a Jewish doctor: "Symphony of Six Million"

Man kikes come up with the most insane, neurotic, implausible bullshit when it comes to holohoax stories. I think they get off on seeing what they can get away with.

Please tell me they have tried this angle at some point.

Daily reminder the gas chambers were disproved by Frank roques and he was the first person to ever have his PHD stripped from him in the history of France for questioning the lolcaust

Didn't mean to sage. I don't post alot


Every fucking time


"I only survived because I held my breath for an hour and a half goyim, others without my considerable training were not so fortunate".

You know guys I think we should just leave this one alone and let the Jews have it. We're never gonna win over any normies by trying desperately to redpill them on what happened in the Holocaust. I'm sure there's plenty of Jews out there who are sick of all the globalism too, so We should work with them and just leave the whole Holocaust thing alone. Let sleeping dogs lie, right?

The six million refers to the number of Ashkenazi kikes that they needed to transport from Eastern Europe to America.
The result is your current regime.

lol no. Questioning its authenticity will simply be declared an anti-semitic crime, like the rest of the holohoax "evidence".

Presumably this is the already claimed "gas chamber" that was proven to be a morgue from blueprints that label it as such, and the fact the design makes zero sense otherwise (single file wooden door, lift that can only transport up 3 bodies at a time)

Possibly correct as of the final stage of camp construction, but it's nowhere near enough to cremate 1.4 million kikes over the claimed time. Rather, it's an appropriate number for disposing of typhus outbreak victims.

Truth always wins. Don't fight it.


Global report.

Ball point pens existed as prototypes in the 1930s. They were not commercially availab;e to consumers until after the war.

why haven't ground penetrating sonar been able to find evidence of such chambers? where did they go?

somebody's been watching too much dominatrix pr0n

ouch. that ones gonna hurt, though. since jews are small and spineless, its possible they didn't really create that much ash at all.

why haven't kikes just said that other kikes were forced to eat the ash for nutrition. seems like an obvious way to go


They posted this story up several times on /newsplus/ and when asked "why the fuck are there survivors when they were killing people by the thousands every day?" the shills came out of the woodwork spewing the usual buzzwords and talking points and half-assed dismissals.

the wind carried the ash away goy

hard to imagine even the goodest goy would believe this shit, anyone that knows anything about image editing knows that if the data isn't there, it isn't fucking there. It's the same reason you can't just use the eraser brush on a tshirt and see tits instead of the transparent void that is the workspace background.

You must just not be an 'image processing savant' well versed in the art of 'playing around with Photoshop' user.

My dick just moved… anyway, I must sage because jew lies can't be permitted any longer.


There used to be a nizkor page arguing that the ovens at auschwitz only needed to be heated up in the morning with a bit of coke, and then could use the bodies themselves as fuel to burn the next batch.
I can't find it any more even though it was easy to find with google.
It is archived on but I don't remember the URL.
I wonder why I can't find it anymore?

I just died in the holocaust yesterday. This post proves it. We now need to talk about this for 100 years instead of evolving.

methinks thou doth pretext too much

Ah, found it.

How convenient the Mr. Nadjari never told anybody about the paperwork, and it couldn't be deciphered until after he was dead. And all it took was some off the shelf photo manipulation software!

Also, what was he doing with a thermos in the camp? I thought the official narrative was they were stripped of all belongings and given nothing more than a cup to eat their daily soup out of?

You forgot the masturbation machines.

They started production in Argentina in 1943. Anne Frank was put in the camp in '44. I'm really doubting that the ball point pens made it to mainland Europe in any great numbers within their first year of production.

Skimming an article on basic thermodynamics is enough to tell you why this is bullshit.

Jews run on persecution and victimization.


So what was dinner with Hitler like?

Wow smart guy, no wonder he survived the shoah

truly wondrous is kike spirit! Born not only master merchants with poison resistance rivaling a blighttown inhabitant, they also excel at image editing, in fact they are so skilled at this they can manipulate time and space itself, reaching into the past to retrieve information that has long since been lost to entropy!

I had some kike on halfchan tell me that this chimney was connected to the building under ground. An underground U-shaped chimney… because that makes sense….

Was the nutsack eating dog at this camp too?

The holes in the ceiling were also put in by the soviets as well. There's also an escape hatch(in the floor) in the middle of the room.

Also don’t forget about the time they ran out of gas!

please don't use /cargocult/ trashy memes here user.

IT's a shame Irving is too old, broke, and senile now that he can't look at these documents and rip them as frauds the way he used to. Saw a tape of him from UK from this past summer. Sad to see someone who used to be so full of energy and fight so old.

"He was among about 2,200 members of the Sonderkommando - Jewish slaves of the SS.."

First lie. Jews in the Sondercommando were in charge of keeping their fellow Jew workers in line, and were vert well-compensated for it with numerous brothel vouchers, commissary vouchers, recreation hours etc.. Far from "slaves."

"They then dropped the gas through openings - and half an hour later our work began. We dragged the bodies of those innocent women and children to the lift, which took them to the ovens."

OK, so how was the gas dissipated into the atmosphere? In US gas chambers, even for gassing a single person the chimney to release gas has to be at least 45-50 feet high. By what mechanism and how was the gas released?

Really would like to hear Germar Rudolf's thoughts on this (((new finding))). Is his site still up these days or have the Jews shut him up permanently as well after his jail term?

wow, those were some fucking magical furnaces. Odd how none of them exist to examine and no patent plans exist of these remarkable machines.

Where are all these super ovens?

And how can we gain access to them?

Can someone red-pill me on the Einsatzgruppen? Because there are people on our side that claim not a single jew was deliberately killed, which is quite autistic but also my understanding is that there certainly is evidence for those activities and Himmler even gave a speech where he talked about "doing what had to be done", no?

Gaiz how do I save a zip file of this thread to my computer? I'm shit at these things and I want to have this thread on hand to show people. You guys have blown it out of the water here.


Polian_Dokumentation_final.pdf was removed from the server. Damn OP didn't archive the FUCKING PDF. Anyone have a copy of the original document? I want to verify its authenticity.


I tried but didn't work. Doesn't archive images just text in PDFs.

Here's a new link to a "final" version:ültige_Version.pdf

I wonder if this guy is featured?

So there's a series of dungeons under Auschwitz no one else ever mentioned or bothered to look for in the last 70 years?

Note that it's a lewd forbidden love doujin with cuckold ending.

Does this nigga really think ash evaporates when it blows in the wind?

I would actually pay shekels to watch a holographic reenactment of him, as he appears now, getting violated with an exactly measured 25cm of dowel stick. With a 5cm diameter


Did you hear him talk about his daughter?

The meme's write themselves. I wonder how many more "ancient" capsules we're going to find that happen to refute all the Holocaust Revisionism complaints in the next 100 years? Of course all of this will be refuted with zero evidence other than chemically altered writings on paper to artificial date said "lost evidence".

I'm looking forward to a personal treasure hunt in the middle of the night on the Auschwitz grounds looking for the secret map to all the jew gold they hide from the Nazi's. Apparently a single grandmother ate 6lbs of the fucking stuff!

Don't forget that the Cyanide gas produced is EXPLOSIVE, you cant have an open flame
near by…………


There is no reason to have such subterfuge to bring the chemicals into the camp, the chemicals were widely used everywhere, even for soldier's clothing as well as for commercial / residential use for disinfestion.

They threw that part in to undermine the Red Cross reports of the camps, where they independently found no evidence of gassings or mass murder.

Another give away are the whippings…
This contradicts LIVING testimonies from other eye witnesses….

Can we find a greek user that could translate the whole pdf?
I found a "600 000" on page 5. But after looking at it, I suspect that this was written with a ball point pen.

IFF this document is a forgery though, we can date it in comparison with the timeline of Auchwitz' death toll decline with the alleged date it was "found".

Compared to the known death toll disclosure, the number of 1.4 million is very problematic. Since there were VERY similar numbers floating around at the time it was found…





This gives me an excellent idea…
What if we were to make absolutely bullshit and over the top stories about the holocaust? Imagine if we get them disseminated en masse and reporters rush to deliver the facts to disprove us evil Nazis.
It's be glorious. Anyone who would dare criticize us is a revisionist holohoax exposer, and if its allowed to continue we destroy the credibility of the holohoax. It's a win win either way.

Rendering the whole premise unfalsifiable. This is why history is an arts.

There were "security details" wandering around behind the Eastern front, killing civilians from ethnic groups that might have become insurgents. Both Russia and Germany did this, and racked up kills in the tens if not hundreds of thousands, especially in Greece, Galicia (Ukraine) and Eastern Poland. The Germans were mainly killing shtetl inhabitants and suspected communists (ie Jews), the Russians farmers, landowners, clergy and soldiers of the nations they occupied (Katyn being the prime example). Germany did it to stabilise its rear areas and (with intial hubris) clear the land for Lebensraum, Russia to rid itself of class enemies and educated foes.

The idea that there was ever a concerted plan to kill jews is fallacy entirely. Of course, the actions of individuals is another matter - if you expose jewry for what it is, then have soldiery, sometimes penal actors and partisan extermination troops, you're liable to have some incidents.
Could probably find cases of Americans killing a few Japs as part of the internment in the US, doesn't mean the US government or military put out an order to kill American nips.

Checked. You know the kiddos just want to bust out the gas and the kikes are reading into it like they always do.

It would be nice to have and idea of the volume this would be.

>1km down the river, just before some small rapids, a small detachment of Seifensoldaten dump tons of schweinefett by the boxful in the river

Don't tell the jews it can be easily decided in a lab on whether ash statistically came from a huge amount of incineration versus background elemental amount. Further it wouldn't be difficult to model the rivers course over the past 50 years, geologists produce such models on the million year level. There would definitely be some congregating sites along the river's course undisturbed over the past few decades which I doubt but if the model was well formed and there was no physical evidence then either our entire science is wrong for the Holocaust and right for everything else or the particular event breaking the model actually didn't happen.

All of that would be visible when they liberated the camp, this is retarded.

how convenient
im glad this is rock solid evidence!

I guess bullets as well or even sharp blades, or rope, or just fists. Hitler was to much of a nice guy, "Oh we'll just send (((them))) away, no hard feelings between us both". The Realm has learned many lessons, it will all be different in the Fourth.




So the Nazis would willingly pollute their own rivers with the filth of the kikes because it just so happens to erase evidence for the jewish lies?

what the fugg

what the fugg

what the fugg

what the fugg


^ actual kike shill


Is this shit based on GuP? that made me laugh out load, actually.

That's my problem. I get drunk and start getting aggressive.