Inb4 direct link.
Why don't you take the time to flag the video for racism and write Google about this problematic covert racism.
Inb4 direct link.
Why don't you take the time to flag the video for racism and write Google about this problematic covert racism.
Other urls found in this thread:
motherfucker, nobody wants to fuck jews.
maybe your slutty women will try to get some goy dick, but nobody's after your nasty bitches.
The rabbi and I are in agreement
Found the Jew.
(((He)))'s right in this one.
Who the fuck would someone eat with animals?
Well the rabbi is right on this one.
Hello (((fellow white person))).
This racist antigentite Jew needs to diversify his genome and miscegenate. Jews won't survive without it.
Go fuck a kike then
Found the same Jew.
You're really desperate to maintain the kike double standard. Jews stay Jewish, Goyim miscegenate.
Fuck off shill.
What a gorgeous uniform… So much power just in the looks. What a shame it's gone. They were the best
Interfering with the ritual of eating together is very foolish. Introducing racists to the targets of their hatred in an amicable context is a proven strategy that people ought to have stuck with.
Not the first time (((they've))) said this and it won't be the last.
I mean FFS they have laws against miscegenation in Israel itself.
Neither should mix you sperg
These kikes never stop with their projection.
Not the first time (((they've))) said this and it won't be the last.
I mean FFS they have laws against miscegenation in Israel itself.
Not the first time (((they've))) said this and it won't be the last.
I mean FFS they have laws against miscegenation in Israel itself.
It's become blatantly clear in the past weeks that the first to say "Found the Jew" in a thread is 90% likely to be the Jew.
He isn't wrong, really. Jews have always tried to keep to themselves. If they hadn't, they would not exist as a religious and ethnic group today.
t. looking in a mirror
They should stay pure, it makes it harder for them to hide and pretend.
He's right, but they should respect our interests as well. Unfortunately, a lot of them do the opposite extreme when it comes to the west which leads us to believe that they want to remove an important thing from us.
Way ahead of you, rabbi.
There's actually quite a lot of discussion about this in jew forums. There are jew laws that stipulate jews should never eat food cooked by a gentile and jews should never prepare food for gentiles. If only these jews stuck to their own rules…
redundant. also, i'm pretty sure that there are plenty of prescriptions against even letting goyim around your food, you can imagine what they might think about actually sharing a meal with one.
in their case it's probably true.
only pakistanis and lab rats are more imbred.
If Christians invented rules stipulating Christians cannot eat with infidels the Jews would go ballistic. They would run a story in every piece of media they own raging against the racist christian extremists. Crying muh holocaust, muh six gorillion, it's a shoah all over again!
Christianity is a missionary faith and wins others over, Judaism never proselytize, they keep their secret club a secret, only let you in if you're birthed a jewess thot-even the rape babies.
Before I went Holla Forums, I had a Jew over for Thanksgiving. This person is why I went Holla Forums. Thus, I would say it is good for a non-Jew to eat with the Jew and to learn of his ways. Knowing the Jew is how one becomes antisemitic.
pic related
for the six garillionth time
"jews" are edomites NOT semites
GENTILES are semites
all part of their set of great lies to get us to believe they were a tribe of Jacob
Kikes next Lolocaust when?
Try harder, commie.
There is almost nothing wrong with kikesses being mixed with niggers in very large numbers, besides that it gives them stealth nigger kikes.
Aww but you guys are so attractive :^)
#BasedRabbi then. He's right you know, even if he is a kike. Miscegenation is a terrible evil that is the (((mechanism))) being used to destroy YT.
That's not one of the options on the list.
My background: I was raised by liberal Roosevelt Democrats. My mother went from Episcopal to atheist after WWII, not believing that a loving God would allow such carnage. My father was always an atheist, since fourth grade, because being a scientist can do that. They told us, growing up, that they were "agnostic," so we could make up our own minds.
And now I see the problem. Claiming you are of a particular race IS racist, whether it be black, white, jew or whatever. Jews NEED antisemitism in order to unite themselves. This is the kind of video that pushes other people to increased antisemitism, so they stick closer together, interbreed, and so forth.
The following quotes are attributed to Machiavelli, Goebbels, Leo Strauss, or whatever the internet happens to say that day:
If there is another major pogrom, I won't be surprised. The literally capitalize on the wrongs done to them. Without suffering, their culture would fall apart.
I am learning more about human nature from Holla Forums than any other source. Keep up the good work.
edomites are semites.
esau was jacob's brother. and a far better human being than him.
jacob was a scumbag even in jewish sources.
Mirror. look.
He's 100% correct.
Why? Trying to keep the the word from getting out?
context of the picture
is it about the blood ritual
Story time?
Consciousness is distributed on a tribal/genetic level…meeting someone who you have racial antipathy towards does not mean that the entire Hive is 'ok' or capable of integrating with your own tribal/genetic customs and morals. This is one of the biggest (in plain sight) secrets of consciousness which the parasitic leadership knows and won't talk about.
First, each human being of a particular tribe carries the genetic material of their 15 prior matriarchs (mother, grandmother, great grandmother, etc) in their bodies at all times, so your body is a composite of the last 15 females of your genetic lineage. Whites carry white matriarchy with them as an integral part of their DNA and that DNA influences their morals and customs, because White women are the drivers of culture and civilization. Disrupt the chain and you will have black or semite 'mothers' deviant and depraved culture exhibiting in White DNA in competition with the noble White culture.
An attack on Whites is an attack on the culture and DNA of our mothers that carry our culture and morals inside our bodies. That is why 'jews' have to be born of a jewish female, because they don't have that fucked up shitty immoral mentally ill culture as background and basis for their beliefs, if they don't have a 'jewish mothers' operating in their bodies to influence their thinking they can't be 'proper jews' because they might develop 'noble traits' via the influence of a White Matriarch, that would compromise the tribe's interest in deviant debased behavior. By the same token people can't be noble (like Whites) if they don't have a White mother, because the genetics and matrilineal data that displays these particular traits and behaviors is not housed in their bodies.
The semites are trying to murder our culture through blood poisoning (miscegenation) and the elimination of our matriarchs culture via murder of our Matrilineal noble consciousness and replace it with a semitic deviant and debased conciousness.
"All the great cultures of the past only perished because the original creative race died of blood poisoning." - Adolf Hitler
not so sure about that. Jews are obsessed with their mothers. Germans referred to Germany as the fatherland not motherland like a kike or a negro.