Angry White Men (formerly All Hail the Gynocracy)

Well, folks. I think I've found one of our most dedicated (((critics))).

Meet, formerly known as All Hail the Gynocracy. The website is dedicated to "tracking the alt-right" via documenting their content and key figures. The website is full of smug, self-congratulatory critiques littered with attempts at character assassination and cringeworthy inferences. I wouldn't be surprised if Dave Futrelle was behind all these stinkpieces, but it doesn't seem to be the case.

The highlight includes a "Cucktionary" which defines popular alt-right memes for progressives and normies.

Other urls found in this thread:"mariatechnosux"

Should read
(((Tracking the (((Alt-Right))))))*

Here's the Cucktionary and a post of a typical "Headlines" section.

>(((Tracking the Alt-Right)))
That's either unintentionally accurate and hilarious or some kikes bragging

Mostly unintentionally hilarious.

Here's the guy REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEing about "It's Okay to Be White"

And a typical shitpiece aimed at anyone Angry White Men doesn't like, in this case Jim Goad and Michael Hoffman.

The site targets not just men, but also women associated with the alt-right.

>No archive faget
>cucktionary pic related

At least I'm screencapping the site's withering bullshit.

I wonder if he'll write about us now that he's got our attention.


He already mentioned us in his cucktionary, so I think we should bully him


Funny. How long until these kikes get doxed and cry victim?

Is it that difficult to look up a word before using it in a sentence?

I don't think OP is saying that, the mainstream media groups Holla Forums in with the alt-kike so it gets brought up here. They see us as exactly the same EVIL NAZIS

I was reacting to the site saying it. Guess that didn't come across in my post.

Guess I should go to bed

So exactly like literally every other SJW shithole in existence.
Cute considering progressives are the ones with literal cuck among them.


Are you not a national socialist?

They know 8/pol/ isn't the alt-right, but they'll always conflate the two. Just so they can pretend Holla Forums is represented by a lame Hollywood Neo-Nazi caricature. All they can do to make themselves feel better is pretend we're those losers, not reasonable people with legitimate grievances. I bet they still think they can win back the public's support.

He mentions in his list of alt-right websites. If an user works out who owns this website I'll do the work to add them to the list.

so are you suggesting Holla Forums is an alt-kike board?
if so, pls kys

I am. I guess what I was trying to say is the media just sees 4chan, Holla Forums, plebbit as one evil alt-right group when everyone on this board hates alt-right people and plebbit

Good find, OP. How'd you stumble upon this? And how do we find out who's behind it all, so we can point at them and laugh.



I think the media consider us the equivalent of what we think of jews.
We the new jews.

They'll do it in order to misrepresent us and condition people away from us.
Hence why this page is great for us, we become the full right again if we agree that the aut right is cancer.


Also there probably are old nazies floating on the internet user.


Make sure it's not just a foolish goy.

Also funny how they focus on the (((Alt Right))) and ignore us interely, I suppose being hidden and doing shit is better than being loud and doing nothing

Are you saying there is a survivor of WW2 among us?
Please let it be

Unironically true. There has never been a conclusive study that proves phytoestrogens have a significant effect on the bodies hormone levels, if any effect at all.

So then what's up with people who take lots of Soy and drink lot of bottled water looking the way they do

These faggot Jew cucks are really getting more and more brace with the faggot shit they say about us online. It's only a matter of time until we lose our patience with the alt-left and start cracking skulls. We haven't even done anything yet. Just wait until we punch them with full force, Charlottesville was only a warm up for what's coming.

Shark attacks and ice cream.

Completely support this. Trouble is I can't determine who runs this shitshow. It reeks of Dave Futrelle, but I'm not quite sure if it's him.

I'm a fan and follower of Jim Goad, so this came up after I just googled his name. This guy really hates him, so I then went around finding more content over there. This is honestly too rich to ignore, so I thought I'd make a thread here for our collective amusement.

No, TorPoster, I'm not, but retard progressives love to paint their critics with the broadest brush possible.

Is that the We Hunted For Faggots cuck?

My, what an (((interesting))) website. I guess they're trying to document wrongthink for deplatforming purposes? Too bad no one where I live gives a fuck.

Lots of people hate Goad because they don't think people like him exist. Wrecks the metanarrative.

do you hear the people sing?


Faith Goldy is a good girl.

Yeah plenty of denial of well established and accepted facts in that "Cucktionary." The bit about rapefugees was particularly obvious.

Taharush is an established and accepted fact.
The cover up of Cologne is an established and accepted fact.

Normies interpret it differently ("it's their culture" etc) but they don't deny it per se. Nobody but the faggot who wrote this denies it.

Just found out the faggot has a Twitter account (duh), but amazingly, no blue checkmark.

We don't give a fuck about your shit blog.


Also, more bullshit from Angry White Men about Kyle Chapman, jew, Rebecca Hargraves and Heather Heyer.

Fuck off, Kike.

So you're saying kikes use broad brushes to paint all whites as the enemy? Wonder of wonders, the secret is out.

Yes, on postmenopausal women, you total nigger. It's demonstrable.

>(((conclusive study)))

And, before I forget, here's Angry White Men's official reading list.

Tim Wise is listed there six fucking times.

doxing is never the solution.

DO something, nigger.




How do, without target vector, FBI?

I used to believe these organizations were tracking people other than each other, but then I came to the chaos and started feeding inflammatory bullshit to them. There wasn't the slightest capacity to detect my counterfeited signal from the background noise.

Sounds about right.

They're bound to get caught if they ask money for it like (((Logan Smith))) from YesYoureRacist.

trips confirm go to bed

anybody have a guess at their twitter email?

Can you imagine that being your life? hahaha we're hitting new levels of faggotry that shouldn't even be possible. Butthurt Trump haters think writing on a nothing site is doing something. Just day and night obsessed with writing gibberish for a nonexistent readership.

I like how they can't actually deny kikes run the banks and media, but just try to pretend it doesn't matter.

Guten nacht, mein fuher.

Checked. Enjoy some more salty freshness from the fag who runs this site.

Back in May, he got really salty about a Twitter trolling campaign and blamed 4chan for it. Naturally, the fag who runs this site doesn't like Sargon of Akkad, but he goes even further and tags his stinkpiece "Neo-Nazis".

Fucking hell. It's like they are trying to start the red pilling process for us.


The joke's on Angry White Men, because all his targets are deep cover CIA / SOCOM spooks.

Why should you or I care? Is this a humor thread?



demonstrable on men and not old hags?

lol, they always get triggered when someone misquotes lenin or marx

Here's some fresh salt about Paul Nehlen

As a matter of fact, yes, it is. We're having a laugh at idiots who conflate all meaningful criticism of progressivism and leftism as part of the alt-right, including imageboard shitposters. It doesn't matter to these idiots that Fascists and Nazis hate the alt-right. The blog's only concern is that there are voices out there dedicated to dismantling and criticizing their ideology.

owner here. submissions are always welcome!

You might as well add them. They've declare you an enemy, so return the favor.

On another note, here's some fresh bullshit.

These people are on our side.

Unintentionally, they do us plenty of favors.

If you think this blog was designed to be in support of our cause, then I strongly suggest reading this post:

i try to keep the entries as relevant as possible so not to "spam" the database with too much noise.
but i guess it doesn't hurt to add them.

feel free to update the entry if more relevant info comes up:

Dammn who are those girls? They are pretty cute desu

Read the file name, daze.

Yes. Of all (((gay shitlibs))) out there, that fat retard is by far the one most overdue for a coordinated bullyciding from Holla Forums. I'm actually shocked that it hasn't happened yet. How has he flown under the radar for so long? His blog and his dedicated followers are by far the most pozzed on the Internet today.

The good news is that, based on the latest from his blog, his health appears to be deteriorating. He scarcely posts anymore, though he appears to still be active on twitter occasionally.

There could be an nice opportunity here to aggravate his condition by raising his stress level via coordinated Twitter bullyciding.

Have at it Twitter anons -


He's snarky, but an irrelevant nobody who parrots the same shit that others get paid millions for. (((The oligarchy))) has plenty of other attractive charismatic individuals who can do the same job of typing, "Wow! Look at these mean bigots in X private outlet!", articles.

You're doing him a favor if you're preventing him from writing blog posts, instead encourage and persuade him to write more so that he can waste his time and money.


lipid peroxidation and free radicals from all the double bonds in polyunsaturated fats….

Ye PUFAs in general are estorgenic and carcinogenic. On many other places on the net fag diets and various seed and fish oils are pushed. It's pretty self perpetrating. Diet creates nu-males.
A lot of info was dumped here

Lots of info but can read in own time so don't peel resources from important threads or something.

Wait, so you're saying cod liver oil is lowering my T instead of helping me raise it?

nice try soyboy

"Harvard University analyzed the semen of 99 men, and compared it against their soy and isoflavone intake during the 3 previous months. What they found is that both isoflavone and soy intake were associated with a reduction in sperm count. Men in the highest intake category of soy foods had, on average, 41 million sperm/ml less than men who did not eat soy foods."

What the fuck? I hope not.
I've been slamming down natty PB and fish oil for a solid year now. Fugg.

Ukrainian soldiers, by the looks of the flag there.

I bet we can get a good dox from this.
the first 'like' belongs to Maria Technosux a anti fascist blogger who was convicted for cyber stalking in 2013 (404) (404)"mariatechnosux"

(Cyber Stalking source)

oi lad I'm
On the off chance you're still here I just want you to know that I did some digging. Take the anti-PUFA guys recommendations with a healthy dose of skepticism. From the looks of it he's trying to advocate a diet by a guy named Ray Peat. Quick search revealed that this Peat guy is anti-weight training (apparently because it produces lactic acid?). In other words he is a quack. I don't know about you but this more or less discredits him from giving diet or exercise advice in my books.

Also think about it this way: is eating salmon bad according to these guys? That is some bizarre shit.

Is that stuff W e e v says about Breivik true?
The pro-zionism/christianity stuff was all a ruse admitted by Breivik himself, and that he had actually carved Gungnir into his rifle before his shooting rampage?

those definitiins are actually pretty helpful.

If we make those required reading, then we might be able to reduced the required 2 years of lurking to 18 months or so.

That's one thing I can say about the "Cucktionary." The author of that blog clearly studied the alt-right closely enough to write that glossary of terms. They're all written from an awful POV, but the inaccuracies are few and far between. For us, this is the perfect resource to know exactly what our enemies are saying.

Hmm. Interesting. Not sure how much of a good lead she'll be, but interesting that this chick follows AngryWhiteMen nonetheless.

That cucktionary is fucking GOLD, i barely could have put it better myself

Here's some new content relating to Chris Cantwell and Tim Murdock.

Oh come on, this isn't even our term. Niggers invented it to label whores in their own communities, we're just using it.


these people even fail at failing

Holy shit… These guys actually *tried* to do their homework.

It's clear as crystal however that they're clearly descripting these memes in their own light… It's funny because the left cannot into sarcasm, irony or even humour so they take everything literally.

It has been proven that Soy contains phytoestrogens and that soy lecithin (the sort of waste product from soy you find in chocolate and processed shit) also includes xenoestrogens that not only increase the estrogen hormone but also converts testosterone into estrogen.

False, it has been proven time and time again that CNN and these other mainstream media shits are flying with actual fake news.

I could go on…
It's amusing how they write it in a way as if these things had no legit meaning behind them, they use words like "alledgedly" and "apparently". It's clear these guys are either dumb or simply haven't seen the hatefacts yet


It's literally just all Jewish leftist propaganda.

There's even 'dear white people a letter to a new minority by Tim fucking Wise!


That guy apparently listed Tim Wise six friggin' times. It's unreal.


She's a zionist whore who worked for Ezra Levant.

I've lurked here for years and have never once seen a "reverse echo."

jew and Mike Enoch mention on their podcast (at 46:20).

Blatant self-promotion.


These kikes control both sides, that's why so many "enemy" channels (MGTOW) use voice modulation and cross-promote the alt-right, they're run by the same people.
This is why the PUA community (Roosh) is regularly and consistently mentioned by "women of the right", they're running cross-promotion for one another.
This is why new "enemies" have their channels featured by (((our guys))) - to help their presence, and new (((our guys))) are 'attacked' by "MGTOW" and other "enemy" channels - promotion by your 'enemy' works better than direct promotion.
You also find very public faux "fallings out" between (((our guys))), e.g Evalion and Sinead and the friends-enemies-friends-enemies cycle. Drama and reverse psychology works 10 times better than "this e-celeb is a friend of mine, they're cool, visit their channel."
tl;dr they're all working together, in some cases different e-celebs on "opposing" side are played by one person.
The main "MGTOW" channel called "Sandman" cross-promotes people like Lauren Southern, uses heavy voice modulation and is probably female. Black Pigeon Speaks is larger example full of mutual cross-promotion and fake feuds.
The minor channels on both sides, "alt-right" and "manosphere" all bear the hallmarks of Rebel media sponsorship. Right out of the gate they have a full repertoire of licensed stock images, professionally made branding/caricature/video thumbnails in the Rebel media style (very uniform overall, with slight tweaks of customization for the channel, utilizing a particular font, particular title layout and a logo - the person's face in caricature if they are charismatic, otherwise an icon, a pigeon etc.)

Picture related, this is what cross promotion via reverse psychology looks like. BPS was claimed to be an enemy yet receives publicity and direct link to his content, the exact same thing is happening when Kike Enoch mentions "AngryWhiteMen".
This thread is native advertising for the channel.

Just look at it, the entire page is an advert for Red Ice and associated shills, Ayla Stewart (trannie and fake mother) being one of the main ones. 100% controlled opposition, courted by the MSM when real right-wingers are no-platformed.
Anyone from "our side" that you see on television or giving interviews to the newspapers is controlled opposition.
Seriously lads, wake the fuck up.

By the way, any lads who are still sucked in by this nasty piece of shit might want to do some digging. She(?) has a very shady past, has gone by many different aliases, is married to a convicted drug dealer (might explain why he is rarely mentioned and never appears on camera), allegedly came out as gay (page subsequently expunged from wayback machine) and was, apparently, a known con artist discussed on Twitter under the hashtag #ErinAylaLies.
Some of her aliases:
inb4 "but those allegations are made by sjws!"
They did the digging, so what? This cunt is milking the right as her latest scam.
Twitter of someone she has clearly pissed off, lots of pertinent information, much of it backed up by links and screenshots.

Erin Sigman, Erin Donnelly, Ayla Serenemoon, Ayla Israel and now, Ayla Serenemoon Stewart.

Just to add, for those who still aren't convinced that OP is using native advertising and the site is run by the same people it "attacks".
>this information is widely known amongst leftist, somehow our guys haven't caught on - probably because women espousing right-wing beliefs immediately disarm the thirsty men of the right, even when they're lying - yet OP's 'anti-White' site mentions none of it.
Use the brains God gave you and connect the fucking dots.

You're a fucking retard. Since it bears repeating, I'm a fan and follower of Jim Goad, so this came up after I just googled his name. This guy really hates him, so I then went around finding more content over there. This is honestly too rich to ignore, so I thought I'd make a thread here for our collective amusement.

So rather than deliberately shilling, you're just an unwitting meme vector who mistakes an alt-right advertising site for a militant lefty.
I'm sure you regret shilling now, your cunt Ayla Serenemoon Israel is getting exposed the fuck out.

But if you're actually legit then thanks for this opportunity to discuss alt-right cross promotion tactics and the background of some of the primary shills involved.

I didn't even know who that cunt was until you mentioned her.


You know why they dont talk about 8ch? Because its an irrelevant shithole for people who worship the most zionist president in history but tell themselves he is a secret hitler. You people are delusional, thats it

where's the lie though?
also, they're not even hiding it anymore. its no wonder women were duped into jewry by feminists. the 2nd wave were all kikesses.

Who is this guy again? I don't pay attention to Holla Forums tier nobodies

Anyone else know this feel?

Now THIS is a meme made by an old person.

Stewart is a jew name. Stuart isn't, Stewart is though.

It should be considered an honor to have an article about you published on that website.

It's basically a medal showing that you pissed-off ZOG.

Just one letter away from Chad culture!


I've started up a version of this website, but it's for angry black men instead. Check it out:

Why the fuck would they name it that? Are they so culturally ignorant that they don't realise that this sounds like a play on "Angry young men" which was a group of leftist novelists from the 50's?


Tumblr autohides your posts if you have more than five tags.


all of my posts have around thirty mate


you know not all Jews like other Jews right?
Fuck, all of these posts about WWAP are just blatant psychopathy. She's a fucking twitter handle, shes not getting anything out of this but attention, no money, no advertisement, just attention. So many people here are off the fucking rails.

I read a couple of the articles, and jesus christ it's like their cognitive dissonance is getting worse. Half of the arguments amount to just attributing "evil" motives to us.

oldwhitemales@gmail… ?

It appears to match the number of letters.


Okay, FBI.

Hmmm… Some sort of restraining device, you say?

Leftism is a religion. Compare and contrast it to other religions and you will see that it has all the hallmarks of a religion. And like all religions, they literally cannot comprehend why other people would think differently to themselves. They're mental children.

there's also this.


This is gold.