Good thing Trump is here to prevent outrageous violations of international norms by the shekelgrabbing yids.

Other urls found in this thread:

holy shit it actually is happening lololol


For sticky

russia and assad BTFO by israel again . what else is new ?(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

This better not be another cock tease like that last "Tweet" posted about 3 days ago.

Stickied. inb4 Israel nukes Damascus to get the evangelical support for WW3.

They bombed an Iranian base yesterday

I want to see the US nuke israel. please, give me this for Christmas.

You know they never will.
US is too attached to Israel.

Although, Russia or China might

For now.

exactly, things can change.

Good luck with that.

God bless Ameriga and Trump for the billions of dollars to Israel in foreign aid.
You may not have gotten Hillary elected but we might just end up getting that world war 3. Hopefully the Lion of Damascus retaliates.

reported for being a nigger


Wow Moishestienbergblatt, I'm glad you are bad at shilling tonight. Go suck start a shotgun

They're completely shutting it down.

OP is apparently a nigger too, but not as smelly or as apey as the ABCnigger poster.


North Korea got sanctions and didn't blow up anything except themselves. We have to stop giving these genocidal maniacs billions in aid every year and impose sanctions.

Is the thread shoah'd?

Best Korea is 6 million times better than Yidsrael. I hope Assad takes his veteran troops and wipes the floor with the heebs


muh sanctions.
Sanctions don't do shit newfaggot.



Realistically, what's he going to do?


They can, but don't always.

Nothing. The Israelis wouldn't be making a move without his approval in all likelihood.

You really do wonder, does the CIA purposefully fund terrorist organizations just to test new technologies they have?

Not be a kike puppet and tell the retarded burgers the truth

Not be a useless dumpster for circumcised cock?

They would end a nation of useless sandniggers waiting for the messiah in a couple of months.


They already have made moves without american approval. They are attacking SAA. That is what this thread is about. This isn't the first time either.

Realistically? Watch as other countries get pulled into WW3 and ignore their begging for the US's help. Get pulled in at the last minute when a real ally who's also staying out gets attacked and absolutely ruins a dozen country's armies.

Fuck off shareblue. What don't you understand about 1488D chess?
The God Emporer will surely BTFO Israel.


Tell that to Rhodesia.

Really? Iran has had tougher sanctions than norks and they are doing alright. They are only fighting two proxy wars and they aren't falling apart economically. Sanctions are bullshit. Kike nonsense to please normalfaggots.

Rhodesia was doomed the moment Russia and Burger started backing gommie nigger hordes. Sanctions didn't help but they just really prevented the Rhodesians from getting heavy arms. If you haven't noticed it's not hard to get heavy arms in this modern world if you got the cash.

If we cut the zionist entity off the white taxpayer tit, it would dry up and blow away and every jew in existence knows it.

Also China,Cuba and Libya.

thanks for the sound warning you dense inconsiderate motherfucker

Just because the jews in Israel wouldn't exist doesn't mean the kikes hidden in our lands wouldn't still hold their capital. Until National Socialism gasses them all we are forever doomed to be capitalist kike slaves.

Iranians haven't relied on billions of welfare dollars from America for decades. Parasitic Israelis will have no choice but to start eating each other.

But there won't be sanctions of course because the Rothschild colonies don't give the orders.

Why do you have the sound so high? Don't blame me because you have headphones on and the volume blasting.

What the fuck did you think would happen when you clicked on it it's not even loud you stupid fuck.

That's a bit harsh.
We need more graphics on the origin of Israel, btw.

Where do you think we are.jpg

Hypothesis: A jewish state cannot last long no matter how much external support it has, because it always gravitationally collapses into its own footprint of jews fractally jewing jews.

I know where we are faggot, that was still a bit harsh.

get rekt faggot.

That's what the jews want you to think. Even though American foreign aid to Israel amounts to approximately 2%-3% of Israeli GDP, the kikes have convinced you (and not only you) that without these 2%-3% of Israeli GDP, Israel is completely toast; therefore, they had you believe that cutting off the aid is a sufficient measure to destroy Israel. This is plainly false.

It's a good start, but it won't collapse the entity.

What's new?

The kikes cries as he strikes you.

Would it be smart if Syria or perhaps Iran created a foreign volunteer corp?

It might be saved from a fate worse than Venezuela by destruction from war with neighbors who will attack Israel within hours if it breaks relations with its hosts. But, of course, you will say Israel's military doesn't need America or based UK to fight for them.

Remember to use your meme magic and lend support to a great cause

Check 'em!

Can't mossad the ASSAD

Im not same user but of course it needs burger military to fight for it. It doesn't mean its economy will crash if you pull the aid out. THey need to be glassed no exceptions.

Long night, shill-kun?

I bet Soros would short the shit out of it.

As far as neighbors go, the kikes have only Assad in Syria and Hezbollah in Lebanon to fear; all the others have been CIA'd into oblivion. And, given the subject of this thread, it doesn't seem like they are very afraid.

Perhaps they'd be more cautious about bombing everything with warplanes if the foreign aid were cut off (probably), but it's the damn jews we're talking about, they are unpredictable nutcases.


Serious question guys, is a western volunteer corps for Assad a feasible idea? Were the kurds only able to have one because normies like communism?

Bombing a sovereign nation is not a fucking symphony. Jews can't even tweet without jewing.

Well you wont technically be fighting for israel if israel doesn't exist after its glassing.

The kurds are a pentagon asset.

Likewise there is no way I can prove myself to not be a shill, so we both lose.



No. Its a liability at best.


Then you are a newfaggot. Blumpfh love is done from the moment he was officially in the seat.

This is true.

They couldn't have gotten where they did without US, and the military resources they're given access to are top-end shit, but they're not entirely reliant upon the US.

Again, no way to prove I've been here longer for you, so we both lose.

OK then, riddle me this - what were you intending when you submitted the post with pro-Trump material? You do know the topic of this thread is another jew attack on Syria, right? How did your posts help contribute context to this thread?

No thanks.

You cant just download with the link? You need a new program to download videos from youtube. Its too long to post the mp4.

It's the meme of Trump not being a shabbos goyim and glassing Israel. They're also known as delusions. The Trump delusions?

It's literally nothing more than a reaction image, get over yourself and stop being a paranoid schizophrenic.
Polite sage for off-topic



Fuck this nigger.

Give it to ME Santa Trump.

You are incorrect, tabecause you are only looking at numbers. The foreign aid Israel receives is not just cash, their entire economy runs on it, they receive the brute material for their military and civilian production from outside entities (Israeli land is poor as shit and can barely produce anything of value). For example they receive US tech aid in the form of raw materials wich they turn into radars and then sell it back to the USA (and the USA's enemies, as well), since they hold monopolies on aq variety of high-end tech items, wich never get overturned since they control the US congress.

Are you starting to get the picture now?


Everything you just described is how AID works.
The jew who is inherently a merchant will sell to everyone.

So who's going to make a sign
for the next Trump rally? Anyone?

reposting here because nobody saw it on the other thread and it has dropped off

Maybe you shouldn't remind everyone Hillary's not in prison you stupid shill. You're going to get fired if you keep this up.

Interesting points both of these; I'll have to investigate more to make up my own mind.

Be that as it may, the jews are really invested into the whole narrative of:
Which narrative is probably not very truthful, for obvious reasons.

It's ok to gas rats. Assad, you have a pass. Do it.

Reminder that the eternal jew is the enemy of the white race. Hitler was too soft on then when he thought he could just resettle them out of Europe. All heebs must go.

Yep. That's what they do. Infiltrate a society, destroy it from within, then move on to the next one. For eternity.


Assad/Putin are in a difficult position. Strike back and the US will strike. Defend too hard and Israel will strike harder. They're best bet seems to be to push the information out about Israel's crimes and wait.


Said the reporter, as he loads up his screen capture software.

yeah, they don't want to use their best anti missile tech because then the US will know how it works and begin developing counter measures. This is a sign that israel is getting desperate though. Assad is about to secure a much better supply line from Iran

Poor Trump. Leader of the free world with the loudest bully pulpit in history, but he just can't seem to do anything about those dern jews. I wonder if he's going to recognize Jerusalem as the zionist capital like rumors imply?


Ch-checking those Hitler dubs for Trump being the last president of the united states of jewmerrica and out of the ashes rising a 1000 year American Reich.

my friend wants to know what the name of that wholesome cartoon is

Patience is paying off, and there's been zero retaliation from the US which makes me wonder how much of Trump's "blah blah Iran" talk is just talk while he looks the other way.

Thinking about it: If the US has forces in Syria that then limits what the kikes can do. No nukes, no massive raids, no ground invasion (ha! never happen anyway). The US troops could be there acting as a buffer between Syria/Assad and what the kikes really want to do. If Israel goes completely off the chain and kills US soldiers it's going to be a wake-up call to the "our greatest ally" brigade in the US.

Gas yourself.

*Zero retaliation that I know of other than that first attack at the start of Trump's term.

If we go to war I call dibs on the Kagan family.

At this point, it seems like Israel is actively trying to provoke Assad into retaliating against it, so that the jews will have (feel like having) a casus belli to go "full maniac."

Not sure what this strategy is supposed to culminate in, though. It's not like Russia would let Israel topple Assad. Frankly, it does look like they are risking WWIII with this unhinged, reckless shit. Weird MO.

Yeah, Trump's gonna be the last President of "America." After him, something else will arise.


Degenerate incest chinese cartoon number 294.

How's junior high treating you this year?

the only problem with that theory is that the US troops are in the north allied with the kurds, which are locked out from a land route to israel. the kurds are in yellow. Also interesting, the rebel pocket in the south west is being maintained by the US military at al-tanf, they have orders to destroy anything within a certain radius of the base. I would expect this to be the main israeli position in syria, other than golan heights and surrounding pockets of rebels and isis.

Try forming an argument

Never mind. I see your MO.

You seem a little triggered.

*south east, fug, i'm retarded

Nigger, do you know where you are? I was shitposting with gore on newsgroups before your mother thought not swallowing you was a good idea.

Back in the day gore was hard to come across too. You had to be tactical when dropping it.

Not that user, but here

Goring is boring.

These have been posted already. You've put them in a few threads. Same images. same post format.

Damn right he is.

So as long as the kikes say muh Iran they get to bomb Syria with impunity? I haven't seen any proof of Iranian targets being hit. Its all very convenient isn't it?

Are you the fabled Holla Forums boomer? What do you think of our greatest ally?

Think of the children!

And Israel isn't interested in the Kurds so US definitely not acting as a buffer then.


My argument is that these supposed "anons" are astroturfing for trump. He's done nothing but suck israel's cock for the year he's been in office, his cabinet is full of neocon kikes, and so is his family. If you're stupid enough to think he's on the same side as Holla Forums you're a fucking retard. Or were you just pretending?

Just be yourself tbh.


I guess US is just staying in kurdland to have yet another military base and fuck with Iran. Once Assad clears all the rebel pockets that's when the cards will be laid on the table


X. Most boomers could barely manage a computer for email back then.


Seems like you "three" are the ones astroturfing.

nice thumbnail

The eternal cadrenigger.

I guess you're not just pretending.

4 posts of nothing. Totally didn't switch IPs.

Berry organic.

Wasn't it obvious from the very start that Trump is a zionist, but not as extreme a zionist as Cruz or Rubio? Pretty sure it has always been common knowledge. Not sure why anons still debate this boring issue.

Honestly I never used to want to exterminate the kikes. Years and years of the same shit, the same arguments, just having to listen to them and all that has changed. "The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you" indeed.
I wish a nigger would. jews will never change their behavior, jew is what they are, jew is what they do.

more like redrawing the map while everyone is distracted by christmas then claiming it was always like that come new year.

>muh astroturfer boogeyman! everyone who disagrees with me is an astroturfer!
ayy lmao



How do you expect to win by fighting the jews? Everyone with a brain knows that's how the jews win!! Sad!


4 winds, armadillo hinds.



you are the worst poster.

Not an argument.

Reported, enjoy your ban.

well, i can see trying to have insightful conversation about the war in syria here is a waste of time


>why is the no quality to the debate
wew ladder.

Stop avatarfagging my sides


US judgment on this is fatally flawed at best. ameriga and judenland make new facts on the ground, but the facts don't add up to a story that makes sense, and it inevitably explodes into its own power vacuum or ends up spilling over our own doorstep in a variety of ways. The jews are probably creating the conditions for their own extermination right now. Every time they get themselves into trouble they double down on stupid until people finally get tired of it and shoah them.

Filtered and reported for shitposting.

How often do stickies generate insightful conversation?


The resident ponyposters are doing their ebin raid i see

To be honest, the issue is complicated and seems to have no simple solution

Stickies are only for one line reaction posts to the OP, duh.

ayy kekmao

Cheetah's aren't horses you fucking retard

Oh user, there's a very simple solution…

I have a solution. A final solution.

It's actually quite simple.

I can get behind this

America should not even be involved in this conflict. We should pull out of the region, and whatever happens to Israel is their own problem. On that same note, we should withdraw our troops from all over the world. We gain nothing from keeping the peace between shitskins. Let them kill each other and grab the popcorn.


You are ponyposters

Well, I know (((who))) gains from all this shitfest, and they just happen to own the US and it's armed forces.

The solution is armed revolt against the kike controlled golem government of the USA and other western countries that have strong financial ties to Israel. You can't vote the jew out of power, all you can do through the democratic process is have the jew throw the goyim a bone so that he calms down and doesn't reach for his AR-15.

Now this is just delicious

Sorry not derailing just want to know if that pic legit. I'v seen it to many time and now need to know.

Whatever you say avatarfaggot

Reported for avatarfagging.

Pretty much everything about Iran and Quds is missing here, they are the ones that whipped the fucking arabs into shape well before the russians showed up, this is pretty accurate otherwise but assads military was kinda shit before quds unfucked their shit, as was the iraqi army. Now they are both very competent and experienced, Its amazing how sionistas fucked themselves in the ass with this entire Syria op, all of their enemies are now stronger inshallah, the sionista has made his bed and now he must lie in it, let us hope the cornered, wounded dog does not do anything drastic in its final moments

How are you going to have an armed revolt if you can't legally organize? No, what will likely happen is the US either getting nuked, the economy finally crashing, or both. By that point there would be so much generalized civil unrest that the federal government will be unable to maintain control over several large areas, which could easily either secede (there are a lot of places that want to secede already) or become active focuses of organized resistance against the government. Much of the military could defect to those groups, or simply be too occupied fighting wars for Israel to keep the peace on the mainland.

Kek slow down user I can only drink so many tears at once!

It's too late for organizing a revolt against the government since the prime recruits for such an endeavor that have been dissatisfied with the way the country was heading are now magapede zealots who love Israel because they fight against muslims and daddy Trump said that Syria LITERALLY gasses babies.
Now it'll probably happen the way you described it.

So anything else going on beside the shitposting? What Syria responds? Iran responds or Russia.

I for one welcome the Holla Forums empire of the Midwestern States of America.

You guys were posting cheetas and ponies in that CP thread in B

Were already at war for Christmas.

Off yourself.

Reported for avatarfagging.

This was so obvious even before the election but everyone who pointed at these connections got their posts deleted and were banned.
Pro trump ads temporarily were the main source of income for the site owner and i wouldn't be surprised if the money for funding pisswater came from same goldwater institute.


Unfortunately it's probably a nothingburger, just like all the last times israel bombed something and the arabs didn't do shit. I'm worried about saud right now; there could be a countercoup at any moment, and the cryptokike House of Saud has been coming out of the closet about their relationship with the jewish state so-called. Yemen/Houthi rebels just executed the ex-president and they took the Yemeni capital of Sana'a, a huge victory for them and a big consolidation of power. Things are very much on edge and the kikes stirred the pot like always. We'll see if it boils over - or perhaps, when.

Like pottery.

It might, but we should also keep in mind that the federal government has spent a shit ton of money on counter-insurgency preparations. FEMA camps, microchips, NDAA, Patriot Act and all those will make it very easy to openly arrest whites who do not immediately comply.

There is also the fact that a significant portion of the armed forces is composed of shitskins, and who do you think those will be loyal to when the time comes? All that counter-terrorist training they recieve is not for fighting Al-Qaeda, is for killing you.

Seceding from the FED octopus and it's jewish arms might not be as easy as it seems. All anons who are able should do their best to become local leaders of their respective communities.



What's to worry about, sounds great?

The US can not fight a war in it's back yard. Shitskins have proven time and time again to be grossly incompetent. And the US rarely pays attention to it's own intel.

All the counter-insurgency shit goes out the window when it actually happens.

The jews will be exposed to all as the evil they truly are before the year is up.
Don't forget user, we are still on the

A countercoup of saud's worst hitmen and terrorist factions could be in the cards. Basically, the same guys as daesh, just with the legitimacy of the saud state behind them. Such a thing is probably possible. All those very rich men the saudi government just shook down for gibs, some of them have some pretty serious terrorist connections, there could be an ISIS-type coup take power there.

Get in the spirit, user. Does it really matter who nukes Israel? We all want it to be the U.S, but I'd be happy to see Israel nuked by anyone.

While the fedgov has spent a shit ton of money on counter-insurgency, somehow they still aren't very good at. Afghani goat herders gave both us and the russians a hell of a fight. An ethnic revolt with high IQ whites fighting an insurgency would be nearly impossible to manage.

nice bump
The same way trump threatened to make mexicans pay for the wall could be easily applied for israel

Trump has the power to end donating tens of billions to jews and sending stupid goyim to die in their place in wars they started. He wouldn't even consider stopping it.

Shit now that you put that way, what if this is a distraction from SA?

Sorry worded that out wrong. What if this is a distraction to hide what going to or about to happen to SA.

Probably, but remember they will have a lot of firepower backing them, while all we're going to have are rifles (and whatever the few white military dudes who decide to join us bring with them). All I'm saying is that it will be much easier to form our own Holla Forums states if we become local centers of gravity for our communities to gravitate towards, otherwise the eternal normalfag will simply follow the federal government into the FEMA camps where they will be disarmed and genocided.

Which is why we should start cementing our leadership from now.

I want as much chaos as possible to come to SA. Bring it

Leadership is absolutely critical. However I'm not sure how to go about that at this time. The kikes love to set up leaders for anyone they don't like. i.e. Mike Enoch. And one thing the fedgov actually is good at is infiltration and surveillance. Traitors are to be killed first of course, but one at the top is a disaster.

They'd be backed by israel and the united states though. Honestly, there's not even that much difference between saud and israel and there's long-standing rumors that the house of saud might actually be jewish. They could become one big happy family, if they double down on stupid, like they always do, and finally light a really major war and then get ZOG burger soldiers killed.

Enoch and his likes are controlled opossition, IMO we shouldn't try to expand any intellectual movement outside of our local communities for that same reason, and also be very clear to those we manage to redpill about sharing information with kikes.

It's not infallible, but the more independent cells the harder it will be for CIA to infiltrate them, since there will be too many of them. AFTER shit hits the fan is when each cell becomes linked to each other, and starts communicating so that a larger, better armed, and organized point of resistance can be formed.

Reported for avatarfagging.

oh please tell me this is a real tweet do you have a source

This is heaven.

Well as I see it there is no way out but through. They'll expect some of us in the wreckage.

I couldn't find the tweet in question on their timeline, But I did find this.

According to someone on the comments, it was deleted.

Why do the Israeli bombings never appear on the Syrian civil war map?

A lot of fire power they can't use. They would start WW3 before they allowed Civil War in the states. Putting people in camps is the worst fucking thing they could do. It is the ultimate red pill. Sure many will die but the liberated will have no choice but join or die. You can't save everyone even many of us will die it is the nature of all things.

How so? Many times anons do this without realizing it.

Remember anons aren't normalfags we're the boogeyman they've been afraid of. A group of stand alone people willing to act out different parts that seem meaningless until you look at the whole picture.

Just because one user is LARPing doesn't mean the next user doesn't have an entire armed milita ready to go.

Their waiting on Jared Kushner. Next year things are going to get very weird.

By weird do you mean jewish? Because really seem like they're continuing to get more jewish, and at an accelerating pace, to me. I would like to believe that we have passed Peak Jew but I am not optimistic.

Jesus Christ. What a tolerant and diverse police department.


He who controls the corn controls the world.

the mp4 shows IS propaganda "exposing" syrian rebels working with the west
but we already now the west funds rebels
this video is misleading to those who don't read around the topic or those who don't read the text that appears ON the video
o fright who made the fire rises video?

Waiting for Trump to justify the israeli aggression.

Check how many are 'hidden' in your lands.
Depending on estimates and definitions, there are between 10-20 million of that bloodline in the US.
More than israel.

so many shills in this thread, anyone got that list of Trumpa ccomplishment that was posted a few weeks ago? am at work and can't post it, it was separated into the various subjects



Are you trying to make us look like a joke, user


I was eating pic related when I read that and almost choked to death on irony you magnificent bastard.

Inshallah habebe, inshallah.


Hemroidal prolapsed faggots BTFO

'Sanctions' is new-speak for 'siege'.

In a siege, you cut off all outside supplies and wait for them to weaken or surrender.

In american/nato terms, instead of surrounding their castle and killing anyone who tries to go in or out of it - you just threaten every other country in the world with being invaded/bombed/besieged/nuked and halt all imports/exports.
This includes food, medical supplies, energy and so on.

Prime example:
After the first iraq war, they had littered the country with depleted uranium, blown up all the power stations, hospitals and so on.
They then laid down a decade long siege whereby the people in iraq, now contaminated with nuclear waste from the american munitions, had 1/3 of the population affected by leukemia and other cancers and birth defects. No medical supplies going in, no food.
Country was reduced to a shell of itself, it had been a second world country beforehand. Then, go back and finish them off with almost no resistence.

dipshit, the Israelis almost never do this type of shit without State Dept approval

who are these guys with the bandanas?

Why would he have to? Not even Fox Jews or Kikebart are reporting this. The Magapedes know really nothing about Syria.

In b4 jidfpedes call you a Jew for pointing out this obvious truth


Oy vey! our Shabbos Goy, Trump is very bad, but /OurSemites/ (((Shelomova))) and (((Assad))) are totally based, amirite (((fellow White people)))?

Shutup Israel you're the one bombing Syria.

Now jewry is finishing up USA, and looks like they've been shifting focus to other countries..

The parasitical wars, the flood of opioids, the debt slavery, the gradual destruction of industries, bastardization of culture, racial degradation… All this has happened in a relatively short time.

Why should any self-respecting NatSoc care if one semite country destroys another? Only (((semites))) would care and post dank memes about based (((Assad))), (((Shelomova))) and (((Ali))).
hebrew, arab, jewish, muslim, sunni, shia, alawite - they are all subhuman scum and I laugh and celebrate their deaths.

What did he mean by this?

If you don't like NatSocs using your browser, delete it.


Israel is not keeping the peace. Now that the West has a chance to restore some semblance of peace in Syria and therefore send back refugees and asylum seekers, what does Israel do? None other than make the situation unsafe so that the West must keep the refugees.

To think that this Jew would has the gall to mock us by telling us to disregard the aggression of Israel.

semites are always trying to trick Aryans into choosing sides in their petty, meaningless squabbles.
let them all die, jews, arabs, hebrew, muslim, they are literally the same genetic stock of subhuman filth.
i hope israel and syria destroy each other and all their dirty semite blood fills the desert shitholes these snakes crawled out of.

It cant happen. Israel is the zone for the end of the world. The moment they finish the Third Temple we're all fucked. No way around it other than to find ways to delay the construction.

Its pretty obvious this is nothing to do with choosing sides and everything to do with advancing Western interests. At this point your failure to see that denying the West the ability to create a safe environment in home countries and therefore repatriate these refugees and asylum seekers is a bad thing makes pretty clear who's side you are on.

no one cares about "the west" or "western interests" here, moishe. you know as well as i do that both of those terms refer to semite interests, not Aryan's.
the refugee issue is a red herring, which is what i'd expect a semite like you to attempt to ruse the Aryans with.
Aryans are not worried about sending the refugees back because we will liquidate them in place when the time is right.
and it will soon, so get ready for the rope

Lay off the soy faggot.

it's not like we have a history for doing exactly that, right rabbi?

What history are you talking about Rabbi?

who's talking about the holohoax, rebbi? oh that's right, you always need to invoke that word if every argument, lest we forget your (((suffering))).
you're just a semite paid by other semites to try and influence Aryans.
this is a board for Aryan NatSoc, not for shitskin subhuman semitic filth like you.
and yes, we will liquidate our enemies eventually,both in our own homelands and in yours.
that's not a larp, that's a sacred vow.

On who's authority do you vouch it against larper?
That's right you don't have the guts to make the vow because you're just larping.

Now be quiet and run along child.

[semitism intensifies]





dec 14th - net neutrality ends, ISPs can do what they will
dec 18th - twitter, which drives much of the alternative news cycle, initiates twittercaust

thats when it starts, thats when the assholes try to take out trump etc. with squelched voices on the right.

You assume, once again, that its without American approval. Its not like they're going to come out and SAY as much, but they wouldn't likely be acting if they didn't know the US was on standby in the event their dick-waving suggests consequences.

To add to this TLDR
the 'peaceful protesters' are foreign mercs employed to shoot both sides as per standard CIAnigger doctrine. Met one who was there.


It's like them fighting means I win, but in another sense no outcome is a complete victory.

"syrian rebels" is just news speak for ISIS, so they dont have to say US forces are working with ISIS on the news.

Thank you, based mods!

< Muh western interests
< Calling them people.
You´ve been found out!

Uh, he- he's using rusty bucket-bombs on his own people now.

I think the whole barrel bomb shit was a good redpill for normies.
There has been unrest about middle east troops in iraq and afghanistan for like 10 years yet overnight some faggot allegedly drops a toilet filled with tnt and every single media outlet is on the warpath.

Practically set up Trumps fake news campaign for him.

I couldnt see Russia doing it for any reason, but China is very involved in the geopolitics of the area. They mine resources from, and build infrastructure in these middle eastern countries, all the while the western world bombs them. I believe their biggest ally in the region is Saudi Arabia though and their relationship with them comes before any other country. In the end if WW3 did come about china would align with the Sunni countries. And I actually believe The Shia countries would be aligned with the United stated along with Russia, this would include Israel. So China may nuke us all one day.

I hate jews and israel with the alltime highest level of hatred possible. I hate jews and israel for reasons not completely related to this post. All jews and israelites are bloodsucking vampires. All they care about is ripping off people and jewing other people's money. Nuke israel. Destroy all jews

yes, and?

Saudi Arabia beasties with the JewSA.
Aswell as Isreal, the royal family been kikes and all.

No way they would side with china.

No. It'd be funnier if NorK launched a nuke and it hit Israel squarely.

I'm stealing that line user.

Why nuke it when you can conquer it faggot?


This still happens in all the stickied threads that suck the Kike Puppet's cock. Try following one.

Look, if you want Christmas to be strong, teach people what it means. Stop giving in so easily to the shills who want you to "fight" for it. They're trying to make you spend huge amounts of money on expensive gifts and decorations to virtue signal about saving Christmas, all while functionally undermining it with dispiriting fight-memes. In terms of really saving the Christmas memeplex, you'd be better served with making your own decorations and giving away some December handicrafts, too.

We did not want this war, but now they have forced it upon us, it is every Aryan's duty to eradicate every last jew from the face of the earth.
Heil Hitler

sticking up for yoirself isnillegal>>10999942

God bless based Assad.

Can't Mossad the Assad


Israel fighting their own war? Kind of an OK stocking stuffer. Them losing would be a great gift under the tree. My guess is Trump sold them our shit and told them to go play by themselves, god willing we made a return on those flying shitboxes we call F35's

What did he mean by this?

Israel is a parasite nation, any cut off of external support will do irreparable damage.

An excellent opportunity to get the idea of "not supporting Israel" into the public mindspace of the normiesphere and normalize it.

"Israel are bombing civilians and creating the next wave of poor, suffering refugees!"


Nigger, they're going to end it everywhere if they get pushed into a corner. Thankfully good ole USA is Zionist controlled through and through and Trump will never leave best allies behind

Samson option is as real as the holocaust.

Alright schlomo, you may have convinced America and the retards that reside within that you're a poor innocent country in need of that extra $3+ billion each year, but we all know you're lying money grubbers who would do anything to see the world in chaos

I get that Russia is not doing anything, neither is Assad, so the world can maybe see Israel for what they really is. But when is Russia going to deploy some S400's to shoot down Israeli airplanes to protect Assad.

By the way, doesn't Assad have some S300's? I recall them downing an Israeli F-35 a while back, what's going on now? Unless Syria is purposefuly letting information out about fake Hezbollah positions to bait the Israelis, letting the kikes bomb their stuff is getting out of hand by now.



Israel almost definitely has nuclear capabilities, but portable nukes in most capital cities ready to detonate should they throw a hissy fit? It sounds too convenient to kike interests that everyone should believe that.

That had nothing to do with DU. Iraq has the highest incidence of consanguinity (cousin-fucking) in the known world, around 55% of Muslims there are the product of cousin marriage.
Generation after generation of cousin marriage causes a hugely elevated rate of congenital defects.
The only reason it seemed to increase after the war is that the Red Cross was now highly active in Iraq, keeping stats and publishing photographs.
tl;dr DU blamed for the consequences of shitskin behaviour.
inb4 article is about Pakis not Iraquis - yes, Iraquis are even worse for consanguinity

Another copy with the most salient part highlighted.
3% of the births, 30% of the defects. Finding a large minority of deformed children in a muslim maternity ward is completely routine (iirc around 30% are born with some type of defect).

All paid for by the British taxpayer cradle to the grave btw.

Oh, you don't need to tell 'me' that, user. I used to see a short, fat, Religion of Cuck™ic baby-factory waddling the streets when I was a schoolboy. no, she didn't live in my neighbourhood, none of them did 'back then' She had a kid a bit younger than me, at least, the one who was already able to walk, and he had a club foot. As the other children grew up and more were churned out, I noticed a common theme in their appearance: weak, gangly arms and legs, an inelegant gait, and club feet.
I kid you not that by the time I was in my 20s there must have been 5 or 6 of them, all with the same defect, all with special shoes paid for by the NHS and god knows what medical interventions and physio.
They would all walk together in a pack, every few years the line would get longer.
Now as a middle-aged gen X'er I see the next two generations of that ONE SINGLE INVADER, still walking to and from school in a pack, still swinging club feet.
That one fat invader womb has become 10,20,30? "Brits".



HOLY FUCKING shit can we stop with the false pretense that using zyklon B would be effective in any way to kill a huge population of people. Zyklon B never killed one fucking jew. It killed the fucking typhus carring lice and mice that were all over him and his shoes, and his hair, and his yamalca but for sure it didnt fucking kill him. FUCK thats the same with the fuck ing stupid Throw em in the oven bullshit. 3 SINGLE PERSON CREMATORIUM OVENS DO NOT BURN 18000 PEOPLE PER DAY LEAVING NOTHING AT ALL. IT IS FUCKKNG IMPOSSIBLE. FUCKING jews died, oh boohoo, of all the nations who lost civilians Jews were very very very low on that list. I know i couldnt really call them a nation because they really hadnt created israel yet but oh well , and fuck my spelling

No one's saying the holocaust ever happened, user. We're just saying it should.

still waiting to hear the down side


Time to start warming up the gas chambers.

Respect the robot.
Also remember all those times Israel sterilized muh poor Africans. It'd be a shame if it went viral.

Can't Mossad the Assad

you ain't gonna mossad that assad

Because the jews own our politicians. The few that aren't jewish themselves.

Assad the unmossadable


It's an interesting angle for sure. We were apparently supposed to be extra discussed by the use on cheap non-standard snapped munitions. There is something to that. For instance one wouldn't perform a SWAT raid on a respected citizen while dressed like slobs. A show of prosperity and decorum is expected to be displayed along with the raw power.

tiger forces have met up with regular SAA on the DeZ route, two pathetic pockets of ISIS left in region


heh, she leads with the whitest looking one, then in descending order, also, I didn't know arab women were doing that awful eyebrow thing too

gas the kikes

any pics of her with those pencils shoved in her vag?

You do know the people of the Levant were originally a Mediterranean people that you could argue were white? That is before they got raped by the Arabs and the Turks. Not to say that there isn't a caste system which can allow some of that old white blood to survive comparatively untainted.

yeah, phoenicians were basically white. as white as the ancient greeks anyway. wasn't until after Religion of Cuck™ that they got raped the fuck out by ppls from the arabian peninsula

its beginning to look a lot like kike-mass
gas the kikes right now

You goyim should consider yourself lucky to die for Israel. Enjoy Iran, retards!