
the downward facing nostrils in the first picture are semitic as fuck. the spacing of her brows is suspicious, her wide and deepset eyes with a slightly sloping forehead, low hairline and slight bump on the bridge of her nose are giveaways

time to work on your crypto kike detection skills, boys

Other urls found in this thread:

She is just a bait for normies. It is still unclear who is the handler. She actually does no harm to Holla Forums apart the flooding of faggots that wish to be OPs.

Is she a crypto kike?
Probably not, but she is a coalburner controlled OP.
Polite Sage.

Hadn't really seen it until that third pic, bitch does look semitic as fuck.

her first point of public (political) contact was ezra levant, who has links to CSIS


Anchor incoming

Checked. So, it is a question I asked a few times around here but there is no absolute consensus on the answer: why the kikes are sending normies to Holla Forums? Dilution could be an answer but they may be jewing a bigger picture as usual.

Daily anti Lauren Southern thread like clockwork.

I'll take her off of yours hands, anons. I'll bite the bullet and get with her so that none of you have to. No need to thank me for my martyrdom; I do it for the greater good and I do it for free.


naw cuz, lauren deserves to be taken down. so do all liars, thieves and thots.


You don't understand. When I said I would ruin you 6 months ago I was dead serious. When the eclipse came I reminded you again. Here you are now, ruined

Don't think she's a kike. She did fuck a half-breed nigger at one point though.

I will deliver your next takeout. Do you like spicy?

Te gusta caliente?

Gefalt dir wurstig?

Voliš vruče?



This legacy (((they))) have will finally fail them. They are just a gifted one trick pony doin' it all over again - their problem is that this time too many goyim know and these goyim are too scattered on the planet to catch them all in a single war that would leave (((them))) untouched and free to reload the Holohoax.

It's clear she shills herself online. Stop giving her attention.

Lauren Southern is shit but this thread is shittier. sage.


anyone ever figure out who that girl with Jeffrey Epstein is? kinda reminds me of a young miley cyrus

True. She's a fucking jew.

Typical chipmunk kike features, too. Learn to recognize them, pol.