Good News / Salt Thread
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VOTE WAS 7 to 2 in favor
It should be pointed out that the Muslim ban only applies to countries that aren't willing satrapies of NATO. It doesn't apply to Morocco, Algeria, Turkey, or Albania, despite the heinous record of their people in Europe. It doesn't apply to turbonigger cesspits like Chad, Cameroon, or Nigeria.
Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen are the affect countries. I think Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen speak for themselves as to why they are included.
They added Chad though.
Getting deja'vu. When's Hawaii 9th district going to block another step in the process?
Did they? I was going off of a Wikipedia entry on "Exectutive Order 13769".
This is what's called a
It is now officially recognized that Trump
to groups that he should deem detrimental to the country.
Before you know it,
will be considered "detrimental" and because this is a precedent, if we continue this upward trend, a future president could say
are detrimental. This could however backfire spectacularly should we lose all our ground in which a massive kike will make
yep, they added chad. there is rumors they are going to add Sudan and Yemen but they were tied up with the courts being jackasses.
What is going on with the ban, Is the it in place? I remember it going into affect or ratified or something shortly after trump was elected but get stopped by some cuck challenging it and havent heard a peep of it since.
How new are you user.
Given that whites are the majority of the population, majority of the military and majority of gun owners, that's not likely to happen in the near future. Yes, it could happen if whites become a minority, but if that happens were proper fucked anyway.
it was blocked by some cuck judge in hawaii and delayed until the supreme court decided on it.
Salt mining thread when?
as someone who traveled recently it was being enforced fully but the cuck-courts were still trying to overturn it.
It's still a travel ban, and now an enforced travel ban. What more could you possibly want during these times?
I want to believe but are there any other sources? I'm not seeing anything about this anywhere other than that tweet. I figured the salt would be pouring into the streets and the President immediately smugging on twitter at something like this.
Much, much, much longer-tenured than most of the board. You can tell because I'm not clued in on the ins and outs of the Trump administration. That's more of the domain of you campaign arrivals. I put "trump muslim ban countries" into a search engine and was comfortable with the first results.
This isn't trending on Twitter yet, but what is trending is the state of Utah because Trump signed some proclamation about taking national park land out of the federal governments hands. There's some salt about that.
So what, does he canonically get shot or something?
There's your problem.
Genocide you fucking faggot. I want a genocide and I want it 50 years ago.
which (((search engine)))?
Don't ask disingenuous questions.
From AP article:
Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor would have left the lower court orders in place.
I'm sure everyone here is shocked.
Thats because there is reliable intelligence in those places.
Some countries choose to implement a milder version of Marxism. Like Canada.
Here, straight from the lugenpresse:
We get it Hitler.
Thanks user. Just now I'm starting to see a couple places pick up on it too, can't wait for the incoming salt.
No, it's because they are amenable to general zionist agenda.
Meanwhile, the Saud Abomination is the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world except maybe the kikes, and I don't know how Trump manages to keep his tongue out of either of their assholes long enough to give a speech.
Just filter me if you don't like it. Why don't you file a report while you're at it, you little ziofag?
Will you stop acting like a kike? I swear to Christ, some of you faggots are worse than the kikes with their 'muh antisemitism' shit.
Criticism of kikes is not anti-semitism and criticism of Trump is not 'shilling' or 'blackpilling'.
This ban excludes most of the worst offenders, and if you want to suckle your own farts then do so quietly.
As you wish.
Okay I supposed, at least it isn't Jewgle.
Didn't seem to be in the new list for some reason.
6 9 6 9 6 9 6 9 6 9
Which is it, 6 or 9?
It probably uses their information if we're being honest.
The press is lying by omission, it also included NK and Venezuela.
they only decided to mention the mudslime countries for some reason
it was a (((racism))) challenge against the order I guess.
The sandniggress from San Bernadino was from Pakistan, the Underwear bomber was from Nigeria or Somalia and the Chattanooga gunman was Kuwaiti born in the USA. It doesn't go far enough.
No shit sherlock. Don't let perfect be the enemy of good. Once this ban is declared legal it sets a precedent and it can be expanded later
Bored Hitler?
They likely don't want to draw much attention to issues of central banking.
Checked, and kekked that you don't fucking get it.
You are behaving like a kike. You are accusing anyone who criticizes Trump of being a shill, just as kikes accuse anyone who criticizes them of anti-semitism. If you have a counter-argument to make, fine, if not, you can't just shout SHILL SHILL SHIIIIIIIILLL! as though that justifies your bullshit, because that's same as a kike shouting ANTISEMITE ANTISEMIT ANTISEMIIIIIIIIIIITE! and thinking themselves justified. Its gross, so stop it.
Yeah, no shit, my questino is WHY?
Sudan is dog shit African hellscape. Why remove it?
This travel ban seems only really viable as, as mentioned by someone else, a mechanism of establishing precedent for Trumps actions. This list is shit, its ZOG as fuck and a joke. I want a REAL fucking travel ban, which means including the Saudis and their ME scum ilk that come here to fuck our women and shit. I'm tired of this bullshit.
Almost nobody comes to this country from those nations, meanwhile muds from around the world continue to stream in. RAISE act seems nice, but end of the day you're just bringing in highly-intelligent, high-agency muds and why the fuck would we need/want that?
I expect what I deserve, what we deserve, and this is less than that. That's all there is to it.
God willing, this is only the beginning.
He's already said that this ban was a shittier version of what he wanted thanks to the (((racism))) charge against the first version, so with this precedent he should be expanding it.
They can't block a Supreme Court decision. If I'm correct, they blocked the second travel ban because the SC ok'd the first one, but Trump had already dumped the first one in favor of the more expansive second one.
I can't wait till we ban these fuckers from the face of the Earth.
>He's already said that this ban was a shittier version of what he wanted thanks to the (((racism))) charge against the first version, so with this precedent he should be expanding it.
Well, he's got precedent now. Why not expand it back to what it was, and hell, beyond that!
This establishes precedent, no? He has the legal right to do this, as dictated by SCOTUS, whic means no lower courts can challenge it, no?
So, we can expect a return to the full travel ban and ADDITIONS after this outcome, yes?
He had precedent from the get-go. The it is entirely within the power of the executive to restrict any and all immigration from any country for any reason.
Further, I forgot to include:
Who needs to go on the list?
I would say the entire Middle East, preferably including Israel (because there's alotta Palestinians in Israel who are violent Muslims who hate America).
Pretty much all of Africa excluding South Africa.
Most of SE Asia.
I know, that's what makes it all so ridiculous.
Super kike vibe coming off you right now.
Hahaha, what?
I'm sounding like a kike because I'm using the Palestinians to justify blocking all travel from Israel to the US? SEEMS FUCKING LEGIT BRO.
No. The ruling is not quite clear but it appears to be an injuction on the lower courts ban on the travel ban while the court cases pending in lower courts are being decided.
SCOTUS has not given it a yes or no but merely said that the ban is in place while the court cases are ongoing. This does mean SCOTUS is likely to rule in our favor though.
I could be wrong. I have not read the ruling and have only read what was in the (((msm)))
IOW, this is SCOTUS saying "We're not going to intervene until it comes to us"? Which means no precedent yet? Which means more bureaucratic bullshit swirling around for months and months, to no effect in the end most likely?
I fucking hate this shit.
Now, watch in awe as the 9th Circuit Court, a lower court== ==one that is in the shadow of the Supreme Court of the United States== ==Somehow Overturns this motion
Keep in mind if they try to challenge it now, or if they try to overturn it, they can get fired
Yes. You don't need to couch things here. Say that jews are the ultimate enemy of the White race and eternal subverts of Western civilization and ought to be banned on their own accord for their existential nature as jews. This board isn't Congress or your "PR" press conferences.
Really fucked up that formatting. damn.
Because I'm the president and we're discussing my policy platforms, right you fucking scab?
Kill yourself.
Trump could easily, once precedent is established, utilize the Palestinians to justify banning travel from Israel. He won't, obviously, but he could, and it'd be a great cover. All these Zionists kvetching about muzzies, they couldn't then turn around and realistically cry about their heavily-muzzie'd nation being banned, jews and all.
That's not how Supreme Court rulings work
where's the salt?
Stop trying so hard.
Oh fuck yeah
Fuck yeah fuck yeah let the salt flow like wine
Back at ya, nigger.
Which is my point.
If the 9th Circuit Court, the Circuit giving Trump all this trouble, tries to overturn the ruling, they are gonna get hit with a mountain of paperwork from Trump because the Supreme Court ruled in Trump's favor.
They literally cannot overturn the ruling, but they will try to anyways.
also, checking that ID.
don't know why they even mention this since the supreme court ruled on it.
I did NOT expect that. Good shit
Nice one, kike.
losing our soul in real time
Why do these faggots use religious language all the time, when they are no doubt anti theology?
Pretty good day.
They aren't. They're anti-Christian at most.
They pretend to care whilest they don't and just use it to push anti-X shit.
Virgin NEET shills everywhere celebrate
I had a libshit co-worker complain his Algerian gf (i think she's a berber cuz she looks pretty white, err Mediterranean) and her family have trouble get money out of businesses in their Homeland cuz of trump.
Soul has more than just religious contexts.
2/3rds of "gun violence" is suicides the remaining third is mostly niggers with glocks shooting each other in places with gun control like chicago and new orleans
I'm prepared to break my noFap with that warning.
this thread is lacking salt, can i get a link to a mining location?
Now renew it every 90 days!
twitter is lit up like a goddamn christmas tree right now with salt, you can't miss it, bunch of trends.
i'll check those dubs, but i want salt here i don't use twitter
An actual Muslim ban would be a good start. This is better than nothing, but we need more. It's inexcusable for Saudi Arabia not to be on this list if we're going to do it by country.
Wew how will the black pill/anti-Drumpf people spin this one?
Looks like this one is working hard.
Saudi Arabia has trillions of dollars invested in the US. It would cause a stock market crash. Have to purge slowly, he's got 8 years to do it.
Given that white people founded this country, there's no reasonable way that someone could legitimately make the claim that people of European descent would be a detriment and should all be deported and banned. I say reasonable because, as we all know, corrupt (((politicians))) tend to be anything but reasonable in their assumptions.
If Trump or a future president wanted to ban all Muslims, he would need to be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the religion itself poses an imminent threat, because Americans' right to freedom of religion is paramount. Once we get over that barrier and all the obvious kvetching that will occur, then it will provide the framework and precedent for someone to investigate the religious institution of Judaism and the harm it can cause.
Of course, that being said, someone could easily use it to attack Christianity, attack the numerous religious exemptions via taxes, or simply push to remove freedom of religion entirely if ever there was a Constitutional Convention. Not that it would stop certain people from practicing controversial rituals, anyway. Of course, that's all worst-case scenario, and too many people would lose their shit if that happened, anyway.
I'm not saying to shut down relations with KSA overnight, I understand why that's a risky proposition. There is, however, no reason to allow travelers from KSA who aren't wealthy investors or government representatives (eventually I want them stopped too, but they're not the ones flying planes into buildings).
Posting first wave of twitter salt
Religion of Cuck™ should already been banned because Sharia conflicts with the separation of church and state and it's not like literally every religion out there is legally recognized anyway.
Glocks are too expensive for them
Not enough salt lads? Search "Supreme Court texas" for bonus salt.
What is this graph supposed to show?
God damn it feels good to be a Christian in America right now. Christmas came early this year
And this Muslim ban is a bigger deal than people realize, even if they try to stop it now (which would take possibly another few months) the damage would already be done. Muslims would already have gotten the impression America doesn't want them
Can I have your citizenship then?
San Bernardino called you fucking retard
when does the ban actually go into effect and end?
Notice how he makes no mention of not wanting to mooch off said country.
Its effective immediately. As far as when it ends I'm not sure but I assume it's indefinite until the courts decide to end it, but I doubt that will be within Trumps term at this point
That's bullshit. Come on. I'm Portuguese, I probably count as a minority since I can speak broken Spanish. Libtards wont tell the difference!
Criminally underated
Niggers, you mean.
Fucking. Kek.
What the shills don't want you to know: Jews are the ones behind the arab problem in the west.
They're behind the other problems too.
I love Kurt Eichenwald salt, unrelated but this kike always gets so ass blasted
jews are pretty much behind all problems everywhere
Well they are **the children of saturn''.
Isn't Yemen on it?
Why do you think so much shit is going down in Saudi? Trump told them to clean up their shit. He's not a Saudi puppet
This just needs to fap to more tentacle pr0nz before he has a seizure.
I just guessed that they did, turns out I was right.
It doesn't fucking stop! It's more salt than can ever be mined.
Remember a few weeks ago when they insisted it was 'dead for good' because of yet another faggot judge overstepping his ill-defined bounds?
there's so much wrong with that I can't even begin
They should have never gave these cunts 280 characters. They were obnoxious enough with half that. Also
I'm pretty the Supreme Court are the ones who decide what's constitutional or not
Jews did 2Pac
Like when they yell aloha snackbar before blowing themselves up in a crowded market or driving a car down a sidewalk? I think someone should report this terrorist cunt to the FBI.
With Syria, as much as I hate USA/cianiggers meddling, it actually makes sense. The CIA/mossadniggers were printing Syrian passports like the fed prints Rothskike sheckels.
A Muslim bad like he promised?
this is still good though obviously, but unlike /r/The_Donald whose job is to be Trump cheerleaders, our job is to continually push him to the right
An actual 'Muslim' ban would be unconstitutional. This is the best you're ever going to get
but doesn't this ruling set a precedent, meaingn he can just add more countries to the executive order?
if not, why not?
what rights do non-citizens have under OUR constitution to come to our country?
we have a right to our sovereignty
i cant just walk into those shit hole countries why isn't the U.S. allowed to secure its borders?
You could. That's part of the problem. It's why North Korea's on there.
Wrong faggot, illegal non-citizens are not under the same laws of the United States for legal citizens. Nothing in the constitution states that you cannot ban a group from entering your country, nobody has a right to live in the US.
At first I bought the shill's lies about trump being a kike lover, but its clear he's playing the long game
You can't even win in your dreams, retards
They're retarded parrots that deserve to be mocked and shamed any chance they get.
Don't forget that the mother of (((Sotomayor))) is sephardic yid.
Yes they are. Everyone in the United States is protected by the United States constitution. It's why they don't simply execute the illegal aliens
Technically true, but nothing says you can either
Immigration /= travel. The ban is being upheld because it works on technicalities. Technically he hasn't banned immigration, just travel. Immigration is technically banned, because if you can't travel you can't immigrate. But it's not technically an immigration ban. It's also technically not exclusive to Muslims.
Literally the complete opposite. Protesting has done NOTHING in the entire history of the United States, it has not convinced a single politician to side with them. There is no evidence that any protest has directly resulted in large-scale reform. It's always either been violence or actual politicians who have ever made changes
Also, do these retards even know why they are supporting Muslims themselves yet?
They should have just let Trump put the temporary ban in place, now he can have it as long as he wants.
Never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake.
This reminds me of how delusional the Bernie fags were
A well orchestrated and shilled protest could give some kike the political ammo he needs to push something though. That has more to do with media control than any of the actual protestors themselves though.
It goes without saying how mentally handicapped these "people" are.
So is the Hawaiian Judge that blocked this getting punished or what?
Probably not.
Most of these people screeching don't even know what the Supreme Court actually does.
This should be saved for another thread, but about a year ago halfchan had a number of threads detailing Obama's shady real estate deals in Hawaii, several documents were recorded in Hawaiian even. It was a bit of a flap but he has more than one (((Foundation))) and I will try to dig around later and find some of the caps from the threads but the gist is, he has some secret extraordinary legal shit going there.
Every time
Fifth pic
I thought Obama didn’t get a Supreme Court Pick , Soramayor from Clinton?
He got two. Sotomayor and Elena Kagan
makes you think, trump's EO are settled black letter law
Imagine if Ginsberg died, it would be like Election Day all over again
Calling it medical immigration, like with DUDE WEED?
top kek
Meanwhile you're still a crying larper faggot who thinks da jooz are gang stalking him.
Only have to wait a year and it'll become reality
Kagan didn't dissent? Wew, libs are fucked..
Old ladies can theoretically last into their 90s these days, but I suspect that anything is fair game since Scalia "(((died)))" because turnabout's fair play.
((Kagan))) ugh that name alone should be grounds for the rope. There's no telling the level of kikery with a name like that
They do have a religion. They pray to the multicultural god of liberalism.
Ginsberg's known to be in poor health
And yet she didn't kike out, oddly
but i value the hate i have for muslims
Pick one
Congrats on another victory Americabros.
In light of this recent win I'd like to tell you all a somewhat related joke.
You ready?
nice catch. what beautiful Muslim culture we have there
gud digits
And then Mike "Electric Fence" Pence will be president.
There's no way they can win.
i always thought that was a good choice on trump's part
Indians invented both of those, you fucking sand nigger. You stole it and took credit for it. Just like everything that could ever be attributed to that sub-human group of inbred monkeys.
Yes liberalism, Progressivism is very much a religion. Got their own taboos like microaggressions, Holy of Holies mantra of Climate Change, Messiah Obama
The Messianic Church of Obama Libtards
Fixed that. Some assravaged kike must have screencaped that.
i love when subliminal truth slips out like this
not to mention the obsession with martyrdom
why is this peace of shit still walking free?
im assuming that the r/donald guy blackbarred them himself and that user posted the screencap here
It is a mystery, isn’t it, user?
Projection: you can't see the focused picture looking at the sense.
famous jews still get sent to jail for cp, look up jared fogle.
Yeah, when I did a search for the users, I came across the r/Donald post with the same screencap.
he was the tip of the spear, still I don't think he's in general lockup
probably he's in one of those east coast prisons with the fancy swimming pool and day leave
This makes me so happy.
Paedophiles never go to general population. They would be eaten alive by the other inmates, while the guards looked the other way.
Does she not know what SCOTUS is and does?
(((Ginsburg))) will be dead soon enough, she's a corpse walking.
This is who betrays us.
None of them do.
gene simmons almost got clipped for running a CP site with terabytes of data going in and out of his mansion but he payed a desperate goy to take the fall for him and his creepy son.
Now they are going to Europe
Fuck yourself
Best part is, Pence would actually be better for them, but they fell for the memes.
Speaking of reddit, there was a great post somewhere on there just after the election that went deep into this idea. Wish I had capped it.
Remember this faggot? He got busted with CP and said it was for "research purposes" and all charges were dropped.
Except you know, the Sudanese fuck that shot up White people at a church.
don't they have to arrive by boat in Europe?
There's big jews and little jews. Famous jews can be little jews. In the grand scheme of things, Fogle is a little jew, he's just a TV commercial spokesman.
I've never even once met a libtard who understands the consequences of Trump leaving the office.
FFS now you're going to tell me the theory of relativity is jewish.
What's the >implication of this, then?
We all know what happens when you trust jewish science, user
That's how that teacher "astronaut" died. Christy McCullef(SP)
It's a little worse than that.
half of what most of Holla Forums considers to be the 'arab problem' is hoax and psyop, gang rapes - yes, bombings, sorry but they're fake, yes, all of them.
Holla Forumsacks who believe that Trump is banning countries on the basis of Religion of Cuck™ being dangerous argue with leftists who believe that Trump is banning countries because he's a racist.
The Kikes would be laughing their foreskins off, if they had any:
the true reason for these bans has nothing whatsoever to do with Religion of Cuck™ic terrorism.
Scumfuck subhumans banned.
It must be true, you saw it on the TV, why would jews lie?
These fucking morons really don't understand that the world has no right to invade the US. They literally think we should import the entire 3rd World into the US for reasons and ignorant feels.
They were hoping you forgot. I wouldn't even be surprised to find out there were more killings and the media simply covered up the perpetrator.
Yes, the completely covered up and ignored refugee crime was a hoax. Such a good hoax that they didn't even capitalize on it, but just ignored it.
Still patiently awaiting the 'Trump did nothing wrong' salt. The rarest and most delicious of salts
Here is my attempt at keeping track of the travel ban, I cannot confirm its accuracy.
Red = Banned, minimal controversy
Orange = I guess it's banned now because of the SCOTUS ruling, but the kikes have fought tooth and nail to reverse it on these countries.
Yellow = Soft-banned? Possible exception for muh rapefugees, because these countries are at war.
What does grey mean?
Time to come home Kurt.
Let's not forget the gang rape of the little girl in Idaho that was covered up, and no charges brought up. Instead they let the"youths" and their families leave, and continue to let the Paki CEO of Chobani bring in even more migrant workers.
I don't know how they've made it this far without realizing what a VP is for.
US territory, obviously. It's spelled, "gray", btw.
It's like they can't help making threats and being violent.
What's the blue?
They honestly believe in a do-over where Hillary wins, or they alternately theorize that Pence and every Cabinet member will swiftly resign and unanimously declare Hillary the winner.
They haven't even read the Constitution.
kek, fuck off, it's the EU and light blue is UK which is supposed to be leaving the EU
now that I think about it, I forgot to color the Falklands light blue
Replace the anime with tako scented CP and Kurt will neck himself after bull rushing that noose.
Why is it coloured in was my point. Your map is supposed to show countries on the ban and you've coloured in Europe for some seemingly random reason
It's something else to keep track of. Might as well, and it's very obvious what it is.
When the israel-iran war kicks off this will be a useful way to control the flow of information. No one can go there except govt approved (((journalists))) embedded in the military. Once again the best goys will save us from the evil Nazis this time in the form of Iranians which are heavily related to Aryan ancestry.
When you goys die for israel this time I will just laugh. I hope trump is baiting the kikes to attack (punishedtrump) and then he will leave them and they cryptokike Saudis to get rolled by Russia, China and Iran. It would be two big parasites off the back of USA. More likely he will just continue the endless proxy war to usher in the new head of the UN world government based in greater israel.
In b4 I get called a jew
i'm a little upset
they keep using this #nomuslimbanever tag, is that not now proven a failure? are they not now just parading around their failure for everyone to see?
What a stupid cunt. None of them have ever read the constitution have they? The Executive holds all the power when it comes to questions of national security
ever since trump announced he would designate Jerusalem as the capital, i personally have been a believer in punishedtrump theory. it seemed to be an obvious way to inflate Israel's ego, pump them with confidence, and goad them into biting off more than they can chew
It's an unbelievable amount of butthurt and stupid. Do they think protests and hashtags are sympathetic magic? These people are like a cargo cult. They actually think they can go "Nope. Sorry. In the name of humanity we REFUSE!" and jurisprudence will bend to their will. They think it's all a big mistake, that's just taking a little, too long to be reversed. Give it another year and they're be legit cracking the fuck up and becoming unmoored.
I finally get to use this Webm. Keep the good news coming!
We can dream huh? He didn't shake netanyahus's hand either. Defeating the jews is absolutely the most important thing for white people everywhere. Sandniggers are literally not a problem. We could wipe them from history. We are restrained by the kikes and their left wing puppets.
Maybe they think they're going to retake the house and senate and have a supermajority and then Trump will sign a new law transferring executive power to the huffingtonpost editorial board? (kek I have no clue what the fuck these momos are thinking.)
Is the series good or not? I know it's (((Kikeflix))), but so far I haven't heard anything about pozz being added or something like that.
It made a lot of Christfags very mad. Everyone else seemed to enjoy it though
That's probably close.
Year of the Fire Monkey getting a few more pop-offs before it ends.
We're trying to wipe them out since they started to invade beyond the Arabian peninsula. Also stop the false dichotomy. Muslims are Cryptokikes. muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker wanted to be the king of the kikes and muslims always spread the story that Abraham, Noah, David, Solomon and Jesus all of them were muslims. Semites must be destroyed
I liked it
Not all of us Christfags are so thin-skinned
It's alright. No hamfisted political messages so far. They might be trying to fan the egos of pseudoscience "nerds" in the first episode with Dracula's scientist wife and the message that "science can solve all the world's problems, but these dumb religious bigots won't let it". That's probably just me being jaded though.
Das breddy gud 8/8 m8.
What's the name of that series?
btw Are liberals worshiping the statue of liberty now? kek
It doesn't even have to set a precendent. The EO already allows him to do that.
Why do people who claim to hate religion love Muslims so much?
It's a gift from France and a fucking poem, quit trying to pretend it's legally binding.
Religion of Cuck™ is a political ideology, every mosque is a military outpost of the caliphate
That's obviously one of us shitposting.
Because they believed the lies of a palestinian "scholar" called Edward Said. Said was one of the first people to force the "orientalism" meme while claiming poor muzzies were victims of "le evul hwite imperialism" and how bad were those "evul crusaders". He was successful in his mission of infesting universities with these ideas.
Really makes you think.
Also, John McBrain and the Diversity Visa Lottery Program says otherwise about that death toll.
Wew. Now we're talking. I want to see the lower courts try and go to war with the Supreme courts now.
They said what, Trump has been allowed to have more judicial appointments than all nine previous presidents COMBINED, right? Where’s that thread?
Yea im very confused by this.
He's actually serving time at a low-security prison in Colorado.
Who said you were going to have citizenship when we kill you, shitskin? Repeal of that little loophole in the Constitution is priority #1, as far as I'm concerned.
This is already the case as white immigration into the United States has been suppressed wince 1965.
This worked on me when I was younger.
When you grow up in an all whits town, things can be very uneventful. You believe that whites are the majority and any hate younhave is going to be against other whites. Thats when the jew comes in and instigates it further. Divides us further. Its easy to start blaming the worlds problems on fellow whites because thats all you know to blame it on. Hell I didnt even see a black person until the 6th grade, how can you hate something you never met?
Well fast forward 10 years and you can easily get sucked into kike lies, kike populist culture (music scenes) and begin to rebel against the very people who raised you.
Fast forward another 10 yearw qnd now i have experience with living newr blacks, spics, kikes and the rest. I now understand how stupid and dangerous they are.
Fast forward another 10 years and you regret it all. I regret being a degenrate fuck and should have just hated niggers and spics from the go.
The "rasicm is bad" sjw bullshit they taught in school started it all. Racism IS GOOD. love yoursepf and your people. Figut for them. Fight for land and honor. Kill them all.
Hitler did NOTHING wrong.
The highest court in the land has already ruled
That pic is fucked up for maybe three or four totally different reasons. I don't know which one has me more triggered right now.
Interesting. Thank you.
But it is over you dumb cunt
Firstly, lol at CatLady. Secondly, lol at being so triggered simply by the mention of Trump's name and thirdly, lol at being so wrong in everything she just said. Obama had two SCOTUS nominees, one of whom actually upheld the travel ban
In case you need to show someone that it's not a "Muslim" ban.
Or you could just point out that North Korea and Venezuela are on the ban
Just to remind everyone, a couple of weeks ago Judge Orrick in the 9th Circuit relied on the 9th Circuit's overturn of the travel ban when he ruled that sanctuary cities can't be denied federal funds.
It was very stupid of him to rely on disputed law that was still before the Supreme Court when he made his retarded decision, and now his ruling is ripe to be overturned.
We don't get what we always want, that's life, now grow up and be an adult.
We’re breaking their conditioning.
Yet Saudi Arabia is fine, yeah the guys behind 9/11
She’s right that Trump can technically “fire” all the SCOTUS justices (by calling on Congress to impeach them). If we had a right-wing congress (read: IF FUCKING ANY OF US WOULD ACTUALLY FUCKING RUN), they’d probably all be out.
That’s a funny way to spell Israel.
Capitalize on their depression and hopelessness. Reiterate that they will never "win" anything again, and things will not get better for them.
The despair they feel today will become constant, and there will be no relief apart from a rope around the neck.
Get them to kill themselves.
In which case it's Congress that can fire the Supreme Court. Not Trump. Trump can only ask Congress to fire them.
What is their obsession with that bloody statue?
"It's a symbol of hope for immigrants" or some such nonsense. Just reinforces what I was saying above about us needing to capitalize on their hopelessness.
that's not what freedom of religion means you colossal faggot. Trump can't prevent any american from PRACTICING Religion of Cuck™, but the president can ban whoever he wants, for as long as he wants, for any reason he wants, as long as he feels he's acting in the interests of national security. People have a right to freely worship and practice religion but no one has a right to immigrate to the US while the president has full control over immigration and other matters of national security
reminder that even if obama got his bullshit last minute appointment this was a 7 - 2 decision so at worst it would've been 6 - 3 and they still would have lost. The law and the constitution are quite clear that the president has a right to do this
So much wrong here. OP called it a 'muslim' ban. YOU called it a 'muslim' ban. And for sure the Media and idiot leftists call it a 'muslim' ban. But that's just to get an emotional reaction. In legality, it does not affect Muslims. It affects certain countries where travelers can not be vetted. It doesn't even affect all countries that are muslim majority.
Acting like an overdramatic schoolgirl doesn't change the facts or the legality.
Fuck off, kike. We're counting on him kicking all of you kikes out. We want it. No one's kicking whites out, no one. I don't give a shit if it's black mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker Jesus Buddha Pope Francis the Fourth.
We'll fucking kill them. If any of you kikes get rowdy, you won't even make it back to Israel.
oh..p.fucking s.
The president ALWAYS had the legal authority and power to deny entry into the US of any class of alien. Any. At his (or her) sole discretion. Only the president of the US is head of state. Only the president of the US can set foreign policy. Only the president of the US can decide which immigrants get to come in or not. These are enumerated powers.
Please dont make me explain what an 'enumerated power' is.
even if it was actually a muslim ban it'd still be entirely legal and constitutional under current US law
In fact it explicity states you can. And it's a presidential power. That's why TRUMP has pressed it so hard. He has 100% authority and no one can really deny it. They can try and stall but it's futile. They just wanted to have as much shitskin as possible come in so they can boost their voting rolls.
Even if it was a ban of EVERY SINGLE PERSON, it would be legal and constitutional. And “every single person except whites,” too.
Reported for not even trying, yid.
Mitt is such a fucking cuck, good god.
Okay. That happens sometimes.
It won't happen either way. Mueller has shit, and has basically given up on proving Muh Russia. The best he can do now is go after him for firing his butt buddy Comey, but that won't work out either since the president can fire anyone he wants.
Trumps word is the
>(((SPLC))) >implying sandniggers are americans
I can't even enjoy this salt, it's so disingenuous and based on disinformation.
Fucking reddit.
Wrong. The U.S. can deny anyone entry to the country for any reason.
Ayo hol up, wheres all the shills claiming Drumpf hasn't accomplished anything all year?
These fucking idiots. It's not even based on religion. It's based on a country's stability and ability to provide the USA a minimum amount of information on that country's dangerous criminals. It literally has nothing to do with Religion of Cuck™. These morons don't even know what they're trying to challenge. It's easy to see why they're losing.
Hahaha, where have I heard that one before?
The POTUS has the power to ban anyone for any reason. With out question. Scroll up. Actual text of the constitution has been posted many times already.
The POTUS could strait up say no black people allowed and call it the "Nigger Ban of 2017" and no one can say shit.
The SCOTUS as just reaffirmed the already obvious.
*text of the law
Wew this is a lot of salt
This salt is incredible
Why are Mormons so assblasted over Trump and Roy Moore? Mormons are the ones financing the Never Trump movement and are constantly trashing Trump as much as libtards.
President James Buchanan should of followed through in wiping the Mormon population off the map.
Fucking lol. What are these idiots going to do when Mueller's investigation leads him right to Hillary and Obama.
Hey if it'll get people to stop taking their retarded civil rights cases to the supreme court I'm glad they believe this.
checked, the person next in line after Pence is Paul Ryan as speaker of the house, so even if the pulled a miracle and got rid of the entire trump admin, all they would get out of it is Paul Ryan
They have been classically conditioned to think that way, every time the kikes want something they get a mass of protests and then use legal manipulation. the protesters are tricked into believing they were the originators of the demands and that the protests were what got them their demands when it was just kikery. they really do believe this is possible, they have been fed lies about the power of protests their entire lives.
Shatter their amusing delusions
jew words on it
Presidential line of succesion
(Hitler trips confirmed)
Should have been unanimous. The Constitution explicitly grant the President these powers.
If the Kushner buzz is any indication, Mueller has completely abandoned any investigation of Russia and is just going after any and all targets of opportunity.
Wasn't that obvious from fucking Manafort?
It's not a Muslim ban though. I wish it was, but it's just travel restriction based on country.
Manafort had Russian/Ukrainian ties. Flynn at least talked to Russia. Kushner has nothing to do with Russia.
I'm talking about appearances according to their Russian narrative which is the basis of this investigation, of course. Not his true intent, which has been obvious from the beginning.
What's his true intent?
No one enjoys losing more than Mitt. Honestly, "losing" probably isn't even an accurate name for it given just how uniparty he is.
Witch hunt to find any grounds to go after Trump and his team at best, make unfavorable headline material for the media at worst.
There's no evidence of Russian collusion and there never has been. They didn't need a special prosecutor to go after Manafort or Flynn. The activities of both of them have been public knowlegde for some time. Why hire such a huge team of lawyers if his aim is to pursue two cases that are fairly simple?
And the constant leaks whenever the story hasn't made a headline in a while: who do you think is feeding the press stories? Most likely Muller - just like Comey did.
Perhaps he's offended their Mormon doctrine? Maybe it's the multiple divorces, after all when Mormons get tired of their wives they simply go out and get new ones, instead of just divorcing the old ones.
Why is someone like the Secretary of Agriculture way before the Secretary of Homeland Security? Why is SHS so low down the succession line, anyway?
t. Non-burger user.
Muslims do the same exact thing. Heh.
I would assume just because (I'm guessing) it's an older cabinet position.
indeed. Plus even something like an a-typical maneuver that makes sense, like starting to get in touch in order to go about diplomatic relations is being construed and taken severely out of context. Of course the lugenpresse lies and makes up their shit, however it's typical jewish practice for them in their attempts to narrative push to go for roundabout technical context complexities/ word alchemy to word and phrase everything towards the notion that the only reason for getting in touch was for the support of their claim of russia collusion, rather than being typical diplomatic maneuvers.
So much salt. It's all so hilarious. This past year has been glorious. Seven more years of blowing out leftie kikes god damn it's going to be great.
Protesting is for convincing other normals. The effects of protesting wouldn't be seen until election, and I agree that would be very difficult to measure.
Fuck off back to the Vatican and stop interfering in our politics. There is no centralized Christ authority on this Earth.
This is true! But at the same time there is no such thing as "the innocent" lol.
I guarantee you that if the common populace had the technology that we do today back in the years of the "civil rights movement", that many of those protests and cherrypicked moments of niggers getting sprayed with fire hydrants and "they turned dogs on us" would have been challenged and utterly crushed.
You mean Mike "Israel First" Pence.
agriculture is life. Traditionally though back in the day most people were farmers so it made sense for the person in charge of farmers to have such a high position. Same reason why the post master general (basically in charge of information) used to be super important too
you have autism
I'm from a nogunz British colony but… that's not even a glock is it?
criminally uncheck'd
So many to check so little time.
Someone just fuck my shit up.
Make sure you file global reports too. Those are for when you're extra mad.
In europe the post positions used to be filled with intelligence officers.
If it's from r/teh_donald it's because Plebbit admins get all pissy if usernames aren't censored because it can be considered "brigading" or whatever the fuck.
We need to get these cuckservatives out ASAP before they pull a "plane crash"
That fifth pic . . . it sort of hurts the brain.
Under that logic a video showing a white guy beating a black guy is an anti-white video.
And these people invented algebra.
Oh, fuck them! Let them cry, the fucks.
t_d is one of the most popular subs on reddit, it's critical for normie morale and engagement. you don't have to like it but rooting for its demise would be foolish
If things continue on like this we are all at serious risk of dehydrating.
How he even spouts that two-faced, pandering, saccharine bullshit is beyond me.
All this salt, looking like I walked up on a Florida beach! Thank you to the Anons providing screengrabs to those that date not even or can't peek at Twatter.
It irritates that you could look at these same people crying could over this decision, but thought Kate's verdict was hilarious, and some kind of victory.
I wonder demon rats, do you feel victorious today? Haha
Amazing really.
Lads I'm dyin right now.
Thank God we're blocking countries like Yemen, Chad and Iran, what a massive threat to US security. Meanwhile literal sponsors of terror Saudi Arabia are given free rein. Wonder why? What the fuck did Iran do?
'President' Kevin 'having fun with Aids' Spacey is going to be impoeached and thrown into prison for the rest of the show. He is obviously innocent and was only caught in a trap set up by evil racist right wingers. :^)
Be relentless.
So how long do we have until this leftist hysteria motivates some poor, oppressed shitlamist into snackbarring more white people? Justified blowback, of course, what with Trump's rampant shitlamophobia.
I give it a month.
Unfortunately I think you are right about that. We will have something awful happen, and the media will blame it all on Trump. Also it is amazing how the media was able to so control the narrative even in the 90s to make it seem like the muslims in the balkans were in the right. Just like they are doing to Burma right now, despite evidence of muslim terrorism in the region going back decades, and targeting Buddhist communities.
We need to get Steve King in one of those slots.
In part it's an anti-deep-state measure, as SHS obviously has access to a lot of security apparatus power, and it's also because the DHS is a very young department. Unless there's an incredible reason to do otherwise and reopen the debate about lines of succession, you can assume than any new department will be put at the back of the line of succession. Realistically though, if there was ever an emergency so dire as to incapacitate that many departmental secretaries, the DoD would have effectively taken control anyway.
You got too excited because of all dem digits.
you missed a few
Isn't the Supreme Court hearing the fag marriage cake case today? We should get another heaping pile of salt soon.
Not only do these mindless fucktards not understand that even an actual, explicit ban on muslims would in fact be completely constitutional, but they seem to be completely unaware that they are spouting anti-white and pro-jihad rhetoric while complaining that the government is Religion of Cuck™aphobic and white supremacist.
They also don't seem to understand that they can "stand" with whom ever they want, but it doesn't change a goddamn thing about the law.
All I hear is impotent REEEEEEEing…
The ban's not just to keep people from those countries coming to America, it's to stop Americans going to those countries.
So some stupid kike-loving bitch wrote a wishy-washy poem completely unrelated to the spirit of the statue and now SJW morons think the Statue Of Liberty is all about open borders for every shitskin on the planet.
Everyday I am newly amazed at how stupid everyone on the left is. They are literally brainwashed sheep regurgitating their programing without ever actually knowing why they believe the bullshit they believe.
You lose again, goys!
So… Will they enforce it?
What is that quote from?
Because the position was only created after 9/11.
It's pretty funny that these shitskins think threatening to leave is somehow a good bargaining position.
I hope she gets enriched the worst way possible, fucking retard.
It's from the guy on the pic, i pressume.
Slobodan Milosevic
Worse, SJW morons somehow believe that bloody statue is meant to be an indication of US fucking policy
No, it's a Hipoint, something you can get for less than $100
The President has the supreme authority to block or ban any person or group of person from entering our country. There is literally nothing any other branch can do about it. The fact that this even went to the Supreme Court is a travesty of civics.
Kurt just won't stop
checked and keked
Meanwhile this faggot is cheering in ignorance at the US "empire" falling to muslims. He really, really loves the idea of the US being destroyed and whites being murdered by brown and black hordes. This is explicitly his ultimate goal. If assholes like this hate the US so much, why the fuck don't they leave? What do they hope to get out of the destruction of Western civilization? Do they think somehow the sharia will spare them? Do they think the rabid niggers are going to make an exception for their pasty white asses because they were traitors? I really don't get suicidal, vicious white guilt and self hatred.
Why the fuck can't these cucks just kill themselves, instead of killing the entire country?
Kikes gonna kike
No one is saying otherwise.
Malaysia should be in the extension, The Strait of Malacca is a Somali-tier piracy death trap.
Theres a video on that somewhere on jewtube.
But tl;dr is that their prophecies say that white people must perish for their messiah or whatever to come.
They also hate whites cause some guy called "Amalek" wrecked their shit a long time ago. Who apparently was german or something.
pretty sleepy so i might got some details wrong.
Regardless, youre getting it wrong.
They dont want to live peacefully and make things better for the place they live in, they want to destroy us, and doing so as parasites is how theyve done it for centuries, pretty common knowledge around here tho.
Let's see… five stages of grief…
Denial - Trump is never going to win.
Bargaining - If we can convince the Electoral College to go rogue, Hillary can still win!
Anger - **** Trump!!
Depression - America is no more! >They are here.
Acceptance - ??? (Maybe a gun in mouth?)
The supreme court is luckily filled with educated individuals, not with people who are dumb enough to be easily swayed by rehashed jokes from late night comedians and sensationalist articles.
Truth will always prevail.
"throwing the fight"
kek, is that couple jewish?
he looks just like julian assange
Well, he's not wrong. It's just the kiked version of the American empire that's dying lol.
Someone send this kike some tentacle porn, he's being grumpy.
Didn't the constitution originally say citizenship was only for white europeans?
Mormon here. Not sure why they're funding NeverTrump people. Romney proved himself to be a whiny faggot and does not have (at least my) support.
The Constitution never said anything. All citizenship laws, however, said ‘white europeans’, and they AND THE CONSTITUTION continue to say that jus soli AND jus sanguinis are required for citizenship.
Send him tentacle porn that flashes once 20 times a second. His case was thrown out, so we can legally send him seizure-inducing material now.
Not virtue signaling enough. I can see communist soy boys live streaming their suicides and sending them to congress, like they give a fuck.
Also, teach them to hate one another leftists and drive the wedge further between socdems, bernouts, commies, etc. by making them believe that the other cunt was responsible for "le drumpf."
is the clergy in the mormon church pozzed?
T_D is a neocohen honeypot.
There is no engagement. There is no morale. All anti-jew posts are deleted and the posters are banned. All racist posts are deleted and the posters are banned. It has nothing to do with us. It is kike owned.
that's my point. they can't address such things nor can they brigade (hence blacking out plebbitor's names)
naming the jew and supporting trump are not mutually exclusive so who fucking cares if they don't name the jew? they're trying not to get the sub shoahed.
trump supporters who are normalfags need a place to congregate online and you're and idiot to want to deny them of that
The sub staying up prevents them from ever fully joining us, retard.
Could you just imagine if Mad Dog became POTUS all of a sudden?
You're delusional if you think they'd come here en masse. You'd lose way too many in the fallout. Why are you concerned with t_d joining
anyway? It's not a competition, that's what I'm trying to say. They have more users because they're fucking normies, that's how it works.
And you're trying to shift the window too fast. A lot of them aren't even fully redpilled on niggers yet. Let them crawl before they walk. I'm not saying you shouldn't educate them but don't destroy their safe space. They aren't ready.
He'd thoroughly cuck out to Kikeistan.
As Commander-in-Chief? I think not. The Warrior Monk would show them what a real soldier is all about heh.
He’s a cuck.
So she's a social Clymer?
Calling it a Muslim ban is a socialist strategy. I say we subvert it, most people probably would favor an actual Muslim ban. What if we can get Trump to expand this ban to mostly Muslim nations as well as a few commie places too? Pretty soon we can be both Muslim and commie free.
Is it illegal to call CAIR and report a fictitious stranded Muslim family at an airport, women and children without a male escort even, just for parody or educational purposes?
It's because Obama unilaterally declared hundreds of them.
they think that somehow when Trump is impeached Bernie will finally be able to win
Not if you do it from a payphone/burner phone
I thought the slippery slope was a fallacy, libtards?
A Jewess, user. A Jewess.
That’s a man
How could it be illegal? CAIR isn't a government agency. Just a pro-terrorist activist group. We should fuck with them as much as possible.
Also, how the fuck does a "muslim family" get stranded at a US airport? If they don't have the proper visas, they just get sent back on another flight.
If it was a Muslim ban then why's Venezuela on the list?
The REAL real redpill is it was always about the goats. The sweet, sweet goats.
pass the salt please
But it is when it allows abortion and homosexual/ racemix marriages?
They're best buds with the saudis and even send their army to help them in yemen.
welcome to Holla Forums.
We hope you enjoy your stay.
Please make sure to carefully read all "REDPILLS", but feel free to ignore "BLACKPILLS" as well as any content that glows, is sponsored by kikes or is a single line/put down that does not bother to explain or illuminate (like yours).
Holla Forums is always right, and "the truth" can be found here - it is what is left standing after the free and unrestricted examination of anons.
gas the kies, race war now
mining: "sad supreme court".
found: veiled threat. "Beware the prayer of the oppressed".
There's a reason I slam can go fuck itself.
checked. Trump Derangement Syndrome in full force.
Jewish God to the Jews: "go forth and multiply"
Muslim prayer: "the peace of Religion of Cuck™".
honest: "fuck off" and "Die"
I wish they'd stand in solidarity with the victims of FGM, the child brides, the women beaten and raped, the apostates murdered. etc. etc.
Muslims don't want to fucking co-exist. what does it take to wake these idiots up?
King is starting to get it, with the threadbare "no real muslim harms innocent people". just needs a nudge to realise that he's got it round the wrong way, and that it is a muslim's holy duty to harm the infidel.
read it, knew i would need to check it.
blood and soil
Why don't you go check the numbers over at cuckchan you utter newfag
(checked) This is how we win the war of the womb. I've already started redpilling hwite women en mass after they took the heat for the election
Why did they give Lady Liberty nigger lips?
I wonder why the Statue of Liberty is only thought to function as some sort of invitation, in liberals' contemporary mythos? Even if you assume that Muzzies are coming here to seek ‘freedom’ (protip: they aren't), why would you want to concentrate all the pro-freedom third worlders in America? How will their countries of origin ever improve (from a liberal democratic point of view) if the U.S. is siphoning all of that element away from those countries? As a belief system it doesn't cohere internally.
Yeah that is one thing I don't really get about IE's…their inability to understand that in I slam you can only be loyal to the religion. It is actually AGAINST the religion to be loyal to a state or nation. The only thing that is permitted in I slam is loyalty to the I slamic State (the Theocracy). This is why they keep collapsing secular countries because there is no loyalty permitted to a secular government. It is a GLOBAL Theocracy or nothing.
The guy they are trying to claim invented algebra was born 780ad. Hundreds of years after Diophantus formalized it, and thousands of years after Babylonians practiced it.
I have been looking this up for and it seems the muslims have their own version of the kangz myth. They believe that they invented coffee, algebra, universities, toothbrushes and the first flying machine. This really rustles my jimmies.
The funniest thing is the golden age they preach about could be called the Greek and Persian Golden Age and it'd not only make no difference, it'd be technically more correct.
Yes please. Major exodus to build an all-White utopia in exile, when? Remember that we're not niggers. We're actually capable of that.
Until you stormcucks start claiming the Irish aren't white, then Greeks, italians, spaniards, Slavs, etc. whites create great nations, but let's not be delusional bud
You're getting anti-white d&c and actual Holla Forums confused and judging by your stances, you don't belong here.
It's not obvious. Protip: maps typically have a fucking key within the image.
Pol dogma is pretty consistent given the fact this board is a massive hugbox. Maybe you're just in denial about what this place really is.
Pro tip: knowing the right opinions doesn't make you redpilled. You need to be able to arrive at the given conclusions yourself.
fuck off back to cuckchan, nigger
You should redo your shill education, you're sticking out like a sore thumb.
Wew laddie. It's almost laughable when the shills out themselves so obviously in the first fucking word of their sentence. Your handlers should fire you.
How to D&C your enemies one by one…
Muzshits vs Mudshits, beaner culture eats a lot of pork, so drive a wedge between Mexicunts and their immigration lawyers. Meme giving pork rinds or carnitas to your immigration lawyer and lets get a fat wedge driven between these fucks.
Also it would seem that the vegetarian line of Latinos (and every other "minority" group) is meant to bridge the gap to the kosher-eaters and remove that cultural mistrust of someone who finds their eaten animal of choice offensive.
Thanks for proving me right btw. You just resorted to calling me a shill/fagchanner to preserve your hugbox. Congrats. You're a fucking moron:)
Muzzie invasion of Balkins. Is resisted by noble remove-kebab army. NATO comes in and fucks it all up. Clinton's hit them with some cruise missiles. Defenders of their homeland are imprisoned by kangaroo jew court.
Milosevic provides us a warning, from experience dealing with muzzie invaders first-hand. Goes largely ignored.
keep proving to everyone that you're an outsider and a shill
According to absolutely nothing, I just proved you're a massive faggot. Now you don't have to feel bad about getting assraped by your uncle for being such a brat
You sure are quick to defend an obvious fucking shill using writing styles completely foreign to Holla Forums. Is it perhaps because you're both being paid by the same handler? You haven't proved shit-all except for the fact that you're being paid to shit on the quality of Holla Forums.
Must be tiring to believe everything you read on twitter.
probably taking the nonsense that they'll say whatever they think you want to hear. just torture them until they've said everything, and cross reference it with another captive. "Science" comes to the conclusion of whatever it wants to be true. "Science" is against brexit, private ownership of firearms, and for allowing non-white immigrants.
Reported for being too new to be allowed to post here. Lurk 2 years.
The only thing fagson gets right is torture, but if he was told that his statement invalidates Nuremberg he would be 100% in favor of torture in seconds.
Hugbox confirmed
kike confirmed
Whats this I’m hearing about the ninth district court blocking the travel ban again?
fixed that for you.
Trump himself PERSONALLY STARTED net neutrality.
Inb4 false flag strike on the statue
Without looking, let me guess: Kike Beta Kikeberg and Sonya Señorita?
Wonder who might be behind this post…
Reported and filtered. Way too fucking obvious, Moishe.
you get stacked too
and dont complain because that's life and you don't always get what you want, so just grow up
yeah no buddy.