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I don't know if you've noticed, but the UK happens to be run by the most blatant chapter of the cannibal pedo cult. How could this even come as a surprise?

b-but without immigrants we wouldn't have delicious ethnic food!

what the fuck……….

DId they find human dna at that kebab shop? How are they certain she was cut up into kebab?

News, not olds.
>no archive

Fight back or wind up kebab. Those are your choices Bongs. Better choose quick.

Wire taps.

yes it is really fucked up its been covered before but needs covered more

I don't even get how that's an argument.

God Damnit Holla Forums wtf you guys want. I get yelled at for posting the full link, I get yelled at for posting a cut link, and I get yelled at for posting archives.


Colin Jordan, 'Merry England 2000'

As OP you are bound to suffer.

'''If my 14 y.o. daughter had been killed, cut up and served as food I wouldn't be threatening anyone. I'd be a poaching instead.

Due process says otherwise


Correction: 2007

REEEE I'll start doing all three I guess.

Sorry for the advanced autism, I just see it as a microcosm of how we're adding new people and changing. Not for the better or for worse, just changing.

Got any court documents to show us?

You would probably be simply banned forever (3 months) if you had to put up with the old thread formatting then.

I know it is off topic but I forgot if we ever reached a consensus on Jack the Ripper case. Yesterday I was digging about (((Len Blavatnik))), an archkike, and I stumbled on Albert Victor of Clarence. Bongistan is on the verge of collapse much like Cuckistan.

threatening to enrich some jew lawyers
i feel like the shot has already been fired, just a matter of time before the bullet hits, ya know?

My problem isn't sticking to a standard, it's just it appears there's no consensus and standards have slipped.

My apologies, I'll try much harder my next thread.

Alright, so we can gas the cunts now? Have we reached critical mass of public opinion? Are we fucking racist yet?

you can chop white children up and serve them for food and white people will do nothing. absolutely masterrace.

Eurobros, does anybody eat shit from these shady kebab stands but other sandniggers? I would never.

lmao after further investigation the 2 shitskins actually got paid 250,000 euros each for false arrest.


We should give'em a Kristallnacht or two.

not really, the chance of sharting for a day is 50/50


Cutting up White children and then selling their flesh in fast-food store to unknowing members of the public is part of their culture, user. Who are we to judge other cultures?

Seriously though, I'm glad the family is taking some action. This case has been in legal limbo for far too long.

Is that real?

videos related


possible location of the cannibal kebab shop from jewtube comments

I don't understand why someone in the girl's family hasn't killed these two yet. I don't need to say what I would do.



hyperlinks are disabled now so you can post direct links, that's all that has changed.

It's the jew taking his pound of flesh. I'm guessing oil niggers must have paid some debt Europe owed to the Rothschilds. I can think of no other reason Europe's leaders would stand by and do nothing year after year while their people literally get butchered. If they were merely naive of the effects flooding their countries with uneducated niggers would have, they would be fighting back by now.

police actively covering it up and playing stupid per usual

I don't understand it either I just don't get it, they would be dead or in the very least the shop would've been burnt down

what this guy said

I think it's time Holla Forums acknowledged that chemtrails are real. It's all too much.


It’s time you /x/ faggots kill yourselves.

I know it's hard to detect sarcasm in text but now you should be able to.

That much was never proven. Pakis were running their mouths because they knew they could get away with it. They should be deported just for that, honestly.

What if they were born in there, like that muslim London mayor or that boxer Amir Khan ?

Reported, then.

Citizenship is jus soli AND jus sangunis, faggot. Even in the US it’s like that.

Yeah, it's something a lot of people do. Actually who doesn't have talking about chopping up teenage girls with friends on their bucket list?

If they are born there it does not mean they beloong there. If you are a 85 IQ monkey and you are born in Vinci alas you will never be Leonardo. That by chance was a faggot, but this is off topic.

We should locate those two. I doubt they're model British citizens now.

Too bad we can't get a Royal to comment on it. Maybe offer a recipe or two? Fuckers.

Just think, if they pursued the angle of public safety because you know they didn't wash their hands for 8.2 deciminutes in 20(((c))) water under a blue moon after the third vernal equinox of mars entering the swine, they would be locked up still.

is that a fucking joke?

Things have escalated so quickly in the last few years that at times I honestly cannot tell the difference between politcal satire, memes and real life anymore. This is one of the times.

This whole story is the beginning of a revenge plot movie.

Great find, user.

Good, keep reporting, I'm sure you're doing a good job of keeping shills in check. I sure haven't seen any of them in this thread.

Don't you just love ethnic food? Its so vibrant and enriching.

Pretty sure they rape male goats before slaughter

dubs confirm


Can't we just dispose of them. I am pretty sure Holla Forums knows how to hide a body so no one ever finds it. In a practical manner not everyone has pigs.


isn't this story 15 years old?

The cops sat on footage of the girl for 13 years. That was just recently "found" in their archives. It was important to the case. Other details have come out about the incompetence of the investigating officers as well.

outside of chinese, no.
everything else can fuck off.
I've never even seen a kebab stand in America, thank god, and what we do have can go to hell.

Anyone got legal access in the uk?
Like lexis?

That's actually necessary for evidence reasons. But without other circumstances the footage is nothing.

Doesn't overcome evidential issues. Revealing the info to the public creates obvious bias issues so they had to withhold it.

This. You won't find a chief inspector and only a few inspectors who aren't freemasons.

the UK needs a libertarian party by now.

they are an example of what it looks like on a communistic hellhole

it's called satire, user

as in you don't have to break source links any more? neato

do you have friends? are they as mad as you? get rioting user.
oh you haven't told them yet? oh you don't even have friends? the internet can't help you gtfo

white people have no idea. completely ignorant (due) to the jewry abound

this is actually what they do. how else would anyone be able to cook someone they fucked
these shitskins literally consider white people as goats


remove human kebab

People say it unironically

cUK yes

How does Britain even survive having a police force which reacts faster than anything when someone writes something into the net but is completely incompetent when it comes to actual crimes?
And seeing british politics, britain is fucked beyond believe.

the guy who murdered charlene even got a $100,000 settlement from the taxpayer because the police made some mistakes during the trial.

The kebab shop is still open and receives plenty of business.

The people involved in the abduction and murder also received a large payout by the government.

Sweden ain't got shit on this, England takes the lead.

A case which was hushed away as quickly as it came because the government didn't want to incite "racial tension" so there no justice served. This needs to somehow be spread to every normal bongs FB and twitter feed.

Not even the Rape Factory that once was Sweden has fallen to open cannibalism that we have heard about

How the fuck are they still open?

Are local dogs and cats going into the kebab?

Here is your chance to show kebabs are like jews in that they are cannibals and blood sacrifice is a thing. ISIS members ate peoples organs during the peak of their operations.

The UK is a Muslim country now, user. It doesn't have to be majority Muslim to be a Muslim country, Muslims just have to be treated better and control the government, which they do. Just like how South Africa was a white country for decades even though the Afrikaners were never more than 10%. When Muslims are involved in crime, the British government and police have at the top of their priority list the prevention of "Religion of Cuck™ophobia." Protecting Muslims from mean words and bacon is more important than protecting little English girls from getting raped and trafficked, and it's more important than making sure those same little girls don't get turned into kebab meat. The only people who outrank Muslims in the United Kingdom now are the Jews, and even they have to put up with a little anti-Semitism now and then if it comes from Muslims instead of English nationalists.

a lot of missing girls in the uk….it helps if the royals personally love your cannibal kebab


Whatever you do, and whatever you plan on doing, don't talk about it on here. Get with your own network. Cutting up a child and serving her as a kebab? How much more is it going to take before people come to their senses and reverse this downward spiral? It is enraging, and horrifying. But everything seems so uncontrollable. It is like watching a planet-wide train-wreck unfold. One "break" at a time. It's horrible. How do you fuck up so badly that these heinous monsters can get away with this? Everything from beheading soldiers in the street, to raping a child and urinating on her. And nothing comes of it.

hey kike, we are not going to fight mudslimes for you, you need to start accepting that. we are done with your wars.

UK is a cucked shithole.

anyone who doesn't want to purge mudslimes is a mudslime.

And we know you aren't going to do shit. You won't even take the steps necessary to keep them out let alone throw the ones you have out.