White Meet Up (banned 43 times)

For more info:

For normal White people to meet each other for friendship, bonding, social activities, business and employment networking.

No White Nationalists or Alt-Right.

The reasons are obvious, well documented and needs no explanation.

Post your location with email, messenger or other means of contact.

Be aware that White Nationalists have been making death threats against Whites who want to meet up.== ==They also defaced the Zeemap of past meet up threads.

Report all threats of violence from this other posts on 8ch to the FBI here:


You might want to include the

8ch.net Registrar Data
Jim Watkins
OrganizationN.T.Technology, inc
Address9120 Double Diamond Parkway Ste 5901
State / ProvinceNevada
Postal Code89521
Email: [email protected]

Thank you.


You’re shit at your job, Horowitz. Your employers made a blunder hiring you.


Why do you hate the fact that Whites would meet up IRL and help each other?

Post your name, face, social security number phone number.

Impolite sage

going for 44 i see.


Fixed that for you.


R& hotpocket edit & B&
Following in the thread title

Fuq I'm tired forgot to sage

I want to thank all of you in helping me expose the true nature of White Nationalism and why it's anti-White.


Fucking kek. Mr. Alphabet, you really need to get with the times. Your OP image is all that is needed to see you're not from around here. I'm not going to tell you why either.

Why you posting the white extremist Sam Hyde? :^)

Hey CIA niggers which do you think is going tohappwn first? Shitskins kicking in your door murdering you and raping your wife and children or whites getting so fed up with bullshit that that torture ans murder ever jew uncluding you and your family.

Tick tock time is running out juden.

Let me help.

Look, he posted it again! Isn't he just the best? I'm so going to give you my info now so I can prove to anons that I'm not paranoid.

Not an argument, or even a point.
Post timestamped nose pic.

jej OK.


You have to be white, believe that white only social groups are ok, and not agree with white nationalist ideas like white only social groups :^)

Thank's for bumping the thread.

Putting white people first is the most anti-white thing you can do. We need to make whites appear normal and not racist so we can be conmpetitive with other ethnic groups! :^)

White associating is not a "White Nationalist" idea. Unless you believe WN's existed for thousands of years.

Or shitpost here over and over about Nazi frogs.

Ethnic association for whites is extremely racist and evil. It is only an idea held by white extremists. If you think this way, you're a white extremist and need to be put down. Even the American government and Trump administration said this. :^)

nice try leftykike

But normal Whites are not extremists. Only White Nationalists are. Therefore, normal Whites meeting up do fall into the category of "racist and evil".

You straw man failed yet again.

I wonder if he does it for free because you definitely have to have a no life to do this day after day without even feeling any shred of embarrassment.

The (((majority))) decided that normal whites are in fact racist and those who embrace it are extremists. It's not OK to be white, if you didn't hear. :^)



Pro-white but anti-white OP replies to the wrong people or completely forgets to reply and end up debating himself with contradicting but identical arguments via different ID's until the thread is deleted and it starts over.
He does it for money

I've had the same ID this whole time. Anti-white shills keep shitposting my pro-white meetup thread.

You just don't want whites meeting in person.


What the hell?! I'm being fucking hacked!!

Fucking white nationalist bastards ruining being white!!!!!!

Lol fag :^) :^) :^)

Soon to be 44 cunt.

we meet irl all the time douchenozzle.
the fact you are not invited speaks volumes.
gas yourself

Ask your boss if he's ready to hire me as your replacement.

No, It's not okay to be a White Nationalist. It is okay to be White.

And the majority of Whites didn't decide anything.

(((THEY))) however are the ones promoting White Nationalism.>>10996657







This post gets a free reply for being so retarded


I wANt To joIN yOU BRotHeRs i HAVE eNCODeD tHe meAnS TO r@eACH mE I HAVE reasOUrCE.S tO heLp us SUcCeed

What did he mean by this?

How many times are you going to make this same faggy ass thread?