Norway immigration

Hello, anons
I am currently searching for a new country, and I am very interested in Norway
I have a few questions, if anyone can help me:
Is Norway a cuckold country like the rest of the west?
Are there many shitskins there?
Would I be welcomed even though I'm not Nordic? (I'm genetically Portuguese and don't want to be another unwanted parasite)

You will never be Norwegian.

I know that well. Ethnicity is the thing that matters, not documents

Move to Brasil, it is pure as the driven snow, you share a language, it smells fresh like a spring field, and it is safer than Switzerland.

Why don't you stay in Portugal?

EU fucked with the economy and fags from Brazil and Angola keep invading here and I hate them

Norwegian women for norwegian men.
Stay and fight in your country.

t. a slav

Well, I actually have to agree. Joos are fucking enough with their ethnicity


Norgay only survives because Sweden takes on all the poz.

Where do you think we are?

South African here with a bit of Scandinavian in me who considered Norway as well if South Africa becomes Rhodesia 2.0 and the fight is utterly lost and I come out alive on the other side somehow, but until then I will fight here and be the best boertjie I can be.

No matter what I highly doubt your country is in the same boat as mine, fight until all is lost before giving up user.

If you're already married, and have a highly sought after skill by Norway, then I think that is fine. Chances are though, you're a single man, do not know the language, so you'd end up being a burden for them. They might view you as you do the Angolan (although hopefully not to the same extreme). Southern Brazil probably makes the most sense for you.

Sure, but if the fucking Nordics keep having dogs and cats instead of children, soon enough and there will be no more Nordics in any Nordic land

t. Alberto Barbosa

Sweden stronk

In Holla Forums?

Back the fuck off!

Well, you are right
I rather somehow kick the Angola fags from here than to go Brazil or be a parasite myself

Get out.


Don't do this. Stay whatever you are and fight.

you can't afford to live in Norway
also, stay and fight for your country faggot


That's what I used to say, but everything is so cucked that I no longer have hopes

The Brazil it is. Your people conquered that land, so by right of might you can settle there. Angola is the other option.

Brazil is the land of the black "Germans"

Stay in Portugal you dumb faggot.

because Nordic people will exterminate themselves unless they import third worlders into their countries, right?

where have i heard that before?

What I said is that they must at least have children between themselves, these fags marry and have around 0-2 children


Away with you, shitskin.

Stay in Portugal. Learn about your family, ancestors, history and culture RIGHT NOW. Search for your roots. Get familiar with your land and stay with it even during hard times.

Fucking coward.

Well, there you have it.
You know very well that it is wrong to flee.
Feeling alienated/disconnected from your own country is EXACTLY what the kikes want.
What can you tell us about your country? Tell us your story of how you got redpilled and what is going on in your country (if you'd like). Is it really that bad over there?

it's like you don't want to be caught between the EU army, US, UK, NATO, Russia, China, mudslimes, & militias, during WW3 and the bottomless pit being opened up in CERN melting into the hollow earth and releasing the super sonic nazi hell creatures beneath.


Goddamit Europoors stay home and fight for your fucking Homeland and preserve your culture. Americans and other colonies don't have such a luxury. My blood comes from every part of Europe and I'm lucky to have come out with really good Genetics, but I'm the exception. Fucking grow a pair and find a woman in your own country and be the voice that drives the degeneracy and enrichment out of your own community. Go eat some fucking octopus or something, damn

Well, as you're interested, I will write a bit of it
First of all, I'm really proud of my Portuguese ancestry, but as I said, I'm genetically Portuguese, doesn't mean I'm from Portugal. My parents are from the country but I didn't grow up there. I am considering return to my roots or another country, the only thing bad about Portugal is the people from Angola and the nigger blooded Brazilians. I always hated niggers, as they always hated me. I studied a bit about races and all, then I met a friend with the same interests and showed me much more of it and about the dirty joos that are filling the world with the plague I hate. I feel the need of returning to Europe, I know I'd be ruining their ethnicity, but what I actually care for is the white race in general
All redpill I had was thanks to the niggers themselves that hated me and to my friend

And also, as you said what can I tell about my country. Well, I fucking love Portugal's history. The ancient Portuguese kicked the Muslim's ass out and then in the middle of the crisis they discovered a whole new world and gave it our culture with Spain, but later they fucked it all. Fucking America

Switzerland sure is a cool place, but I don't have interest on it

okay dubs guy okay calm down

So you're (mostly) Portuguese from somewhere in South America(I assume), and you want to "reclaim your heritage"…by skipping right over Portugal and going to one of the wealthiest countries in Europe in order to try to get a blonde Nordic girl? Yeah, fuck off, you're obviously part of the problem.

Well then, what's the problem? It seem you are simply returning to your homeland. The fact that your country is in trouble should be the REASON to return and fight for it!
Go for it man!

How come? You said you have Portugese ancestry. If so, then you belong there.
I'm assuming you are a first gen burger? If so, and you are 90%+ Portugese, then there's nothing left in that failed libertarian country. Get the hell out of that kikehole!


Both my parents are Portuguese, and I have always considered Portugal

Well, thanks user. I think my decision after all will be returning to the country my family should never have left

Best of luck boertjie-user. May you slay a thousand niggers.


Sieg heil!

Godspeed, Aryan man.

No worries. Just keep a positive but realistic attitude. Spread the word. Help fellow Portugese people in your now-home country and make them realize they belong in Portugal. Get in touch with fellow Portugese patriots and go for a drink or something. Share stories with them (once you get to know them better of course) and look where they are coming from, how they got redpilled. What's their struggle? But more importantly, how can you help, heal and motivate each other?

Explore the mainland, maybe look for a nice little house in some small town. In most western countries the rural areas are the best.

You don't have to do this all at once obviously, take it slow. Step by step. A love for your country needs to be authentic. Fall in love with your country first ;)

What in the fuck

God grant it.

Don't be a faggot. There's plenty of lebensraum down here, you can join a hunters club and bombeiros and be volkisch as fuck.

Stay out, subhuman. Move to Brazil if you must leave your homeland.

Are you even white, OP?
Post a picture of your skin.


norway is ungodly expensive most the women are fat feminist coalburners (but not as bad as sweden) married to the government and there are no jobs. stay out

Are you even white?

What about facial structure?

Go away fucking nigger

I don't have any non white traces

Go away nigger

Slide thread

t. Another Slav

You do not abandon your country you do not abandon your people.
Victory or death


Why the fuck would you move to Norway? Why betray your country by leaving it in its hour of need? I hate when Europeans move to other European countries, FUCK EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU THAT DOES THIS!!! DAMN YOU TO HELL!!! You fuck over your own country and you fuck over your host country. STAY THE FUCK HOME!!! Alternatively, you can come to America, particularly southern New England- there are many Portuguese here.
Then you should have continued mowing down brainwashed (((communist))) niggers with the FAL so you could keep that sweet oil!
knock up your own women and breed your own race please

No, Brazilians are niggers. Continental Portuguese are not. End of story.

On a final note, Norway is not an economic paradise- the income may be high in western Norway, but the cost of living is even higher. That's why Varg lives in France with his frogfu.


Don't worry, mate. I've already decided to be at Portugal. I don't want my country filled with niggers

We will come together. And it will be glorious.
The bloodbath we are about to inflict will rise sea level and paint mediterranean red.

Awesome. Roma invicta

What about Australians moving to the Europe? I mean the history only goes back a few generations so aside from efforts in the wars, its hard to find a ancestrial culture to cling to.

Hmmm. What about Estonia? Nice? It's by the sea. Thinking about taking a vaykay.

Stop. Don't be cancer, try to fix up your own country instead of fleeing to another.

Well this question makes me wonder what to make of my situation.

I'm Portuguese born my genetics are 40 slav 30 from the irish/english group got some scandinavian genes (not sure why haven't found out in my ancestry any scandies).

What should I do? I'm mostly aiming forward to pulling a Varg, right now I have 2 small bussinesses and am racking up money, after I have enough going to scandinavia wouldn't be very good since to live your life as Varg in those places is impossible.
My places of interest (mostly based on soil and ancestry) are either north Portugal in the mountains, the spanish mountains as well southern france, or poland.

Also I find it really odd the europeans should stay in their own countries meme. At some time in history we were all huddled up in southern france to survive the Ice Age.

I understand that parasites are cancer and with the welfare state it's MUCH easier for an immigrant to just become a parasite than not, but seriously Europeans shouldn't really be hating on eachother.

dubs confirm truth

I agree with you. Northern Portugal will be my choice, and I like the Porto city a lot
Europe should be united (but this EU Jew shit, though)

But not*

Not talking about Porto, I mean actually going into the mountains and live isolated until this shit blows over, raising a big family in the meantime.

what the fuck

Let me get this straight: 40% Slav, 30% English/Irish, 30% Scandinavian, born in Portugal? What the fuuuuck? That doesn't even make sense, you can't be "40%" something. It goes 100%, 50%, 25%, 12.5%, 6.25%, 3.125%, etc. But you could technically add those together if you mixed that way, i.e. 28.125%. Your ancestry makes no sense though. If that's really true, you're too much of a mutt to live in Europe- come to America and become one of us, don't mongrelize a European nation, you don't belong anywhere.

Wanting to keep ethnic stock pure is not "hating eachother", it's preserving homogeneity for the sake of future generations.

Nooooooooooooooooooo, fuck off retard. United as a team against the kikes and other non-white enemies? Absolutely. But united as a state or supranational entity? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO kys.

Both of you, if you are not Portuguese then stay out of Portugal please and thank you. It is a country, not fucking south Florida where old people go to retire.

That's not how it works. We have to make it happen.

People don't seem to get how shit and depressing Portugal is. The problem isn't the low pay, it's the unemployment. It's a country that punishes entrepreneurship, and in which people either make you jump through hoops or shut you down. Alongside rampant nepotism and blatant misappropriation of public funds.

I've been abroad, it was nice. But now I am back and planning to stay, yet if this forsaken land no longer makes it possible for me to actually get into a trade, or go into a profitable field of work (enough to support a family) I will not stay. Nor should I, when even poorer countries offer me work that allows me to have a complete and balanced life.

It's not a matter of preference for me, it's a matter of survival. Here, either you are a soccer-loving slave drone or you leave. I plan on breaking the cycle.

EU fucked the economy because WE allowed it. The fucking socialists, social democrats, and communists had their way… OUR PEOPLE DID NOTHING AND TOOK IT IN THE ASS WITH PLEASURE. And unlike many other places (like Greece or Italy) we do not even have a nationalist response (besides a micro party that doesn't even get close to getting a seat in parliament).

You'll be relatively safe from niggers, but there's less work here than in the capital region.

The trás-os-montes region has nice people, virtually no niggerdom, and they are still more rural. Many small villages surrounded by abandoned/cheap farmland. Go for it.


So you want to live on welfare, have a literal autistic wife that gets triggered by loud noises?

When I say 40, 30, It's rought numbers (I don't remember with accuracy what's written on my genetics papers) I also add into that some research that I've done into my family (also I didn't say 30% scandie it did pop up in the DNA test but so far I haven't found it in my family). My grandfather was a pole married to an englishwoman, both of their families especially my grandfather go way back into each of those countries (this on my fathers side). On my mother's side they have been in Portugal for 2/4 generations but prior to that they came from ireland.

And believe me there's nothing I'd like more than go to the States, I'm very young at this point and although shit hasn't been easy as I said I have 2 small bussinesses and I'm doing well, but for SOME FUCKING REASON when I went to immigration services in France to try to eek out a path to immigration into the states nobody really helped me much I just filed some papers and got no idea on how shit would proceed(I don't really think immigration services to the US look kindly to anyone who's not a mexican or a mud or nigger).
If you have any hints on how to go the the states, please I'm all ears.

That is so true I have 2 bussinesses and the state has done NOTHING but try to fuck me up at every turn.

My girlfriend, isn't autistic, I wouldn't mind sucking the state of some more money to help me raise my children but I'd rather be self sufficient.

I do admire your perseverance. Out of curiosity, what kinds of businesses do you operate? (in a general sense, no need to risk doxxing with specifics)

Ethnic mixing is almost as bad as racemixing. Don't be a cuck stay with your country

Printing press(bussiness cards and everything one can think of) and a trinket? shop, the sort of shit you hand out at meetings like pens with someone's company name that sort of stuff.

Interesting, good to know that at least someone is making it. Best of luck to you.

Tbh fam one can make it anywhere with enough work and smarts. That being said the problem is how ungratifying that work is, as of right now I can't really think of a country in western Europe that really values hard work.
Due to tax fuckery the more you work the less your hard work is worth it.

I understand where you're coming from but waiting for shit to blow over doesn't mean watching anime in the woods all day. Look at it sort of like a Himmler situation before he came into light he was a chicken farmer.
I'm just effectively checking out of society to do my own shit and raise my family away from the jewry that is possessing said society.

Real blood and soil nationalists don't want you there almost as bad as they don't want more shitskins. I'd say the only exception to this might be white anglos emigrating around the anglosphere. Nordics are notoriously smug on the subject.
To you I say try your best in your homeland first and foremost. To them I say pick your battles wisely.

Bullshit, you traitor leech.

I bet you are a Brazilian and you should fuck off

Stay the fuck out of a white man's country. Move your brown ass to Argentina or something

Pure Portuguese are white. The shitskins one are the invaded. Portugal has been the land of countless mudslime slaughter under good kings. It is now in a critical state. Don't go to Brazil, it's completely lost. Only shitskins there.

we proud portuguese have to stick together. i am otripeiro at so shoot me a message if you want to talk de gajo a gajo.

why are third worlders so stupid?

Norwegian here.


That's a lie. The women are messed up, but not for that reason. They are consumerist junkies who are controlled by the media. Only a small minority are coalburners and/or fat, and that's only because Norwegian men aren't interested in them so they have to scrape the bottom of the barrell.

The number one epidemic here is virtue signalling, or just signalling in general. Attention whoring, social media addiction and being pulled into that matrix is what destroys women the most. Race mixing is a miniscule problem. Certain people will have you believe otherwise so you don't go out and start a family. Don't listen to them.

FrP is worse than labour party and socialists because they pretend to be opposition while promoting "integration". They are wolves in sheeps clothing.

That's wrong. Ethnic Norwegians and Swedes are the same.

Stay in whatever shithole you are and don't mingle with north euros unless you're at least phenotypically compatible, which I bet you're not. And we don't need more niggers like you here either.

t. Portuguese

I think the UK makes the most sense since that's where you guys came from.

Foda se pá
You must be a liberal art urbanite faggot from Lisbon if you can't find a job there, I was there a few months ago and all the industries around me were hiring.

Would just like to point out that the webm is from Melbourne in Australia, not Sweden. God help my poor country.

Fuck off, we're full.

DOTR can't come soon enough

In its current state, fuck that. UK is too far gone to save I reckon.

Am I white enough for Norway?

Not at all. When a nordic couple says they want children, they fly to thailand and adopt.

Well then go fuck yourself if you don't even want to save it.

Fucking disgusting

Sure thing Schlomo.

You look white enough for every white country imo.
I think ancestry is more important though.

I agree with this

t. a anglo-strayan.

What if you're quarter Norwegian? Do i get honorary status provided i promise not to shit up your country?

A photo without timestamp?
No one is that white and Portuguese.

Kek, no your 3/4 is what you are, unless you're part nigger that's 1 drop rule

If its vacation and you're white, then you're welcome. Otherwise anywhere else besides the capital expect looks of disgust. Knowing anything about our language or culture will get you good points with us.
If you're looking to stay and live, then please don't. We already have enough problems with the RIDF enforced white niggers (Russians).

In regards to prices, things have gone up lately due to the (((EU))) but its still cheaper and the food is much healthier than other western or europe.

t. estoniafag

Can you please explain this? I'm interested in visiting Estonia. I am fond of your architecture.

Hang on,

Various other western european shit. Next largest would be Norman, then it just becomes a hodgepodge. More mutt than any one ethnicity tbh, not that it matters.

Yes it fucking does mate. Why wouldn't ethnicity matter in Europe? Why would we want to be rootless mutts?

That all depends on the remaining 3/4. Other Scandi's, Germans, Dutch and Icelanders are usually ok. Commonwealth it depends, but usually ok as well. Anything else will depend on your ancestry.

You'd be hard pressed to find a nog without some other NW ancestry mate. If he looks like Espen Askeladd it doesn't matter.

I just mean that with regard to expatriation. I probably won't be leaving my home country, too stubborn to just up and leave like that.

Worst than Sweden.

Norwegian degradation was staved off by based breivik. He culled all the future commie scum in norway in one strike. Absolute madman.

Not a coincidence.

That said it might just be behind the times and pollution will eventually reach it.

Breivik was a fucking psyop. There's not a soul in Norway who knew him. Not a single tabloid "I grew up with Anders" story in 6 years. Mother and father "passed" within a year, and a sister in (((America))).

In Lisbon there are jobs, but too many niggers.

In the rest of the country: no niggers, but no jobs.


First I'm hearing of any of that.

Live on the outskirts of the city and commute in.
Most cities are relatively white during commute times.

Get out