For normal White people to meet each other for friendship, bonding, social activities, business and employment networking.
No White Nationalists or Alt-Right.
The reasons are obvious, well documented and needs no explanation.
Post your location with email, messenger or other means of contact.
Be aware that White Nationalists have been making death threats against Whites who want to meet up.== ==They also defaced the Zeemap of past meet up threads.
Report all threats of violence from this other posts on 8ch to the FBI here:
Better get ready to increment your ban butthurt-ometer.
William King
Anyone who openly calls themselves a nazi is a total embarrassing fat neckbeard virgin and will be killed on the day of the purge of Exremeist fags!
Levi Miller
Glowstick 42: Electric boogaloo
Dominic King
Ryder Stewart
Matthew Moore
Pretty much. OP wants to meet white people who aren't invested in their race and don't want to take care of their Volk. He's looking for CivNat cucks that are even further cucked than the alt kike.
Caleb Collins
Jonathan Rivera
JEW PLAN: encourage radical optics (KKK, nazi etc). Discourage any real networking of whites. Keep them (evil european whites) mostly solitary. If any leaders emerge - take them out with the double barrel - aka either acusations of race mixing or homosexuality then stab with the favorite "tool of the kikes… Jew shill…" Works everytime.
Example of good goy behavior: "Hey lets rant about Nazi shit and march like nazis and other horribly poorly thought out PR stunts. Ya know cuz HH 1488 SS race waaaaar faggotz!"
This behavior is to be encouraged and even faked online as it does zero for them and helps us play victim.
Examples of BAD goy behavior: "Hi its perfectly fine to be proud of who and what you are; black, white, east asian or whatever. Speaking of which i have worked for 17years as a business and financial consultant, and Id like to help MY people too. Perhaps setting up a small biz or cleaning up credit. I also have a friend who is an attorney who can advise white people on legal matters. Basically we are setting up a networking group that with no pay will help each other. We all have various skills lets work together to help each other"
Angel Clark
Wew… He specially states that is the reason for the meeting. Lying faggot.
Camden Wilson
Sebastian Powell
Luke Cook
OP hasnt been around since his inital posts. Is it snack time at retard day care langley? CIAniggers keep this up, they'll all be dead come re election.
Logan Thompson
Oliver Campbell
Its better just to join the national guard and do that every month and do it for pay
Jaxon Cruz
Lol. Oh jews.
OP wants to have white people specifically meet to network and you cry out like a kike on a trainride east. Ohhhhh no a racialy specific meet up is too civnaty for ya? Lol. Lying kike.
Civnats would be mostly or at least half non whites. OP is specifically wanting whites. Its like ffs totally not civnatty you colossal cock goblin!
Try harder yeol to get whites not to meet - ya know like every fucking other race can. You should start identifying as Trans because i can see right through your Transparent jew schemes.
Connor Reed
Aaron Lee
Logan Turner
>hello (((fellow whites))), hold that door open for me to get my (((very white, non-grabby hands))) on the inside with as little effort as possible >stupid gnatzees ruining (((our))) reputation amirite?
Now let's get those anti-white nazi's, nationalists and altrighters!!!!!!
Daniel Lee
Adrian Howard
Aww your fee fees get hurt?
Articulate WHY you think goosestepping or anonymous shitposting helps whites more than real world networking.
You have nothing….
Adrian Jackson
I never said anything about reason. I spoke about demographic. He's looking for white people who don't want to help their race. He's also looking for people who aren't apart of the new right wing. He's looking for lolbergs, neocons, and RINOs. Cucks in short. Call me Jewish while you play the semantics game to misinterpret statements. Lel.
Matthew Foster
You talk like a fag And your shits all retarded.
Try making sense.
Nathaniel Roberts
Bentley Ward
They've always had nothing. That's why the rage is present here.
Christian Morgan
Tyler Howard
Connor Wood
Nigger, I know people in real life that post on Holla Forums. Did you miss the part where he asks you to post your personal info yet doesn't supply his?
YOU go to the meetup, then, faggot.
After months of this shit has he had ONE meet? Has he posted ANYTHING about one happening, or does he just keep asking for anons' info? You have nothing. . .
Keep shilling, retards.
Luke Foster
Then change the voice on your text-to-speech.
Luis Johnson
No you illiterate faggot. He OP wants WHITES ONLY A FUCKING RACIAL EXCLUSION FOR NON WHITES you dumb kike.
And you blather on about how HE is a civnat jew fag or a rabbi or whatever. Do you guys need sleep or something.
Name one fucking thing YOU have done IRL to help white people? Fucking nothing?! Thats because 1. You are not really white and are a jew shill trying as usual to keep whites fragmemted. 2. Are a gigantic faggot.
Dominic Flores
Keep making the incoherent posts Schomo. You are helping to finally destroy WN once and for all.
Tyler Mitchell
Fucking Christ, get some help.
Jonathan Robinson
Connor Price
JUST LOOKY LOOKY AT ALL THESE ENRAGED KIKES Pretending to be ultra hardcore Nazis.
Just point and laugh at the jews as they rage-sage and screech
Landon Perez
Meth is not your friend.
Levi Roberts
Bentley Flores
They know their time of trolling Whites is almost over.
Bentley Cooper
No shit. Neither are (((you))).
Oh boy, I better post personally identifiable information here, quick!
Luis Lee
my personal suggestion is to divide publicly the whites into sub groups this way its a "British or Irish or Italian networking" but then these various groups can overlap and have basically the "white" group we wanted but with acceptable optics even to the media.
Also: ignore any supposedly white person that discourages networking IRL as they are they enemy.
Jose Walker
Ethan James
Caleb Russell
Yes, of course. How did I not see before?
Ethan Williams
Such a fucking crybaby.
Kevin Cox
Many chan boards have meet ups. Whole bunch here at Holla Forums have regularly posted meetups.
Nathan Jenkins
Good for them. They don’t matter.
Jackson Jackson
BAWWWWWW your shilling hurts me soooo baaaadly. So when is the meet?
Christopher Parker
Fearmongering is laughable. Ohhh noes your info will get out errrmahgerd.
Dont publicly say stupid shit.
IOTBW. Its ok also to be proud of your race. Its ok to help your race. Its ok to say all this publicly.
Ditch the edgelord larping and grow up. You honestly dont have to fear being V& if you literally are doing networking charity work. Ffs.
Now having said that this board is not the place to broadcast info for other mostly annoying reasons.
Nathaniel Bell
you shooting for 43?
Owen Moore
Hope he reaches 100. Maybe Imkamfucky will kill himself.
Cameron Gonzalez
If after 4 years of his madness he hasn’t done so yet, he won’t ever do it himself.
Christian Foster
I meet up with fellow whites. Ive met women who, surprising I know hang out here. There is a world out there and there are people who are a few miles from you right now that can be great IRL friends or future spouses. I help using what I know and they help me. For instance my truck was repaired by a guy I met. He and his wife are quite nice and I helped them apply for a home loan. This is real world stuff.
Jackson Rivera
He doesn't want just whites. He wants whites of a certain ideology. Being white is not his only criteria. You also can't believe in putting whites first or other white nationalist idea. So he wants whites who don't want whites first. Cucks. He doesn't care if you believe in equality between whites and niggers as long as you're white. It's funny really, how worked up you get when I poke holes in your defense of OP by only using what OP said.
Lucas Nelson
That's not networking as Whites similar to other ethnic groups.
Keep trying Schlomo.
Luke Brooks
** note one girl i met online was so perfect but i did lose contact. :-( K if you are still around contact T
Henry Jones
Easton Rivera
Carter White
Connor Murphy
So you admit to being scared about whites dying out but people who believe in white nationalist ideas such as having many children and protecting our own white brothers aren't allowed? Do you think that white people who aren't aware of their white identity will help you in saving the white race? You seem to put forward white nationalist ideas while at the same time decrying white nationalism as a cancer on "sensible whites" who "aren't racist" (who, by the way, don't care if the white race dies)?
Juan Miller
Not only that your very stupid on counting correctly, you're also very ignorant on ever realizing the numerous failures with zero progress that you've ever achieved in these past months or even years. Because, picture yourself in this situation. (((You))) hold a 3 year old grudge because a crippled kid on a wheelchair laughed at you. Each passing day you write in your secret shelter of how much you hate this place while publicly trying to keep that poker face of not giving a fuck. You keep wasting your 3 years of your life on spamming and shitposting on an imageboard. You keep thinking that maybe, just maybe that this "brilliant plan" might work. No matter how many times the tactics are being changed, it will always has a one similar distinguish that you reek: autism, cancer And after all of those failures, you keep lying to yourself that today was a success, that your plan worked and oh how cool and intellectual you were. Bathetic I've not seen for a long time of something like this level of failure. A fool that believes of being some kind of superman? Don't make me laugh, the absolute state that you're currently in is far beyond the breaking point. A miserable pile of excuse, lower than a trash, a scene from some dark comedy entertainment. Not only by destroying and harming yourself, but also your surroundings. You've became into such a bathetic state that I almost pity you.
Owen Perry
Lol so Brits cant meet with Norwegians and a guy from northern Italy is forbidden from hanging out with a Scottish guy?
You are so obviously a kike pretending to be this uncompromising NN. Sad.
Jace Morgan
Matthew Price
No he wants whites ONLY unlike this thread. He just didnt want the WN brand as its about territory and is much harder to defend publicly. I get what he is saying.
At least he is trying.
Jack Sullivan
No, no. See, you have to give this guy your info here, otherwise it doesn't count and you hate whites, goy-uh, guy.