Ford memes: Anti-kike

Amazing memes. Destroy kikes. Make Uncle Henry proud.

Whatever. Henry Ford wrote The "International Jew" and redpilled people on the JQ. Based as fuck right? It was.

Appropriate the Ford logo, slap it on some "Arbeit Macht Frei" photos. Appropriate Ford trucks and cars. Shoop Uncle Adolf or PEPES driving Ford pickup trucks.

Fuck the alt-kike. Low key NatSoc: Get normalfags to shoop Trump or Pepe in Ford trucks and cars. Associate the Ford logo with Pepe, make it green. Normalfags are robots. They'll do it because it seems "cool" and it's basically shitposting.

Ford Company is forced to address the JQ in public because their (((crisis communications))) team will tell the CEO to denounce anti-Semitism. Right-wing normalfags will Jewgle Uncle Henry's writings of "The International Jew."

Forces the JQ in the national spotlight.

If mods lock this thread, you know (((they))) own this board. It's not just that kike mod.

Uncle Henry would be fucking proud.

For faggots that don't know about Henry Ford's anti-kike writing called "The International Jew" here's a link (I didn't look through >>/pdfs/ fuck it):

Kek wills it.

Other urls found in this thread:

Ford was a capitalist kike that invented the assembly line - a form of work that turned white men into easily replaceable pseudo-machines instead of valued workers.

A lot of my family works for Ford, Henry Ford would be disgusted with the state of the company. Outsourcing is just as rampant as any other car company (most new cars on a Ford dealer lot were assembled in Mexico, you can check on the labels), and Ford voiced opposition to Trump's travel ban.

Fuck Ford.

Going to have to call you the kike for that shit. Ingenuity is a white man's game. Don't be a nigger. Factory jobs increased employment opportunities with the assembly line and also made work safer for employees.

Also Ford truly did red pill big time. Gas yourself, faggot.

Do your own marketing you lazy fuck.

Fucking Kike. We have him to thank for the forty hour work week, benefits, and the English translation of the Protocols. He is an American Hero.

That happened long after Ford was out of the game. That way you can blame his grand, grand grand father for existing and making babies and eventually Henry himself. It's idiotic.

Thanks to Ford wages went up and he reduced workweeks to 5 days a week and 8 hours per day. He also gave his workers easier ways to study by funding them and other companies had to follow up on that because his company was setting a good example. He also cared very much about safety in the workplaces. He did have a shit about the people that work in his factories.

You're a joke.

You know very well that the reason it turned white men into "slaves" is because of the kikes. Without kikes, even working in such a ford factory would have been a very good paying job. Kill yourself kike, you will hang with all your cousins on DOTR faggot.

And Romans basically invented disciplined, organized warfare. It allowed them to construct the largest empire in the prior history of the world. Oh, noes, the solders are easily replaceable! The romans were kikes!

Deus Vult!

Oh and he and a team that of people that he selected noticed and researched the jewish take-over in America and that research was published in the newspapers which later on The International Jew came from. Which also inspired the National Socialists in Germany to do the same in Germany.

Great, the kike is always the first post. Now the Jew tries to derail the thread. Must mean (((they're))) scared.

Meme it.

Also, forgot. He was against the idea of America joining World War 2 he understood that the war was only putforth by the greedy people ie the jews

I'm gonna cite Wikipedia here so don't cry to loudly:

Ford even got rewarded by Germany at the time.

Moshe I think you're slipping again.

Taking away nessessity for skilled labor or trade knowledge dumbed his employees down to the point where all they knew was put part A on part B.
When you got shitcanned after 10 years making cheap cars to allow for white flight to suburbs you didn't have any other skill and there was no Union of your Volk to help you.
Get your heads out of your ass. Sucking up to the corperate Jew will never save you. Value your fellow white working men over quite literally making memes and shilling for private business.


He popularized the weekend before it was even a thing, and made the '5 dollar workday' a reality. Fucking apply yourself JIDF vermin.

Did you not read? He also trained his working and gave them the option to follow a study. He didnt dumbed them down at all in fact he made sure they advanced. Much like Philips did in the 50 and 60s. Of course you wouldn't know.

Ford also built the worlds first car built entirely with hemp-based products, something the kikes shoahd immediately, which has only recently returned to the forefront.

The assembly line existed in the 12th century.
Ford was born in 1863.

I might prepare some extremely low quality memes for this, see how it works

Who gives a fuck what is 'jewish' behaviour, for fuck's sake you sound like one of them.
All they do is constantly talk about themselves and what is or isn't them.
It is disgusting.
Don't let yourself become like them, they aren't important, they are fucking insignificant and should be swept away completely, never to be seen or heard of again.
Fucking rancid cancer that infects all media, legal systems, politics.
Yet removed from their artificial illusions of power, they are sickly, pathetic parasites that have no redeeming features.
Don't use hebrew words, don't obsess over them, just know what they do, that they are poison and carefully inform as many people as possible about it when you think it will make a difference.

Wrong thread?

more like wrong board


Your father should have opted for anal that night.

I like their pick ups, bump.

*moveable assembly line

And it actually increases a man's knowledge and value. Also Ford made his own city and built houses for employees. He also made sure all his employees could afford buy a Ford.

Didn't used to be like this.
Recently there has been a noticable increase in people using tons of hebrew words in their posts, while supposedly mocking jews.
Yet it becomes the majority of their post sometimes. It seems insane that someone becomes so infected.

It is like spending all your effort to speak or write like a nigger.
If you mimic something too much, you become it.

Better write that in hebrew.

You mean it took them from organic replaceable farm machines and put them on an assembly line where they were paid very well?

Friendly reminder to anyone happening upon this thread: the communists are still REALLY FUCKING BUTTHURT about Ford, because he proved their whole economic system wrong.

>what is the day of rest

Two sides of the same coin. The removal of nessetation to do better.

>you don't like (((great American capatalists)))
>you're (((communist)))!
Again, same two sides of a shekel.

What are some good one liners from The International Jew or Ford? I’m not familiar with either.

Nice try, faggot. Ford revolutionized the auto industry and increased competition in the sector driving wages up. Please gas yourself.

Yours seem to have opted for it, though.


Dont buy Fords. Race mixing cuckholdery in commercials, hell the CEO came out on national tv and talked shit about the travel ban.

You could have at least waited about 3 posts later. You wouldn't have been so obvious.

Ford doubled the daily wage to $5 a day.>>10995989

upside down satan confirms kikery
gas gas gas

This astroturfing is trash tbh

Ford mechanic here! God wills this and it shall be done! Ford will be /ourbrand/ and we shall take it back from the kikes in their public affairs dept! I for one, have a reichsadler holding a Ford oval on all 3 of my fords! More of these would be great. So fire up a v8 and spread the word boys. We'll make Uncle Henry proud! He didnt earn a Grand Cross of the German Eagle for nothing!

Boycotting isn't enough. We must reawaken American working class car and truck owner to associating Henry Ford's anti kike views with the Ford brand. Forcing Ford kikes to disavow normie tier memes like IOTBW using Ford imagery could be a vehicle to accelerating JQ awareness.

Fuck you. Thats exactly why we need to take it back. We control the converstion, not the damage control kikes in public relations. Their day is over.

dubs confirm.
step one, turn on the gas

Can you get any more damned obvious?

A fucking day, you illiterate nigger; the weekend features TWO days.

Git gud Holla Forums.

Fuck you kike, and your low tier bait, and those wasted numbers.

The two day weekend was adopted to benefit Jews. The concept of the end of the week leasure time (the concept of the weekend) was not popularized by Ford. Giving Jews time off was popularized by ford.

I like your idea OP. Bring on the memes.


I agree. Keep the hallowed natsoc symbols away from that mess.

automation is progress, the problem is the political system. in a NatSoc society you use the axed jobs for building moonbases and shit instead of wilfully making work unefficient just to be busy. Thats insane.

I am a cousin of Henry Ford, and I can tell you he would approve and if I have any legal standing whatsoever I grant you the use of the logo in the making of anti juden memes.
I am working to make my ancestors proud and proud they will be.

ford was used as an example by the NSDAP as to what a good businessman looks like. in that sense he is the polar opposite of a kike

The engineering and project departments are full of ragheads making the most inefficient vehicles they can. This wanton consumption is then sold to dumb ass patriotard types as "manly" and "Murica, fuck yeah".

Ford sold his fucking soul and now the company is owned by Kikes

Yet this isn't a NatSoc system. The displaced workers with a very specific and mostly non-transferable skill were not brought somewhere new and taught how to operate a new job for the betterment of the nation. It just shit them out into the street without a care. It also wasn't busy work to build a car before that either. The difference is that the employees used to know how to build the whole car, how it works and how it all comes together in a way that taught the worker how to think in a critical fashion when it came to construction and repair. The new system gave them a small glimpse of the whole and to do one simple task over and over. Saving time this way to maximize unit creation and sales is a capatalist idea, not thinking about your fellow white blue collar man.

KEK cry harder Rabbi!

should have gotten rid of the kikes then like he told you burgers.


Look at the meme potential in this video. Have Kermit over dubbed saying the hybrid SUV "needs more gas." Or make him Pepe and have him overdubbed with Uncle Adolf saying something about the Jews.

Throw in quotes from Uncle Henry. Make an overlay that hybrids suck and Kermit says the SUV needs a "gas chamber."

The meme potential is unreal. Here's the JewTube embed, webm it.

I mean, Ford, frog, gas… Uncle Henry, The International Jew? This is amazing. Anyway.

Look at these JIDF kikes squirming in the post.

Imagine how the (((public affairs))), (((PR)))) and (((crisis communications))) companies advising the current Ford company would kvetch when Uncle Henry wakes up the goyim almost 100 years after he wrote "The International Jew."

Keep squirming kikes. Your day is coming.

Uncle Henry named The Jew, (((The ADL))) lists Uncle Henry as (((anti-Semitic))). He's basically /ourguy/.

Imagine Holla Forums taking over the public image of a multibillion dollar brand by making it /ourbrand/, redpilling normalfags on the JQ.

This is IRL Bane shit. Fuck Baneposting. This is something the actual Bane character would do.

Do you know how powerful we would be? Forcing the Jews to name The Jew themselves?

(((PR Dept))): "The Ford company isn't (((antisemitic)))."

Normalfags immediately Jewgle Uncle Henry's anti-kike redpill.

The Jews are scared, look at (((them))) squirm in this thread! Holla Forums appropriates the image of a fucking auto company? That's God-tier memeing.

Well said. A Roman salute for you.

quote from a pamphlet published by the NSDAP
>the true factory-owner is quite different, he who is conscious of his high task as an economic leader. he must possess high moral worth - in the economic sense at least. his task is to discover the real economic needs of the people - if he is also an inventor he does this pioneer work himself. he must keep his costs as low as he can and lay them out to the best advantage, keep prices down as low as possible in order to get his goods on to the market; keep up both quality and quantity of production, pay his employees well, so that they may be able to purchase goods freely, must always be thinking of improvements and renewals of plant and trading methods. if he puts all this first in his business, he is supplying the necessaries of life in the best and highest sense, and profits will come of themselves without his making them his first object. the finest and most universally known example of this kind of manufacturer is Henry Ford

Henry Ford himself was based and very anti-Jew, however the modern Ford company is cucked and tried to kill V8 muscle cars multiple times (Wanted to replace 90s Mustang with probe and now plans to phase out V8s again), and focus mainly on front wheel drive shitty econoboxes

Spending more of your own capital to drive the same distances because a Madison Avenue jew has convinced you that a certain car is more "manly" than another one is exceedingly bizarre. It's a chronic narrative around here post-election season, though. Language gets crudely grafted onto the traditional donor industries of the Republican party in an attempt to continue the status quo as if nothing has happened.

Ford was also /ourguy/ he made the all nigger town and called it INKSTER

It has nothing to do with being "manly", i simply like to drive sports cars and fast vehicles
In fact one of my complaints with Ford and the Mustang/their concept of a muscle car is that they used a solid axle rear end whereas GM used IRS differentials on the Corvette and Camaro for decades before Ford did with the Mustang which had inferior traction and handling as a result. Liking v8 engines is not simply due to a "manly" meme either, the ford 302/5.0/351windsor and especially the GM LS and SBC engines have a massive performance aftermarket that other engine designs do not have and are very cheap to use to make high amounts of horsepower, basically they have the best hp/$ ratio.

Then you wouldn't be using loaded language like "cucked".
Nobody cares.
Then you wouldn't use loaded language like "cucked".
Nobody cares.

Don't feel obligated to respond.

Nice tactic, Jew. This isn't about the fucking car company. It's about appropriating and taking over a kiked company to redpill people with what its founder, Uncle Henry, said about the kikes. He hated kikes.

Gas yourself.

Wasted trips, fucking kikes. This faggot is a butthurt kike who needs an oven, STAT.

It's to raise attention to the Ford creator himself. The current company, as pozzed as it may be, can get gassed but shouldn't deter us from "MEME IT"

This is pathetic

Pick one
Also it should be about appropriating and taking over the image and ideology of Henry Ford himself, not the company which is already kiked as you said
Where did i disagree with promoting Henry Ford and his ideology? I specifically said "Henry Ford himself was based and very anti-Jew", the point of my post was to differentiate in promoting the ideology of Henry Ford himself and the Ford company currently

It's not about you using the word, it's about context. You were emphatic that anyone who would be less than enthusiastic about using as much gasoline as possible to scoot around in a boombermobile is "cucked". You're a fucking idiot.
It's not about me not caring. The board itself does not care about your legacy boomer consumer markets. They aren't relevant.

The hell, don't let that guy make you feel guilty for enjoying manly cars. Shit's awesome and good for testosterone levels.

Like clockwork.

Nothing would be better for your testosterone levels than taking a bicycle to work every morning.

I never mentioned anything about MPG, i said the word "econobox" and you got more triggered than a SJW and started whining about me calling the current Ford company cucked when nearly the entire thread agrees that its shit/kiked
top kek
You don't speak for the board

Thanks, btw turbocharged vehicles are nice as well although hipsters have somewhat ruined the image of wagons


oh look its a dumb faggot that knows nothing about Ford's tech

Nigger the 2017 Ecoboost v6 puts out 647hp and 550lbft with a twin turbo. Fuck you mopar faggots.
Stay salty, oil kikes!

The entire Probe project was predicated by a series of concept cars increasingly radical in aerodynamic design and fuel efficiency. You're not arguing in good faith. You have an agenda, I've already pointed out exactly what it is.

Honorary Dodge

top fucking kek

A $300 early 2000s stock LS 4.8L V8 engine is capable of making 1200HP+ with a single Chinese turbo

Which i have no interest in, i only care about the performance and aftermarket aspect
Also was extremely unpopular among Ford customers which is why Ford wasn't stupid enough to actually go ahead with replacing the Mustang
You have made bullshit strawman arguments and whined about MPG and bicycling like a soyboy SJW

I'm not biking 100 miles every day. Impotence isn't good for your manliness either.

It's slow and inefficient but damn is it easy to work on. Insectoid and tough.

All I know about Fords is that when I hear rod knock, I don't even need to look over to know what brand the motor is. Also transmissions that never last more than 150,000 miles. My slushbox is still perfect at 240,000 so there's no excuse for that.

JIDF's only faith is in the father of lies. None of these kikes are up to date on Ford's tech, or v8 when everyone knew the moment F1 went to v6 it was over. Forever.

Yes, that was the original point and why you were told to fuck off. Is it the pace of threads that draws you boomers here? You feel lost in the shuffle over at Breitbart?

Do you like being retarded?


Ford was the Woody Allen of his time, a self deprecating jew (or shabbos goy to be very lenient) on his track history who prided himself in supporting both the axis and allies of WWII, it's also worth saying that he was a shrewd businessmen who screwed over his own people in order maximize his gains. Never forget Tesla, his ties to politics (including WWI) and the multiple inventors he screwed over to pursue (((his))) own interests.

Thank uncle Adolf for the 8 hours.


Pretty sure my grandfather owner that book and even worked for the company

Required by regulations, mainly to limit safe track speeds

A used LS engine is literally $250-750 and there are entire channels dedicated to turbo swapping them for budget builds (sloppy mechanics), some of which have tens of thousands of miles
Also the muh cheap Chinese turbo bad argument has been debunked for years now, they are actually sorting their shit out and if you have an intercooler which you should, 95% of the time any debris from a failed turbo gets caught there with no engine damage

While GM's model of building as many as they possibly can is bad for profit, it's good for getting a new LS for $500 when you blow yours up. Also the problem with a warranty is you can't work on it yourself and have to hand your car off to some goons who probably know less than you do when it needs work.

by paying them more than his competition, by building houses they could afford, by making sure they could all buy a car they made

you kikes arent even trying

This, the entire great thing about V8s is being able to repair most yourself easily and the massive aftermarket for parts
Do it yourself and don't pay the auto manufacturer kikes

Where am I gonna buy bike that last more than 5,000 miles?

Say jew, you jew. He fucked over Tesla and many other patriotic inventors. He was a shabbos goy whether you wish to believe it or not. He played into the jews' interests, he supported the jews' interested. The JQ bullshit never got him persecuted or damaged his personality. He is the Woody Allen of his day. A literal jew pretending to hate jews to further the interest of jewish business to support nobody other than jewish interests.

How many of the 2015-2017 v6 Ecoboost turbos have blown up? What kind of retards void warranties on equipment trying to modify? Why do you need to modify these brand new motors in the first place?

Your JIDF arguments fall flat on your huge kike noses in regards to aftermarket anyway. Stop trying to compare 17yo deprecated v8 and chink tech to modern day American v6 tech.

Deprecated = able to do a timing belt replacement without a $10,000 lift and removing a CV axle

To add, he retracted his statements like the cuck he was in 1927. Not saying he was not red-pilled, but he was a complete and total shabbos goy in the manner that he acted when he came to business and dealings. It's rather unfortunate that he caved the way he did - despite history trying to make him a hero. You should try harder OP.

Hey kike, you kike. Ford wasnt the only one that decided A/C was better for the alternator. Do you even know how electricity works? Oh wait… you have your kike magician Einstein.

KEK stay salty Rabbi!

Not even an attempt at an argument
Never mentioned mopar, its GM that actually has by far the largest aftermarket with Ford and GM a large distance behind
Claiming "muh mopar" just makes you look like a retard
Turbo failures are uncommon in any case, also reminder there is still an ongoing class action lawsuit against Ford due to ecoboost V6 problems and defects
The only person here trying to argue about warranties and new vehicles is you
Again the only retard arguing about brand new motors is you, and the purpose of modifying a V8, even an older engine/vehicle is that you can make more power than almost any newer vehicle for very little investment and still spend less overall than on a new vehicle with warranty even if you have multiple engine/turbo failures
Nigger you are the one that brought up the Ecoboost V6 and 600HP like it was some kind of engineering marvel, Ford shill


You can still get OEM parts for nearly all common US V8s, most are still even in production
Paying money to the auto manufacturer kikes is for women and faggots who cant repair anything themselves, also not an option with older vehicles
lmao, literally SJW tier
The thing is that LS engines are not even that inefficient, 25-30MPG highway is quite common

You are all over the map. One second your a shitskin, the next you're a nigger, then a jew. Maybe you should stick to the bus and trains like niggers should. You dont deserve the right to import chink shit and piss gas in America.

I'd still trust that LS over any Ford engine, even with a Chinese turbo and a leaking 4L60E.

Kek, 25-30 is what I get out of my little I4.

Inverted satan trips. Even your digits reveal you, kike!

I'm explaining why LS V8s and V8 engines in general are popular, i didn't say i personally was buying the cars/engines/parts i mentioned

The thing is i don't even dislike Ford engines, im just defending V8s against a faggot that got triggered because i said the Ford company currently is was mostly focusing on "econoboxes" and had tried to kill the Mustang multiple times, the faggot then proceeded to sperg out about how first people should all ride bikes (exposing himself as a poorfag city bugman) then about how the new Ecoboost V6 was better due to MPGs and having to pay for a kike warranty

The only thing you're defending is your own consumerist proclivities.

Holla Forums logic at work

I like some Fords too, but I've heard rod knock from so many of the recent models that I'm surprised when I don't hear it.

How is buying a new car because they told you it's slightly more efficient not consumerist? You could get 600HP out of an Ecotec 2.2 for a fraction of what a new Ford costs. Hell, you can get 600 out of a Nissan KA block that's barely evolved from the L series in the 60s with far less money, and Nissan parts costs are considered ridiculous.

"Slightly"? There's nothing "slight" about what is actually possible and has already been achieved, just not put into production.

As far as MPGs, that already peaked in the 80s/90s with the early civic and geo metro
Mainly because nobody wants to buy a slow, ugly and expensive econobox with the only redeeming feature being muh MPGs

The cars you are promoting like anything with a Ecoboost V6 are also not improving efficiency, they are heavier than the previous generations due to being bloated with more luxury features, infotainment systems, more safety equipment, additional emissions equipment, etc… which is all still a largely negligible improvement compared to the previous 1-2 vehicle generations and extremely consumerist, especially when recent model years can often be had for a fraction of the price.

You can achieve a lot with a body kit.
Link the post and greentext the exact words that support this claim.
Go back to Breitbart. This is a National Socialist board. It's not "boomer complaining place".
Link the post and greentext where I pushed for an "Ecoboost V6". Looks like you got IDs mixed up, boomer newfag. When will you nigger lovers ever learn?

I wish they'd do that, then, instead of introducing so much complexity that a timing belt replacement takes 30 hours, for a few less squirts of gas per drive.

Now the Metro was econobox done right. Simple and novel. Slow as it is, 40-60MPG from a non-interference I3 is remarkable to this day. Too bad about the lower control arms on most of them, though.

Correct. It's a deliberate scam designed to milk end-use consumers.


He was truly a American hero.

You were specifically promoting the 2017 V6 ecoboost or new vehicles with a warranty, now you're trying to backpedal
Also again, MPGs is not the sole reason people buy cars
see you are specifically advocating for new vehicles with a warranty, and part of most warranties is that they require dealership service for all repairs

Link the post and provide the greentext where this assertion is made. Oh, right. That's not what I said. You're filtered, nigger lover.

This is your daily reminder.

Take your commie bullshit back to >>>Holla Forums

not even a well trained Holla Forums shill

Starting to meme.

A reason why he raised wages was because it was actually cheaper as more workers kept working on Ford and he didn't have to spend as much training new ones. It was a win-win situation. Ford was based.

Good, but we should probably start out with Ford ads with happy white families and tie it to pride in white identity, White non-Jew inventors/businessmen and white natalism then escalate from there.

Also, these Ford memes without the logo seem more ironic. Like, why is there a pickup truck in front of Auschwitz or Hitler?

People Jewgle the two words and then Uncle Henry 's redpill shows up.

Thanks OP, I just bought two Ford trucks with the last of my life savings

OP can't inb4, newfag.

I swapped the highest hp/l na 4 banger ever made out for an ls3 and fuel economy increased and it has 3x the torque and twice the hp, only +60lbs (trans) and retains 50:50 and has a lower CoG. No downsides. I can also work on it in my garage instead of needing crazy tolerances and equipment and pricey parts. Enough said.

But back on topic, we need to get this meme going and spread the international JQ via ford. The shills clearly are shitting themselves. Hi jidfniggers.

P.s. don't forget to look into the Talpiot program and just how far the likes penetrate your own country and industry, just like ford these days.

All this talk about V8s is making me want to do an LS or 350 in my Nissan. There's already adapter kits available. I know the LS is way better overall, but, man. All cast iron V motor sounds great too. One guy told me he lost all the coolant in his iron V8 and was able to make it to work for a week by popping the hood up and running with the heat on full blast.

If you're straight line only iron ls is a no brainer, cheaper and they'll take much more boost reliably than the alu blocks, unless it's an LSA or has serious aftermarket sleeves and $$. Go high miles and you probably won't even have to gap the rings due to wear.. ;)
On no budget though 350 is pretty enticing if you can DIY it all, even cheaper than LS. That said for few hundred bucks a throw away 5.3LS is hard to beat, less time into it if it breaks. Zs handle ls well too. I have the jdm honda brother of it ;)

Great work, anons, the lack of leftyfag wordy memes is great. Looks fun enough that I will install shoop on pc rebuild.

Wait, what was the ‘wireless communication’ used at this time period?

Thanks user. Likely an unmodified LS will be ideal, then. Any real power would likely result in me waking up in the hospital the first time I hit the accelerator.

Current Ford company and the Ford foundation are anti american as fuck. Ford outsources everything they can and the foundation supports Blacks Lives Matter and more leftist shit like that. Hell i rather give my money to Elon Musk and his actually made in america cars than BLMexicoFord. Toyotas are more made in america than freaking fords.

Reminder: Dodge founders were jews. Charlottesville was false flag made by some alphabet agency.

More OC

ford falcon


Early 19th was Morse code e.g. Titanic
Tesla invented radio as we know it, Marconi stole it and took credit, radio broadcasts etc began and rest is history.

I used to have a ford, then some autist I used to pick on hit it with a van.


you know what's funny is his eyes are completely sincere

Don't forget that Henry Ford had received the Grand Cross(highest honor of a non-German that NatSoc Germany can bestow), and Hitler had a portrait of Ford hanging in his office.

He also in a way started kingsford charcole company. He used the wood from his scraps on the model A trucks and invented machines to make charcole. He gave two bags of charcole to each customer who bought a vehicle. It was incentive he said for his customers to take their family out on a picnic. Later when this was not financially sound he sold his charcole plant to E.G. Kingsford. Henry Ford is easily one of the Greatest Americans, and while he did not invent the assembly line (Henry Colt actually did) He perfected it. He is my all time hero tbh, and can't think of many other people I look up to.

I have a feeling these "but he's a capitalist" posts are a lolberg/ancap false flag to associate anyone who's critical of judeo-capitalism with leftypol/shilling.

Like Hitler said, capitalism and communism are two sides of the same international jewish coin, and speaking of Hitler, he wanted "Heinrich" Ford to run for president.

No, Holla Forums, you're just that blatant.

The posts reek of someone who tries just a little too hard, like someone who has severe autism and is convinced that they adhere to the "right" jewish philosophy instead of the "wrong" one. They're both bad.

Gas yourself.

You're the one sent here to damage control by calling everything that makes you look bad a false flag.
Most anons would probably just assume it's the lolberg scum that pools around the edges but you need to call it false flagging to cover your ass.
In the act of covering your ass you accidentally poke it out for everyone to see where before nobody would have thought twice, it's pathetic really, kek.

More OC

Based. Make more OC!! The dubs mean Kek wills it.

Gas yourself faggot

Ford didn't read the statement that was prepared for him, or even sign it himself. He also went on to fund prominent "anti-Semites" like Elizabeth Dilling and William Dudley Pelley long after the supposed "retraction".

>In 1939, Harry Bennett told me he would like to have me meet Wm. Dudley Pelley whose occultism I had criticized. I had never met him. He said: "He will be coming in here any day to get money and GET IT. He is a swell guy. All that stuff is just a gag with him!"

>Rev. Gerald WINROD was doing an eye-opening job in his paper which had some 100,000 subscribers, I understand. He told me that Ford gave him $20,000 when he ran for office in Kansas at that time, on an anti-Pharisee platform. I was working on the "OCTOPUS", which my husband, who afterwards regretted it, had me put out under a pen name. Ford gave me $5,000 in April or May of 1939 so that I could add to my office staff which that year cost $12,000.

From The Protocols 'Killed' Again by Elizabeth Dilling

Gee, I wonder why you're so invested in people not thinking those posts are coming from lolbergs?

Ford is literally run by cucks these days though.

Because they're coming from you, Holla Forums and it's obvious since the first time they got called out was you saying that they were a false flag against you.
Like I said earlier, nobody said anything until you and then it became obvious who it was. You were doing so well too, just to blow it now.

This, the entire thread has multiple Holla Forums shills whining about MPGs and consumerism


I'll make a few for Ford The International Jew, as well as the protocols are essential reading

That's a tirrible shilling tactic moishe, no shekel for you.
Telling /pol to stop talking about jews is the equivalent of telling rabbis to stop sucking on babies penises and eating foreskins.
Never gonna happen.


That's a great fucking meme!!!!!!

The International Jew was the first book I read on International Jewry. It opened my eyes and I could finally see just how decimated American culture truly is. That was 10 years ago…

People like you who have such a surface level survey of everything make me sad. Know your shit before you call a great hero and idol (looked very positively upon by many higher-ups in NatSoc Germany, btw) a kike. Either you yourself are a kike, or you're retarded. Go learn.

Can't let these quads go unchecked. Here's a Ford from better days, back when the company employed at least one person with a developed sense of aesthetics. This almost wouldn't look out of place in Hitler's Germany. I'll see if I can make it fit something, actually.

That's pretty much every fucking company these days. Do you just not buy anything? That's not plausible.
Buying used from local non-manufacturer-branded e.g "Peterson Ford" dealers and individuals doesn't give the company shekels. And again, just about every company does this shit, and people need to get around.


Gas the kikes race war now

I saved the template if you have any other suggestions.


Nice digits, Satan

Plenty of other companies helped out as well such as GM, of which had made the Opel Blitz, and Texaco, which has given the National Socialists fuel in exchange for the synthetic rubber formula(of which the US government made Texaco give to the US).


id go back in time if i could just to buy Henry a drink.

not that it needs to be said but the Bauers aka the "red shield" Rothschilds.
just incase noobs need edukating


Make up your fucking mind.

1st pic is kind of shit. You should reduce the quality of the ford and make it fully b&w so that it fits in with the rest of the picture.

Hnery Ford was a freemason


< anyone who criticizes capitalism is Holla Forums

< more gas less jews
lul nice work user

Back atcha.

Bump for Uncle Henry

He had a whole team researching the kikes in America user. A whole fucking team.

You just stepped off the boat, didn't you comrade?


I'm with you OP, I've wanted to make the modern (((Ford motor company))) squirm since they took away the inline six and standard transmission on pickups. What better way than by reviving Uncle Henry's spirit?

>yes goyim lets prop up a shitty race mixing promoting (((stock exchanged))) company.
How about letting them wither and die before giving them free advertising that (((increases the conversation)))?
Any company on the jew york stock exchange should be allowed to fail as the market sees fit.

Here's some Ford memes

First post kike post, as always. Ford paid his assembly line workers 5$ a day. That's 124.58 per day in 2017 dollars. Machinists and electricians were paid even more. Not a bad salary for work that basically even a retard could do.



That's what I have, the 3.5L. It's a 2017. Give me some ideas and I'll make it a reality.

One other thought, there are a lot of Normiecuck dad's that drive Fords, so maybe I could larp as Antifa and make a bunch of propaganda memes like Ford is "For Our Resistance Dreams" or "Forced On Resisting Drumpf" or something - I'm not that creative - but we could spread that shit via twatter or kikebook and anger a bunch of them - maybe redpill in the process. Just a thought.

No he does fucking not you reddit kike.