Russian will be sued for meme with swastika

Russian will be sued for meme "We can not repeat" with swastika

Administrator of Murmansk public VK page "Murmansk Road accident PE" Stepan Romanchev was accused of propaganda of Nazism for the meme "We can not repeat" with a swastika. This is reported on the community page in VKontakte. "The creator of our group started the case for image, which was not posted only by the lazy," the administration of the group noted.

According to the head of the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Murmansk region Marina Shikhova, the administration of any public on social networks should be ready to bear responsibility for their publications. "Including the demonstration in the group of Nazi symbols and paraphernalia, extremist materials and everything else, for which responsibility is foreseen," Shikhova quotes SeverPost.

Romanchev noted that the initiator of the case probably decided to "create hype" in Murmansk. "Either the New Year is burning with a plan for extremists," the intruder suggested.

According to an administrative article on the propaganda of Nazism, the administrator of Murmansk DTP PE faces a fine of up to 2,000 rubles or an arrest for up to 15 days.

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Just so you understand the translation i'l explain to you - it was a leftist writer that is sued for posting an anti-nazi meme for the fact it contained swastika.

Is that the meme? The "Russian" seems like a Communist faggot. I'm happy he's getting sued

Using the letter of the hatespeech law to defeat the spirit of it, very nice.

Leftists can't meme for shit. Everything is about sex with them. Makes them so predictable.

Can someone set up a money drive to help them?

Oh man. That's just too fucking funny.

Since when can people get out for 30 bucks

These braindead russian speaking millennials mongrels are subhumans who think communism was great and Stalin is their god. Funny, since these very same retards would have been sent straight to the GULAG БЛЯДЬ ! during that time. They don't know shit. They only show everyone how easily they are brainwashed by kike propaganda. Fuck them. Fuck all of these retards. Also, why are they even proud of that "victory against the nazis" when they've basically lost most of their population in the process unlike Uncle Dolfy's NaziGermany ?
They should be ashamed of themselves to nearly have faced selfgenocide by such a smaller sized country. This just shows how stupid these mongrels are. We could go on forever.

Calm down, Shlomo.

Where is there "not" in the picture? It literally says "1941-1945 we can repeat" or in more proper translation it's "1941-1945 can be repeated".

You must be the kind of Cohen who wonders why Greenland and Antartica couldnt conquer the world.


And they were allies with Germany up until 1941. That is 2 years in to WW2.

To defeat the jew, you must first outjew him.

It's a propaganda pic by/for idiots who love to celebrate victory day, reminiscing over the "glorious" defeat of Nazi Germany even though there are almost no old senile farts left who actually lived through it.
Bunch of losers that went through the USSR brainwashing particularly when in military service or their naive children programmed to be just as stupid.

Also it's some shitty joke about what they'd rather have or not have to deal with again.

"allies", that's one way of putting it.

They defeated Germans becouse commies were willing to push millions of people into the meatsalughter so the german machine stalled. The kill ratio was 1:4.
Lend lease just quickened the defeat of Germany but it did not save Soviet Union on it's own.
This is just some burger fantasy that came about becouse they did nothing but sit with thumbs in their asses till 1944 and even then needed almost a year to defeat reservists and teenagers.

Read the thread before posting, it isn't that long. This was the enemy that was arrested. It's a good thing.


Don't forget shit, kikes love toilet humor.

Isn't it more of a disgusting fetish than humor for them?

If the swastika and hammer and sickle were switched around on that pic, wouldn't they be facing prison time?

you don't say…

It's merely a coincidence fellow anonymous, don't put much thought into it. Seriously don't


How are you reading it?

So ban the shit meme? I agree. Fuck the scatological toad.

To be honest, just means we stole what they love and do it better and over the top they lost their edge in its use thanks to our subversion. They love their piss and shit, but we were born into it, grew into men before we had ever tasted the waters free of sewage and sweet smells of life beyond the world the kikes created. Even jews are as helpless as babes before the pepe poopoo memes we have reveled. Do not feel shame, for our strengths are many and we were forced into this life and adapted far better than the jews to their own world.

wow what a faggot
I hate how retarded Holla Forums is in trying to find a way to liken to Russia.




Bonus pic of an actual Russian city with millions of people. Holy fuck I am interested in Holla Forums but it makes me want to leave more and more!

oh and yes sure everybody criticizing Russian reign is leftist now

It's typical commie propaganda and the cuck is getting charged for it. Stay mad, kike.

1,2 mil to be exact.

won't you mind taking a look at the rest 3/4 of the pane pl0s what a mudslim sandnigger you are

oh and here is BTW the actual pic that a local government member was posting onto cars and was never indicted or anything like that

holy fuck your brain is dead

It's hardly pro-NatSoc. More anti-russian than anything. I could easily see this being made by a leftist.

"We can fuck the nazis but we can't build cars, roads or hospitals"

Ok you activated your brain finally. Now notice that picrelated of the post you are replying to now is exactly what you said - commie propaganda, created and spammed with stickers by government member who was never indicted for that.

What's so wrong to just have Ethno-nationalism? Can't we just split up the world and give each race it's own home and stop bothering with all this waste of time?

anyone got the original im pretty sure it was a swastica bending over a hammer and sicle and a star of david behind them with a knife also Benny G WATER MARK

WTF did I just read?
Considering that this is kinda the same question as "can we make males peaceful and strong at the same time" the answer is "no".можем повторить&tbm=isch
Dig it yourself.

It's a perfect solution to many invented problems but a short term one. Even if it was allowed to happen by those in power that want to see the world constantly fighting itself to keep eyes off them, eventually the successful nations will outgrow their allowed area and have no choice but to invade and colonise the lesser nations or else face stagnation/death.

Trips of truth.

Sage for topic being gay.


Shills still have no idea how we can spot them.

Good. Fuck the Commie scum. A shitty law serving a useful purpose, for once.

Which is why the only real solution for humanity is to go to space. We need separate planets for every race

pepe isn't going away any time soon. I curse you with a thousand unpleasant shits caused by bowel blockage.

>Let's make the galaxy (((multicultural)))
So very civnat of you user.

And I am shilling for what exactly? Is explaining russian humour and pointing out obvious logical flaws shilling too?

See: >>10997428
I dare you to give an explanation about how charging a guy for joking about how hard 72 years old victory is pushed to substitute social and technological progress makes up a useful purpose.

oh, this is ripe

The peepee poopoo memes were crafted to scare Normalfag scum away from the Nazi frog because beforehand they were using Pepe memes freely.

The mainstream use of the word "multicultural" is in actuality a formless, brown, admixed mass, with no actual diversity. That planet idea is great because there would be a mutual, healthy separation with plenty of resources and space to go around.

In fact, you're use of the word "CivNat" in this context shows how clearly you don't understand what it actually means. "CivNat" is literally the same as blind Patriotism, where every race lives in the same nation and holds hands singing "kumbaya" - in other words: a fantasy. Not the proposed separation.

Brb, turning myself in to the Grammar Gestapo

The next question for individual meditation until spontaneous enlightenment: "how come someone gave Lend Lease to their most dangerous enemy?"
See, there were lots of people so-o smarter than Uncle Joe… except for some reason they danced looking at the puffs of his pipe for rhythm.

Get back to 4/pol/ where you belong.

Anybody publicly supporting marxism should be hanged. Go back to reddit.

Leftist by which definition?

Marxism by which definition?

Zoom it 400% if you cannot understand that OP-pic is only 25% of the meme which the man is prosecuted for.