Just reminding you that Cultural marxists are planning to turn all white males into sissies for watching anime
Subreddit related reddit.com
Stop watching anime or it will turn you into degenerate tranny!
Just reminding you that Cultural marxists are planning to turn all white males into sissies for watching anime
Subreddit related reddit.com
Stop watching anime or it will turn you into degenerate tranny!
Other urls found in this thread:
you'll probably get banned for this but you're right, when you watch a cutesy anime, your mind identifies with the feminine characters, which causes your body to produce less testosterone and more estrogen
Anime is the superior medium for the sole fact it depicts homogeneity. Anime is better than every western medium in the past 50 years for this sole fact. Try to point out a 'based' movie or television show, and i'll show you the 'magical negro or minority' in it. Trannyism is survivable for a society, miscegenation is not.
Holy fucking shit, kill yourself.
First of all, why aren't you calling them kikes? Secondly, (((they))) have nothing to do with anime, and in fact several ones like Legends of Galactic Heroes are rather redpilled. Thirdly, if you're so weak that watching cutesy anime is going to turn you into a cuck, then you probably were going to become one anyway.
while that may be true, fiction is generally a waste of time.
Every western cartoon, movie, tv series targeted towards children has shoehorned diversity and promotes miscegenation, and makes them identify with non-white protagonists. Letting your kids watch anime instead is the only logical choice.
what this brilliant sonovabitch said
How about you don't let your kids watch garbage anime that promotes homosexuality? Handpick them and also don't show them jap subs.
anime was good two decades ago (i.e. bebop, trigun, full metal alchemist, etc.), it's now just another weapon of the jew.
this, also.
While you are undeniably correct that anime is the last form of "entertainment medium" that won't shove niggers in your face, there is literally 0 reason to get your entertainment from (((corporate media))) organizations.
Have your kids learn to play a musical instrument, go toss a ball together or bring them on an excursion outdoors. Teach them the basics of coding, teach them to weave, cook, garden, shoot, weld or build; kids have fun with anything.
woodworking is an extremely aryan hobby
Varg is a LARPing tryhard. Spends all his time whining about christians and v3gans because they are easy targets and any spineless wimp can criticize those groups these days. But spends no time whatsoever addressing the millions of Religion of Cuck™ic rapethugees flooding into europe. But some hippy v3gans are the problem right? By the way his wife is literally autistic, so much so she has tantrums at loud noises.
I've seen OP's image too many times and still I remain unaffected.
Fuck off back to wherever you came from, faggot
logic fail
I think that image originated at TRS. They have been shilling this angle for a while now.
Anime may have gotten me to like traps but traps aren't gay.
Reported both you and this thread.
If you let your child watch anything produced in the last 50 years in hollywood, cartoons, shows, they will be bombarded by diversity and miscegenation. This results in diversity and miscegenation, IE the death of your lineage and society.
Actually it comes far back as 2012-15
>While you are undeniably correct that anime is the last form of "entertainment medium" that won't shove niggers in your face, there is literally 0 reason to get your entertainment from (((corporate media))) organizations.
Media that doesn't come from corporations is even worse and also promote diversity and miscegenation. Westerners are so thoroughly pozzed they insert diversity and race-mixing into their own indie games and movies. We live in the 21st century, people are going to want to consume digital media whether you want them to go LARP in the hills as mountainmen or not. Better to have them watch a medium that promotes homogeneity at the very least.
The only type of animation that heavily promotes tradition and doesn't look retarded because muh realism is getting shit on all the sudden. How about you go back to TRS if you think there's something wrong with malaysian cave paintings?
To all the faggots in this thread: Traps don't real. You will never be a woman and you will always be a god forsaken abomination.
Name three Jews working in the production of anime (not (((localization))), obviously they've infested that).
Yes goy, you should watch something MANLY instead, get back to watching good ol NFL, where you can learn to worship "based blacks" who make millions chasing a ball around and pouncing each other in tights, and fuck your daughters in college! Because long haired anime characters are gonna turn you gay!
It has a pic from the stoney cat anime so I'd say closer to 2014. Also the Murdoch Murdoch thread just got anchored so I know your here hotpocketX
Traps don't reproduce. Your beloved based blacks and hispanics do reproduce, and they are replacing you.
Kadokawa is crawling with them
Name three.
Projecting. Faggots don't reproduce but they perpetuate degeneracy and disease. Traps don't exist, if you are fooled by a trans faggot you deserve to be shot.
I think the image you put up is more indicative of your taste in anime than anything else ( TRS image so no surprises there).
Are there degenerate anime? Sure like everything else in this retarded society however its easily avoidable by searching through genre's and reading description of anime before viewing.
This also, the west is so kike controlled it produces nothing but poorly written pozz. You can't sift through it because its in every piece of western media ( nu-starwars), its even worse for European stuff…. go take a look at a Dr. who episode.
Ayy lmao
Everyone working for Yen press
Fuck off kike goon.
I don't spend my time kvetching over what some .01 percent of weirdos are doing. Just like I don't kvetch over hippy v3gans. I do laugh at people who do, when their countries are being invaded by third worlders as we speak. You fell for the tranny meme and it's pathetic, put out the fire in your house before you worry about a weed in your yard. The fact this thread will get 100s of replies by tryhards like yourself, but the "Dissecting the refugee crisis thread" is basically dead, is evidence you've fallen for amounts to a meme. And it's all because you're too much of a wimp to address the Religion of Cuck™ic armies flooding into your countries.
>(((Anons))) don't disagree but instead promote implicit Spence cuckery out of nowhere
Some anime is good, other anime is degenerate, this is fact. D&C is absolutely cancerous. Nice try with another old attack vector CIAniggers.
That's localization, not production (and you still haven't actually given me a single name).
You sound just like the TRSodomite yesterday. Mad your leaders are being exposed as homosexuals and kikes?
But it's owned by Kadokawa
There CEO is good place to start
That's true, there are bigger issues than trannies, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't piss off faggots like yourself at every opportunity.
Your gullible dumbass fell for another meme. Nobody gives a shit about some website nobody has ever heard of, pay attention to the rapefugees flooding your country instead.
Only modern anime is pozzed. go watch any anime from 1982-1992 (this coincides with the japanese bubble crash in 93 or so)
The argument here is that if degenerate anime exists then all anime is bad……. jewish argument.
they congregate on TRS broads so they are not hard to find.
This user gets it.
Wat. Your mind, maybe.
Figure out what a "meme" is next time and rope yourself
How is that relevant? Being owned by Kadokawa does not give them any influence over what Kadokawa publishes in Japan. Jews have been able to get a foothold in localization because Japs largely don't care about western audiences (with a few exceptions, like Trigger).
Saging a CIAnigger thread.
I wish I was a mod
No OP, you are wrong and stupid.
I'm a historian, every white culture, has been fascinated with entertainment, and usually with foreign and exotic tropes. Take "Arabian Nights" for example, Arabs don't even like it and hate it, and many of the stories were only added after in European versions.
I'm human, and we are all human. I have to be entertained in some way, and so do the people around me. A heathy person doesn't watch TV all day, but a healthy person doesn't also cut himself off from society and all forms of entertainment different from his way of life.
Attacking anime only allows the Jew to get a foothold in stronger. Because if you actually are not a recluse that is cutting yourself off from the women and plebs that you are supposed to monitor and control, then you are only going to be left with shitty Jewish sitcoms. You have to engage with entertainment, and people that are lower than you that watch shittier entertainment.
Anime is not all females and crossdressers, and if that is all you see, then you have shit taste. Anime has many heroic stories that are in Science Fiction stories surrounding heroes dying in space to defend their people from alien forces.
Sounds familiar, because replace alien with Jews, and then there are hundreds of anime series that teach exactly what we should teach our kids.
Your image is from TRS, where Kike Enoch married a Jewish wife and had Jewish kids. So fucking BASED. You are supposed to be a fucking man that is able to fucking discern things for yourself you huge faggot that worships at the alter of a kike that lies to you, but you are too worried that you can't figure out what anime to show your kids because you are a like worshipper that can't discern that his leader is a fucking kike, so maybe you are right, but the rest of aren't, and can choose what the fuck we want to watch, and we are going to watch something. Anime is a death nail for shitty kike sitcoms.
Nikes are so desperate to be able to get in the market, that they are making things like Neo-Yokio and failing on a grand scale. If anything, you should watch more Anime in relation to how much entertainment you consume. Instead you will let yourself roll over and allow your kids to watch Disney Marvel movies that will get more and more poised with messages about black power and pro-israel propaganda. If you were really concerned with our number one enemy, you wouldn't be concerned with gook cartoons no one takes seriously, but Disney Marvel shit that norms eat up. But you are the fucking dense and pathetic.
I'm watching some old Gundam, it it's only making me like Zeon and the Nazi aesthetics more then I would normally care about.
OP is a classic example of a brainwashed self-hating white person. Any media that doesn't include nigger alpha males is automatically "sissy", any media that depicts white people is "sissy". Listening to niggers rap about fucking white girls and robbing white people is alpha.
fuq forgot to sage
Don't think that anons don't know the reason you kikes are trying to discredit anime here is because it is the indirect root of this place, and kikes will always attack the root just like they attack family, ancestry and history. I haven't watched anime in 3 years, but it is what led to cuckchan existence and cuckchan led to infinity. Cuckchan and consequently this place would not be here without anime, nor would anyone of us. I will forever be indebted to anime and defend anime with my life just like the heritage of my ancestors.
TL;DR kill yourself.
We must secure the existence of Waifus and Anime for our White Children.
A cute cheerleader to cheer on this anti-sissy anime thread.
anime is the reason half of us are here. If we didn't have a constant stream of traditional values for women and men shoved into our brain we would have never made it this far.
Its really an amazing thing. Anime opens your mind. At first you see the sexism in anime and write it off as innocent Japanese people with cultural differences. The more you immerse yourself the more you realize the Japanese are not ignorant about their ideas at all because it makes perfect sense. Suddenly manly whores fucking every nigger on the street seem undesirable. Suddenly you want women to be cute virgins. Suddenly you realize race is not a social construct.
It is at this point you realize Japan was an ally of Germany.
Anime is our best tool in our arsenal. It is the one media platform that doesn't push degeneracy. Its the one media platform that doesn't always promote negative mindsets and attitudes. When is the last time you have seen any character in any western media have a positive attitude about life in general? Its always snarky sarcasm about how awful everything is or depressed characters ect ect. Anime is the last bastion of the spirit of conservative media. Although it doesn't directly push ideology or national socialism it promotes tradition just by existing.
This. Be a master of culture. Don't let culture master you. We're strong because we know what we're dealing with, and we deal with it. Not because we ignore it. Be selective in what you consume for entertainment and comfort, but if you think all anime is trash, you don't know what you're talking about.
Anime and western media portray two entirely different universes. The latter a multicultural brazilian dystopia of race-mixing, negro worship and white genocide. The former an idyllic homogeneous fantasyland more akin to Lord of the Rings.
That's what I was thinking, I mean, shit user…Anime literally only has a person of color one time in a series, typically it's just for environment (like the main character visiting a foreign country). And the ones that do, are typically kiked tf out, like Neo Yokio or whatever that gay Netflix one was called.
OP is a faggot.
The Getaway (1974), The Wild Bunch (1969), and Thunderbolt and Lightfoot (1973), watch 70s movies as opposed to late 80s-90s stuff.
This. When I was a depressed blue pill, the idyllic worlds in SoL anime was an ice breaker for my depression, and they opened my mind to new ideas far beyond "everything in life sucks." Anime has an important place. But I will also say please, never think anime is an answer for anything in life and then turn anime into an identity. They're at most entertainment that can happen to double as a gateway for actual answers. When the initial high of first discovering anime wears off, let it wear off.
OPs main thesis is Anime creates fags. I actually know fags that are cancerous, ones that suck 100 different black dicks within 2 years time and gets aids. THEY DON'T WATCH ANIME.
They watch shows like the L-Word and Queer as Folk, shitty kike created shows.
This Low-T TRS meme has to stop. The main guy literally married a like and lied to all his fans for years. They will have these pysop guest on their show like the Huston Goylers, that will claim they are some manly bunch of high-T males hanging out drinking, but they won't let former people that experimenting with gays in their group, ….. Sounds, BASED right? Oh, but they probably will fuck Jewish women, and talk to a host that Married one and had kids with them. Our main enemy.
If there is some person that became gay through Anime, he's probably alone being alone. Why, because Japanese anime is all focused on societal pressures, and their whole idea of comedy is about not being the nail that sticks out, and hide your differentness in your room. But the people that actually eat up gay filled kike shows like the L-Word or Queer as Folk are taught to spread their drama.
My girlfriend watches shows I don't like, I find them boring as fuck, but I also watch them with her, monitor them, and then tell her what I think of everything she is watching, good and bad, because I'm a man, and I can educate my woman on the blind spots she would not be able to discern. I have my own problems that I work out, because I'm a man, and I monitor the entertainment my girlfriend and family watches covertly by pretending I like it just as much, because I am a man and a master of my domain, or mastering my domain more and more, and able to influence my woman and family more than society around me.
TRS faggots can't even realize they were lied to a crypto Jew that was married to another outright Jew. ….. While, Anime posters on this board were one of the main spearheads of 8pol since it started.
So keep avoiding watching new anime? I just don't see what's wrong with Outlaw Star or Golden Boy or whatever from before the mid-2000s. There is too much shallow weebshit now, but not all.
You'll never get your 10bux back.
Jojo is new. Manly anime still exist. They are usually less series, but longer series. …. For every 12 girly series that are only 12 to 25 episodes long, there are 1 manly series that is 150 to 200 episode long.
Then there is ton of Shonen, ….. not manly, but not girly, meant for young boys, that also teach masculine themes. These are some of the longest and biggest series in Anime. … Cased Closed, Naruto, One Piece, Bleach, Yugioh. ….. Boyish stuff is huge.
Just like western media, there is plenty of shit anime. Though its more like one or two haflway decent things a year for Western media now. Then again modern anime is mostly beta males with a harem and girly focused stuff.
Both have been subverted hard, but at least anime is a lot more tolerable.
I am against d&c but have one question i am curious about. I think that it probably causes most of the outrage (right or wrong) and some clarification would be helpful. So i understand that there exist some good stories and aesthetics but when i look at e.g. images from animecon there are only degenerates present. Not really fighting the good fight.
How would you argue if i half seriously compared anime to communists where the tables are turned and you are the ones saying "that is not real anime"? I understand that the community is large and normalfags cling to shit. But that would go both ways and still mark people who likes anime as degenerate at large, no? Perhaps the only issue is the need for rebranding, similar to how a music genre can be modified into subcategories while still belonging to the overarching genre to sort out the filth. Now i am not suggesting that it should be rebranded, only the main cause of confusion.
Again i am against d&c and there are few reasons to make these threads on this site but then again someone were promoting sex with animals earlier today so i remain sceptical.
Reminder that the jew hates the samurai and wants them to open up their borders.
To be fair, the crime is not being done by the Brits, but by the Muslims the Jews and their pet politicians let in. And most of the pedophilia appears to be perpetrated by Jews as well.
You're fucking retarded. I am REDPILLED AF about the JQ.
Traps aren't gay and my bf enjoys my feminine penis while he hits me from behind.
Anime may be a stylistic approach to the QT trap waifu style but it has nothing to do with development.
Fucking kikes like yourself always try to draw correlation between that and anime.
Anime is the last unkiked medium for TV and will be an integral part of saving the west.
Nobody is saying that, retard. They're saying there is more to anime than the bad stuff. They're not saying the bad stuff doesn't exist. You don't belong here if you can't even understand basic English, so fuck off with your disingenuous Jew-style arguments.
If you watch this as a child it'll definitely affect your brain in some way. The way children learn from an early age is observation of how others act. If you don't do this then you are probably autistic
I never been to a con. Nor have I cosplay. Yet, I was the Vice President of my Anime club in my college. So, I probably can say this.
I know a lot of Cosplay Anime people. They don't watch anime as much as the Normies that get into it. I have a bunch of people from my former Anime club on my Facebook. The ones that were into Cosplaying are degenerates, and sometimes SJWs, but they never show up to watch the shows we were showing at our club. Only at special events like when we would have a Halloween or some other special event.
The people that showed up to the club to actually watch anime, were from various different races. But they all looked like normal Americans, and were not into Cosplaying. These were the kids that actually knew the plots to shows and could describe what the show was about, and knew rare shows. Cosplayers will just name drop characters, but can't actually describe the show or the plot, they are more likely to tell you the plot to Harry Potter instead.
They literally AREN'T real anime fans. But I don't want to start that meme. One of the girls that I knew was a huge slut that came to our club was only into video games, and hated anime. But she would cosplay all the time at events.
Mein neger
I find it so funny that TRS makes something like this bashing being a tranny yet they are all trannies themselves. Why not just watch good anime and ignore the trash parts? This is like complaining about how shitty metal music is and then only showing 00's emo as your example.
this is literally the same argument that used to come up about banning video games because of "violent video games." how about you go fuck and kill yourself and I'll continue to do whatever I want.
Most series you mentioned, though some are ongoing, are pretty old. I just can't watch Jojo, One Punch Man, etc because they are straight-to-webm cancer. (Also, Jojo manga ended before mid-2000s, so it directly takes from the older industry, too.) The only ‘new’ anime I’ve really enjoyed is the HunterXHunter remake, but that also is based on an old manga and anime.
Even though most examples of anime worth watching are going to have aired in or be based on material before the mid-2000s, not everything totally new is so bad. There is occasional amusing stuff like this season’s 十二大戦 Zodiac War, which isn’t an effeminate show though likely won’t be worth rewatching. Its source material is from 2015.
does any anime name the jew?
They still let these svages live in their nation, so they are at least partually, if only by inaction, responsible for it .
Cherrypick more
Angel Cop is about jews trying to take over japan by manipulating markets. Strangely enough japan had an economic crash after it was aired.
Neon Genesis Evangelion is literally about japanese and german kids killing jewish angels
I get what you're saying, however since it's just an attempt at a faithful animation of the 1980s series, I wouldn't truly call it new. Once all the 1980s series have been animated (either as a good enough OVA such that recreation is not necessary, or as a full-length series), all the remaining anime will not be "manly".
heh, nice, i'll calm my aspergers a bit
Not Including.
You had one job user, you had one job.
That series even goes a little further than that.
what about Ashita no Joe and Hajime no Ippo?
That image is garbage OP, do you only watch trap anime? Anime isn't just eroges and fetish material, watch some Animatrix, or Ghost in the Shell, or Paranoia Agent. I don't think that traps in anime would influence your average person, unless they are already degenerate and can't differentiate reality from fantasy. I'd agree with you as far as traps in anime are mostly used for fetish material and forced inner/outer conflict as an excuse for well-written characters. In Stein's;Gate for example, Ruka is a token trap character, whose only personality is acting awkward because people mistake him for a girl (except for one episode where he admits to liking the MC but he's a boy so it's FORBIDDEN LOVE blah bah). I honestly can't think of many good trap characters whose personality extends past their trap aspects.
Can't say for Ashita no joe, as i've never read it….or i forgot it's name like a dumbass and as for Hajime no Ippo…..I just don't like sports based stories, though i have heard very good things about it's story and characters.
user, HunterxHunter is still ongoing, sorta. Togashi is dead but every so often his corpse moves and puts out a new chapter.
I thought steins;gate was alright in that regard. Ruka thought being a girl would solve all his problems but in the end it didn't make a difference.
OP in the oven
Bait thred
Shigurui is top tier as well.
Reminder jews and cucks hate Japanese media because anything portraying beauty and traditionalism triggers them.
Except it is.
fuck this thread
Well, I'm older than most Anime fans, so I sometimes forget that old stuff is not new. I was always a fan of Japanese cinema, Godzilla and Samurai films, but it's only in the last few years that I have gotten into Anime in a huge way. When I was growing up, it was Akira on VHS, and maybe Ramna 1/2 and Dragonball, and Robotech.
The newer anime community, even right wing Anime Twitter is a very cliquish group. It's a huge form of media that could take years to even delve in parts of it, and yet even right wing anime fans are always pushing the latest series in their small cliques. Find out what is best for you, even if it's old as hell, and just enjoy yourself. Eventually you'll start watching newer and newer stuff that is similar to the older stuff in some way, because you will want to see how someone played on the same troupes. A lot of newer series are shorter and will go by faster, so just stick to what you feel natural. If you feel the pressure of the community, even the right wing Anime community to be updated with the newest anime, don't worry about that, it will come naturally. It's like getting into any old form of entertainment, like European Opera, medieval sagas, or Chinese epics. You start out with something you heard, and eventually you will get into more esoteric forms of the genera.
Right now I'm watching something very old, Captain Harlock. It's literally from the 70's. But they just made a CGI movie a few years ago, so even the oldest series have updated versions. You lose nothing spending time on older anime.
I know Jojo the manga is older, but the English fan base rose with the Anime, that is not that old, even if they all pretend they only read the Manga, they all pretty much read it in the last year or two if they did.
Look up a lot of Shonen series, and you will find a lot of newer stuff. I enjoy Magi, which is based on Arabian Nights the book, very loosely. The animation is pretty good on my big screen. There are just tons of anime that you can find to like, you just have to dig and develop your taste. The names of the genera are a little different than in English world, so you actually have to discover what these genres are and what they mean, and then go from there. Then you will find sub-genres.
jews desperately trying to stop people from watching media they don't control.
Wait until they start shilling for the jewish produced "western" copies of anime
Too late user
Japs literally pass out when they find out how far western culture has declined,they are the closest thing we got to allies in this mess.
Wasn't there some video of some Japanese girl who was visibly disgusted at how many brownies were in Paris?
Op is not only a fag but also a goon.
I can't remember for sure, was it the one saying it looked like Africa? youtube.com
If it names the Kike, then it's good for me.
The Jew Fears the Samurai
I thought it solved his problem of being able to pursue Okabe romantically, at the cost of creating a timeline that causes problems for him. He's really only featured in like two episodes, so he just feels like a one off character to me. I don't dislike him as a character, he's just got a small character arc that has a pretty well-explored romantic conflict that you've probably seen in other anime.
I thought that this was actually pretty good. Some of the animation is stiff, and the setup for Dracula's motives is
>>>/ovens/ then.
Hope you at least pirated it.
pretty obvious, but everything else is tight and it feels like what Castlvania should be.
Well, Jojo is over the top. But that's not true. There are tons of manly anime. Jojo is old as hell, but the cult following in the west is new from a recent anime. No one in the west new about the old manga or the old version of the anime, until the new Anime, and if they say they did, they speak fluent Japanese and are over 40, or they are lying.
Jojo is over the top, as I said. But what you said about other Anime not being manly, is not true. Japan isn't totally machoism based society, but it was never feminized completely either. It's more like older British culture.
Mecha is one of the genres that is most obvious in their masculine philosophy, to destroy an alien enemies or technologically superior human enemies through wit and courage.
But, there is still machoism anime too. Fist of the North Star, which is very old, but comes to mind, is very Manly. ….. Dragon Ball is shonen and boyish, but every now and then the characters develop into these over the top manly characters, and that is still going on.
It's not always obvious, but even the shows about all females have very manly aspects. They are usually made by men, and are intelligent commentary on Japanese social conventions that men and boys experience, but that are played out through women, because grown Japanese masculine writers are comfortable with that.
Just a few days ago, I saw this video of bitchy lesbian looking feminists taking a girl to a Western book store and pulling off all the books on the children's book shelves that didn't have completely female independent characters that weren't princesses acting independently. And the feminists were so triggered, they didn't make their own story with it's own plot, but just made a book for girls retelling about famous female historical figures, with no plot or intrigue. ….. .THEY LITERALLY DID NOT GET IT. That story is important. All the books they were offended were created by males, but they couldn't create one comperable storyline themselves.
Meanwhile, over in Japan, Japanese grown men know that there male children and even female children know that genders to plot are interchangeable and that the intriguing elements of the plot are more important. They are confident that their own male children are smart enough to read past the characters sex and focus on the plot or the commentary. ….. That's why Nintendo is kicking Microsoft's ass in video games as well, Japanese game Devs focus on little things in the art and development instead of pushing agendas. That's why Breath of the Wind is such a superior game, because every little thing in that game is developed with care and focus.
Japanese children and adults are not dumbed down as us. …. It's not our fault, our boomers and the generation before them allowed us to be raised by Jews doing the equivalent of dumb down shadow puppets on American sitcoms. ….. But the Japanese actually made their entertainment a work of art that gets more and more complex with time, and didn't care about the money as much as Hollywood did. We whites once created great art that was complex, and we have let the Jews take over it.
You might not look at Opera with men in tights and codpieces with makeup as manly, but if you focused on the plot and story structure in it, you would realize it's manly as fuck. Such is the case with Anime.
I know that. But you fail to understand or simply ignore that the things i mentioned are the optics that causes threads like this in the first place. For a better explanation see because a lot of newfags probably wishes that they were talking to people who could deadlift 450 lbs,run 5 miles and prepared for the future but are instead faced with childish cartoons. The age of entertainment is over.
What didn't you like about it? As long as you don't use Netflix, no jews are involved with it.
Rukako being a girl dooms his best friend mayuri to death and the world to communist control. He doesnt get a shapely figure either. At best he gets a short lived fantasy life before Okabe becomes a terrorist and is killed by the organisation.
You faggots are the worst.
And I deserve to be flogged as well for forgetting to sage.
Drive, the only nigger was in jail for theft and later gets killed for trying to rob some chinks and both antagonists are jewish one of them even owns a pizzeria for fuck sake
Ya, basically all of that. Though, I hope you have something in common with your girlfriend, cause you don't want to end up torn apart due to working towards different goals.
Netflix did not produce anything about the show, they are a distributor. As far as the producers, directors, writers, and animation studios go, there isn't a lot of jewish influence. I didn't closely examine the entire staff, but check the imdb page for the staff who worked on the show.
Daily reminder for the low testosterone weebcucks.
Even more important than being healthy is simply knowing your purpose and acting on it regardless of how weak or strong you are. We're far more inclined to seek reason to live in the kind of purpose redpills give us than in hedonistic kike shit which exploits our primitive needs and desires.
Cowboy Bebop is literally the best show ever made.
OP isn't a fag because he refrains himself from getting exposed to low testosterone anime products.
you are a faggot for defending high estrogen producing weebtrash.
t. Oriental
Fucking plebs
Bumping thread with high-test anime.
Varg has been arrested a few years ago for anti-Semitism and assessed a €8,000 fine for inciting racial hatred and whatnot and afterwards had his house invaded by the French police because they thought he was a terrorist. It's a miracle they didn't take away his kids. It's a wise move to tiptoe around certain topics for a family man in his position. But he doesn't really avoid them.
So? She's a good traditional woman and mother and has written a couple of books already. She's happier and more accomplished than most of the sad-sack consumerist cock-carousel hopping women I know.
Just to let you guys know (as if the name isn't a dead giveaway) this is a board made by goons to shill against your chinese cartoons, not that I care either way as I haven't watched in years but just sayin.
Tell me when they bring back shows like Fist of the North Star though.
I would disagree but anime is dying, has been for a while.
Berserk and HnK won't be able to carry it forever, even Jojo is diverse and pozzed.
Was on Holla Forums the other day and bullied waifufags, hoping they will realize that they're not "saved" by anime, not in the slightest.
One said that he wanted to kill himself before finding anime.
I didn't reply to him, I haven't posted in that thread ever since.
But he is wrong.
He did kill himself when he became an unironic waifufag.
He just chose the softest bullet he could find.
He and others were advocating for death, like shrieking zombies they moaned and wailed, saying I was triggered.
Saying I was too angry, that I get too rhiled up about cartoons and that I should enjoy my roasties and cuckening.
But I know they're young, I want them to stop.
There is always something they can do that is better than the slow death of hikki-waifufag escapism.
I asked one who was really vehement about cucks and roasties if he is the spawn, the product of a cuck and a roastie.
I didn't get a reply, probably because I told him I'd laugh at him for it.
But, really, I wanted that not to be the case. I wanted to show him that there are exceptions.
But it's their decision. I fight their sad delusions if I feel like it, I'm not feeling compelled to baby them, hence no new posts there.
Just turn away from anime, it's not what it's used to be, even "cool shit" like Kill La Kill had literal faggot mecha men in their "innuendobots".
The age of Jin Roh is over, and that was pozzed, too.
The age of Akira is over.
Et cetera, everything is pozzed now, anime is the silken bullet that kills you today, but it takes years for you to finally keel over.
Get it removed from your brain before you hit that ground.
Carry that weight of the world instead.
Leave your mark on it.
Goon spotted.
I've looked into the matter for some time, and anime posters tend to be of low testosterone, and general weebs. See pic related, an example of an anime poster I capped here on Holla Forums. Enjoy your shitty Japanese cartoons, faggots.
to quote the anime fag:
no because anime is fun and they're not afraid to touch subjects or depict characters in ways that are still offensive
and it doesnt matter how much trash gets made these days they still manage to roll out at least one or two gems with memetic potential every year