
Hi Holla Forums,
what is a good redpill book for me to read to gain a basic understanding of the jews and maybe end times prophecy? Really looking for intellectual shit here, no garbage. Good argumentation and reliable facts.

Other urls found in this thread: synagogue of Satan,p_27:Ernst Zundel&tag=duckduckgo-d-20,k:aaron russo&tag=duckduckgo-d-20

The Bible

Good one. Did not even consider this. Do you know a good summary of it?

check the sticky thread, ffs.

watch this, then read Mein Kampf.

Jews did [every single bad event in history]

also this

What's the name of it

This. If your group is so terrible that it can turn a pacifist to violence then you know you're fucked up.

The Synagogue of Satan, 2nd edition

Will do, thanks

Thanks, know any more?

That literally might be all you need

GL on your journey user and welcome to the bottom of the rabbit hole. synagogue of Satan,p_27:Ernst Zundel&tag=duckduckgo-d-20,k:aaron russo&tag=duckduckgo-d-20


I think the basics would be

"Against our better judgement" by Allison Weir (the book that sent me down the rabbit hole)
"The Israel Lobby" by John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt

These are fantastic, easy to read, easy to understand, basic introductions into the workings of the jews. If I were to redpill a normie on the jq, these would be the books.

From there, the rabbit hole is wide open. Read the bible, read Henry Ford (international jew: the worlds foremost problem), read Martin Luther, read 200 years together by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn,
of course CULTURE OF CRITIQUE by Kevin MacDonald, read some Francis Parker Yockey, and then of course anything u can find online as well.

There's a lot more, seeing as every major thinker for the past thousands of years have had negative things to say about the jews.

Onto this I would suggest that you avoid the (((scofield bible))) and also, you should probably read Mein Kampf stalag edition

Lurk more faggot. Know how to use Holla Forums. Take your time to get used to the UI.

Just the King James version though

Thanks, just what I need

specifically the KJV with NO COPYRIGHT. all others bear a (((copyright))).
also this: >>>/zundel/

The basic idea goes like this: the best way to predict an event is to create it. "Create" may have a warring definition here. For example, Jewish scripture predicted the holocaust, and the return to Israel. Ergo, the holocaust 'had' to happen, if you catch my drift. And given enough time, they succeed it making it 'happen'.

Now, the solution, I think, is simply for we, as a people, to gain enough agency to be able to shape our historic destiny out of the hands of the jews. Since the enlightenment, we've had great individuals, but we were not great 'as a people', for the increased individualism had (and has) us working at cross-purposes. Jews on the other hand continue to play out their ancient collectivist-parasitical survival strategy. Hitler and other fascist leaders wanted to re-make the masses of their countries into people, hence they were stopped.

Culture of Critique (science-minded person)

Jewish Revolutionary Spirit (Christian/historical)

200 years together (historical, anti-communist minded person).