New Murdoch Murdoch!!!

Alert! Alert! Alert!

New Murdoch Murdoch video is up on!

Episode MM88 has our heroes fighting Loomer, Shapiro, and all manner of shitlibs and commies. Blessed be KEK, rahowa my brothers.

Other urls found in this thread:

literally who

Dude go on YouTube and search Murdoch Murdoch and I promise it will be your new favorite. LeftyPol fucked them and got their channel shoah'd but there are tons of mirrors.

They also post to


is this some cuckchan shit? where's the webm nigger?


Webm you nigger

Cease your shilling faggotry.
If your goal wasn't to cause a negative reaction towards Murdoch Murdoch then you wouldn't have been this immensely autistic.
It's not cuckchan but you certainly are. End your life.

Cringe. Do you think we are 15? Also stop giving a pop-culture reference to the alt-right or whatever you are doing, no one wants to associate with those controlled CIA shills anyways.

Humor will do more for our cause than any of your autistic bullshit ever will. Show the kids something funny and they will love it. If there is any message in MM that you disagree with then you have revealed yourself as a kike shill.

And for the webm fags, I am on mobile at work, can't do it from here.

I agree with you about the humour part which is why they feared ds so much but even if you're on a phone there's even less an excuse. Countless apps to make webms.

Well, as long as you stop associating adults with it i guess it is fine. It is just that some people wants to mold the anonymous volkish movement into alt-right, and you do suddenly not have a movement which stems from the bottom but the top.

No time under my desk is what I mean.

Can you?

All these newfags that dont know MM… all these other anti MM shillfags.


Just to let everyone know. Oh man… I don't want to spoil it but let's just say someone we like is in this episode.

cringy alt-right trash

Who could be behind this post?

The nose knows.

You're as obvious as they come. I didn't think murdock murdock was suspect before but now I do.

Yeah the pony thing might have been cringy, I'll grant that. Personally I just find it funny.

Jew kike schlomo heeb… is that good enough for you?


Is it on Jewtube yet? embed it please if so I'm busy this morning.

Nope, you’re already reported for being a horsefucker.

Took forever to download, as their server is shit on cheeky. Am converting to webm now. But it will be too big. 16 minutes in and it's at 48MB.

Sage this shit thread.

Jewtube won't allow Murdoch Murdoch to post uncensored (again, LeftyPol had their channel taken down) so what they are doing now is posting an alert video to jewtube directing you to which is hosting the actual content.

As for the gore poster, I can only assume you are a kike shill or from leftypol.

The only thing the jew fears more than the samurai is humor.

Hide ID+

Thanks. Sage because I don’t want to be banned for another 4 weeks just because it’s much eceleb somehow even though we don’t know who does the videos. Laughing at funny little internet cartoons is serious biz. I can use a proxy, but it’s still annoying. Look, no “earlobe spacing” (ie, spacing different thoughts and concepts that happen to be on or two sentences long) either. Who needs a post to be readable? Doesn’t everyone enjoy typing a bunch of sentences in a tiny little reply box and hoping what comes out looks less like a block of crap than it does when you hit the new reply button?

Freaking autocorrect. Never mind.

You can promote Murdoch Murdoch elsewhere, all you do by posting this is sliding and kicking the hornet's nest. Plus you piss off lefty/pol/ but that's a given on this board.

Hmm good point Maybe its not a good idea.

Well in that case keep it up.
I really enjoy it when delusional low energy people get triggered.

One thing Cheekyvideo is kill, faggot

Leave it to our shitskin and kike mods to anchor this thread…

ahhh now i get it

post webm faggot

I've been lurking here forever (literally years and years) but I don't remember seeing "anchored" threads before. Maybe I just wasn't paying attention… but I went to the FAQ and the term "anchor" doesn't appear anywhere. What does that mean?

lurk moar

It means the thread can no longer be bumped, and as this isn't exactly political it is justified.

actually it is political, shill

It's a fucking cartoon that is political satire. I love murdoch murdoch but a new episode isn't exactly a happening. Watch your shill accusations friend what would I be shilling??

Thanks OP. Almost finished with the episode. Pretty good. 👌👍

somebodies a grumpy grump

for the lazy fags like myself

Love that ending. Awesome. 👌👌👌


Dude I have kids to raise and a job to go to, I don't have time to suss out the nuances of every symbol on a website.

They should just do this every time. Instead of cheekyvideos, they could just use Bitchute or something. It would probably work faster and they could actually build a following and maybe even make some shekels.

And while doing all that, they introduced libertarian faggots to Rockwell and Pierce.

No time.
Lurking forever.

Maybe you don't have the brain for nuance. kys?

EXACTLY. This dude gets it. I had never heard of Rockwell or Pierce until I started watching MM.

Humor is the ultimate gateway drug… that is why the Left had to shut down Murdoch Murdoch with such urgency.

They could just post a trailer of the episode each time it's released, kind of like South Park does, with just one funny (normie-tier) clip and then a link to bitchute (or their own website) in the description.

Only ironically, and they convinced them that "fashy" lolbergtardianism is fine.

What you autists don't seem to get is that Pinochet and "fashy" libertarian memes don't make lolbergs reject their jewish ideology and embrace fascism/national socialism, it convinces them that they're already fascists, as long as they believe in killing leftists – but not jews! It's all cancer.

They only did it because they thought anons from here took down one of their ecelebs, before that, nobody bothered Murdkike.

Do you think everyone spends all day on this site? Or just autists like you? I check in every couple of days… maybe once a week… over the course of several years.

Some autistic as fuck larpers like you will sit on this site and make it your home while preaching white nationalism but doing nothing to actually further the cause like… you know… getting a job, getting some pussy, raising some good kids, and so on. KYS?

murdoch does raise a interesting question. Why dont we ever raid the alt-(((kike))) ? we know its (((jewish))) damige control, lets spin the damige out of control ? place's like alt-(((kike))) has the greatest amount of normie's ready to be red-pill'd.

Murdoch does raise a interesting question. Why don't we ever raid the alt-(((kike))) ? We know its (((jewish))) damage control, lets spin the damage out of control ? Place's like alt-(((kike))) has the greatest amount of normie's ready to be red-pilled.

Sorry forgot to paste the spellcheckt version. Dyslectics is a bitch.

Its hard to raid them when they may not actually exist.

I mean where exactly would you direct the raid?

All these "fashy lolbergs" start talking about Jewish influence the moment they learn about. There are plenty of ecelebs that prove that.

And Rockwell basically was one of those "fashy lolbergs" too. He said in an interview on Canadian tv that he strongly supported "free enterprise", unlike German NatSoc's. He also said he only had a problem with atheist Jews, not the religious ones.

As for mostly ridiculing commies, it's just more effective. You draw in normies that way and are less likely to get censored.

Literally who?

That is a valid point.

Only left-wing jews, not BASED nationalist ones. That "The (((Jewish))) Question" documentary that AnCap made is the biggest redpill on how those kike-lovers will never be on our side unless they reject their semitic philosophy completely.

He wasn't a lolberg, and he wasn't only against atheist jews either. The point of his focus on atheist jews was to show that they aren't simply a religion, but a race.

No it isn't. "It's not the jews, it's the commies" has been a jewish strategy for obfuscation going back to the John Birch Society, and we can all see how that turned out.

All of these supposed "advancements" that separate "2.0" from "1.0", are just kosher scams that the jews have been pushing for decades.

I follow MM on twitch because I figured out his voice. The guy is maybe 20 and in college. He is allowed to make mistakes, and more importantly he has been correcting them as he matures
and gains new knowledge and experience.

FFS the last half dozen or so eps have been to redpill everyone on civnats… This isnt eceleb faggotry.

Will Murdoch-chan be alright? ;_;

mfw that happened

All of their "mistakes" are relatively recent, and are ones that no one should be making after becoming involved with White Nationalism.

Even in the past year, they defend Mike Enoch and argued that anybody who can't see Jared Taylor's brilliant strategy to "redpill normies" with philosemitism and behind the scenes sabotage of "anti-Semites" is just autistic.

If we keep bullying them, they will become more and more redpilled, assuming they aren't subversives or too emotionally invested in the alt-kike. In which case, our bullying will help redpill their audience instead. I don't think they're malicious though, just not quite there yet. Or they could be playing the slowly convert alt-kikers into natsocs game by not alienating them during a time of butthurt TRSodomites claiming fullchan is antifachan. Who knows, really. As long as they don't go full eceleb and I enjoy their show I'll continue watching.
Disgusting. Even if he does a good jew voice, he's gone full sell-out. I didn't see Kike Enoch in there though, just the other guy. Dicky's in there, that's also disappointing.

See, this is why Murdoch posts in 4chan threads and not here.

Murdoch Murdoch are literally /ourpropagandaguys/
They do fantastic shit. Just finished watching their Halloween video.

but y doe?

Murdoch, I want you to know that I really really appriceate the work that goes into these videos. Thank you for doing this.

Same here. Fuckin-a there is some high powered contrarian autism here. How is MM not political? Humor is how you break through to normies. You're not gonna get through to anyone by rambling about the kikes right off the bat. You will sound like a tinfoil conspiritard.

MM keep up the great work! It's definitely appreciated and it is a great morale booster for those with a power level.

t. tor-fag

Unfortunately the "No e celeb" rule is selectively enforced to reduce exposure to things like Murdoch Murdoch while Zionist e-celebs like Crowder have their video threads here untouched by the anchor.

(((something))) fishy going on here.
