Thank me later faggots
It's been a while since we had a thread like this.
Thank me later faggots
It's been a while since we had a thread like this.
Other urls found in this thread:
fashwave is gay and so is OP
4 new xurious tunes out!
GTFO back to TRS with your "based" tranny and that roastie coalburner Taylor Swift.
"I am of the opinion that we must remember that [ 14 words ]"
also, OP is a faggot, here are his links in a non-pozzed form
and the 1st vid is gay
dude, I just invented the answer for ironism (not metal) purpose
I'm glad sorry for sperging out, 1844 seig hiel my dude
Reminder that people born in the 1980s are now the demographic with the highest purchasing power.
This is ✡nostalgia pandering✡.
Explain a few things to me then:
1) How does nostalgia and longing for a whiter world help the jew?
2) Aren't we co-opting their symbolism, instead of the other way around?
3) What will the right wing have nostalgia for in 30 years from now, Candy Crush?
I'd rather listen to martial industrial or White Power electronics.
Please post an example of either/both, just dropping a jewtube link/embed is enough. webm of course preferred
I do find fashwave (rebranded vaporwave) aesthetic nostalgic even if I didn't live in that time period. It's a bit depressive too, however.
Kill yourself moshe.
You mean like Boyd Rice and Der Blutharsch?
Where can I download the vaporwave fonts for Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop to make fashwave OC?
kill yourself,
also reported for samefagging, fuck off with your tinfoil VPNs.
No idea but try asking the Right Wing Graphic Design server:
you don't need to remind shit, if you were at the very least an oldfag, you would know that we've been using synth before the cancerous stranger things production along with all the nostalgia trash, again, jews hijack what is popular so that they control the narrative and style, its not theirs, they can fuck right off, also stop giving our shit up because a hooked nosed kike took it, quit being a homeless faggot cucked by the bank, you're acting like one and it hurts.
She's white and successful. That's enough to piss off baboons.
This in terms of propaganda, is fucking retarded. I've seen some good stuff from this genre, but OP was a faggot today.
You're forgetting that after that happened, Swift bent over backwards to publicly forgive West, and West came out of it smelling like a rose.
You're also forgetting that he has been collaborating with groids for over a decade.
Whether or not you believe he's a tranny, he is a race traitor and has teamed up with any buck nigger his jew record label told him to.
Continuing to promote this whore after he's been exposed makes you an asshole and makes Holla Forums look like assholes. You may as well go suck on Lauren (((Southern's))) tits.
Quit sliding, Moshe
it isn't good propaganda, yes, but it is imho tbh fam smh pretty nice on the eyes
he's right, you know. she has been partnering with niggers for a long time now, and anyone that high up is definitely jewed
inb4 this thread gets deleted because somewhat related to self improvement.
Every pop star is a degenerate, this is fact.
tfw you like 80s/90s extreme metal but can't look at it the same way after reading about Tavistock
How this hasn't been posted yet…
Loving "remember what they took from you"
Have some fash
and some more
yeah, go to that link to find more fashy goodness
Expired. Why on discord anyway? Isn't it confirmed honeypot?
yeah discord is run by the chinks, which is no biggie. most of us are SIEGE fanatics but we use discord as a shitpost
discord suffers from Facebook syndrome. It's mostly used because it's popular and the alternatives don't have a large enough market share
What are you niggers thinking?
they're just different formats for shitposting
All successful white females in entertainment have to whore themselves to the Jews… and the after the Jews fuck them in secret they have them publicly mate with niggers to cuck the white man.
dubs of right wing candy squads confirmed and checked
keep counter-signalling discord all you want, you are missing the point tho. The most important thing in any insurgency is communication, why do you think the jew media keeps smearing it with slander?
who cares what you think, Holla Forums=/=4chan
Yes Discord is a honeypot. How do you think they can offer their service for free to over 45 million people and still turn a profit?
This. Never trust Discord shills. Why would an honest user want to drive users away from imageboards? What's even the point of pointing people to chat servers when people are already fucking chatting here?
Hello (((alt-right))) shill. Go recruit some more high schoolers on facebook or cuckchan or something but keep that shit out of here. Nobody wants to join your shitty circlejerk.
I haven't seen any vaporwave posted in a while.
stay mad 56%er
nobody wants to join your shitty circlejerk
This is the state of the (((alt-right))) weenies. Why don't you address the concerns I raised?
You won't answer because you're nothing more then a shill trying to push people over to your own server. Fuck off back to reddit.
you first faggot, and no, I don't have to shill my own server, I am simply opening it up for all to join. We've been making fashwave threads all over pol for the past 2 years, we at-least reserve the privilege to advertise our discord server faggot, whether or not you want to join is up to you. Otherwise nobody fucking cares and you are faggot alt kike
What concerns? you simply didn't raise any retard. Good job nigger
Holy shit. Point and laugh at this faggot. He really thinks he's built up some sort of respectable reputation for starting a handful of flashwave threads. Nigger I can tell by your writing style you don't even post on imageboards. All you do is shitpost all day. You have no privileges here you arrogant cock sucker. No (((advertising))) allowed. Go back to your own discord safe space where you call all the shots and stop shilling it here you massive D&C kike. Nobody here is joining your honeypot.
Try the ones I outlined in my post you dumb nigger. Zero reading comprehension I see.
lol@quoting a jew
at least one of his symphonies is pretty good though
Christianity is non-white as well.
It would have been better without the catholic lady near the end.
Search engines are your friend. I found this on a pastebin
outrun future -
outrun summer
Century Gothic -
Nu Century Gothic -
endless bummer -
Alien Encounter
Mistral (the drive font)
Good Times -
Still Time -
Futura LT -
VCR OSD Mono -
Too be fair leopards are pretty much the perfect predators and they are more likely stronger than lions and tigers for their size (they have higher lifting capacity for their weight than larger felines do).
Join the Official Fashwave Discord
Art Requests Welcome!
checking these dubs and thanks for the suggestions
Why isn't there a fashwave remix of the Gurren Lagann theme
Our gas chamber will be the chamber that gasses the yid heavens
It's easier said than done unless you've got production skill
You really are a massive D&C kike shill. Nice job ignoring the questions since you can't answer them honestly. What a pathetic lowlife degenerate. Nobody is falling for your honeypot Shlomo.
Gas yourself.
Since when are the ancient Greeks the inventors of Christianity not White?
It's called Future Fash. It's always been Future Fash here. I don't know where you crawled out from, but kindly fuck off.
Ah, I see. A discord shill. Color me surprised.
You played yourselves 4chan.
It was FutureFash for a reason. Now you look like a lame music spin-off
trophy wife = tranny. If you cant see this you need to open your eyes and get past the fake tits.
webm kind of related
if anyone can find sauce of it, use it for something similar to the webm
Why do so many of these images have text covering the eyes, is this have hidden meaning like the one eye covered symbol used by the elites?
Faggy masonic occultism. Usually cover one eye with a hand
Thanks for the thread.
They turn a profit? I was under the impression that they were quickly burning through their investment shekels. Granted, selling off data seems to be the only way they can get into the black.
Bumping with a very rare Pepe.
>Since when are the ancient [kikes] the inventors of Christianity not White?
They call it that on the Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack . . .
Is this a flash game I can play somewhere?
Op is a faggot.
Thinking of making an AI assisted code that will randomly generate images likes these.
it could be done, there's a lot of potential algorithms to implement to get certain looks though
Have a free bump for some great art. Haters, get fucked.
Degenerates out
Bumping with OC.
What do you like to listen to user? I like to listen to synthpop.
Here's my contribution
You forgot to include some gay counter-clockwise lefthand-path symbols of losers, the epin black sun and nazi swastika!! True symbols of VIKTORIE brudders!!!!! left hand path is kewl and not what those corrupt controlling hateful evil jews are into, yeah totally, get some lefthand path symbols in there bro, heil satan
Stop misspelling Nietzsche's name in every pic of him you post, it's tremendously irritating
Usually, vaporwave aesthetics censor/cover the eyes to imply a loss of identity caused by consumerism. It is for the same reason that there are a lot of logos.