Yemen ex-President Saleh killed by Houthis

Yemen ex-President Saleh killed by Houthis

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Good news! One less (((Semite))) in the world.

Disgusting. I lost my appetite.


Good, more for the rest of us.

Apparently he broke his alliance with the rebels and ordered his forces to start taking rebels positions and tried to open up to Saudis.

Don't be such a little bitch
was browsing Holla Forums in the height of gore posting when I was a lad.

I'm kinda shocked just how acclimated I am to gore. I even doomed in on his fade….


Off to give myself a fade, ffs

Expect more (((sanctions and blockades))) in the following days.

I give it 3-5 months before you watch cartel heart-cutting videos during your morning cereals completely undisturbed.

Check out that ID number, lads.

I'm to to check his quints of death

fucking quints

I remember seeing that gif for years and never knowing what it was from, then watching XRA and suddenly seeing that scene.
I felt like I found the lost ark.


I also want to point out that Houthis's flag literally says "Death to the jews" in Arabic yet no North American or European nation has classed them as a terrorist group.
Either they don't care or don't know they exist. Probably the latter.

Top kek
The funny thing is the flag also say "Death to Israel" and "Curse on the Jews"



arabs and jews are equal filth that all need to be destroyed

Classic shitskin lack of intelligence, they can't differentiate between jews and Americans.

Isn't the U.S. bombing the Houthis? I just presume so because the U.S. has been bombing someone in Yemen, and the Saudis are against the Houthis. Although them being backed by Iran and being anti-kike makes them very blatantly /our guys/. So it's a miracle that Australia is the only white country to classify them as terrorists.

didn't he just defect away from the houthis?



(((They))) didn’t prepare you for facing to bloodshed in shill class?

What incomplete training share blue gives. even the jidf does some mention of it.


What's this?

Whether by JDAM or rope, we'll get you.

He don't look too good user.

He's just taking a nap.

new boi

Did he died?

If a couple of Amazonian spear chuckers happen to scream out death to cucks are you going to take it as a legitimate threat to your sovereignty?

Oops. Looks like he fell in something while that 60 minutes anniversary of just vaguely looking at that odd Clinton bad mojo or something. Should generally keep your meat in your head.

He tripped & the spaghetti fell out of his head.
NOTHING TO DO WITH Religion of Cuck™

No, he accidentally stepped on his own head. He'll be cool for XMAS.

Good riddance then

Are you having a stroke?

Get on the ride or die.


I suppose they though Holla Forums would care about the wedding, or anyone, that doesn't have a cunt. Every bit you know should know when you give them the eye. From your mother to your wife.


I'm still waiting for a real hole in the sky today.

Take a few more ESL classes.


now this is how you prove someone is dead


You're going to have to stop that, that's my line. Not a goddamn thing worse than skinwalkers. If you want a hole you will never get out of, me and mine can make time.

In which attack was that child again?


Absolutely none, one of the first corpses drug around for a photo op for immigration, because they can't float or make boats. There won't be a goddamn day my children don't see dead children for reason now, until I kill those behind it.

Houthis are the special ops of the middle east at this point. Desert rambos.

I don't really see why anyone should at this point. You can't just pretend the last 100 years didn't happen, not without at least some semblance of tangible resistance.

Who is pretending?

You mean like how we have been fucked over by kikes for the last 100+ years as well, yid?




No you tards, I mean the child sitting on top of the drowned one.

The reason they say that is because when they say 'Death to the jews' they mean the govt, same with ISISrael, hence the added 'curses on the jews' as they really hate them.

Right, but Americans keep going along with it – over and over and over. There's no meaningful resistance of any kind. Lindbergh and Rockwell is really it. Pierce, too, I suppose. Other than that, basically nothing. In fact, it's gone the other way. Americans are even more fanatically devoted to jewish interests than they've ever been.

What's this "we" shit? I don't know you from debris.

I'm going to kill absolutely everyone, and that's besides the point.

The one that never happened.

i think the photoshopped kid was in Syria. I don’t remember exactly

checked, hello lucifer

Knowing what little I know about Saleh and the other pan Arab Social Nationalists in the region, It doesn't make since why he would do that.
Was there an official release by his forces that they switched sides? Because, if not, it may have just been a Houthi justification for killing him so that they could pick up some of the now leaderless Yemeni Republican Guard.

then we move on to mongrels in the americas

(((edomite))) not semite.

His house was bombed but he wasn't seriously injured. His brother was killed. The snackbars
threatened to kidnap him from his father if he
didn't let them take the kid for a photo-op.
The father is a supporter of assad


Mate, they are doing a full court press to brand Iran and their affiliates as the new "Nazis".

He just read too many books.

checked and keked


Does shareblue have zero training these days?

Best torpost in ages.


Despite the good news 2allahuackbary4me.


Now that's a meme I haven't seen in a while!



SYRIA, mongloid.



Glorious. Go Houthis! Yemen should be Shia, a nice thorn in the Saud's side.

go back to reddit you fucking faggot

(triple dubs checked)
Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, Houthis, and Iraq to some extent are /ourguys/ in the Middle East. Shias, basically; they don't get along with Jews or Sunnis, neither do we. Palestine too is a natural ally for obvious reasons. Of course, these are all shitskins and must stay very far away from white lands, but so long as they're in their own desert they are rather helpful to us. Especially Iran, this enormous beast of military might thirsty for Jewish blood. It will mostly be Iran that annihilates Israel one day, I think. It's all mountains so there's no way in hell anybody is going to invade them successfully, it would be absurdly difficult. The only potential candidate is USA and after Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan the public would never support such a difficult, grueling, lengthly and bloody war that has nothing at all to do with American interests. Iran puts Zionists in quite a predicament, I think.

Gas yourself, kike.


Sure, massive resistance exists. It exists in Iran, in Iraq, in North Korea, in Yemen. It doesn't exist in America, though.