Why would you hate your nationa governmebt and call for smaller government? I would imagine it being anti nationaliatic to have a weak small government. I think the government should be as big and strong as its people as so with the assyrians and Romans and colonial powers, a weak poeople is a smaller andbweak government to ensure human Providence over a guaranteed life. I believe this is a big issue with the united states, particularly with libertarians and american brand of conservatives, the very fact that they voted for dobald trump (I did vote for him as well but for different reason) in hopes of reversing the obama administrations big government policies and regulation of the toxic capitalist free market further illustrates this point.
Why do american comservatives and libertarians hate big govt?
People don't actually hate government. They hate decadent and detatched bureaucracies with ranks filled by obese DMV desk niggers.
Government is inefficient, and the federal government is far away and not responsive to local needs. Nationalism is about supporting the people of your nation, not blindly following incompetent leaders.
Being drunk is no way to live your life OP. If you have the time to type it out you have the time to actually spell words correctly.
Off by one, but truth nevertheless.
They hated the corrupted government, not the big government but I don't know if they hate autocrats or other types though. They are very nice to me when I visit that area. I would visit that again when I am able to do again.
If there's one thing for sure besides death and taxes, it's that power corrupts. The less power that is centralized the better off a nation as a whole will be.
bc governments around the world are importing unskilled, low iq migrants en masse for whatever reason
You can't reasonably guarantee that the state will align with your values forever - I do not want any powers that I wouldn't give my opponents.
Do you have any idea where you are?
taxes are theft that only go to the state
states exist for the benefit of the people (supposedly) but unless something (like taxes) interferes white men dont need help, so even a benevolent state ends up existing soley to take money from whites and give it to shitskins
even in a racially homogeneous society it merely takes from winners for the benefit of losers, producing a dysgenic effect
Simple, short answer. I think they all become way too compartmentalized. One hand (agency/office) doesn't know what the other does. This gives these bad agencies or offices deniability, and cover to do their ill deeds. The good, honest gov't (sadly one can count those on one hand, maybe two) have no idea what exactly kinda bad is going on till they see for themselves. That's where blackmail comes in handy, and how great agents or low-level politicians making career climbs stay quiet.
Smaller will be as affective as they are now, and less compartmentalized, there's less chance of hiding shit.
"Small government" is just a euphemism for tax cuts for the rich and less services for the people.
ZOG has military bases in 200 other countries and it's always sticking its nose where it doesn't belong, at home and abroad. There's nothing small about the government.
What got slid for this thread?
Why in the holy fuck do you want big government?
Look up "moral hazard"
A nationalistic government should serve the interests of the people to the best of its ability. Big country, big government. What we have instead is Robin Hood in reverse. They had no problem blowing trillions of dollars in the Middle East but when it comes time to pay people Social Security, build better roads and schools, etc., there's no money.
Except government serves nothing except themselves.
You are pretty much thinking of benevolent bankers, there's none.
Government is a necessary evil, nothing more.
Because large, centralized governments become detached from their populace and the governance becomes less adaptive and personal, more generalized and universal. Policies designed for high-population, relatively temperate states like Massachusetts isn't necessarily going to apply to Alaska for instance. Each state has completely different sets of problems that need to be addressed and centralized government it abysmal at this.
The founding fathers intended for the country to operate as a bunch of smaller, independent regions that largely take care of their own affairs and only coming together for certain common interests; hence why regions were dubbed "states" as they were intended to work as their own countries. They knew that local problems are best solved by local powers with a greater vested interest in seeing those problems resolved. After all, they had just gotten done fighting a war against an aloof central government that couldn't give less of a shit about their problems.
The civil war fucked that up. Don't ever let anyone tell you that shit was to end slavery, that's a load of bullshit. Few people owned slaves and fewer were willing to die for their right to own slaves. The civil war was all about the right of self-determination of states; literally another fight for independence, but this time against the american empire rather than the british empire.
This is also the reason I'm not a NEETsoc. I don't care how nationalistic you think your centralized power is, putting too much power in the hands of a few fallible people is not going to work outside of a nation any larger than the state of Ohio, or at the very least won't work out the way you fantasize it will.
Big government is poverty and suffering for all but the connected elite. Even in the unreleased Robin Hood nations, it is so. Not only do they eventually run out of other people's money, they tend to start early on their shoe collections. People should be equal before the law, which can occur only when the law is held tightly in check.
same problems "vanguard" "elite" has in socialist governments
it could isolate itself to the level of complete disassociation from general populace s problems
the very people its supposed to lead, represent and protect
As an example, it is written in the Constitution that congress has the right to coin and regulate the value of money, and for a long time when our country was free of (((foreign))) influence, that worked fine. But, with that, congress also had the power to sell that right to the kikes, and in due time they did just that.
We hate the government because it tends to get filled with non-productive weaklings who can't get a real job. They become career politicians early and are disconnected from reality.
America started out as a very hands-off pseudo-fascist empire composed of individual states and that's what Americans(only white can be American) want but we don't get that as more and more women, faggots, kikes, and pussies make work for themselves providing services we neither require nor petitioned for and often providing them preferentially for their pet shitskins.
see pic
I understand if somebody is a softie and wants national socialism, which is just Prussianism with a new coat of paint. Prussianism is fine, for those who like it. But prior to 1965 60% of all immigrants to America emigrated elsewhere in their lifetimes. There was already a selective pressure imposed on those who left Europe to come here, those were further winnowed by the heartless cruel society we created which either killed or drove them away. What you had left was the most hardass collection of expats, mercenaries, outcasts, and huntsman the world every knew. This is why rural whites will spit at the mere word "socialism" or "welfare". They just don't want to be left alone.
If the government was just a massive military that went around exterminating shitskins and taking their land to add to the all white American Empire those people would be fine with a massive government. The problem isn't the government size or even taxes or budget. Without niggers and spics we'd have a trillion dollar surplus each year even as it stands. The problem is that they just don't want what socialism sells, they take pride in cruelty and relying entirely on voluntary communal organizations.
National Socialism is about the love of ones people. Americanism is about the hatred of ones enemies. They are similar in some aspects but very distinct in others.
Ultimately what determines efficiency isn't even political ideology but rather personal investment in the issue. A provincial government is responsive while a federalized one is not. A corporation or noble tied to the land is responsible while a international kabal influence by kikes isn't.
Government is not the same as military
Why the fuck would you ever want a big government shill?
Hitler did not intend to keep shit centralized. Only as long as required.
The third thread on the board appealing to some aspects of southern identity. Fuck off, chaim.
true small government has never been tried.
Yes it has, and it has been generally successful.
America is about freedom and individual liberty, a place where white men can go to think what we want to think, arm ourselves as we see fit, and determine our own government in theory. We want low taxes, low regulations, lax laws, state sovereignty invalid since the civil war, and a fair and humane judicial system. Look at what Britain has become- 1984 where plastic knives on the shelves in stores have alarms attached- this is what we wanted to escape.
(((1cd35c))) confirmed as poettering.
go suck your rabbi, RedShtreimel Loonix fuck wit fuckg fucking fuck bitch fuck
I was just about to post in a nearly identical thread to complain and it's deleted! yay
Loyalty to the nation!= loyalty to the state.
The nation and the people are one. The nation as an entity is created by the mutual loyalty of an ethnic and cultural group. Patriotism comes from the latin word "Patria" for "Fatherland". The loyalty inherent in patriotism comes from my relationship not with the land, but with my fathers. I must honor the sacrifices they made, and the pledges they shared for the mutual benefit of our folk, and the generation of a legacy. So, I am not loyal to the dirt upon which I stand, nor to the current owners of that land. I am loyal to a people and to a unified purpose.
The state is just an artificial entity whose purpose is to guarantee the existence of the nation, and the nation and people are one. When a state no longer accomplishes this goal, when its entire intent has become corrupted to the point where it seeks the dissolution of my people, then that state is no longer worthy of my loyalty. Patriotism, in this case, means defending my people, my fathers tribe, from those who would degenerate, enslave or replace us. We must secure the existence of our people, and a future for white children.