Milo fag parade protesters

Melbourne has some goofy protestors going down why yall not livestreamin this shit

pic related its goin down race war now

Amerifats are sleeping

Imagine being this buttblasted over Milo

Well that's it boys, pack it all up they won. A Bunch of fat chicks and be beta faggots standing around posting to Facebook how they're being politics and stuff.

That Wallace and Grommet add has memetic potential. I have no idea how to possibly use it tho

oz apathy m8
though, having these lunatics fuck with the good times might just be the necessary accelerant to incur a mass reichpill

Im totaly not shocked, pls go back to reddit you faggots

Where do you see that happening? Certainly not this thread.

Are you sure those aren't like three protesters holding up an anti-alt kike sign in front of their local high school? What the fuck?

I never knew Wallace and Gromit was a thing in Australia. I thought that was a thing for us Britfags.

Are there anti-gamer gate signs to?

Mocking maga hat wearers for not being American while they yell no hate no kkk no fascist usa

big in NZ & Aus.

I wish I had the funds to go to NZ and AUS and fucking beat the shit out of your protestors, then claim Diplomatic status because…FUCK YOU (((connections are fine too))).

I'd love to go there dressed up commie style and start shouting "BASH THE FAG, BASH THE FAG"
Go all-out false flag on them.

More like whales against fascist


Jews vs college commies.

What’s the difference?


Back boobs

Why not "cheer them on" and give them ammunition when possible? Did you ever read "The Turner Diaries" where Dr/ Pierce talks about the nigger separatists, various anarchists, and degenerates of all sorts keeping the FEDs busy? Remember his reaction? "More power to them!" The more degenerate nonsense like this keeps the FEDs busy and lets these "alt-lite" homo types keep the Jews and their "hate watch sites" busy, less time to bother the genuine people who really despise them.

More power to them!


I'm from the US and Wallace and Gromit is still the shit.

Trips checked, but you're retarded if you think ya'll isn't a word owned by rural whites.

The absolute state of these soycucks and bulldykes.

Stay out of Dixie cunt. Y'all is a White term that niggers stole just like they steal everything else since they are retarded cultureless subhumans.

Disgraceful trips. Unchecked.

some cunt get down there i know a few of you poofters live there


Ya'll is rural white. Neck yourself cosmopolitian parasite.