Pastor Anderson claiming the holocaust was fake and the Jews are going to hell
Pastor Anderson claiming the holocaust was fake and the Jews are going to hell
but Holla Forums wants all christians (even if they are white) to die
Why is he being shilled so hard here? Is this some kind of Jew shill reverse psychology tactic to get Holla Forums not to like him?
The content of slide threads isn't important, just the volume of them (though this wave has the added function of encouraging more D&C bullshit)
((("but Holla Forums")))
Pastor Anderson took pride in marrying that coal-burner to her Bluck buck hubby.
I have auto-correct - how does it "correct" it to that? Black* FFS
KYS newfag (((phoneposter)))
Fuck off Schlomo, what are you sliding?
Anyhow, this thread is probably a slide thread. Every fuckin thread is one right now
Please, ban these low effort kike OPs without description, a minimum of commentary, archives and no honeypot links. This board is getting unreadable, the policyon starting OPs should start being enforced at last.
did you just make 4 threads nigger
Now this one is slide material.
And threads related to a video and the OP doesn't bother posting said video in webm or mp4 because he's a lazy nigger that needs to be banned for at least 2 years.
yes, and trump wears a kike cap while touching the wall for the 6,000,000 th time.
you can't just sperg and spill your spaghetti all over the floor and start shouting sieg heil, remember who owns america regardless if trump is in power, you can't do anything, also he has kids, he needs a fucking job and doing some redpill shit could get you fired and you will never work again, in fact you would starve your whole family to death, let the pathetic nigger and whore do their thing, the coal toll will be paid, you already know that her body will be found at a dark ally inside of a burning dumpster.
This is what burgers actually believe.
Oh, we know. He’s well known as being damn well redpilled.
Reported for not even ATTEMPTING to pretend you’re from here.
Reminder that nothing you say will make him support miscegenation. He’s on record saying that whites who only want to marry whites are the way to go.
Reported for not even trying.
remember to use pam not crisco when cooking your jew.
Why does everyone that questions the Jewish conspiracy theory get banned?
Why do you believe that Judaism still exists even though the Second Temple was destroyed in 70 AD and the Third Temple was never built by the so-called "Jews" at any point during the last nineteen centuries?
A bunch of miserable, wretched creatures who speak nothing but lies insist that they are Jews, and you attack anyone who dares question the veracity of their statement. Then, when you're done desperately protecting the kikes, you accuse your opponent of doing what you were doing. You're the same as them.
Fuzzy-black-haired big-nosed Hamites are fuzzy-black-haired big-nosed Hamites, whether they're black-skinned half-human bastard sons of Ham or not. WE WUZ JEWS is the same as WE WUZ KANGS.
That was a very specific video that you saw today and posted with only 2,000 views compared to the better quality one. Are you shitposting because you are assravaged about the TRS threads, or just because you haven't lurked moar.
but i had no need to? look at the reponses in this thread that is what you think
Report, hide, move on.
pretty much this
There's nothing in scripture that condemns pedophilia either, that doesn't mean it's okay. The problem with interracial relationships in general is that most of the time it is nothing but fetishism. Ask any white woman married to a black man and they'll tell you they won't date anyone who isn't black or arab. The idea that interracial relationships "just happen" as often as they do is nothing but bullshit.