Ingraham: Dems Want Illegal Immigration to Change Demographics, Replace White Conservatives

Saturday on Fox News Channel’s “Watters World,” Fox News Channel host and conservative radio talker Laura Ingraham offered her theory on why Democrats were unwilling to support a border wall and were for sanctuary city policies, especially in the wake of the verdict from a San Francisco jury that found illegal alien Jose Ines Garcia Zarate not guilty for the killing of Kate Steinle.

Ingraham told host Jesse Watters much of it has to do with Democrats seeking a demographic shift that is more in line with their policies. Partial transcript as follows:

Other urls found in this thread:

No they are not. When they replace "Dems" with Jews than you can make this thread again OP.

not sure im ready for the level of erection im currently having

shill thread meant to kill the one it has replaced and nothing else
(((ingraham))) (((waters)))
into the oven OP. dont let the door hit you on the way in.

ingraham is not jewish

You're a fucking idiot. Here you have mainstream sources calling out bipartisan support for the replacement of white people with shitskins. They're not naming the Jew directly (we're not at the point where people employed by major networks can do that yet), but they are providing the perfect setup for us to do that.
Stop getting mad at your left flank for not standing where you are, start using the opportunities they create.


This thread isn't that bad, what the fuck is with the saging?

Look at that, kike first post

Shills come out when the mods are away and anons react or overreact accordingly. Also just because something isn't bad, doesn't make it good.

Kikes user, fuckin filthy kikes

You might wanna consult with your rhinoplasty surgeon Chaim

The jew fears this turn of events. They're shills, user.

This guy knows what's up.

Now I can't tell which sides shilling.

Too little of a good thing too late. It's not like we're going to vote the jew out of our wallet, trying to wait for normalfag republicans to wake up about the fact their children being genocided is a waste of time. Nobody who can't carry 60 pounds of ammunition gets to have a political opinion in the future. Don't fall for the moderates pushing Fox Jews and cuckoldry(R), the only thing is to gas the jews, National Socialism is the only answer.

I've noticed this on Tucker Carlson as well. Probably not for lack of trying to not cover it, the cat's out of the bag at this point and they have to ride the wave.

Frankly, since they started covering this stuff, they're gaining viewers far faster than before. My guess is many of their anchors were just as out of touch as their leftist counterparts but didn't know it until recently. Hopefully they start talking about how LEGAL immigration is garbage right now as well.

Judging by all the kike shill trying to sage bomb this thread, Id say this is a good thread. When mainstream media talks about white replacement, it means a market is there that will eat up such news.

Of course commie kikes would like to pretend that market doesnt exist and if its not (((1488)))you know, the alphabet soup kosher kind that makes any white nationalist look like a total retard its totally useless and must be ignored

Well no shit. You'd have to have a double digit IQ to not come to that conclusion a decade ago.

I also agree that the election system is just stalling and buying time.
Something big needs to happen.

oh really now

I would guess once enough people grasp WHY illegal immigration is shit, at least at its core, they will come to the obvious conclusion why legal immigration is shit too.

Have a bump.

There's a wave of slide threads so I'm saging all my posts unless the thread looks like it might be what's being slid. Nothing in this thread is particularly groundbreaking stuff–it matters but it's not a big time-sensitive event that kikes want to shut down, it's one example of a growing trend.
Sage just means the post doesn't bump the thread. It doesn't mean I think the thread is bad.

it's like clockwork

You can go back to your shithole anytime now.

Im bumping because of the immense assblast by shills in this thread, and the topic is relevant

You have no idea where you are.

you must be new here?
it's a happening and shills are out on full force

But which thread is the one theyre sliding? While I like the topic of this thread, this cant be it, can it?

My best guess is that it's the Syria stuff.

Why is it when I call out normans on white racism they automatically assume I'm white?
Both my parents are Mexican and immigrated here in the 80s. I'm first generation Mexican-American. I look like pic related if you add like 150 pounds.Also related to him.
How do we get rid of identity politics? I thought we were all Americans.


It's fine since it gives those that have decided to lurk, for no less than two years, something to spread back in the normieverse and gives anons a platform for redpilling here and wherever else this is posted.

Reported for baiting and wasted dubs.

Im thinking its the Israeli attack on Iran

damn what did they put in the water, i want some

Not Jews

Where did I see Iran in that? Anyhow is probably right.

Too bad /sg/ was shoad though, no constructive discussions allowed.

This is wrong. The real reason is white genocide. The voter boost effect is real but transitory. Plenty of already settled shitskins in the US don't wan't more migrant competitors so they don't vote for the Democrats. This proportion can only increase with time so you get ever diminishing returns. The only lasting result is white genocide.

Similar half-truths (a.k.a. lies) are used to explain US foreign policy. No, the wars are not waged to feed the MIC or control oil - they're waged for the Greater Israel and the jewish-controlled NWO.

This entire site is on a steep downward trajectory, tbh

Woa this goy over here is thinking too much.

Blow it out your ass Chaim.

It's a nothing thread, but it's not shill worthy or anything.

Erm. How am I baiting? Pic related is a Mexican. Is that it?

1. you're not a mexican
2. mexicans shouldn't exist
Pershing wanted to wipe out Mexico City and we should have let him do it.

R fucking K, holy shit

Jim prob sold 8ch in april to glow in the dark kikes to fuel his lady boy addiction. Would explain all the fuckery in late april.
Seems like we spooked the king kikes to get the middle management to drop some major cianigger shekels after the election.18 billion is enough to buy / kill all the owners of these bad goy sites, and install people to run a (((narrative))). You would have to be stupid not to.

time to wake up the masses.

They should be.

Sure seems like thats the case. I just know it has not been fun at all here for a long time now. I used to enjoy shitposting here, now its dull and annoying.

Have you seen the catalog? The Normie Cons are not figuring out anything until the Fox Jews are gone .

So why not nuke the site, or perform a coup?

bump to trigger the shills

Mussolini had some pretty good speeches tbh. The one i'm thinking of is right before the invasion and he was very eloquently name droping the american jews and saying that the american people were not the enemy. Can't find it on jewtube any more though. Anyone know which one it is?

The board has been hot garbage since the Trump campaign took off.


The april thing was them moving servers, I would guess.

what even went on here before that? I got here in january '16; the first thread I looked at was a massive red-pill thread that took me 2 days to read through and doubled my pol folder.

>Ingraham has previously dated liberal broadcaster (((Keith Olbermann))) and former New Jersey Democratic Senator (((Robert Torricelli))).

Fucking disgusting.

Tons of shit, and a whole lot less shilling/bitching.

The whole 'shill' thing really fucked up the board, because it made everyone feel justified in rampant accusations and back-biting, and brought in a whole bunch of profeessionals pushing their various agendas.

Take a look at the Rules sticky there is a brief glimpse of what 8ch Holla Forums used to look like in the main catalog.
Also notice the:
Post last edited at 12/01/17 (Fri) 05:23:50


Big redpill dumps were much more common, and it didn't have the "no fun allowed" atmosphere, so a lot more funny/comfy threads. Fringe threads galore, we had unironic flat earthers and "sorcerers." The opinions here weren't as rigid,so you wouldn't be reported by fifty anons for every post.

Also what the other guy said.


Also i'm not going to type out a two page reply to someone only to have the (((mod))) get buttblasted and shoah / anchor / edit everything on a whim.
So the post quality has ended up like:

Tucker mentioned the same thing when discussing the VA election. I'm not sure why the kikes at the top are allowing this. They're basically exposing the Kalergi plan at this point.

Someone seems to be very frustrated.

She just ate the crotch out of that horse. Savage but a bit late.

All caps are pleb tier tho

More migrants -> more liberals -> more democrat votes -> fucked conservatives

It's folks making sure they get views, and therefore, a paycheck. These people aren't stupid. They've known about this for years, decades in some cases. They haven't said peep til now. Why? Because they see that there's a sizable undercurrent forming, and they want to cash in on it. These niggers are just more successful versions of Lauren Southern, Tara McCarthy, Sargon, etc. Don't buy into it. When/if the day ever comes, they'll get the rope too


You have to remember the competing factions within the juden, and that betrayal is a common occurrence within their groups, towards outsiders predominately but also one another.
Coupled with their intelligence, centered as it is on short term rather than long term, and often good education, some will be trying to turn their coat and survive/thrive what they see coming.

die, kike

They are finally allowed to say it without a massive >racist backslash coming their way.

stop trying to pick fights you useless faggot. Not everyone wants to suck Trump's dick 24/7 like Alex Jones and not everyone has some diehard loyalty to a fucking internet board.

if it last for more than 4 hours make sure to call your doctor to brag about it.


Its not that normies are waking up or are just now learning, people aren't actually as stupid as you might think for the most part they are perfectly aware of the reality of race and even the JQ but they are prisoners of social convention.

What we (with Trumps help) have done is move the overton window firmly to the right so topics that were once verboten are now acceptable if contentious.

Are they though.
Maybe things are different across state lines. I live in the Midwest and whites are pretty hostile to any ideas that even suggest there are general genetic intelligence differences between racial groups.
Not trying to blackpill but if you live in Florida or some shit you probably have a biased sample.

Yeah - the guy that wrote that is a dope. She wears a cross necklace every single day of her show.

Wrong douche. Identity politics are here to stay. You ain't American if you ain't white. Stop posting fake pix and suck my weiner, beaner

This kinda proves my point. If they were genuinely ignorant of the truth they wouldn't get mad they'd just be confused when you bring it up. The reason they get mad is they are aware of the differences and know in their hearts its true but have been conditioned that these viewpoints are evil so they lash out in denial and anger.

Don´t get too excited. None of these people are waking up to anything they haven´t known for years. The jews are giving them the nod to talk openly about this because its getting hot in the kitchen and they´d rather kristallnacht happen to mexicans than jews. Its a good sign, but don´t fool yourself into thinking the jews have lost any control of the narrative whatsoever as of yet.

Holy shit, she basically just paraphrased Ann Coulter.

remember this dude.

remember this dude

If you don't do this you obviously aren't a real natsoc and just a larping chris spencer / t_d fag.

my dick is way bigger than that pathetic hobo's. sage for off topic.

Correct, this user gets it. The folk in the rural areas know in their hearts they are better people than city folk, and try their hardest to be better people than city folk.
Since the question of racial differences are painted by the media as evil, the country folk will try their damnedest to ignore any facts place before out of a need to be morally superior to the city folk.
Basically the same thing as what has been pointed out about the SJW/Cultural-Marxists/Post-Modernists/insert Jewish backed group name here, on the board over the years. The country folk just are not so focused upon being morally superior everyone, just cityboys.


So she is Jewish.

They're obsessed with morality politics and being morally superior. They both believe they have the objective truth and will stop at nothing to force everyone into compliance with their dogma. They're insane. The biggest threat to the rise of the right currently isn't the left, but the fundamentalists on the right who see the shift in the political climate as a way to further their goal of a fundamentalist Christian nation. Unlike the left, the right needs to remember to keep its morality freaks under control.

You dumb hillbilly, there are more natsoc by numbers in cities than out in the sticks.
And the capital of the natsoc world was in 'Berlin - a major Aryan city, not out in some rural backwater.
Your post is just shitty D&C against Aryan brothers. I'll be happy to neck you on DOTR, traitor.


Kikes are backpeddalling hardcore

Yes it is you dirty liar.
As is graham (as a surname) most surnames with ham in are jewish in origin, as in Abraham. WTF do you think you are dealing with here? Shit is waaay past simple denial. People waking up exponentially, combined with your inability to spin a convincing narrative must have you all panicking. Could be baked beans in a bunker time soon.

You don´t belong here. has copies of Holla and Holla Forums catalogs going back years.

Shills BTFO as usual.

Why do you think the shills have dialed their hysterics up to 11 lately?

Media outlets haven't had an actual profit motive for a long time. The only reason kikes would say anything that would remotely damage their manufactured narrative is because they know they've already lost the narrative. "Ingraham" is a kikess, Fox Jews is kikes, all MSM is kikes. They're going for limited hangout but it won't be enough. Nothing will be enough, until every kike on the planet is dead in a ditch.

The British Labour party openly admitted they were doing this years ago, and nobody "woke up".
Then again Britain is full of crypto-kikes who remain defiantly, wilfully ignorant of the truths staring them in the face. t. one of them

The normal propaganda kike line from Fox, and neocohens, and and cuckservatives is that "Its all about money, they want lower wage workers" - which IS cancer and brainwashes people into thinking its just an accident and about rich capitalists on the right. She spoke the truth, they want to get rid of whites, to replace them. Cant be mad about that.

(((Who could possible be behind this post?)))

But she's not Jewish.

Just noticed she actually spouted that same line immediately afterwards, and defended "her own side" for trying to push immigration as if it wasnt also about genocide.

The poster you were replying to is a Kike. Torricelli is clearly an Italian, ye he's Calli him a Jew. It's simple D&C.

Probably because it's a new batch from the Rothschild money and they just don't understand that we will never be fooled nor dissuaded and we will never stop.

If the site does go completely down, I will make a new one, and I'm not the only one who will. They can't stop us.

Let's not forget that Laura has her own show (which is breddy gud) on Fox now as well. 10 pm est I believe.

My hunch is you are so deluded, /leftyshit/, that you can't even spot the irony in that.

This is a HUGE shift in the Overton window.

I've never heard anything this Natsoc come out of fox news.

Well it just got better, a few minutes they posted this.

Basically, we need to make sure this passes.

"His “Stopping Lawless Actions of Politicians (SLAP) Act” would hold state and local lawmakers criminally responsible for refusing to comply with federal immigration enforcement efforts. The Republican’s bill would subject violators to a $1 million fine and up to five years in prison if they are convicted."

I'm going laugh when I start seeing all of these mayors and governors (Such as RINO pro-DACA Kaisch) end up in orange jumpsuits.

Tucker brought up the replacement agenda as well. Naming the agenda is one thing, naming those who are behind it is never going to happen on any mainstream television network owned by (((them))).

My suspicion is that you enjoy cock in your ass so you are opposed to traditional Christian society because it labels your degenerate perversion as a wicked sin.

Hate to tell you this TORfag but kikes are notorious for changing their names and costumes.

Well, well, we'll look at this guy right here. Injecting his traditional Christian values of kike worship and conversion.

Shelomova agrees

I can't wait to see who is dumb enough to put their balls on the table and come out against this.

Didn't Trump tweet this out years ago before he ever became president? Neocons are so fucking stupid they were funding their own unemployment and demise.

A mystery why the Bushes suddenly thought millions of Mexicans would turn into Republicans once they came into country isn't it?

One of the most common shill tactic currently is to create disappointment with sentences like "this is not enough", "she is not a true blue-blonde aryan so she doesn't count", "they don't name the jew so it's worthless", etc.
They do this in order to demoralize anyone reading those threads.

Her adopting muds is solid criticism though.

It's correct for both, the Dems are jewish golem

Your nose is showing Chaim.
And now your mangled cockhead is showing. Tell me can you still feel the Rabbi's lips around your cock? Can you remember the feeling of suction and hear once more the "Paa-Toey" as he spits out a piece of your flesh?
Can you still hear the cheers as he slices the skin from cock?

check'd even though you're an idiot

The country folk won't let themselves take it to such extremes, they would see it as being an arrogant blowhard. Plus the harsher social environment makes them accede on several points that the city folk have the luxury to ignore.

you sure do think about cock a lot, hillbilly

do you no fellow nazis we can ownly be legit WN if we are 1488 gas the kikes full on race war now types cuz that will really help us dontcha know.

He's sorta right though.

Hillbillies and rednecks are the biggest biblehumping muh israel kikelovers of all and he clearly detastes them. Calm down.

I do like how in this particular speech you posted, how Mussolini said he knew there were Americans '"making America great"

Will sage off topic even though I do enjoy Ingraham Angle. She was on fire after the Steinle verdict, wew!

>(((Who could possible be behind this post?)))
An ethnic German? You dumb fucking Polackike.

Not only can they not stop us almost all of their previous attempts to do so backfired spectactularly.

Do it faggots. Try and shut us down. We will only come back stronger.

>I look like pic related if you add like 150 pounds. brown skin and a mustace that smells like tacos.


That'd get those chained to their computers up and in the streets. I'd happily run off a slower, nigger rigged network. Take to streets and building 'we prodigy again nao' networks.

And in worst case scenario they'll never, ever erase from our minds what we've learned, perhaps printed for such a turnover. I'll make it my business to hang about talking to anyone who'll listen in real life. (((They))) REALLY don't want that. I do.

You should go back to reddit.

So if we take away that magic 150



they're being forced to tell the truth, but you can tell it's still (((controlled))) opposition
>muh (((isis)))


She speaks pretty openly on her radio show. I like her well enough… for a mainstream pundit
Laura is much better than BLACKED Ann

Canelo is like 165lbs. SO YOU WEIGHT 15 LBS???

Interesting, it’s okay to blame all men but throw in the fact 98.9876000000% of these assholes is a kike then you turn into a horrible person. What’s funny is not only the logic behind it, it’s the fact that blaming all jews is much more accurate and realistic than blaming all men for the actions of kikes.

2 slavs and a shitskin

Kike shill

The shills he resorted to outright lies and disinfo to derail threads.They are trying to emulate cuckchan tactics here.

Bond digits confirm.


Not everyone has to be an assistant gunner for a crew served user.

Possibly the most retarded move in the history of the party. White women stopped donating and last month's figures showed that the sheboon crying about how she was secretly rooting for Bernie failed to sucker them back in. Soros used to be able to trigger tens of millions of dems into rage donations against the right just with snooty editorials and news anchors. Now he's forced to help rapists, pimps, drug dealers and other ex-cons register to vote in Alabama to help the democrat candidate there. Soros should focus on trying to get China to nuke Iran and Russia for him.
Who's the fucking liar?

Not when viewed in context of demographics. There simply aren't enough White people who are young and strong enough to carry out a physical removal program, let alone before you start chipping away at those numbers with the dual-headed monster of strident communists and judeo-capitalist muppets.

There are enough to keep the Republican party financially secure. 2024 is a long way off and the Democrats are already broke.

you, clearly.
this: >

Uh… okay? I don't really see how that's a positive or why anyone on this board would ever bring it up as such. Strange.
It really isn't.

It means there are plenty of white people and they aren't as useless as whatever Democrats let slither in here.

It doesn't mean that at all. It means there are plenty of zionists.
Yeah, I made a mistake responding to you. You're coming across like a 50+ boomer insistent on regurgitating typical American party politics. I'm not interested so I'm filtering you.

Fuck yes, imprison traitors. The only well it could be better is a life sentence or execution which is the legitimate law already.

Kozak = Cossack in english.

It's not just Jews who pushed for this you stopid kike shill. It's always been the left who followed the kike's footsteps of critical theory, marxism and the frankfurt school.


If this isn't a happening then explain the shilling.


They are children throwing a fit because we aren't playing by the abstract retarded rules they themselves change if they are losing.

There is no room for honor when dealing with traitors and kikes.

Who cares you filthy kike.

Didn't happen but it should have.

Name the Kike especially to younger normalfags. They might seem unsure or nervous but they will never say you are wrong when you name the Jew.

Believe it or not I used to do the same name-calling on 4ch during the before days. I use VPNs so the best way to filter me is to kill yourself.

Who said anything about you coming across as racist?

There's no way that'll ever even make it to a vote.

shills get fucked

I think I can speak for all of us here when I say

They JUST fucking start to get it. Pick up the pace you boomer faggots, it's not too late yet.

Let's make it happen.

It's also possible Trump cut a deal with Murdoch to suffer the old kike to live in exchange for shifting the narrative on Fox to near where we are.

what was this?
I must have missed it.

She wants future America to reflect America. A demographic realist.

Pretty good that she actually said replacing white voters. But Ann Coulter's been saying this for over a year.

Meanwhile, Iron Ann is retweeting WN accounts talking about what happens without racial homogeneity…

Yes, and arguing against it, apparently…
Seems she is more focused on religious conflicts.
(both are true, though)

Pretty obvious sarcasm there.

tbh, sarcasm is hard to detect online, especially in this context…

That thread is cancer.
you are cancer.
sage because cancer.


Remember this thread is about normalfagz getting it

I don't know why the kikes always make their MtF tranny actors take stage names which contain a male name, but they do it often.
I guess it's tied to the belief that if they tell you what they're doing, then they're not responsible for the actions.
So in a case like this, they're telling you that the tranny is a man and therefore if you, as a straight young man, masturbate over their images and eventually develop attraction to male features, i.e turn gay, then you have no one to blame but yourself.
tl;dr in Graham is a tranny and you're lapping up the bread and circus side-show as kikes laugh their sides into orbit at your credulity.

Literally fucking hang yourself you disgusting kike rodent. This should warrant a perma ban to be honest.


sets the precedence of "tow the line or else"

White collective consciousness is tentatively reaching normalfags. They are beginning to sense the shifting tides and will begin seeking a savior. The atmosphere is being created for the Hero's successor to take form.

Mussolini is a powerful redpill to begin with because it's not hard to prove that he did literally nothing wrong. Even the cucked normalfag version of history doesn't paint Mussolini in that negative of a light, there were no death camps or gas chambers or eugenics, you can honestly point to Mussolini's Fascist Italy and say "these guys committed the fewest war crimes and murdered the fewest innocent people out of any side in the war," and people will believe you.

That's where the narrative collapse begins, the self-evident fact, even to normies. Italy and Finland are both tremendous potential redpills.