Lolren southern
I'll start by reporting your thread for eceleb bullshit
Stop paying attention to Aut-Kike ecelbs, Murdkike included, for starters.
fuck off you faggot nigger dick sucking kike
cry me an even bigger pool of tears, gen z trash. I feed off your rage.
back to cuckchan lad
filthy coalburning whore, is anybody surprised? she might even be a kike
Vid related, a better version of the vid you posted
Where the fuck have you been?
You caught us user, we're all jews. Leave quick, we get paid by the (you).
Who cares about civnat cucks, make fun of them as much as you want, but if you really need some e-celeb to focus your affections on at least choose some /ourgirls/ like Rageafterstorm, Lauren rose or Blonde in the belly of the beast.
Thanks user, have any other good ones?
funny how there are at least 3-4 od these threads a day huh
8ch Holla Forums is a literal copy paste of 4chan Holla Forums at this point
Struth mate, that one got me.
Right, murdoch murdoch whom we know so much about. That rascal, showing up on the MSM and giving us a bad name!
Get out of here, Mordecai.
Shit user, any backstory to the webm? Quite gruesome.
Theres already a thread on this you fag.