My hair's fuck up, but whatever
She still loves my long hair
Ponytail like vagabond, but I don't care
Yeah let's get dirty
My hair's fuck up, but whatever
Other urls found in this thread:
got distracted for a bit....
Well the bag isn't always right.
You always have to inspect the food thoroughly, love.
Well how are you otherwise?
Were you planning on being drunk for weeks on end?
I'm too young for a nursing home!
I can't help but feel like you believe there's some sort flaw in that plan.
It's okay, gram-gram.
The nice people at the home will love and take care of you, even your leaky asshole.
check out the lates re:zero
new chars
I like the redhead
Probably play some overwatch or make lunch.
(Smile for me.)
;~; it was frozen safely for a couple of days after i bought it....
hopefully it should be ok now. and hopefully i didn't food poison myself..
No i literally meant Where did you go?
Everyone knows I don't approve of drinking in such a manner, but I also think that you're an adult and can make your own choices. Did you run out, and that's why you're sober?
You're a rude degenerate if there ever was one.
What is your favorite hero?
I'm the nicest person to you.
Why would I do that? He's fun to mess with.
Fuck I forgot I had to go spoon with the woman
See ya everyone
Have a good day/night
I am currently in a state between heros because I can't find who i'd rather main.
So far I switch between Tracer, Dva and Mei. though I have 8 hours on Dva which is 6 more than the rest.
bye bye shiro
You probably didn't poison yourself.
Did you preheat the over before cooking it?
That's just because I'm one of the few people still dealing with your moodiness.
Is D. Va any good?
On it like white on rice.
Oh, for the past week? Vegas.
No, I just got back from Vegas, where as long as you're gambling the drinks are free. I was sober for the flight back and I guess I could break that streak now. Oh well, I'll get something.
If Grim starts smoking mad weed we should start calling him Gram
Oh, right, you also should stop acting like a condescending twat and spouting out pseudo-intellectual/philosophical rants nobody ever reads.
You have me beat on that front tenfold.
And I was speaking from your perspective.
yeah. the over properly lit up to 400
then beeped ready
i tossed the tray of frozen in
set the proper timers
... but i guess... it required a bit more to become crisp dry, instead of soft...
what did you do...?
She's in a really weird spt as her role is supposed to be a tank but since she currently sucks at that she's used as an aggressive assassin/flanker. so you come in hard from the side and bully out the supports and burn down tanks etc. Because of her mecha gimmick you can eject out and eventually get a new one which extends her longevity.
When have I ever posted anything pseudo-intellectual or philosophical.
Good try man. Keep making memes up.
He thinks your armchair Kanra, not gains Kanra.
Did you make a huge ass out of yourself, or simply a big ass?
Oh, that would probably explain it. I'm not one for being condescending or acting intellectual online.
Just a regular ass.
A Veg-ass.
I had my first taste of weed at AX actually
McFucking kill yourself.
Don't boardslide the green gnarly, Grim.
Just answer me this, how hard is it to clean vomit off of a felt tabletop?
I hope Smiles notices me today
Puke ruined a pool table and that's pretty much the same.
So probably.
i feel fucking disgusting
u smell like it too lmao
You overestimate how inebriated I was. Clearly I puked in my Scotch glass.
I actually only heaved once and that was in a toilet immediately after waking up
You are fucking disgusting.
Sick burn.
fugg you rek't me
I do it once in a Blue moon
I laughed.
wow fucking savage desu
pls no bully :(
Half the fun of being in a place with no public intoxication law is just puking in random bushes, bins, homeless people, etc.
Will Erio ever lose his real virginity?
I thought he lost that to a bunch of ice cubes.
Ah, I see then.
Q: How hard is it to clean vomit off of a felt tabletop?
A: So probably.
Gotcha. Reeeealll slick there, Giggly.
I can safely say that you smell worse than you feel.
And that was just a pleasure heave, not because you were hungover. God, that filthy Vegas hotel toilet knew how to push all of your buttons.
That was so funny I think I'll swallow my tongue.
whoah bazinga xDDDDD
oh hey
i have a question for all the trannies or whatever out there
what happened to your guy identity? did like, the first ~18 or so years of your life just disappear?
That city has a real homelessness problem, it was nuts.
He's still in here screaming with the rest of us.
I didn't clean it up.
I just sort of left when I sobered up.
That city has a real everything problem.
but u're not a tranny
or am i being tricked again?
They generally just pretend anything before when they totes magotes were a girl didn't happen.
I think it's like a Batman and Robin thing, except instead of Batman and Robin, they're a freak of nature.
Leaving someplace forever is sort of like cleaning up.
so if i became a tranny right now, anything before 2016 didn't happen?
sounds like a good way to deny the holocaust tbh
this is the wrong tumblr term we're talking about here, those are the 'genderfluid'
Erio posted that in all the ERP groups he's in, lmao.
damn it, i can't have this question answered seriously by a bunch of cynical assholes with nothing else to do
i thought this place was tranny central
We already know I use ERP groups. The question is, why were you on one? :3
I do that from time to time.
What, like, their genderfluid is running low, and it's causing the engine to seize up? I make sure to check my tank and top it off every four to six months.
It wasn't facetious?
Well what do you like to drink?
I do not have you beat at all. You're the moody one.
Crispy takes a few minutes longer, yes. LOL
But then she's a support without a supporting ability (without mech)
I looked on the activity thing on steam to see what everyone is doing.
There are places actually dedicated to transexuality, some on this very imageboard, go troll there instead of here.
I don't see a problem with it. Is there a problem with being a young boy who cybers a 30+ year old?
I mean, to be fair, the guy did bumble in here during like the one hour a day a tranny isn't parading around.
My gravestone will read "haha that was really funny grim".
eh, maybe something's wrong with their transmission
we get serious at the weirdest times here
i mean, i could go and anonymously ask a board specifically made for that purpose, or i could shitpost and circlejerk about it among the various trans people lurking/not lurking
i should probably go to the former though if i hope to get an actual answer
I'm always having to play the role of sane man to everyone else's insanity.
I don't see the point of what you're doing. Are you retarded?
Whiskey. Bourbon, usually.
It's kind of refreshing.
test kill urself
These turkey nuggets dont taste as good as the chikn Mc nuggets ...
Prettymuch. I do find her pistol to be useful for long range engages such as just holding down m1 on a turret until it's destroyed then jump back in mecha.
Maybe if they had the presence of mind to pull the dipstick out every now and then, this wouldn't happen. That dipstick must have been inside for years by now.
We should do this every week. Or just all the time.
k brb
I thought you didn't have a problem with it?
tESSSST i mean it
I kind of expected Test to never comeback from Vegas and realize his dream of becoming a magician's "showgirl".
kayb no
I dont wanna lose you
Since he's small.
And can fit in anything.
It would be really intense if you assassinated somebody while firing a bullet through your own head.
I don't, but you are trying to attack me with something stupid, so I'm calling you retarded.
Why would I attack you with that? Don't be ridiculous.
You posted it and acted like it was a negative thing that makes le funny meme.
thanks a lot animus
You're projecting.
It'd be even more intense if I managed to fire two guns at the same time through my head while killing people on either side of me.
You are literally the blind leading the deaf.
Any preferred brand?
I had some Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey, and I cant get he taste out of my mouth.
That's why I never recommend anyone to get turkey or something!
Sounds like just bad character design lol
I'd want to be the magician.
And be godawful at it.
Just to crush kids' hopes and dreams that magic isn't fucking real.
Blow me.
To be fair, it was a really shitty question and you should be ashamed of yourself.
I would buy any video game with that as the cover art. Full asking price.
You must be feeling attacked, I apologise. I just felt like it was funny and you didn't feel embarrassed over it or something.
From what I understood the idea was that she was either going to get a damage or a health buff.
i think we should all be ashamed of ourselves here
That much has always been implicit.
I'm notoriously uncultured and tasteless. I drink the cheapest black label I see and call it a day.
I'm not sure if you disliked the honey whiskey. Either way if you want something unusual and sticky sweet Revel Stoke pecan whiskey fits that description.
at least it was cheap and in bulk
You're downplaying the attitude you had. Whatever though. :3
Also, I'm not a virgin. Though I don't really like doing stuff with people I don't know well IRL.
niggas can't handle the truth
anonymity always tends to bring out the worst in people
i like you arcade machine guy
keep posting
I could say the same thing to you , whatever though :3
I never called you a virgin, that was Nick.
I'm going to go pee and eat dinner just to spite you.
wow, bully
I accidentally
and then my kik
You seem like the kind of guy who doesn't ever want kids, but if you had them would you tell them that Santa isn't real and HOPE they tell all the other kids?
Sure is comfy under this bus~
He doesn't matter; you played along. :3
I've had an aggressive attitude in general lately when it comes to people starting stuff; I admit to that. I kind of enjoy when internet fights get intense, especially. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Ty nezu
Glad you're comfortable.
I didn't really. :3
Weirdo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Well, I guess you didn't rule out the possibility that I did stuff with a person for the first time AFTER the ice cubes.
Have you sex'd IRL?
I want kids and my parenting style would just be brutal honesty.
That's not fair, he's like 14, he can't legally sex.
do you ACTUALLY think he has
I did a /soc/ :(
Daddy told me not to but then I did it anyway and now I have chats going and it's weird.
I know he's underaged, at least probably. I wasn't trying to insult him. I was just curious and making conversation.
now you fucked up
Just how young IS goggles again?
I'm sorry Daddy
between 16 and 20
quick goggles hide your age
I'm honestly a bit surprised you want kids, I guess you just give off that "I hate kids" vibe.
Nobody knows for sure, but we assume young because he won't say.
he gives off the "I hate everything" vibe more like
I bet gogs is 18
lol yeah right
He doesn't talk about IRL stuff much.
I guess you posted contact info in a /soc/ thread?
With a guy or a girl? :3
You really think someone would do that?
just go on the internet and tell lies?
Yeah Buster, they would
I've even talked about it publicly before and do in private with someone.
I dunno. It's the only way to have any sort of you live in, both biologically and ideologically.
I couldn't bring myself to drag someone else into this terribl existance
having kids means responsibilty
and passing on your genetics
my genetics are pretty shit
You naughty thing.
Text me, I'm going to bed.
woe is me
i dont know what game to play
i died
i hate starting over
I know that if in that great unusual future I scan my brain and an AI is created with my personality and memories at its base it wouldn't really be me. But I'd still do it. It would be an even more profound way for "me" to live on than by reputation or biological footprint alone. But kids are nice, regardless.
Who cares if you live on through someone else? You won't be around to see it
what if they d ky themselves
Gee maybe you should find some friends or git gud
You'd be tied down for at least 18 years.
There's a thrill in creating something that can go on without you.
something about continuing your legacy after you die
at least that's how my brother puts it
Even more reason not to care
But for what purpose
I just explained the purpose. It's enjoyable. It fills a biological need that is inherent to us. We are HAPPY when we have kids and see them running around in the yard. We're happy when we teach them something new. It comes naturally. To look down on that urge is a mix of obstinate and foolish.
Feelings, Mr. Roboto.
I do not feel these feelings
Not judging or anything but
test is a little boy in love with little boys
I've been caught.
for what purpose do we do anything
Hey I'm a little boy too
Then your genes will be eliminated and the next generation will be that much less prone to asking silly questions like this.
You're a grown man, I'm not sure why you expressed confusion in the first place.
Wear better Jeans?
I'd sell my soul for the Cumaean sibyl's fate.
What about the urge to kill children?
>tfw no fellow little boy to do little boy things with like cuddle
just end me now
quit being creepy ikt
Eks dee
if you wanna brush your imoutos teeth you gotta at least brush yours!
Do it and get caught.
Spare us your presence.
Shits and giggles?
I have siblings tho
I'm kinda interested in hearing other people's ideas on the subject since mine aren't shared by most
Stop lyin
Why would I do something and try to get caught? Also, you don't speak for everyone, butthurt bitchboy. Eat my ass.
Rite back @ u
Colby, don't be a fucking moron. Of course I want kids, how else am I going to power my backup generator? Giant human hamster wheels don't spin themselves. How thick can someone be, honestly?
Who pissed in your cornflakes this morning, Harry?
I just like treating little bitch boys who act up how they deserve to be treated. I'm not going to let you get away with your worthless sleights that are motivated by your butthurt that I don't agree with you on things.
sometimes people shit out babies for shits and giggles
tfw no little boy to hold hands with as we fall asleep in each other's arms
Duly noted
I don't want to live on this planet anymore
Call me a butthurt bitch again, I think you almost won.
What do you mean?
I won the moment I pointed out your original post was worthless. That last thing was just a response to your weak complaint that I put you in your place.
What the fuck are you talking about? My post was worthless? Do you think your posts have worth?
you and me both fam
*makes a worthy post*
ha gay
Time to get a gym membership like all the other gay dudes.
FUCK i need a game to buy
im gonna die of boredom guys...
I wish Bannerlord was out.
I raised a good point about listening to urges.
Then you just posted an unwarranted butthurt insult at me. And yes, you are butthurt. You're butthurt that you keep trying to insult me in ways that I easily point out have no merit.
Sit down and shut up like a good little boy and I'll leave you alone.
nah, tons of people lift just to fuck girls
i used to do it for meself and because i did sports, but after i had to stop there didn't really seem to be a point to it anymore
thats all im gonna play for a year dude..
then the next year im gonna be only playing mods
lost teenaage love feels
You should have told him that you think that he's gay, and the only way for him to prove to you that he isn't is to kiss you so that you can check.
*stop sports
But I'm not lying?
Oh, that had a point? I just saw you being edgy and pretty much didn't think about it.
If I'm butthurt what the hell are you being, spastic?
They're just saying it's for the girls. They wanted you the whole time.
He's being SUPERIOR
he was cute too
and i missed my shota experimenting save for kissing a couple of guys when i was like, six
i'll be in the closet forever at this rate
i'm pretty sure i'd be known as the token bisexual guy forever then
and not only would i have to deal with guys being afraid of me, i'd have to deal with them making fun of me as well
eh, i'm about as cute as a squirrel
a dead squirrel
guys lifting never really turned me on anyways, i associate it too much with sporting to have that
He is on a higher spiritual plane than us insects, after all.
I know you have trouble thinking of things that fall outside of your limited way of looking at things.
Why are you confused? You insulted me, so I attacked you back. Do you want to cry about it? Deal with it, you little bitch.
Faggots who fling shit and then are like "hey wow why are you being mean back lol" are pathetic little boys. I enjoy grinding their noses in the dirt.
hey wow why are you being mean lol
that feel :~;
Sub. :3
Tell them that you're just a straight guy who likes to bro out with other dudes. Nobody can make fun of you for that.
I'll pet you if you meow and say please.
I thought this said internet flight
Good subs follow instructions. :3
It does
-pets ikt-
all i want is some completely consensual cuddling and kissing another boy
is that too much to ask for?
i'll have to move to some terribly hipster place if i don't want to get shot or socially isolated
when do i get to actually be gay though?
Lying, but why?
You overreact. Very easily, in fact. It's jarring.
No, I don't want to cry. You're acting like a fucking wild man going off because somebody doesn't like you and then you tell me I'm the one being a bitch.
You're not grinding anybody's fucking nose in any dirt, figurative or otherwise. You're freaking out over nothing.
the fuck am i doing
I'm not.
Your being a lil bitch
That's not nice to say
Why would you ever want to be?
Reminder to tell test that you love him and then be spurred, curbed, and deterred ;_;
Bard I'll trade you some subway for a cuddle.
I saw it
I seriously just enjoy this.
Now you are resorting to an overly-worded "u mad." Gg.
I'm going to keep hitting you back harder than you hit me every time you post a pathetic little attempt at an insult at me. Deal with it.
I love you like a shoe loves a sock.
Wait, like, spurred, curbed, and deterred in a sexual way, or what?
because guys are infinitely more comfortable than girls sometimes
i don't really have to wonder what's going on in their heads and such, i can identify with them more and be more... open with them
also i want to do gay things at least a couple of times before i die
Don't worry, I think I can handle it.
Can your name not be Darwin it confuses me in more ways than one
Sexually, emotionally, you name it, we've got it
No, not at all
lets do it
Then you shouldn't have to resort to complaining that I attacked you back. If you start shit with someone and then just whine when they insult you back, that just looks pathetic.
On a slightly related note I think I lost all of my tripcodes somehow.
What should I do?
You can figure out what's going on inside a girl's head pretty easily, all it takes is a few whacks to open it up. If you want comfortable, just get a fat girl with a lot of cats. She's probably be really desperate and let you do the gay stuff too.
A one-stop-shop for all of your disappointment needs.
goooo awaaaay
I'll find you a new one, if you'd like.
It's not whining, I genuinely think you're taking shit too personally.
I don't know if Giggles capping your Craiglist level advertisements had you wound up, but I had nothing to do with it, don't take it out on me.
Burn your computer in frustration.
I can take care of that for you
In retrospect, you shouldn't have mixed all of the sleeping pills in with the boner pills.
after we cuddle i better be able to fall asleep in your arms
i dunno, yes and no
it takes effort to even get to whacking the girl's head to open it up, and it's hard to make that effort
as for the fat girl with cats, i'm not a big fan of using people, at least, not so harshly
i-i want to taste it !
also boo that dude is 15 careful
You're not USING her, you're SETTLING for her. Huge difference.
no chop pls
but it was a great idea
You insulted me, then when I insulted you back, you literally just went "u mad."
The only difference is that I'm more straightforward when I want to attack someone, instead of relying on memes and cheap sarcasm.
wow lewd
nah that's ok i don't mind
but i don't have a safe place to make a fire
I don't think that will stop him.
your cock is too nice to not want to suck it
daisy? excellent
we better do something else as well if you wanna be tired enough to sleep
Nothing gets you out of bed in the morning faster than a black boner.
You fucking tumblrites and your "safe spaces." I swear.
It really is quite nice
yes daisy
A fire isn't supposed to be safe.
Alright. I'll be more straightforward next time if it makes you happy.
Also should I watch Love Live because why people are all over Maki
Ikt's dick.
gys i need a good game to play or im gonna die
pls help
Nothing you'd be interested in, don't worry about it
god I want to lick makis butt
and suck your dick
i would rather abstain from the process entirely than settle past a certain point
if i'm not physically attracted to the person, why even bother
does everyone have to get boned for some cuddling
it's a rough life, wanting to balance that intimacy and lewdshit
a little older there
Something 18 and female.
I'm not your WHORE!!
both at once?
youre right.
I'm told Hyper Light Drifter was good.
Probably lick your balls while you fuck maki
I only go to tumblr to get porn
why not?
luckily whatever it was, was filtered~
so i'm still safe~
Because it's a FIRE?????
That takes out all the fun.
i have it
dont wanna play it rn
only have a few groups to play it with and they never want to
wat is this
pls be good
well no
but cuddling creates a lot of sexual tension if done before and not after
looks lame honestly fam
Either way can be dealt with. Just don't focus on asserting that I'm "overreacting" if you see some fire behind me words. I'm just high energy. :3
There's so much more to a relationship than physical attraction, though. Like control.
If you gaze long into tumblr, tumblr also gazes into you.
yo luka subtle said the only reason he doesn't talk mad shit about you in public is because he thinks you're too pathetic to talk down on even more and he hates everything about you =)
What genres do you even like? Go play Ultimate General: Gettysburg or something you rube.
I traded a shiny Gyrados for a shiny Zapdos with Hidden Power Ice
Super good day for me :3
Not enough talk about "tummy kisses" to be real Desu.
You need to play it with a controller, I don't recommend mouse and keyboard at all.
But what about controlled fires?
Those are supposed to be safe but I'm sure it's fun
I'm positive I'll be fine.
worth trying
dirt rallly :^)
wasn't it 13 in mexico
wow test this game blows
thanks for nothing
everything fun
i just want something FUN
im sorry if this is hard to communicate
bought it and it wasnt my game so i refunded it
why do i care about who th government says i should fuck
I retract my love of you.
what do they look like?
only if you finish on my face
we do mroe than kiss tummys
it'd depend on how i felt at the time
basically i have no experience with sex whatsoever, so i'd be a little lost as to what to do
control is cool so long as the other person doesn't feel like shit while it heppens to them
You can't decide that in less than 5 minutes tho.
Pick a different target bruh
Luka's been here for like 10 years, you will not get anything there
Wouldn't be the first time you did this
aw shit
i'm out of things i can recommend
sure thing!
Do you also go to reddit to circlejerk? :^)
It would be the first time I did it FOREVER.
I just thought it was funny because he thought subtle was his friend but he really hates him
I gotta be up in 5 hours but sleep is gay.
game of thrones was cool
finding dory was cool
Now you can be a loli
i would kill a nigger for a good game recommendation
youre asian ikt
wheres the steel memory
Its a good thing you wouldn't be the man then so it's fine
I'd love to lead you on~
kill yourself
lewd subby
I gotta be up in 5 hours but sleep is gay.
game of thrones was cool
finding dory was cool
Off I go
Red Faction: Guerrilla
On the other hand, if they don't feel like shit, are you really being controlling enough?
I rarely attend reddit but the times I have recently have been for Overwatch Porn
Why do you ask
Now I have to be sad about the other times you've left me that you've apparently forgotten. R I P
there are limits you know
All these nigggas getting imageswappeed
I'm just here like
ty nise dubs friend
Good, be sad.
*teleports behind u*
Never reblog my stuff again
i'm never the man when it comes to these things
i need to learn to be more bullying and mean and assertive!
i don't mind being subby though, so long as you're gentle
shoutout to my nighttime homies
go #morningcrew
I just wanted to laugh~
It basically looks just like regular Zapdos, the shiny is just for show
I'm just happy it has HP Ice, Zapdos has been one of my favorites since Gen 1 and HP Ice makes an attacking set viable
Keep it to yourself then, the people that agree have heard it all before and those that don't have done the same
Later Kanra.
The saddest sadist is happier than the merriest masochist.
With any luck, much later.
now that's someone I haven't seen in ages
brb school
reply to me
Wanna look at OW porn together like bros?
Public announcement of me removing you from steam
I hope it was hearty.
drop out
how was vegas chris
The double remove.
Extra harsh.
why not ice on an ice pokemon?
Can't stop won't stop
We can jerk eachother off like bros too.
The only good points were the shows and the fact that I spent most of my time there drunk. I was definitely on the losing side of gambling.
wow fam
the now i feel like a common slut
pain is spooky, unless it's momentary making someone miserable for your own benefit is a little too much for me
my fridge started making spooky rattling sounds and then a deep rumbling sound before tons of crashing sounds is really scary
nice, bet you lost every thing on blackjack @ new york new york
Go buy a cross.
The 5 dollar tables there were the only tables that treated me well, actually.
It hungers for what it cannot have. It must refrigerate human.
T'was a fine laugh.
oh pls daisy
youre my #1
i just barely talk to kanra
he's my friend~
unlike you, my love interest
That's what you think *unsheathes katana* Nothing personnal, kid.
*shlashes u 3 times, licks blood from katana, flips cape, and tips fedora*
Because its 2 other attacking moves are Thunderbolt and Heat Wave, which makes it useless against ground, dragon, rock, and such
Lmao nice. Where did you stay at? Did you hit up Omnia or Drais?
One thing I learned from living there: never do that
breed me a zapdos pls
Oh so more of an elemental zap dos
gambling addiction
Breed means cum inside multiple times
aaa what would that help
oddly enough this is the one area i am somewhat experienced in
nothing online ever ends well unless shallow fam
also personally the lack of real life contact sort of ruins those sorts of things for me
Sure, let's go with that
Nigga Zapdos is a legendary, you can't breed it
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