Tommy wiseau is a russian sleeper cell sent to infiltrate hollywood...

tommy wiseau is a russian sleeper cell sent to infiltrate hollywood, the 6 million that appeared out of nowhere were sent by the russian govermment

So you found the only person in Hollywood who isn't a rapist and a Jew, good job.

Hey chaim, whatya sliding?

Oh, Hi Mark!

so, how's your sex life?


Tommy Wiseau is my favorite Hotline Miami character

he made his money for his movies by importing cheap leather jackets from china and selling them, and by buying and selling real estate.

youre a faggot

yeah because that totally makes sense, a salesman getting millionaire out of nowhere by selling jackets, he made a bunch of stories of how he made that money during these years and all of them contradict each other, he kept lying about where he was born by saying that he was pure american, saying that he was french and then saying that he was polish

Tommy is not of this Earth.

Probably true, but also irrelevant. Tommy himself is delusional and grandiose, and if anything is more righting than actual successfully subverted leftist institutions such as (((Hollywood))). These institutions were not subverted by muh commies, but by Jews, so if anything it just proves that commies are useful idiots doing delusional idiotic things, and that the (((people))) that create these Golems must be priority number one.

Meant to sage, this is clearly a slide thread (aka a red herring)

Nice way of ignoring shit shlomo.

communism is judeauism

do you genuinely feel like there's nothing wrong with him? the guy is as uncanny as a human can be

Zuckerberg is significantly more uncanny, but I'm guessing you aren't counting him because kikes aren't human. Too true, user.

what is life?

on the list of threats to the white race, tommy doesn't even register.

Ahahaha, what a story Mark!


You're my favorite costumer.

Oh hi doggy

Communism is a Golem of Judaism. Jews seek to profit off of it or use it for their own means, but you never see Jews partaking in "sharing the wealth". A communist is a dangerous animal that should be killed, a Jew is a parasite that creates more dangerous animals like the communist.

That’s me, hahaha
oh hai doggy