Cair just gave us an open. Pam Geller and rebel have picked up on it but it's on CAIR's YouTube, I Hooper. Some guy put a picture of a cross on the fence of mosque property, and the cops are looking for info on the dude in relation to a hate crime, "bias incident". Like WTF is that and when did those laws get passed?
Hate crime is how they will force Sharia on us.
I think we should start talking methods of safely and securely spamming them with images of Jesus. They don't have an issue with Jesus, they have an issue with him, or any holy figure being depicted.
But these people get a little crazy and hate crimes, even fucking fake ones, are no laughing matter. No need for senseless casualties.
Online, we can do it safely, unless you're in Europe, in which case maybe vpns or tor could help you.
IRL, you don't want to mail using your real address, your handwriting, an envelope run through a laser printer at any point after you purchase it, or use any printed papers from a printer that can be tied back to you in any way, remember how they got Reality Winner.
When dropping it off, be mindful of any cameras in the area if in the city. Better that they get images of you disguised up than your license plate. Park the car, and take a stroll. Lower population density, lower prevalence of digital security measures to trip you up.
Also, no meat, urine, shit, bodily fluids ect. That's biohazard. Through the federal mail service, so it's a federal felony, which means you do minimum 80% before parole, with the inevitable hate crime which doubles the sentence, you'll be fucked for life for sending biohazard through the mail. Not the hill you want to die on.
And it doesn't have to be too offensive, these people operate on a hair trigger. Probably piss them off just having the kufar sending them mail.
You can also send edited versions of the koran. So they know what's acceptable and what's not, because no ones ever done that for them .
Get creative.
Think of it in terms of creating wildly offensive content tayloyered to what they find offensive, and less so westerns. Think of it as though you may have to defend this act of political, social and religious protest and free speech that some Orwellian useful dhimmwits will undoubtedly label hate speech and Religion of Cuck™oxenabigophobicist. But fuck them and fuck that. This is our right. And we will not see it torn from us.
We need to draw attention to this insidious ass shit that we haven't really been paying attention to. We need to do so in ways so innocent yet subtly offensive so that when they inevitably come at us with their tired shtick, maybe, just maybe, they'll finally jump the shark.
Islam, Hate Crimes & Backdoor Sharia
How To Be Haram
1. Appropriate Religion of Cuck™ic calls to prayer. Create fake, and very offensive prayers in Arabic, Farsi, Urdu, etc & send them to non-muslum Regressive Leftist & Normie outlets and encourage them to play them during Ramadan, EID, Jannah or Friday afternoon prayers, in order to increase diversity & inclusion. These will trigger any native speakers and will likely result in a media kerfuffle that will force people to start analyzing translations of all prayers in order to prevent future trolling. This will open people's eyes to what is really being said in these prayers when we, as a society, must start translating them in order to prevent from offending the mohomo'd the pedo goatfuckerites. You can even play a little russian roulette, send them 6 prayers with only 1 being the triggerfest.
2. Hojabis - Turn the Hijab into a symbol of slutty sexiness, to coincide with World Hijab Day on Feb 1st. Across mohomo'd the pedo goatfuckeran propaganda sites, you will see memes of women in make up and western clothes wearing the hijab. Only to be met with many comments from muslims males chastising the girl for not being or doing hijab correctly, promoting the niqab and burka, etc. The foundational claim for the hijab is modesty. So lets make a symbol of immodesty, a la Mia Kalifa.
3. Establish a Kekistani Branch of Religion of Cuck™ as a haven for Ex-Muslums to gather, organize and socialize safely without threat of doxxing @ Dr. Bill Warner's Religion of Cuck™ action forum.
4. Make Viral a "Burkas for Feminists" campaign, to better foster cultural understanding of the women in Religion of Cuck™ oppressed by Right-Wing Abrahamic Patriarchy, and to embrace the coming cultural enrichment.
5. Attribute Religion of Cuck™ist / Jihadist Violence, Sex Crimes, etc, to Christians to open the minds of the cognitive dissonants and allow them to generate the feelings of outrage at everything Christian, and then shock the base of their ideology by revealing everything they had been angry at Christians for doing the moment prior was, in actuality, done by the mohomo'd the pedo goatfuckerites they champion.
6. Create an Anonymous style support group for survivors of Religion of Cuck™ic violence, from assault to rape to terrorism.
7. Make viral Memes educating Normies of all the various types of institutional forms of Religion of Cuck™ic deception: Taqiya, Tawriya, Kitman & Muruna
8. Create Memetics designed to encourage leftists in league with Religion of Cuck™ to adopt for themselves the term of Dhimmi. I.E., "Fight the Toxic Masculitity, Patriarchy & be a Muslim ally by becoming a Demasculated Dhimmi." Similar to how they initially embraced "cuck".
9. Formulate a dedicated campaign to educate young kids, especially girls, about the dangers of the Cult of mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker. They have a penchant for targeting children, so we need to influence culture and societey in ways that give youngsters the initial "First Impression" akin to that of "Stranger Danger" and the steotypical guy in a van handing out candy if you help him find his dog. Educate the youth before the predators and their allies in the globalist school system can propagandize them.
10. The mohomo'd the pedo goatfuckeran Ideology teaches it's adherents to smile at our faces with hatred in their hearts. This fits well with their displayed tendencies towards isolation, supremacism and proclivity for crybullying tactics. I believe that this tactic should be appropriated to better circumvent persecution under Orwellian and pernicious hate speech/crimes legislation against those who speak the truth about the Cult of mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker. We must develop better subtext and nuance of speech to better walk the legal tightrope whilst fighting to educate people about the real purpose and effective use of "Hate" legislation in order to walk back their deleterious effects on liberty.
11. Calling Religion of Cuck™ by its propper term, mohomo'd the pedo goatfuckeranism, Cult(ists), mohomo'd the pedo goatfuckerans, mohomo'd the pedo goatfuckerites, Religion of Cuck™ means, "Peace through submission to the will of Allah". Muslim means, "One who walks in the path of the One True God". Now certainly we can understand why they would use such propagandizing term for themselves, but why do we, as non-'Muslims', use their prefered terminology that only re-enforces their narrative unbeknownst to us?
12. Community compilation of a comprhensive list of Religion of Cuck™ist / Dhimmi Apologist Groups, Networks, Pundits, Activists, Arguments & Communities across the West for catagorized collection and dissimination of the reality narrative to counter Cultural Taqiya.
13. Advocate for full cultural immersion by making the koran mandatory reading and studying in high school. It will force the Regressivists to oppose it on a freedom from religion and church/state seperation perspective, which strengthens those protections, or to back it in favor of the sheer diversity points. Little realizing that a solid reading of the koran is one of the quickest ways to red pill westerners on Religion of Cuck™. And we get to one-up them in virtue signaling.
14. Pocket mister spray bottles filled with light oil diffused with bacon grease, for coating halal food sections with a slightly greasy film with a delicious bacon aroma. Be mindful of cameras and repetitive behaivior. Carry in long sleeve shirt for best concealment and quick, inconspicuous use.
15. Orchestrate coordinated 911 calls to cops in neighborhoods that have to deal with intrusive daily prayer calls blasted on loudspeakers. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
16. Placing mohomo'd the pedo goatfuckeran books on the bottom shelf. For them, Religion of Cuck™ must always dominate, which is why they generally make a point of putting their holy books on the highest most self, or at least above the books of other religions. So, put them on the bottom shelf and check back periodically to make sure they remain there.
17. Religion of Cuck™ic rugs that insult while being seemingly pro-Religion of Cuck™ic, gifted to Religion of Cuck™ophiles and apologists.
18. Generate opposition to Halal meat preparation on the basis of animal rights and animal cruelty. We need graphic A/V footage or pictures documenting the process of bleeding them out.
19. Dogs are Halal in Religion of Cuck™. Any religion that preaches hatred towards Man's Best Friend is certainly a false and inferior retrograde religious ideology.
20. Passing off Haram items & practices as Halal to fool new converts.
21. Wine Vinegar is Haram as long as its not naturally aged and has turned to vinegar. Cooking with alcohol is also Haram.
22. It's Haram for mohomo'd the pedo goatfuckeran men to wear silk, and other fabrics seen as feminine. It's seen as imitating women. Metrosexuality is seen as a manifestation of homosexuality.
23. It's Haram for mohomo'd the pedo goatfuckerites to take employment in fields or companies that deal in supporting counter-Religion of Cuck™ic initiatives, groups & agendas. Companies who donate a percentage of profits to fund counter-Religion of Cuck™ic movements would make themselves Haram to mohomo'd the pedo goatfuckerans.
24. Support Myanmar in their efforts to defend themselves from centuries of muslim agression.
sauce on the saucy pic? also hate crime bias incident? fuck those head choppers and fuck muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker
There was recently a mosque that had a picture of jesus on the cross, a respectful one too. Cops got involved looking for info on the person who left it on outside of the property fence. No trespassing. No vandalism. No intimidation. No destruction of property. No theft. Just a picture of Jesus, not even mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker, left hanging on their fence. I can only imagine how low the crime rate is in that town that they can devote manpower to looking into a case that, at best, would result in nothing more than a trumped up, misdemeanor littering charge. Just like I can imagine Martin Luther being arrested by the Church for…littering.
They claim it's offensive for any holy figure in their religion to be depicted, which includes the figureheads of Christianity & Judaism. They don't get to appropriate the outrage reserved to the religions that their cult is plagerized from.
Trigger them with truth. Truth they can't refute. Write letters that enflame muslim emotions in such a way as to make them great for victimhood currency, but so damaging to the facade of perfection bestowed upon Prophet Mo that they dare not cash in their hate mail for victimhood currency. Put them in no-win situations.
In many "free" western societies, we find ourselves increasingly beset by the polite tyranny of evermore nebulous "Hate Crime" legislation, along with it's derivitives, "Hate Speech", "Bias Incidents" & "Incitement". In many jurisdictions, if a person purchases a koran and desecrates it, puts it in the mail and sends it to a mosque, this expression of protest against a religious and political ideology worthy of protest, is seen as a commission of a hate crime.
Across Europe, we are seeing the deleterious effects on the ability to speak truth to power of these well-intentioned & misguided laws. People being arrested for posting videos of koran burnings. Homes being raided over social media posts. A man sentenced to a year in prison for putting a ham sandwich on the stoop of a mosque. He died of unknown circumstances 6 months into his prison sentence over a ham sandwich and a perceived insult to Religion of Cuck™. Sharia, by any other name.
Ask yourself, if you came across a koran, partially destroyed, laying on the ground in a park, how would respond? Go about your day and ignore this obvious and blatant attempt to incite hatred? If a muslim were to come across it because you just left it there and went about your day, it could get people killed. Do you pick it up and put it in the garbage bin, like you would any other half destroyed book? As if it were just some piece of trash you can throw in the garbage? How can you simply toss into the trash a book revered by 1.7 billion muslims without insult? Do you give it to a local mosque? What if they think you're the one who did it? Some of these folks are migrants with English being a second or third language. Factor in the high emotions of a destroyed koran and you could easily find yourself in a dangerous situation having only tried to do the right thing. Perhaps slipping it in the mail is the best option? With a note clearly stating you found said destroyed koran and were wanting to safely get it to those who will properly dispose of it with the respect it deserves?
It should be noted, the 'code' for disposing of worn-out or destroyed korans is similar to that of disposing of a flag. One primary means being cremation. Cerimonial burning with a little mumbled mumbo jumbo and it's like a little koran funeral. Which makes throwing them in the garbage a sacrilege, which can easily cause offense and be interpreted as inciting hatred, which would be a violation of many these statutes.
Editing the koran for correct usage in Western Societies. Let's be honest, no one has ever really done this for them. We haven't gone through their holy books with a sharpie & razor blade and redacted the parts that stand antithetical to our values and social norms. Creative editing for the current year is one method of turning a potential charge for incitement to hatred through desecration of a religious text into a generally protected right to political and religious discourse and demonstration. Be sure to do it under the guise of social justice. Because hey, even the most ardent right winger looks like a social justice warrior compared to the Religion of Cuck™ists and jihadists.
Some folks like to send in korans soaked in urine, blood, bacon grease, bacon, pork chops, lard, scat, and so on. The issue with much of these is that of sending known biohazards through the postal system. Meat and blood rot, carry, generate and transmit diseases, urine and scat also transmit diseases. Bacon grease and lard are about the only ones that don't rot, and don't generally grow pathogens. Given the hyper-partisan social climate, seeing trumped up charges of bio-terrorism with a hate crime enhancement is only a question of when, no longer if. Damaging enough of the book with a razor, marker, torn pages, paint, anything to render it useless will be sufficient substitute for desecration via pork.
Addressing the issue of mixing pork products with anti-Religion of Cuck™ demos, why is it used? Because one of the most commonly known muslim tropes is their aversion to everything pig & pork. This is why mixing pork and Religion of Cuck™ has become a recipe for hate charges. And these incidents run the gammit from benign bias incidents such as ham sandwiches left on the doorsteps of a mosque and pig greased korans being sent to mosques, to more serious issues of severed pigs heads and property crimes like B&E, vandalism, arson, etc. It's meant to cause offense and outrage, and express disapproval and opposition to the Religion of Cuck™ic ideology. It's a blunt political and religious statement. One that I think is protected, or should be. But it doesn't offer anything to the conversation, besides giving the Religion of Cuck™ophiles an opportunity to grandstand and pontificate how horrible we are whilst the muslims get to cash in with freshly minted victimhood currency. Now don't get me wrong, there is a place for these types of blatant and offensive forms of directed protest. If for no other reason than to preserve the right to do so and stop the encroachment of hate legislation against free expression.
But instead of triggering their Religion of Cuck™ic sensibilities with flagrant outrage, trigger them with facts, arguments, and evidence that they can not dismiss so easily. In letters that accompany pictures of mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker, or a destroyed koran. Letters that when read, will get out the arguments and reasoning behind our opposition to Religion of Cuck™ to the normies hearing it. Use the momentum of the predictable outrage to piggyback the message you really want to send.
Don't let your digiprints betray you. Google has reverse search engine tools that can break down searches to specific geographic locations based on IP addresses and Meta-Data, not to mention whatever info they have on you. Your online history can be used against you in court, used to paint you in a certain light and get a conviction, guilty or not. It can also be the catalyst for an investigation instead of just a byproduct of one. One method of defensive disinformation is to maintain social media accounts openly linked to you expressing PC opinions. Things that can't be used against you, but that you can use as reasonable doubt in case of a criminal case. And maintain anonymous accounts for Memetic Warfare. Paid VPNs and Tor would be your best bet to secure those features. Public WIFI is an option to increase anonymity, but safeguard your device with a firewall. Using a laptop or desktop with a better secured operating system would also drastically increase security. Privatize your settings on all social media accounts. Anti Religion of Cuck™ic posts made by members of the community may be the target pool for an initial fishing expedition by lazy investigators looking for flashy evidence for a show trial to secure re-election.
Be weary of cameras. Cover yourself. Scout the area, though be mindful that digitalization of cameras makes storage space cheap, dont expose yourself or identifying features like license plates while scouting, or at least don't do so in any conceivable way that stands out of normal everyday traffic as well as putting time in between scounting and action. Traffic cams. ATM cams. Private security cams. Phone cameras. Game cameras. Satelite cameras. High-Altitude Metropolitan Reverse Timeline Snapshot Cameras (They take high-altitude photos every 30 seconds - all day, every day - in order to backtrack the course of events after an 'Incident' and identify the the origins and networks of the targets.)
Sending in polaroids of the abuse of the koran is another method of safe disrespect. But be weary of leaving a paper trail buying polaroids as it is now a speciality tech than can be used to cross reference and narrow you down.
Also, I'm not the one who put TM after cuck…
Let's play "Who does not belong here?"
Read past the first sentence dumbass
We were all newfags at one point. Elitist snob
Sharia law is never coming to America, we're already living under the Talmudic Noahide Laws.
Gee, why would kikes want us to believe we're under the threat of another group of semites' desert laws?
>Whereas Congress recognizes the historical tradition of ethical values and principles which are the basis of civilized society and upon which our great Nation was founded; Whereas these ethical values and principles have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization, when they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws […]
Yeah, we were. That's why you should lurk for two years before posting.
It's not just a fucking joke; it's serious advice.
But user, Steve Bannon said she's one of the great American patriots, and he's /ourguy/ and a fashy Evolion Neo-Reactionary?
Sage because of MOSSAD asset (((Pam Geller))) and muh kike PR used in this post.
Remember, with Jews, you lose. Fuck this kikess.
Two sides of the same shekel, house of saud are literal krypto kikes as well as most of the other sand nigger leadership. Gaddafi, Iran, and Assad were the last un-kiked countries.
cool ip switching to build conscience, too bad its blatantly obvious.
The fuck is with all this porn and shit recently?
Is this how they try to D&C now?
This shit has been happening for at least a year. (jim prob sold 8ch in april to glow in the dark kikes to fuel his lady boi addiction tbh)
We were all newfags at one point. Elitist snob>>10992744
Eat a dick. This isn't college bitch.
I mentioned that they Geller and rebel had covered it…if you shit for brains dipsticks can't read past the first goddamn sentence, you deserve your fates.
Its not intentional
It's revved up hard recently. Also, learn how to sage.
shouldve memed responsibly
that's consensus dubs man
ah stupid auto fill fucking up
No this isn't "meme college."
This is where professionals come, and you are clearly not a professional. Get out.
Step 1: Provoke the shitskins.
Step 2: Leave a trail leading to the jews.
I'm dying. Please get out, summer has been over for a long while. Piece of shit.
Look at you, you can't even format a post correctly let alone an OP. Not to mention the degenerate imagery.
Why not do as the mussies do, wear a burka.