Trump pulling US out of UN refugee scam

Shit skins and (((usual suspects))) totally shitter shattered.

“Today, the US Mission to the United Nations informed the UN Secretary-General that the United States is ending its participation in the Global Compact on Migration,”

Other urls found in this thread:


Fucking nice, this is what pol is missing.

All this shit has to do with Global treaties, that even if (((politicians))) want to stop refugees .. they can't, because we are already in a global government.

Trump just doesn't give a fuck and acts unilaterally.

The U.S. Is still taking more migrants than it was before Obama. Call me when those numbers are back down to pre-Obama levels, preferably less.

Look if you are going to piss on Trump do it for his actual failures and inadequacies, which are numerous. Don't punch a shadow on the wall.
And that was in September.

god I hate newfags.


First good news today

You've all had this conversation

Not soon enough. It should be the start of 2018.

This cunt. Piss more money away on sandniggers.

It's good, but they really should have walked Jan. 1, 2018.

we jetted out that shit

Nice trip dubs

The nail that sticks out gets hammered. Lurk more, cunt.

What? We're donating the printing resources for flyers regarding open borders for Israel.

Wheres the 'but drumpf is a civnat he werks for the JOOOS' fucken stooge that's usually shitting up the thread by now? God damn I wish my country had a leader with half the balls of DT tbqhw ya'll.

He's not allowed to work on the sabbath, kek.

polite sage for shitposting

Great move! It's a message to ((( )))
Fuck them right in the pussy

The jews’ sabbath is Saturday, user.

They'll switch tactics and say this good news doesn't count because it doesn't instantly deport every darkie at the same time. I'm on to those tricks. The slow boil works in both directions.


You cant just go on the internet and lie like that, reddit poster.

From the article in question;

This gives current congress those who really control this country enough time to find a loophole to either keep us within the pact or create an alternative that's either just as bad or worse.

Whether or not Trump actually goes with this is another story, but if true, this means that we won't be receiving more migrants and refugees (should our removal actually take place), but we'll help continue the flow of them into Europe. Not a good thing.

While this is indeed good news, we can't be lenient on Trump if he decides to compromise or back out on this.


True, but for now this is good news.

Too bad Fred Drumpf didn't pull out too.


Yes I'm butthurt. Butthurt that an orange skin, small handed megalomaniac is treating my country like one of his failed business projects (of which there are dozens). We need to stand against bigotry and impeach Gumpf.

I think it's safe to say at the very least Trump will keep a hardline stance against immigration until then though

top b8

I know for a fucking fact that you're serious. Salt will keep flowing.

Absolutely ass-ravaged. Kill yourself before we get our hands on you or you’re going to wish the holocaust had happened.


Typical alt-right trumpster, writing off the deaths of millions of innocent people because of how hateful you are.

You should probably get your narrative straight, Chaim. Global report now.

I'm jew tbh.



natural and organic

>US Ambassador Nikki Haley said the country would continue its "generosity" in supporting migrants and refugees around the world, but that "our decisions on immigration policies must always be made by Americans and Americans alone."

>More recently, American pulled out of the Paris-based culture and education body, UNESCO, accusing it of "anti-Israel bias."

>Officials stated that the New York Declaration, a non-binding political declaration unanimously approved in a non-binding resolution in September 2016, “contains numerous provisions that are inconsistent with U.S. immigration and refugee policies and the Trump Administration’s immigration principles.”

Ambassador Nikki Haley said the U.S. will continue in its “generosity” by supporting migrants and refugees around the world.

In August, President Trump notified the U.N. that the U.S. intends to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement, Breitbart News’ Adam Shaw reported.

Woooow, yeah, pulled out of a non-binding agreement with an international shitstain club that we allow to nest in Jew York City. Awesome. So much will change because of this, I am sure.

Reminder Nikki Haley is literally a poo in the loo who changed her name

ffs you dumb niggers this is b8

big if true

Is it too much to ask to not be called a shill for pointing out that you're engaging in the over-exaggeration/strawmanning that every admin shill has been using the last few weeks?
Seems to be the go-to at this point.

Good start but wake me up when


At the very least, kick them the fuck out of Jew York.


Good. Good on Trump.
How many niggers and sandnigger have they shipped in in the last 10 months?

Get that wall built.

build bridges, not walls, you racist flunavpbhekf

nice try rabbi

But it didn’t happen sir.

Please, Heavenly Father,
Send the leafs their very own Trump for Christmas
Love, A.F. Leaf

Your b8 is weak.

Reported for obvious ban evasion.

Good news mates, have an anti-kike bump.

trip dubs checked

Holy Fuck! they're using the Same Faggots you would find from a Discus comments section. Goddamn that's sad that they sent the Bitch Nigger crew at us.

aaaand, chekd.

this board is ran by schizophrenics. I don't know how anyone can read shit on this board and take it seriously



(1) yourself you fucking nigger, some of us have normal jobs & don't get paid to fuck up threads on h8chan all day. I do it for free, motherfucker.

This is very good. The UN is absolute cancer.

Alex Jones 10K Bounty just for Finding Group Who Assaulted a man

This is major and got slid hard.
I wonder why?

Aside from other reasons, the main one is that there were a few threads going on at the same time where people were asking what has Trump accomplished and this is definitely a big one.

What are the chances that some judge in Hawaii is gonna try to block this effort?

Love this government

That's not a beaver user, it's a raccoon.

Would you say anti-israel bias is the biggest problem in the world today?

Checking underrated webm

Sigh, I feel it too fellow leaf. Maybe we'll have a shitposting santa that'll look out for us northern Holla Forumsacks too?

Processing migrants is a huge money maker for NGOs. I expect some shit to go down now that Trump is cutting off money flows.

don't mind the shills, user

Checking these criminally underchecked digits.

not in my back yard

fucking shitskin mods



meanwhile in a few hours California becomes a SANCTUARY STATE
