Second Brexit Referendum Coming

Well, by hook or by crook, the day after it happened I knew the Jews would uneverlet it stand and said as much (in fact, got a ban here for saying exactly that). They'd wait a few years for emotions too calm down, more native Brits to die and more welfare cases to come of age, and that would be it.

This was May's job from day #1, BTW. Then she'll go off into the sunset with a comfy no-work directorship on some Jew board and she will be laughing from her holiday home in Mustique.Whst a fucking disaster:

Other urls found in this thread:

(Fucking not working this morning)

Even Daily Mail (though it is "Mail on Sunday" run by a different gaggle of Jews) are totally cucking here:

''And there is clear support for a second referendum on the final Brexit deal. One in two say there should be a second vote when all the talking is done, against 34 per cent who are opposed.

With just 16 months to go before Britain quits the EU, voters are still nervous about its impact on their lives and key public services.

Four of ten admit they are ‘fearful’ about Brexit, compared to 30 per cent who are ‘excited.’

And there is little faith that one of the most controversial claims made by anti-EU campaigners – that it would lead to an extra £350 million a week for the NHS – will be fulfilled. A total of 26 per cent said hospitals would get more but 32 per cent said they would end up with less.''

This is what happens when you become overconfident.

Nige retires at the wrong goddamn times.

Who the sand nogs flooding into Londonistan?

>vote didn't go the way (((they))) wanted
>have (((re-vote)))
What is the point of voting at this stage? What if it was the other way around? Would the "Leave" camp had demanded a re-vote??

Obviously it would have been denied and they would be roundly mocked. As always, democracy is nothing but a pretense.

Why no-one talks about the cost of immigration of rapefugees? If anything britbongs will have to pay for Germany's share when shit hits the fan.

I fucking told you guys this would happen. They stonewalled and stalled every single fucking time. These globalists EU goons despise democracy, the whole structure of the EU is anti-democratic and they keep fucking everything up despite the objections of the majority of the populations of Europe for example the refugees virtually everyone was against. They even ignored the fucking democratic national votes that did exist and use kike loopholes. Nothing short of violent revolution will ever fix things now.

If they were to win in a second referendum, they'd all proclaim that "democracy has prevailed" and that no more voting on the matter was necessary.
This is why I consider such cretins as barely human golems.

Armed with what? Sticks and harsh words?

We've got some pretty big sticks over here m8.

Also look at the author
For fucks sakes

Is Nigel aware of this shit?

Checked for kikebashing

The problem is it needs to be continent wide otherwise the existing power structures will just clamp down together and kill the isolated pocket.

Farage should have never stopped.
This war isn't over. Clearly they've been stalling this from the start and flooding britain with migrants to swing it pro EU.
I think you may need military intervention if this is rigged too.

Why does noone mention that the same corporate interests that destroyed the countries of these people is the same interests that promotes migration?
Why does the left ignore this?

Because they're weak cucks that's why. They stopped fighting in the 90s and haven't changed since.
Sure antifa and the rioters are bad, but at least they do something. The rest of the left is in pure apathy.

Well you better pull out the knives and do whatever you must.
Don't just give up like a bitch.

That's exactly what's going to happen.
The 1st vote was to merely spook those on the left. Now theyll go all out media wise.

Time to learn how to code algorithms and ai for the 2nd great meme war.

Frage show on live now for anyone interested but last 20 minutes:

He never did "stop." He mad no place as an MP, he had no position in Brexit negotiations. HE made some pretty gud speeches in the EU Parliament (he's still an MEP) and was going around Europe telling various manufacturers not to fuck UK since it would hurt their business. Also shilled for Afd, but not that hard for Marine Le Pen because the Jews seem to have him by the short and curlies due to her father (even though the cunt kicked him out of his own party).

MY favorite Jean-Marie Le Pen line, after being fined for saying the Holyco$t was a "minor detail of the Second World War?"

"I now understand that the Second World War was a minor detail of the HollowCo$t."

A big gun, knoives or economic terrorism tools could be fine, but no.
Something to fight with would be fine

He needs to realise that he needs to do more than win independence. He needs to be the leader in parliament. Nobody in the other two parties are adequate.

I'm glad he's had the break post brexit. But he and we need to wake up again. We've been too complacent for a year now. Spooked initially by pizzagate to do much since, i think we should be ready to face more bloodshed.

also you poms are lucky todays ashes session was rained out, we had you on the ropes :^)

We have for YEARS mate, it's just the corrupt biased kike media hates democracy. See

British Voters Sour on Immigration, Prefer European Immigrants

Public opinion in most countries are not in favor of immigration

Now look at the consequences

Census figures show that between 2001 and 2011 the level of ‘white flight’ reached 620,000.

It is the equivalent of a city the size of Glasgow – made up entirely of white Britons – moving out of the capital."

In all seriousness we should have listened to the yanks when they warned us about shitskins instead of virtue signaling thinking we knew better than these centuries of experience with these subhumans.

And here's the worst part, the fucking hypocrisy of the daft multiCULT leftard wankers
White flight in Britain.

Not even multikultis want to live with minorities and the cultural enrichment they brought in the fucking first place. Britain and Brits are doom because stupid cunts just want to virtue signal no matter how many children get raped or murdered and turned into sandwich meat. Lords should be made to have their lands stuffed entirely with these subhumans, see what the white working class has to deal with. Fuck these traitorous cunts, burn down every Waitrose. Stuff em full of these shitskinned subhumans until there's no escape, learn what what we had to.

Millions with sticks could stop a machine.
Look at Tiananmen. That stopped china that day and altered it's future.
The people were gunless.

You can stop tyranny even without guns if it ruins their controlled narrative.

Many brits just won't swallow that pill yet.
It's heartbreaking to admit that those deaths of british soldiers were caused by the countries subversion.
The royals could exploit this situation more too. I know Holla Forums hates harrys new gal but she's clearly there for harrys public image. That means they could push nationalism without being accused of lefty thoughtcrimes. Chess. Remember, harry aint going to get that crown if charles and william live.

This isn't 2012. The media has gone all out for a year and a half now. That and they've put more and more money and attention to social media.

That means we need to adapt and step it up.

Yeah but given how terrible the popularity was for the conversations and labour in the last election farage on the campaign trail could of made some ground.
Corbyn doubled down on ignoring the labour heartlands and as we saw in the elections before last UKIP were nipping at the heels of Labour in those areas.
UKIP holding a platform of upholding democracy could of done better than they previously have and Farage stepping down ruined that chance, I wonder what these brexit discussions would look like with a group of UKIP MPs smacking down parliament as they try to derail brexit entirely.

Spreading Red pills IRL, posters, pamphlet and playing recorded speeches in public can possible, me thinks. As a non-bong I can't tell if you are going to get a constable on your ass or not

They cant touch me user. I got some unique circumstances.
Plus the police here seem to be getting fed up with the same bullshit. Like being forced to resort to speed camera fines instead of taxes for funding.

Tax dodging is a significant issue here. Same with government misuse and corruption.
My state alone spent billions on a ditch in the ground and a stadium with a dysfunctional bridge (made in fucking malaysia with tax payers money).
We shouldn't be in this situation.

The point is it's been this way for years mate it's not a new development. Besides, social media was a cancer upon internet and society since 07 and not all is lot because more Brits approve of Trump as a percentage than Americans themselves do.

Honestly though user learn a lesson from us in the southern oceans, Australians have strongly disliked immigration since forever, it's even been noted on government websites that most Australians would like to see a reduction in it. They know we don't like it, that's why they don't talk about it here, and they will keep getting away with it because nobody really cares except Leith van Onselen, Dick Smith, and Pauline Hanson, whom the media has everyone convinced is actually a redheaded Hitler.

I don't know, maybe the tide is changing, but it could also be because I haven't been watching it for decades.

How Tiananmen stopped China? Those commie students were dispersed and lost, Xiaoping and Peng won.

It's because modern society is all about muh fucking shekels and virtue signaling. Everything is so fake and empty and materialistic, it's a fucking mad society. Wish I could have voted for Enoch at least just to say "I told you so".


So country-wide IRL propaganda campaign is viable as long it's well organized.

Nigel isn't there so it's the little people that have to put up strategic propaganda points and do public demonstrations/speeches/pamphlet handouts

I'm convinced pauline is actually one of them. Her antics are beyond stupid, they're a negative conditioning tool.
That nationals leader better start pushing more nationalism here. It won him his recent election and i think he needs to take out revenge against labor for pushing their subversive citizenship issue to cause election issues. I doubt that though if he's still liking turnbulls heels. Liberals are a mess with their PC bullshit. Not nearly as bad as labor.

We need a real movement here. One nation is not going to do it. It lacks any form of charisma.

It created economic change. BUT I will say thay the MSM did push it too.

The worst part is the subversive aut right pushing that materialist aspect. We need to ve full right, not psuedo conservative (it's a forced meme ay).

We dont need propaganda. We just need to destroy theirs.
They try to limit free speech nowadays for good reason. They know the way it will swing.

That's why they resort to reporting hatespeech. They won't win without limiting speech and thought.
Zuckerburgs algorithms are another issue. He's sorting what you see now. So the right leaners will be kept hidden postwise from the left.

We'll be hidden from the center but thrown up against large groups of their accounts to make it seem like we're outnumbered and demoralize us.

yeah they riot and destroy property
which drives real estate prices down
allowing the jew capitalists that fund antifa to buy the devalued property

When that happens it's easily to twist their minds though with ambiguous trickery.
That's the stupid part. It won't work.

Why not just buy detroit?
And that's silly because they own alot of that land to begin with.
It's there to make the left seem bigger as a movement than they actually are.

So presenting facts, counterpoints and non-violent shenanigans in front of leftist propaganda person.
Also does smart arsed info-dumps in front of hate speech info dumps.

In my experience simple statistics and studies can trigger leftists to go full apeshit or cry raysism

Also we need to go to cuckchans Holla Forums again.
Don't use proper arguments. Just be old Holla Forums calling niggers apes and doing all the worst forms of stupid argument.

Then prepare to be amazed at the paid shills inability to respond. They can't shitpost on Holla Forumss scale.
Call cucks, 'cucks' and soyboys, 'soyboys'.
A new wave of kids are flooding to the chans like in 2010.

Mate. Just call them soyslaves or mistress' pet or tyrones cumguzzler.
Just go all out banter and insults. Don't worry about facts. Just bring fightclub back.

This is the modus operandi of the EU power structure. Whilst they may be malicious, they're not particularly creative (though with how effective their actions are, they've no need to be).

Reminder to all bongs to practice good opsec at all times.

Exactly m8. The antifa are the ultimate useful idiots. Always hurting the working class and their property, making the power of the state greater until it is an EU superstate class monstrosity, and they are funded by oligarchs and supported by the current power classes without a single hint of crack down. When was the last time you saw them try to take down a government, attack billionaires, or protect the working class? It's just like that leaked antifa meeting before where they were led by literal kikes straight out of the JDL and the like. They are the enemy of the proletariat, total tools of the ones they claim to be against.

No, you believed the hype, you believed that voting matters, and you still believe that Nigel Farage isn't an establishment cog, in other words this has taught you nothing about how British politics and media works.
There was never any chance of this succeeding.

Here we have another example of the kind of ignorance I'm referring to. 'cucking', as if they're usually right-wing, no, they're a leftist establishment mouthpiece, only in a different role. Why can't you understand that? The Daily Mail's ROLE is to act "right-wing", so that those with right-wing sentiments 'feel' that they have a voice in the media.
they don't
The true cultural marxism of the DM is obvious if you read between the lines, stop being dazzled by headlines and actually read the content, or simply check out the "feMAIL" section, it's pure feminist cultural marxist bullshit, like the rest of the publication, only less veiled.
And there we have it, a Kiked population which worships comfort and money, prefer temporary comfort over the continuation of their blood. 50 years of Jewish indoctrination via the zog box, there was never a chance.
now's the point where I get called a defeatist, just like when I warned you that the first result would be ignored.
Just keep trying the same thing goy, maybe it'll work this time.
The only avenue for liberation from the EU is violent revolution and Britain is a disarmed nation.
The real message of Brexit is for Americans and it's this:
Once they take them you're a slave.

That petition site might still have the issues with hackers.
I remember when a channer altered a petition before and gave others on Holla Forums the github link. I think i still got that code on my old pc.

That's why we need to stop our complacency.
Perhaps subvert their subversion :^)

Pauline is pretty much useless at this point, she'll do damage to any issue she sides with.

Cory Bernardi is doing a reasonable job, he's pretty kosher but he advocates halving the immigration intake, reducing government size, etc. Pretty nationalism-lite but it's that or vote solely for wedge issue parties and hope they can form a coalition to be some kind of kingmaker frankenstein.

I'm considering innawoods Tasmania

Bute mate, Labour AND Tories both ran on a pro-Brexit manifesto. I think May called the snap election purposely, knowing what results would be. She only has a majority now by the skin of her clammy clit by keeping the Ulster Unionists happy, who are the kingmakers at this point.

She's such an awkward, frigid cunt. The Jews must have had a good laugh putting her in there. As home secretary, she FAILED for a decade straight not only to get immigration down below 100k, but it just kept increasing. And for that she was promoted to PM?

But right after election, Labour flip-flopped and did a total 180 and decided that they wanted to stay in E-Jew, along with "free college" for all those millennial retards to get their moments studies and dance therapy degrees, etc..

UK is fucked. And yes, ZOG is fucked too. If I get the shekels, going to NZ.

You are still a defeatist because you are pointing an ally's failure and think as long as you keep your guns, it wouldn't happen to you.

No, it's coming, and we are in this shit together.

Oldie but Goodie

He already said he would come back.

Too little too late.

When you have the momentum, you don't let fucking go.

Protests didn't create change in economic policies of China, students protested those changes because they wanted 100% employment in state owned factory and rice gibs, just like in good ol' Mao times.

Farage told that he will come back if second referendum bullshit is pulled.

Hindsight is a bitch, but the motherfucker should not have taken a break until the UK is really out of EU.

Heck, he shouldn't be taking a break even if the UK is out of the EU.

I'm sure it does. That however is a shoop made to prove a point: the number listed is the number of votes from the actual referendum, it's not a petition.

May is a cog in this machine, she's like Clinton, the real parties behind this shit are both the cuckservatives and the leftists.

Watch out Jeremy Corbyn changes his tune again and how the EU is good.

This board played a bretty big role in nigger-rigging that petition with the votes from North Korea, Vatican city, etc.. then someone here wrote a script to run up cotes from different places like…Samoa, Lichtenstein, etc… and there was a vid of him running it while in the shower.

Then DM picked it up (from here or maybe from cuckchan that got it from here) and then within 30 mins BBc had picked it up. Kek, between that, the "Star of David" at the dem convention last year, the "With Open Borders" video getting 25 million views. This place literally changed history.

Which makes me think at least some of Soros $18 billion shekel war chest will be aimed at shutting this place down…

(excuse the fatty in the middle of pics, I don't know why I had such an obese slag saved. She is not "thicc" she is a pig, nigger-bait)

I think cory is a liberal card that they played just to win the nationalists potentially and go with it if it gained success.
Do i think he's legit?

I feel like the libs have been half decent machiavellians. But that manus island issue should never have been an issue.
Not sure about any of it.

Also if labor ditched greens and went nationalist, they'd win in a landslide. But i think dirty keatings stopped that from ever occurring.
Hinch is just a fool i think at the moment.

Katter might have potential, but i can't trust him yet.

It's only defeatist if you don't say - let's fight this.
If you just say "no hope now" you're defeatist.

Haha new zealand is gone son.
Aussies are worried that they might be thorn in our side.

Thats why i mentioned how the MSM construed it.

We all knew how fatigued he was after fighting for so long. He's had a break now though so it's time for battle again.


Instead of discussing how to counter this, that guy just speaks like the situation is already lost and the americans better learn from the brit's lessons.

That's pure and straight defeatism.

Or a depressed tired man and a reason to fight harder.

By thinking of how to make this 2nd Referendum go Leave again, and again if it needs be.

what the fuck? wasn't brexit already signed into law to happen?

For the plebs it might be gone. All the really wealthy tech and movie Jews are buying property there to plan their escape from the wonderful multi-culti paradise they created.

Really sucks that more of NZ isn't habitable. Although you got so, so fucking lucky the Abos are so fucking low IQ even the Jews can't weaponize them. Will never forget, when the movie "Australia" opened, I had a hard-on for Nicole Kidman so took my ex-Gf to go see it.

Film opened with some bullshit guilt trip about abos and "The Lost Generation" ("Trying to educate them and get them to quit huffing petrol! How dare you!"). If the abs were 1-15 points higher in IQ, the Jews would find a way to have them breeding like rats and screaming for "self-rule" as they did with South Africa niggers. You made a mistake not exterminating ALL OF THEM that may eventually come back to haunt you if AI someday allows us to raise IQ…

David Cameron said that? You mean politicians LIE and then quickly do a fucking 180 when things don't go his own way? Fucking prat bought a $6 million dollar beachside house in Cornwall to write his "memoirs" of how he fucking destroyed the UK, his biggest accomplishment he is touting is fag marriage…when a few weeks ago, a married fag couple shook a cute 3 month old baby girl to death after they ripped away from her grandmother (who wanted her) away to give it to the faggot.

Also, HOW is no official in jail over the Rotherham thing? No wonder they don't won't the locals owning firearms there, because I know I sound like an arm-chair tough guy, but if I had a daughter pakis were doing that do I'd kill them all and then turn the gun on myself after first time police "arrested" me for trying to get my own daughter out.

Oh please, America has a nigger rape problem that no one does anything about.

because the police were in on it
corruption going all the way back to parliament itself where the pedo ring thats been operating out of the house of commons since the 80's sits
its such a huge thing if they admitted it was real and addressed it it would destroy their narrative
better for them sweep it all under the rug and memoryhole it

where niggers literally pimp out over 1,000 White girls over a decade from one fucking town by drugging them and giving them booze, and FATHERS arrested for trying to rescue daughter? Nah, sorry. Much as I hate ZOG, that is a scene directly out of "The Turner Diaries." Could never happen here, at least not now.

Porno, m8.


'''When I finally did reach the refugee area later that day, I soon realized that the chance of obtaining the information I sought was very slim. A sea of army tents had been erected in a huge, suburban supermarket parking lot and in an adjacent field. Around the edge of the encampment was a jam-packed mass of outdoor chemical toilets, civilian vehicles still piled high with household goods, refugees, and soldiers.
I wandered through the milling throng for nearly three hours and saw no familiar faces. I tried questioning a few people at random, but I got nowhere. People were frightened and gave me only evasive answers or none at all. They were miserable and bewildered, but they wanted no more trouble than they already had, and questions about arrests they might have witnessed spelled trouble to them.
As I passed one tent about twice as large as the others, I heard muffled screams and hysterical sobbing coming from inside, interspersed with loud, coarse, masculine laughter and banter. A dozen Black soldiers were lined up at the entrance.
I stopped to find out what was happening, just as two grinning Black soldiers forced their way through the throng in front of the tent and went inside, dragging a terrified, sobbing White girl about 14 years old between them. The raping queue moved forward another space.
I ran over to a White officer wearing a major's insignia who was standing only about 50 yards away. I began angrily protesting what was happening, but before I had finished my first sentence the officer turned shamefacedly away from me and hurried off in the opposite direction. Two White soldiers nearby cast their eyes downward and disappeared between two tents. No one wanted to be suspected of "racism." I fought down a nearly overpowering impulse to draw my pistol and begin shooting everyone in sight, and then left.'''

"The Turner Diaries"

the legendary quarterstaves from england.
You better pick that legacy up again as soon as possibe.

Harry is a jewish freemason and his mum was an illegitimate Goldsmith.

two places where I know spics and niggers have done exactly that for the past 30 years in America

in porno, the jews have to at least make sure they are over 18. some of these girls were as young as 11. You're not going to sit here and defend any aspect of what happened at Rotherham? I despise living in ZOG and more than happy to talk about al that is wrong with this place, but that would never happen here. As dr. Pierce used to say, "the UK is about a decade further down the slippery slope than the US."

pimped out 1,400 girls, all of them White, some as young as 11,over the course of a decade? Please show me a source and I'll pack and go head over right now..

Politicians say a lot of things, especially Cameron, for instance…

…and others

Of course he's an Eton brat and a politician, the lot are obsessed with image and thus must virtue signal despite not being anywhere near practicing what they preach same as any champagne socialist and the like. I hope he enjoys his multi-million quid estate away from the pet shitskins he helped fostered and homosex.

I dont need sources, I wouldnt expect for the jew media in the USA to ever even hint at reporting at what goes on
the USA has a larger population, meth head towns, niggers spics and every other shitskin minority runs some form of white girl sex trafficking ring
and I know how stretched out and tired American police departments are when dealing with all this shit
I dont believe this occurs across the entire USA just like how it doesnt occur across the whole of Britain
but former industrial areas now turned into meth addled welfare supported shitholes?
thats happening and the police wont do anything about it because its too much shit to deal with
why not drive to some shithole area in Philadelphia?
guarantee if you ask around enough you'll find some nigger trying to sell strung out 12 yo pussy
didnt California decriminalise the prostitution of minors this year?
wonder who that benefits

wife is from a posh family too right? It's like these fucking inbreds find each other. I have to say, as gross as the Brit lower class is, there are some QTs among the upper class and prince harry balls has to go find a PR hungry Quadroon from ZOG who will be selling shit on Home Shopping next to Fergie in 20 years?

Oh, can we get a consensus on whether his ex-Gf Cressinda Bonas got Weinsteined? My bet is that she did, in exchange for him promising her a leading role. As did Cara Delvigne. As did
Jennifer Lawrence and a bunch of others who won't admit because it would ruin their careers.

you're a brilliant fellow. I know mexicans pimp each other out and even fuck their own daughters in the ass, they hold the cases every wed in NYC supreme court and have closed hearings to keep it quiet. I really don't give a shit what animals do to one other. If Whites are involved, THEN I care.

How the fuck can you expect to be taken seriously with "I have no sources, but I just know?" Un catzo…

you have your own underclass of unemployed multigenerational welfare recipients that are also white
its from that class that these victims in Britain are from
the same class of white niggers who embrace that gangsta culture shite
I know it happens, this shits happening anywhere there are white girls because the savages want our women so much and theres always some evil fuck willing to supply them for cash

They were FOR BREXIT you brainless fuckwit. I was there in London, still have the Mail from that day. It says: "BELIEVE IN BRITAIN! VOTE OUT!"

FUCKING true retard when yank who works there 2 months a year knows more about your media than you do.

Yes, yes I do. And they mostly fuck other White trash males and do opiates. But they aren't being pimped out and passed around by pakis at age 11. I can't stop a White trash american 20 year old from carrying out her own free will. But girls of 11, 12, 15 being passed around like hookers by pakis? Some being turned into kebab? Fathers arrested trying to arrest? That wold put me over edge if one were my daughter..

They're only making plans for Nigel. They think they know what's best for him.


I made the point that THEY SUPPORTED BREXIT. Would you like proof? how's this?

How about this retard? Yes, the DM is not "true right" but what fucking western paper is? During lead up to WW 2, the family that ran (and still runs) the paper wanted peace with Germany. The reports at time were that cameron got together with him to ask him to tone down the pro-Brexit stuff and get Paul Dacre fired, and he told him to piss off.

Enough yet, retard???

'''David Cameron pressed the owner of the Daily Mail to sack his avowedly pro-Brexit editor, Paul Dacre, in the run-up to last year’s EU referendum.

A source indicated that Lord Rothermere, whose family owns the newspaper, told Dacre that the then-prime minister had suggested he sack him, in a story that was first reported by the BBC’s Newsnight programme.

The Mail was one of the most vociferous voices for Britain to leave the EU before the 23 June referendum.

Dacre and Cameron met at the PM’s Downing Street flat on 2 February 2016, the day after Cameron’s planned new deal with the EU to ward off Brexit was announced.

\There Cameron asked Dacre to “cut him some slack”, but was rebuffed - although the account has been denied by a spokesman for Cameron.

Early the following month, Dacre was told by a “Westminster source” that Cameron had sought to persuade Rothermere – who inherited French nationality, along with the newspaper, from his father for tax reasons – to sack him, making the editor “incandescent” and all the more determined to push for Brexit.

It was only in July, after the referendum, that Rothermere personally told his editor of the pressure from Cameron.

A spokesman for Rothermere refused to deny the story. The spokesman said: “Over the years, Lord Rothermere has been leant on by more than one prime minister to remove Associated Newspapers’ editors but, as he told Lord Justice Leveson on oath, he does not interfere with the editorial policies of his papers.”

Dacre said in a statement: “For 25 years, I have been given the freedom to edit the Mail on behalf of its readers without interference from Jonathan Rothermere or his father. It has been a great joy and privilege.”'''


british revolt confirmed to consist of big lads with big sticks beating to death commies armed with spoons

Yeah he's tired, so were millions of soldiers throughout the ages during battles, they did not take a break, they kept fighting until they had either won or lost the battle.
Farage saw the enemy forces in disarray and beginning to pull back their reserves, indicating the battle was as close to won as a battle can be while iron still meets flesh.
So these enemies saw their opponent's great general leave the field for tea time and a nap. And while the general was away they sent back their reserves and have begun to reverse the momentum of the battle.
That's what Farage did, I had a lotta respect for the dude, until he quit with the job unfinished.
Never leave a job unfinished.
I was taught that lesson when I was four.


Okay got me there. Except the fact that Hitler was in the loser's seat when he decided to take a long over due sabbatical.

You britfags need to realize that you fucked up your own country, you tried to fuck up ours, before we ran you off, and you destroyed the british empire in an attempt to stop the greatest man of the millenium from liberating the white race from jewry. Once you do that, and you admit that you are incompetent faggots capable only of survival by sucking off your ruler, then you might get somewhere. Your country is lost, because you gave it to the niggers, sand niggers, jews, and women. "May was our best hope, she had one job" you fucking degenerate twat, putting your hope in a woman, you deserve this. Either rise up and exterminate the cockroaches, or gtfo and become cannon fodder for your betters.


Ok Holla Forums this is being misunderstood. The proposal is for another referendum on "whether to accept or reject the final deal".

An article 50 notification was made on 29th March 2017. Legally, this means that the UK will cease to be a member on 29th March 2019, deal or not. If we reject the £50B divorce bill that they're demanding for a new trade deal, we revert to WTO terms on exit.

They're spinning it like it's a 16 point lead for people wanting to stay in the EU, but that's not on the table. In reality it could just as well be people who want the chance to tell the EU to fuck off with their blackmail and crash out in a hard Brexit.

We have a trade deficit with the EU, and consequently it will hurt them more than us. They're talking tough, but the truth is that Brexit leaves a huge hole in their budget and they don't know what the fuck to do.

Dubs confirm it will be beautiful sight


post source tripsman


Pair of dead 'ard goff boyz in that last pic, m8


It's right there in the articles in the OP.

People are misinterpreting this because they don't understand that exiting the EU is already the legal status quo. To clarify that, see the article 50 notification letter and the text of article 50:

Note that article 50(3) sets the two year deadline and makes it clear that it is the default position after the notification - no action means Brexit happens. A unanimous vote of all EU members would be required to extend this deadline.


Nah, you're missing the bigger picture mate. The stipulation will come with something like "if the public reject the terms, the UK will revert to its former status as a member of the EU." It's not worth much, but I'd bet you my life on that.

May totally, totally fucked herself with the Florence speech bullshit and whoever had that idea should be hanged. What was the theme meant to be? Renaissance I suppose? It came off as crane contrived, AND she had Junker so over her speech and correct it with red pen before she made it.

I'm convinced she was sent in there as a trojan horse by the Jews to torpedo Brexit, and she will leave No. 10 and go on to very, very fat directorship at some Jew bank or other, work for another 5-7 years, collect a few hundred thousand per speech to pay for her private jet, and she'll leave the UK in the E-Jew.

She'll have a small house in a very exclusive part of Scotland and her main house in Monaco with her Yacht and her house in Mustique. (very odd that the spellcheck on this does not even recognize name MUSTIQUE…the Royals and the Jews tried their damnedest token even that name out of press for years, and the media jews complied for a long time)

Only one man had the balls to stand up for his country. The rest of you should be ashamed. You though (0fef4b), you're alright.

If those are the choices offered, then the results would still favour Brexit. Look at the figures for what people actually want:


People pissed off by the EU demands are still going to vote yes if no means staying in the EU.

This is nigger tier right here.

Don't be a prick, bin that stick.

How many stood up for yours?

This is why likes love democracy. This is why at best all we can do under current governments is slow things down. There is no political solution under ZOG governments. National Socialism must become the government throughout Europe, America, Canada, Australia ect. Jewish forms of government will only give the people what they want if it was what they wanted. This is what happens when goyim vote the wrong way… revote.


Literally no one elected her. And yes she is a commie jew like merkel.

this makes no sense. do you have to vote on everything twice in the UK?

and filtered

The proposed second referendum is not "Are you sure you want X?" it's "Do you want X this way, or that way?".

Here's hoping London gets hit with a storm of biblical proportions on whatever day the vote is held.

94,000 men died fighting for states rights in the war of northern aggression, including 13 of my relatives in the battle of Gettysburg alone.
25,000 died kicking you faggots out of our country, of which my kin participated.

are you one of those butthurt descendants of the french eternally assmad at the Anglo for pushing your shit in?
America can't escape its roots tbh

Good point. Furthermore: this "poll" (pic related) is obviously massaged for psyop purposes. Same type of propaganda was pushed before Brexit and the MAGA election. Every Brexiter I know is pissed off and even more determined to tell the EU to fuck off without a dime. It's not like they're getting more enamoured with Brussels with every escalating fuckery.


Yea, we had those aswell.
Who's standing now?

she seems like a female perfectly capable of breeding to me
though she does look like a worn out whore

check. use them to destroy the kikes then the muslims. make the united kingdom for whites not for brown skin semetic pieces of shit.

I want them to do it. The alternative is they give us "Brexit", but everything stays basically the same, and the people go back to sleep. Show the people loud and proud that their democracy is a facade.

I'm confused…wasn't the vote last time to leave the EU supposed to be final and they were going to leave? I haven't kept up with britcuck news but are you telling me those in charge didn't carry out the country's wishes?

I'm disappointed, but not surprised.

Fuck you, Britain. You are Europe's capital of international Jewry, you capitulate to the kikes, the niggers, and the muzzies like you did anything to wrong them, and you even let them disarm you.

You should all fucking kill yourselves, because whatever you fuckers are, you certainly did not descend from the Britons of old.

they never intended to in the first place because they dont want to
referendums arent legally binding in the UK anyway according to the constitution
Parliament has the right to ignore the result

It's like this. They didn't think Leave stood a chance after they went to such lengths to propagandise for Remain, so they didn't rig the vote enough, and Leave clenched it. Now they're doing everything they can to try to set it right, without completely destroying the illusion that the people have a say in anything that happens.

If we are to use your logic, then Americans should also be treated as guilty of allowing jewry to gain more power than ever before. Then again, unlike you, I'm not some kike shill trying to peddle blatant d&c bullshit.

They're dragging their feet while pretending that the public is regretting Brexit. In truth: Brexiters' hate for the EU is growing daily.

This. Even the figures in the article show that support for leaving has grown.

… wat? That is fucking nothing. The UK has a yearly budget of 800bn. The EU costs Britain 9bn every fucking year. How in the fuck is a one time cost of 50bn to get rid of that waste even econom-
Ooohhh ..

Anyway, this rhetoric has been expect all along. Having to take the vote again when you get the wrong answer is standard practice for these EU kikes.

Britain will most likely vote stay this time. A majority already want a second referendum. (((They))) waged psychological warfare since the first referendum

This is a retarded demoralization thread based on a vote that has nothing to do with whether or not brexit actually happens but what kind of exit deal is negotiated. Learn to fucking read.

"how do you feel about X"
-liberal polling techniques

Don't mistake demoralization/black pill to call to action threads.
If this was a demoralization thread it would be endnigger fatalist tier bullshit

Ban Assault Cricket, it's [current year] why are you still playing such a racist sport!?

This shit is ridiculous.

Germans ate the British roots a long time ago m8. They tasted pretty good, btw.

Face it Perfidious Albion, your empire is dead because you're dickless faggot servants of the Jew.

mixed race tbh
ourselves in the 5th century

btw you type like a shill

I am a lot older than most of you, I've seen first hand how every push towards nationalism in Britain in the last 20 years has been dealt with. Although it might seem that I'm being defeatist, I'm really just being realistic. It should terrify you if you knew how far gone things really are. By all means, give your all to the second vote, it won't make a damned bit of difference, a leave vote will simply not be permitted to occur again.
we are also fooling ourselves if we assume that a preliminary 'leave' wasn't engineered by (((them))) for their own reasons

No, you're just blue pilled and don't understand how the media works in Britain. Bright eyed, bushy tailed and full of idealism you are; but the nationalist scene in Britain has been around for a lot longer than the chans, what you think of as new and hopeful, some of us have seen many times before and we know how it ends. Where did I say that I'm American?
I'll spoonfeed you once, because your education is not my responsibility.
This is called maintaining character. It was calculated that the DM maintaining its character as "right-wing" wouldn't actually tip the result into "leave". If they had said "vote remain goys!" then their pretense would have been ruined. This isn't difficult to understand. Even the kikes can miscalculate or tentative 'leave' was just part of the plan to shake up the millennials and the left and redouble their commitment to the 'progressive'
As to a second referendum, you have got to be kidding, all of you. They will NOT let the result be "leave" again. Use your fucking imagination, voter fraud is nothing new in the UK. They used to destroy the BNP ballots as well as dump the postal canvassing material straight in the bin at the PO, and look up past postal voting fraud, but that's a minor point because:
In Britain the mainstream media controls the outcome of the election. Pretending the voting is legit, why would a majority of the population vote to leave after over a year of solid "remain" propaganda, after hundreds of hours of their beloved "stars" explaining why it's so much better to remain and leaving is so very sad and nasty and icky, and racist and you will be all alone goy, you don't like being alone do you? it's better to have friends, vote remain to show the racists!
If we get a serious meme operation going for leave, I will certainly contribute but you can screenshot this post and take it to the bank, guaranteed.

declare exterminatus on britain in 50 years tbh

Britbongs ratger spam le 54 face.( which is retarded because Uk has less white people than any EU country and America still has more whites( Even though they are most fucked Western European country.

lel no

tip top lel
More like Anglos got

BTW you actually do type like a redditor.

They'll become a fully Religion of Cuck™ic caliphate before then and will probably try to attack us or something. Something needs to nip this shit in the bud.

definitely reddit or worse at this point
you do actually know the history of that period?
Saxons, Jutes, Angles and Geats?
not to mention the earlier bollocks occurring during the Pelagian period

Seems legit. lel.

Obviously I do.
SAX'D m8
Now quit whining ya wealas cunt.

Come, come here and listen to a tale about the Lancaster Plan!

And for some further reading about the wider EU plot, here's the Kalergi plan.

Why would he bother the last time he ran UKIP where the 3rd highest voted party with close to 4 million votes and all they got was one seat meanwhile SNP got less then 1.5 million and got around 50 seats, it's all rigged.

Well hey, at least it inadvertently helped Trump get elected

Well, just in case you need somethinng with better range.

bump you bloody bastards

You guys sound like you are unaware that Cameron is a jew. That's the reason he's such turd, not because he went to Eton or is a politician.
He's such a kike I'm sure that's not his only jewish ancestry, but that's on wikipedia so it's easy to see for yourself.

it would have worked if Farage ran for PM. He was The Guy

Farage turned his back on England to report on Trump in his radio show.

The people all died. Better be all in if you pull some shit britbongs.


Won't happen. This is just clickbait for buttblasted remainers. As much as the kikes would love it, they don't get to keep having endless votes until they get the results they want. Also, the "half" that want a new vote are the half that voted to remain, duh….

I'm sure "half" of the US would like to have another Trump vs. Hillary presidential race too… doesn't mean it will ever, ever happen.

Eish, lad did this "referendum" teach you nothing? There is no such thing as "democracy" and "the will of the people" if it goes against what the big Jew (((merchant))) banks want. They'll either get the result they want in a revote, or nigger-rig in such a way that even a brexit "in name only" will result in the same fucking shit. The older generation (at least UK boomers smart wise enough to see how much nation has changed for the worse in their lives and willing to give up a comfier pension it seems to keep the foreigners out).

MY big fear is that UK "gets brexit," and they begin importing load of niggers from "the commonwealth" nations. WHY CAN'T BITS OR ANY WHITE NATIONS EVER HAVE WHITE IMMIGRANTS???




Its not the first time they have done this, they have discarded votes in the past like when Ireland voted no for joining the EU/the Lisbon treaty.

The whole idea that a second vote is even considered is making me wish for the UK to become a caliphate. They deserve it due to their cuck mentality. Hell even Harry is marrying a half nigger-jew, american feminist. FFS

Imagine being this naive. Kikes do whatever they want. The UN said they dont like it when Israel illegally builds settlements on foreign land that isnt theirs, and they told the UN to do something about it.

I think it's meant to symbolise the kikes' dominance over the aristocracy. This has to be humiliating for them

I've always wondered what would happen to the aristocracy in this new mongrel world, always assumed they would gain status as jews for their subservience, but this

In the same way Killery was "considered" the nominee for the Democrat party in 2016.
No one who voted Brexit is (((considering))) a 2nd referendum. Some are pretty angry and calling out for traitors to be hung.

It's time like this you have to really see clearly why they banned NA, are criminalising the 'far right' (anything right of Marxism) and carried out the Jo Cox false flag.
The people here are already disillusioned. There's absolutely no unity in the UK any more. This is the best possible thing to happen, because people are going to have to realise they can't just vote for what they want any more, our 'democracy' is dead.

NZ is fucked, we just had a jew in for 8 yeras, selling all our assets, selling the land to the chinese and generally bankrupting the place, now we have another NWO stooge in, signing us up to the fucking TPPA and arguing with Aussie to take on board the criminal migrants the aussies don't want.
If you do come, bring guns, or spoons, or whatever it is you are allowed.

1. Feminism =

Checked! What's the world coming to when a torpedo makes a good post? Why are you on tor? Opsec?

He must be happy in his work.

So look, Farage did a lot! They even tried to kill him when they zapped his car like Princess Diana. If he didn't fall back and take a break he would already be dead.

Now he can come back. Can't fight ZOG, the EUSSR and the NWO on an empty stomach and no sleep!

Hey UK, Canada here, your PM is a traitor just like ours. At least Trump supports Israel and the Jews without being a complete traitor.

Are you happy the UK is outside the EUSSR. But still your politicians have really fucked up WW2 was the worst, but after that there is no excuse. The UK could have ruled Europe and the half the world after the Americans left. KEK. Even if there's Rich Jews controlling the media the people still have to buy the shit.

Now you're like repeating WW2 but with Europe as the EUSSR instead of the Third Reich.

>Tl;dr for the UK or Canada to mean anything we have to unite once again, and go ethno-nationalist with limited tolerance for some civic-nationalism nippon style

Strange to see England a vassal state again so soon. They can't make it alone without daddy Rothschild.

Basically they and (((they))) don't even hide behind fake muh democracy anymore.

we must go back

What's the source for picture three? Might be an interesting read.

This x100

I will pray for Britain's niggerfication to be swift and painless. Maybe the Sackler family will invent cheaper, more powerful opiods just in time for Referendum II: More Niggers Edition. It was very exciting seeing Brexit and Trump winning, but with Trump going full jew, they're kind of screwed no matter which way they go now. Just like us.

dis nigga #woke

If Brexit happens, it'll be in name only. Brits are only second to Sweden in terms of being completely fucked.

only the (((globalists))) get to demand revotes when they don't get their way, silly. stop being a moral universalist, that's very goy of you

Democracy is cancer

you hate the elites, dipshit. they're the ones that make the decisions, not "democracy." wake up

It's ok to be white has to now come to the UK.

Less than half the country voted Remain. It's that half that's calling for a second vote. Duh. It's like the Hillary cucks in the US calling for another presidential vote. Just because the losers don't like the result doesn't mean another vote happens.

The UK would have zero grounds for holding a second referendum and it's repercussions as far as any semblance of "democracy" in Bongland would be disastrous. The country would collapse into civil war.

We're basically being shoved back into the EU by the backdoor anyway which literally no one wanted.

It won't be for another decade until we actually leave, if at all. That's a decade of enrichment we can't deny or block. A decade of whatever shit the EU can pull in the mean time. Not to mention how fucked we will be with a Gaybour or Cons government after.

You will never vote to stop white genocide, and non-whites will be glad to see you gone.