Hi /christian/ here is there a reason we will be hanged on the day of the rope? or is it just because you guys can?

Hi /christian/ here is there a reason we will be hanged on the day of the rope? or is it just because you guys can?

Don't fall for abrahamic desert hallucination bullshit.

Because christians put religion before blood.

how very strange you dont know that the point of sage is to make a post that is unrelated the thread

so you guys will be hanging people like judge roy moore vice president pence melania trump and vast amounts of the southern US?

Kill yourself.


Only kike shills want to betray you. Just follow a Christian lifestyle that is conducive to a healthy society, not a "hands off not my buisness to be moral about anything" Christian rebrand you got in the past few decades.

You bet your sweet ass we will. Blood is THE most important thing there is. Our blood is sacred, even holy, and Christcucks throw it away, falling for the "muh tolerance, muh acceptance" brainwashing.

if blood is that important then why kill people who share your blood? you must admit that the vast majority of christians are white, no?

you should create some OC for yourself with varg/mao in it not someone who is friendly to christians

Question your beliefs.

Most modern white Christians are fine. A simple belief in the Christian god, maybe go to church on holidays, etc. Maybe commit good deeds here and there that they otherwise wouldn't because they think God is a pervert and is spying on them. Essentially Christian in name only, and that's most of them. The problem is when Christians consciously make the effort to put religion before blood, allow themselves to be manipulated by Jews through their religion, and inject their Christcuckery into politics. Those Christians will hang.

You should also be aware that people with no concept of grammar or spelling will get the rope, too. Since you're a double offender, you might just get the Blood Eagle. Fuck it, you're a triple offender, since you clearly googled what sage is and got it wrong, because only normie sites are gay enough to attempt definitions for that kind of shit.

Sure thing, rabbi

Cancer is made up of cells from your own body. When you have cancer, you cut it out before it kills you.

You cunts need to pay attention to what this fellow has to say.

If I didn't know better I almost want to say this thread is half shills trying to D&C. Too bad Holla Forums is walking towards cuckchan tier now. Its honestly hard to tell who's being dishonest or not now.


Daily reminder Christianity was invented to subvert and destroy Rome.

End your life. Kill your neighbors for good measure.

These fucking digits mate.

1. Reported for false flagging.
2. Reported for shit thread.
3. We're not killing Christians, yid. We're killing you.


Another shill slide thread. Sage and report.


The only ones talking about hanging white people simply for being christian are D&C shills. Don't fall for it OP

Sage isn't because it is unrelated kike, it's because you don't want to bump bullshit.

hehe my original goal has been completed finding out what sage means
GET FUCKED Holla Forums

Fuck your shareblue slide thread.

you cant even get dubs

and you can't into IDs, samefaggot

Major denominations are cucked, protestants and catholics alike.
Even secular Christians put Israel before United States and white people.
Marrying people to niggers is acceptable if they're 'godly'
Muh tolerance and acceptance
Christianity would be fine if it wasn't so cucked,
Xtians put faith before their blood and their nation.

I wouldn't detest Christians if they weren't white knighting the anti-white pope, nutty teleevangelists among others

Holy fuck, learn to use imageboards fucking normie and do your homework

shills replying to shills etc.

the sense to know a thread is probably compromised with shills is enough, just peruse, utilize discernment and always shitpost with utmost vigilance

im not a normie user i know about the cumskin insult

Yeah right. More like fake thread.