No one could ever have predicted that this would happen yet again.
What could go wrong? ;-)
No one could ever have predicted that this would happen yet again.
What could go wrong? ;-)
Other urls found in this thread:
Probably nothing, right now the TRSodomites are trying to pretend mike is Norwegian and not a lying jew.
pls b true this is hilarious
Are you new ?
Fuck no i just don't follow that beady eyed jew at all.
Wasn't he some balkan jew?
After being caught, he pretended to be Serbian then Croatian and now he's Norwegian.
For sure don't go to this, the kikes want white people to gather in mass and protest white genocide so they can make fun of them on tv. If you go then you are being played for a fool. Especially don't go because these guys are CIA and they will probably be having every white person there put on a list or maybe even killed. Whatever you do, don't ever admit to anyone that you don't hate white people. God, that would be terrible for the movement if anyone were to see a bunch of white people protesting their genocide. ugh.
99 out of 100 white americans don't know their flavor of mystery meat. True, but sad story. Also nearly 200 million of them think they're part indian.
I heard a leftist celebrating how most youth whose parents immigrated from Europe don't even know their direct heiritage. Like its something to be proud of.
I can trace my ancestors back 400 years in America One died when a canon blew up while he was fighting an Iroquois raid
Might be good.
I only trace mine to the Civil War where unfortunately I think we joined the North for citizenship, so I guess I'm living proof of why immigration is a failure (sorry Confederates you were right). At least I know I'm overwhelmingly German with a hint of old Viking Swedish blood and another hint of French, which explains my degeneracy.
There's a huge difference between convincing family and friends of Holla Forumstier views, and standing outside with a bunch of fat fucks listening to a jew and a faggot speak through a megaphone.
Even if you want to go purely PR, did BLM make you want to side with niggers? Or did it just make a lot of people late for work? These things end with "yeah I don't agree with either side" centrists jerking themselves off, a couple fall guys in jail, and a dead fat chick.
Let me guess, the dipshit DA went for maximum damage when he should have gone for a "negligent homicide" case or some such
We fought for the South and I'm German, Irish, French, and English by blood. I may be a mutt, but I'm a euro mutt. Been west of the Mississippi almost 300 years too
Mix that together with beaners and libs on the jury and presto
You know that's not going to happen, they'll just prop up the Dickster even more, and make him the topic of discussion.
Get the fuck out you fucking nigger.
You dumb nigger, none of what the DA charged the spic with was incorrect.
as soon as i pressed post, i thought of that. literally an antiwhite activist jury. it is SanFran, afterall. fucking disgusting
wew lad
Don't worry your ancestors were probably press ganged and used as cannon fodder by the yankees like many other white immigrants.
Holla Forums's owner is a freemason and former CIA contractor.
You know how groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS are deemed anti semite isreal/jew haters by the media and ZOG yet have never attacked the Jews?
Holla Forums is now being used in the same way, this thread will probably get stickied while holohoax expose threads and redpill threads are deleted/bumplocked. This sites' handlers will have what is left of the real userbase chasing ghosts until the next distraction is cooked up by the feds.
Its a CIA front, just like ISIS, just like Al Qaeda.
Expect several threads attacking "white trash" and doxing "ebil neo nazis" once the media paints their targets.
But TRS said freemasonry was BASED and fashy?
Not as based and fashy as the non white mongrels running this honeypot.
freemasonry is conservative because it was the masons and jews that overthrew the ancien regime. the correct word for freemasonry is "bourgeois," not based or fashy. And, there is heavy suspicion among TRSodomites about freemasonry, tbh
i'm starting to believe 8/pol/ was a honeypot from the very beginning. that would explain all the viral marketing they did on 4cuck. it explains a lot actually
Most White Americans have mostly British Isles and/or German ancestry tbh. Italian, French, Portuguese, Dutch, Scandinavian and Finnish are regional, everything else is just random. Injun admixture isn't that common, since most of them died from diseases, though I have met people that claim it.
"American" on map related generally means British Isles, but they don't know exactly.
Not that uncommon, really.
It's not that anything IRL is inherently bad, although it is inherently likely a honeypot, so you need to be very careful. It's just that Spencer and Enoch are faggots and aren't doing the movement any favors, and they may very well be agents. Leaderfags need to be tall, good-looking, confident, fit, articulate, talented speakers, ideologically pure and have lived a life free of degeneracy. Like Rockwell, for example. It's a very tall order, and if we did get a good leader, they would be targeted.
Every single one of these threads devolve into "8CH IS COMPROMISED REEEEEEEEEE" with no meaningful discussion and no solutions.
Fuck Dickie Spencer and his boys' club, and fuck you faggot shills who want us to run around like headless chickens.
Is there nowhere that isn't compromised?
Fuck off endkike.
please leave the thinking, and posting, to those with brains, user
Not my kind of thing, but if a group or event actually had a firm no-kikes-no-faggy controlled-op-allowed I would go. Of course, we don't own the media so they would still invite dickie onto their talk shows to talk about what we did, and he would be his usual faggy self.
what I hate about that map is it is self-reported and people are morons. Most really aren't mixed, but they all think they're those people in the ads and assume they're mutts or whatever is trendy
there is no certainty in such things, only places not yet known to be compromised. At the very least, there are places with more open discourse and less shilling.
Wow a non white calling me a jew for refusing to kiss the boot of the negro.
I feel nothing. You can do better, they pay you so much.
Kill yourself spic.
Three years, buffalo queer.
ha yeah how dare that cia bastard shill richard spencer want white women to get with white men. that beautiful white woman should be with some sidewalk ape, not some aut-right NEERRDDD, amirite
Just bite the bullet and go. I've gone to several of these things, and OP is being a faggot. You are not going to die, and you are not going to kill white nationalism by showing up. As much of a crypto kike as Enoch may be, TRS has some pretty great people in it and some solid content outside of the Shoah. It's worth taking advantage of what services you can get out of them and forming connections with trustworthy people of a similar mentality if you can find and affirm them. The Jew will play both sides, every time, so the argument that you shouldn't go and scream pro-white slogans at normies because "muh bad press" is fucking stupid. I would rather the Jews spin their wheels attempting damage control rather than continue riding the deafening silence to our peoples doom.
If nothing else, as someone who was at Charlottesville, having a reason and the chaos to crack commies and niggers over the head, standing next to people shouting defiance, is a hell of a lot of fun.
Remember how every time Spencer has a big thing a bunch of people get doxxed?
That's not very patriotic of you user.
I'm worried about neither muh PR nor getting doxed plus none of this stuff happens near here, I have an intense disgust at being used by my enemies. It's one thing to do it out of ignorance, but you are supposed to learn your lesson from it.
no, they don't, anyone still there is too stupid to be distinguished from the people playing a part. They may have had good people at one time, but the treatment of the Phalanx affair should have shown them the light. If not, the tranny-loving B'nai B'rith jewess their leaders knew about and then covered for sure showed them.
said no one ever
So go and take pictures OP. You'll get yours taken by FBI and Homeland and who knows who else. Internet fags meet up and make, LOUD NOISES. Just what the White race needs. Be a good little monkey and perform for the gay jewish tv cameras.
This picture gets posted here far too often lately. Definitely a forced psyop.
just compare halfch with this relatively untainted place - they are in big numbers
Lots of brigade-style co-ordinated agree>amplify commenting on this thread…
These kikes really seem to hate people who are Jews working for the Russians and the CIA.
It's nice to see an updated version from the left-wing shit (redundant) edition.
more like spencer's being pushed by (((them))) and they make a big stink as soon as anybody says this
has it? I hadn't seen it posted here that I recall. Feel free to make an argument
Get Richard Spencer, Mike Enoch, and David Duke on the street! Tell them to bring their dancing shoes!
This, it's all so tiresome. Despite these little play-acts Drumpf still won. It seems to be the literal textbook definition of subversion and it should be exposed.
im sure this won't end up being a blue pill for people angered by the kate steinle verdict, mike enoch really is the worst
even if richard spencer was legitimate, it doesn't matter because he's such a poor public speaker. uninspiring
Try harder ADL, this is cringe tier
TRSodomites never fucking learn.
Is this you by any chance?
It's funny because none of those are believable. He could possibly pass for a fat Greek or Italian with some work. Maybe he wishes he could pass for Nordic.
seriously though, I would love to see how he could claim that, like those lazy bastards at Ellis Island made him an -ovich?
In the 1980 United States Census, over 49 million (49,598,035) Americans claimed English ancestry, at the time around 26.34% of the total population and largest reported group which, even today, would make them the largest ethnic group in the United States. Today only around 26 million Americans identify as being of English ancestry, while the "American" identity has increased. The "American" response is most certainly English, and English-Americans are certainly the largest demographic group in the United States.
Yep. Wouldn't be surprised if that FBI agent provocateur Matthew Heimbach also shows up, invited or uninvited.
Doesn't Enoch live with Sven, now? Do these faggots have any "set piece" concrete action plan, or do they just make shit up ad hoc on the spot, such as this protest (media circus) for instance?
Can all users here just come to a consensus that neither of these hard-ons have what it takes to be a decent leader and just ostracize anyone who posts threads about them? Specner gives awful speeches and comes off like he fights for the pink team. Enough, to me at least, looks like another "Frank Collins" (née Cohen) and could be an extra in a screen adaptation of "The Protocols of The Elders of Zion."
Nothing "good" has come from them. Nothing. Even the "name" Spencer claims he stole from the Jew, he didn't. "alt-right" used to be an old usenet group name just like alt-bestiality" and everything else one could imagine. It just meant "expect weird shit here outside the norm."
Fucking one night work on the computer by a few autists with a cartoon frog did a million times the work those two cuckolds ever did. Neither of them is exactly GLR when it comes to public speaking. Fuck them.
We already did, mike is a lying jew and Spencer is soft.
The CIA agent in pic related wants to become the new leader of White Nationalism / National Socialism, aided by his besties, the CIA-payrolled, controlled opposition agents known as the "Renegays," i.e Kyle Hunt and Sinead McCarthy.
Question is, is anyone falling for it?
To be honest Rockwell was never that good when it came to playing toward American sensibilities.
Why is David Duke in there? I just considered him to be not very effective or articulate in his attacks on the kikes rather than a plant. Is there some dirt on him?
99.94% of Americans(only whites can be American) are nothing but European, ie on they have no other admixture. And most are the original settlers. So either Cavalier or Prussian/Bavarian.
The one drop rule ensured that the whites stayed white and everybody else got thrown in the mud heap.
Not to mention the majority of europeans in the Hajnal line aren't any better in terms of "purity."
what do you think?
You do realize that those titles are all fake shit they made up to fuck with the media back in the 60s right? There are no wizards, dragons, and goblins in the KKK, or at least were not before it was reduced to an FBI honeybot in the 60s.
My point is other than claiming some stupid shit about Klan relations what has Duke done that we have evidence of? I never even liked the guy I just want to know if anything he was involved in lead to the arrest of other parties. That being the entire purpose of a fucking plant.
Dragon and Wizard are legit KKK ranks from the 1920s based on the ones used during reconstruction. If Duke is going around claiming otherwise it's because he's embarrassed of his past.
You must read the link that I linked. There is a ton of shit on Duke. Like an infinity.
>Subsequently, Duke spoke with an NSWPP duty officer, James N. Mason, and told Mason of Dr. Pierce’s offer. Jim Mason, years later, told this to Cooper who then wrote to Duke, asking for an account, confirmation or denial that Dr. Pierce made such an offer. Duke never replied.
>David Duke first got caught with his hand in the till in 1972, shortly after he temporarily dropped out of Louisiana State University to devote himself to full-time neo-Nazi activism, according to Bridges’ book. Police arrested Duke and three others for allegedly raising $500 for George Wallace’s presidential campaign and pocketing the money. The charges were dropped after an influential Duke mentor convinced Wallace campaign officials to change their story.
>By late 2002, with his passport almost expired, Duke’s attorney was negotiating a plea agreement for his client, who had grown tired of being a nationalist without a nation. When news of the plea became public, Vince Breeding, national director of EURO, said Duke was pleading because he would surely lose in court at the hands of a mostly black jury. This is probably true. It is also certainly true that Duke was guilty as sin of embezzlement and monumental deceit and dishonesty, and he would have been convicted by an all-White jury as well. EURO communiqués painted the group’s founder as “a living martyr for our cause.” (Breeding, the former lead guitarist in a Satanic rock band called Acheron, was later expelled from Duke’s EURO organization when he was caught running an internet porno operation off the group’s servers–and not giving Duke a cut.)
You had me until Pierce came up. Hanging with fags isn't okay but palling around with Satanists is?
satan did nothing wrong, fuck off christcuck.
No. I'm just posting the relevant info.
Look I knew he was an incompetent who to be honest like Pierce had to live as a huckster off the largess of others. Hell that's what these e-celebs are, the ones who aren't out and out kike informants and friends with kikes.
And though I don't dismiss hearsay, it is just hearsay without circumstantial evidence to back it up. What I'm looking for is any police reports or even newpaper clips which show instances of those associating with Duke being arrested at some point after that association. Evidence that Duke is not merely a fraud or an embezzler but a plant. And I'm not saying he isn't a plant, I'm saying that rather than post pages of accusations you could more easily condemn him with a single citation.
I'm looking for any traceable citations in the page you linked right now.
great, here come these fucking kikes larping as white to ruin the momentum kates ruling gave the white community.
That's why the only thing we can really do is form small local groups of well armed, disciplined men and try to raise our families outside of the system. Where possible, seize legitimate power but always be ready to use "illegitimate" power for survival.
Hi TRSodomite, you are not welcomed here and need to go back to your AIDS bog, defend your jew race mixing and faggy Alt-Cuck niggers elsewhere. Thank you.
exactly, or movement needs to be decentralized. I think the next revolution is going to be a cluster of states succeeding from the union, successfully this time. The new north will be the old south
I think we have a pretty good chance of being able to reclaim the government by military coup if we're lucky and have lots of sons and raise them well. Still will be 30+ years off and we need a political bulwark until then.
Now I won't say that this narrative is inaccurate, especially given that the blogfag claims he didn't write it, but looking at the rest of this blog the guy is a raving retard who fancies himself an intellectual while screaming about peak oil without knowing anything about geology or how proved/known/recoverable reserves are calculated.
Even if David Duke did everything evil that's recounted about him I still support him. He names the Jew and did in times that were much more repressive. People who do that sort of thing, go against everything that everyone else says, often have problems and are not the most evenhanded in their lives. We can afford to fight among ourselves AFTER we get rid of the Jews. Until then let's learn from the Jews and always support anyone who supports White people first and names the Jew.
Introducing: Operation Homeland
who is this nobody?
They will try to co-opt another right wing demonstration and splatter their alt-kike logo on it.
I believe his name is "Richard Spookcer" or something similar to that.
Agreed user. Anyone who still lingers in their circles (at best, actively participating at worst) is a useful idiot, to use Yuri's vernacular. It's painfully obvious to anyone who spends more than a few hours researching these individuals at the top of the pyramid that there is more than meets the eye.
Tricky Dicky Spencer is a likely fed asset who uses his position to solicit sexual favors from naive young men. Jack "I fuck men like they're women" Donovan is another one of these predators, though it's doubtful he's a fed, too stupid. Grindr Greggy uses high level sophistry to entice a different sort of young man into his spider trap, he's in competition with Dicky. Dicky is the worst, however, nothing he does brings good outcomes, and he actively seeks to emulate "cartoon Nazi" imagery, would a fed asset do anything much differently?
Whatever happened to that DNA test that was going to prove Eli Kline was a goy?
He has no part in that, though. It's anti-whites screencapping videos or taking pictures on-site to do it.
The alternative is to do absolutely nothing and effectively aid the enemy.
I remember hearing that at least one person lost their job because of the footage he allowed Atlantic to shoot of his 2016 fagfest.
Probably going to go through the 4 phases of mike enochism.
3/100% Norwegian Aryan Hyperborean
4/you're all D&C!!
You know exactly what he meant by that quote.
No meaning of that quote is good. He's justifying Israel to WNs, so they don't use it as the powerful weapon that it is to expose the jew, and so they're more open to alliances with so-called "nationalist jews", who he pretends share the same struggle for an ethnostate.
We aren't getting any ethnostate until we stop these kikes, and if we don't, they're going to genocide us. His "White zionism" angle is a dead end that only helps the enemy.
Oh there are many alternatives that will accomplish more than standing around holding a retarded sign.
The alternative is to get with your friends and family and become independant from your govt. Grow your own food and try to take over local politics.
That is my baby which I've worked on now for 6 years. That's part of what I do. I also get working joes on our side and varies other things that don't need detailed.
Do whatever you think will work. Burn down section 8 housing which holds niggers or spics. Destroy their shops if they have any. Boycott those who employ them. If a Pizza shop hires some sandnigger student and you see them when you order a pizza throw it into the garbage in front of them, tell them why you won't patronize them again and never come back. Tell your friends they have a dirty looking shitskin working there and it isn't healthy. Call the health department on them as the mudman will surely be unsanitary. Same thing for gas stations which hire some nigger. Sneer at them on the street to make them feel unwelcome an illicit more niggerish behavior form them so they are singled out by the community. You're apparent hatred for them will incite hate for whites in them. Don't visit a pajeet doctor. Spread bad rumors about a kike lawyer. Kill shitskins in secret. I doesn't matter. Just do it anonymously. Never speak off it whether it is legal or illegal. Strike from the dark like they've done to us. And don't get caught.
it wasn't much, they did it on very short notice.
Like 20 people showed up. Mike Enoch ranted a bit.
They were trying the American flag thing, I think it worked pretty well.
But I guess it's over now, not much harm done.
holy fuck, do you have a source on which episodes those came from??
In other words: CIAkike.
These Renegays are helluva funny. Watch this Flat Earther from 13:00 -
Sure thing moshe. Trying to shift the focus are we?
Are you the 'because i say so' faggot? He's the only one I've heard use that 'buffalo queers' line.
Remember when they tried to coopt the "silent protest" outside the Fed?
Sinead's BDSM fetish spilled out as one of her demands was that everyone turn up with a duct tape gag over their mouths.
Ever wondered why so many threads contain a photo of a gagged woman as OP?
Why do you 'muddy the waters to make our precious ecelebs look better' TRSemites even try? All this vacuous nonsense just because we don't approve of your bogus ecelebs. You know, the phonies, frauds, and proven liars that deliberately deceived you over their leader lying about the kike wife. I can see why someone would follow the ideas of William Pierce, Harold Covington, or Rockwell. But this shit is just silly.
You faggots are so directionless that your desperation lets literally anyone be seen as leadership material.
Your fake leaders are not worth following.
How could you be moronic enough to believe that they are after the disaster of Charlottesville?
He deliberately tried to cover up that Peinovichs wife Ames Fiedman was a jew. Said she had the wrong color eyes. He's about getting easy money (like a jew which he probably is) and TRS were probably giving him money, and book sales.
indeed. sigh
Let's not.
This. Dr. Pierce was right about white nationalism, most the people who are involved in the movement are social misfits and people generally successful working whites would have nothing to do with mainly they have better things to do such as raising a white family!
Literally who? He'll probably get booted off the Renegay Network six months from now, hosts don't last that long on the network.
my great-great grandma was shot at by Geronimo.
nope, Ames is still financially supporting him
How the fuck does anyone still follow this retard? What is wrong with people?
you forgot
Dumbest thing I've read all day. I have photos of my Mothers family in Wales from the 1890s and photos of my fathers family from Germany from the same time. I know the names of my great grand parents, where they came from, their sir names. Remember that many, many European Americans immigrated over here in the late 1800s early 1900s not that long ago. Several generations.
This part is true, many white Americans stupidly claim to be part Native American when they are very likely not or only a tiny fraction that is so small it is insignificant. European Americans have very little or not mixture with other races because of the obvious rightful stigma against miscegenation (which was illegal until the 1960s I might add) kept people from mixing.
The "American melting pot" is 100% jewish myth to try and destroy our roots and identity. Within my parents lifetime having a kid with a person of another race could get your imprisoned
renegade still has hosts? I thought it was all Kyle now.
I'm not a spencerfag but it seems to me like he's pointing out the hypocrisy of the Jews getting an ethnostate while whites are disenfranchised.
Got you beat, in records as far back as 1066, genealogy books on both sides.
The thing is, this traitorous verdict SHOULD be protested HARD. It sucks that these alt-redditors are using the opportunity to recruit good people to their cult.
What a way to go.
I hope Spencer gets shot this time. I had enough of this faggot.
Who would throw his life away to blow away that useless faggot.
My genealogy dates back to the roman empire and hadrian's wall. Dick measuring contests get us nowhere. Aryan is as Aryan does.
Even Rockwell got beat up once by some retard who thought he must be a federal agent.
It seems like any person that becomes popular speaking out against white genocide is being targeted as a "fake leader". That may be, it is definitely possible. How does a pro-white pro-nationalist content maker rise above fake leader status? Who are some good examples of people that are alive and active and are not "fake leaders"?
Can Adi Sideman come to the protest too?
If you think that happened on its own, you're a fool. These movements are controlled-ops designed to minimize the ability of normative people to engage with these issues, which are rapidly destroying their societies - raising a White family means jack fucking shit if all you're raising them to do is die South Africa-style to a horde of muds who invade their armed concrete compound, kill their dogs, rape/kill their wives and children, and then finish off the man of the house.
ITT: endless sperging about TRS cross posters from Iron March cross posters
It's literally Mike shilling for mischlings. In other words, criollos, mischlings, castizos and I am a d&c kike, ban my stupid non-white asss who are like 90% white are fine according to him. In no way does this quote make him Jewish
Then the standard fuck party memes comes from a parody of the documentary on modern faggotry "the gift"
Prove it.
The "I think that in my case I did" and "in which case I have to go" parts do.
Does anyone have a link to the full podcast with full context so I can judge for myself?
they're livestreaming right now
A link to a livestream podcast from 12/4/2017 isn't what I asked for
There's no way to interpret them other than him claiming to be jewish, although there is another possible explanation: he could be a goy who claimed to be jewish, so that argument would spread, which he could then demolish, and get a pass for his jew wife and other subversion.
After the DNA test, Anglin wrote an article as if Eunuch was completely vindicated, even though he's still married to a B'nai B'rith BioQueen who he brought on his LARPcast multiple times.
I'm gonna give it a listen and I'll report back. Thanks
I don't get that 3rd webm. Are you trying to suggest Mike is Jewish?
Why the fuck would he start a white nationalist movement, with inevitable antisemitic undertones, if he was a Jew?
Why would he call his show The Daily Shoah?
Does not make sense at all. That video must be edited.
Pretty much nothing went wrong.
Looks like a clean win.
Apparently this is the audio with full context.
Anglin is a spook too. He was working for some U.S. Govt. intelligence agency when he was traveling around the Philippines doing spying and surveillance. The Atlantic article says that he was most interested in infiltrating Muslim tribes that were causing problems for Western logging and mining companies.
Interesting in light of:
Why hello mr collin
He works for SAD. His Philippines work was for the SOG division, since he's ex-Delta. From what I've heard, more than a few violent Religion of Cuck™ic insurgent groups were wiped out while he was allowed free reign.
He got injured and has since joined PAG, running psyops against white America.
It would be a big deal if I could obtain any circumstantial evidence to demonstrate that. Do you have any?
Anglin was never in the U.S. Army, so he couldn't have been Delta Force.
Why did Frank Cohen, Dan Burros, Joshua Goldberg, etc. do it?
David Duke and his Rather Curious Past
David Duke and Friends' Involvement In Operation Red Dog
Wait, I've been out of the loop, what happened to Identity Europa?
Their contract probably ended.
David Duke joined the KKK in the 1970's. Interesting timeline.
Nobody believes you were in Delta Force, Andrew.
I can answer that question.
Interesting find, the last pic.
Every single one of these guys is either C.I.A. or U.S. Special Operations Command.
I found it on the C.I.A.'s website.
Have you verified them one by one, or are you painting with broad strokes now?
Pentagon and CIA spooks only work with each other. They don't work with outsiders.
Not true. They infiltrate groups of "outsiders" all the time. Camouflagign themselves, so you can't tell feds from non-feds. That dpesn't mean that every member within any given org infiltrated by feds is now 100% feds.
Well, true. I might have overstated the case a bit.
All the guys in that list are though. They're all either "ex" military (Brian Brathovd, Elliot Kline, etc.) or have stereotypical C.I.A. backgrounds (Gregory Conte ["Greg Ritter"], Richard Spencer, etc).
Oy vey goyim remember don't ever go out in public to protest =]]] if you rise to become a public figure you're a kike =]]]
Do you think Kline is jewish?
You're such an obvious FBI agent provocateur. I've been seeing your posts on 8/pol/ for a couple of years now.
No, Elliot KIine doesn't look Jewish to me at all. And "Kline" is a very common Euro gentile surname in America. If it was the German spelling "Klein," then I might be a little more suspicious.
The issue with Kline is his obvious connection to the Pentagon/SOCOM.
"Protests" that aren't backed by governmental power and support are useless.
i get that TRS is subversive and all but this is not him saying he's jewish and the whole being "pure" which he's referring to is him being married to a jew. It's not about him literally being jewish. If you're making an argument you can't lie about it, it discredits everything else
You're either an idiot or a TRS cultist.
Two Micks and a Kike.
Since you're in the mood of calling everyone a spook, please share your thoughts about the very obvious, clear-as-day CONTROLLED OPPOSITION operation going on on the "My Posting Career" forums. Now that has something to it.
Personally, I think that 'they' have successfully subverted the forum, and I wouldn't be surprised if Pleasureman has been "in contact" with some alphabets. But, you being the expert detector of spooks, I say you make the call.
Gotta create some Nazi false flag so people won't question Israel bombing Syria for ISIS.
All on the CIA's payroll.
Vegainator looks more like a jew-wop tbh.
jew-Anglo if you ask me.
Another option is scandi-wop (non jewish).
Comparison: Chris Isaak, kraut-wop.
Yeah, I stick with Anglo-jew.
Yeah, he could be Italian. Its virtually impossible to visually distinguish Jews and Italians.
So it all depends on what his last name is. Does anyone know his real name?
CIA or US Spec Ops Command.
Give me some biographical details about this "Pleasureman" and I'll give you my opinion. I don't know anything about him.
Lot more Germans out there than people think ;)
"In terms of whose going to be part of this movement, its gotta be White people and Jews should be excluded. And if you're going to let in a mixed-Jewish person, they really have to have done something to earn that, and I think that, in my case, I did."
"Even amongst other Jews I've used Jew that way"
Yeah, it really is. He whines about a purist stance, and thats the stance held here. Get fucked. You reek of TRS and I trust you sycophantic faggots to be clever/genuine about as far as I can throw you.
Hitler did nothing morally wrong, but he made lots of mistakes, and being open to mischlings was one of them. 1/16th is the cut-off. If you're more than 1/16th anything that isn't fucking European, then you can share your sentiment all day long, but fuck off with your attempts to represent us.
The more likely scenario is that the forum was created by 'them' and that Pleasureman is an alphabet contractor.
But you probably knew I was going to say that.
There's still the issue of Mike Enoch's DNA test, which shows no Jewish ancestry. How does that get reconciled with his repeated statements on his radio show that he's part Jewish?
I still contend with jew-wop mainly because if you notice how he has to virtual signal saying "do you even lift brah?" "I spend hrs everyday at the gym to work on my bod brah." Typical wop mentality.
Vid related.
It doesn't matter if Enoch is Jewish or not, he's from NYC and has a Jew wife (which means Jew kids). He and the rest of TRS knowingly took donations under false pretenses, and then when found out, tried to deny it, and then when that failed, nuked their own forums and destroyed a shitload of great content and kicked out a lot of great users.
While we're on the topic, let me personally talk about TRS pre-purge. Enoch and the rest of the Yid Squad very rarely engaged in actual discussion on the TRS forums, they preferred their faceberg groups to their own site and forums. Really gets the almonds activating. Enoch said he disliked the forums and the 'leaders' mostly stuck to their faceberg safe spaces.
For all intents and purposes, what was the
'alt-right' was happening on the TRS forums during that pre-kiked era. At the height of the 504ums, there was excellent discourse, ranging from philosophy to fitness, economics, advice threads that I still have saved, etc. etc. It rivaled top-tier content you could find here, and helped redpill a lot of libertarians and other ilk of that kind who were initially drawn in by TDS.
Everything good that was the alt-right was in those forums and in that community. Yes there were activist autists who tried to raid here and ran away with their tails between their legs, but had it not been for Enoch and the Yid Squad's coverup, the alt-right would have been a great net positive for our cause. It was the proof of concept for these kinds of 'movements' redpilling normies, unlike personalities like Milo who are a net negative for our cause because the people attracted to him are only interested in being right, rather than the truth.
When Enoch's lie finally was uncovered, the forums were completely nuked. They hit the panic button and deleted/banned a lot of users. The content those users had posted could no longer be credited to them, it was a burning of Alexandria. Following that purge, there were threads requesting some influential members to be reinstated. Seventh Son, or 'Sven', had been mismanaging the forums for a while and was responsible for a lot of the shit that happened. He was also responsible for the 'Everything's fucked' line which the banner on Holla Forums comes from.
The point of this is that Mike Enoch and these leaders of the alt-right, which is dead make no mistake, thought nothing of destroying their intellectual base. They stymied it at every turn, and then when they were caught, they destroyed it. Anyone who follows Enoch is an idiot. It doesn't matter if he is a Jew, he's either incredibly incompetent or ignorant, and he and his friends mismanaged their movement and betrayed the trust they'd been given. At this point the alt-right is just another shambling corpse, using our memes and minds to power their egos. Holla Forums is all that's left for us.
And don't get me started on Spencer.
Enoch and his ilk won´t be the last scammers. There will likely only be even more of them in the future, so stay alert!
It's very likely that the TRS forum was created for the sole purpose of collecting IP addresses and personal identities for the FBI and NSA.
You're leaving out the third option, which explains the evidence better than incompetence and/or ignorance:
Oops, linked to wrong post there.
Oh I know for a fact that the people running the 504um didn't keep the users private information safe. I swore to my source never to tell anyone unless something happened. Those TRS guys are a hair's breadth away from a severe jimpacting the likes of which nobody has ever seen before.
Is there anybody who was running the TRS forum who hasn't been doxxed yet? If not, then they need to be.
The funny thing about that is that JIMPACT employs a literal CIAnigger.
Do you fucking retards actually believe this or is this just the worst shilling I've seen lately (and it's been pretty bad)?
Combo1234 plz go.
Is that his handle? Does he use it on other sites?
You don't understand. The CIA can at any moment assassinate any number of alt-kike leaderfags (Spencer, Enoch, Anglin, whoever), but they choose not to do it, because they urgently want to avoid MARTYRIZATION. They'll send the Manchurian Patsies only if and when the threat posed by the individual leaderfag exceeds the cost of him become a martyr.
Thats a shitty meme. Martyrization isn't that strong.
They're still around. The AltKike just decided to make something new
Seems to have worked well for GLR and MLK in their respective arenas.