Zyklon-B is a powerful insecticide which serves as a carrier for the gas Hydrocyanic acid, or HCN. While interacting with iron and concrete, it creates Hydrocyanic compounds, which Leuchter admitted were found in the ruins of the gas chamber in Krematoria II. His finding was confirmed by findings of the Polish government.
No, as bad as i'd like to believe the holocaust happened.. It didn't m8
Levi Myers
Can someone post the cycling in the gas chamber copypasta?
Daniel Hill
Jewish world population 1938
Andrew Reyes
Jewish world population 1948
Tyler Adams
I wish the holocaust happened, but unfortunately it really didn't, kys kike lel
Bentley Baker
How does this prove death by muh gas chambers? It doesn't.
Easton Reed
You seem to believe that killing jews is a bad thing. Its actually very good, its a shame Hitler didn't kill all of them.
Samuel Garcia
definitely not biased sources
Nathaniel Sullivan
rabbi plz, you have to go back
Dylan Diaz
I'm thinking of writing a book or pamphlet about the jews. It would be called "the Six Swords of the Hebrew", as it would detail the Jewish control of the big screen, small screen, journalism, music, social media and university. It would be divided in two sections, one called "the swords" that details the control of each, and one called "the irons", which details the things they push using their puppets.
Elijah Brown
It's just too bad they weren't homicidal and efficient enough to kill all of them, seeing as so, so many survived to write books and give interviews and all.
Bentley Barnes
I wonder what the number will be at next year.
Adam Baker
U do not even deserve to gas yourself. Down the loo may be the only way.
What happened in 1880 that caused the jewish population to double over the next 40 years when it has historically doubled every 90-100 years before and after that period?
Wyatt Sullivan
well, yes, that was the result of the delousing process
have you found any trace of the 3000 ovens that would have been needed in addition to the 20 existing ones to allow for the burning of all these holocaust survivors?
David Hall
Muh 66 Grillions date 1915: ^cant embed due to "That file already exists!"
Pictures of dead people don't prove how they died.
If you are on the losing side of the biggest war ever, low priority prisoners will get less supplies than people who actually matter. Cremating people who die of typhus does not prove muh gas chambers. A picture of a kike with a gun against their head doesn't prove muh six gorillion in da gas chambuhs either. Most of the pictures used to "prove" the holoshoah were taken by the western allies in camps that didn't even have supposed gas chambers to begin with according to the narrative.
Kevin Nelson
I can't read all that ant-sized garbage, OP. I'm too busy deciding which gun to buy with all this tax money I'm going to save, anyway. :^)
Nicholas Turner
And if that number is even true it isn't, how many of those kikes lived in Germany controlled Europe and not Europe at large. You know "muh nahtzees" weren't going into not controlled countries and sneaking out kikes in the dead of night to gas.
Noah Thomas
Joseph Sanchez
John Russell
How come Auschwitz's death toll has lowered by 3mil but the dead jew count hasn't?
Julian Cox
Easton Johnson
Is doing this a good idea?
Andrew Brown
Nice 28K jpeg microfilm
Daniel Reed
Logan Martinez
Do it, faggot.
Ryan Lewis
Not arguments. I'm starting to think OP might have a point since nobody here is specifically debunking any his claims.
John Nguyen
fuck off kikes, your lies have no power here
Ethan Long
try harder kike
Brandon Jones
Regardless of whether the Hall of Cost happened the real issue is how it is used to guilt trip normies into supporting mass immigration ie if you oppose DiversityTM you are a NAWTZEE!!1 Ironically DiversityTM will more likely lead to genocide than a supposed "neo nazi" immigration policy would.
Eli Taylor
Reported for ban evasion.
Jaxon Richardson
who said anything about arguing? anons know what happens when you argue with a jew. :^)
Jacob Long
Why can't you debunk any of OPs specific claims? It should be simple if they're lies.
James Turner
Already debunked, kike. Reported.
Liam Clark
Y'all jewish crackahs been complaining about the """"""""holocaust" when wuz being genocided on BOATS nigga. Hitler was a real nigga who did nothin' wrong, 'cept he didn't actually kill enough of y'all airsucking jew-crackahs
Liam Gutierrez
Where? Give the post that debunks OPs claims. And it must have evidence to back it, just as OP posted links to evidence.
William Long
Pure coincidence, right?
Mason Gutierrez
for reference pic related for any t_d faggots:
Parker Cook
For reference, don’t fucking forget to sage.
Gabriel Sullivan
Neck yourself OP.
Logan Stewart
If it existed, I'm sure you'd post it. But you won't because it doesn't.
Charles Adams
and check my triple dubs, by the way.
Juan Flores
We've had this thread a thousand times already. Lurk Moar The links he cites are not specific to what he says. As an example,
Oh, you're talking about the picture from some book with no reference to what the book is, because it's probably outdated and considered incorrect by historians. If that is 'proof' in your mind, then you are an idiot.
Oliver Young
fuck off back to halfchan nigger
Angel Walker
Gabriel James
What book? Name it? Or is your proof limited to a jpg?
Michael Lopez
The World Almanac & Book of Facts, yid. Reported for not saging.
Josiah Cruz
Good place to point out that the key to the theories that the Germans burned eleven million bodies (remember, the total number is six million Jews and five million others) is a patent on a three-level oven that was never built.
Ethan Ross
Why should I bother arguing with a Jew? I know better. Jews never actually argue with facts. If they did, then they wouldn't try their hardest to squirm out of contradicting evidence with deflection and emotional manipulation, and would let the facts stand as they are.
Eli Richardson
Why aren't the gas chambers Blue, zyklon B when used stains shit blue Where were the Gas Chamber heating mechanisms What of the door
Julian Stewart
The official number is only 6 million; the other 5 have been accepted as a lie (hard not to do that when the guy who came up with it said so).
Christopher Barnes
Luis Wright
pic related Again read up about German logistics, shortages,etc. especially at the end of the war ( more after Us bombings) and then explain to everyone how they could spare anything to get rid of millions of jews….. not even remotely possible.
nah, there has not been a holohoax thread in a while.
When? Its been months. This shit should be a permanent sticky
Ayden Torres
So for lies so far we have
And we’re adding
Ayden Parker
Lucas Murphy
My proof is limited to shooting you in the face at close range with a .38 super auto until your head resembles a pile of smashed strawberry rhubarb pie. Suck vapors kike.
Anthony James
Julian Richardson
Try harder, moishe. The 1947 Encyclopedia Britannica says absolutely nothing about a holocaust of jews, a genocide of jews, or the extermination of jews
Levi Moore
I’ve never found a source for him saying that quote, and we can see from the WA&BoF that it’s not a legitimate number (he’s not known for that). I wouldn’t keep spreading it, no matter how good it might read.
Josiah Kelly
man that American civil war prisoner.. We never talk about the death camps in the American civil war, but we are told about the fake death camps of the holocaust like every year in pubic schools.
Julian Fisher
All that says is, “oh, the world almanac was wrong. It was estimates.”
Jaxson Parker
Thanks for the tip.
Isaac Gray
Chase Ward
My thrice-great grandfather lived through Vicksburg. He wasn’t married at the time and was the last of the family line. I’m here thanks to his grit.
John Rogers
The picture says the world Jewish population in 1948 says 15,753,638 what is the issue?
Jordan Butler
Look at 1938.
William Hughes
Thanks for the thread, Holla Forums needs another holohoax redpill thread.
Nolan Brooks
Justin Torres
Funny about that… :^) We literally did the exact same thing.
Noah Jenkins
It would require a multi-person oven going 24/7 to get rid of millions or even thousands in short order where are they? All we see are single person ovens typical for any crematorium from a small town. Perhaps Undertakers are all ebil nazis now with magic nazi tech?
1947 was stilll nazi! They will keep saying all numbers are wrong until they get to the ones that agree with them.
Funny how these pro-jew shill threads start after President Trump successfully passes his tax plan….. The salt is real.
Jackson Jenkins
Go back to >>>/africa/ nigger.
Nicholas Taylor
The amazing thing is whenever you look at one of these ‘debunking’ articles you go, “well that doesn’t debunk anything, that just asserts anyone making the argument is wrong.”
It’s like the world almanac thing. The ‘debunking’ is just saying the world almanac was wrong and citing multiple other people saying it was wrong. The underlying point - the world almanac doesn’t record a mass murder - is just declared ‘a dismissed denial talking point.’
All arguments for the Holocaust are based on shame, and to belittle anyone who might question it, to threaten them into fearfully nodding in agreement and getting back in line.
Dylan Jenkins
Lincoln Garcia
Most likely a kike wormed his way into working for the census.
Nathaniel Edwards
> Everything you need to know about this "holocaust" nonsense is made very clear on this page of the Josef Kramer trial transcript. Scroll down to where the yellow text begins and start from there and read to the end of the page, that will explain everything.
Anthony Ward
Nice trips
Jeremiah Davis
Which is exactly what OP and his JIDF shills are attempting to do. They don't actually read any of the responses they just assume posting links from MSM, wikipedia, and the likes is somehow "proof". Literally ZERO of the OP's claims are challenging anything. It's typical jewish diversion tactics of pointing you elsewhere and trying to get you to waste your time to explain each and every one of his sources bullshit claims. Even if you do that he'll deny it and then call out your sources and information as being make believe because it doesn't agree with his overwhelming MSM versions.
The best thing these threads show those not familiar is their tactics. They don't know what revisionism actually means at all. It has ZERO to do with denying anything as revisionists will tell you. It's simply about whats legitimate and can be verified by what is illegitimate and cannot be verified. It's the end user that makes the decision to agree with the narrative or disagree.
Ayden Morales
Does it mention any of the camps? I'm not sure the concept of 'genocide' even existed fully as an abstract idea back then, so they would just mention Jews murdered at so and so camps. The uniqueness of trying to murder a specific ethnicity to the point of extermination was coined later I believe. I don't have said book so I can't argue in this case.
Matthew Robinson
Don't forget the floors with knifes.
Hudson Diaz
Remember Adolf Hitler Literally did nothing wrong.
David Morales
See proof OP makes claim and doesn't respond within his active troll thread then steps in to question everyone calling OP out for being the faggot that he is trying to make any observer whose beginning to question the original thread topic double take while contributing nothing of his own other than to distract and cause conflict. They might be two people working together or a troll capitalizing on the opportunity, but likely it's the same faggot.
A more in depth look into the chemical compound of Zyklon B and why it would be absolutely insane if it was used for gassing and it's bullshit. The Rudolf Report:
Asher Gutierrez
From Total Collapse to industrial powerhouse in three years.
Camden Wright
They are basically the same though?
World Jew population in 1938 15,688,259
World Jew population in 1948 15,753,638
I didn't even notice that it increased by 65,379 according to the Jew's own numbers. Am I missing something??
Ryan Bennett
Evan Clark
A bone crushing machine is hardly evidence of anything. I can tell you're not from here, faggot.
Holla Forums admits Jews died in the camps. Holla Forums admits they were cremated. Bones often don't burn completely, that's why the crushing machine is there.
What Holla Forums denies, and with good reason, is that the killing were intentional and number in excess of 6 million.
Of course they had bone crushing machines for the crematoria. It was necessary to disposed of the bodies of those who died of TYPHUS and STARVATION.
Angel Brooks
That's the point as mentioned. Revisionism isn't about denying anything, which is what is being insinuated by the thread. It shows the person has no clue about what revisionism actually is. It's also about context. Without the right context for the claims you can wildly blow them out of proportion like the very existence of gas chambers or crematories.
Luke Myers
No, the holocaust didn't happen, but it should've.
Levi Turner
That's a rock breaking machine, retard. Mining equipment. It may have been used for breaking up cremated bones, but that doesn't have anything to do with the cause of death of those cremated.
Literally all you have there is a second hand account of an anecdote from a kike. And if it's the kike I'm thinking of, there's more than one video of him contradicting himself or giving physically impossible testimony. That's not evidence.
Cooper Nelson
Jack Davis
Oh, I wasn't sure if you were giving your fellow user a hard time or not.
Why doesn't faggot OP do the simple math like I did and try to figure out how all those Jews were murdered and then in 10 years replace their numbers and even grew?
Brayden Thompson
His only mistake was not actually gassing them, remember that one for next time.
Benjamin Williams
Now who is misdrecting?
The human lampshades was proven in court to be a lie, but that didn’t stop it being used as a talking point for decades afterwards.
You think we have no familiarity in this? I read Night by Elie Wiesel while I was bluepilled, and accounts of multiple survivors. I remember reading a pictoral book called We Remember the Holocaust as a boy which had stories of Human Hair pillows.
You know what the common theme of the Holocaust is, according to ‘reputable’ survivors?
Anne Frank died of typhus. Most of the dead died from typhus. There were no fake showers or giant ovens. There were no eagles and bears. There were no drowning pools. There were no masturbation machines. It is all bullshit. When the nazis massacred people, they dug trenches and shot them. The number of Jews killed is probably 300,000.
Luis Gray
Think of the 666666666 grillions goy, video related of evil space nazis processing the dead remains of the chosen peoples
Easton Allen
I want to believe… but I can't
The document includes 5,000,000 jews living in the USSR….
The experiment was repeated and the results cobfirmed by Germar Rudolf, a qualified chemist…
Even the kikes now admit that the nazis never made jew-soap…
You can literally see the Auschwitz swimming pool using Google Earth…
Pic 1 - does not show a gas chamber or any people being killed Pic 2 - does not show a gas chamber or any people being killed Pic 3 - shows a train crash in Ohio in the 1910s Pic 4 - does not show a gas chamber or any people being killed
You're just embarassing yourself at this point. Even modern equipment cannot burn bodies that fast.
Even some jews don't believe in your phoney holohoax stories
Ryder Hughes
Its all just a kike excuse for webm related, kikes don't care if its real or not.
Adrian Thomas
Should of added: "as well as other territories not possessed by the German's during the war"
Ryder Gray
top kek
Angel Evans
Christian Green
have another
its already anchored you giant faggot
Chase Nguyen
Brody Edwards
This is the simplest, irrefutable fact that cannot be argued, and is the easiest pill to swallow.