Imagine if the proteins in your body decide to develop a libertarian concious and decide to deviare away from their natural objective i life most suitable for their being and you fall ill and die. This is exactly what the confederates were doing to the united states, regardless if it was owning coon slaves. The confederacy would hae been a horrible place for white men if they didnt have a civilized government to house nationalized public education, roads, military, or a robust economy.
The confederates are cuckholds
nice b8
civil war wasn't north vs south or about niggers, it was about people not wanting to submit to the corrupt US federal government which even in the 1800's was already intolerably tyrannical and un-American
You must be the same kike that posted the muh 11 trillion cubic tonnes of jewish bars of soap thread. We are mad at kikes, not 1800s southerners.
Yes, we know the dixiekikes were funded by jews. And?
git gud or get out, faggot
We like our shills and raiders competent on this board
Didn't even try. File name suggests he pulled this directly from the "Uncommon American" blog which is run by some leftshit faggot.
You so that the Confederates can set up an oppressive libertarian hellhole with no social benfits and a godless capitalist nightmare?
You're a Non-American Leftist trying to bait. I can tell by the way you type.
Perhaps this will enlighten you
The Confederates were stupid motherfuckers.
We're going to lunch you kikes and your pets niggers and spics. Y'all are fucked Shlomo.
another raid
That doesn't refute my initial point of you using leftist dialectic in a way that matches up with a pattern of signal obfuscation tactics…
Why are you shit posting on a Taiwanese marionette show enthusiast board when you could be doing something productive like heroin?
If you think the civil war was about freeing the niggers you're a retard. The south was experiencing immense growth and unprecedented wealth during the 1800's; look at Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama - counties that spread thousands of acres are named after the plantation owners that built the most reliable backbone of America's wealth - agriculture.
The sheer amount of migrants from overseas that moved to the south just proves this. Seeing the Statue of Liberty wasn't the American dream, the stupidly large amount of land that anyone could work was the truly valuable gem.
The (((kikes))) in the North sitting on their rich asses get butthurt of white men using their brains to make a killing and instigate a civil war under the pretenses of diversity and freedom, even USING THE BIBLE to engender good Christian men in the Union to raise arms AGAINST THEIR OWN BROTHERS. How fucking stupid.
Oh and let's not forget the foreign meddling orchestrated by England in the civil war
Niggers have nothing to do with the civil war. They're just a byproduct concession of the war spoils, like pissing a bit when you take a shit.
I know this thread is anchored, but in all honesty, do you southerners still want to secede from the US? I have heard different things from the Confederate supporters, some just want to be proud of their heritage, which I can respect, but some want to leave the US.
I do agree with you here. The civil war had Jews on both sides (as most wars do) and the post-war (((reconstruction))) pretty much doomed the South to decades of lagging behind the rest of America. Even today the Confederate-Union hate seems to be Jewish in nature. In the last Confederate thread, people wanted to keep Blacks and Mexicans in the South after succession because "they are part of the history of the South". Obviously, a lot of actual southerners called them out on their bullshit, but the few stupid union supporters managed (or the same Jews as before, couldn't tell) managed to derail that thread.
Yep, our history of separating ourselves from them physically, socially, and any other way possible. We sure would like to keep them so we can do Jim Crowe 2.0.
Really? What would that offer anyone? And these guys were talking about how blacks fought in the confederate army therefore should be allowed to live in the South equal to the white man. Jim Crow has no advantages over Back to Africa. Lincoln was killed by (((someone))) because he wanted to send large amounts of blacks to Liberia.
nigger, learn sarcasm
OP is a divide and conquer shill.