4chan censorship

Why do interesting threads with good ideas like "it's ok to be white" or ideas for trolling campaigns get blocked or archived on 4chan/pol/?

Because they'd rather have goys spend their time on meaningless discussion bullshit then engage in anything that might have an impact on society.

Lurk for 2 years before posting, 3 before making a thread

same reason such stuff is banned from facebook and twitter.


Why dont u go back and never return here faggot?!

Or lurk moar.


Fuck off back to cuckchan

This is not Cuckchan's meta. Lurk more.

You deserve normalfaggotry OP

Am fucking retarded, still know not to do shit like this


Unfortunately it's the same here in many regards. Any threads which talk about strategies for organizing and impacting real life are anchored, shilled and censored.

Holla Forums and 4chan now exist to serve the purpose of giving you an outlet for your wrong-think in a largely harmless way (no normies are ever going to read anything here, and everything posted here vanishes forever after a few weeks), while simultaneously recording and learning from what's posted here so societal manipulation think-tanks can figure out how to counter us.

This is why (((they))) haven't banned us off the open-web yet when they easily could. Here we are weak, our plans are wide open, and we are easily manipulated by consensus cracking shills. (Anyone who posted on 4pol back in 2013-2015 knows about shillbot and the huge number of paid shills posting from US military bases - why would anyone think this wasn't still happening?

Shut this place down and they have a logistical nightmare on their hands trying to counter all the "Holla Forums" tier groups which start popping up all over the world in the meat-space.

The real battle is and always will be changing minds in real life, not online.

Holy shit, get fucked kid. Use QTDDTOT.

During Gamergate, moot sold out for jewish pussy. Unfortunately for him, the moderating team wasn't really on board with that, so he fired most of them and put SJWs, trannies, and commies in their place.

These new mods adopted a policy of not moderating Holla Forums, other than removing quality threads because "no raiding is allowed". In other words, the 4chan policy is to let Holla Forums be flooded by shitposts so much, that it's not usable for anything serious.

There are also the rumors that JIDF / Shareblue and various other kike shilling organizations use bots to flood the board with shit, and that Google partnered with them, and the captcha does not obstruct the bots. Looking at the sheer number of copy paste threads and threads that are cobbled together from the exact same phrases, the rumor seems true.

Anti NASA and geocentrism threads always get blocked because 4chan is a honey trap. Duh.

Protip: It's not the booze.


We don’t care, you fucking kike.

What a bunch of low energy losers

Well shilled, Chaim.

So shill it is majestic.
Holla Forums is one of the last few non-fake news around the net for our side, plus many events have been co-organized through here and kikechan.
Plus, we have a lot of newcomers in 4chan mainly, and in Holla Forums once in a while.
I hope you lose your shekels, goytraitor.

Are you the mod who just deleted the NN thread?

Here's your answer OP: read about Moot the fucking cuck faggot and the history of Holla Forums if you can. Find out how the Exodus here happened. The short version is that Moot sold out to SJWs and was literally cucked by some kike bitch on his vacation and got mocked into the ground. Vid related.

Any old mods on 4cuck were replaced with full SocJus faggots a long time ago. That is why they ban things. It used to be better, if more chaotic.

This place was fucking amazing for a time post-exodus. We get shilled to fuck because kikes hate free speech.

How do some people even put on their pants in the morning

anchored like the bitch this mod is

fuck these goys.

good joke faggot
everyone knows 4ch is virtual middle school for when children've graduated from plebbit, 4chan/pol/ is an unending cesspool of shitty threads and ironic national socialism

Want to see how controlled this place is?
Post something pointing out how much of a shabbos goy Trump really is.
If you find that emotionally difficult, post something neutral about North Korea.

(((they))) let you talk shit about jews because at the end of the day that's too suspicious to shut down, but make no mistake there are topics you cannot discuss even on a politically incorrect board. I wonder why…